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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1896, p. 2

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'f-i. H e dach iiii-i v.51se rublei. eue ~ a b~iiîs St. -'tiivsri n, i 5cL LMîiees N oru. i- ii-mss.Dîss .zi i Z-Larlbiet s 110-n i la u e un ,i Ffdachi', yul Csncs Lri irînLiviePirxl a-reouallyeulmmatle ini Constipation, euriti% a npreveiîtig iisanti i-ing comsilaint. chili tihi aIse correct all cisurdera uortie stotuacis wliolate thse liver ami r-gtlate the bowelà ~L.uif tbey ouy cureil .&cb they wouid bu alumosi pricelesa 10 tisose w-h sufer fromo tiss distre mung cumpîtint; -itlfortunately ilseir fgoodneis doua flot end t)e and ihoe si-i aonce tr-y them w 11iid tiFm e itlepills valtiable is acywJyta iIe will ehot ho silling t. <la wthou.t te. lulfter ail sicif heiad tg tlbane of somans' livs that here fiawhere w«Fi sake our greni boast. Our pille cure lu- WJW 1thersdo nuf. <itTrR's ILtrLivrn Pecce are very smial aadery easytf0take,. Ormu or fao pille malze a dse Tlîey are strictly vegetabe andI du nOstriPe or purge, hbat by iheir genfle adti-i Plenre lil Who use theni. lu vials et 25 ceat,. fJ-ea-r Sl Solctuverywheru, or sent by mm-rL CAPTEZ EDI~rOZIl', G., lev York. MOR TWIENTY-SIX YEARS. DUN LIRGEST SALE IN CANADA. ONTARIO BANK eontinies to do a General Bankiag Business ]B0Wznnviile Agency. DEPOSITS eotIdn Savlngs Bank Depart,înent and on cal nhitereýst allowed atourrent rate$ Na nottec ýot, t1 era-wal necessary. AUl deposite Payauie uon dumand, EXCHANGE '90" tand sold and Draftaissuned upon EnropO lUalt d Stt.auadGCanadaalsoaol,Sîâverand tValtefStates Grenbacksbouirht and sald. COLLECTIONS Prampty madeanrrent rates uvo aail paît cf Gre .t tfa, the United States and the Doilneon o fOanad. Made for lre or email am on ail paurt u, versonsliving i Mniloeba or the Nrhaî ftus thufund.r available au onace ant he Place of payrnent. Otisr articulars calet the banik. B. L. FOT, GtO. iiGILiL, Adcounuanb. Mngr 0F HARs0 Coming ont every day and you don't know what to do to stop it. Botter try 11AIRENE It pre-rents falling ont of haïr, ridg the scalp of? hair destroying germas, nourishus the hair foilicles, antd pro- motes a vigorous growth of Isaïr. wdII(Uu-1 fl of son ple W ante -Afithlng to patent? P>roteet yordeSq; they may yon weaith. WrIte JOHN ÎWEtDEICBHN & 00., Patent Attor. heya, Washington, D. C., for their $l,StO prize offer1 and IlIaI of uo hundreli inventions wanteil. The Most Ecollomical 1 ..House Warmer The "K-lsey" Corrugated f Warm Air Ganerator. 0 Any srdinary Hot Air Fur'iace will produce heat if you c-ili ony supply euîîtgh fuel. The SKesev " ha s s-erai speciai aîîd valuabie features but muai importait la ihat ih will gîve Mlore lcat wlt ls e fuel sud is the most durable Isater mnade.f Tihe " Kis2y'1 fire pot bing constructed et severai spnight, tîrbular, corîîîgaîed, cast iran seiias ('ete ut) arouind ahich the ired passes znd up thraugh ;vhich the coid airpasses Swiebigh-ated, ced hisenrtireasectioin Z.ig raped ith a heavy steel casing which heconies heaed Iîy, se lire' sîrîking lu ahen passieg down outs'de ut uprigbt secios towards snoki pipe, it inlutu w arme thse air ý hat.passes up btwe-'n îl-.