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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1896, p. 3

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,an nge intheroo, ad yu thuglt ;,%tbatle illyeu not fight, TUIE LBVEU ANIY LûTS latvr scnssoid atel ,~ hat huger ýwill yeun fot endure for iland wlien finally the winds of daath v our- chLildren? Yourchidren must --did scatter the leaves Yeu were no 1have brei-ýad theugli yon starve. Your THE SHADOW WHICH DARKENED moere surprised than to see a starcm hirnmust ha well clothed though Younot th dffeenc j TH HOE T HRVET. out above the cleud on.a dark night you go(1i rags. ýYoui say, "Mly chldren for en ad f tn sad t yor Crn-shahý be edicated, tliengh I neyer had children. Some have neariy , m panion, "My dear, wve shall never raise aly -bhance. TheFul ýlssit an ftsnî%salTrîqs1 that child." But I scout the idea tht What te yon are weary Iimbs and every ailment, even wîth tÎionFri Eartii tu Heaveu.-A cidsgeod chidren always dia. Samuel the aciing headl and hande hardened and the estof are.Othrs at ow'eOi r iie arental Ileirt-Tisapion boy became Samnel the great calions if only the welf are of yen 1iat~o hid4~4.prephat. Christian Timothy became a chldren cani ha wrought ont by il? more xoe pass Waroghinga t o hl, ;ol'rinister at Ephesns. Young Daniel Th-ir sorrow ls your sorrow, their joy Ang 80--Whue te Onserated to God, became prime la i jou y, thair advancement yonr unharmed. Wleak children reapers are busy lu many parts of the mninister et ail the realm, and there are vcer.And, oh, when the iast sick- wilhave continuous colds land and the harvests are bing in hndrds oeshosadamle itr.Adohwietehstic- inwintr ordgstoongtfedtes ebouh aea e this country to-day children whe n-s re, how yen fight back the înwite, oo dgetin n aterd hescnebrugt efreusloe God and keep fls cemmandmaents Éd dsease, and it la only after l nfaints and ChiIdrenj. in this snhject is especialiy appropriata. and wlie ara te haletoremost ameng taenesstrnggle that yen sur- summer., They are with- The text la il. Kings, iv., 18, 19, 20; the Christians and the philantliropists rainer. And then wlien the spirit lias itout power to resist disease, "And when the child was grewn it and the reformars et the next century. tlad thIle great deep is broken np, and _77711D o Kn w ta .gr, 'Lhey ave no resere feu n a dy ~hatlic et ont e hisThe grace of Ged neyer kilts any ene. RuchaeI i ll net ha comforted becanseTo Y u Kn w tm gri, ýýthe have no rservefeil n a ay tht li wentout t bisA hil wîllbe hrerap hoidrenu harechnet, aae nnetiandDavigoesi ' trt athar te the reapers. And lie said with religion than it will be apt ten to hae palace stairs, crying, l'O, Ab- Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soethrng, and stegh-Scott'sEmulsion ft ll ate,'MVy haad, my head 1 greîw upnwitheOut ht. Length et days salomir, my son, weuld te Gýod, 1 had oirmdefrebdenaecmsdofpumrmohne of cod-liveroiu, with hypo- And ha said te a lad, 'Carry hlm te bla Tl -u-ejiaýed te tha rigliteens.: The ra- died for tbue. O AhsaIbm, my son, my hlm1- A e Christ deles net cranrp thea sonP" DoYn Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcetie poisons? phosphites, is cod-liver oi mothar.' and when lia had taken cim cl or curve the spine or waaken 'Ihre l nota large family, or hardly d~esedanadntd nd broughit him te bis mothexrlhe sat t hae nerves. There