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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1896, p. 6

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sîkIleeHn '1- aireieeai he troubles l des nt tSe setnsrt c h Ystem, suce2a ticzziO55 N" s-e- O-1sîtesDistresse cita' ccîscg, et asteSri.& hile theirutrosý r ee-L hocNv-s a b- n inwcjucurai, ileadache, yet CÀtiTERt's Lrrrua Livra lrun et-e eostllY saîstable in Costipatio, cuririL aîtd prevectiug tiats accoyvitg ccrnlaict,whl they nîso correct ali dtsorders cf L estomacl stimulat e the liver and regulate the bowels JJs'eu if tbey ocly cuted Ache they,, oulà le aieni est pric.eses te tbsea asxlie, sutier frot-uhie dist-essng comaplaint., but fortanately heir goodness dccc nef ccd sacre, and to ase -s-lc ae try thent will flcd these lfttle piillavaltjabl e in so0sasa nysCa they will a<t le niliiug te d o thut thcm. But effet al sick hlead te the banc cf se may lefiiat biere lg wlerr ave make our great boasf. Our pille cure it while ters do nef. CAnRTEas LItTLt.tvEa PIcua are very sinal andeaet-y a te ake. 0Cer0t-two>p il1a1oe a dos- They ar t- rtictly vegefahie and îrIs net gripe or purge, btu by hir genle etî please albwlo use hocs. Ic vials au 2i ce; five for $1. Sold exerywiere, or sent ly n- CATERY 3MEflICIX 00., iîw Yor. kI.all1J kl Don. all È FOR TWENTY -SIX YEARS. àHECDDKÊ%' ESTFREND LARGE-s-îSALE 1iiCANADA. ONTARIO BANK gontinnes f0 do a Geucrai Banktng Business Bowmanvillie Ageuey. DEPOSITS Recelved lu Savinga Bank Depaniment and on oilan dintereer ailowed aimarrntutaes. No notce etfwthdra val nccery. Ail depoais pa7c lie on coscand, EXCIIANGE 'Bongitacuc old îud Draftslsscned upon nitropo Unlted States and Gar ada, aise Goid,tlilver aud Greenlbackebeuixhu and colt, COLLECTIONS Pramptiy ingsec et cnt-t-crcates ccci ail pa't of Ciecat lrietln. tle United Irate eati b Doinieon e ICanada. Telegratph Transfrr Made for large or amalt aunas on ail part et Canada. Titis Ca espeiaily advanuugeous te prouliving in )tanilola or the Nert-lnest, ef aks thec fucds available at once ai tiie placecf paymiect. Ofler particulcrs cii a e bacis. .1.L. FORTT, (Hi. MOGILL, AcceaitautManager, Weck, lauguid aud listiess, sufer- iug frece heart palpitation, nor- vounees, stomacla trouables or constipation, ciaoaid use Indien Womnn's Balce. Bs cures, Bun down, easily f mcd, pain lu bacci or limnbe, fusbied nsfit dlizzincss, rush cf bic d te fie liead, fadut feeling, nausea, try IndioA Wcmnan's Bain. Ites natures remcdy for wcmcn. drie JOl WED iESBUN 0. Patentir neyar, Waington, D. C., for Clir $1,800 pnlze effer cnd1 1st of twe huudred inventions wanued. Ilie )ýMost Economical eHouse Warmne The "Ke9sey' o.-pae S Wam'm Air Generiitor. Aoy ordsaary Hot Ast- menace wril pode laýtif y..u Wr ony esî'eot-u i Ile "lelcv""ha s--I d ' Ie aul e gîv-cler ht-t s ie ic ful ac'd sthe ewýt, idurabte hdater mad-. Th 1 Se Kelay 1 1tfiapt brie5 secroi n f seveal upright, tacet r, car. t trd, Gril tts ectios seciStuet tr ,otinad v-r h ihe ire pases code tr ltosa1a whbruir taccolO at-asses *war a htsng eatd, art-i ts etsiiesection big wapped wrlh a - Isvy eessngwish haeies h -aicd y thetire tri.ekrsag si nlcu Spasing downo otside ot