GRAT EFl POMORT il-,AKFASr-SUPPE£R. ard irto. and by cirflappICation 0? bbe Giepoete ~elslo oc ooa. Mr. Ep3ps la rvddfrorbzeukfast and nPPýrr ,delicatelyefavor,dheveraewhich nay Save ussany heavy doctors' bills. It is liv tbe judicIîOUS use cf ruch articles of diet rliat a constitution may lic graduaily built Up until otrong enough to rogse every tendeacy i0 disease. flundreds ol' tubtie maladies a;r,, floatiug sround us ready Io attack wherever tlsere 15 a weag uý,oift. Weo may escape imany a fataLsatt by keeping ourseives well foi-ifled ,with -ure b'nouand a prouerly not.rished frm -Civil Serrvice Gazette." Madie siriply '-ith boling w ater or i, SS oclyluain mmt ' Grocers. laballed Oins: JAMIqESEI>FS V Co., UonaopaItiIO le Cns Isis. lonlol. F lsi fan ad WEDNESDAY, .TULY 15, 1896 »IM. J. (C. MITCI.t, B 4Yi'loï OLtf SOF 'P ý1Y5TÇ3TÂ' Aý aeSr0O ir oC-ronker. etc. Offcea.n1 .eoioce Pnnt&nil. 74. 243 Yonge St, TORONTIO. kE*rst-eiass $1 0 Set of Teuth for$. ( FFICE II TUE WEST DT3RHA1-%ýi News BPcck, îvlere lomseof oresîtn ,will tbc ond fruno Sa.m. to 9Il r..Nh a- by b eÏegraph or î.lepbono siSreceivo - oroipf attentiol h i-s r -A RCIIITEOT. plains anti Speelfica- 1Special âttIenOýon gyen To heating by stealu vod liot water. and to saffltary arrangsfeents. Oth(c: Corie IBlock, Vitby 43-ly R ~EÂTE, ailor GeuulmeOf l'So1ohesMadz to 0rder. i .MBI1l IA CO0MIBE OI'FICE :-tear of Messrs. Higginbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down sitairs), BOWMANVILLE MENTJSTRY. Gredsate otie Royal coliege et De11ta Surgeons, OntaniLo VFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRIESS OFFICE. VJTALIZED AIR. New Tailor Sh-'1op The l lice been ctsîrying o tise taiîbeieg bos-i" uinn11ecticon vii Masîon'cDry t,îS tsr 'or a nuinher Or ye's bas (olîsmeie cd huioeî jr h ýIta-ot tbis reelid Once, ftiug S b.. wcsr wtr.o he leprcvrSd, te malte gensu be-a'-1 "in aIl toc lat-t s tyl1eti. aismi a, beweel p jice ar Son Ihese wbtt wiei ro ordersusaesii- riatltinîe MONEY TO LOAN. A Itîrge sasn o' tîmussltsei-hoecin uny hands byea tris-ste perst' or nsusli '.o approeoti c, ttis0O1 berr.-edtiyboate- , piire 01,os' rira "l, i N > ii'C cîa'interest ail be ov'i -ss-e v.5cei lfehsf, toy tcedties fr rpenove xsllL b sriraigçd. D .ftP N About tfi fJý l Ouse. ýP u,1-2 coftee cups fgrnl et,ýýgr A boutfth cramHna ouse Ie !et ____________________________ fe te, scald, add fie sugar and cf ir -volS. Mlihen ail dissols'ed, remove and cool, Ï11INTS ON HOCUSEKEEPING. add the juice ofthtie oranges anti grato Th-- responsibilifles of iousekeeping iSahe flicîd et eue, tien peur Sn tise are manif lti. There are s'ory ton' ne reet et tic creanu, te'ste to ses if if ls men wlio are na.furally entieeti n'tli 1et emougli, if nef, atid more suger; Put in tise freezer and pack, turu slow- tise requl.sif e knowlodge and euuhity te ly. DO not leav-e ifunatil if le tfrezen. successfully contact fie atteirso et i lonrm-e i ahept fli oere householdOTiseis dtin alarg.e part te on. anti lot if stand nn'o heursleor ntscmg. tise tact fiat s'ery f ow girls are gïven - proper instruction in thoir girihea THE KITCHEN FLOOR. days. Mot hors, it scema, clways ha-veo h oe antawy 3sae heen, anti alnays