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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1896, p. 2

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WEDNESDAY9 SEPT. 9,ý 1896 Dît. J. C. MTCRELI., àRIA MBER 0F COLLEGE 0F PHYSIOTAN à an sSurgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Office and Residence. Enni8killefl. 74. A.MoLAREN DENTISI 243 Yonge S., TORONTO. ZFirat-clm s$10 Set of Tect for $14 D BUREKE SIPSON, AEjISTE1-1t SOLICITOR, &o. MOPRIS B LOCg, upstalrs, King Street. Bow'fllbl- ville. Solicitor for the Ontari Bank r irivate lones s oanod eX t ise lowe3t rates, BOUT. YOUNrG, V. S. -FF'ICE'IN TUE WEST DURHAMW OJ News Block. where himself or assistant wîll be found from 8a.m. to 9 p,.m. Niglit catis at residence.dirctly opposite Drill Shed. Calls by telegraph or telephone will receive prompt attention 171yr A. A. POST, A CHITEOT. Plans and Specifica' At ions prepared for every class et building. Special attention given to heating by steain on d bot water. and te sanitary arrangements. Oflice: Gorrie Block. Whitby 43-ly R, PEATE, ailor Geutlemen!s lothes Made to Order., J IM-.BnRIMACOMBIE DIENTIST. OFFICE :-Rear Of Messrs. Higginbotham & Sou's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE ]DEN"ýTISTR.IEtY. C.JARDNL D. S. Ga-Miatet!. h-RêyaCollege of Dntal Surgeor -, Onta rie. OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. VITALIZED AIR.. 14ew Tailor Sh-op The undersigned who lias been carrying on the talloring business in connection with Mason's Dry Goods Store for a numberof years lias commened baciness for himaseif at hie residence, Krjý, St,west, where lie is preparad te rnake gentd'icd boys' Buts in ail the latest styles and et iuwýest prcis. For those whe Wxl o orner . its, lie will carry a fulll une of amples aiýnl the newest pattertis. Give hlm Fashionable Tailor MONEY TO JLOAN. $100,000. A large sUnm' of money lias ,been placed isuiny hantis by a plivte pers. fr investmeet, oýn apprcved boacs on farm security for a term cf FîvE Or TES Y ea, g'îFvu AND ONE ucALF PaR CaTnealwili bha asked payable yeaiuy. satisfactciW conditionsf for repayicent will ba arranged. Dý B. SIMPSON. Solicitor. Boumanville. Dated Oct. lst, 1891. 40-tf. -k1R O .SALE OIL RENT.-HEnusaandi -r lý acres for sale or to rent. siuae cn sCugogý street cortis. The premises consist. ci aý good lieuse wîth every convenience, drsving shat, table, etc. Tue garden contains alot of he choiceat fruit of ail varleties. Irmaiae ,powefsion an be given. For partiolars eppli W.FusunaxeIGHBowmanville Ont 4lIeu THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ESTABLISHED 1854 Zl per annum in ativance, otherwise $1.5qi. Subcriptions always payable at the office et publication. Advertising rates unlesa by coa raci, 10 cents per lice, ncnparie I frsti mmcli an, and 5 cents per line each subsequent ià- ,ertin. Locale, 10 cents per lin. M. A. JAM ES, Publisar Sewer and <~4~rtPipes âlsfaie, fom 4lu.t te24 lI,.AMme (îonnectIens. I¶RITe FOR PRIOE8. TUI)NTARIO SPN[B PIPE CO. 501 ADELAIDE ST. E, pAOIYT MMIO.TORONTOa iWONDE.FUI LAXP. jT L.ndon tgorrespoindent cf the Miaâaiter "Courier" publishes a re- malae accotntof a new lumninant wiiil ai that la said cf it la trueé, wilirn bothi gas and electric light veîýhrd. For its production ne ma- chisi ila required save that contained i, qcrtable lamp neither larger nor heacvi tan is tsad witb coal il or Danri Thea lamp, it la declared gen- erM 1Liza own gas. The substance emn- p loti is at praýsent a secret, jealous- y î&rld by soe inventive Italians. Thffltt i declared te ha at most eue- iii f that cf ordinary gase, and the .e lrxt ight is nearly as briglit as thte1e trio light, and much whiter. A aii amp f loodsa alarge