upigit sestsces lois-at-dssuoel pipe,. tiin tm, warms the ast- that casses up belv,-en tht-t stee caing and the galvaeized Cosa casing, ts explaiss hy the S"Kelsey" bas tIreet itres tncre radiatsag surface, and sar-o air capacirv tien an ordi- n asy Fut-oece. The1' Kelsay " leats evîry canas evenîy, whereîsever lotatO,wita st-e, Blil, lealihful warrn air thai wiii net injue yorfartre, 3ih Y- Kelsey "wilil ent roiuas 60fett dstant. The" Kelsey dots cet heat yotîr ceilat-. TIe" Kelsey "la absoluteiy gas and dust Sproof. Sedt for desctiptive catalogue. STHE JAMES SMART MFG. CO., BROCKVILLE, Ont, S Exclusive Makers for Cansada. For sle by RL Worthi, Bowmanville. Th1e Canadian Statesman WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 9, 1896 NO TES AND CQIIMENTS 112 le to lie lopcd tint flic felegrm frcm. Aticus la tmustn-crfiy, cccording to, n-hièchflic Prtehlis acceptedthfe proposai for thec settiemeu f ethfe Oretara troubles mate by flic Austrin Minîster cf Foreign Attairs. The pro- pfosalis latefTurkeci'shalldo tom Cnet e ws-lat sen-as femmenli' tercedtotedo succcssively for Wailecliia, Mcldavie, Servia, and Bulgaria,, nemeli', consent te tie eppointrnent et a ChristinGev- ernerauJdfthoeeblishiment cf eut on- omny, complete except for tic condition fiat a, tribute $hall ho peidtfo tic Suifea, fiepaymcuttfo ho guararateet iy fie Eurpcea pýoucris. If fuis pieu of poaciticaticu le agxeedtof0 y fie De- put les w-ho rcpre1sent flicChrnistian population, and n-ecanuef Jouit thet if n-ill lie, flic st-uggle ot tic Cre aras for indeperadeuce, which hegean firce- quertere ot a centuryacge, n-ii ho tde- tteiteiy os-et, attdxxeomey expert te see f icir asiaut regain fie notable prosperity which if enjoyet under fie rule oethflicVenetiens. Tic, tihorafion ot tic Cretene n-ii ho owing primariiy te flic efrong stand talien hi'flcBritishiGovorumeut. Tic plan originýaiiy favowet hi'Buissia eut hi' alliche thler great prcwors cf thie Confluent, aimet net et flictrinirapli, but et flic suppression cf fie insurrec- tien, aud Engieut wqs l-intdte join lac inatituttîîg e riorougi b] ociade, of the taslant for tlie piurpose cf cutting off fie inssrgcnta tfrom ,supplies et mu- nitions etfwar, n-hile ofeéring os-ery tacillui' for astreiiqgfhcuiug the Turishl tomcs. Lord Salisbury' declinedtof0 h a parti'teo fis transaction, flic exocu- tien cf wiici n-a accordingli' doterroîl. In tic eudion-es-et, thic hiociade as-uit probabli' have icen cerriet ouf witi- out Engiand's ielp, but for au abrupt alteration in Rntssia's attitude, due, appareur:ly, to tic Czar's personni lu- tertventionas-hichi jaass-rîb,dtte ein- fluence cf hi1s relative, tie Qneen et Greoce, eut te bis sympathi' fer bis co-rchigi.onisfs, the Grcck Cihristian-s. Tic, effecu offlic Cznrsxx labos n-as soon visibie at Constantinople. 