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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1896, p. 7

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(-"\!ll A LIFE, SAVED 'BY TA.ISING AYER'PECTORAL attendeitwha terrib ogh that aîiowe menerete~her day -or t. edc tors pro....nced mcshp sAred Iearnn !m rulsn e a bottle o 0y's cerPeoal.itie 1nei ad sed the hole botti wscompletely urd,; and 1 believe ',s e m Ie"W I.W sD, 8 Quimby Ave, Lo'e 1, M ass, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Riorhest Âwards at World'r Fair. ,diev'S Pqls thse Best r Physio. TH E RELIANCE Loall and Savîllgs Comnpanly, Of Ontario. INCORPORATED ONDEs,-rjAPTER 1e9, R. S .,_ 187 BOWMANVILLE LOCAL BOARD. DIRECTORS: M. A.-JAES, Esq............... PREmENT, (1,(1itor au id ProprietOr CANADIAN STAry.SMAN. J. H. 11. JtJIIY, Esq......... VCE-PRESIDENT, (Dtogglst.) R. 1). DAVIDSON ESq............. SCîitaîaau (Prin ipal Publice chool.) 'W.S. MclO VAN, Esq... LLc.AcENr&TrasAs Mxssaus.MACDOtTGALL & JONES. SOLCITRaS (Equty Chamnbers, Toronto.) lOIIN GAUD. Esq,............... VALUATORt (Buder s"d Couir. r) BOAaRDMeeeî for the ce sidecation of Loans et the eail ofthe Seret~, 1R. t) VsDS(N Esq, frein ehoie ii ili-' !on y bî tc obi jn- ed. STEEL ~ ~ EON WIRI IRE RPE SLVAGE, TaiE ONTARIO WIrS ýFENCING 00_, LTD, The MMle ecngS Poultry Nettings, Are tise very b)est ever made or sold in Canada. Yen aant only tise best for yonr mou ey. Don't xxaste it on poor imitations and cheap substitules but ask for and buy the McMulen iý Goods. Tsey are unequalled for arm, Laavn or Poultry Fencings. No snowrifts with McMullen fene- îngs. ëý For sale by Hardware and General Merchants. General sales agents for Ontario & Western Provinces, TriE B. GREE N. i-c N WiRE C o ý Hamilton, Ont. ; for QtL)tebeeýà & Eastern Provinces, JAaras Coo, Montreal. l f IMPARTS Beauty te tire Teetis. Fragrance te te Brestir, Aud tiset rosy, iealtirful color to tire gun,8, TiiI>Cic't ooli 1owder. FligSexua YugMncan hbeIý QusIcIïeedrydPS r. --NtoaaLtY. goou atdnfr ndIatý, Uesse of the bject of ek nsaseian men, the~, Eatý e, i,1wis asuffereniy sef. Too bashf1t eeak th e a id o f o e diecovered a sml t but mot rex>,abl i;uccesauul Remen that comnIe ciste niaand i ,i frn buta, Sizeot add txangth. 1tw't e; yangoro0ld -as lno abot ih. I takeaai rol intereet lu sncb su, n cE Mnu onne xsad hesen t wite nie, as s Il commnun1- ef cations area1'.1d tricti; confddantial. 'sodtha rcles f0tigremedi aabso.lutoir 5 docnt.lD O t puji oabut wru e afi t once. soni idialwa8 les qthe dat yau dis. Address, * THOMAS 5LATER. Box 2320 '. verai portraits, including the frontis- picfro aa daguterreotype taken in Literary ots.l 1852, and a faesimiie of tbje original M. ______________________S. of the stm-y. Othexr illustrated pa- Lovra f god icton ilibe nte-pers are Mrs. Pennell's accouru of a Of 'oodficion- of D emte- Midsummer tui Soutwern Spain, pic- ested in' the October numýbeýrof e turesqul lutae yM.Pnel orest's Magazine. In addit ion tb a à ueiptio strfted by Msr enneli; delightful instailment of! Roýbert LouisadscptooftePritooQa- Stevenson's Inasu novel, it contains a rnpeds of tb-, Rockies, by Professor strog aoryby iibrt arkr-"lieHenry Fairfield Osborn, withl curious Lton Corette"-Gieht Paone o! the pLctures of thke extinet beasts; the sec- boes't li e w ý iîen oftheond paper of the late E. J. Glave, de- best e ha writen.soribsng his Journey to the Living- -- atone Tree ; and Professor Sloane's ohap- In the Septenaber ieio Review s ters in the Life of Napoleon Bonaparte the edîtor discusses different phases o! describing the Emperor's desperate ef- thre Presidential caopaign-especially forts to maintain hlmself ln 1814 against thie revoit o! the gold-standard Demo- thre allies, bis exile to Riba, and bis crats, the attitude of Eastern wage- return. A. paper