are ne maladies a ag family, that lias net bent over Do YnKuow that in most ceuntries druggists are net perniitted te sen] nareo ics partl igetd nonate lier knee tili noon and then died. fieajting up from tlie river et lite. The sncb a treasnra, and lest it. In tlie to the weakcer digestions Of Thara la ut laast oe happy home religion et Christ throws ever the heurt a;ily f eld ts there -nedead Lamb? I wtotlhigteipios1 theluurane ndand lite et a child a supernal heaaty. havje s-ean many sncli cases et serrow. Do 'Yon Know that yen sliould net permit any niedicine te ha givan your chilà children. i Shnem. T e lx"inclnd ier ways are ways et pleasamîness Thare la oe pre-emnent lu my memery splendeur et a greatlieuse had beau and ail lier patlis are peace.ý" ias pastor-Scovillia Haynes McCollhn. unlessyeouor yoorpkvsician knowef what it iseniposed? SoeTv &BOWss, Belevile, Ont Soc.and $î. gîven te d et ofa chiid.Evan Ipa o cn îa lesset-Teseye i etiwsbegtDO yon Kues that Casionsa is a purely vegetahia preparation, and that a list of ________________________ ewbility et childliood. Men pride them- uinie Ge(d. ie blengad te my par"s ___________________________wlien the angel of lite brings a nwslves on thair unnelangeabilty . Tliay L.thawast. A therengli boy, 9 or 10 îts ingredients'isvpublished with every bottie?1 seul te the peer man's but a star et will make an elaberata argument te yeaýrs et age. Notbing morbid, nething joy ,sines ever the manger. Infancy prove that they thik now just as dulI about hlm. His voica leudest snd Do «YeuÎn n that Castornia h the prescription of the fumons Dr. Samunel Pitcher. R I PAN S xith its belpiassuass and inoecec, theyf dld 20 years age. It is cliarged lis foot swlftast on the play-greunid. That it lias heen in use for neanly thi'ty years, and tliat mne Casoins je nw sold than te traility or frand wian a mnan Ottan h li as coureito my lieuse and L1- ad passad away. Days et boyhood changes bis sentiments i politics or ihrewu bîmisaltdlown on tlie floor in çf anl other resuedie for chldr-n coaîbmed ? M h ad corne, days et langliter and trolic, ini religion, and it is this dtermina- aýn lexhaustion et boisterens mirili and MYuXIwta h aetOfc eateto h ntdSaeado - The m-odern stand- days ot sunahiine and promise, days et tien et seul that se oftt drives back 1yt'ha was aChristian, eonsecratad te oYn wt-rtePinttOceD e and o hassUntdS taetead o ..j~ andthe gospel frem a man's heart. It is Ged 1keeping lus commamdments. That cther couantrias, have issued exclusiverglteDrPtcranhiasieteueh wd ~ rd Fmiy di trange questions and curisityan se liard te maka avarice charitabl i th kind et chihdish piety 1I haiava 'astoi'la I and lis formula, and th. t te imitate thema is a state prison offense, CurFmiy e the quicli devallemnt. I sup)pose anleng and frand honest, and pride humble 1,. When the tiays et sikess cama cîeail the treasures et that lieuse the and skapticisrn Christian. The sword w-udanIy and lie was teld that lie Do Yon Knew that one et the sassons for graetieg ihis governmnent pretectionwras 11 thoe maied warriors and the helmeL;at ahona can suve me. Jasus wilh Save _ýcause Castoria had bean preven te ha aýbsolutelY harmse common every-day is the shout et reupers heard afiald. A sfears batthe preof against God's battie- me. li e ha suved mie. Dent ery I aefrnse > f u ant.bey's heart always bounds ut the sound ax. But chuihliod-liow susceptible te iViýamma. 