room wîth ligi The apparatus can be carried &b< a s Pasfly as a candlestick, and oeso üth ean and odorless. HOUSEHOLD* USEFTJL FANCYý-WORK. 1 Every woman sbouid hatve an houX or two every day, when she can laY aside th~e arduons duties of housekeep- ilng, and take up a piece of fancy-work, tbereby reting ber tîred body and oc- cuPYinig ber mind in making some pretty1 and useful article for home decoration.u The love of the beautif ul is implantedt lu the feminine heart, and the busy farmer's wife should gratif yite as weli as ber city cousins. Very handsome table covers can be made cf silk-faced Terry, which cernes lu a variety of colors and shades. A design of f lowers and leaves in eac.h corner, werked witb Asiatic repe sik iu their natural ceoers, s an apprepriate finish. Line wjth sateen, China silk, or any other suitable material. If ycu wish a cheaper cover and oee that can be washed witheut injury,1 deuim will prove a very satisfactory material. The blue and brosen coSt from 15 to 18 centso per yard, and can he feund at any dry geeds store. Other colora manufactured expressly for art work are a little higber in price. Turn a wide hem from the wrong te the rgt side, and f asten it dwn with f ancy stitches. If the bine or brown la ued a deep rich shade of yellew em-1 brcidery silk should be chesen; a fiîg- ure should ha outlined in the corners, or, pýeriaps, yen have sâeafinge ihat ceuld be used upen it. There are m any wYs te finish thëse denin table ces ers, either with or wjthout liuing. The miaterlal sbeuld ha wasaed before nslng, te remove the superflueus celer. Carving cloths are usef ni as weli as1 ornamental, fo'r 1 know cf uothing that wiihise effectually save yenr wh ite table cloth, aud at the sama time, add te its appearance. Whoaver dees the cutting is varýy apt t'3 scattoîr a littie1 off cf the, and if1 thera ta a pro- tector it can ha remeved and replaced witb a clean one with very littie trou- bie. Some pretty and inaxpelisive ones are made cf heavy linen sbeeting, fila-1 iahed with hem-stîtched hcms, twe inchea wide ail around tham. Embroi-> breider a design of wild reses and lea vas in pick and grean ia the crnera. Tis will shew thea werk better than pure white, and if Asiatic embroider sis is used, will wasb beantifully. It wenld be a waste cf tima te em-broidery the i center cf 'ise cleth, for the diali wil cover it. A tea tray la made cf the same kind cf linen, and is out square. It nmay ha fillisbed at tise edge witb hemstitchedi berna, buttonhoied scaleopes, or fringed and a berder cf ferns worked with Asiatic filo silk in tbree shades cf green. 0f ceurse, miany other designs are eqtiai- lypretty, and chose who have an Glt- fit cf perferated patterns nieed neyer ha at a loas for suitable cnes. i FOR THUE CHILDREN. esat cisiltiren ara se careless with isactkerobhiefa ant inapisins tisat ut Wouit take a small fortune to keap tisem tiacautly suppliai' with sncb ae-- tIcles, if tiscy are et gooti matani i. Anti yat tbey (Suilit do i-uisct cih2., or ratiser, tbey slhoult net ha permit- ted te do witbout tbetm. Oua ingenicus metiser of -a big f ar- iiy feunti il impossibla tD huy isasdker- cisiefs fer ber littia ceas' evaryd.ay use, se se procu.rad seveas yards etf vary cbeap nwbite mbalîn anti cut it inte squares cf suitable size, isî-rming tbam on tise machine ne otitiments. Tisese isandisarciifs. sise focnet, cest ber sncb a trivial sum tChat if tisay bacame bat- 13 ýstainet or wene lest it dit net amount te macis. Sih at a great nom- ber cf fleur sacks wviici saie bat w'ush- et anti beiîed until white and sefa. Thesa ase utilized lu a likc manner. Tis is a spientit idea ai is xvertby cf imitationIL teacises tise ciiltren tise use cf tisa landkerchief, isaving il censtanatly niis thisn, andti t aisoeach- es them cleaulines a ami neaulnasa. Ciiltren are carales sltis napisins, anti if they ana white "tains looks se bat. Oidt tnîleciotsŽ,, toc n'ugget for use, may bcecut up fer napins, anti wisen isammetde doncelv for tisa chul- tren. It la welt to g':,ChftisaciiltrPn tise habit of using napisins at tisa table, anti aven if thay tre coarse anti sim- ple tisey servetisa saine purpese. USEFIIL RECIP ES. Tomnate Soup.