ý steel pcaýsog and the sl gaveed iron casieg, Ibis eupli why thse " Keleety' bas three timers more radiating Ssurface and warm aie capacity than an ordi- N n ary Ftrace,. The ceKelsey - beaîs every rumeceeny, weresoever iecated, with aice, nilli, healtitelwirm air that will not injure your tuisiitire. diTant.Kelsey 'will bec; roems 60 feet t IThe" Kelsy" doesanôt h eat your cellar. The" Kelsey "is absolutely gas and dut prout. Sled for descriptive catalogue. THE JAMES SMART MFS. CO. f BROCKVILLE, Ont., Exclusive maltera for Canada. L'or saln Dy IL. Worth, Bowmianvil±e. ga"m.-sei.,t aou.c ,fiU mialas. cru us travelhed manch furtiser tiT ts aia tinte, hý lad drivon tise1ce outwardt Lni the lonig lte eevdfroinNanuentý hie sa"s notliilng o? bis tiseory o? tise nonsh flowxing current whicis lie s0 ieh- uriuushy fortiflid vitis arguments; but lie doe say repaatedhy tisat lie fou-nd tise ice moving witistise prevailing w inde. No].tise leas]. ofthe important relsulte lie attained is tise feci tisa]. hie theery dld net stand tise test o? ex- amination ; and in il.s scientific and geu- graphie aspects thure cen b'- no douist ihat Nancen's journey ixili ranis amung thse ntclt succeseful o? Arctic, enter- pri4-es. H1ebas doute for the western part e? tise Aeuant Arctic Oceen wliat Die Long did for tise emasfra part, wits an augmentation o? tiesa ientiic f un- Ëurufs o? tise ixor tisa]. beloaags to ibis later ercc o? pnlar researchs. Nansieas sLhip and siedge- traýci being, jus]. about equiii latise net progatese mude to t'aîtsof tise Jeannette, tise Asian Arcjto Occa am s noi e ben tra- ver-sud fer front lend by tîvo expedi- tions, thpr tracs nearly aîeeting in tiso neigbersod o? tise Newv Siberian Islands and tisen xvidehy diverging. Ia tise enstern segment tise hittie islands discovered byý De Long miay lie equai ta extent to tise lansîde ound by Nan- sua, ivio reports new isaînds net fer front.tise Amelan coas. in tise Kara Sua and aïs far uast as Cap' ýCisulynakin, tise ntost nortisucn point o? Asia. 115 route iahorig tise ccraeu ceene to have Luen cousiderably aurtis ot Nordensk- ,îoldsl', for tt explorer, skicîing tise coast quite ciusehy as a mule, discoverud many islaads there. Nxanîsen, isow-ever, found fresh evidencas otise glacial epîocis, wisen nortsera Siburia xas cov- ered xxithi an ice cala Tis s lal tise met-e interesting bucausu Netnsen pro- baxbly knoies tsotising yut o? tise strik- ing proufs o? Siberia's JS agu collucted by Baron Tohl ieutise commander o? tise Frant strfed ton hic juursaey. Neither De Long nor Naenuhec fousad land large or smahlla tise pett of tisis sua tisai are mure rumotu front tisa continents. At tise eost nortlura point ie reaclaod Naîteen wxas driting nortis rapidfly, and tise ire saoved se ?reehy buforu tise wirid tisai. sure îcould bave buen ne land te stop it for a long distance. Hic expedition gous far to conirnthtie belle? lisat tise part of tise mhrctic Ocean tiortis of Asic, contains a verY stiail area o? land as compared wit tise stier portions o? tis sua. Nansen hec made onu discovery that xcili gceatly surprise- ocuanograpsurs. Noîisere wtiin tise polar ares isad soundinge yet buen made iadicating thiat tise Arctic Oceart Le anything but a doin- psratively sihallow cea. Tise deepeet soundinge la the S'pitzbergen or Barents Sea are oaiy front 100 te 200 fatisonts. Sonte deptîs <,?of-rer a milu have ben ?rsund Le the East Greuniand Sua, tisûugb mos]. otise soimdings tisere point to ai bigis suismarine plateau, witi sose abrupt depressions. Tise contparatîvuly t Tisa motives tisat iinpel' patriotis t Frncimunto euie avtii .fro(>ntthe * Czatr are inlteIligible enoU>gi, and yult i usure ctouid szarc-ely bua:moreiln- tut-esonte lproceedîng. As tise sun rises -over tise firýst day o? hie guet'ý-s so- t joura ln thse Frencis capital, Presideat 1 Faure ru-'igît wel jaculate: "Would 'tweure nigisi, Hal, andi ahi were iveli!" The hast viiit of a Czar to Paris w-as 3f raught ivitis no auspicieus augury, -for t wiil bu rentenbered tisa]. wise Alex- aduc Il., went tisitiser Le 1867 as the gues]. o? Napoicua III., bu xvas distut- ed. and as l'." suite tisonglt, insultud, by tise cay- "Vive la IPologne!