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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1896, p. 3

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If you want to preserve apples, don't cause a break in the skin. The germs of decay thrive rapidiy there. So thie germs ofE consump- tion fi-iÀ good soil for work when 1ziLe lining of the throat and 1t&rîgs is bruised, made raw, o= iajured by colds and <oghs Scott's Emulsion, heal ir-.famed mucus mnem- braneEý. The time to take it is bcfore serious damage has bE-ea. doue. -A 5o-cent bottie is e'nough for an or- dinary cold. 50 cents and $1.00 Scor--r 1 BowNE, Chemists, Belleville, Ont. RI-P-AN'S -The modern stand- ý:rî Family Medi- clie: Cures the comumon -every-day- ills of humanity. Makr. La~rgeeboxes, t50c. Full saple box, 30cl. Postpaid. D)r. loward Medicine Co. Brocktville.oni. - TP Du-iý COPYR? PTS, etc. F infoitrnmation nd , If re Hlade,,.isrite te, StXUNtI & CO., 861iBRADA,.NEW vORK. týest bureau f'on securngn'patelts in America. mony paient tken 1' rougt ibetore ùùhe pubie by a notice gîven hrec of charge la the Langeai circulation of' sny sidentifie paper In the wenold. 'Spendidiy iiiustrated. SNo intelligent mnan shoulc ewithoui h. -Weekiy $3,aa a vars50~ six meths. Address, MU1YN & Co., UBesi - nos 5321 eBrodway. Neerk, City._ A CLOSE SHAVE, J, TALK WITE THE. MAiN WHO EIX- PERIENCED ST. people :eally do not know bnw oten lhe angel et dealli hovens over tient. Mn. R. P. Watkina5 173 BaY st., la a barber by rade, anti gave Our represontativa this short history et lis escape front the dis- order Nihichi was rapitly carnying hlm le ils grave. M. Wstkins la a skliful and expeinictdi man,,ant islanow enahiedtot exrcisa lis skill front morng litii nigit, wiere betere lie waa unabla te regularly follow hIs chosen calling. This is Mn. Watkîns' story as relatet by limacît. "ýFor over ihnee years 1 bave beau troublet with w-iat the tocions caid wns Brights Disease, 'vas gctic)g nspitly worso, aud couit scancly attend te my busines;s. My anklos wena swollen, the pain anti heal lu miy back wone almoît unbeanabla. lie urine was et a tank wine cler, anti if uset to dribble away continu- ally. I lad le risc 9 on te limes oaci igbt te, voit the urina, sut conseqoienlly lest neanly ail my slcop. Tiche slding Lest anti pain lu pasing the urine vero painful anti distressing beont mny feeble power te desenise. People who titi net knew My troubla usot te laugli aI my Iîeqeent visita te the urinal., My liants ant foot wene always colt anti clentmy, and I sut. fret sevenly frein palpitationi, shornisll ofe breelli, anti was, lu tact, aIr-ost a total wneck. I gel a box et Doanna Kidney Pili front Mossns. E. Hooper & Ce., ant irli- provet aI once. 1hbave uset two boxes anti tee like a new tan; eau now woet rigît aleng anti ni 12 ptr. feel like worlîlng Tigit aient, lied I net gel unise pilla 1 teel tint I would net lave been wenkini le-day. My words oly taintly express the treatiful condtion I nas lu, anothle wondertul cure muate by Doan's Edtuey FOR 'IiE BY STOTT & JURY F.'ig li'oC , Secr et t1i aces bv the eurs atexeess eS cilt w i u' e ss ade ceses, rsorctt-s htali, ni., hooiedv 'ser pnice $iPi bx' ,2.O tnthyinai i,: e't- Mn only, tes ubow le get wi , -1mis, Q'JEESIMEDICINE. CO, PX 941 nomawammm nu ante ai hteofthezt's et tameos pes. eThrastnegouthoul wtayone which canner ho Itracedtoteits truc cause erwsÏ1 cam riin upn ho ins e pr- ypshne irulInsroues Dia w, unless -ttention la turnot le haese 1st atint only shorlýens lite, but bae ether teîeOther licn sael? Wbup te wimns oft h.