-One pilla tomatoas can- net, or four lange nawu eues, cut np fine, att a quart cf boiling n aten anti bat tiseusbell. Tisen att a sonn eta- spoonful of seoda, wvisn it will feaus, immediately add euýe pint cf sweet mils, with sait, pappar anti pienty cf butter. Wisen Chia beRls, att elgise smali crackers roulet fine anti serve. Equal tce yster scup. To Roast Wilt Duck.-After dressing soais them over nigist lu saît wnter, te dra-v cut tisa f ishy Caste, if net Jikat. In tise monnag put them, into frasis wntar, cisanging saveral turnes befcre neasting. Stuf f on net ns dasireti. Serve witis currant jaliy. A Beefsteak Pia.-Cut itb places tive incises long anit an lacis wide a pounu of fianis steak. whicis cesta not ever tee cents par pounu. Wash, peel, anti cut intô places about tisa aize cf tisa piaces cf imeat tisnee medium- sizati petatoas. Linea n akteg dislj with puff paste, atit a tisin strip cf bacon or saift pork; next att tise steak, alternatet witb layers of the potato; season eacis layer witis sait, pepper, anti a littie onion. Atti beef gravy or brotis encugis te prevent bnrning, covaî witis a top criait, binsain littla beaten agg over tisa top crust, anti bake, unti] 1brewn en top. Hasiset Lambs a La Polonaise.- Fry 1a coupla cf metinm-siz-et i inetionions in au ounce of butter; atir in hait a po ot f mincet lamb, a plut cf hasised ccatpotates antihaif a pint cf bretis seasen te taste, maka veny isot, mound ceo a flat tuas, anti iay six penciset aggs e n top. 1 Prasseti Beaf.-A very appetizing mor- se) fer warmni eather appatites lsaa suice cf presati beaf. Rare is an excel- 1lent way te -prapara it: Boil a seup- Sboue gantly until tisenient drops frcm 1tisa isce. Taisetise ment wiie bot and cuéit t fine. removing gristia anti mesi c f tisa fat. Seasnse wit a teaspoonful c f sait, isaïf n saltspeonfui of papper, .anti a tablespoonful ef maltati butter. .Moisten with isaîf a cupfui cf tisa ment liquit, anti pack tt icco a granite dish :wîtis a plate for a lit anti n tînt-mr for a wtaýgit. Slce wien celti. Use 3tisa remasicg ment for bouillon> feu 1uaxt tay's tituner. 1 DRINKS FOR THE TIIIRSTY. 1"Aprtcct Fizz- Tnke eue plut cf tisa w~n~a~ ~ra~,ge inCohublatan reen ligist cf oeacaadle power ta vis- à Thý, Riode Vnagre in olumba, i a 1- c ami le, andti he igihting a AKINGLY GAMBLER. streama, tise waters cf wisich, by ati-I poivars et sncb îtgists ta ha seau at dis- emixtui7re witis sulpisanic aciti, haceme se tances of oaa,twtsaani fu Leooii, haKig e tseBeiuaasoue tisat tisa river bas been appre- mt1asmust ha two fifteen, ftfty-cone, la oea cf tise moat tevatarata gambiens priateiy namnedth ie Rie, de Vlnagra, or anti 106 candie pcowar raspectivaly. The ta Europe, anti wbat ha tees not keow Vtetgar RIiver. glass la a oear bina, grean, wiie about a baud of carda la hardiy worti S Tisa Orange, or Gariais River, .lns tisaerd ih cpe ed h ementtcnieg. Sotisern Africa, rises itise Mountains hast. raiigtacoprri is Children Cry for PJ'Kcher's Castoria, id - - juice cfbrie apricots, fîlter unt1il H A . - clear, and make a syrnp wltb baif a 1 ir n îture a ni poucd of sugar. Ihen add ee ounce Of1 tartarie acid, bottie acd cerk securely1 A PROPER DJ-IRT. For a drink taise a tumbler tbree parts Thse nature and quautity of an appre- full cf water, add tue tablespoorifull H1 s cf the syruip, and a soruple of carbonl- Priata diet must depend largely upen HUF ate cf seda. oce's aga, ndvidual constitution, oc- ,Ginger Beer.