'Tic Sul- feu himselt aneuncodthtitis digniti' w-cuit nof permit bire te counfenance ulie propeset hblociade, anJducu-, if tic nows frete Atheus la auflientie, ho lias gent- muci turalier, and talion fie de- cisive sLepi cf grautiug to Cycte auten- emy(et preciseli' flicsaine kindthfat assPossessed iry flicprinuicalities norti efthCe Da[ntuhe bo fomee ise ac quired abselufe indepeudonce under fthe naine eofthckiugdcm cf Rotumanie. Ne istaut inte eedfettanean, net es-en Cyprus or Sicil', lias lied a more iterestiug hisf cri' ulan las flic aviel alter belug long kmonn b' ifs Venctian appellation of Candie, lias resumet its ciassical name et Crefe. Tintthre Greci poptulation of fia great isiaut, n-licli spaus e large part oethflicdis- lence botaxeen tic Peleqpounesus and Asie, Miner, biecame civilized betore fie inabtant s cf ani' part oethfe Greci mainiaut, cses evideut trer ei tra- ditions about fie Ian s et Mines eut aient fie indeitment of Lycurgus te Ct-otan institutions, Iu bistorical flimes, lion es-cthfe Crefaus hlcitficemselves teo a large exteut nicot frore ficir tel- ion- Greeks, taiuLug no part in tic Fer- clan and Peipensian wars. Yet, ai- f lietgi persum!abli' tley slicuit have beoýn %vaxened b' fie terocieus intestine cufl.icts in which they n-etc incessant- hi' engaîged, fici' atone aeoug flic Greclis east oethfe Atriaflo renuagot te, naintain tlinindepeudence ngeiust Alexander eut his sucoessers, aeuthley preservet If downte 67 B.C., n-len flicir isîanuticcame e Roman province. If confixued tû be a part efthfie Roman and Byzantine eampires titi fhe ninfli century, n-heu if passet i th fe liants et tic Seràes, wn-lic bld if fertrpward cf a hundret yeans. Thon flic Byzan- fUes recevered lu, but lu tic partition et ticir empli-o y hi'flcLatins lu 1204, GCte fa fo, theflctf etecrusader nie soldit ifte tic Veuctins. Under flic dominion ofet efpen-erfut repuhlic fie icland remeinet fer tour eut a beit centuries; if aes neffinalli' subjugat- cd hi'tue Turkis auilabout tiff yar Ounfthe Turhisi couqueet, fiat liap- ~'penret in Cyef e wbichh lad lappeued lu ,~Bosula ae large part oet tic inihibteufs ecmbraced Islam, aud tlius ccured fo t heMnselveeatflic hief sclein flicet- Sministrationu fetfi lanul. As in Bons- nia, s0 ln Crefe, flic couverts te Mo- AGreasaitce -i isie cd tiednt iesmareni Tlis flireseigot- studying fie couisus returus oftEurope- ed tan he smali Turk thmsevesan nations, lias gnfiercd some inter- and freated their Chistian kinfoli esting information aient thececntent- aitir flic proverbial crueify et roue- arans et the Old W-crld. Accordlug gades, se fit ef ilantd evountually ne- te a brio-t cummari' publisied intheli rjuired fthe reput etioaîoet bing fie Medicai Bcvieu, lie drýaxx's tie conclu- n-oprst govcmued part ef tic Ottoman sien f hat bigi civilizaf lent does netfafv- Empire. If 'as net surprlsing, ticre- or fie greatest ieugfh et itfe.î Frore fore, fief lu 1821 the Creteups, liend- fis point cf vien- as a German ho lias cd by fthe Spiairiote, n-li iniahit flic found partial corroborat ion etis de- so-calied White Mountains, infthe n-est dutoicin flic tact tfiat flicGeruxan ofet fi lnd, respouded cagenli' to fie eprwitli 55,000000 population, lias uprlaing on tic Greci mmanlaud agaiust olempire, s h aemac hn 0 Turîlsh oppression. Tici' cncoeeded uinu'7 uju -i r oete 0 drivteg flic Moiammcdancs into tic years eld, n-le France, wi ton-owr fortfiid coest cities, bnt thence f lici'tian 40,000,000, lias 213 persons n-li have cculd net oust thein, unfil lu 1830 tflic pess t huti ndrdt liday.l If r-ar allied pois-rs, France, Engiaud, aJpand6s, aiprse, i