of timely interest la earners toward Mr. Bryan and the an'Arizona muiner's acnôunt of bis bard spread o! free-silver doctrine among experiences, i Thie Gold Fields o! Gui- the f armers. Astother important topie ana, illustrated by pIobtographs, some O! discussion in the department of "The of wbirh show the îonriner of carry- Progeaso! h,~Word" a Lrd ali- onlplacer cdrggin,-gs ,bothi in the Bar- býury's venezuean proposition, ins co nia river regioni, o! t1,£ disputed ter- neüction with the generai seheme for a ritory, and in the Potaro river district prmanent tribunal t arbitration. The to the south.,,The Bicycle Outlook is editor aise, covers most of the striking diseussed by Isaane B. Potter, Chie! developanents of the monthi in British ConsulOf- the New Yorka Division O! and European polties. tise League of American Wheelmen; and in thse editoriaI departments, attention iý is given to several leading publie ques- The illuminated articles, in tise Monthly Illustrator and Home and Country, New York, for Septemiser, are: Serljousuesa In Art, by George Gibs; Wild Flowers of the Roeky Mouintains, by Andrew Carlisie Carson; Whist and Its ]Masters, by IR. Frederie Foster; A Southland Singer, by Josephine Hlai- mond; Mrs. Wilkinsýon's Ghost, by Clar- ence Loomis Peasice; Glimpses o! Sia- moïa, by Hiagl H. Lusk; Iu tbe Politi- cal Arena, by Rufus R. Wilson; Masks aud Faces, by Robert Stodart, and Breakers, an illustrated poem, by Eu- gene M. Riehmod Inl addition to tbe above, the sbort atonies, poems and otlher attractions in the current num.- ber are deliglitful. As a 5-cent maga- zine, 'tise e is nothing like it anywbere else in the world. Issued by The Monthly Ililustrto Publishing Co., 66- 68 Centre Street, New York. Subscrip- tion. 60 ce.nts a year. General Horace Porter's personal re- collections of General Grant, whicb Th-_ Century w ill publish beginuiug in No- vember,are to be oalled "Campaigning with Grant. *" Generel Porter f irst met General Grant at Chsattanooga,; be àson becamea attacised te bis staff, aud was with! hlm constantly frioa that timie nutil the close of General Grant's first tera as President, during whicb be was Grant's private secretary. At bis first meeting witis General Grant Gen- erial 'Porter was deeply impressed with the genius and power of thse great com- mander, and ho_ made a praetice of jot- ting down impressions o! île important events then crystallizing into hi, xitli full notes of lis conversations with 'bis obief. Tbe resuit la a series Qf graphie pen-pictures, xviicb will give tise reader a close and intimate view of tha great general. Ap13ropas o! Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt's disagreemeint with bis son, and the lat- ter'is mtlrriage to a woann very much eie han binmseit, seeditor cf 'The Cosmopoitan.î, in the Septemts'r issue, seil diseusses tise edocation mýost oseýful toý modern life, and substautially( if not in words, asks: '"Does modemn col- lege educatio~n educate?" The Septero- ber CosmQpoýliten, as if to show what a magazine eau do, give4s four com- plete stories in this single noinher, by sncb noted authors as Frances Cour- tenay Baylor, Maurice Thompson. Ger- trude Hall, and Johin J. a'Beeket. Lou-, is, Cisandler Moulton, Mra. Lew WalcFranc-ique ,Sarce, I . Zng- llAgnes Repplier, Normanc- Kerr, M. D., HT. C. C t!ldTyrWin. Fie- royCxts Rbiz .Sra-horn, Col- onýel ilmaan R 5iMEuery Stu- art areo aegtiecnriuosto tbis one issue o1 ýf La m1,aazne tbat is sold for tenr cents. _Niomis tisis ail. Anuong ote1iýr writers net already men- tioned is Camili" Flammariorn, i hlis an article on Tbe Woniderfui New Eye o! Science, which nions la wortis the entire price of the magazine. Tbe Ces- mopolitan lis been gradually perfect- ing its engraving and meehanical de- partments, until tlie publishers believe tisat, in tise Septemiser