-Put a pouaid and a cupation, habita of lite, acd te some> haif cf leaf sugar sud twe ounces cf1 exteut upeon tise climate ln wbicb oe hrnised ginger reet in a large belivea. An active ciild twelve Or f if- Our liue Comprises everythînig fouc peur over focur quarts of beiliîsg water7,, teen years o]d, wbo is grewing f ast room, and belîeving if only doinig jus add two ounces cf cream of tartar, and auý1d exercising freely, may require and customers may benefit by lt,we have ai the juica and gratedl rind of oeeleea ssimilate as mucb foed as a man past large lines, and our prices cannot bc b Let cool, and put lu a tablespeenful cf ýmidea. yeast. Stand aside for six heurs. Bet- adiddla age.wthsmllprfis tie, cork igist, and stand in a cool piacp Llu n-health, the appetute may be takenan ar sasfdwihmalpot, fer twenty-four heurs before usicg. as a fair guide, and the ch ild will seidem saine when you have seen our goods a --eat tee mucb if he la taugist te eat Parlor Suites, 1-IELPFUL IIINTS. veny slcwly, and tboreugbly to chew Bed Room Suites Fresis lard removes tar. each mesthful. Extension Tables> Te ramove finger marks fri cmvar- 1Tbrougbont the lscisoei years the Lounges, nished furniture mub tbem with a cioth growtb of the body la cotinually going Sceais and a littie sweet oil. Te remeve theai) on, and, therefoe, if a proper develop- Window Shes, frem ouled furniture use keroene cil, ment ila teha maintained, the food Wno hds Stains on clothing, caused by orange, irrGas lemon, or other fruit juices, May of t an must ha abundant and ef a characterMiorGas bc remoed by toucbmng tbem witlJ te furcisb new tisane and te yield in with many other hunes you will find in liquid amînonte.. tise form et heat andi muscular ac- our store. tivity. INEPESIV SRUBER. Tà1- fui] duiteiweght is nt usually Give us a call when wanting anyt INEPENIVESHRBBEY. attained befere the twenty-flfth year, we can suit you. - altbough in soea nstanGes it is reach- li olAdd te the Beau y and Value Uef ea îd eariier. Whec the grewth cf tise body and U D R îEvery Fares'. thse develepment of tisa vital e- ratenio Many farmers are deterred fromn are completed, tisa use of food Seilceeto gvnt ists simply lu mainraining the preper planting oruamnental shruhs and treeps equilibrlum of the tissnes by rep lacing by the suppeaed necesaary axPensa ý, waSte wlth new material, and un furu- writas a correspondent. They havaeaLaisng fuel for tisa deveiopmant cf 1 vaiety of large acd amail fruit, but force thes ar par ofthe ecoomy f 1lie As men adranca in hf e, isacomne pros tbaa ae prt f tsa cenmy f tseparens, and parbapa acqutra moealux- BoMAvLE farm, and reprasent mcney wail il!-lirions habita of living, tbey are apt vestad. Fruit trees and pla-nts arete taise lass exercisa and, at t ha samne___ logrin comisg te maturity ithan au-i time, te ha, constaatly tempted te lu- lne'dulge in food whichis l net naedad and which separates Natal from the Or- nual crops, but are juat as sure ta the iw isic limperfactly conauxned le tae ange Free State. The lengtis of this end; andthie wtse farmner la f nhly n rejbedy.'am us 1,000lfliles. las tanks a.bound that apple orchards and strawbeýrry On, tise ther isaad qutte as muchis 111il varions valuaable woeds andi arcund hats py bttr tteratthamceat resuit from eating tee littia as it ara f ouad rtcb copper ores, Iu thia bed py ettr ntres tancoulyfcm oe aidlac.In aitiser casa stream ara many variaties cf fisb, sehicis banks. tiedfiulty la made seriens by long are f eund until tise