- aised. as 1]. happened, by a Frencisman dus- tiaed to bucomnte a Prime Minister e? tise Tiird IREtpublic. Bn].tiscantise umacipation o? tisa Russan serfs lad maade a les3 deep impression on tise F'renacis mmd tisan tise rigorous extir- pation o? tise hast Plishl'insurrection, and ne maceUld foresee tisa]., but for tise veto c? liai ivio ias then lier gues]., us- Gai-mamilitary partyîvoid eub- ject France to tise scOUge o? ai second invasion Le? ere sisa bad recuvered front tise exisaustion o? 1870-71. Tisere leý noie no intelligent Frencbmaa ivbo doe not know tisa]., but for tise firnt stand takua agains] Bisntar-ck by Alexander Il. i:utvuen 1873 and 1875, hls dcained^ and di'ememberud ceunt-y oouid have Le-n rrentedlably ci usied. Net- Le usure [onu wvis cm refus-i to recognize tisat it ias by tise vittuai alliance e oaclud- cd iriti Alaxnndî'r III. tisai France vas at lest chie to reoume ber rigisiful place antong tise powers o? Europe. Wisatever L, tise definition o? gratitude, a mestacd- kaoxi-vludgntent of favors reeivedl or a liveiy sense o? fa-rors to conte, tise feel- ing shouhd inel patriotic Fruncismen to gi-rutise y«ung Czar sucl a ivel- ýUI"c aIIýfflil cnvnB l sutai a Sir Benjamin Richardson, tisa-distia- aneasue o? is ar be iino ore iic alguisiscd Englisis piysician and medical anasltemnrli en mr n-w-iter, says thaf - seven out o? every tua po-ssible to-day than it wae whlin L]ciSi sonnd and resanabla peuple ougs.tut XVI. sent Rîochambeau te upbold tise live to bu 110 yecrs ohd, and xvould 'dou cause e? tise United Statuel. smo if tisey "tueis catie o? thentselves." lise fect tisat tisere have been centen- The unpleasanifeet reains tisa]. arians and that some. are etîhh living la some Frencismen are not patriote, but uvury country o? civilisation is prou?' avow more syntpathy for Nihihis. as- hiat tise suntan machimne Le capabhle o? sassins tIen for tise liad o? a dynasty lasting as long as Six Benjamin says it wviicis las unqueerionabhy saved tiseir ougît t iat. 1? tise feu cam I-ruse countr-y net only from furthur mutil- long, wis bould net tise many bua able athea, but fa-usatiseno le$a fata enI - o reci equal fulees o? years? er o? ýel?-cOnte9npt- Tise -Anaýrchiste Vcry esmeful exantinations have baisa ivio coul'd mu-dem su uprigisi aad mecis made to discover tise secret o? tise noxv au man am Carnet are niot 'lukely Itoeuxceptional iengevity, thcentetisods o?' ,vaste mueli theugision th' ea-ii con- life, tisa regimen, and the'peculiar pliy- sequencus o? aliunating tise ussian sical constituriGn o? tise centenariane. peule cruarblyfren rane. 1 But'tise diffe-rence, betweea tbem and aailer ro Le feiared tlat they, deiire totise rmn o? tisur nelgihbore in tliese re- sue tis-ir -couîntry frien-dhuss' and lielp- spaýYcte doue s].tsuent to bave heen mark- lue,'SC) fia- as f oreiga on r r in ed. At any rate, au facte have been eh- cerne, tiai d maybueoe moeaun- tiLed front xxhich can bu deduced any- ilY the preY o? bar internai neie.tig approncising a laxv tisa.can bu Frightful, indeed, is 