GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. BMIAKFAST-SUPPER. 'Dvý a thorougli kno'w'edze of the natnr,,i hiwq ,,,iih govern the operations 0fdeston cn rzand n by a careful application ot z~efin prperc0~o~wel-seected Cocca. Mr, ,;pps bas p'ovided for ourbreakfast and Tupper ùc-,tely flavored beverage wlilch may save .ýsmany heavy doctor8' bis. Itls b5y the cdco use of such articles otf ilet that a 'Cresitto ay be gradouaily bufit up untîl enoghioresist every tenieliCy to ls. ifundred-3 or subtle maladies arm ~Ot g around us~ ready Io attmck wherever thr ea weLk point. Weniay escape màny fatal sbait by keepin, ourseevoswell f ortiflcd with pr bloond aad a properly not.rished firm." ijeUService Gazette.", Made simply with biling water or mnik, 8û'e1 nnly 1 npeeltets. by Grocers, laballed thus: 'jA¶lis EII'S *xCo., ?leo epathiC Chem f,;ts, iLondon,. Esigiit], WEDNESDAY, âULY 22, 18916 ltfRIO %'PRIS 0F COLLEGE 0F PHYSICIAN U.1 mi, Surgeon 9, Ontario, Coroner,.etc.. Ofr OiPesldence. Enniskilien. 74. - cLAREN DENTIST 243 Yonge St., TORONTO. First-elass $10 Set of Teuth for U.~ 'OB O L1Cuý4!r'lTOR, z t. toPt ville. tclicitor for the <Intari iBank O~FFICE 11*4 TEE WEST DURHAM ~JINews Block ' whee imecif or assîitani '0111 i-e found troïn ta.m. te 9 pin. Night caill ut resifiene.d rectly oppoite Drill Shed. Oeils ý 3 teiegrapli or telephone will receive prompt à, RCHTEýT. Plans and Specifica' .A.tiensîjrepared f oi,, very clesg of bTilfingl. epCCXft1 attention iruven ta heoating by steani b bd Let svater. and ta sanitary arrangements. Ollie: Gorine Block, Whitby 43-ly RFEA.T'E, Tailor Gentiemens OothesMJade to Order. 3J. m MBIIt M A cO i BE OFFICE --ear of Messrs. ~1i~ha~m& Son's Drug" Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE (H IARNDEN, L. 1). S. Graduate ofthe Royal College ot Dantl Surgeans, Ontario. (VFFICE OPPOSITE EXPItESS OFFIOL VIT ALIZED AIIP. N'ew 1-lailo" op The undersigned wbo bas been carrying 07] tOc in'igbutse aconnoeioWitb 2ase"s DryGoiîds Store for t.I,,,aberof years as 3couliceued bus cusfor im,,lt a, ,,, r"eidne 5.,cswhere lie me p'-epe.rCl, te ak 1t03t]and boy à. CUitS ti ali the teet stt cee, andI ,t loN'eet puçes. FeCr <hoso who tv:th 'e Ord,'r sucte, lie wii carry a feul line of amiplesilialil t3 ne ptao.G.ce hju J. T. LEN Fashieniablo Tailer MONEY TO) LOAN. $100il,000.l ÂA 1tzesuri x'heb paeim hand ,y f a privat e e praitfor âcetet,ot.On appra ced Jeans ou i arm secirity fer a term of F'IVE or" TEyeurr, FEAND i ONE lISTE T'eN c1reee- Wîl, bu acCeS dpaya-l , at iy. S.ast-',,~ndciîiefor reesynunt will bc art'angc d. n .SMS Sa'licitor. BewnîaDý,m.e. Dated (Oet. 12t, 891. tii-tf. OP SR ALE OR REI'T.-Bouse atd F ! acres for sale or te zen', 51,0Iýlle or Scuigg r eet nr'l"3hepieCc-'ec,11,st et a Knod he e t verY 0cevenienc'e, oidtc 110 ChO.cstfruit ai al varlette. jnucdîat posefflon ozn e gven, Fr or.tioiars 51300 W.Fxec<eaaoIGH 'oesiil Ont 49tt THE HOME. IIO1ME-MADE CANDIES. -Butter Scoch.-One cup molases, one cup csugar, ene-haif eup butter. Poil i0na suitabis boiter antîl if is dune; trytnig as fer melasses candy. Pour upon buttered plattare te cci. Creant Cnndy, ,Iciled.-One pound wbiteseup'ar. on-e winegis cf rinegar, ane glace cf ivater, on" speonfut of van- ila exfracf. lMix flic sugar, vinegar and extrncf togef ler, pince it over the fine and boll until ttte .sbrifile uxhpn droppad iste ccid w'ater. Then takiti frem the' fit", and wb"n if is sit l'y ceai enuugb teo iaodie, pull if uni il it te white, cut in sticks and plac'e on but- tared fins or papers taliarden. Naagaf.