KIRBY. Messrs. Roert aud Wmi. Clemouce, ËOWMANVILLE, AUG. 11), 1869. Port Hoe, visitod Mr. John Clomeuce, recently. ... Mr. and Mrs. Wlilliam Iiugh- SOLINA.sou, Lindsay, visited Mr. James Power, SOLINA.recenitly... .Mrs. Luke Frame, Toronto, visited her sister, Mrs. A. Marr.. . .Mr. The Sens enjoyed a monstreus fced ef A. Mrrei's new blacksmîth shop l5 110w ico cream Friday night .. .Mrs. A. J. complete ..TuE STATESMAN wauts a Reyuolds, Scarbor o Junction, is visiting neiv correspondent ut Kirby. Apply ut friends here .. . .Mr. Jas. A. Werry has once te the Editor. gone te En-land Mr. W. J. Gord ef towu visiteâ here* ast week.,. . .Mrs. R. Ministers, Lamryers, Teachers, and J. Pascoe is visiting hier parents ut others whose occupation g-ives but little Drayton .. . .Miss Mosetta James, Bow- oxercise, shenld use Carter's Little nianville is visiting ut Roselandvale.... Liver Pills for terpid liver and bilions- Mr. M. W. Pascoe is homefrom Brigh- ness. Oue a dose. Try them. ton te resnme his studies previons te geiug te Toronto. Loyal Crusaders under command et Mfiss Lanra Hogarth COLUMBUS. will picule ut Willow Point, Saturday aftinoeu.PaetSnefTm ruc and the public generally are cordially iuvited. Mr. Natbanoel Mortonsea, a well knowu citizen ef Isphemiug, Mich., and editor Suprer Postn, who, for a long time, snffered tromn the mos4 excrucîatiug pains o et.iinmatism, was cured, eight years ugo, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, having neyer feit a twiuge ef [t siace. ENNISKILLEN. Messrs. Will and Fred Grant, Misses Nellie and Emma' Grant, Toronto, visitod ut Mr. W. H. Martin's recently .... Visitors : Messrs. Walter Robbinýs aud Malveru, guests et Mr. Wesley Oke; Miss Maynard, Toronto, vîstîng friends; The Misses Fergntson,Torento, viiig their grundpareuts ; Miss Ror1ke v1isitiug lu T oronto ; Mr. J. Lee returnod te Pickering te take charge ef bis school ; Methodist Choir gives a Song Service Sabbath evening; a speplul collection te assist lunpurchuse et new music,.The Mitchell l3ros.well tund and rîîgged looIking have re- turued frem theïr canoe trip te Stoney Lakze havin thoroughly enjoyed their outing'. Master llarold dived te the bettom et the Lindsay Locks te sec if they were lu geed repair ut their lowest depths .... .Miss Nellie Oram, Toronto, after visiting her hait-brother, Mr. A. Gifford, tewn, lias been a guest et Mrs. Juo. Hoskin. Deraugement ef the liver, with con- stipatien,in jures the complexion,iuduce pimples, sllow skin. Remove the cause by usîug Carters Little Liver Pis. (Que a dose. Try them, BLACIISTOCK. Recent Vstors: Misses Bingbaîns, Woodville, ut Mr. James Homnes; Mr. Bert Small and Mr. Arthur Gibson, To- ronte, guests et Misses Fernie MeLean and Lila Williamson; Miss Heekins, Toronîto , gnest of Miss J. Mime; Mis. Nettie Henry,gnest et Miss Eva Heolmes; Mrs. James Luwson visitiuoe Miss E. Williumson; Mr, Joe. Monntjo vHaydon gnest et Miss Launa Williamnsoiî; r. and Mrs. Trewin, Walkertou, ut Mn. Henry Polon's; Miss Bella Shackleton was visiiug Mrs. and Miss Wood; Mr. Allie Pollen was the gnest et -Miss Lily Hooey, Southî Cartwright; Miss Ida Purr is viHitiîîg frionds iii Peterbere; Miss JAî1rîu Williainienlis VisitiË& £tiewds in Pontvpool; Mr, Sain. Rear., visited with Miss Woods; Mrs. Mahood and Miss Osbornîe visited îitb Mrs. Thos. Archer; Mrs. and Miss McLaugh- lin et Lindsav visited ut Mr. J. Y. McLaughlin's, Mr. Herb, Larmer has gonte Calitorulu;- Mr.