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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1896, p. 8

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Thie Galadian Statosifan A Eiglst Page, Forty-Elght Columo Newspaper, is pubished EVERY WTEDNESDAY MORNING, AI 11Hg OFFICE 26 STATESMIqA BLOCK, KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONT.., BV 1. A.I JAX~ES, Editor & Proprietor. Suibscriptioii$.50 per aun, or 1.00 if paid strictiy lu advauce. ADVERTISING RATES TTansient Advertising. Ten Cents per L'ne, first insertion ; Pive Cents per Line each suis sequent insertion. CONTRACT RATES. SIZE 0F ADVERTISEMEN1TÇI _____TED OneCoini........20 0O,0 -o ~0100 Itaîf Columo.........1400 2Gf. 40 60 Qu grte Coun 8 o00 16 26 40 _ utfv~Li o 4 0 9 12 18 Qua yi,"ýbne..........5 001 0 6 261 Fiftlon .ne......... 3 501 7 50 12 Ton Linos ............ 25ol 4 50 6 50 1l Five Linies............. 1 251 3 5ý016 10 Thse above are contraet rates, andi apply eniy to regular business advertisers. Transient aU vertisemnents Ton cents a Rue first insertion, and 1 ive cenloq a Line each subseqaent insertion. hanges of contract advertiements must be 1an 1d nent later that one o'clock on Saturday -this rulo will bo strictly enforced. Paragrapis atvertisements amonig new's items 10e a lino ecdiinserion. Notice of Biîths, 25c; Rarriages and Deailis, bOc, iplaved advertisernents are measured by a scaleof i olid nuonpareii and clïargd tacoordiig- Y. Orders for discontinulng advertisements must bc in writ n therwis thie poblisher will not bresponsiblo Double regniar rates 'arc chargeti dnring Mardi, Aprit ani May and Otooer, Novemisor andi Deeiniser for display advertising not con- tracted for isy the year, Ail kinds of Job Printing done with neatness and despatcli and on reasonable ternus. The Office is SUppldt mih a great variety of the latost and, most ýLfashLionable styles of type. Business notices lu local or news c lumns tIntt insertion 10 cents per lino Nonpareil; 5 cents per lino eaclisubsequeýnt insertion, Notices of meet- eings of any kind at whiti an admissionx fee le eliarqed. or a collection is taken must be paid for. ,To SunscRans- No pa per will bc stoppod until alarrear*ages are paîd except atthe option of the publisher. A po st office notice to discon- tinue is not sufficit. Ail commnuications shoniti ie addressed, M. A. JAMES, Bowmaln'illeOnit BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 2,,1869. À CORNISU IDYLL. CAPPIJ-N Ix'sN-A T-RACio END. This ras-c bit of Connish dialecl is an excerpl fios a I-agie tomperance article by Lester- Lawny lu tise Bible Christian Magazine for Augusl: Bing lu lots-n masrket, Mrs. Tre size calleti on Ms-s. Treloas-. Sse avas shocheti to sec bier looking so cane avoru anti tejecctid. In course of conversa- lion, Mns. Treloan spoke of ber lisus- banti's i-mnken habits anti unkinti tneatmcnt of bonr. "What will be tIse ceti of il, Mrs. Tresize, I canuot tell. lic bas lost ail love for se andthIe dean chiltin. TIse gin palace is bis hsomne non'. Business is going to tIse dogs. Ail self-respect is vanisheti; ant i bs pro - penty is going 10 nack anti ruin." I as soi-ny, sy dean Mrs. Treloar, for you. Il is axvful ashon a man takes 10 Ihe accurseti drink. I eau bardly real ize tIsat snch