1].t-elntmpat laid doxxn for tisa attcining o? sncb long- ,wlat hartmcmy bu, don" to France ]7)y evity. Sente o? the centenariens are ru- ile acf o? an individucul, for ail ojthujr imarisahie for tisuir abstemiousne-ss and pua-poses inane and impotent, but ixisotise crupulous came tisey taise o? tiseir -xougist toe cpitclio? ?runz'y l'Y an- healtis; but tise run o? tisunt have iseenj archis.ic doctrines, shtsuld, like ise as- fonnd te live ILke tiset-est e? peuple wbo 'sasýsin o? Carne]., bu willing tosarfc do nu]. wantcaly t nroiv away tiseir stock. conthîctuug edaimis tisat last year caused cGerrnany mnd'Russia tu concur in the e isarsis judgrnent tisat t was btter cf tleave Armenia to lier fat'e tisan tu bugin -tise pi-ceuse o? interference, whicli would iinevitabhy lead te tise disruption o? tht -Ottoman Empire. Tiseare signa, isnwever,, o? a muddeî amd ntarkud change o? p.îuicy ai St. Put- sersburg, cansed by tise fervent sym- patliy o? tise Ruasian people for theit co-religioniste la Crete, Itle srepurted tisa].tishe Czar je iacilined to conntenaniiu a blocisadu of Crete by a Britishs fluet fo'ot îl purpese net of hindering tise despctcis o? munitions o? war to the ia- surgente, but e? obstructing tisa rein- forcement e? tis- Turissîtruope now lu île ris~land. Tise struggle tisere xvould Le suon ovur if this plan -vire carried out., fer tise Cretan iCîristiens onînunt- ber thiseir Muientm iglbors la a ratio variousiy rcumputed at fron t tree to one to seven to oneý t is also to bu aoted tînt ties amne motive wviicis xxuuld impel Russia to taise tis course ini regard to Crete, wouhd operate ivitis a]. easr uqual force Letise case o? Mac- edeonie, fer tisere nof onhy are tise CiriLS- tien insaiitants members o? tise su- called Or]. lisdox Clurcis, but hlio? thern are e? tise Slavonie racef But a wlllingness to taise some practicai step on hehaif of Macedunia luaplies a me- nunciation o? tise ettentpt to propnp Ottoman mule and e recognition o? tise fart se, long ignored tisatishe sole sein- tien'o? tise Eastern question je tise par- tition efus-i Suican's iniseritanco. Sliould a cbang-r of frunt ha- made, tise civ5ized xvorld woýld hsave reason to rejelce for then tise remnant o? the Armienians would ai lest find a protect- rv-e during tise w-ar againet tise lidi.1 At present 6,000 and 7,000 seIls buelonging to tise Britishi Gov- mrent are enýgaged la tise advance Dongola in tise Soudan, and tise Gev- mrent le etill buying largely, su îLot obably lefore tise autumn campaign éver tisose numbers will lie et lues]. Lbl&i. As tise camels are obtainud ey are organize-d into companies o? eacli. - d is o Su a I tu ta te i BE tht tir st. an ti adi As rta mu of an( up an( fui o? o? liai oif xxe: vit can ti) Cori stel jus anc doe cul ton o? feel ais( f rui feui tisa net per a re. ber ili are la]. suci cha: In canc 50,0 COU inl ploý o? o? Seri Mal eau eraf on urm prol 5< ( doit tise. 400 hie anaian Statsma.f ew soundings nortis of Our continent ies own worthleýselif<u to the exec-ution The__________________________show shallow water at a considerable j of a feIl design.ditnefrn ad.BtNnaap WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2, 189 pea-re to have discovered persistent histta hepsn dtub ____________________________depthsa o? 1,600 to 1,900 fathonis north a- sy i thlantsepesentare itr- of 79 degrees north latitude, W3iehane ntu aknpnisaarvi- ed witih su, muci anxiety in Europeý-? NOTES AND COMMENTS wilI tend to upsiet seme theeories