1I chahl go right straiglit up je Yen Kno3w tSat 35 average doses et Casioni rla frie for 35 ils f umnet.o sickhe or scythe. INo sooner have examla, and te hiistruction i Yen are te, heaven" And than tliey gave al t, or oe cent n dose? the lisvesters cnt a swatb acreas thaefnt curprised at tha record, "Abrabami a glass et water te, cool bis hot lips, begat Isaac, and Issuc oegat Jacob," adhaj said: "'Mamma, I shail take a De Yeou m e that when posessed oethiis perfect ,-lparatiOnl, your chilclran mam field than tha lad joies thenu, and the fer wlien religion starts ln a tamily it draft frem tbe water et lifetettrkctv 2.ha you miay have unbrolkan rest? z ~swarthy reapers teet Younlg again as is epi toge ail tbrouigh. Jezabel a mur- awhîbla, et whnl if e drink -lie shahl tbey look doavu ut thut lad, as bih dreiss, yen are net surprised te tind ney ý ergitbirsty again., 1 lay myseif 1 350'i se ings are worth know:ng. They are facto. brgtharson Jehoram attamptig assassina- ut Jases' tfeet, and 1 want IBim te de MARK ~~and beautitul as \vas iRuthi in the bar- tien. Oh, what a rasponibilit i upoi ,what H etiinkabest te de wîtb a-i.l vesi fields et Bethlehem geamling airer tha, arant and teacher i The mnsician me-." Iu thosa days, "Rest Fer the iefe-inj the_____________ be ut the Sun was tee bot toue C, the eys, and the respeonsaetofWaary" was a new bysun, and hli ad Of ealare ef thoselieyS s away off amid îhe pipes learned it, and in a perfecet ecstasy 'e waPer for hlm. Congestion ofet b hu saiz- and hcod, and yen wonder utteia el lu bcis lasi benr hae criad eut: clo i.distance between the kay and t uthebisiua en h lr ~1scec theswartby laborers drop theïr chord, ýAndse i la in lita if centoue inI ranlrndr of res ast a se hta chîld the resnht wl coma back îrorn Teermis ade et ~ siekia, and tbey rush out te scwa manheod or ohd aga, telling just the Tr my Suavieur's gona hatora me isl the mattar, aud they tan hlm, an d tue played, whtber the dirge et a tefiimy soul's reqnlest; tliay try te cool bis bresv, but ai is et greut serro'w or th,-a anthein et a great Thra Sresi for the weary. ne avaîl. lu the instant et censcions- JOY. h odtu heSbuhsho ilu aifrynFOR SALE l J.IIGINBOTH AU,&SON, EOWMAN v ILLE ustsm al ai.aeal Pglier lo es apusbsbad ginsi his teadliar l ibis atterneein ahîspar in"Sngoh, sing, ye blars et glery, isr Isege boxu, su. Lusasegile o, l es i ut i asaathe eax et the cîtea will ha achoed .bheut your tiumplis as yen ge! o'aid fis La ,oxedds, ullo.Bcsanill.Otml es bdoexs eu, Y"VI ad, iMY buek freni averhasîing uges et lighu rZonsgieerlee erin beaud " And the futhar said, -Carry tiarlines, T'li home and the Sehool ýLou &hahl fimat an entranca ilimongti bn te bis moîber"- just as any tuthar decide the rapublie or the despotmsm, rhe is rest for tha weary- iha bar barisin er the civilization, the "ihere is resb fer yen, papa; thei'a le rough anti ont voee la tee harsh, and threwîîg et hi. igler than parhma ting hs nantis over lis liear, b saiti: osîr foot is ton lonti te docier a siek ment or cougresa areý the sebeol antid s thare is resi fer me." And then ehild if t hera ha in eux homne a gantier the+ fauuily, andtheb sound ef a chsid' 9 ha a sked tflem te read '"iThe Lord is teel, mayi mean more thun the tramp my Sheplard; 1 shaîl neît want. lia footstep. But ail et ne avail. Whle et a lest. Wiat, tileul are you de- mlkaili me te Lie dewn lu green pus- nt n rlie reaperts et Shuneni wera busy lu ing tor the purposaetfbringing yeui turces and leadaîli me hcesida stili th iedtieacame a strongr~ eap cîtrn uetekige tGoh fw rs,- and he cried eut: -"O deaili, etth t fiyld th kerr cyhean pey aie bosusceptible, and ift i is Iat îy sting? 