a kinti, loving, respect- able, anti noble folio-w as yonn Isusbanti aras, eau have becons 6 totalhy ales et. las any one spokon 10 hlmi, anti trueti 10 Save hn ?" -11Oh, yes, severai tes - perance mou, some of thons fello t tasn councillors, as as-cl as unr siniistor-s, bave tlketi kintily anti pointedhy 10 blun, anti sougbt again aMdt again 10 gel hini lu sec lIse coosoquenee of sncbi unatncss but ini vaiu. lie is like a pon mortal infatualeti by the cunse. Il seesus as if the rery dcvii possessot ibiîn lie aili ci-y sometimes bitterly about il, but lIse mo'ment lho gels imbocompausy, on as-bre thse faimes of lthe drink greot bis nosînils. lho is carniedct uspletchy aaray. I am af-aid ai tises bc'li sur- tien us." Jee Treloar was as-cII kuown ai Rack- fui-y, being a frequent risilor aI "Cap- pun'iony's" bouse.lie hati often prayotilutIse utile Chapel Sundas- crenings li the prayen meeting. Maasten Treloar, I 'car, es kieketi out ov lIse Town Council, Tom, foi- 'os drunken bouts. Ie's a disgrace 10 the lot of 'ens, ihcy say, andti tey n'aanl staanti ut any longer." im nol sun- pisti ai that"' saiti '-tom Tnembcrlb, ,'for- a' maakes a regulai- baisi 0v issel. lic guzzels like a vsh, l'in lon'ld. Anti aal 'os bosusen be goin' 10 the 'anmmor. I puty es poor aife anti childuru. They'l 'ave to go to bthe 'Union' yeb, I feer,Bill1." lic nas brofl bnp 'afoe the mnajesti-aetes laast wseck for baillu' es aife, a pounti, anti saooru orver tu koep lIse paice un futur. But he'hl kilh issel soon 'as ce es goin' on for satin."l "'Ther've cunsti oui or tluaI big 'ouse, Bill,anti are brvin' in a snaai a-a no-w, anti Ies bus'ness os 'uot. " "What a s-ooI a nînun es to s-wallon aal e ouseui, anti bing lissol 10 sags, andsth e 'Union' for siclu poor tnaatie as tIse drink, Tom." "Is, but iltidothin' enst theere, Bihl; ho tduags doavu os atife anti childur ailisuna. Tha's tIse cruel paarl or it, tIse vagabond. lie îaakes they sufer for os baistly tburst." "Oh. 'tes baavfui 10 tbink 'bout, Toms, Isoarhe n'as waaune a Chrissbnn, anti praay'd lu oui- CIapel, an' n'as broft bnp in tIse Sundar sebule anti claas mittîn', anti ad a eious faatber ant imauther, anti a Stevie thon nefenre te10thse aharm crenteti auuung tihepeuple aithue loss of Iheir animnais, andttIse request for Jesus to depant oui of their coasis. "Thaîse people put a biggcn s-alec on lIseur pig-s tisan ou Jesus, au' tbc.y porfer'd tise courpassy of the hogs 10 the conpnny of thse Savions-. Pc pic mny be k-naas'ti by the eunspnny they keels, my fraentis. A streanu caaui't risc 'borýe ils -lea el. non-a cuti thaiso mon risc 'bore their sainisb natur'. " Haring told bis Ioas-ers tisai benefac- tors oftcn become troatoti as nuisances as-len thuoy inierfene ailhuera tire as-song-s; andt ta sas-louns of msen anc disc eanit anti shînnuet as postilences, n'hen herds of bumnsi ne, n'allon'ing- in impunity anti inteuuprauce, are rouI- cd anti Iuleti townn mb thse teep of public coutonpt anti execration; he quainily saiti- 1 tell ce, fruentis, untier many a finrie coat baits thue 'cant of a bog, anef you go deep 'nougis you wiil 6usd tIse natur' os- the baisi. Strosîg drink unaukes a man a baist-'ee drinks anti drinks anti drinks, 'tlliitIse snan in unos aai gone, an' Ibe brute aas'ly os left. Young