oft oc- jTise Foreign Offices remained indîffur- e'anic physie based upon the notion ent, wiile Armeenia was made a slaugbt- If Dr. Nansen had carried ont hie plan of a shallow Arctic sea. He and corneeriosanawstndCeebcm to drift acrose thepolar area, reacli- of lis conrades aie sound scienatiflu onh-'tebeam ing open watur again btween Spitz- servere, and thea resuits of their studies a cockpit; whiy then are they so mutti burgen and Greenland, tise exploit,- in the various lunes of researcivhch , agitated nowt iat the cry goes u.p f rce would scarcely have excited se much Nansensys, hae was able to carr o a third section, oftise Sultan's subjecte: astoisisunt s th fua he as .tu-,Corne over into l\acedonia and help aàtnismen asthefea li ha acu-with sucaese, will bu received with ally performed. RIad hlie eerged west ruucis interet. u5'"?i Tis appeal has been ansered by of Spitzburgen, with hie ;solid deCis bu- botis Greucu and Bulga.ria, and t Le neatis hie feet, hie succees would have Tise fact that the party wure well and tis double resusonse tiat creates a per- been largely -lue to his good luck and strong aftur many months of the ted- plexing situation, thae outcorne of whicli the triumph of his the'ory of tise north ium and hardships of life on the ice may be tise long-expected genural war, flowing current. It Le another mat- pack spe-ake well for Nansen's regime,- unlese Turkey can prornptly starnp ont ter to leavu one's slip int an utterly un- and lie doubtlese attributes thie reenît d'saffectio ybuefre known sua, at a point neyer before ap- in part to tie succees of tise ulectric - proaclied by'a veesel withi, hundreds liglit plant with wbicis le illurnined the1 Macedonia Le a prize in itself by reas- o? miule]s, furtiser north than any man Arctic niglit. He carried a xxîndmill to, on o? its fertile soul and ite liarbors in had ever bufore attained, and attempt mun hie dynamo, and if the wind failed . the Augean, but the acquisition of it a daisis on thse Norths Pole, witis two hin, lie proposad to use biand power. He je of peculiar and, vital moment to Bul- dog tuanteand a single conrade. This regarded leat and liglit as among the garia and Greece, siLnce only thus can ie wisat Nansen did; and wearing wonl- lest preventives of dieease. and he re- uithler of tbee States bu converted frorn Ien clothing "to cave wuýight," in tem- Ports tisat lis eluctric light fulfilled al an nsignLficant into a coniderable peraturuis of 24 dugruxes tu 49 degreus his uxpectatione.- power.1 Eacis has bistoricai prutensions bulow zure,, bu made hie way alrnost to tise province, the lcaims of thu last- due north 145 milule, or about 195 miles Nansen beliuved that the lines on named country dating, o? course, frorn nuarer the pole th=antheu place ruaclied whicbhuli modelled the bull of hie vus- ctsîa une ndtss ftefre by Grely's party. He wae within se ould eave hier beirug cushed, as front the mediauval Bulgarian empire, about 250 mileof the polu when the 'ce pressure, le thought, would eimply whicli stretcbed frorn the Duinube to tise terrible sledging conditions cornpeiled lif t ier to thuý surface. Arctic experts Archipelago., Eaci of tise aspirants mayA htt uII otwe o h ure told hLm that thie rnight bu tise case aises set up a more solid clain w hich land; and when, five menthe and twen- as long as the E)mnm floatud on tise wa- Le basud on continuone occupation, for ty-two days aftur lie lef ttise Frant, ter amid tise floee; but tisat lier model