-ha motions.nIlcbas et laIe beaurendorsillesa effective, Dr. Holhrook siltiealleorytheIh rese conet d ition, wlo gava strength te lb 1 mutsut dil will ha te us s shameful parilul n i n-I iso aý,be hl t.,tedfiut ffn-siuinlter httepSneo su? Wogave cae o o ocnrrouoe or a tintaetfadmirable b-fun htfatigue causes a îempeorsry wieamili11h19,iut e it-la oeeg wudh veaine o barIlWobrk lesa1 tite-lavier. Our frienda mny treteli eut -change lu lhe blooti, sud a bealliy par- ,i a g enrai renetiy insista liat lie the treedet andthle sacrecy efthîe te- î nai enchanîmentI Ha wbe hearti the tarlat eiep bcr u osou who la ineculatot witli îlefatigue o& yincre for the disaaae et evil bates boit goot inu haefftays et exten- ther and t kep s omotiebutlnote praclice self-control, snd svePaniiamentary (reports. Her Ma- us, .ýfor la towart evanil5g."' ns. They migîl offer large rtieatoms et axis-ente rela.xatieit sut exîsus- hp i lv. Tis alcnev petre ie u, iee etan Comen a Ouaeofthîe f orts etfrance was aI- but tealli woult net taire the tee, Th'fl itr all;teyaebli eisiwalar tor othiile grille oet lie Lat. Tiitacre, atiîleeutorrs relaIenbrealli will al andeutthe eyes wlll close, EI EOIOSE [S'IG. ligît, exorcisea nd tempemance are 't Gallery; Lut, neverthelaqs, she lias uey- bat ore nigil. The besioging arty isy sut the beart wîli stop. Yen May lu Ia hesanie wey the ovil emeltions,an thtie bady,.rbe uls Hnee omt CbiIdren Cry for Pitoher's Castoria. e eui h os fCmos clown, thinking thera was but littie te hang the couch with, gorgenus tapes- T ~~4f ETU II. o in the mnrning, and that the snid- try but what does death care for beau- TIXE AND TERNTY. iery in the fort couid be easily mnade tiful curtains? You may hang the to surrencier. But during the night, room, with the finetit work of art, but REV. DR. TALMAGE TELLS WHEN through a back stairs, they eseapeti in- w hat dees tieaizh care for pictures? AND EhD. te thaecouîntry. Jo the' monîng the Ynu may f 111 the house wtb the' wall- THEY BEGIN beNDeiEgND.y prang upon the bat- ings et widowýhenti and orphanage- --tiententis, but founci that their prey does death mind weeplng i Tge Gospel of Geedi Cie Fer the ieirrowv was gene. So when we are assauited This ouglit fot to ho a depressing ai get ie Close oftlr1e',s Biiy- oi(l in temptation, there la always semae theme. Who wants to lve here for- Pîclures eo f heILelâ,_Ssuiig Ialows. secret stair by whicb we miglit get off. 'evor? The world lias always treated i God i iLi not allew, us to Le tempted me welI, and every day I feel less and Washington, Au-. 9-Dr. 'falmages aboya what we are' able, but witb ess like sclding aud complaining. But subjeci. to--day liglits up the' serrows of every temptatien wiil bring a way of yat I woutd flot want to make this thi lfe ndsounda the, gospel of gond e't- that wa May ha able tn bear it. my eternal residence.î I love to watch The prayer of the text is appt opriate the clouda and bathe my seul in the cheer for ail who w ilracoive it. Hita for ail -who are anticipating serrew.1 blua sea of boaven. But 1 expect wlien text was LuIre xxiv, 29, -Abitie witb egets hol htoe rew ounth firmament is rollet away as a frzi us, for it is towarti avoning." this pianet la the tontiency te borrew seroîl te see a naw heaven, gradrfrIfnsand C Hden Two villagers, 'haviug concludted their trouble. But thera ara tintes when higlier and more glaoos. Yen ought appreaching sorrew is soeavidant that ite bc willing te exchange your body erranti in Jerusalant, hava starteti eut we neededt tebc ntakirtg speciai prep- that blas headaches and sitoaches and at the drty gata anti are on theîr way nytion for ils con waaknesses innumerable. that limpa sO tEmasteplcettirrs- One of your chltran has lately ha- xih the stone braise, or testera with Btm f]rps