n'sllibe, self-sacrifie-tuliaY aoney canot cusîen thesparoe ing. lnst eofthfe dauigiters deîmgle sbatiy xtorn, andti knn loore etteu ecciticir siere ot tic iouscwork, fliey gel inhe very Lad cendition. Tioro le are tee eftten allon'cd ail fie pleasures ne rouai in l hieli se mucî n crie le anti freedoi of tise limes, vlile tise ml-~dn u eforwsc ee-o u fier slaves fri nieora fUilniglit. dbird noeasfiatoet fic rcen. Foru Yen evon flie yang iouseivife n'ise'fatrdue as tflealmote iposie teFo has ne. lied tic cd usnages of oariy ta esnii lno mpsbet, training, may accomplishirauch if she spare if evon for eue day. xiii set te work ocrnestly te studty lier Tise olO-faeshioncdJ, soti, lu"s wood lisanthe li requirements ofthte home, fleors bocome roug inl a vory short fisc ecomomy etfflic purse. One oethfe cardinal sirtues of lieuse- t- e anti mo amount et cleanisig ati keepers, Sn my mind, te cyteni and or- scrubbing sili kecp fliernu mooti. der. There is nthing tiat is 50 con- Tise tollow-vimg suggesl sons mey prove durel-vonepeace anti lappines luth'Ic le tu e seme isoucekeeper ivie hiome. If, iideed, "entier le icavenis tiret lciv," remeaiher fiat home te the commet afaord fthe oxpense et a. nos- heavofetfils lite, and w'uere order floon anti uho le cunoyet by fe ap'- reigme, peace anti happinese Nuil Soiioxv poarance ofthfe oltioe: as nieý nigît lie day. SraI île fluer as clean as possilý,e. Thome are very tesv mon who arcesief Procure saine geet paint-thlia ccoier, ýde- susceptihie te ifs influence. t as as sired-and some pnsty. Mix a iffle important as prompt anti cppcîizing et tic pal-ct witli the putny, anti liy useals. Where bots arc affaimot it ixil i te use ef a iite fili cs'ery ceie sa-veo n ofe discorde antitaruly jars crack andS hollow witl itS. This may tisaf maie up ailiteelu anh oet fis lite. ladn iotd itifnes turing the day Taie care of tise uttle tiings about nhe xl rske ondememds attention, Tison homa lit e. TIelgra events are non ne if tise fie-r- cannet le spareti for al ho centrolieti,baitiey may Lec siaeatiday or f n',o pant eycry alfe-rna-te te our gecd, Stfs-vo fake duo cae-ofetJIboard, on, fie to llosiag day paint ticle flic trifios. 1etisers. Two cents et pains ara acre- ' lA place fer everything, anti osery- Csary. Tisa first eue sisoulti Le -lm fin i~ns its place." This xviii Save much J ted te dry lefore tie otber lesplei flac ant i worny. Don'i trust te fui... By suri a metiodth ie fler n ili e in anyfising. There is ne lu,ý- L 1Ismtoil eut himy anti ne fume lmeo Lie iouse"keeping. If ail norlis liy rme. n'asted. Mapou your n'ork day hy day. if yen hav'e gof fu ligisi amything, slgisi [if, anti inclutia h in tic naxt day'c n'on. Den't try ne de evcryfiiig, Ai uPiD-J STUG . ati accemplisi motuiig, anti h,ýalcways - fopsy-turvy. Don t trust tu ni'uierY. i.flî rsI)1tpredli, claeenW euLier. Hes'e a bianlibookin Smxx ici 0 ;ih tu14~Sc in't tr jls keep notes etfes'erything, ospecially marketing. Jet dol' fremi day îo dey A letton froni MK! Gla- dtitoin'espub, yonr neetis. Wien yen go tuo makelte ite Loi S Lont(ion tiseOtlser day do Yeur purciases, taLe it -ivifliyen. W len nonncing tise n'iolesale Sucreao t x yu liuy, do moi maie