tisere are about as rny Bulgarians as lie reachud tis e astern shiore of Franz would count for netising when sise was Greeke Le Macudonia, and, moreover, tisea Josuf Land, lie wa.s wîthout a dog, had frozen into tise ice, and ýemrigbt be; two elernnts of tiese ubjuct populations no food resource xcupt what hie gun cruesed like an eggehell juet as Itse ae enly dietributed over the wisolet supiplied, and faced tise Arctic ixinter hi tfi ?tngrndt rget.region, su tînt no geographical and etis- under conditions tisat would even Tise explorer eays, however, tisat when 1 ia iiino twudb mrcî-1 an Eskimo tremble. We recaîl notis- this crisis actually came tise Frani wae able.1 It füllows tisat tise moment tise f ing s0 reckleesly daring in Arctic an_ elowiy lifted out o? th)e bed ta which Turks were drfvun Out of Macedonia tise nais, uxcept Peary's incessant, pueing she liad been frozen nnd xvas not dam- succeseful insurrectionists would'fali to to tise nortis for dayle a? ter lie knuw aged. figiting among tisemselves, and pre- lie could neyer retrace hie stepe from sently tise wisole Balkan peninsula s tise point lie meuant to remis unle;se lie No(w tisat tise report Le confirmed by -vould bu in a blaze, to extinguishiswisicb 0 found food, whîcb, ater ahl, feul to hie tise Republique Francaise, the Paris would require tise intervention of onu b rifl ony bytis meeaitchace. newepaper, whieh used to bu edîtud by -otise grunt poivers, rifl ouy b th merýstchace. Ga4nbtta, and Le now udited by tiseM Narsun's voyage jias demoliised tise preunt Prime Minister, M. Meline, Jus]. tise danger of a genurai war t tbeory tisat took him north, H1-- ad- tisere seeistu bu 'ne doulit thiathetisL recog'nized., Tise ntervening power o mite now, wisat Greely, Nares, and Czar and theo Czarina will visiL Paris muet bu eltiser Austria or Russia, but otisers toid MOI before bie started, tisat ont or lisout Sept. 15. Tise imperial tiseir intereets are irruconcilablu, unlesa tise ice drift Le largely dominated by tise guestes wiil be lodged in tise JMinietry a sxveeping partition o? tise Ottoman as- wind. D'e Long found tisat tise ice mass for Foreigni Affaire, tisat is to eay, tise sets is agreed upon. No doulit Francisw was driven about by tise Prevailing Quai d'Orsay Palace, a'nd, according to Pll ol rsoeodrasefcui ixinde, witi a predominating tendency tise ministerial organ, tise Director o? ly in Macedonia as lie bas restored it 00 to tise northuxet becau-se tise î:revail- Fine Arts bas received ordurs to put tise in Blosnia, but tise Czar could not brookw accords exactliwith Nansen'e exper- remarkable national collection o? fui-' uniesselie were sirnuitaneoueiy aiiowed dc ience. Af tur lb u posid tise Frant into niture isas been placed at lis disposai, te occupy Constmt4,inopaei Tises3 two ý tise ice, directly we0t o? tise New Siber- No effort, t seetmjg, le to bue parud to sovureigns, isewever, wonld not be pur- al ian Iýsie1nds, eue year five 'mt-in±bs and give the Emiperor o? Rus3ia and bHis con- mitted te arrange' t-ange to suit tisern- tu twenty-txvo days elapsed h 'iorê lie Ioft sort a receptiin worthy o? two great selves., Wli-n tise parccllation o? Tur- In bis vesse]. Ilu that tirnu ler net ad- nations, and to outdo, if poasibu, tise key cemes, France will want her sisare, aco vance fronthtie point iviere tise ice entisusiastic welcorne offered nearly and England hurs; and uven Italy bas vi drift bugan wes 470 miles to tise nortis- tbree yuars ago to tise officere