-Whta of one cgg, one fa- biespeenful cf hoey. BPan flicegg and lionay toethar. Pianci andi chop finiiy fie karnels of varionis note, and mix wif h tfliaua equat quantitY Of confcctiooer's suger. Sf jr a scfficient quantity of flue mixture ito thflicgg and honey to foam a stiff paste. MOd fh hapsfe int o a cake as thick as 5YOU ,iel. Square ftle adges %vith a shaerIi knlfe anti ailoxv ifte dry siighLly. It tony then be eut in thin suices. Mýarelimatio%s.-Dissclive une Pound cf dlean, cisar îvhite gy n rahicione quart cf mater. Add oesPouondief Puivanized suger andiseutflie mixture cver the' tire, ttrring if coscantiY un- tilit if taaitdisso-cved, ant is ofeetacun- scstencv of bcney. Add the whites cf aighf eggs, graduailýt-fliaeggs imuet firsf ha muil shaken-and cf ir thecla- ture constant iy untie if icees ifs thiclt- nase and dae ont adi 'ra te ic fin'ers iran toucheti. Pour it og ,heliew tins that hava been geniereselu tted mitlh pcsvdered stace. rhis may b' fla'i's r if mnay bucunfaed mit h ch- colat e. Frances B3. Merril10 an article an- tif lad "Housekeapiog icear Paris," oates, specia t ocf the admirable erenonîy of flicFrecholihusewife n ho caser 'eils to set fart b a savery repeef,. She irritas: Absoictfuly nothing le xrcsie-. Nthing le alioxved te Ilook "niesy" or bacante spoilie. Scrape arc mateie lto a et zen-c ricli bee-f-tea or bouilloni, ai- xays on hand anti for sala, et six cenfs a quart. Jlaggad or ieff-ax-er places isf menat are betl,-d in trengir ceasane'I mater, and many a frugal meal is halp- cd eut by a peuntiocf file beef et ighf cents anti e cent's wcrflioff graf cd horsa-radisb, pickese or mueferd. Ox'az tlie'fjra or onuflic sidanaxt ifs bcnrt, thera te alîvays flthe x'er-feiliig cnup-keftie , a irboiseme custent, an ecoomnien one, anti one w hici e-cry American ivoman w'lo discox'ers if ciiogs te fait hfully. A bei-l cf eeup f0 a hon- gry ch-ildrti. a e-ggar, a cuptul, 'Thlin flic mother hersaîf le fireti anti las a hystericai lump in bar fhreaf, f bat is gooti ceose. W heu a French hlousekecp- er maires lier etear bouillon, if le a ',at- fer for ruie, but intoc the evezytiay soup kattle goas evar-v ecrap cf foodtitn per- fect condition a'nd unseeatenati. A omest cf breeti, e slce of apple, a bitt cf canlif lamer, e cbmed of calibage, a place of licon, e couple of chiakan ings, onc foilauv e lcthez, day in anti day ouf, untitliby sema unlucky _chance if mons dry, er tiwtemfion euggesf s a new stazf. -itIeie coffee every ntcrntng, w bat an axtrevaigcncu 1" exclaitsas Frenchi heuiseteeper. anti then ebe ades: "This is fie ,vay I de. Take fmo eoff ee-milils fuît cf eaffao, atiouf six tai'tslespoonf uts îxhen greund ; atit a tabiucpoonf ai of ehiccery anti place in e hot ceffeîpot: pour fbcrnagb it a quart of builing iva- fez; wien îtfileaal drippedt Lcrougbh httia If and ireep if steodý'.icg 'clix ys etc the cerir. Wisn any uins -c anis ce'- fua in tfie morning, beaf fle ic mutun-- fil lu baj)ie up ; beaf about oe-fiftf bas msch ceffes sca(Iding bof ant ixu in r " bot ccîp. You xiii finS cu miii use a bout etie-third nesncuch coeffufe as yen ii'uld0,if yeuu ae a h Iesh evary moto- icîg, anCÏit if miib- good as long as you neS if." Pezsonally I do nef bigbiy ci '"n ad that method cf nraking ceffea. jbijr. Bromn. A VECEc I i blUES. ad Suuu er .'Siethrea cocons- bersveryfineanti sat weul; place in a riss mifh ae ixeighlfofr tfin oe n rien eut fine, soet peppar, îlenty et stinegar anS sî-eten to fasft'. TFij le -cry, appetizing. Sf cameS Peas-Put the lies in a colan'lcr or Lain xvihout any ivater, anS place tn a steamer. If icil requtc'C inif again as muen tinte as mien bol- mng. Mien tendiez season uili îitb buter, sait, pepper, andihici mittor eneant. Ser-'s liot. Greeni Puas xith Baco.