isu', tbey present a, nunaber unriveled in artistie and mechaialexcellence. Tise, close o! the vacation seaison and the taking upi o! the dutica o! achool life once more are signalized in the September number o! St. Nidliolais. Misa Agnes Repplier contributes a sketch entitled At School a Hundred Years Agýo, lu xvliih she shows isew mach better treat-inst is eccorded cbil- rdren to-day tiran wnýs île lot o! their greýat-graudmetsers. Quoting froan the accountso!tise girls o! long ago, Miss Repplier draws a pic-ture o! scisool life et thre elose o! thre lest century that is !ar !rom attractive,. Scbiool-rooms were extremely cold in winter, disci- pline wais rigid to a degree, and île girls were strapped te fiendisis con- trivainces to make tbei stand ereot. A sketch o! Joseph Fraucia, the inventer e!o tire life-boat, aud thre !ounder sud father o! the life-savîng service, la writ- tten by W. S.. Harwooid. This tells o! tire honora that wea'e shonwered upon the American by the courts o! Europe, and o! the tardy recognition o! liis genius by lia ewn country. Max Ben- nett Thirasirer furuishes an account o! Out-of-the-Way Corners o! Westminster Abbey, that are not sie by ordinary tonnis, lb talso tells thc atm-y o! an enterprising scisool-boy wbe slept one night lu the fanions Coronation Chair. Mrs. M. Bernard continues hier Talka w itb Boys and Girls About Tisenselves, this chapter sliowing Hlow Yen Move. Thet very queer .vegetable, The Jum-Ping Beau, lis described by Francis Ciurc,,hil Williamts. Samaritha'a Summer Boarderýs, isy Agnes Carr Sage, la tise story o! a little girl wiso cared for e number o! mischievous pets, and Bob aind Joshina, and Balaam, by Mary Mur- doch Maison, is a tale o! the adven- bures (o!two lboys sud ïa donkey who we-re leost in tisevoonds et On eora,. Tbe Story, of Marco Polo, by Neis rookg, Freaiis tire roiatie er io(d ,o!1tise de- feat and deatis o!frester Jo(hn, and Sindbad, Smnitis & Co., lu tise serial by Albert Stearns, have more peculiar ad- venuturels. A, new serial, Tise City o! Stories, by Frank M. Biineli, bias a îpromising beginning. Tise Septemiser Century abounda ia Iarticles o! timely interest, and in an unusuel variety o! fiction, No serin] s tm-ry o! tise present tinteIr, attracting a 'nudli attention as Mrs. Humpisry Ward's Sir George Tresaay Mr. How- The SCe,%teber Ladies' Home Comp an- ion ils nsalybig t and attractive. Tire cover is a .vork o! art, pnrinted lu colora, idiustrating a beautifur youngi womau ýgathering goldeurod, tise pic- turc heiug surrouuded by a deeorative freine o! gold. Tise leadiug feture la a paper ona Appalachian America, by William Goodeli1 Frost, president o! Be- rea College, wiîb aupplenental articles by Professor N. S. Shaler, o! Harvard Ulniversity; Charles Willard Hayes, of the United States Geological Survey; George W. Cable and Bey. A. D. MVayo. Tise article is pro!usely illustrated, sliowing types o! the people inhabiting the mutiso! Kentucky and Tenues- see, togetLer xx ibtheLir primitive homes and custones. lin e ligliteýr velu are act- era] shiort stories: Her Sweet Dreant, by Ople Read; ire Lest Leaves o! tise Tree, by Elizabeth Overtreet Cuppy,and The Bisbop's Dilemma, by Margaret Seymour Hall, besides the second maintai- ment o! Harriett Pres'oùt Spoffords seriel, An Inheritance. lu au article en- titled To tise Doctor's Fiaum*e, Dr. A., L. Benediet givea somne commoeu-sense advice to the prospective wives o! phy- siciens. Constance Conrad cotributes Forgotten Anniversaries, and Florence Hui Winterburn and'Mary Katliarlue Howard furnialia page o! practical bluta on the preservation o! heaibis and beau- ty. Peema are contributed by Ella Hig- ginson, Carre -Blake Morganir and John T. Ilinds. Tise Cildreon's Page, iu ad- dition to tliheltory iand puzzlc,r's columu, otnsalteetgacut o! bo'w lMary's Lms ae