river passes abreugis But witb ahrubbary it ladefretconutinuance. a recky ragien centaiuung ceppar, be- n, Se great la the force cf habit ovaf low wbici tise watar ta saidti tebhapois- The farmner may realize that ornan-ea' tise diffarent organs of tisa body that enous, almest tnstantly killing the flab tation bas -omthing te do wltis deý- tise stomacis and intestines willi usu- tisat venture near it. termining tisa valua of isa'place, b)ut aliy rajept undigestati the centents cf Anther remarkable river ttis e In- tt doas net ceme iseme te hlm se forct- an occasional excessive meal, whereas dus, a great stream in Hindeestan. It witis habituai oereating tisey beceme rises la Tiiht, and ita course ia a wca- bly as tisa apple orcisard and vinayayd, accuatomad 'te apprepriatieg large darful oea. On reacising tise Sussi, and hae puts tt off frem year te yeari L, quanalties cf food, wbicb are absorbad, ils moat nortisera peint, it tuns scutb- until money is moe plantiful or ha, baýs but wisicb cannet ha eliminatatiwithiset ward, ioslag ltself in tisa buis, and mere tima, andth ie bara surreueiga i,,ï verely taxing tisae rgaus. cf excr.'tien. reappearas at Takot, lu Kehistan. Tise Fraquently tise excesla storeti up Indus is 1,700 miles in leugtis. After ofbts heuse are laft te the charity cf inluthe' hody and goes on accumuiating recelviug tise waters of macy trlbutar- tise amati annuals wblis bhis wfe at until tise system rabais, and a vicient jas tts caanel greiva aarew, and isere daugistera raise fromn seed cr. ara sbie bIlious attacis, by vemitiug andi pnrg- it dtvides into many cisanuels, se of brins reief.whlch neyer ratura te tise parant to crryoverfron yer t yea l, U s ne exaggeraticn te say that stream. It abounds lu fisis and croco- meana of slips, anti perisaps te tise Oc- avoidabie errera in duet are rt'specsible tillas. caslonal sweetbrier or peony rcct, rrc- fer more than haif tise disease which That classical river, tisa Ganges, la curei frm nficwr-iving naîis- emtitters tise middle and latter part arratic lu tts course, lise tis aolang cue rm aflwrlvn flitfa. He. It la promtnant betishi tisa rlig- ber. It is net that tisa farmaer ~ ion and gacgrapisy of Indta. Il varies DISLIKES SHRIJBBERY, I~net ouiy frem season te seasen, but cr is ntggartiiy wlth bis mcney. HaMSTKSAOU ER DSAE frem year te yaar, andi frequntly ex- la rarely caught ap wlth his work, ' ud J Tise changes wisicis go te maice up changea elti passages fer naxv onea. it tisare area atsays important tbbisgsLiseart disas. taise place slewiy, anti go bas beau saidt iat tise Ganges delivars waitlug bis attetien-tisings that IL c inte tise sea evary year 543,900,000 tons mony nd im, ad reof rmýý pi-On for years witbeut makieg tbam- of mud, santi and etisar solid mattar. portance to tise prcsper-ty of tisef l emlaves isnown te lise vlctim; and in not And, tisea, raady monay s undei2iL~tiy a few cass leatis occurs suddeîuly fi um TEDES0 A scarce aeven te tise average farmner, ~osncb diseasa witheut its existence hav- TEDESO AE is gettiug aheati; naw herses or tý,oia egbenasatt. nts thrbu,- or builigs ara neadad, anti tise Ing beeend IneldeucOn thf Esînepeai accumuliations go te prevuie tisem; tînt tisera are pansons wfle tinistisay haveTat an t*Iems o upai tise sbrubbary la put off anti cf f, nd iseant disease, nbau tise construction cf Coàbts.1 finaily is lest stgbt cf. 