ofe' odil ays-aleoWotigSat parende de c . T e o - :h a s d h a .. conte a favorite. The cry et Cha t ch ut ýthe theru, or fiantes on the funeral moat mn' s ors, G df e r cys ored ofa y opcium o o rhin ey~ ps u tanc. Thy gowiu a st hert.strilcas deapor jute the beart than tht' pyre of fevera, for an incorruptiblemetrmie ochdrnaeopoeofpumrmrhne Jesus, wbo bat beau their admiration cry of ail the othors. You think more, body and an aye that blinks net hefore MO Yn no« that opium and morphine are stupefying narcetic poisons? andi their joy, hati beau bassly massa- of it. You giva t more at tention, net 1 the jasper gates anti the great white crati anti ontombeti. As -with sad face hacause it la any more et a treasure1 throno. But betwean that anti this Do YouHnow that je mett couetries druggists are net persitted te seil narco ics than the others, but because it is thora las an heur aboit which ne man anti broken heart they pesa on thoîr bhomiag frail. There ia sontthiug in shouit haý reckiesa or foolliardy. 1 without labeliig thomn poisons? way, a stranger accosta thein. They the cheolr, iu the oye anti in the walk £oubt net your courage, but 1 tell yen 'Do Know that yen shouit net permit auy medicine te lbc given your chilà tell hlm their auxieties anti bitternesa; thal maIres you quite sure that the that yen will want semeîiaing bettor n uu aîa e thnteaves of the flowar are geing te bc than a stron arm, anti a good ait anti enless you or yarphysician know of whatît is cemposed? of ord li intur taks o temscatteret. The utntost uursing and a trusty sword when you coma to your mightily oxpountiing the Sdiptures. medical attondance are ineffectual. iast bttle. You wili neoti a btter Do 'Yen Know that Ca.,toria sa a pureiy vegetable preparation, andl that a list of Heo throwh3 over thent the fascination The pulse becomea teeble, the complex- robe than any you have in your ward- gtti ingrehients is publlshoil wth every bottie? of intelligent conversation. They for- ion lightoi', the stop weaker, the laugb robe te lreep you warm in that pince. nefh - ainter. No more remnping for that Circumatancos to net maIre se much Do «Yen Hnnw that ia'ýteria is the prescription ef the famons Dr. Samsuel Pitcher. gt the tinte andti not ob one throngh hail anti parler. The nurs- difference. It may be a brfiglit tay ]That t lias heen in use foe n ariy thirty years, andl that more Castoria iSaDow sold than jects they pass anti before tliey are ery la tiarkeued by an approacbing 'wheu yen puali off front the planet, or aware they bave conte up lu front et calamity. The beart tools xith mouru- wit tyi a cark niglit anti white the ct ail other remedies for childrn ceminindP their bouse. Thoy pausa bef ore the tfti anticipation that the sun ta going wl t otîg front the toreat. It ntay outane atiattmpz e prsadeth twu. Niglit speeta on. It is towart be spring, anti your seultntay go eut DO You Knesw thaï, the ]?atent Office Department of the ITnted States, andl ef entanc ad atept o ersadeth ving. nýng heblossonts, apembrcarda ther countries, haro ssued exclusive riglitt t r. Piteher and bis assigna te use the wnard strýangar te tarry witb theint They Yen have long rejoicet iu the care et swinging their causera ln the way. It press upon 'him their bospitalitios. a, mother. You bave clone everytbinrg ntaybo winter and the earthlui a a sti'an d ira formula, and that te imitate them Sa a state prison offense?1 Night is comng on ant ieh may met te make her asat tays happy. Yeu nolw abrout. ht may ho autumun, ant o'e n- htoeo h esn orgatn hsgvrmn rtcina aprowling wilt beanal or ha obliget to bave rou witb quick foot te wait ripou the toresta set on tire by the rotreating