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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1896, p. 7

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Any doctor will tell you t'hat Prof essor Rare,--of Jeff erson Medical College, Philadeiphia, is one of the ihighest authorities in the world on the action of drugs. In his last work, 8peaking of the treatment of serofula, he says: "i is hadly uecessary to state that cod-liver olistthe abest remedy .f ail. 'rheaoil should be givcil in emnuision, so prepared as to be pýa1atable."' He also says that the hypophiosphites should beý eombined with the oil. &cott's Emulsion of cod- liver où, with hy-ýpophos- phites, is precisely such a preparation. Ri-PA-NS -The modern stand- Wf ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. O UREail dseasesl-fthe Blond aO1 reu (jIatIituand al Paie. Femnale Itegulator o.j ae.La',ge boxes, 50.; Fou samlPle box, 30c. rostî,aid. Dr.1How.ardMedlcie Co.. Brochville.Ont. LZSION PATENTS# COPYRICkITS, oto. 33'o infr. il 1nfree Ilandbook, writ e te Ev y psetine etb st bog tier txii shou dbc ~iti-uti. week ' v <~ 8ur 1.5O six montes. Address, MU,.&C. Xine ills frst proved to ths peopiE that Kidney disease ie curable. Being tbE original Kidney remedy lu pi11 forin, thE cures they have made, andthe faine they have attained have opened the way fora hast of imitationsand SUbStituteS, bti éhose who have been cured of !!iomp1ain" the use of this Won derf ui mcdl.. ne, those vhose lame back f now free from pain, those who uow havq no beadaches, those wbo have escape( from, the death grip of Dahetes an( Ilright's disease by the use of Doum! I~iLney are the ône whose opinion is valnab'E When scores of sncb people corne forwar and tell publicly that Doa's Kiduey Pil cured them after other meane f ail0ds iti evdent that the only CURES POSITIVELY Lest P'ower Nervous Dehlity Faiiug Maulsood, Secret Di- sasses, caused b; thse errera aud excesses cf yeuth. Young oiddle-aged or od TIIRfl Mo*N -e,sufrîgfrom tiseeffecis etd., faies ud acesses, resiored te iealiliniai Price $1.00, 6 1cl'ee for $5.00. Sent byia secureiy sealed. i7aiie for aur book, "Startlim Fades," for Mesen iy, tells yen how te get WC anti tay weti. àddrus, QPUN MEDICINE CO., B«941 MONTREAL. kuow about this Christian manf "Oh," bis plea. With the Bible open iu bis TCI~Itsey te world, "I1 knew a great deal baud, hie reads the law, stern aud in- J USTICE A )DILOVE. about hlm. Hae tallis about putting flexible, and the penalty, "The seul bis treasures iu heaven, but hoe is tliu, that sinneth, it shaîl die." Then hie THE TWO A SPECTS 0F THE SAMVE sharpest man lu a tiade I avar knew. says: "0 th~on Judge aud Laxxgiver, Ha seems te xx st us te believe tbat tUis is thine own statute, antd ail the QUALITIES IN ONE COURT-ROOM. lie is a child of Goti, but hae is just evidanca ln eartb and heavan agrees' full of imperfections. I do not know that the mnuhamssiuned sgainst thesa Grapie e iepe't cf a Trial F or thse IM cOf but 1 amn a great deal btter than hae is anactinents 1 Now, let the sword ieap SotoIl-Tise Iisdketni'llt, the Tt*,tilnoî&3, now. Oftentimes hae is very aarthly, fremi ls scabbard. Shall a man go the Nn-1mig Upandtheandtieh tallis se littie about Christ tbreugh the very fia mes of Sinai un- tis ~i1lfliIE p 114 iitJIigIM?î. and se mucli about binseif. 