'that organ la perfectiy bealtisy. Tisay Even ie Germany tisa popnlanity cf If tise farmner knew hew vesaply I 'b complil of bati feelings in tise cartilac 'tise duel ta open te some ýdcubt. Its grountis ceuitib ha nnted, I1 a u- _regions, palpitation, irrt'gular breacis- vinceti thara weuid be fewarueg~y1c, etc., anti sucis sympteme wenld na- existence is due net se mncis te o e yars l ta cnnty. Evn ti zI~rilY snggast diseasa. Iu thesa casas sire fer combat as of fear of wisa anti girls, wlth a ittle trubacnhat t ha trouble la pnraiy narvous ini char- people wiil say if. tisera is ne figist. surreunethtia isuse withIs eatlft, is acter; abat is the nerves wbich cotrel Tsr aaba ee uitt vs tise coct wotidha only a few ay' iawokca ftsa ter are soma- werk eacis yaar. Tisera ta scarcaly ' wisat daranged. Anti vary ganerally were always raady for a fray, and whan treaeor a shrub tisat wiîl net pro4a- tisis derangemant la the rasait cf dys- they ar ntareti-a drawing-reom wcmau gate reatiIly fnem cuttiaga, ant iUahptptic troubla. Those wis eaxhibt t hae utei nihpaiu cndnth kîntis cau ce increaseti almost liefCi- auges dascrihati seouititure tisair at- ql eitaîy. Insert tise cuttinga ina e~ entien to the stomacis anti try anti cLha.i ubanada or loverasnWho wcnid piace cf groun inlutise spring, anti give . vercome them by careful attention te hase alucky as to excite tisa Ire cf tham eue or tw hoecinga. By tisa set- d iet. Tise quautity of feood takea siseuldth ie men cof hicoti. onti year tisey will ha large aneugis 'L a bcne greatar tishan eist anti scrength During tise occupation cf Paris by tisa transplant te permanent quartera. Haut- 'tiamauti, anti oniy substances easiiy di- baceus panta lis hue, pitexe, pe-gestible siseuit be aaten. Iu soeape- allitas tisane ware duels aveny day, the nies, irisas, yuccas, anamouas antidn pie, aven withi fairly streng digestive 'Frencismen usually haieg tise cisalieug-' dretis cf etisrs, can bava their rots ii- eqwers, tea anti ceffea cause palpita- ers andthie victors, as tbay ware very vided anti subtilvidati, anti tisa pliin lon cf tiseiseant, iseece chir use la f or- iluwthtesa w(d.Soe wil ha ail tise more thrifty for tisa dý i- itden. Tcblaccc aise gives ise te tisesifnwtstsasaiwod Se- vison. Same symptoms. 0f course, tisis habit, times, isenever, tbay matie a mistaise as PRUNING IS THlE SECRET aînti ail otisars wisicis tend te preduca wisan they jearati at an Eegltis efficer cf successa ut erub-grcwing, andti narva waaknasa, sisculti ha disceu'tinneti. I ver lcsing bis iag at Waterloo. TiseL Wisera troubla witb tisa isurt is pureiy nearly avary lccatity oaa ha found i f(unctlenai, tise rmedy lies witis tisa jeerar discevereti thsat;tise s of iss fair assertmaunt of shrubs ant i1 výýictim, aud by ivisa rastraicît a cure is leg tii net intarfare lu tisa least witis wisnse ownetrs would ha parfectly W-;;)- gener;ully t'ffeced. In fa.ct, medical I iaEnlssauaam ung te give away tise cuttinga cf eaac is ý traamant la raraly néedeti, ca the T isera a n exepios e is pruning; anti cuttinga of sncb desirabte ha e otoe up tise system. e mani he avberf tngexcaton prl heA sbruba as might net be fount inth-,tisai for__________an_____. A uaighboreeti ceuiti easily ha precuratdi Englisis captain, challengati by a French- from a nursery fer a faw cents. i j WONDEIIFUL STREAIVS. mnc a heese. hoie fesmnsecar- kncw a young man whc bas sevýeral cheti a iti gs.Teitis nohiang nte acres cf fine sbrubisery, aeariy ail cf Oa>reRiver ta ltac.k and Anotîser lg Sor ean werd ani itrestt fing tisfIaiy wisicislha raiseti from cuttinga pr-i as Vtioegar. cemrom nist nes, a-hrendsebiack curet intes neigishorisoti. Wisat woii opmse onlcsahrbck have cost iim sevaral hundratidear One cf the most curtous rivera tisat Tisa combat naturally attractati mucis at a nursery only coat hlm a f ew bave coma e tiste kuowledge cf men la attention. A great crewti witnessad tise daya' labor anti soeayaars of wattiiig. th, Webbe Shebey-ll. et Easternu rc, rdel.bOea mn acatvileti iseatgngly Ihave propagatedt isusauda of wiî-nd