cimail quantifies- et >fyou svamis, if you eau poc.ibly avii pendifures on armements as- t nai it. Tisere are se many things fl-ut xiii ou, cuti perilous. but h t ailet v keep amy lengtli et time Sfin ie use, amy cympatiy. Tise public te or autO hy golf ing onougi te lest yoe, say aos'eci y a serions article frein le six rmonths, you moi enly saeo Scoat price, but you are cnvlmg your lime peu of Sir Chiarle.s Diike, juet pullisi- ma yunrvese. e00, pretiicting nisat Greaf Bifain, sin- EGGS ANDS MUTTON. Miss Maria Ealoa, lu, lier series ot practical feus oen "Domestie Ecoaomy,", in Boston, tolti of fie propen mef bot et cekiing f-voofettisa Most important ot car aibuminous toots-eggs anti mnut to--n'widl are se troquenfly ens- ceuni cre0 impropeniy ceakoti. Bath thesa foods, sic seiti, are liard te digest St impropeniy cooliet, but ly main- teîiig a lied jusi belon' fie blisg peint, tliey are easily digesieti anti full etnutriment, andti bis tasslire thle r'ook's art coince in. T ise market val- fie sii Hatn îtis 'In-ece3SrCy fronanlti nueo-very extra ue dees mot Jrequire nef mach lu inadidition, tiaýre sioulti ho pleut y et svater.. Has'ing t 1Leliug, put Smnfisc egge, fake tise pan frein tise tire, cever ancdn'rap ctosoly, or set on fihc bnck oethte rage for tom minutes. s-vin tie albumen iill le cooketi even- ly' xx lerees if ie d hee o len nire minutes fiwould lia-vo boe oaf t win- in, tougli witiout cuti sery indigesi- ile. 'se, aiti Mise Perlea, "yen sec tisaiflic rigisi way te 'boeu' an egg Se mol te bonif t tanicl This priaciple," sce s-ent on te say, "applies te soups fiat require a regel emtopera- turc' anti alsoquick celing Sm a trosis carrent ot air." Malien wn'emxi consitiercd, anti Miss Parlea soeothoxthefisc"ut ton" tiav- or nIat comes troitise 'oel anti sviici le se napaieta bic le many people cen ho remnoecwsstilise f iSuskia coveing. Ti s met siuiltmever lie trieti. Suc- cesstul breilîng ant roesting reqairo maristhfisame treaimeaf; iigi isca et tiret te ceeu tic outalde anti retain thc juicos, tisan ec iscef. Fer noasting, place fie meet on e rack tl pnes'eîut fturmSng. Sprinklc witi self anti pop- por ni, byh leding tise box aluicet per- pncuiuiarly, drote ighisly xi ltsfleur. TLuii u maie a lilglt, tnetlîy cruar. Dredthfic ottom et iseheau also, anti s-ren tfieistiare bensi pur iSae uitile liiling n'afor. ltseny tislteen Misn- uSes taie flic pan eut efthtie en, ibaste fisorougily, dretigo agai iguîly anti adO a littia more boiling n'aten. Afîer ni' tiret isalf-liur redure ticeIscat. T iseproc-cs xxiii produco juicy -sud pot- tectly digestible meat. gle-hantieti, tedestincdti teengage in a great sfruggle egciasn Gormany, Russie, anti Franco cembincti. Tise figlif. le claime, may coma et amy tinie wifiin e, docade, ostensibly aisout Egypt, lut, ' really, on accouai et jeelousy et Great ldrifian's ceomial: expansion. Tiseretere, Sir Cliaries, urges Greatf hutain telisolti iersef trýee fremanay s' Lliasce.s whici miglit oniy prove ilusis'e, antidovoteheet tote lcdevélopment f e ler detences. Tise Spectetor prepountis fie tu flion as f0 xvlit role America \11iil play I in suchi e sfruggle afterting lir coon -linluereats. Te discuss