- George Fish, T0 oroti isitiuoe his brother, Dr. W. A. Fish. . .. An oid fuslion qiltiug bec ut Mrs. James Helmes' last Tuesday Directers et tho Maple Leaf Fine Iu- surunco Ce. met Menday and passed ovor $100,000 lusurouco. The Maplo Leaf bas been lu existence net qulte a yoan aud is carrying oer hait a million .... Miss Hazel Steel. et Belleville, is visitiug Mrs. Wmn. Purves. . .. Mr. Fred Browu, et Tornto, is visitlnoe his mother.... Presbyteriau Gardon 7artv was a grand success....- Mr. R. McLureui bas been eugagod as toucher in Solinu. J. S., says: "I Nuas lu a droadfnlly woak aud nerveus condition, unable te rest und nttcrly unfit for work, and Miller's Compnud Iron Pils cnned me. CLARKE UNION. Messrs. R. Moment and H. Simpson attend Clarke Union Prayer Meetings. ...Mr. Joseph Fox has had inflamation li his oves. Miss Ida Sonch visited trieuds lu Toronto ..Mr. aud Mrs. Elias Berry speut sonie days ut lake Scngog. . .. Mr. James Conneli was the frst aronnd bore te complote hurvest... .Miss Carscadden. Wesloyville, aud Miss Robinson, Purt Granby, were gnests et Mr. Jamies Tamblyn... .Mat Elliott, dreyer, Kingston, hus boon througb the section. 'Mat's face is tam- iliar te most people althonghb this is his first visit iu ton years. Wby dou't yen, try Carter's Little Liver Pis? They are a positive cure for sick headacho, aud ail the !Ils pro- dnced by disondered liver. Ouly oe pili a dose. MILLBROOK. A large numbor et our citizous. ac- compauied by fieuds fnom West Dur-- hum and Northumberland are enÎeiug themsolvos ou our bauntitul camping grounds ou the shores et Rice Lako and thb toae River. lu the list are Mn. Wesley Walsh and family. Mn. John Steele and famîly, Miss Ethel Payne und the Misses Cochrane. A jolly party with four largo tents pitcbed lu a înost pîcturosque spot ou the nonthi shore of Rice Lake, opposite Long Island and kuowîî us Dawsou-s Lauding, censists of Messrs, W. J. Gardinîer, WMalter and Fred Ceembe, Fred Pendrie, Bertram Nugent, Rev's. Jas. P. Berry auJ Duy Mrs. Wlîyte, Misses Elena M. Ryres unid Maud Nugeut, al et Millbreok- Miss Sin- and Mss Edith E, Sing, et Port Hope; Miss Lîllilan StapeuCoun. MisSrah Gardiner, Kingston; Mr.l J. A. James, Bownanvilie. Diseuse attacks the weak and debilit- ated. Keep yourselt healthY and streug by takiug Hood's Sarsapanilla. ORONO. TYRONE. Visitons: Mn. A. Barber, Branmpton;1 Mrs. R. Hoidge, Mrs. Moore, Mliss T. P. lloîdge, Toronto; Mrs. ilarris, Detroit;j Miss Ethel Spunling. Bowmanville .... Mr. Chas. Salnders lef t this weccI te at- tend Winnipeg Normai Sehool- , ~.n Thos. Smith lett for IIoilaud, Manitoba. ouTuesday .... Pleased te learui Messrs' J. and R. Huwýkey are convalescent.. Mr. Ed. H-awkey has gone te take charge et his ne w sehool ut Whitevâle-. .Miss M. Cade lntends leaviug fer Woodstock H. S. shortly, preparatery te tryiug Priinary Exams. 