Yo XnwhaeaetiarassfrgeneIisovrmnpotcona ber avery want. lier prosence lias 1yosr, deat niture lait out iu state. Il tueCatrahitba rve oh bsolutely harmiess? lie unaheltereti front the tew. lie cen- hoan a perpetuel blessing in the bouse- ntay bo witli your wife's haut lu your zut -gomue--u--rt-ler nmw. Wly --- ot e-t. ý But Ibe f-aeitgatherers ,,r-look- baud or you ntay be in a strango hotel DTou enKnow that 35avnerage doses et Casiona are furnished fer -35 stop thora, anti continue thir pleasant iug wisttily at that trea. lier oeurwihnesevatefntfiia e teoeste? convrsaion Thy tare t bytheis ripe for heaven. The gare are ta be in the rail train, shot off the t, onetas? coneratinThe tke imby heready te flash open for bier outrance. svvitch and tumbling in long rover- jý that when nosessed et this perfect ll eparatien, Your chlitren mab artn andi insist rupou his coning ln, But yenrsosul sinka at the theuglit et hratien clown the ontbanknent-crasb, attressing hïut in the worta, "Abite a separation. You cannot bear to-think crash!1 I knew net the time. 1 know ti', !i~at yen may have unbroken rosi I with us, for it la towarti evenîng.' that soon yen will bc calaedt t taIre the net the moto. But the days et oui 7eî1, Iheso tbigs ara werth knewing. They are tacto. lat loek at that face whicb, front the lite are being subtractet away anti we The cantiles are ligltet, the table is tirat heur bas looketi upon yen with shail conte cown te the time when wo apreati. pleasaut socialitias are on- affection unchaugeablo. But yen sec bava but ton days, thon nine tisys, The fac-simnile Li on, everw Irntlet. They rejoint in the prasence that lite la ebbiug anti the grave will thoen eight tays, thon savon tays, then agiueo rpe. li ak abas-soon bide lier front yon-r sîiglt. Yen six tinys, then tive day s, than tour of oethre stranger gozot. H sk ales it quiet. Yen teel heavy hoartet. The tays, thon three tays, then two tays, O lng upon the breat th(,ct atn light is fading front the sky. The air to u a.To or-be hauts a piece et it te eaoh. Suddenly is chili. It ia tewart evenîng. miutslîtiv ou mnes, u r mihn-l ant with overwhalmiug powver the Yen liata considerabie estate eut miuts t e minutes, o u minues,.eue thougtit flashes upen the astoishet tait indepentont. in tive minutes on minute. Thon eully seconds let-tour peope-itla he Lrti!Ant as hey eefair balance shoot yen couit sec peat how yen stoetLolu!tAedwarlt. But seconds, Ibree seconds, two seconda, jus ho yo stodin he orl. ue second. Gene!1 The cliapter et lita F011 SALE BY J. R-IGGI-LBO3THAXh SON, BOWMAN VILLE it lu breathiesa w-nnter, looking irpen thero came complicatins. Sometbing antet! T-be bok closod! The pulse at the resurrecteti body et Jeans, ha van- ihat yen imagiued impossiblo bappon- roat! The foot through wth the jour-______________________________ ishati. Thli interview enclot. lie wvas cd. The best friand you bat provney!To ad coht rntalwek gn.traiter te yonr interests. A sutton NeY wordeouands lis. Nfom lrea l goe.crash et national mistortunns pros- tNostori ts. lircobreakteie shiy ayetprspriy.Thora is net ho goiug ou in business, but yen teelThmuce stil.Tonra tli. O T I silliay et us eil aabiht uytattyu rei. Ynma edyuTemsesod hy anyh n huts.n a dont lun the sky, net a lent restling auxieus about wliera yen are stanidin3lThe lunga atil. Thlic ongue ahi1l. Al ud fear that the noxt turning et the still. Yen miglit put the stethoscope in tihe toreal, ne chili in the air. u wheel wili bring yen prostrato. Yent h ras n ernosud o we canuet expect ait this te at. lie foresee what yen consider certain do- t h rntsdha osut e la nt a inellgen mal we a- tlcaion Yo thnk t te aguoli etfntight