meun, do e knaas- ibal yuro les-el enu alaa's be inakeus by yuro Iraitnmeni os- Jesus Chsist ? MWluiel do eiperler, Jesus ou- lIe sas-leP " This plain slraighl talk matie a deep impression on bis bearers, DARLINGTON COUNCIL. Toawu Hall, Hampton, Aug. 29. Regniar meeting. Members ail pro- sent. Minutes neati anti confi-meti. A number of accounts avene pi-esent- eti anti laid ou tIse table. Circulai- s -ci-ee presentetifios Copp Bros. anti Aullon Co., iun refenence tu noati machine. Filet. Fi-os Wm. Gooti, Paîbsaster, asking a grant 10 improve tIse bil on the Base uine. lien'as authuoizedti 10expenti a sus not excoctiiug $15. TIse committee appointed ti ahbb Junej meeting lu3 examine a watatr course lu the village of Tyrone, andti 1 examine1 anti report upon bhc expentiing of open- ing the uoadti h ecn lobs 10 anti 11, lu bIse 101h cou., reporiti ncecomunenting1 that tIsewa-ner course lac repaireti jointly1 by the Council anti Mn. Vanstone; ant i tIsai saiti sitie line be opencti andti hai lanud be pus-chasedti 1 cari-y the roati anotînt a bill if tIse landi dan be got1 aI a noasouabie raie. Recti. anstatiupt'ti.1 The counsitîe uppointeti ai thue Juîue meeting lu examine tbe noati botwcen lots 30 anti 31, bu tIse 4tb con., also ne- portodt aît they fouandth Ie feusces fios nine to lwelve foot oui tbe roati anti ne- commendedti hal the linos ho i-un anti that bbc parties be requis-edtin os-e Ibein fonces lu tIse linos. With respect 10 tIse Ipondiou the 7tis con. lino, also re- ferreti to saiti commilîco, lhey recon- mentiedt tIsiinsteuti of bhc pondti ein g draincti, tIsIthe bridge Iho naiseti ant i roati fttcd np. TIse reportna nci- cd anti atopteti. Movet by Mnr. Fosier, sccoutied lv Mn. Closons, tIsaI whei-oas mîsch dam- A Continenltal Reptation,1 Paile' s Ce1ery Comlpolud and Its Tliolsands of Adyocatesý, Go where you will over the whole Northt American continent, yu ill hear Paine's Celery Compou 'nt spoken of ; andtinl every village, town and vou aili finti some, who, tlîrough the Compound's powver, have found healtit and ne-w life. People deiight in teiiing to others what PiesCeiery Compounti bas done for them. No wonder that there aie tens of thousantis of ardent and enthusiastie missionanies ail over the continent speaking good 'words about Paine's Celery Compound to those who neeti a curing anti a healing inedicine. The friends who have spoken for and, recommentied Paine's Ce1ery Compoundi have done more to advance the reputa- tion of earth's best medicine than al the newspaper articles ever publisheti, The'great majority of diseases that end in misery anti death miglit be quickly and. permanently cured if siék p orsons could oniy be induceti to use Paine's Ceiery Compoundi. The wonderful medicine bias a noble record of cures-an array of testimony that îs,truly magnificent anti astonîsh- ing. The rheumatic, dyspeptic, ner- vous, sleepless, weak, run-down, and those tormented with blooti diseases are soon matie well anti strong by Paine's Ceiery Cômpounti. Even if yonr doctor has tioubts about your case, Paine's Ceiery Compound -wiil sureiy and cer- tainly give you the bloom of health andi long years of happiness. Let your druggist or dealer know that you must have "Paine's," as imi- tationîs casînot meet your case. The