ebewit- ten, witÉli a pm-tit o! tise1 o (riginal Mary. For tish etee areilutae fas- bien atcenvlte uf ywork, floral lep. avcet ouselceepers and chacts o nî natnordc 1woratiens, and fuxnisliingsý. Pbiised by Mst, Crowell & KikarcSpnringfield, Ohio; f ifty cents a yer; five ,cents a copy. TUE CAUSE 0F CHOLERA. Tise explantion o! tise German chol- era epidemil ofo 1893, given by Dr. Barry, la conclusive as te the danger o! water contamination. Tise outbreak lu Ham- burg, notxitbstanding tise new filtered water sapply tisere, wa ai first de- cidedly stanîling, bàut tise officiels soon found tisai, owing to e settiement o! some masonny counected wibis a cou- dait eonveying the waîer frointhtie filter beds te tise puimping station, un- !iitered Elbse water bad got acceass to tise supply. -Dr. Barry arrives et four definite conclusions. (1) Tbat choiera diffusion invenîably !ollows hues o! bu- man intercounse (2ý Tisatinicreased steamn communication by land and wa- ter, esp'-cially eco Central Asie and Europe, had led te a rapidity lu tise diffusion o! choiera itherto un- precedented. (3) Tînt choiera lu uts progress by way o! river trafflo bas fas- îened on more ceutera o! population than wben is'diffuision bas taken place ovelaud. (4) Tisat ail "explosiens" e! choiera bave beeu found, on investiga- tion, te bave been referable te apeci- fically pollnted water supplies. A SOLDIERS RIGLITS. j "Little gil,poor little girll A goed ce!ffin siory is roiated in Sirare tisose yonn bestus ciothea? Daniel Lysons' "Remniscences3." Tise No, tisa othier rosponded wiih e sol- her l a niatesodir ad isescneemu sheke o! 1er head; my iesins herois prv-ae sldir ad te senecloîlies la wored ont. tise West Indies, sud tiese tery ueetly illusataiestee igidity o! tise ned tape Risourmatiant Curedin au Day.-Sonth which i hînd the administrative depani- Amenican ltbonmatic Cure, for Rhen- moents o! tise srrny. "Oue poor felexv, meatiant sud Neuralgîs, radically cures lu in1te 3 daye.' Ils action upon tire wise was gaven aven hy the doctors systent la remankable sud mystenlons. and supposed te ho dead, wss measured Ilb removes ai once tiseceuse and the for bis cofinluasd tise ceo!flu was made. disease irnmediately disappearà,, Tire r f irst dose greatly boe! fits.. 75 cents. in these bot climatea there la nu ine For sale by ail Druggists. te be lest. Tise man, hiewever, disap- - pointed tise doctors aud necovered. Thon Tire Microbiological Institute et Ma- came tise question, wiso was to psy drid hies pnbl'iised statisties tiret show for tise ceo!linlb was cbarged te the that oniy ten per cent. o! dipistiseia man, but be refused te aigu lis ne- patients treated witis senunt died. wisene- counts wiitistis charge agaluat hum, as previously (front 1882 te 1891) thse saying hie lad net erdered tire ce!! lu mortaiity isnd been 80 per cent. sud did net wsnt il,. At lest s comt- promise was arrived at. Tise man eifi i ous-itesn egr:ced te psy, provided ho wasa sho.w d Ride! n Six Hur s-stresiug te have tiseecofflu; se ih wesgio KinysdBednDsnaarivd hlm, sud lie stucS lb ap on end îblin six heurs by bbc "Soutis American bcd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~> inhl hmc oot ite b Kidney Cure." This uew remedy lsaa wedinthuivearsud Sept bi tiau hgreat surprise sud delight on account il tise ine we were et Grnad."i!ls excoeding prompinesa lu relievý- iug pain in tire hladder, kiducys, bacS sud every part o! tise urnary passages FIRF-PROOF PAPER. lu maie or !cmale4 It relieves reten- Te maSo fire-proof paper notliing tion o! water sud pain lu passiug t aintoat ummediatelye If! yen waut more is uecessary than tesaturate tire quick relie! sud cure tins is your nem,- paer iu a troug solution o! elunt wa- edy. ton, sud when thorosughly dry it wiil For sale by ail Drogglebs. resist tise action o! flame. Iu cousequence e! the adoption by tise 10 ets. Cures Constipation and Liver Spaniali, Chemiser o! Commerce o! tire Ills.