l niaut f ote ar Russia, lntcrveued and transfered fie la146; cl pens; lu 2;relegum, 5; Scof- isiand fo Mèhemet Alil.For flic nont eland, 4and oma, 2wBiglr2,05;00Sn-d feu 'yeerc fie Crefena cujoycd a coin-haitnts10 0, Nom n, with 2aou,0teS- parati-nely miid aud intelligent mule, haiat,2s pin îhaot1. but e 180 fbey ere epiced nde 000,000 population, lias 410 centenamiens, fie Gos-rment oethfe Turks, n-lie, auJ SwiLzerland nof oee if mnust be acnlenldgcd, have since - fiera tealtIf 1055 mmlii nitb li. d- The most irteresting statictics are Iand flan xxitb mqost cf fheir ete ps sessions. But fie icîgiug o e ic is- f inn Cretaus fer indepeence, ^ îefed by fie unqueuncliable liatred htu cou fliem. and flic couvert s toeIslarul, asa irrepreýssible, and gave risc e t~o ite- volts. The tlrsf et these, lu 185e, axas easily exfingurslied; but i'seocclid, lu 1866, las ted for seme fimo, Md fcxed fie Tirklsi rosources te put if Idea-n. Wc, have juef witnessed a tid aud, apparently, friempient hnsurrec ion. The population et Crete ud theli Venietians wans 250,000. Acr-g t the, lntest officiai est mate if i p now '200,000. 0f fielse 40,000 arc lVoin- medants, wutcinclude, lieweve il very few Turks. Tic moral rîglt of flic Ciristian Crefaras teo prepionderquce le obviosis, and f here la s no dcubij thaf, aithougli et lirst seme ,reprlalsma' ho, vjsifed tapon fie Merse,, fi3thy xiii eventually me ke a good use 4f eut- enerry. Thi island is cf gme sf fer- tilify, aud under a btter sysfýM et goverumeut lacertain tfo hocenc e- markably productive.I An ar-ficle on tihe position et E;pglaud in Lme event of an Entrepeancutc, pubiisbod recently by a German ucws- paper, hecs excifed cousidemable d1iscus- sion, in theie olieÉ1,t int if net drci iusplred by, if et leneft expresses tic vien-s et, Prince Bisurarci. These arc, lu ettect, t haf England liasf-opon'- ertul1 enemies, France an u Bussi, tic fermer cf wliomaants Egypt, fi lat- ter India, aud thal ns Euglntd srenu- omsly opposes fie des gos of ceifliir alliance ivould be lueviabl, even avere they nef drswn tegetior by fie exigencios cf fthe Eturepeýnu situation. ludeed, fie existence ut snc ur, ýialli- arnde isruade certain by fie rouent at- titude cf Buccin noaard tflic Egypf Ian questioan; and as Engiand uEit nef yield on tic Nule, and us deuhttul et her ci a- lliuy te coeosuceesetuli xx lui both-h lem opponeuts ii fie confeat wihis np- proaching, cie must, prtet okbe about for au aily. If is asume fat Cermauy sud Auria wix viiiu m i n non- tmal, and fiat Choir cettri I' xiias- suare tint cf Italy, wlicicanoticp Engliond niChiber flee wthrtsari- jcctiug herseit te a lanul cru-st-k by France, and thaf Lugland xxiii thus ho isolatcd sud lot t to figi lýir batties > loue, lu tiates-eut, ticepcw rorpow- ors aile te, command tic Bitiof,ýi chan- nel iJii hovIcoens; sud -as Fuglanul wii have býer dlistant coonestnd lier commerce te protect, bier oeuisby combtelng f boir flietfs lu tic ,hanne1, eiau put an end te bler sarpc>ri-ty in thc xxwaters coutrol ot whici ta vitt lihem satcty. Even if ticy cnrrit, uhcy may etteef a landiag in tic JUited Ktugdom, and se ounvert fie lae axer inte a laut wnr, an underfnkin4- assure- cd