1 IIAYDON. The Pionlo uat Mr. Thos. Siemon's Thnrsday was a snccess. .Miss Maud Ashton bas returued trom visiting lu Oshawa ... . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown, Toronto, visitod bis sister, Mrs. W. H. Creeper... Saurday as Mr. Samnel Weedley w-us retuning fromn the grist- miii with 1500 lbs et chîop, somne children got ou the wagon. Oiue littie girl in oeettîig off teok three others with ber. hender Trick feil in front et the wlîeel. his arm was broken and the wheel cross- cd ovor George Cneepen's back, but next day ho was uppareutly littie theo worse. MOUNT VERNON. Miss Edith A ýrgue has returned from lier visit ut Bethuuv; Mr. G. S. MnIrray has retnrned home te resuime bis -wýork ut scheol; Dr. Viîîton, Ciluton, Mr. Short, Guelph, gnests et Mr. James Heutîle; Mr. Norman Heatîle our pep- ular toucher has been ou a trip thronglî the western country ou bis îvhoel; Mrs. Samuel Allia and sou Edg-ar , Bowman- ville, ut Mr. Wm. Sonch'S; mn.. Wm. Gilbert, is ut his son's. .Miss Myna Heuatiie entertained hier S. S. cluss ou Tnesday last; Miss Heutlie bad overy- thiuoe anrauged se as the littie eues on- je tlîeînselves immeusely. Flossie Heddou oained the prizo in the potato race .. ome et the farmers think it about tiîne Rev. C. 0. Jolînston came te Euniskilleu as it is gettiug pretty dry weather. MAPLE GROVE. One et Mn. W. B. Gimblett's horsos droppod doad while drawino. a stoam englue last week.,..Mn. fred Smith has neceivod a ulce silvor modal trom Dr. Baruardo for bis goed couduet during bis six years adoption wltlî Mýrs. Harnden ..Miss Mamie Mnnday has retuned from a preloîîged visit lu Western Ontario. Mrs: Simpson et Chathami came with bier to speud a tew days with bier sister Mrs. M. Munday.. .Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foley are speîd- in a few duys ut Lako Simncoe. . .. Mr. R ý. L. Mason, Deonport, Iowa, Mr. Earnie MeLean, Port Hope, and Miss Nellie Axtord, Toronîte, bave been visitiug frieuds here. . .. Mr. Mark and Miss Bertie Mnduy, Mr. Riobent and Miss Beatrico Stevenîs iisited friouds lui Port Hope ..Miss Aunis rosuiiied lier prefessieul dutios ut the academv on Mouday leoking quito freslî atter- ler yuctiuÀ HAMPTON. Mrs. W. Elford is i isitîng lier son, Byron ut Chicaoe Ii... . Mrs. J. Teins ad dang-hter, 'ýof ente, i isited friends here receutl . ... Mr and Mrs. D. H. Coutes, Brantford, visited ut Mr. J. Y. Colo's.*... Mrs. E. Robbins is visitiug relatives ut Stirling..Mrs. A. Great, Toronto, is visitinig ut Mr. F. J. Greoat's. ...Miss Dunar is guest et Miss M. Rogor's . ... Miss Beer, Orone, is visiting lier nle. Mn. W. Beer.... .Mî. W. $70,000,000 ASSESTS. Mr. E. B. Wiiliamv, Chief Ranger of Court Pride of Ontario No. 6000, A.O0.F. Lias given, us some interesting informa- tion c oncerning this old and well tried institution. It is now, 106 years eld and is not an experiment but a tried reality. Its membership, over 900,000, meeting in 8,442 Courts, rests secure in the lu- creasing surplus of over $70,000,000 of which over $29,000,000 is in cash and securities readily available. The