0 ravewheîare eii x isiri s ta hevtr batua t eruponn im hyvicîerye'" I~SPSISs for a richer hurveat. lia reupad ouly etarnal intaresta, whut are yen deing _)aly i10 years OLÉ. Andt tenB lie Suld: ES lPTNs, oeasheat, but, oh, wbat a golden by wav ef rL-ît impulsion? iUyuwudjs unti it.wn -Tbîare wera soeaharvestars i heS 'vi o 'n okyence oul r onsu t hé l lvn ag sokofersySifad Fl R t i~ti'amtiu u1 as iadloa u t shJar a ,liat 1I-1 donot wn efiehds et Scotlandeeahoit daiy, antid 1 se J eauarg hock once more on td.- FltHat rýýeto re bou tht hurt Haual Leond wa,ý hlpig eligeanti sea the Sun set." And they i itlite5itkas ut0v'JF bcuhtha'aa breakinig scane ta abtIce nj atger the bey. bbc laid bar baba rahithut Jaesswoulti hnrry anti coma 't Lin te ic seneaccou"Hesai onander aetot. hhigeisla wuebuibis ,s s ,,is oeapaihetiesnec,"i u niltit ate.WîaseW5bs usdtaka me." Tbay aaid tehIlm: discount. Rats worth $1.50 and $2.00 selling at 25e and the aie ilarenus imter t ringa"Wly ara yeunont nillhig te uwait baer kueca tili neon andt lin dit thuie air, anti a gotieneaugle luien- ~ iii'î4o W ei es'a a u'&Toglndutse arsbv ustiaiîesatdtgbu e aile Lords rima " " lia saiti, "15(Oc Don't mniss your chane. Th' r Sale ha eithssisddal bnd anthe abe ubut I1raonld ruiler Jesus would Cca sna hi e sipeileîe Anilaw they rha itteta n tnasCone anti hurry anti Lake me." Anti Pin hrsan isa sr h d ewsîhoutit, u Waekly, harvesi ed nithen raus brouglit eIn'i l avetr nilanl s t ac iteclulh uGent's Furnishings I havePitShran Tes t e L.ts. es ,M&CO, deiy brn ni ieiou his mothr afiapLernntiartati for the chufs. I Jr was ,,dawy Fus . omeanddiethrilsus.ineedchi- ými4 beloe Ohý, taeis uothing cuti about a. the strystii oîle clhtts. (etting thare who duratihîd' dath save the griet n luih y ooti bas a charin always anti avenY- ho mout the cuis e No buman f'oot If you have any fur garments that need repairing M Ebne.J sailnor spahite yen et lad ever lied it. Thera wera silors parnts' heurt. Yen see thie Little eues 9 wherieti1saluiyie ueatbhiytht weld e pe mas hi go rigît eut from a worlt et si anti te impression, is powterôovar the,leday et terrible remnpest. Thay tii sut , wteîng ecaed et .ioy.leramn o sth îet igte n anti lis blsf n tr nsi n t tiarel dsk i. IunuahLentoni sa t serrersho a eeup trorau nys. tlep T oare Enough. He ptientalhurtanîo beuven. ltranis tera frahmla antilooketi p ni> d rtins le.mnytrube. --tie Feels H ppie~.te chtin enty dee s net daýpeuti ýaurathe augle ithe au rie, t andnhe', rpsf.Tbs ha i a r upon faperrThech or eature or cmpexona1 ape t terhifeet, anti aba starieti pari. We huera net abat durkipî uponfor orfeatre r cmpleionsheleîhay ntay take. The day may conla or appeal. That destiture oea thut yen ni> wrae neobirman foot liatiaven trot, in rahlelitbey raili break yeur heurt, î~u NED T RE~, caou the Street, bruiseti witb un- crag aboyae rug, caîchîng hlefti tiis but Oehiltiran tieutaaesafa-sufa for- DID OT EED HRE . kintineas ant inlu ags, bas a charsu reot or that root uantil she reacledtha about lber aven untien lier destitution. eyemThanticanglit lir baba