o? tise an eye on Tripolif If was tise alinut th nortisweest, tise distance te tise nortis Rus3ian fluet. insuperable difficulty o? ac'-ommodating er e? o vitahity. They lave gui se nid iw ont ePecial and duliburate efforts rendi tise, distinctions. Of course, t MUet lave constitutions capable o? gi endurance, but in tisat particular t are flot peculiar. Mlany o? tiseir temuporeriés xvho died at a mucli1 age would 'have been passud by a uteurance examiner as liavitug an equ lY long expectation o? life. Tise p sical machsine ofthtie dead was as g as tisat of the living, according te sci tific teste applicable by n physician.1 plysical machine wbicb taste thri a huudrud yuare and more o? life, le butter in its construction tisan t xvhicl xveaa-e ont ai 70 or 80. Wby, then, lias net Dr. Iliciardui ruason for eaying t la]tishe existence centenarians, fuew tiougis tiey may Pr'P'Ort!onatelIY, is Sufficient evidei tisat equally long life is no only p sible for al xho have Sound conestii tiOlns,bnt ougît a]So to bu tise mule arno t hum? It Le provud iiudisputably i tise machsine can last very muchloný tisontise rua o? men keep Lt going; ti O? iteel? it ie good for tha 11.0 years wisicb Dr. Richiardson says tise major o? people o? good Constitutions shiso UNIQUE ENGLISH PRISON. Apr0gruss Ve peslti etflensent rli ilig te4b reat Esitaus. Fronthtie Andamtan Islands, in t. Bey o? Bungai, corne remersabie nei aS to tise progrues o? tisat great pun settiernent for life cunvicts. These ai tise Nicobar Islands have now Maj.1 C. Temple, C. i. E., as their Chief (2or missioner. Tise printeval fcreste o? t] islande, ixitis tieir magnificent true front whicli fise rereet urchide duper in ricis profusion, have jusi been plact under a local foresýý- departrnent. Sa saills O? tise most intprl¶ed and extei Sive kind were a fuew veekas ago open£ on Chatham Island. Tliey are drive by enginees supplied front sait water Y neans, o? a surface condenser draw tbrougs a tunnel xvhîcis uns 80 fut out to sua. Tise whole departntunt is workud b some 600 convicts, sn that tise island are snpplied witi tise timbur rhey nue whule tise reet le exported to man places in India and Europe. For fort years a comrnunity rarely beioxv 10 000 convicts, o? tise xvrst type to begi î-itb, have supported themiselves nde trict discipline, leading te local free dom after ten years o? good.heisavina Fliat was primeval swamp and fores in a clintate so deadiy ulat it wa abandoned by Lord Cornwvallis a cen tury ngo has leen made. siace tise mut iny o? 1857-8, a fertile istand settiernent ooveriug many square miles o? gardun nd onsting now f motre tisan fiftý villeges of reorns-d crintinals, beside. the convict stations andextensive Gov erment buildings. Neyer in tisa hsstory o? prison admin tmation and crimineL refornt lias s, sicceesful an experintent buen made ou so vast a scalu, tise wliole coatrolled b, .company o? a Britishs rugirnunt, whli nd tise place an equatorial paradise 'rom tisese islande tise Chinaman get; Les edible bu-ds' nesteand tiseCalcuttt Lubs and tise Govemnor Genural til îrtle. Tise botanical gardens, unde, Dr. King, are enricised by tisunt iit! ire indigenous specirnens o? orchid tad otiser plants. Cultivation lias rnadE lue grenIer islande liealthy. Tise oniy draxvback o? tise region nowv sthat it Le a source of tise cyclonesý bhisi periodKically ravage tisa Bay oi 3egal and its coaet districts. A NOVEL MACHINE. flnekî2tgTinuiber Jly a New Ievice fI A nço-eety in electrical