Diuner Bell. The dinner bell bas no charms for a dyspeptie or bilious person. To enjoy your foodi, avoiti dyspepsia anti bavep healthy action of tiseý liver, use Laxa- Liver Pis, smnall, sure, neyer gripe. One pili after* a two-hearty meal re- moves ail iii effecta. Theyv cure indi- gestion anti give gooti appetite. ROCHESTER ROUTE. TYRNE.drunikard, arter aaI Ila shelc age is belflg donc te the bridges and a mnaun avuli 'ave., cuiverts lu this townshi ip by the passing We conoratulate Miss Emilie Couchý of Traction Engines overo them, aiil anti Mr. fhos. plau n the -'ir suc"es at* * * * whereas the statutesprvd that per- the recent ex,ýans. r . r anti M-s Et We lepthe guif of a feav months sn unn nb egie hhi Moses anti chiltiren leit on Montiay for which, brsngs, us te the tragie enti of titis teglna heronil their home in Granti Rapidis, Mich. *poor besotteti man, Most5 of lus lanti strengen at teirt o expenýrseý aill M Ms Adi hipWiioy i vstig tanti houseswere gone into others'pos se briges, an cla s ic to h be setib T Mr. R. A. Phivistsng a ession; svhat s1emsaineti nas mortaged teonsbefraydmg- oet h Mi.R .Pîisthe vcry bult. His avife anti chiltiren ribas anylve tiageso douer to Cmecn 7hAr The ilarvest Home services wiil be avere heuf virtually penniiess. The hoibwasl Rwersoavdti that tis edof ComncnucthAr helti as follows :Sunday, Sept. 6, drink hati arecketi lus home, bis piros- elneoify ai es aontip opeatrs o uch sermons avili be preacheti by Rot-. G. Eeets, bis famiiy, lus reputatiols, bis englue inwn this towul. thatihsCoun WokmnM.A, h.D. t 0 . .od mnd adsolDeiiu fei-cil n iii lolti them strictly to account for Rn on ekDy. Ra p Work, M dA, p . ., a 10 apm.bdv àmm, niman soii Deiîhnia hi'm ail suceh damnage pursuant to the pro- 8.00 a.ns, Lv.Roeb-hster,N.Y.C. A-. 8.30p.m aini p.l bc seoud et 7,o a spe- ns. aeo uat iearaich visions of tise statute in that behaif. 830 ýCharlotte "7.30 duinr iibesrvtifom4 s n. hank and shrie-ked before the hideous Carrieti. 1.00 p.M. Ar. PCobourgp Lv.15 Cliieken pies in abuntiance for ail. At sio-hts anti sonss lie saut anti bearti. Th 45la fo Portli tope 2ae wa 7.45 P. m. 1ev. G. Workman n iii de- Bliue tievils, blaek devili,, spotteti devils, TIlyiwfr eysgte ae a . I. GILIJERSLEEVE hiver his popular lecture on "Germauy tianceti arounid hlm -mocketi bis, reati a 2n4d anti 3d time, andi passeti. J. IL JURY, Agent. Mzr. Kingstori. anti tihe. ermans." Music for ail lauoeheti ai hlm, anti yýeliet ihellish tri- On motion the Reeve avas luistructeti___________________ services by Tyrone choir. Tickets for cmhoe hi se 1i cruc et,1 grant his ortiers on tihe Treasu-er dinner anti lecture 25c, chiltinen l1c, but coulti not escape fros them. Inter- for the foilon ing suiss:-B. Baer & Co . f ual tines scorcheti hlm, thîrst parcei bridge, oun co roati $220; Samil. IBIIII BLACKSTOCK. hins, and ihe crijeti for drink. "~Give me Ali14 70 loatis gravel, $3.50; John Me- 111 l ____ inI!" he crieti. I musi have gin! l'm Kav, 16 do 80e.; L. M.L CousAice, 95 do Mr.ClakeLatimoewhoa,[,hr hnig !oh, -i-,e usýe gin to cool me! $4.75; Isaac Salter, 144 do $7.20; Wim. Soe ne g vli asig ap o Gn!