ring reargE siglnti "spfnleid isolation.teIgain eti forCnelDuigfis-t ers e lr aeh- inox v mliiarystantfogtiectin latrefie chef-mltary-i.toutionî1 tireat-v a ,anarng iccudr o Londe tt" tceLosondion. Lt, ld e decrcd,- flic ChensuS foeeMetveredf, o Warent ýi ould 1' losthesou 1er br,ýsofipieanti esan ndatiekco lt aaj GoyrinieEmoproite neea was fli,, hrt Lodonsisn lld hobfortitcti lue Stesrg r ciani f h Asar Oficter ofeult oldretosut mestheiargument, a ntti asme nieL Govdon n trne po-idetih ecasscryic mioneyof th'rseys, iCl reh a ifye The oul e gantetrin. h siae As era eeeralt tact,larg ewsuEDar haag exphaednc e f lte moment la isehNiicng etiseingtotýaintiLn feglefgfefr fia Tieney dappeantiom ic elstmet osi given bly rosponsihie miiiary experts 'oe fisc detences of Halifax aOd ani- coxoani possilily otien peinte Smr tise W Iesfer limispbere; andti tire ile- reason te belueve i laI a ücmx-licomi- mitîce, inStalhle t aI ie -\Vr Offikce anti woskiîug Sm conce-r witis thec Ad- ýnrine ly, lis e boomcingedti te itcoven wvlie modifications are necessary anti dsaleIn tie detec-es of Canada, tia Wcc ldies, etc., ita s io f thfe tact thaf Sm a few year.e île Unit- edi S wfsxiii become a greafn-a pc-er. Presumnably, f'tohetto instrautons te met end wif h defensis'o sdliomes, but it ie impossible to eey mýore tien to cîlmounce nIe tact fltha l)atd Ot. -t,~ i 41f. OME &cori RECIPES. tia cOmniüîtýee exists. mnd i ta cfn'e. Pliei Egg.-Empfy picile jane Sý")Ï ALE 011 IKiT-U ieaticn i ef Illeti wifipickleti egg. i DOCATES SUrFACE SJIL .e 4 are I r aletiriOrer. îtttCt c; ee ozea oggs tiffeen aminutes. tien - Scuac tittn."eOcOtSrc<to agod hucs vicec-cr ct.s'î'bnce C v-rt iov ie ocoiti walcr antidieu f hem. Sir F. a aîiî'HtinCt-s UgIIt sttditbbe e-c t'segaeooena.îeooiehBell sevonal reti bots, suice theni andi Lri eeigsar-iit~,e ide ho bocrl rui e aS van-'u~-.ltcr'Siitput ibm lus tisejar i th tie eggc. leat Ll iernr,în, posecbe ao5e ion to nîbcil 'i~ enough ineimgar to cever tieogge. atii S or ednetLnden W 'trctet lwtnitir Si salt. pepp'r antialltis et cpicee. ant ir F. 'S youlnsno pour x-en tise oggs. Xaep thami tigliîly bas praciicatly if udied for ten ecre TH~ O~A A~ T ITES iAN coveneti. lare,,,ieest metois ofet icposimg of tise Doughnnfs.-One arectofutr da. Tie resait -o S hinvestigations UTASLSSICD1 Iegg, i11-2 caps hutiermili, 1 emalil he terme "Ncf-rc,'s mieti et ofdispos- teaspoon sotie, 1 large tabiespoon lard, img ofthfe deati, hy fanrflic miDtiDrac- f5p~r enisteali,. îe-vs 1 x anti fleur enougi te pro-vont if from i-el endicenlainlv tf-e naturel moitl-."1 iubS~ aîci.ttvcthtt ri i eî'sl"-e, sficking te tise bard. Holl about a Ha e basbaied animais, large, anti ueo 1(b 'et-er ias.chi te i- ir - ic q qanniof oan inchtici, ont in tesýrtcd [small, inhi lelawn. By tigging flous t-nanil e", p'rlin' t-bs ts-'-î~teSit capsas nti coiuntil a ligit blinosvain u nieaîne 'me itrri Stii.Li, ictltptr10.boiltng lard. W'icn nisy are toc or ademingte titrvl Ol . A ES, Paushe frec tiays olO put thien utiseerom eryngroni eue ne ss'oyears, ue founti ____________________________a ton' minutes,.lise heat sottns them.1 thta ri a Ott, e tipti of four anti a Bofore putting fisea on fise table for bal£fct-h'doptisrequireti y hi- e us", cpnnklc tica nel witi sugar anti Coverumeal fer fisc hurlai et lian ____ -'they are as acec as if jusi madie. lisuc-nnevaetrninre.e ..4,Cern Meal Fifters.