1 amn singed ? Let tha law be exacuted. Let Washingtou, Aug. 23-Tha illustra- vry gladte.t testify that this is a bati jndgment ha pronouuced. Let him tiens of this sermon ara drawn frein man-" dia. I dema.nd that hae dia 1 thascaaslu curteeu, it whcb Stop, O, world, witb the graady eye O, Christian, does it net look very thescees n acortromwît whehand bard' heart. I faar yeu aratee, darit for thea Who will plaad on tby Dr. Talmage becaina fariliar whan lha much intarested lu t bis trial te giva sida lu se forloru a causaef Somatimes was sîudying law, befoealha studiad lmPartlai evidance. Let ail thoe who a man will ha brought into a court of her the testimeny of this wîtness lsw, andidlha will have ne frie'nd and for the ministry. The tant is 1. John knew that tbara is an old family quar- ne monay, and the judga wiil look i, 1, "Wa haveana advocata w ith the rai betweu thosa twe parties. Tharae var the bar andi say, " Is thare any Fathar, Jasus Christ, the rîgliteens."- always bas beeu a variance hatwaau ena who wili voluntear ta take this Standing iu a ceurtroarn o ye sy9aY t Éha world and the churcb, and, whiteminus case and dafand hlm 1" And yousal, "t tis ar rim ba cfe'the werld on tha witnass stand te- soeaYoung in riscs up and says, yousef, At hisbarcrie bs tenday bas teld a graat deai of trutb 'I will ha bis counsel," perhaps start- beau arraiguad; at this witnass stand about this Christian man, yen must iug ou frein that vary point te a great the otb bas eftan beau taken; at this take it xli with much aliowauca, ra- and briliiaant carear. Noxv, in this jurers' banch the verdict has beau ran- memberiug that they stilI keap the oid inatter ef the seul, as yon bave nethiug grudga goed. O, werld of the greedy te psy for counsel, do you thiuk that dereti; at this jutiges desk sentence oye and the bard beart, that xiii de. any oee xiii voluntear f Yes, Yas; 1 bas beau pronuuued," But 1 hava te Yen may sit down. seaeu e risiug. Ha is a youug min, tell you ta-day of a trial highar than. The second wituass I callu this case only 33 years ef age, I sec bis co--n any oyar andi terminer or circuit or ls. conscience. Who art thon, O cou-1 tenance suffused with tears sud covar- tra tscience? fWhsat is yeur businessf Wbara ed with blood, sud ail the galiaries ef supramne or chaucary. It is the tra fwera yen boru f What ara yau doiug heavan are thrilied with the spectacle. avery Christian in for the lite of bis bore? " Oh," says consciencet, " 1 was Thanks ha tante (led, "we have 'au seul. This trial is differeut froin auy bhem lu heaven. I came dowu te ha- advocatea xxtb the Father, Jesus Christ . friand this man. 1 bave livati xxitb the righteons." othar lu the tact that it is hath civil hia. I have instructed hum. 1 hava O Christian seul, your case begins sud criminal. waruad hlm. 1 showad hlm the rigbt te look htter. 1 thiuk, perhapis, attel' The issues at stake are trameudeils, snd the wreng, advising hMIte takealal, you miay net bava te die. The bhast shw anthe oeeasd aschew the thar. I bave ativecate lu the universa bas takan sud 1 shahlu my sermon shw oki«ndled s great light lu bis seul. With your sida. No eue was ever seo quali- first what are the grouuds Of cein- a whlp of scorpions 1 have scourged fiadt t detauti yen. Ha kuows ail the plaint, then xvho are the xituessas in bis wickad.ness, sud I have trie t te îw,'all its damantis, ail Its penalties. the causeansd lastly wbo are the ad- chaar i'hm whau doiug rîght, sud Yat Ha is alwaye mady. No uew turu of 1 amn complliedt te tstify on the, stand the case cau surprise lm, sud Ha will vocates. te-day that hae bas somaetimas rejacteti plaad fer you fer netbing as eamnest- When a trial is calleti ou, tha first MY mission. Oh, bow many cups ef ly as tbeugb you breught a world of thing la te hava the indictiiaut read. ilfe' have I prassed te bis lips thst fressures te His tact. Basidas that Stand thanO Chrstisuinsuaud a dsbad town, anti he\v tten bias Ha bas undartakon the case of thon- SadUP to,0Crsta aadhfa stoti ith bis hsrd heal ou thej sands who ware as forloru as you, sud hea th idicinet f te, out o 1bieeding heart of the' Sounetf(lad. It He bas neyer lest a case. courage, higb heavans against thy seul. It 1s' pains me vemy much that 1 hava teO0 Christian soul 1 I tbiuk that, sfter an indictinaut otten counts, for thon tastlfy agalust this Christian in, sud adi, thora may be* sema chance fer yeu, has diacty o idircti brkenaI yet I1inust lu hjEhalfîf etHlm vho wiil fer the grest advocata riscs ta make has diecly r ndiectY brke a lin u newisa- clear the guiity say that His pies. Ha anys. "I admit ail that th-- Tan Commanumeuts. 