-Bail e picca Gf bacon for hall an beaz, than add fhe peas anti coir until f icrougbty tiene; add sait anti papper te faste and crearn if desireti. Puaus cocirat in this man- nez nre equaiiy as geod. Balt',1 Peets-Wasli a hail dezen tilced Leufs. Lay in a baking pan and Laire unt il Sotie. Remoieethe c sine, ellce, iay 10 a vegutahie di anti peur o-car fthe a rcsing ef vinagar one cupfui, buttean ftle size cf an cegg, iith peppar anS saitf ce faste. Ser-ce hof. Carret BPelta,--Steux anS machhbaif e ticten cri' ifs ; aci fi-caeggs, hall a eup- fui cf f tour, mifi self, peppur anti but- tez. Malts lnto balle anS halte for fan minutes cinftbu isi on wiht hsyare f0 be ser-cat. THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN - \VARII -'EAT!IE-RiiAKýSS ESTABLISHED IS51 Breakfasts on hct sucnm"r merninge $1 par annuel ttc av,înt'e ottîerwviee 71.5 1 sheulti b"eof a sort to tunspt thea appe-8 St'ercpton tuicyspr ca 'ce 1Coui Irif puîblicatJoci.A dvertiici ri zrarei u ait4i bîy 01fit e,withliut o-ercrexcclng bu. Firet, issu, lb ceaie par Iosnoico t i - ),r3 ces-tt flene sheute. be fruit,.'Ibis wny bhain anr, anS . cents p-ýr liac eacci suabeeqîcai5ica- lcfrÎf ri eetu ri setion. Locale, 10 cesatepper lina. tetrio ri aao h ri M. A. JAMEýS, Publise'agr may ha catun ,irnply anS atomes. _______________________________ Mo1st people like cereele f aili tintes et yeur, hut careshslcld ha faken fiat fha grain cf foeds serret in10 nitsummar 1~IFfD~,f -are igbt as mati es nufriticus. Clammy - c cettocistesoneetlijng tebe aveidati. ____ - An ente lette te one of theimeet delt- î cate dishas iliat cen ha serveS for a (i e 1ý1loth w cather breakfast, anS if the coir te e t ail expert, t neetl ne-car he a fait- atre. Peat tieihlîce anti yoiks cf si-x1 MIE A K'. Mm.-eggas-parntely, mix with four fable- , W E A K spcnsfui ai creant anti stir lighlty Se eran h ix weh buttarati pan unfil if sets aS-1 5ewe andding a table speof ni of butter mien thea CU 1 1 A- 1- a nixtura le put inte flic pan. Tien folti ~u vert Pipes mndise tieCrosssolb sr AU Szesfro 4 nanS, 2cincxb wCruss o eslette.h ieret Co iesfenn4h e 2tons. As Breatistuffe arc perb'ape tha moet imt- Cosuectliîs.portant part cf the summar breakfast. SWRITE rFOR PRICES,, Warm biscuits bacante monotenous if Ssareint t e quentty anti sliuld lhe iir nriirn inrcidhy muffins cf varions cerfs anti TUE NTARO 'SWE IPE I 4by ftoast, Tisera te an artin prapa ring 601 ADELAIDE ST. . tltauet. The breeti shondcti tradayet OACTORY AT MMICO. TORONTMo. ad- andslicet inb medilum thick- THEPLULING PASSXONý, Mydean, saiti JUr. Sim-ple te 'hiemie 1 dreameti lest nigbtt fhet I mas bu sii i H-eaven tooeitg foz ycu. :1t Anti tii ycu ftnt me,tier i Nc. They tutti me yeu mure et fhe il hargnin counter. 