-Soutliern coolie tý our i-cars n'as neeceari- ton complote are amos fr fiei cer mei fittns.rasolation. IBuieti ai tisedepti of one ,,ufficient for tIe complete resolunion et et 4 eggs anti adO te tlier 1 fable- lSerge and a i-eauor esft fi eailer spoon eto sugar, fie camne oeltetibat- animale. A body- impiy laid upea tic ter, 1 speont ni et sait anti 1-2 feespeen groamti iiti a covering of cati a foot 'NE AKE~....,........ sode dissol-vet inSmae 1111e weter, Stir tisicie completeli- disappeureti (boines ex- lu 2 caups et Intianmmcl andtibat sg-! copieti) Smncai-ar. Semver and orougli- 5 minutes, and adO fisc n'itee Dr. A. B. Poore, et for eëperiment, ofthtie eggs beaten stif t anti 1-2 cup sietes fiai if c body is bancO ,se as fleur la wbich 1 toaspcon et creami to furtiser ifs complote tiieso!ietion f lie CLLI (t ripfetrler lias boom ciffeti, and stir ver- landi n'uld lie reatiu, etter a short Sa- AMI 8izefrosn 4 I. to 24 la. ,AbSe bard. Tic latter shoulti le just f hli kt"r'rel to rocoive a second 1bedi-, anti Connectione.ocegi te drop readili- frein rie speon. Jiat if tfe ccmefori-w-uesystemafi- WRl~~E FOR PRrain on peper anticor-voen- litlt, w'itli caliy pie uteti n iti floîvore flie arti wRr- -Rposvdered s,,r piikld .,e, tin, ft.ouiti]h, punitieti andtifhe ir reali- THý ninr g Co wiich e lit fie cugar anti ginger have ouýed by tie fi uisiing s'ogefation. rit . boom atdeti , Au acea'o, grount w oulti pro-vo ample 601&DELAIDE ST. E., Orange Ice Creer.-Allon' 1 quert et buriaS greunti ini perpetaif- for a pop- ~AOoR- ~~. rOONT4 rem, juice et 6 oranges ant i mid et îaaion et 10.000 paensons. TIREATMENT 0F SPR' INS. W1e offen hear it said 'tat "a sîsraîn :S vorse than a breali;" and as far as po1hs anthefictime which usually clapses betore fhe trouble is remnedicti are con- cerned, the Sfatement may ha cor- rect. I One great hindrance te the speedIY curle of sprains lies in tise tact that neot Suftcient iportance is attached to flic injury- at tic tirne. Under the impression tilat St is "oniy a sprain,' a course et '7'ctivec treat-ment te enter- ed upon wisich la calculateti to isiorease the michicf andi retard t ho recovory. Wisat happens in a sprain le bnietiy tuis: the ligaments w hichi linO the JOInü, fer St is about jeint-spraiis fliaf Mev arc writing, berome gretly strefeli- ed, especiaily on the sido, where the force ef the low' cores. Tise recsuit oSf tbis condition cf things is obvions. An unnatural degree of freedorn is permiftod to tise w orkings of the joint, and'thc part at once ho- comes inflarn"d and swolion. The ac- tivýe use to which the joint is put, under the imopression tliat thcrely the in- flammation will e kept don n, oniy serves tu aggraxvate t ho syroptomas. Wit-4 he ie uease of inflammation thle tis"Iles efthtie joint mýay hecorno dir'ctly atiteekot, and a prcdisposition to a, chroî.lc trouble be establisici. XIhea tise joint itseif bec'îmes inyvolved, [atiffuese ns fie cimost ineviteble ne- suit. Altiseugli it is thus seen fihat a sPraîlin mey ecome, a tory serious cf- feir, tie remedy is equally smple, and if applicti immnediarely and tisorougiily. xvili prove efficient. 