10o1 kuewl this Christian in bas doua wrOng. bas beau proved sgsiust MY client. 1 how it tbundered ou 5mnai, sud vhen Ha bas doua, a theusaud rblugs ha admit ai11 thesa sîns-aya, nmre-but t anoghr net te hava doue, and left tn- look at ihat wouuded baud at Mine Goti came down how the manuntalnI doue a tbeusand things hae ought t ansd looki at the thar weundati baud recked, sud the amoka asceudetias bava doua." That xiii de conscience. and 1at My rightË foot sud at My lof t frein a smolderiug f uruace. sud theYo cn sit dewn. 1foot. But ail thes. wounds 1 pleati for darkness gathiered tbick, sud the, laud, TYe ca wLcs1calL h aebs -erne ontaltedoso Th1. rdw as all tht' csa is Learsu. Count al th drps et- deep trumpet uttered the xxrds, "Thae,5 sunaugal of God. Bright adsi-m er.Cuta h rp tm 1 one, what doast thon boea What, blood. By the humiliation et Bath- sou tht innth t hal di " Ar YO lIsttan ta say agaiust tis minuou, lehein, by the sxeat et Gethseaiau, guilty or uot guiity f Do nt pt lun atrial? "Oh," says the augel, "I have by the sntteriugs et the cross, I de- negativa pies toe quick. for 1 hava l beau a inessanger te hlm. ,I have maud that hae go free. Ou this'arn hae te announca that "ail bavaesîuuadand guarded hlm. 1 have watcbad hlm. bathb leaneti, to this heart lha bath com shrt f ta goryot oti T ,re Vith this wiug I bava dafeuded hlm, f]cxvn, lu my tears lha bath waâhed, On comeshot o th gloY O Go. Te and ofteutimes, wben hae kuaw it net, M righteousness lha bath tiapandad. Let is noua that doth gooti. No, not eue. I lad hlm to green pastures anti ha- 1hlm go frac; I amn the raunsom. Let ,d WboSoevar shaîl keep the wvhole lsw,: sida the stili waters. 1 suatchati frem in i escape the las]b;à-Iteok the yetattndin ileponthais guilty of hinui the peisoueti chalicas. WVhen had scourgings. Let the cup passs ri yetofendinoneponthe .spirits came upen hlm te destroy hlm, hlm; 1 drank it ta the drags.Pto -ahl." Do net tharafora ha tea hsastY In I taught thein back with intinite hi-m the crewu of Ita, for 1 have wer' prounucug ourelfnetgnity. fiercanass, anti yer I have ta tastity the croxvu et thorus Over agaiust y This iawsuit before us charges to-day that hae bas rejecteti my miis- throne of shama set bis throna Off you iththebreaingof solin sieLn. Ha bas nt doe as hae ought triumph." yenwit th brakig e s olanute have doue. Tbough I came f rom Weli, the counsel ou beth sitias have cotract. Mauy a turne titi wa Pro- 1 the sky. hae drove me hach. Thongu spoken, sud there ls ouly oeeMore misa te ha the Lord's. We got don n with this wiug I dafandet i hm. sud tbiug now reamliug andi that le tha ou eur kuces anti said, "O, Lord, 1 r theugh with titis voica I wooad hlm, ssvardlug cf the jutigment. If yon i 1hava te sunounce bis multipliati in- hava ever beau lu s courtreoin, yot tiiinauoxv anti for avar." Dii yen perfections. 