put a speahing trumpat te the- pochetanerpel tlig lmi, et o ex-Thaltolln you tinsofyenanet wrtear. but you coulti not waka thedtant- Ià Ht ..L pecs prpeualdayigh ofjoy Tk, tlli yor fiens yu ae nt wrthnesa. No motion. No Ibreli. No lite. wil st trr whlenor the hli- a dollar. You Irnew net how yen will Still, stili!1 surit o etatr wie ever bning your chidron homo front zen. Thli shatiews wll lengthen. Whila sebool. Yen wender bew yen will So e dall contes te the tise!ple. Wbnt G ent' s u n * h * E h iponk, mauy et us stand lu the very stand the seing et yonrlibrary or the fîesne iel bu est ~1~ 1S[11 S illantving into a plainer lieuse. The Jeassla the tayspring fretn on higli; heur describat lu the text, "for i t istentunas et lita bave accumulatet. tht' JerpetuaL morning et every ran- towarti evening." The roqucat et the You wenclar wbat maires the sky se omdspiit. Wat if the tarknosa taxt is appropriaea for soet e h- clatk.Ir, is ovart eveniug. cones? Jases is tha liglit et the werîlllaving a large stock of Christy Stiff and Feit ilats fore te. wanatabs01 Fr witb then t i l rtsTobltloehcary tht mixsoet evo. Wulat thoui ast 01s and I amn determinedto run them off at a tremiendous the ovoning et olti e. Tbey have àL great many drafts, bitter anti seur PartyliueescubeJn passedtheziameritilan et lite. Thay ara anti nauseous, anti you imuat drink prepareti a bouse oet many mansions. dise ou.5ntd$200sllnga 2e n sometimes dtartle tilt think hew olt sene noe thom. Troubla puts up Joas lasi the anchor that always holds:dicon. iatwoh l0ad 20se ng t25 ad thoy are. Tbey do net, howovver, lika a grant many packa, anti yen mustr Jeassla th e hght that la nover eclîps- 50e Don' t iss your chance, te avaetersreari uen t.htob-carr.y soene n fetthet. Thora la ne et. Jeassla îte fountain that la nover ors suggeat their approximation towart scandaI se ll thrani el ajushtet but ohausteaidt e tlo feagtaer, nGn Furnishings J have Print Shirts and Ties at venamable apponrauce tbiey say, "Wby, snetir ilark lrnl t hr uzgu niiIi lete h abr 1 -n' l'i net se elti afttr ail." T'f ois n o seunt sosee t but the unter- ing niglit! indoat, notice that te nti w htl f thehmnaueadbcbttgo nme.Te ano lit tairer's screwdrîver graros throngh it. Yen are aLmost Ibrongli with the greatly redueed prices. qulta se mueli as once. Tboy cannet h ti ai htte tth una aualieu akbno ton is.Te walk quite se test. They cannot rend heart seftet th lreats ntust break. , aiynn more hy ovil nanes. If yolihav n u amnsta edrpii quio s wol wtbet sectcle TloyThe jouruey front Jerusalent te Etn- 5our gooti deeta will ne longer ho mis- aeayfu am nsta ed rpiig caner se aily rtocovospfrot a cong ltanars willl soon ho enclot. Our Bible, interpretot uer your houer fîîched. The o is the time to brilig them in. canot o esiy rcovr fOm t cughsene, urobservation, troubles et earth w-lont lu the felici- 10 or any eccasional aliment. Tboy baveOu cotn en, our his Twrdeeun ITe eeae lest their teste torm merriment. They reitorates in touas iChat ne canner mis- te oadeeig1Tebrae are surprisoti at the quicir passeaetftake anti onglt nou wisogrd mnset earth wllon horlsttedt.Yn the yecar. 'fhey say that it 0on1Y seetlms l oar vnlg il meilogrstn oRche a litlewhii ag tha tley wro oys Oh, thon, for Jesus te abitie witb ns. your grief lu the tomrî, dr ico Tvarte wgie ngo a it îl erd u.lerelioys.hecpli xtrada the weeping fer lier chli dren or David Iss~fetiu n horheîri suîtl Hor ie wipe the bar.Ho hueaseurntng for Absalont. Tears wipeti.,1 lutor in so tetbing lu their hlia ore-in h tempoat. Ho, soothes the sAot thal away. Seorrews tarminatet. No more u wnaLir istiongluthinr dingtiua-flsteHmfrseto. 