'hfliirsb fhing te be done is toeîrn- mers" the part in hot îvater. Tiso wa- ter ahbould ha as Lot as eau ho borne, andi shonnld bie kept, up te a constant temperafure, by frequent addittons. Lt "IiL e necessary to continue flue front- aient for a long finie, it May be fer teurs, or util every trace of sorenoss is practicaily dispelled. Ti' ,part is thon to ho- sli ghfly strcp- pti s a, bandage lis a position jus short of ebselufe fixity. Tis e bst aril euse in cai c a s ,what teclciin medical parlanc-e a "Mar- tin's Bandage." This is a long, nar- reW strip et siseet ruliher, of sufficient Strenlgti te n'itistand censideralle strein andfitted ti ete--endi xitli tapes for fying. Lt le asily seen tiset by, thle use et,-'tie bandage tise desired Pressure cen hae obtain"d witliout cern- isief oimmevability. WHIOOPINGCOTJGU A description of fhecyniptome of ti diseae casinoS be necessary. No oee nvoe lias Once saccu a chibdinlua par- oxy-snaiOfthtie ceuli oseer forgets the sigisi, luer, in Ste typonS feri,iS the dieeasce ever te le mietaken for amy- thing else. It le ChiotiY of importance enaccount of flie many complications wisicis are liabie te arise froru St, and St le tei Preveinofet fese that thse efforts et tie nurse and ftle pisysician are cisietly te he directed. Ae a ruSe, ftha yeunger fthc chilti the more Severely -xviii tise atteClk- bho tot, so tisai x'ry young cdidren cspeciaily Shoultiha guiarded against infection. Onle oSflte worst feanuras of tise dis- use ie tise violent sf raining efforts dur- ing, tise -paroxysme oC cougiling, vhich dipsste lemorrlage andi te ruptuLre. Mený"y Case4s of consumuplin laci- Orca date fromn an ettacir, of nisoop- ing-cough, ana chlldrea se sutferiiug snoulti lv ail mien e, akepn frein inti- mat-' contact witi consumptives, whil4e ev'ery attention siseulti ho gi-von te niseir proper nourisâmont andtheisir hygionlo, surroantiugs. Tisose wîose ovpcrienre w ilh flic dis- euso bhseeoulargest are flic readicet ne acklviedg' th-t medicines, by tbem- selves are of Siffle value. Lt te alfihe more important, tb"rotore, tiat fie patient should laves geet nursing-, anti ail tint geeti nursing implies. Every ay luiwicthfie eatier per- mita the e d Oslould ho talion oatt-f deers, ant inS any o-vent lie siorld have a constant supply eof tresli aLc. Woolien undorgarmonts ebeald ho woru day and night, w bile daily baths- ing shouldi lc caret ully pructîseti. Couin- ter-irritation ef c milt cisaracter ovex tle region of ftLe stomachlisleoe grent value, andtiefis-'det sisouldbh-ofethfie simpleet anti mest neurishing kind. Vapýors andi inhalants rarely do go -O, bU '1 freuteritly the patient -,uproves ater tli"-ir tirniune T 11h. Sait airef tise seasisere lis lco m tnrimes vamsyrecemmeudied, anti uliere posibla _tiS shaulti licrîed;bu tise rincpeS eniefit Oeris'od frein St le duit.'sedii te the greator ameunt DIGESTION ANiD IIBEËCULOSIS. Ticenditioi et thse stom ar i Sof tise first importance Sn ronsumptien, 'nb~is at 'ýh la iswoll kunu ite aIL pbecln, ulti ha more vwidol-y