theaugle avar Mi Jme N Dviof~ Vehi~~nn~ Yen hava, torgotien a great Imuny peur- 'ophglutereea hurîtiaou led brita lis th et eusBhaNIL Practical Furier, Mr.Jaes . avs, f 5 ellngon se sns rabomu nmet, et fineliy cen ta- lber. Il sieuiug theebîhldt teber huck khitand YChgrist is khhat. et e s, BW NVL S. Thocs, apeuks o et ntisof lamee ceur- tmies anti wiih erect posturea.anti th sha startat for lber friande anti for otianti ung ,rejsolimceiliat e avta i resîce, race shouit hae o n icms'î to in y ef fanllhescomplexion, n ile yen rili lent. Oh, wîat a dizzy desceut, sid- garer n hig p samr b at is atene- cnt itiars Mi Daisle eciersijenwil alaay renemet be eergirl who, lng fi em this crag o that crag, catchi- tv.l ha a1at r e eus ;ieisuMr.uvs, i oneraonn ih a colt, enlgbethnigl, asyen aang by that vineanti by thut root, sirangerýs. Thëeaara these thare raIe "Doc' Kica Pls sic11e baik n asiug olihom, uriba yueral Logdr anhn thie moat speak oui name day by day, ant ley ersasnb aeotonmh ee nt, put oui iugr n p a ý, Ira h tuwaintier rahy se long wnia îury.If I reced havn bai c. h'ySsveîe av d brbaud a o te ntsa,"ieaat'gipumt gioat i coals cs uii, ,nceniti ceuini>the numes et ail thoe Ididsr'lsiiîsgkidrry trouible wiîh whîsh 1î a a penny' Ah, bora omiann e bavae knfohlora t h geasth 1e sges a ivihl ra e aigneoi fi ven iiet wumla me. Fer sema yeara I hava in but sieivgbnds u on'n." Anti she ivas led by the aui- take me ail day te mention their mi e.rasopans acres1habeabîu roubiaiateeegt d 1o w o a to-mlderan tcethe plain. Wlianelle got camsAg'et ulideberîe ue pri i hepeti anti ali, "Ah, thut le net ight " tire, ail the people cried, "Tbark taon.denlovriohu nuc, ylove back. Týeurine nus durlýinii olor acd caused anti nve paSseti np thel csamne nay at oi lkGt brsragl ntthemnkyueurstheirvr antil eu e me a greai deal et acoance, bh&ng corns droppeti a mite.hure ihat Snffcring baud giving raay until the ecee raus e- tuw yen. h, ethey avescîgenutJust opelned our new Spring stock of Cloths for Over-, peledt legel np s cumber of imes duricg teas rhough in are nt a mattai et sac- tacted. Andti by criet: "Stand bu,1;ekinerti. Ah, yamilleyaved enou.wnt niglit. h was aise s great sufent iron sesvere ondt îbught, se ashumeti werc raeOet nora. Gve bair air 1" Oh, if aioa nm I s amill;. es, aninen .- rauntsan atngtechietan ag tlto crumps lunsy legs, whieb bucasue se paiiful our b:ard-heaîteduess. nill do thai fer tîlephysieu lita'etbar ne bek te tell yen et hatyng e Y o atSisadPnigte hietad lretuto tbat 1 Sud te gui oui et beti aîd s ub thisewiîh Wiîli raat admiration we ail lok dhili, rabat ril yenIdefor tha aprnnl partance etChristian chlrn Ye god eerso ni tiNwisteine" liv linmntciin nîder te gel avecusoueuîasy cause. upeona grOt> etfchltran 0ouîle play- lita etf your bey anti yonr girl? 1,Li ave hert hi. Ih bus beaurahispieti od ee h wni h village. N wste ie oore I1lied a greai deal oet <ck Seadaclie; was gîound or lu the sdheol, anti re clusp ih nei lie toit s inbthegîcatday [e-t ni t ur, O tuiler, O mthai 00 ouontSpringSi. e orPnsm d to re fr$ 50 trnublad wiib weakness ni the ayes acd feit oui handsalmeostinivolunnîaily anti ernity tlrat lianuali Lament u niaOsse.Trut hrgodygSi. SeotPnsm d oodrfr$d0 liîdwea atiwor oi. aiindisrasedsa "iowhantiul" il tltuee udforth more exerîhon for the cuviug ot ,flandt llChristlans are îsaring. This Suits to order for $8.O-no equal