by tic article, and pronbàtnced hy au offices- of the Prnssian Gceni lStaff, te ho nof impossible. Once thjddfe luvaders, it is held, couid nefhot ces f uliy resisted, flic tertas et po, e wouid ho dictnted tnt London, and,;erauny n-wihi strengthudiminished; , wuld lu lu position te demand hem sh (o)f thle fruits et vlofory trore ticexuse combat ant s. Sucih a sieavcfflie prescut artýd future position et Engiaut is, perihaps, a nef unnatumal eue te be taken hy a Gorman newspaper, antd if reaili' f lihat ýf Prince Bismarci, warrants cousideraf ion,1 theugi attcrding proofthtit yenrs bave nef diminished hic polificýal im- agination.1 Fer sheuld Franc ýe and Busciasecriously menace Engl n(, and Gemmany attempt tf o lcîanitîtin et-- dom te gral fhli ozi's scleli fite ne- arrangement, Engilant prebabli' las if lu lier pon-er te dtaci Italy fremflic Triple Alliance, or te luduce lier ýte comn i/el snob extensiona cffie fermofethfe agreement as to coe-r ail Italys Mcd- iterranean tetereat s identical w tli tioe of Britete, se f orcing Germani'1f0 figlif flic lafter'ýs buffles. Sic eouid dj ýoe y eftering Italy greafer securityf ~roua France tlim is efftred bi' tic 4lliance; eut as in tic evont et lier n-itIîdrawali, the enmnity of France fon-ard Jýngand would ho dinrlrisicd b heflcbloýv gaven by flic latter te Germaiuy, and U 1 rmany and Ausf rieaxouid' be distinctit neai- oued, France sud Russie ceiglit prefer te, atf cclkf lere ratlier tien E ý,gleud. Bofh ilte Germanuy even imorel 'thau tliey de Esrgiad, n-eult ho iricl5isily femptedto te afadiy auy sign ot weakness, andi would týhintithif-ltli as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n Ifbsu untilcniin.Tcneexecuted. gvecesdtatyfrewocsseu aýs itha inindstia- codiion. Te- "Ms WiIuIowts So-fing Syrup" o worid la undoubtoýýdiy grexving more de- ohuîdren teet iii l pleasant te fie ufaste cent ai:s weil as more comforf aile. If She-"lYou may say wliaf yen will, su l tseprecipa o f one o et lciez-t may not ho possible te secfis in core- I tlink you wiii find fiat avemen are ndbetfeillate physîcîsus sud p ries i paring one ear wiuî fihe nexf cm oee ssaawickedf aan e., Icxmact that teUicSae.Piewnyfv et decade wii fihe uext, but tie compar- by wcmeu." H:e-"Vcry likely. Tic, a bott,'Ie. Soi by ail druggtf ouiu tion by centuries and h:ait centuries men, cf coure', wiil geueraily ho found the world. 'Be sure snd sklifor "Muj- maieïs if unmisnkeabily evideuf. te t hoe moiug-room ielow. W,!NSLoWeS OOTHUîrtSYRUP." from thre census of tliat; troublesiome W ýe cannot understand w hy railways - and turbulent region known as the Bai- that can get liard ýor anthracite coai kan Peninsula. As this German stud- at ail persist in using the dirty sof t ent finds them, Servia nowv las 575 per- coal týhat fis the cars everytimo a sons who are more than 100 years old, door or window is opaned with suffo- Riourania 1,084, and Buigaria 3,883. 