9lildrenCoryfor Mr. Societla-Are yo-u not goinig to Cali on the bride i Mrs. Sce waJioulti le pierfýcfty ivitttngLt a t nli er, but 1 don't mwtnt Pt r s Cstoria nees. The fire shouid ha very bot and the bread burned quickly and butter added immediately. If is umnecessary 1.t add that tit t a crime t. allow t.ast to. wait aLeýuf befora serving-, as ifs cztsp s very evanescent. fiens: San excellent recipe for Mif- Mix a teaspoonful of baking povder, randi one-hlf teaspoonful of sait witli to cupf uts of fleur. Stir rogaether one dcuDful of mitk and the yelks of twc * ggs; add a tabiespoonful of melted i rýbutter; then the f tour, and lasfly put 1-mn the ivhipped whites of the tsvo cggs.' Paire in a hot aven front fifteen to ,r vwnty minutes and serve immediately. n VEMETAPLE S 4LADS. .t Coniplaint la sometimes macle cf iack cf yvarietyhjew nys of preparcn- v ;etabec. *A xccl-kreo-wn wrer gives cecerai re- cip",s foi salads to be macla3 front sega- tablasý.1 "Saladseau00 1c made," she says, "cf Ptomate, celery, green string beans, dan- >dulion, cauliflojwer, potato, cucumnbaz, t asp aragus and cabbage, besicles thce ever- gpopulaz lettue. U "Coi t potatces cut in direa nd laid pun a Ledc f lettuce cao be coverefi with t reazn dressing. " Dan Julion sitnd je made ol the youn.g e luaves cf flie plant, thoroughly washed, ýfsoaked in cold wafer for an heur, shak- en dry and saturated wifli11franch dressing. " Lettuce should be put in celd water Lto Maka if crisp, and sbaken dry ina napliin bafore bcing dressed. "Green bean are coeked, cut in tw e-' Sinch picC55, laid on a bed cf tettuace and 1covcred with French dressing. 1 "Aý 'sPaýragu.e le boiled, the tougli part 3f the stafks ramoe d, thc rentainder -eut in short lengfbs and coercd wif h fay onnaise. "ýCaulifiewer le scparated loto strings, lhe tendez part of the efalk eut fine, and coi eîed w ith mayonnaise. It must -net bc Leilcd too ciongor if blecomes clark.i "Unage es Pen raw, sehredded fine, soaked a inerincli dressing ana covered y, fth hciled dresng.1 ',CucumzeŽrs arc thinly sliccd, soaked L'cte -enter. and dco nin Frenchi drees- "fematees are scalded to rentea tha ekin, eut in elices -.when cold, and eerved withi a epeof utof mayenoaise or bell- cd drcssing enn cii suce." HIELPEUL IHINTS. Ink etaine may be rented front floars by the" use of enlenide cf lime. Marks macla by hot dises set an ta- bles may bc rentovcd by the use cf kar- o)Sena well rubbed in, and thon pelishad with a fresii cloth. Karocune je gued for keeping bright any wted varnt sliad in eh. The bath sponigae hoàid ha cleaned frequanfly. Wnashing will not do1fii as satisfactorily as if if le welt rined ini a Plutot f vater te îvhich bas bean ndded the jule of a ionien. 'Tbis wil prove vczy effectuai. THE CQOK'S DOMAIN, lu roaeting c tarkcy slow cooking te deetrable. F raquent basting aso im- proves it. The finie raquired fer roast- incg a Young tuzkey le f ifteen miues to cvery pauind. L Te keep ever night ceoad gnt lat h as been eut, su thnt if ma ramnain moist ani frcsh, wrap 1ifin confection- ez'e paper befere plîcbng ifta the te box. If cake te te hc a-ead u sbeî'ts, and ntteIoha fzestcd, eprikiapou dcred sugar avez il; bafora putting It inte thse even. Tie mli procure a smeoth, su- gary crust. Te, malta a ret eup y2!loýv anti nici t ha yolks cf egge are used. The eggs arze tiret beaten fheroughiy, andi nIiez thb creant or ntiik bas huais added toe soup thay are stirrcd in just Lefere if ce taken ft'am thse fire, Cordiets ore excellent fer flei'ezbng j l-s ocicraxn, T~ygive a par- ticulsnly pleasant andti ehecate flavor. Maraschino, which bas the fhavor of bitter cherry, te mucb uscd. Curat'ao, t~bo astes ,f ozange pai, anti Neyau, whjehi lias the flaor cf peac'b kernata, are tire ether good cerdias te use as flavoring'. Tka efwise Cook finds nany usas fer 1sf t-oe r port'ons cf cotd 'ice. She ndds ifte c oup or miales it int e cro- quettes. 