Afrstea, bon ica rtsbefnai ineibsanaoie îows, poplars, hydrangeas, altiseasjadpaniaptsra.abningu No dualliat coulti aven ha matie to rosesq, spireas, anti othar treas ai j stranga fis anti farocieus crocodiles. amila over tise fanions story ef tisa Eug- abrubas anti test leas than f tva par ent, Aitheughi t ficws for isundretis cf miles liisman anti Francisman wisc ivre tc cf the cuttings. Outsida cf tise sv etl ati ie*mui figist a duel te a pttcb-dark rceom. Not ing, tisera is a fascination ia raistin tsegswcigt iltssmn aEglisis- 1one's cwe sisrubbery; anti f desirabt'A, 'ij mm-e ef watar neyer reaches tise sea. A man fireti up tisa ciimnay wisan tise one anu easiy make it a seurce of nero r distance nortis cf tise aquater tisa word was guven, andti te is surprise incensîderable profit. I kncw sal ive s lest un a do-sert region a f ew brcugist down tisa Franoisman, whe bati fames h ait aiundretidlas rjiidaen tisera. Wheu this stery la tolti famr eacb adar ediirinoarsygrw -u1ies frem tise ladian Ocean. in France il is always the Englishman tng a smatl assortmeut cf plants fcr ,Semaet the more racent explerers cf wbe waa up the cbimney. ucsfli local trade. I Alaska anti Britisis Amarica daim tisat _Ftgiting Fttzgerald ivassucsull HAS A RÏE6ORD 40 YEARS OfSUCGCESS IT 15 A SURE CURE FOR DIAPPHîCA, DVSENT -ERY COLIC G RAM PS, CHOLERA !NFANTUM tr aad iI ESLà>4ImR eoMXPLAINT'S i.. OjJra-~or Aduts. E ýxcelsi*or sans FESR' FOR 12 MONTHS. IT IS NO PICKLE. You sliply treat the Eggs with PRESERVER,9 and Iay them away ini a basket or box,. LAY DOWN A SUPPLY WHEN THEY ARC CI.EAP. Call for bock giving full informuation, frte cf charge. for %le DJY J. IIGNI3OIIM 80à. dinocks ail the clogged avnes of the Bowels Kidneys'and Liver 2'. carrying off gradually iwithouî weakening the system, ail the Ïmpori. dies and foui huinors cf the secretos aithtis sceliecorrect- ýing Acidity of the Stomach, ouring rBih. oesness, Dyspepsia, Headaches Dizziness,' Hleartburn,Constipa- Ition, Dryness of the Skmn, Dropsy, Dim- cessof Vision, Jaun- dice, Sait Rheum, Erpas, Serofula Flteing of' the Ileart, Nervousness andGenerai Debility; ail these and many other similar c.mpiainîs yieid , te the happy iifluence of BIJRDOCK BLOOD BITTERIS. 7 LM; i E U RN a eo. BRlTISH CAPITAL INVESTED. Nearly $400,000,O000is the total cf Brit- ish capital which was investad in var- ious anterprises floated on the Lon- do n stock market during the f irst six Imonths cf 1896, according te thel London Economist, the actual figures bewing £79,494,000. 0f this sum, £11,000,000 was invested in loans of foreign gev- ernmenta, and about an equal sum, it isl amustng te nota, in companies fom ed te manufacture cycles and cycimg 5appliances. tEXCITED TUE NATIVES. Quite an excitement was created re- cently by the mistake cf a telegraph eperator at Hatfield, England, where Cecil, thse son of the Marquis cf Saliïs- bnry, =-aises bees. 11e sent to the n ear- est tnfor a queen bee and recelved a, telegram saý ing: "The queen wi4l iarrive by 3.40 this afternoon." T-iha operator supposing it te refer te thse gueen of England, could not keap sný,cE important news to bimself, and s0 the was an immense crowd. at thse station, when the bee arriveci. urnishings. ,ud in a first ci ass furniture ware, Istice to Our business and that oui' added more varieti es to our already beat. We buy as low as the lowest and you will be eonvinced of the, and examined our prices. Sideboards, Hall iRacks, Centre Tables, Mattresses, Chairs of every description Curtain Poles, Pieture and lloom Mouldings in great variety and at ail prices at ything in lour Une and sce how wei A iK1 NG'O. othis department Bounsall's Block.

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