-gigin i! ,AcnuseMrocuveing $1; John Martin, brg wlasrtken 10 Ttoroîîto Thurav1gain,_anticJneulsreeoar avas n.oue - bride ws tkento oroitý TWhsdv tgser an o bI ow go. gravel $3.44; Messrs. Short anti Peters, by D. ih ati W. Pac, hcy e rter fixes destiny place. Char- work on bridge $98; Jos. Clatworthy, on no hopst ond recoverr.-They sWc :eefxsdsiy Whatsoes er a work on abntmens,$ý58; Jos. Clatwortby ore nces orePovebe. Corfeik Mss man soweth, that shal hoe aiso reap. "l work on fencing&c.,$10; W. J. Clemens (Dr.) reKibMn adMiss Tabb,) Boav- bnief career createti quite a brief sensa- sheep daînages $6.66; John Lord, do mýanville at Mrs. Wmu. Hooey's; Mr-. F. tien; anti Joe Treloar became heiti up $167e; . Ber Co.i ger ae fo A spca etr nprhs Parkes, Peterboro,' ai Mr. Jno. Parkes; for months after as a warning heacon bride67; m. albrinheepda mae pee0. fetr1uprhs Miss Lizzie Johuston, Toronto; 11ev. J. t olti anti young, of the base anti 846;D abat ea 1. n- i11 Toronto during Exhibition time Ferguson anti sife; Miss Annie Davis, treacherous effecis of indulgence in lu- digents:-Janet Wilson, Ms-s. Curtis - Toronto; Mr. Wm. Corfield, Enfield.... toxicating drinks. 'Twas an objeet-_ anti Thos. Ward, $5 each; R. Skeen ana. is that the publie are. entieed by. ail Mr. Ici-b. Sautierson, Oshawa; 11ev. IL lesson which so profoundly impresseti James Campbell $4 each; Mrs. Staples sorts of tricks into paying big priees Ferguson preacheti for Mr. Drew Sun- mcn's mintis that thse ranks of thse Gooti anti Mrs. Lane $3 each; T. Wiicox anti for very inferior gootis. Don't be day aveek. .....Livelv limie ai S. 0. E. on Templars hecame consitierabiy eîîîarg- Mr. Campbell, $2 each. led away in this mnanner. If you. Friday ni&ht-mockz trial,... .Miss Sara eti. I id more execution than a tor- The Council was favoreti wilh a vr oem y l hswylsyu w Moore is visiting bier sister, Mrs. Collier rent of cloquent twaddle on total abstin- pleasant vînit from the Reeve anti De- os fa n eyi hs att yu at Toronto-...Miss Maude Parkes is ence coulti bave donc in a lifetime. pnty-reeve of Cantwrigbt, for Consulta- fal.No one in Canada eau or visiting ai Columbus.... Mr. lia-iy StveLno a h raî ttion with regard to the maintenance of does give you better vaine for your Fergusonevi isyo viilîu ltis parents. Rakfrso the bountiary line betaveen thse tavo money than T. N. RrcnAuD,Jeweller eruo svstnlisprns akuyMoors Chapel sonalter tbis municipajities. an piin omnil. No COURTICE.aiful dealh. He took. for Isis subject Ond motionan ilue ouncladourn ýCOURTICE. ~the episotie lu Gatiara. lie saiti: 1,1 O ointh oni doundt ltd 0d oyfr oi odb ySaturday, Sept. 201h, ai 10 a.m. ttopaeigdsodfrsodgodb fracutis, Jesus hati jisi cum off the zay, hlm, butgnie od vr ie Visitons: Mn. anti Mrs, Graham, where'n'as iniastorn. leas aslaip, R. WINDATT, T. C. ,utguiegosevr n. Lindsay, ai iheir tiaugbier's, Mrs. (Dr.) andtihie tiescirules waak'ti un up, for ______Sound advlce given when -ourehas- Mai-vin; Mrs. (Dr.) Bingham andti ss tey was in a pnnty por, they thoughti ace urnedtm Bingham ai Mn. J. C. Gibson's; Miss ih waas goin' to thse botom le UIUI Ul~t~ eeprsadncashiotba Millie Evenson, l-larmony, avilIs Miss. 