'ch a Iinche-on disb iti nay ha inuac'd vibh r hopped meut and egg and fris I _k an omelet. A BREAKFAST DISJI. I n -car sa-c anymiiere n racipe fer a favorit- breakfast dihiof ours, andi I 1 think perbapa soeone aise_ may tile tsi, fec, as if hs simple, quicly made, cheapc andi healflful. Fer a f amilyofefaglit me put te boat in a deuble er farîna ktetf le, 3 quarte cf sweet mik. iVhil if is henting sift toto a, ere'l or dish 1 quart af fleur. clix fbozeugbty vit b ia heaping t'iblespoonf ut cf sait, tber- ABUT ITHE RINflERPEST C ANADIAN CNITLE iq DANGER OF THIS TERRIBLE SCOUIIGE. xn!PýM'a'aticcs c1' Jisease id e, £m'î,s selbi ÂnAfiss'c 1ecred-HoeeUil 15 cui Atrettri c,'îEs'ot Trafic. Thes Canadian cattle trade, whici sioee 1892 lies bea langu5sliing undec fhe ban cf anEng-itebuh cr , m nom f lreafened itlia cftîl, moe eseri- eus danger then any ici havE hitherta licsst if. The existence oi pieura-pneumenia nmong Canadiar, cattle lias for years heen' teieltiby fisc Caniadien Go-ernicof, anti e, strong mare f lie repzescnfnfions matit fe flic Imperial Gavaznment tint the, embargo iras suspendeti for a chez' tinte la 1895. The Imperial Go-cern- ment, howeevez, laccming cenvinei thnt the tibease diS aexisf reiupeased flic embargo. An enquiry lo thfic ubjeef L'rougbl conte interesting facf s to liglif, -swiicî ara liera summ-irizat:- Silice 1889 the- caff le trade bre r- ainci alnt-t .iticmsary, and fli, racla shock causait by flic scbeduling cf stocirers, in conjuocricon itb the grcminig comp"fif ion10nlive cattie frcu Danntnrk, aod nefabty fron thefia tied States, lies causeS tis. alotutc ta lit anythinig but ciiecrin.. Loir me ars threafsne-d w-ith a still more cerleus danger, ant i wtioit in amy way et- ft'npftig te do more flan 'dram 'cf- fenficonte f bis possible source af danger te aour frae, iftei tinte te peint oluf that ne matfer vvaet mey be, the apparent immediafe eost netbing but tacs can rusaîlt fron any parsrmony i0 flic adalptien cf the Mosat energeftie, fomrtehlensîva, anti ecientiflc measuras fo he systentaf le inspection cf'Cana- dtan cattie, froin the farco, ihere tliey are reareti until tisay bavea chled tise consumer, whether la Lontion or ln Liverpoi. Fie danger înhich now tliraatens, anti ihicli must hae arufu' ly guerded againat, ste cintroduction of thec rbn- dtcrpesf, uhichiste omdecimeting thc li'rds of Senth Africa, ant i t sprcad amog Canadien cattie. Jo order te flioroughly understanti flic serieus nature of f hie terrible scaurge if miglif be wvcll te relte briaf- iy ils auflireair anti epreati in Souths Afrien. Within thfllst' few yeare w-laf is locelly kowîv as flac Zambeet caff le diceas,hieli, rtcerding tote c st ob)serrers. seenis te lia uothlngaese f han fie rindurpesf, formeriy se fatal in Nerf haro Europe, lias appcnred amongsatfcsnative hante cf cattie anti enongst flic buffeto anti entetopel of fli cocuntry, axteoding fron the equaforfaefth-c narth almost cs fer confi as Cape Toin. If appeare f lat flic- rintiarpest liegan Ifs ravages in Afnica about thle year 1889, whcn if braire ouf in caff lelin f ha naiglibour- hood of Ailen. Tie pendemie character