1 dame ual kaep bsck the know the silence anti seiemuity whan keap) the promise -? Have yýou. stooti 11, iastlmany. for thon I sbonîti net dort' the verdict is about te bc rendareti or te the cotract ? I go back te your ta appear again aouong the siuless the jutigmant about te ha given. About Ilist ommnio. Yu rmeibý- itaseuOes bafore the great white rhrone. this spul on trial-shahl it ha saveti or firt cmmuio. Yn rmaab3 il55 Thera le ouly oe more wituess te sitall il ha lest ? Attention, aboya, weil as if it xx are yesterday. Yeu n koW hacailati ou bhalitof the prosactition. arcunti, baneathl Ahl the universe hew ha isio etthacros eroa h- sab at is the' great. ibehe hy, the cries, -"Hear, beari" foe you. Yen remnember bo- frein1 august, the omnipotent Spirit e o. TaJtg ie nigvsti e thabeaiant th buds ani ha 1id Wa bow tiown betore Hlm, Holy Spirit, cisien, ineyýer te ha changeti, nover to d the ead an th badsandthesi, lkuowast thon this in? "Oh, yes," ha meývalead. "Thare is, tharetere, no-w anti the £cet thare cama ie ieding forth ssys the Holy Oua, "I huow hlm. I ne co,,ndamnation te thain who are lu 5 hsatwe w;ordsý, "imihrme."' bave striveal itbhum tan thoussui hrstJes." Yen recali fiow the cUp Of Comîmunion rîmes, aud thengh semnetimes ha.titi The seul that ou Jessbath leasutifer A ain te repent, lha feu back insm s rps tmbeinl your biaud wbeu You tiret otten fren bis f irst estate. Tan thon- 1 wiîî nef, Ie will net, dascrt te His tees. *tohl it, anti as lu a seashal you May santi tisues. tan thousaut bs a riv That seu, though ail hall shoulti e.- -hear, or thîuk you hear, the oaring eti Me, aitbough the Bible warnact hlm, teavai' te shako, ofthie surf aven atter tha shahl bas1 saying: 'Grioeanet thea Holy Ghost. l'Il neyer; ne, nover; ne, neyer, torsaka. Qnnc tnfthe Siit'Yes, lehas beau taken train the beach, se yendo vnM back. Sý-tougIsi th But, my friands, theme is comlug a. 1f ed the cnp et communion n sd yen1Thirti Persan etthaTrmtylha bas aye tailwlcntolytui hear itin he urgng f te geattramplad au My mission, anti the blooti salut but the sinuer inst appesr. hofrdhet tu the turging1etrthahgreath That day of trial nilli coma very sud- ocn o aSsvieur's ageny. and tyen etjhe to cnemer tatis roughtle site- deniy. Th-- fariner wili ba at the plow, cama forth fram that commninO ecr- i tmes despiseti. I came f rom the thmoe tehntwl ei tecutn 16 vice with face shiuiug as though yen Ioet (ot t couvert anti cointort anti roin, the waodrnan wi]l ha rluglug bis le faiba uIemute Transfigli- sauctfy, sut yet look at tis ai n axe on the hickories. the waavar wil had eenon he ieut 0anti sac what hlae s corupareti wilb hava Uis foot on the threadie, theamin- ýy ration, anti the vamy air seariieti rain- wat rueiteti, 1 would bava matie uatrrwi axahu mt hb a ulus iththe oveOf esu, an th hi"f loois anti the clack of iachinery, a ulus iththe oveet asu, ani te hm."the counsel may ha at the bar pleat- Lt woods anti Icaves andtihis grass sud Tisa evitience on the psrt et the pro- ing thea iaw, the ministar may ha in tise birdIs w're brigliter sud sweter secutien bas closati. Naw let the de- tle puipit pieading th-- gospel, the everbefoe, nd Yu sadtance bring on the rehuttai testimony. drunhard may ha reeling sit bis voicati than ee aoa niyusiiWbat have yen, 0, Christian seul, ta cups, anti the, biasphamar with thse dawn lu the vary depths oet yeur seOul, bing lu reply te this evitieuce et the oath cangist hctweu bis tcetb. "Lard, Thon hnowestal l hiugs; Thon woridofethîe consrionce ofthîe ange], Le, the sun bides! Nigbi comaes tioxn knawest tI-atlov e Thea."- Have yeu n sd oatheisc ly Ghestf No avitiencef at nidnoou. The stars appear ar kept tbe bargain, O Christian inu? Are ail tisase things t1mai "Yes. Un- noon to-day. The carth shutiders anti Hava yeunont semaetiina faitareti wbhou dean, unclesu,- says every Christian throbs. Tisera an cartîquahe- opens n- yen engisite b ave been truc l Have eul. Whstf Do yeunont begin toansd a iîy sluks as a crocodile wouiti le yeunont beau proati whbail yeongist tremble ni the îheugbt et condamn a- cvunch a chilti. Mountains rol lu their te have beau humbleI Hava yon ne-t tien?. . sachets anti senti dewu thair granite ve playet tisa caward w heu yen oaghlte o W bava came new te the most lu- ciffs lu avalanche ot rock. Hýivers ed have beau the haro? 