'nsfi'ti the storm in a moment, so that ftWIIbill of expense to you can be pur- Flo Courtice; Mi-. T. F. Wright ai Mr. the, winds stopp'd iheir anis, anti ehased ai this store for as lutile L. M. Courtice's ..Miss Eva Courtice braciti' like a lettie cheeltin lues $70,000,000, ASSESTS. mnya nweei aaa is spending hier holidays -with fnientis in maubher's anms, an' the gui-i big moe s--heei aaa Toronto. . _ -Miss Annie anti Mn. John aaves became gentie as tIse reppies of 1Bya onelyltyu w Moi-io-w spent Suntiay witb tbe Allun a pon'. "When ce gol on shure a avus Mn. E. B. Williams, Chief Ranger of Buatloeblyltoorow family, Corbeit's 'Poinît.... Oui- teachen, stors mit un; a Storm of Iunetiks. Court Pride of Ontarnio No. 6000, A.O.F. town andi the mnan who keeps his Mn. Robonts, bas cuibereti thse ranks of Somle devils, out on thse sprae enter'd bas giren us some interesting informa- eyes opeu and gîves you value for wheelsinan .... Messrs. Frank ay at btv pornnn'so sncb batilo ocinn hs liat vuiit your money every urne. John Siac-ey enjoyeti thse pleasures of spcn-uts matie 'cmi mazeti. Erybotiy institution. It is no-w 106 years olti anti the voyage 10 Rochester, on Saturday aras afeerd 0v 'cm but Jesus, They, is not au expenimeul but a ti-ed realîty. Be warned by by Steamer Eurydice. Among other n'as afeerti of ee. "Out ya cun !"sItis membenship, over 900,000, meetino-Rg fninti thneihc mc Mn Tos.AshonJesus; an' lliey cunm'd ont, an' lIs por ,u 442 Courts, resis secure lu the inr- T T who seems to be doing avel on Yankee felloavs avas sober an' sensible ail t0eangsrlsoovr700000 f T. N. RI U t¶ R ' 0 fare anti enieriainet hens righi rox-aliy. -waulnce, the Storm sink'd lu a cals. arbich over $29,000,000 is in cash anti .Our junior blacksmilh, Mr. Thos. Then, my fracutis, thaise derjîs wn'et securities readily availabie. Thse Watehmaker, Jeweller and Op- Wbecier, is again at xvorkz, haring into the pigs-I've been touldti here aras socîety iu Canada holtis $70.18 for every tician, Bowrnanvilhe, Ont recovereti froni the effecis of a wvoundti lo ihousauî' os- 'cm -so a man caan $1000 of insurance carrieti by il, a in bis ans neceivci avhihe piaying foot- caary mncb more spcn-uts than a pig record possesseti by no other soeuetv un bail -. ... Master Herbecrt Osborne avili you sec-an' they got 60 drunk thatte oni.TeAcctOirofF- attend thse ligIs Sebool in Boavmanrville lhev -wcnt 'citer ekelter tu the zaysid e, esters is founi wrever thse fiag of MWanitoba Pfour. ... On Sainrtiay evening, ln Osha-wa, or so bol ihat they weul tu bbc aanter Bnitain bas been unfunicti. Wits uts n'hen Ms-. Anson Piekie atentiet bis luý cool tIsais-sels anti got drowndtiti beantiful nitual, hiberai sick anti funeral avay 10 tIse shedi avhre bie lefI bis horse A-,mfrutsth'steaayo benefits, ils safe anti sounti insurnce TIse undersigneti keep constanîly on ho nas urprset tofint tie ans3sl e , thedeil crarrys t'ce lu e desiesun plan il is a boon 10 the atorking man hanti for sale, cash only,I1 pure Manitoba' mssng. A very persistent anti chly anti bati spes-nits 10 r-uin. 8o ci avas thi- oulint e aoits ve.evr mainue No. iladWea lu; iob aach n'as matie on tIse four corners for avcbh Manster Toi-bar, yon kuair. T1e aidti outnboeftheovcr$feer nte o. ir ba For obs the reti-n of the stolen propcnty, but îook'd i osnbscilanen'ifrntvoaidiIesaiicnsuolpasiry flour. Bairrd Sali for sale. avithont as-ail. Isext sorning the b.orse ornahe adi' n'hedsis'es- $1,189,045 to isimnersv. n'as foundti