'o h Il i nding et the test. match. Toward oatin, soeteining aeve, semeing -swe op anti the eureelytien cross rhe avening! Dealli will coma sweet as benathon, sntehing avhi n t eint sea. Let the thusters oar. Soit ail stunther te the oyelids oft th babe, BOW\aA'fvIL~LE. Practical Furier, beesietonh ngla witethig. ei will ho well. Clislt lu the slip te as ful rations te a starviug solder, as ier at wt e ul is t e bavaeliig soothe Ris f rients. Christ on the ses te evening heur to the axhantet work -___- --____ Jeans chico witli thet. t ila adis- stop ils tumnît. Christ in the grava e tan. Tho Iry rli afire onstaus et mal thing to ehogtting oIt withhut the scatter thse tarirnesa. Christ in thegiowe orasy cei a rtiere astevcry 7 rejuvenating influence et religion. Wbon hoavens te lest the way. Biessat ail ireda glaymirer, ibn thesars weo stop on the cown grade et lite sucli., Ris arts will incloso thent, Risfgueidlcaemttcibngteirto' G ll al S r . cn sa hl l listhîe verge et the grace conr tetRs liglit choor Yn ret ilanuc it; your colt river, we want te beboît soene atheta, Ris sacrifice troc the-t, i pulse ipsl hatit; er ijeya wrngýili , [ to near whe wlll holp us acroas t. .Vho go i nchesnt thent. If cartly e vato i or iswilwisa1",~ Twr thes 5ght loses ira power te glanico anti taire wings, Ho wil hcanauincorruptiblae eug_____________________________________ Lgarber up, we neodth îe tai tistat eau treasure. If friands tie, lie will ha________ _____________________ illumitne. Wben we feel the failureof etliir resurrection. Standing with us the car, we neeti the, clear toues efith le norning et oui jey eut lu the EXHAUSTIVE BODY EMIOTIONS. utoee u e pig tc fCoh o vr tisat voice wnich lu Chat oldeti tinte neonday et our proapenity, lie will net Js pndornwSrn tc fCoh o vr bree p the silence eftIhe dent with ferseire us wheu the instar las tatiat catencae ofntercy. When the axton sud t it tward evening. i - ertoiii Provoatîve et suiellide St t oats, Suits and Pantino's the clîoieest and laro'est lot of et teatis hew ton-n wboia terets et Liaten te Psnul'a hettie about with Reld lit Constant Checki. gosee hw nti ilg.N wi h iet r stegnanti beeuty ercunt us and tîstortune. liarir te mounting Lati- Ona of the, new cllcoveries oet ygiene gosee hw nti ilg.Nwi h iet re we re l i lttadew~e neati the mterls tire soug. Lok et the glery that lovare et diin orcte siug dl urou las reft the tungeon anti tilleti the la the tact that inthle entIlons we your Spring Suit. See our Pants mnade to order for $2.50. tbranches. When the sbedewa begin te eartli anti hoavens witb the crash et have nilhit ourselves an affective teast t aîl anti we feel C-bar the day la fer the flling manecies et tosptistn. And et suicide. hf the emolita are net Suits to order for $8.00-no equal anywhere. 1spent, we neet test et ailteoaupplicete thon lok at those whe have triedt t at rthe slroug, beneticeut Jesus in the cura theumselves by huntan prescrip- properiy rostrainet ndregulatet the - payr t havllaer, Abtewih stions,atlenting te hesi gangrena witli body may ba slowly but surely wn J l G c r es foar i l ow var evAuing. husa pstch ot court plester andt testop eut, oven vitheut the sutterer himselfIntâ ce i t The request efthte taxtisl an appro- the plegue et tyîug empires wîlh the suspecting what the secret cairerv is. priate exclamation fer ailtChose wbe are quacirary et earthly wistoin. Nerhing Dr. M. L. liolliroi, shows the import- wýe still lead. Having bougaiu a lot of Siugar before the pp luth i ntbng esier dan unstrap our crushing burdens, ance etfireeping our boil expensent et advanee in pbrice, we are offering something spDeeîal. A

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