'I charge it upon temslug part eft rUs great triai. The pause iu their chaseý for the sas, anti id yen sud, I charge il upennmyýsai-na evidence ail in, thea atvocatas speak. ýenuraigcist ligAp have broken the coulmatt. The profession et an advocata 's full antI Himalayas. Besets beliew, anti e' Stihi furtiser. Thisian-suit clame et responsibiiity. lu En gland andthie moan, anti snuft np the darhness. damnagas at yaur bauds. The greateet Unitedi States ihere bave arisan mon Clauds fly ike floche et swift t agies. siautior ou the Christian religion is an wvbolib is calilug, bave beon houereti Great thuinders bea.t anti boom anti lucousisteut professer. The Bible says by their race and throwu ceutempt buret., Stars shoot sud tail.' The AI- religion la eue thiug. We, by our in- uIpon these wbo iu the profession have mighty rising ou -Hie throne, deciares cousietency. say religion is soe othar bean uinty et a greal mnny mean- that lime shah ha ne longer, andt the tbuanti what la mare tiepierahie nasýses. Tuai profession wiîî ho honor- arcîaugeî's trump repeats ittliiahi a. abut illtlppa can sea fanhts able as long as it bas attacha ti t iîelvn erat h otnnse lue ailiers wviile tbay cannot sea any sncb naines as Mansfieldi anti Marshall deati pring te thaeir feat, crying: rd lu themnealves. If yen shahl at any tinta sud Sîory sud IKent anti Southard and "Turne shah ha ne longer!" Oh, on fils saine misomabia oit gesslp, witb William Wirt. The ceurtroin bas tînt day xvilyeu ha rcady ? leiperfectioris frein the crxyn oetlber santimasbeau the scenaetfvemy mar- f hava sboxnvu nhoxv wcl the sheas tote sale et hemr foot, n perfect vaos andti irilling things' Saine et Christian will gatceft lu bis triai. IVili biotel et sin hersait, she wihi go taI- yen remember the fanions Girard wllyen gai off as xvellinl yonr trial? Wil Élilg, ,tattiing, tsttiiug ahi the years et case, whare ana of our ativocates Christ pleationyour sida or against ber- lfe about the incensistencles et pleatet tise causaetOfthe Bibla, sud vye. Oh, what wih end l h othrshaingne de tht se s l- Critiaiiylumaseri AgloSaxnlas grataz t Iyou consinctei Tiere araeuisose who imagine bt ont saxos, lu tisa naine et evry age anti le fie ofticial, wso, wisen hea vs Mr. efthte faulte et Cisistians tisy can rash, I impeacis bis as tisa comion Henry Maithoxys, tioclinadt t re mit tise mahe a bridge et honte acrose the anamy sud oppressor et ahi," sentence et panai servitude fer lita LSstreainiet deatis, andt tey are going Bui, 1 mm ra rm tisa recital efthiese passet upon. Mme. Mayich. He n'as te try it; but aise, for tie mielake!1 mmmrabla occasions ta a gaudar tr'ial, educatet inl Paris, anti nas aduittedt t ai, Wben tisey get mitstream, sway n'Iil anti I ava tte luyau that lu ibis trial tise Frencis bar batore joinlng tisaI et sg go thc bridge, anti tiwn xiii go thoîr et the Christian for th ie tofetis seul Enirhsnd. He bas tise ativautage et bis re s"uis ta perdition. 0, n'orlitoethîe tise ativocates are mîgistiar, Niser aud pratecaissere. lu belg vary richp Lord graedy cyc andthteisard heart, coma mare choquent. Tise evitieuce ail ha- Dutterin hltde tpent upon hie ottici- on the stand nexv anti testity lu ha- ing lu, cavera anti steru justice isas ah salary -et 860,00W a yeux ta malutain bI1 hait etftise prosecutien azainsi ibis1 on,-hbhaaîoth ie prosecution ta maIe yns officiai position. Chrsuin sul n tial W~t d ~Cofildren Cry fo Pitcher's Castoria. îor Infants and Children. HIRTY e %.'