ied lu a neighbor's gaie 'boul 'un took.11'din lu pordishun. Th Ie Court mecis on fi-st anti thirti 42-tf LOCKIIART BROS, nontb of bei-c, sluoaviug signs of vos-y drink Tshs cî'scraedie l Wedncstiay every- mouth lu the Foi-est-BomavientN-wsle bard tiîiving. The gnlypron nynaan's soul. Possessbuun es soon matie; os aloo cu-iyssoe h yet bsý foundi ont..., Tiue relatives of au' cf JesUs dothin'cuil aîong an' give principal offices-s are:ý Eti. Williams, 'Mn. Sarmuol Es-orson -seeteti bis g-Ove un notice to quit 'osý lodo-lus, an' boà off, C.,9 R. ; RicIs. abyS. C. R.; J. N. (consisiing of taso tu-ýCS on tIse beach ccl11 die a Cry' fo hso ssIte cDougall, Secýrtary; L. Jollos, for a pic-usic on Tpne- la, last. TIse dav yin s-ars , for~ Mnate osina dtei Treasuror; J. TV. H:ouper, T. H4. Spry, aS-a finec anti ail!e iod theniselves. 'Tes tiretiful 10 dUe like that, for arIen. Jas. Sauntiers. Truýstees. 26-3m. Af ten tIse usualr ga1 ili repairoti lu deatî s th il,!Smen u When BâbY was sickwe, gave her ÇCstora tIse tu-race lu iin i des-ensce chaps 'ene, kop ure munhs shuti Kalasazoo,l Mýi., is fumons for ccl- Whentsse was a Chid, sh cied for asoia. n"oe spc u4ccen dneluib gainlit stnuù d-rk0n'txiuiu ry e To,.Sae' deismn When she became Mies, cie clung to Castonla. invtig si-ati senans otxctn',py Snete page.i ALLANLiNE Rtoyal Mail Steamshnps. Liverpool, oali- Iuug at Moville. Monfreal. Quebse. 'Monglian -i5 Aug- 15 Aug 3 pa. "Numnidian -5 - 9 pm Parisien------5sPt - 6 Sept. 9 am *Laurentian -i2 "---12 " I3P:m. 'Monglien 19 " --9 p.m Ssrinan 26------27 Il 9 a.m. Sibenian, for Glasgow, direct, Jue 16, iret caisin, $45 and $50. 1 Passengqns can emnbank et Montreal tise pro rions evenung after 7. "Tise Laureulian carnies linsi cabîn passenon oniy from tls ide. Tise Mongolien, m.a, an tLarur entian wili nof stop at Rmouski on New York to Glasgow, Nebrnaska, June 26, Celifonia July 12. RATES 0F PASSAGE. Firsi cabin Penny and Livei*pool,52.50anidup -wards; returnu$100 and upwands. Second ,'aiîn Livrspool, Denny, end London; $34 and f$3625. Steerage Liverpool, DerrBlfast,Glqsgow and London, loavesi raes, evenyBhiuig fond. M. A. JAMES, Allen Lino Agent, Bownsanrllle. Buy lour Watt Paper until you sec îhe huntisorne designs JOHN C. WEEKs eau show you. Or- - ters niay be lef t ut R. ýWorth's Làad.t ane store., I bave some of the pnctiiest tiesigns lu be seen auy- abere anti prices arc aaay doan. BOWMNANVILLE BICYCLE General REPAIR SHOP. W. FISH-LEIGH, Practieal Mael,"'ist, F001 Mater, Lock an,; ïunsmîtuh, Spocial Mciey for handlin-" nicycle R-1, paing ilailifjbaches, and al )ne achin- ony. CYCLISTS.-HavO i-ur wiseels put in trOu hi- a thorougily practical machinist. Bicycles, Lawn mowors, Sowîng meitues 01oc, Typewriters, Rifles, Cutleni-, Locks,î Electnl Belis, Dental and Sung1a Instrmen(,sW Safe Locks, Iron,,Steel and Brees wonk 0f il", kintis. MARKET BUILDINGS, Bowmanviile,~ Notice to Creditors. In the matter of thue est ate of late Elizabeth ,Sanderstwn Cli>ni, late of the town of Bowmanvilt", i?, the county of Durham, u'idowi, - ceas,"d. Notice la iseneisi given pursuant to chapter 1iw R. S. O. 1887 tisat aul pensons haring dlinv against estate of ELIZABETH SANDEnsON)ý CL IMIE,late of tise towis of Bowmanville,colint,,, of Durhsam, widow, - ,,,ed