'ating, suiphurous, black, befouiing -- Bulgaria apparently holdis the world's smoke. A Ifew days ago Trutli ~ i record for centenarians.i Its population w ent, to the seaside, via t ho Niagara 15 less than 4,000,000, and thes statis- Navigation Company's Palace> Steamer tics give it a centenarian for every Chippawa, acrcss the lalie from To-e. thousand inhabitants. The Bulgarians rontoand thýe Lehigh Valley RailvwayX are a liardy,, active people, engaged from tlie Bridge to Atlantic City. In cliiefly in farming, lIn 1892 three hun- order to view the soenery along the dred and fiftv centenarians. died in Bul- liue we tooitlie day train. Seidom garia and in Servia.' In 1890 there have we enjoyed a long railway jour- were 290 per-sens whose ages raniged rioy secmnch. The entire absence of from. 106 to 115 years, 123 whose ages iliat dirty, lung destroying smoke was were between 115 and 125, and 18 ho- ot itLgelf a source of great comfort tween 125 and 135. Tliree ulto died in whicli was mucli appreciated by aillTems ,Jh thlat year were betweeu 135 and 140.ý the traveilers in the comforiably f iiled CURED BYiý TAKING --train. Thon, toc, the track saemns to Sra The Gerînan statiatiolan dîsoredits the be haliastedl withi broken stone, thuspaia story about a Itussian who is no;v liv- eliminating anotirr ist objectiona- X J -ail ing at theý alloged age, of 100 years. hie, feature-duio raîiway travel. "I was afflicted for etght years wjth Si He helieveis that the oidest meann t ' the The rails are of -the hoaviest and are Iiheum. During that urne, ttrieda gieat xvorld to-day is Bruno Cotrim, a neýgro laid with broken joints and heveliod xnany medicines which weye htghly rec- omimended, but none gave me relief. 1 born in Afr:ica, and now living in BMo endýs, se ujraL there is ne joit %whatever was au last advtsed to try Ayer's Sarsa- Janeiro, wýho is 150. A reai Moscow j. altotenx aill5, and before I had fi shed the cabüman namied Kustrim probahiy cornes The scenery aiong the lino is certainiy orhbtlm ad eea second, with an authenticated record of most magnificent. Thiat forty miles Free fromn Eruptiohs 140 years. The statistician refers tco alune Seneca Lake seolus to ho as ever they were.. My business, which one omanliving whe is 180 yearis swept hehind ns ail toi seon. Thon is that cf a cab-driver, requi-os me to one cmanbe out iu cold and wet weather often old, but 'lie docs net give lier na-me. through the Lehigh Valley regien the withcut gloves, but the trouble bas neyer rotiirned."ý-TnonAAs A. JoRss, - -- -sconery is simpiy grand. We have flot Stratford, Ont. Týhe aýstonishiing grow-,tb cf Europoan yet h'ad flic pleasuro of trips direct te o h citios in the iasf twonty years is but New York city over fii lino, but thoy n n The ~ nrir part of a inovemeufteinPopulation run a pullman daiiy froin Toronto arhidli is gonerai f lrougliott civiiized righit threngh tc New 'York i uihouf Âdmitted at thc Wc1rld's Fair. ceunities. If is certaiuiy unprecc- change, and dlaim te reake as geod fimo, Averla piu., "Camse tîIIC .74 weia dented in history. lIn lie United Sttes if net better, than othor roadIs. _______________ the increatso of f nom 50~,000,,000 te 70, -- 000,000 lu loiss than tue docades is par-GA CRSNLND .