&~ervation of Castnriu -trith the paronage«P mfilUosn, f person-, permt us to speai of it wtliout lt l nu.eisnaythsnbest x'emedy fnr Tni'anirs and. Childrem the world bas ver knowii. 1* ie harsules-, Chldren 1Me. itIt gîves them ealth. It -wiU save tIaeir lives. Yn It Mothers have ehild's =calcine. Ca.totima estroys 'Worms. Castoria allaysZ! Foverisbnesu. Castorîa pevents vmit!ng Sou, Crd. Cautoria cures Diarrhoei and Wi'n Cele. Castoria relieves Tebn ruls Castoria cures Constiatio= noamI latulomey Caatorîi ntraliros theo effects of oarbou3o c ~gas c i notm &W?, Castoria des nt cotaîn morphine, opium, or te'tr nareotie prperty. Castorla asslmilateis the fosod, Tegulat%tho .,tssmacls sud b0olsIe givIng haltly a mrdllttural slep. Cnstoria le put np ln ene-slze botties only. It le nt sod ii blk.ý Dan't aflew any one te soU yenu anything eec on the pia r prmi that lt le 'jut as gnd nd"'wilanswer ery rrZcse."' Seo thbitvnn et (.A-S-T0-R1-A. signature r,2 i~:L--r FOIt SALE lii J.,IHIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMAN VILLE In Rats and Gent' s Furnishinzgs* llaving a large stock of Christy Stiff and Feit Hiats Dn hand I arn determined to run them off at a tremendous iscount. Hat-is worth $1.50 and $2.00 selling at 25c, and 50c Don't miss your chance. In Gent's Furnishings I have Print Shirts and Ties at greatly reduced prices. If you have any f ur garments that need repairing, now is the time to bringr them in. ÂYE R, B9wmAŽNVILLE. llamptol's Gdllral Storeu Just opened our new Spring stock of Cloths for Over- coats, Suits and Pantings, the choicest and largest lot of groods eVer shown in this village. Now is the time to order, your Spring Suit. See our Pants made to order for $2.50. Suits to order for $8.O-no equal anywhere. In. Groceries .we still lead. llaving bought a lot of Sugar before the advance in price, we are offering something special. A f ull hune of choice fresh Groceries. Full -huie of Patent Medicines., Special value in Teas. Our 25e line, best value in the. trade. Elliott's and Martin's celebrated lioller Flour always in stock. Field and Garden Seeds, the best in the rnarket. Seed Potatoes that bugs will not trouble.-No need to use Paris Green in growing them. Give us a caîl, inspeet our goods, and you are sure to get bargains. QUEEN VICTORIA'S HANDS. "Yen ara quite rightlunyenr sur- mise tisaI bar rajety passasses won-, tertulhy banutitul bauds, thougis iiey are by neouneans eaill for isar heig'ht;1 that tisoy are plump, whbite anti nuxrin- led. IVoulti you iha kte kuoîvtis ao- sou? f ashadti hemaulcuro, n-liewas haautityiu.g my bauds fer a dinaer1 Party. 0f courseI1xvas ahi attention. "WahI, as yen are doubtiese aware, ber'- mj sty ae ngreat kuitter. Ludeeti, shisl inva.riabhy ai worh witis ber neati- las, either at scarts or mitIons for tise pr.tIevesîs for hem great grand- chiltren, or ceDt anti bcd quilte. Tisa1 maere exorcisa induceti by huttiug, anti tie position assulueti hy tisa hantis a gesl shape, while, lu tise saine way. tisa bauds neyer look more attractive tissuxx-ien se eiphoy et "Wtby hava seoniany ceaIe pmttily sisapeti bande anti arme 1 I asheti. "Sirnply hecause tbey do se muci witi tison. IQeatiiug breat islaoua of tisa hast beautifiers tise bauds eau have. Wbera xvomeu who nemI muainlutise bouse usuaily fait te sacuma pretty bauds Is by net tiying tien xvlaihater asci washing, anti by net xverîng gloves fer rougis laisor, sucis as tisa ceaing et , ates. 0f course il le a wad bit ot trouble ahways te put ou giovas, but smoott, unwrinleti haude are %orth a gooti deai te evary womsn, or sisonid ha. I think.1 Tisa Arcbbisisop et Caterbry ile67 years et age. Ha bas been s bisbep 19 years. Practical Furier.

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