anywhere. mue lecause oethIle pain and genenal weakcess tlignity are gene, andi your eliont is tle physical lite et lier cuIt tIe y nvt)ap mug t hatrdohe Ibis figh frens wiicli 1sufre" 1 gem ilirea boxes of beard rih thais, anti yen truntile O parant, have laven put toril for île et yes, u s reat etle hursye Deau's Kidcev Pilla Ironsmi.E . uvy'inirho anti tiY thai iteh ua, atiernai lite et your litile eues. Gotihei>suud u tntne ar pseig ainraay o lis ding stoie, end bave nom taac Ilie ihird strihe riair bail, ant ilahycur ml,raa t e. Iuutn negbosoeanitirul box beçanse ieewasnc e cess y te de se. ne uxeyara gene as urahen I ruse on te consitier the poesir ahicli adrvais athcras atum noal avs Thalra beas aveSudsnc a ns-riaug andlt yn hedt vr laplay- a chýltî rieltis oer the parentalbeanibîghtaritysobnk Teel oes et add nomc ubeiburd.greuid yoursaîf. That t ther l a>tnihkaeiîehfunc tw r ae no. Oh, rejoice ut it, we still leaqd. Having bought a lot of Sugar before the V-es, Tir - , IIbapeauei 'lsn1 waîîlaystnd1-gii niinymat efacamiti parants upon cîiliran. 1 neyer 1heur 7'chllten et Goti, najoice aiit! lie0w hav dnefe se bcasa e ie ulii lim te sortnnes t hien enhtantl- cit aou teinlunc--ra ha4gibr1he-i> îe evtiavante ,i-npric , eare offering o mennthi-nog-spec-ial. A s is'~, ' ' ils cir ~ exeite appiehensren in îlhe parental uandgteyou h il e sane .eiraean Soieacret xrnu ntaic aetire rivenine population. Thaeraus iI. sndl îs' n tQes0 i md tre apath ae atixhan A beau mate in Englant prove that tua in houselinars, anti every nigît île'____ deedti, eare soeaplitpet s ocomotve islbout 50,000 loche t tince ara uyau hme mi nI oi i. eu e-er'u~ macerltaîîuuma male fo iravn.'Thi routlateotdinluthe courtroosu antimadu, au honsfianîr ' por a gaortie fer nt ebnmî.eoun iu ueasm e tgut train mtiee." Iu other wrnts, that s flouiing pans for catcty. Iu place o OSEetSTAW EAS l, ac$1.15 6Isestir$511. utbosai Ta gbues ethorvn aem looe mpti. hglattmns niagnlmnlocomoetivueofthîe laiesi pprovet put- doge irwrlie Chinese gnose, a t- 'RRE NSRW Â of ceans-are in he.petal. legal t taimet n agetemnternu raihi inn500,000 miles befoea rear- mastic breai, ni unlihe an Englall t esswenn trwh en"tssatinai5 Therehe s mething aient their fora- sut O to matterraurd, Houcwcoulti yen A cteoupusles.ofumahogose, a kpi s a autl nar îe Acou r enite fr i ee hev te l S wel. À hut hatmlsc ynilni biîel asoe ntastanding in that augusr sng onts st cuees nmk osi eý sawthna h ~' set uî'mr 5552i. hautoe Christ hue beau Ou h, say- Prasencet" "Oh," sait nshi, "Ifeli ing iitn e 0,00me lire- tinck peine. his eueetfîle meet raide- raere seauatce ea inniain ing "Lt tis e crneto e, nd etmy hilrer pulin atmy kýrs cy-boxraili 'bhave te lie reueraet trea awshe sut vecifas eus etbirde, appar- dan ln London îhe othar day. It la lng "Lt iS ea cmate efntilutmy eidian pn Uing t myc-uýis cy- tintes, île n huaitire fve or eix tintes, untiy neyer sleeping, and uttarni s ad that herses sufer tronitheahast lîtlîas5 i?~îPflICll]NE CO.5 V2E 9474 ih coma te Me ceeu.", Whilu that oeeigfo rat. bu teatril anti thsecrauh axhefront threa tto ie lent cal wlen any person or animail'whlen ihair heats aree4apoe4 tote i~ '~i .tanriet lu lia bouse yen f elIthere rasa net erlnt, rabat cavern rail yeno net ures. upproachas it. Mrs. Athineon, ralun cSm. C -77Ire .-à ylfO r Fbteher'S C'asito ra

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