rerognized binep ugenerai,ese- allybccusecoaaîcmp1ion l e soeffen a soîftreaetior isuma-tr-eatetidi'a Medic-ine, lcself ie et valuii ,elbicllv ine se tomach hIa'dly-muet-ho dico- linuot-I anti za substifuto jýfeu To prolmoto digestion, patients shoutd il-v as mauci uas possible in the oPen air, white a reasonabie arnount etdlvrso siseulti ho tumaisled t hem. Aill who bave te deoif h h eaisheuld remember fliat cheertuiness net only provokes tise appotifo but assists the digestion. unisiIrcrucry for piten"s a1vr'- JILirw house Fuýrn.,ishings., Our hune comprises every-thing found in a~ first class furniturewre room, and believing it only doing justice to our business and that ouv castomers rmiy benieflit _by it,'we have added more varieties to oua alý ýrea-dy large ihies, and ou pices cannot be beat. We bu3y as low sthowv and are satlsfled w -ith small profits, and you will be co vncd f h saine when you hae een our goods and exarniied ouLrpres Parlor Suit, sideboards, Bed Room Su')ites Hall Roacks, Extension Tablesý Centre Tables, Lounges, Mattresses, Seeretaries, Chairs of every descriý-ptionL Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Mirror Glass, Picture and Ro olig with many other lunes you will find in g'reat variety uail ,t ail priceý(s a- our store. Give us a cal whlen wanting anything in oui uineau see how wf we eau suit you. Special attention gi)en to thsdprnet Bo'vas tu-CILLE, Bounsill's Block DESE-RVtD A DECORATION, A Cea tapiaiuIk -1,10holelN5ot, iLei e a Tiseaenlias cenferred, fie tiecora- fl;-oufethle Albert modal oethîe firsi elIass on Mn. Williami John Nulman, Sale master offthe cftcamer Aider, et Livempool. TIc tolion'inî_g is au accoui ofet fiecr-vices la respect of ss ibistise ticcoration lias heon offeroti: Af 2 e.m. cn Jauuary 19, wilelie steamer Staf- tordesire, et Lieorpool, s'as on easvoyage frein Marseilles le Port SiO, signiale et Omtresn ereo bserveti te biepro- ceedilng Snom lie steamer Aider, aIse et Liverpool, and tic Sleffortishii-o Sa- mediafely proceeiedti f0iser assistance.I Ac thie Aliar n'as toundti t lie sinkiieg fast, flireeofettic Sfaffontishire's lite- boats w-on' et once launcheti, anti, ss i groaf dii.,cuitty, ow'!f5f0 lithiarnmess andtihtic eavy sea, saucceetiet in recru- ing ion pessengers anti cresv, tn'enlŽ- nue Sa numbor. Ai 6:10 a..fie only persans e t on tise Aitar nere Mn, Nutîiian (île master> anti an injaroti aud icîplece firemenulica lie n aseon- tiea'orng le sas'o, anti iviseaibhoabso- lut ely nefuseti:te atntion. Tie cfteam- or n'as nos-r apily otiîng desxn, ati as id xves nelonlger ente e rmain near, bier th' ottîcer ina charge et thc nos- ruimg bout asketi Mn. Nulmnan for e finial amswer. Ho still pansiciet in ne- inaatag n-nuti th injureti man, cisoos- iag aimeeÈt- t face certain deaili than te blave hi-ni te Ma fate.Ilie taon in tle bsoat see bligedti e pull a'y andi immetiiafeiy attenn'ards, et 6:17 a.' m., the idar gae" oeor tue larcises andi foutndetid. Ater sic disappeereti Mr. Nufian s-ras accu on the battons oS an upturucti boat aI ilSliholding nie fi 'ýman. i-ait au leur elapseti Setere tise nescainz bout coulti appreaci, buit evemtul -,FrU. Numensrthtic ire- mc'a ivero pi iket