> Â alieled hy Germaîny, whicli bas increas- % ,elvMelor Ilili1ied Cetucen Tivo Su])- cd frrom 3l,(090,00 of5.2,000,00 siclefi rtsiTon s. Francoý-Pruýssian war. England shows W\hile we bave lu this country fuily a like increase, confiued chîefly tio the proved the value, both practicaliy and J 'M CADREN, sbselsaîely ,in ýe ruCase cities. Whiie Irelaind, Itýaly and Spain ocenomicaiiy, et the troiiy, cempam'as ,igeaavate.ciroieaa -sae are net se resýpoisive to tic movemOtit, across the water aro introducing gas drugs a Cure, CAmis Fi t a dt-, it is for causes toc well undorstood te traction. Thc first tuse cf gas englues tic.c D.ocdsiino.B-xvreOt make their cases~ seceioxceptions se the for stieet cars lu Eugland occurrod on mie that the grenu scienuific and me- July 11, when the Blnckpool, St. An- b ainicai improvements ofthe conturY ne'fc and Lytham Tramway Company ÇCOOOOO are mnaking' lu possible fer tho world opeued its lino. This system bas longJ te produce and support a larger pop- been lu successfui use in Berlin, Dres- e ister' ulation than wasdren-mod cf aen by don and Dessau, where mny theusandt r to -î I the, most prouounced eppeneu!ts of Mla- miles have been cevereci. thusiauism in thuir con roversioa avîith They are prepelied by mens cf a tave- th-, ignorant , tbeorists whooi olieved that cylinder, fiffeen horse-power Obto gas tha linnit cf population liai beau or was engino. Compressed gas is stered cap- ~eOi ra tnadÂtoiy cf runuteg the car for eight miles J u 1 .ietuprelne Court. ---withouf refiliing. Tic gas la obtaiued nPsaifrSuieuaes, tetc 1 According te \luli-il the total pop- from the tcwn mains and compressed at! tcese cU ulation ef the üt-sh in the ties cf lise- tc compnny's s5tation, aud the process;i traarde. gustus Ones-ar did. nef cxced 54,000,000. o! fhiuig, wvhich occupl iosmdoree Ier- îotin Accodiu to e smo atboiuythe minute, is donc hy moans cf an ida ~ ~ s population et Europe, waýs only 50,000- rubber pipe, and the oporation le eofthe O 000 Lu the fifteuu century, nwhile nucxv mosi simple description. The fmack ý ~'.sSetr ora ut ls esfimatod nu oie 357,0090,090 peo- from. Blackpool tc St. Anne's la for the hsrc,,s pie, wiose average cf living h tfar high- mosu part alcug country ronds, and niarusef >or tian tint cf tic age cf Augustus or s elrtirs"p.rdenshdteh S'Sc mer< flnutht f li fffou hcetuy. If motuted but they wore ensily nccom- i £Ceci'], ]u us becoming moire aud more a soif- plishod, fthc cars runuing at a speed T T E4ElB Y ex idenul proposition tliat the inceoaso cof ef eight miles an hour, thougli tici arc LAS said. to ho capable of rtrnnmng twelve it h in vtotiOt'le v,'rd wannted. clyllization is net only nccompaned lby or fourteen miles. The car la cou- it la easyta -rcaian tï' rnaiVn but is dopendonu on an inoeaseocf pop- structed tei carry ferty passengers. Aill It is easy tis theIl grov' tb et a Word, ulation. And ne tact lu economic bis- Parts cf the prcpelling engine are ar-:, it is eas e l-r- lssnwr ae toy s f or fr-eahig mp rt-nngedse tînt uhey eau ho easily rendh- Wî3 î a-n-r2,DARD. toryis r mre ar-rachng ruprt-ediboti from above and undernenth for; T-ierut lio vao ance. fi~~~~~~~te puapose cf ciling, clcanang aud te- a"r~?tptl r-ol'-cgsc pnairiug. n,1,lttrri'ru ts tO T ic cars carry sixteen passegrs in- suittr.sss Feta--ir -a We otten say t bat humn nature is sida and tweuty-four outaide, ar7e very a peor and w-eak tugand so it h toomy aud well finished, and weîgh 