cf flh tte eeee niaY liebest untierefoot liy ra-: men beri'ng int wlen if firt appear-1 dti-l Ena ad 1%1864, saring conte fit MScuth'cn siby say cf 0-er- meny, 73,549 cattle more atta-keti îx"tluan e fuimonfb.s, 41,491 cf xx'icli dcl hLa cdoubutuas flic disoase miii spreaýd mreraptdly emaogsf dontesi enttfle, owing te rapidtifransit by c'ait, yuf, wxh-o jrta srentembered tf at flie herds oEcf Arica ra retitfr t heusands of mlus fromnt aicefo se outh, nS et to i- th ic aficcatl s f0, rihe net bcib lidd c'cnefut c i' ruthobse cf ao her, , if xxiiih zdc il3 aa'n liai he dsheasa mv a tanmi.elrapi- ly îx"lire no mausures mliafexer are talten toe cekits spread. Fb'- terrileravagea efthflic ccurge area wxelt set fert i thefi-falut ng exraret front a recentty pu-bilid bok hy Captain Luig-ard, tii'- xsei-knawn Africaci trri'c'it-t:- "-T'f edieticea be- gais te -,Pl'; t is 1839 frkonî Acln, anci îb Y 1891, hau r"ueb£'ed flieli'ar, of Af- dica. Af Kairaibi every ex bit bean affct - Jowy aai-c w aei bsfoe1 arilved. Pass'ng s-autliuîrd ut reach- cd Nyasst, about Juiy 1892, anti ire May expeef tet lie-r cf ifs ravgsf fths noziliin the Sondainti Aicesys- slirluntil t 1rea the confines of Fgypf, and on fli'- wcat tlirou-fhath hCnge State untit ifs crue c f'datf lias ext -odeS front sea te sea." Fb'- aspread, cf tfidis .ea e icf great int erest te UCanada, hucauseahfliuîture prosparity cf tb cont ry largely de- peada u5acc f hie branel cf agnriunue, and sinuldtifhie terrible seounga once gain a, foeýhotS in Canada cor export frade in ccttle, nom on th-- deciue, woutti fail ts, -ay ceenplctely. bNci, t t he prescrit t ias, fthe bides of thase zli-cased cati la irnAfrica ae eing ex- pqrftcl by fans cf tlic'asantie, and wnien lifta stoc ite Englisim-n nMay fusd ft f liay ha-ce tmpented tie gernt - oftb atalentdis2ase into EngI ni. flisa îid-as, ihitl cau b1ouglt feurflux" to ceciung,tony in aitprer"bcte u- porfeci te Canaida Enent Lendor, %nd lie possibiiiy cf file epread of sch e, dts'-cse 'fo, Canada in chic may ce icf et ail fanciful. If n-aedcaly ha runtuaceil that 10 fioit cr fixe 51f-1 ftist C csesdsming tfltast kw yeara s £ i I Bounsall's I3iock Manufatured onty by Thomcas ilolEwc, 5 Na Oxor'fae f~aie i82,COef ortf Street, Lenefen.wxr8ýe Seo Purchasers sho'gld look to the Label on the Boxes ana Pots, If fhe address is not M8, Oxford Street, London, tliey are spurious. un spring TMine gefc PUIre990d 1Y E No ather remnedy pessesces sucs perfect caAnlîaa'iP, and purifying' properl-ies as Butrd1oek Liuod 'ittcrs. It îlot anly cleanses infcrnali iy, but if heala, 'ci-heu applicexti cli;,a ail sares, ulcere;, abseesses, scroficieus sures, blotces, eruptioms, etc., Ieaving thae kin cicanaîs cdpure as a L'abe's, Takem intcer- nally if reine-es ah morbiti cfete or w este ntter fionsith,, sysfemn, and therouthly reguilafus ail the or-aiis of thue b, resfening the stomaciliver, box-cls and bloodt f0h-nufhy action. In this way th-e sicli become vveli, tflic cei cstror, and t as, x'ha have thet tired, w'orn onf feeling r-ceix e oea' vigcr, ant,îiý buoyent Iseail and spirite, so ft fitt1hy feu tEl,c xi un. , l f yoîîr: uppetite ie poor, ycur enur-gy gone, youcr aeiuietuc I esf, PB.B. cr111restere yen tote icfou iju}menu olflîaptay xiorotts LifcŽ. THE, GL.DSTFONE FAVILY.Y ] FU D1 O1Y 91ononrfc f,,st hlm", i cr,'l e fil, i stal Iemmî, i ofttut3c11. tEI4P ,ilz. CIadtctne lies juct lest one of xCe UI -EGsFRS