who dieti on o about tise twenly- lie-,lai- of tnno, 1896, are i-,- qiiested tf0delivrn î-sendbhi-post pre pai , or bei oe tie twelfîlu day of Septenion exitc, tise undersigned Administrator a saeni h, witing containlng fuli penticulars of thier dlaims, and of naturno0f tue securitiesllf acps-) icî ytihi-tim egeinst tie tsiteo0f tise sail tsi. ceasFed. And notice is isereb)y funuer giron tllitahufir- tiso said twelftis day' vcd>eptemiser nexi te ise~ iniistratoit 0f thiis rpny0 i siidcr will procee o 0ciîiuets pt d emoens-theo parties e titled tiens "f mistraton will nof ho hle fr iseaseteor any part tisereof s, distnihutoti to any eroaOr peisons, of wioe daims hc shah no hav ceireti notice ai tise fime of suci distr.ibution.ý W. F. ALLEN, D. B. Ssiez )AIBowmana-hlle, liowauv, le Admnistrator. Solicitor1'for Amnsat- Bowmanvitue loth eisugs, 159. 3-4 WOOL! OL! Painting, Kalsomning, Wbitewaýsh- 25,000 lbs. asanted ti t[-Lau~ iug, etc., as usuaI. A euhl soliciet. ton Wollen Milis by îsl ofJny-r which I as-il ps the hig-l pniet JOHN C5 WEEKS pid lu this 'k'ns.hip). uis JO N . E'DEK PWiifun t il 10 heir itrs 0î me before scli).~D ALR Ontario St, Bo-wmanville. 17-3m prietor. -,~___1-i THE ! TheFo Fai arS. Will soion be with us and the Bowmanville Fair will be a enjoyable and entertaining as auy of them. See the bis an, you will want to be theie and see your friends, and to fe and look thoroughly at your best. Cail and see our new,- goods and select what you require. T: _T G OOID S Corne and see us as often as you please an o&ýyou will ai ways see us receiving and marking offnew goods. In sorni of our departrnents the fail goods are corning in right a1oný and we shall soon be crowded with them, New Grey and Black Worsteds for men's ordered Suit, New Men's and Boy'8 Clothing New Lamps and Larnp Goods .Newv Boots and ,Sitoes New Dress Materials (extra choice) New Flanneletts Sorne of- the choicest designs we have ever shown are now corning to baud, and you know there are always sorne very quick things to seil. There is plenty here no1w to prove very interesting to you and ini a great many lines you cau buy as you have neyer bought before for values. 32 in heavy twill or plain Flannelettes, ver>y large 'variety of riew pat- terrns, reguiar price ioc. Our prîce now ......... , 7c Special value in Factory Cotton, 36 Ii. wide, fine, and clean O.... Extra value i Black Dress Goods, pl ain and Fancy, choie" -ýfover 75 patternis, prices per yd. from $1.50 u. . . ý.. .. à.................25 LilLenri (otir own importations) great va.1Iue. Boy's heavy ribbed Wool FHose ......................5 Fedora Hat's, Black or Brown.................... SO K. A. Hats or Caps.................. .... ...........25 Hop Sack Ties 3 for..... .. ........... ............... ......25 Boy's whoie fox strong lace boot worth $1.40 for. . ...............9. "6"9 Cordovarn lace boot worth $1.75 for ............ 12 M en's Plough Boots in large sizes, Worth $.15 for ....... .. . . . a mil BOWMANVILILE, You don't have to mortgage your farm to be able to drink ,&LU ELLA CEYLON TEA It's very high quality, but not expensive. Lead Packets only. From Grocers and General Storekeepers. H. P. EGKARDT & CO, TORONTO, WHOLESALE AGENTS,

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