1'F e4t k. XZ s witb everytiing roady for the jour- ><o/t,12.,IO. o 1wheu measured against fie bigli de- uey, seven and eue-haiftfous. Tic ou- mainds cf ia divine laxv. But it is capa- gine is about fourteen horsec-power, and- bic, cf rblest sporadic exhibitions cf a à5 placed ou eue side fie cars. Tic: noble dariug n hici. show tha t the age water reqnired for fie cylinder jac- ý kts la carried lu tubes on fie roof, and cf chivairy is net yct pa:ssed. It i- ne circulation te maintainod by a smali longer tic Homerlo, but b. la stili flic pump, fie water pnssiug from oeeno-, W ad beode ago. Lx idence of this faut bas gins to fie other te its circuit. Tic beenaffrde afrsi y fe roentacfengiueýs are halanced, oeecylinder he-.t et u afi r dL e utafeant M o hey, c e t a c ubrT e re s a r n ed w tbb e K i% l l er, 1 - t ieutnantMota, ug oppoýsite, or 180 degrees frorn flic Eou;c-gge, eho, avion tic waterlogged gard tteicgeariug and g f if êr h + + + Th b-ami Trust w as sigbted on tic wildiy hno very easy ronds oniy eue of tetocylindere receives fie chaurgeU n1Ilmd rolliug oecan, s1prng ouf from bis sta- and fius less work la doue and less gasOnyfeed - That teroom te which leho d beon ecufined uscd. 5lifen stoppiug flot culy.s se eoe tade tc ur-c'scae ud tîîngcytinder out ouf, but fie speed efthe e ve . fie pti tisrnt 112 ailsd, tellead ugmne i s brorugif dcwu from fie or- The the caýtan tat t ws hs dty o laddiuary 260 revolufious, subject toe ie Cus flic reýsouiug parfy bcgged earucstly gevemner, te about seveuty-tlve revolu- Tu as te ho, aliowed te f ake charge efthtifous per minufe, fie ga4s supply nnd 0 ies lifbot in-islf' Rlutatlyth cp-tic spced of fie governor betug alter- ~ litbot irsct.Bcictnty Ieca- d by fie movemeut cffite baud lever, Theest.urt' F .roi tain gave permission. Immediately Mo- ubici f irows ei friction clutci cf fethe Sytm tay gtarted te fie roscue, sick thougi driving gent ouf cf action. i ? Ai diseases are caused iy lie wnls, mantuîîy îeepiug bis place at As tic system bas bonu ruuniug more mcoe, wih ae lvn f bau fwo years witi complete succese irbs hih aelvn fie sfecrîig o-r, and fieugi lie axas lu Dresden, and over a yenr in Dessau, germe ln fie blood; and these faxice wasied overbýoard on returning, tic cost of workiug îy if me's beau as- microbes cause inflammation, happily rcgained fie eteamer's dock lu cerf aiued. Tic results cf tic runuing fermentation and decay. I lu these two towus are as foilowst Dres- h ua d satety af iast. Snob a mani is an houer den, witli gas at 3s 4d pert 1,000 tfe Th sa d neot only te la belle France, but te cosu pet car mile la 1-23d; lun Dessau, o f pros wiil testify to ifs inma.nity as wcll, And lu fis case-loy- witi gas taken at 2s lld, fieost le ing, indulgent age suoli oxamples cf 0.9d, tie gradients lu fie latter f cwn wner ipowere. boid. altrulsm caunot ho tee greaîîy being small. Seud for Icircuiar. appiauded. The meu cf tie son are as A DIVINE AS A DETECTIVE.Lwnn îlrP a, rule cearragecus aud'generous tote e~ittlhIIIbU blI lest degrcc, aud uhat laudmnan have A lUcsliaevel 'siaer1oeik feine, it, the douefor11c lu espct f thir odls Ciitlàt.LONDON, ONTARIO.

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