i p anitlLin on boarti tic taffrtsircsvlireHie injunet ina e'i htîfrl etnt y, tise sspssne aaa,,,*,,, w-,nrt,,,n, r,,, rINeRUDSOEY il' 4.L IT IS No PICKLE., Vou sfmply treat the Eggs with PRESERVER, and Iay them away ln a basket or box. .a..m.. LAY DOWN A SUPPLY WHEN THEY AnE CMKAP. Cali for book givîmg fulliSinformation, fr--e of. charge. Ffoi8a!a by J. HIGGINBO1HAM &M audiencýe, ant tic umber et eici ssex; if couiti aise atit up wifli eese e sain merlieti o a bleclboard, and ti te tie [exact finie imticateti y hi-feliande et la et cl. , Letter3 Crn Sthat tis nPEro a 0. been cureti OF pepsia,titera S arlodier OFHei ache, stili another affilloustiess, t cd vet others of s icsconPiaîts of the Stornach, L.x or, Bowe!ds or i'lood, al throughj tte izîteligent use of Burdock Blooti It Îs the voire of the people recog. ai'igthe fact that 1Bsvdock Blood E'it'ers cures al diseases of flhe Storuach, Li-ver, bowels andi Blood.' Mn. T. G. Ludlo, ,334 Coiborne Street, Brant~ford, Ont., says'. Duning, seven yeans prier to iBS6, my ife sicsbkai the lime w ltiî violent headiaches. Udr bocad was so hot tbat if feit liIke, burning up. Suc svas wealç, rn dour.. ant i) :. Ic tat she could hareiiy d,. anytbing, and so nervous that the ieast noise stantieti lien. Ni bt or day she could not rest and life was ainisery holber. I triedialkinds of medicines and treatmnent foýrlier but six blottles eofl3urdock lood Bitter-s>front C. Stonk & Son, of Brampton, Ont., for wbich 1 paid $.o and h s-ras the best investmenît I ever made i my lifé, Mrs. Ludle ok fo ',uront of tho six bottles- theno ned-cfthe othen twa, for those four betties made ber a strong, healthy woman, andi rernoved es'ony ail- ment trous xvbich. she bad suffered,eana sise enjoyed the most vigorous hiealili. That five dollars sax'ed me lots of monrey in medicine andi attendance thenoafter, andi botter than that it miatieho à comfort to me. N2OI0DIEUN IRAMATIC TUrITION. Loud and angry voices were heard l n thle rcerna abos-e. A woman's pecn scream sinote the air. Thntnpl Thump! Tisump 1 A wornas's heartbreakuig selis broke upon the ears of thse iorrified listen- ers. Witli one accord tisey ru Lieduptbo stairv.-y tind burst open thiouoo f the ero orn -i whichtlie býsound]s 1pro- ceeded. A womani wif h dishevelied Liair, torn and dust-covered clothing, andeyes red' wsth weepiug stood lu tise middle of the room.1 A man with coat off, siees'es rolled; up, hic eyeballs rolliing in frenzy, ainO the perspiration strearning dowrs i.s face confronted tise intruders. What do you want borelie demiand.. ed. . 1 WVo are bore in flie intorestsoýf bu-. manity, sternly answered ono oof thfm. You are brutally- mistreatiag a wo-. mUan Arn I? le asked, turning to lier. No-o, sie sobbed, you are not I Gen- tlmen, ho-ho tg teaching me how te -toP express the-the snatu-raI emotions, ThUs is a-te a sehool o! dramatlo art. And the avengers slunk out oetht,., door and weet sjowly dowu t he stair- way. Mapifacturcd Tmoto e Iolloway, 58, liew Oxford StrEeI lae583, Oxford Street, London.I c-l Purchasers shouald look to the label on the Boxes and Pots, Ifthe address is flot, 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurio Li À.'