Society iu Canada holds $70.18 for every $1000 of insurance carried _by it, a record possessed by ne other Soeiety in the world. The AÂncient Order of For- esters is found wherever the flag of Britain has been unfurled. With its beautiful ritual, liberal sick; and funeral benefits, its saf e and sound insurance plan it is a boon te the working man throughout the world. Last vear it paid out lu benefits over $9 every mninute, and yet added the magnificent sun of $1,139,045 to its immense reserve. The Court meets on first and third Wednesday every monthin the Forest- ers' Rail over McMurtry's store. The principal officers are - Ed. Williams, UD. R. ; Rich. Hambly, S. C. R.; J. N. McDougaîl, Secretary ; L. Jollow, Treasurer; J. T. Rooper, T. IL. Spry, Jas. Saunders. Trustees, 26-3m. ROCHESTER ROUTE. S T E A NI E R NOIRTH RIEN Comnmencing 27th April. Read Down. Week Days. Read Up. 8.00 a.m. Lv Rochester,N.Y.O, Ar 8.30p.ra 8.30 " * Charlotte ' 7.30" 1.00 p.m. Ar. Cobourg Lv.1.15 " 1.45 Port at>pe "2.30 " H. H. GILuiERSLEEVE, J. H. JUTRY, Agent. mgr. Kingston. Farmers Buy Your "TWIN E" BRANTFORD, ONT. Peter Murdoch, Agent, Bowmauvilie. them elsewhere, is it anybody's business if youd o. trade growTs by giving sucli values as these. Our thatin can e% imain as al ramp a 1~ -m _______ b hand for sale, cash onlyI pure Mani0o)z $4010, partly covered by insurauco. e M_4. 1 w tÀAiÀÀf<ir fni-tyj,,r n" ne iii Montreal Qu"lec -. 1i ur 15 Augipm M, 2â5 v..S arn., THIE BUSINESS 15 If you eau buy goods from us cheaper than you eau buy 1 kLoyallUail;ýeýealnýnLPs- -1- -* -1- U . ---1 Q - 14- 4'-'- ý - -f- 36 inch white Cetton, special 7c. a yard. 72 inch unbleached twelled sheeting at 16c, regular 20e. 34 inch fine heavy Grey cotton, 4e a yd. Extra heavy Oxford Shirtings 28 inch, for 10c. a yd. 1 yd. wide Apron Checks fer lOu. yard, regular 121c. 88 îcli Embreidered (fast colors) Apron Linen 27c. a yd.,special. 64 inch Bleached Table Linen, regular 75e. for 58c. Ladies' Pure Silk Gloves regular 40c. for 25c. Extra fine Stiaker Flannel 34 inch for Ile, a yd., regular 13c. 36 inch ail wool Dîress Serge, blk and colored at 25c. a yd., special. 34 inch Surah Twill Waist Lining ut 10c. regular 12ùc, Ladies' bouse Blouses, very pretty patterns 39c. reruar 50c. and $1.00. Pure Old Brown Windsor Soap ut le. a cake. "ýOur Own" 31b. Bar Soap 2 for 2be., special. Condensed MiIk for Home use, pienie &c., 2c. a ean, special. Reindeer Brand Condensed Coffee, an ideal preparation 32e a can. Men's 2 indl Silk Four-in-hand Ties 15c. or 2 for 25c. reg. 25c. each. Men's and Boy's Heavy Linen Collars, 3 for 35c. IVen's White Laundried Shirts, extra fine and heavy, $1,00, reg. $1.215. Ladies' Dong. Butt. Turn Sole for $1.50 worth $2 9-5. ce Lace cc 99c. " $1.35. Ox. tup. CC cc C4$1.05 Il $1.50. Misses Ox. tip- (C cc cc 98e. , $1,25. Youth's Strap Kid Ox' 75c. cc $1.00. 8 prs. only men's dong. kid. Congress for $1.15 worth $1,50. A few sizes milking shoes for 55e worth 90e. Ail Truuks at actual cost price this month. ONCE U.SED, ALWAVS U.SED CELON TEA IS THE TEA FOR THE PEOPLE. In lead packets only. From Grocers and Gener-