-Dr. Agnew's Liver Pilla are tire bills provîding for tise farmiug o! tire moat perfect made, sud cure lire magie, toisecco mouopoiy sud tic, leasing a! tise SiSk Headache, Constipation, Bilions-i Almneden silver mines, the Goverumeut nes, Indigestion sud ail Liven luls. 10 ires suffîcîcut resources with whicir te cents a vil-40 doses, continue tise prosecution o! the cent- For sale by ail Drnigglets. piuaant tireCubni isurgents. Cynthia (leokiuget pirotograpis). "Hli- Piles Cured lu 3.te) 6 .Nýigits.-,Dn. ram, juat turn your liead e littie." Aguew1's iànment wil cure ail cases Hiam-"Yon have turned lb already, 0o! Itciing Pile-s lufrein 3 te 6 ulgis. Cynthia." 011, application bninga coafont. For Bh33iud sud Blc-ding Piles it is peerless. iAlso cures Tetter, Sait Rheum, Eczema, Hay Fever sud Cataris Relieved l Biin rs is, sud ail cruptins e!tise 10 te 60 Mintes.-Oue short puf! e! ý S 1. -l, cia. tise brestir tirougir bbc Blower, 511p- For wale by ail Druagists. plied witis ecI iotile of Dr. Agnew's------------- Catarhal Powder, diffuses tisis Powd- WatD,. Weliman. s San Francisco er on venbthe surface o! tire nasal pas- bokeehies Succeeded lu wniting saes, Peinlessansd deligitfnl te use. 7,068 words ou au ondluary postal card. Iretieves iustantly, and permaneutly Tise wonds comprisedau extreet froni cures Caterris, Hay Fever, Clds,H-esd- eue o! Victor Hlago's novela. ache, Sore Tirroat, Tousilitis sud Deaf-j neas.j Heari Disesse Reli-eved lu 30 Minutes. For sale by ah Iruggists. -Dr. Aguew'a Cure for tise Heent givea perfec-t relief lu ail cases of Organie DOMESTIC METHIOUS. Sympaihetie Hqeant Disesse lun30 min- Utes, and spoc,ýdily effer-ts a cure. Ib la Paw. whnb la your bausy day i a ptecniess remedy for Palpitation, Weil, happy uandin, h e xis eu I stsy Shornuesa o! B3reatis, Smetring Spoelia, ai honte te reat, sud your mother gels iPain in Leût Side sud ail syrptoms o! [me te do a f ew uitile odd jobs arouud a Diseased Heart., One dose convince. the hanse. For sale by ail DruMgiats. Children Cry foi Pitoher's Castorla. OLD GOLD A 1tECULAR ORIPPLE. The Story of an Old Settier in Dufferin County. tuffereit TerrIbly -wiîhIheiissatistit, andi liai tot Use llechanical Apipitlices te Turn lus Beit FriensTisaght lie Ceuld Net itecover. Froan the Economiat, Siseiburne, Ont. Almojat everybody in tise township of M3el lanethoaDfei Co., knows Mr. Wm. ugoa, J.P., postanaster of Au- guston. Mr. August, now in bis 77th year, came to Canada froun England forty years ago, and for tjiîrty-eight years ias been a resident o! Melano- thson. Durîng some thirty years of that time liehlas been a postmaster, and for eleven or twelve years was a member of tise township counoil, for some years holding thse position of deputy reeve. He bas aIse been a justice o! tbe peace since the formation o! the county. It viii tis be seen that Mr. August stands ighin lutbe estimation o! bis neighbors. In thse winter of 1894-5 Mr. August wvas laid up with an unusually severe attack o! rbeumatism, being ooufined to thse house and to bis bed for about three nionilis. To a reporter of tbe Economist, Mr. August said: ".1 was3 in fact a regular cripple. Suspended from. the ceiiing over miy bed was a rope wiicb I would seize witb my East _riDepot The midersig-ned desire to thank Cie tarmers of West Durham for the liberal patronage extendcd to us during the past season, also to remind tbem that we are stillinl the market and prepared to pay th e HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOIR 'deiivered at our storehouse cor. King and George street ss., or at EPort Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock. NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Rock Sait for cattie