applic-ations le e timbec-estaciain, craBe. A London m o? timber isporters found tÉa]. Éacking hy matnual labor %vas tee slowv md inefficieut to muet tise demande o? uir business, and tiserefore tieoidud to .opt enecisanical raeani for tise purpuse. s team Was Ptont unced juspracuica- e, on acconi.o? the greetly itîcreased )te cbarged for insurance, an ehuctric oco x-as inetalled. Tlhe usual mun Etise timber stacked ie del, Liatten ad board ends, varying Irom o01e foot Pto six feet in lengtb, and of deals d baltuns from siz faut to fi? tuen ut luong. A means was also ruquirud stably riing and delivering loade ai-er lengcis s as n to reduce indllng to a minimum, aftec deliver y eacis load upon tise stacis. Wire rope ags ivece at first used, and tluey ans- re;d ,vell for deals and] planke, but iti boards tise pack sagged and bu- neû soUsrLtorted tisat L nas nwkward Shan-tic. Tise difticulty ivas ovur- nec by a set o? elings isaviug a stif?' eel rod albaq the bottczu, and su ad- ,stable tisat tht'y -s-ould hiftLotis tiicis id tisin tùrumbeýr. Tise uiectric mater te tise worlt iiti suris case tisa].a nce )t-No 01h e r Mdc at s80 T>OROUrCH As er at ty L Ld Statrnient of a V,1211Known Doc-Dr "No other blood nille(licine thiat I lýýtve -Ver îîsed, and I have tried tiern'atli, is S(, l aro u i l ts action , and elie ts o r a i pwrinaneiit cures as Ayer's SarsaparilL,."- Dr1. fIL F. MERItILL, Augusta, Me. Aie.2- &Y Ssparilla 2s- d-ntted1 at the World'air. ial .... nd d ~ <liILDhtT , bsute1y 110drug tests. 'w wvth Harznhqs. Aneffec'tuai pu'rgatiVe, replaIn' great anivanltage, castooi ýl, -eon s a fan-ý 9so S s. Cure WOrMS, Fever.,141ts, CoIle. Cold, n e-higetc. FREE S'JPLE t nysdes d.rc,11) r.-HOward MedicinleCo.. Brockvinn ,n t IIntern ationa ýy iéltionary ;y T'he OeGea tnard Àthorj ty, Justice U: S. 'SuPreine Court. ni 09-Sand a Postal for Specimen Pagea, etc. r 'Su'ecessor of the 3t f et tE ngiish Cov't J,, ý-î 0 ttc Office. the IU.'S. stl 00ezi, t nearly ail 1tc !F7 8hoolboek, S b~State S'Peiitend(- - cols oof Schoolai aihet nonhr. o THE BEST FOft EEeRyf0Dy ý Il arcAusz It lu easy te flnd the Word wanted. y it tg easy to asi-ertain thse prontinclaioîi t la easy to trace thse growth f oWord.. t I15l easy to learru wlat a Word means. .WIE113'rR Tma aSAN DAR Ti. t G'e T r n o <lobe Say s.- . TPelutristî'.u nr-mîdl bcomugrecoeizedj lae addintio l iaiil gheprme9yf nto ucd- i tionarytriieutoa utinaaiiait0 ilerai mu1Orte ato na otisa ,s io 0flnUO f C-e..t valtw.-J ail. il, 1896. G. & C. 11YERRTAm C o.,' Publishers, S9prirugfield, mass., U.S.A. f4 McrbeKHlIer 4 ChronoDiseases, A Consipation 4 Eczema1 Female-, Complaints, VAll disappear before NOdfiS microbe Kille. O ur advice to ever one, Ne btter Meicn On earh th SYTMCROBE ~OEKILLER frPrfyi h lntn MRS. MALAPROP- She wva1ked into the Office of the Judge of rrobatp and aske-d, Are you the J nge oi Reprobates? I arn the Judge of Probate, was the reply. '%Vei, that's it, 1 expet't, quotti the Laly. You se.e, niy-busband died detesîp and lf t nie sevrai littie infideiýs, an 1 want to be, appoînted, their ex-'ýl tioner! 1 "D'or Over FiftyYer. For over fif ty years Mrs. wisioW's SOOTHINO SYRtup las been used by mil- lions of motisers for their cidren while tiehing. If diStUrbýed at nigh1t and broken of your rest by a s ick child suf- feripig and, crying wuth pâln of Cuttixug Teeth send at once and mtet a bute of "Mrs; Winslow's Sooti Inu Syrupi" for

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