Li - cuprews 4-c"thur' Gladstonce, wxxhlI 'R1 h-uts thse- f o' f bnnghcg hiune MNTi :q7 step ne-ter ote sb-rcu-tcy belonging t te the lisad cf the lieuse cf Glad- ce dtonc.e, if nmusf be rentembazud, was fil- rou-ngest cf four sens xx'li eatc'h o' thent'riad anti baS chilti- nc'a. Curtuusly eneugh tîearly al cf fie nepiluix-of Mir. Gindeten dia w if iut leasing maleiessuce. Fie pres- eut li"at cf fthe house, Sir Jeha Gladstone, cniy son of tic grand olS men'scitiez brother, te a bacieter, and erinruces hie firnictertoînatian te ra- IT IS NO ÏPICKLE. min is w.Gltidstcn"'cses-cond brcf han, osîpyfcthèeg wh -Roertson, had si-x sons, five cof xvlom Vo lpyteatb gswh diei ithout ieaxdag issue. Richard PRESERVER, and lay them away te a confirmati badisior. ln a basket or box. ee*~. Fhe thinti anti sailor brother of ficthe___ grand aid mass uf t et hic deef b ana son ichelhas a famtly cf daugliters, LAY DOWN A $UiPPLY WHEN 7MEV ARE and aiter f laf, n'-xf in succession f0 GHEAP. fL La hroefcy, cemes ftha granti olti Cail for boock ivilng fuli inforationýu, Irce monniseif. Ifte sdoubîfuai uhatier of charge. 1'- wx"lt avez lire ta suùcecdti lireto. Bat Ifte spracficaily certain tfiefis I,3VJHGQ~OH~ O grandeon W\ýilliam, a lati 15 yeare olti, noir ai Eton, miii evenfuntly lieceme -, IRED OF WALKINGý. Sir William Gladstone anti inlierit aleng mtf the titis ftha grent Fesque Firet Laloicrng Man-You hed a late,ý estates, ictel gutle iaruth fe grant session cf île aesembly lest nig-if,, Fettercairn distillerice, are enteitad hear. up1on tise hedftiet ihouse of Glati- Second Labioring Man-Yes 1 -3 et 1.s,*Fihe ycung baroeaillii like- didn't get flirougli titi nearly 4 o'clock misa, accarding te the ternis of fthe fhis mamnig. ivili of elti lrs. Glndstoe'e lirofisan, Firet Laboring Man-Wisat Nmas thse flie lata Sir Siepian Gtynne. lienit disputa, abouti? fIe w helaeoftheOu lamartien cafates, Second Laloionug Man-Oli, the walk.- in mhlch ftliaguandti aidnhas ooty ing delegata manîtd us fa buy hi. a life itet This. Fuemuilbava te flif-bcycle. feet cf iaiig ycutug Sir Wiliamn Glati- ae.a e-cry dastrabl antfrimonnilMN H catch. For mifi hic f80,00p2r annunt TE UNWE N rmnthfe Ens-ardan estate ant i îtt ( lie ý250,00 Pur annunt -hiai cansfi- Flushs Xouti (f romnthe fl inuryCa tues flic revenues Of flic Fasque e- ycU direct me le île office et ýCatchent taie in Srotianthelicycung man xiii & Clicatent, broers? ha- more tht-ic enuutgh tO e>khe i Poticeicar-Ask f bat maano ýear f lie. ixeijf frein tfliadeor. He-armi cnces. - î Furitreand- Our line comprises everything found ina flrstshis furniture ware- rooni, and believing it onlv doling, justiee to our'bsns nita u customners may benefi bsyic, wo have added more varieties teOour alreaýdy large linos, and our prices canînot bho hat. We buy ils low as ile lowest and are satisfied -viffi sinall profits, and you wîllt be eon-v-In)ed o(f ,jc saine when you have seen oLir goods and exaiinedl oui' prices. Parlor Suites, Sideboard 's, Bed 1-fooni ý5uîtes 1tiail IýackS, F3 xtension Tables Centre Tables, Lottrnges, Seert taries, Chatiresofeverdescription Window hds Curtaîn Poles,, Mirror Glass, Pieture and, Room -Mouidings w,,th manyv other lines you will fmnd lu great variety and at ail prices at oui, store, ,Give us a eal! when ýwantiing any tling lincour u'ne and see o e \VO can suit 5011. Special attention cgive.n îto this deiartient. E 'j 13 o,-, M'm - V ,L r,.