and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels Iwhich we are prepared to seli CII :ZA-:P E'OD:L C&SII Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COAL a7ways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. WÎiî Le ieaiied once i Quatty, twice. la QIuality and three times. in Price who !aspect the uneqiiailed assortnient ot Sippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &e., AI our Store, se-BEAVE R BLOCK,la Bowmnamivi'lie BIGGEST STORE, BJ&GEST VARJE--i.TYs, BJG-EST VALUE. Everybodyinvited to call and see our new Ébotvear THE 5110E MAN We have on hand the iargest stock of Furniture to be seen in any warerooms in the country, and as it has al been bought for spot cash and so much on the dollar, we are in a position to seil cheaper than the cheapest. The large quantities that we have sent ont testifies to onr prices. Ask our customers if they have been satisfied. We keep cheap Furniture for those who reqffire it and we also have some lines that cannot be seen i ny other warerooms. We quote a feW figures: Parlor Suites $25.00 Bed Room Suites 10.00 Lounges 5.00 Side Boards 8.00 Dining Room Suites Centre Tables Mattrasses Secretaries $18.00 3.00 3.00 4.75 We keep everything'in the furniture line necessary to furnish a home. Do not buy until yon see our goods, as it is a pleasure to show them. UJNPFITAKING is a special branch of our business and always conducted under our personal supervision. M.lD WILLIAMS & SON. Prower's Block, Bowmanville. banda, and thus change my position in bed or -risc te a sitting postion. 1 su!- fered as only those raeked with nbeu- matic pains could suffer, and owîug te my advanced age, my ueigbbors did net tbiuk it possible for me te recever. 1 had rend mucis conceening Dr. Wil- liants' Pink Pilla, and et lat determîn- ed te give then n trial. 1 commenced tahing tise pilla about tise lai, o! Feis.. 1895, takîng at tise ouset eue a!ter eacis meel. Within a oupile o! weeks 1 conld notice au improvement, sud isy tir first e!fA pril'I was able to.bel about as usuel, free frointhtie pains. sud witb but veny littie o! tire ati!!- nesa le!t. I centiuued tise treatment a short tume longer, sud fouud mysel! f ully restored. It ia now nearly a year aince 1 dlacontiuued taking tise Pink Pilla, and I have net hadl auy returu o! tise trouble in that time. 1 bave neobesitation lu sayiasg tisat 1 Owe my receveny te Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla." These pilla are s perfect blood bud- or sud nerve restorer, euring sucis dis- cases as riseumatisin, neuralgia, partial paayis, locomotor ataxie. St . vitua' ence.,ý, nervous beadache, ail nenvous troubles, palpitation o! the iseart. tbe aften effecta o! la, grippe. diseases de- pending on humons o! the bleed, sucis as scrofula, chronlo ,arysipelas, etc. Pink Pilla gîve a lhaltisy glooax te pale. sud salle-r com.plexions and are a epeci- tic for troubleNs peculiar %otehie female eystein sund lu tise case o! men tisey effect aradical cure lu ail cases arising frein metual Nworry, cverwork, er ex- cesses.' Dr. Willi ams' PinS Pilla may be bad O! ail d.mggStS Or direct by mail from. Dr. Williams' Medicine Ceo., Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N.Y., et 50c. a box, or six for $Z.50. Sce biset the cempenys registered brade mark la on the wrapper e! every box of!ened you, sud positively refuse ail imita- tions or substitutes alleged te ise "juat as good." Rememiser ne otiser remcdy hies iseen discovered biset eau succos- fully do tise work of Dr. Williams' Pinki Pis. FR051 LER POINT 0F VIEW. Bois were very yenng. Tisey stood geziug m, ient a store wludow, admiring tise pry frecha biset ciildreu se love, sud turning to look et the rsgged !ig- W. S. KLMBALL & Co. ROCHES TER, N. Y. RETAIL EVERYWHERE 5.Per lPackage. 17 FIRST PRIZE MEDÂLS.

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