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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1896, p. 8

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Y You don't mind raw weather when you have your clothing* or wraps interlined with Fibree ., Chamois. It is the simplest: and surest protection from cold and Whin4 ttat you can have, e costs next to nothini, is so ight you don't notice ifs presence,, adds durable stiffness and body. to a gantent and neyer fails to* Lipreserve the natural healthful O warmth of the body in ail wea-e there b You can't afford to do wthout * the comfort it gives. OnIy 25 cents a yard. Look for the Fibre Chamois label on ail ready-to-wear garments,* anditake no others. The Canadian Statesifan A n Egbt Page, Forty-Eight ColumnNewspaper, is published EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, AT TIIE OFFICE 26 STATESMAN BLOCK, KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONT., BY 1. A. JAIIES, Edîtor & Proprietor. Subscriptionsl.50 per»nnucn, or $1.001 if paid strictly lu advance. ADYERTISING RATES Transient Advertising. Ten Cents perl Line, first tiertion j Five Cents per Line each sub- sequent insertion. CONTRACT RATES. TIMES INSEErED. ZSZE 0F ADVERTISEMENT 1 Mth Sstbs 6mtls 1 Yr. One Coltinai............ 00 40 $6 100 %IfCourn ...... ..130026 40 60 Quarter Oolumn.. ..,, 8 00 16 26 .40 Eighth Coumn .......5 o0 10 16 26 Twenty-five Uines. 4 50 9 12 18 Twenty Lines.......... 4 00 6 8 13 Fifteen Lines.......... 3 50 5 7 50 12 Ten LUnes.............. 2 5) 4 50 6 50 il Pive Lin es ............. 1 2. 3501 61 10 The above are contract rates, and apply oniy to regniar business advertisers. Transient ad- vertisements Ten cents a line first insertion, and Five ceins a lire each subsequent insertion. Changes of contract advertisements mnust be baddIn not later that one o'clock on Saturday -this mie will be strIctly enforced. Para raph advertisements amosig news items 10ea in e-l insertion. Notice of Births, 2c; Marriages and Deaths, 50C. Displayed advertisements are measured by a scale of iolld nonparell and charged accordang- Y. Ortiors for discontinuing advertisements Inust be in writing, otherwise tie publisher will not be responsible. Double regular rates 7are chargeti duing Mareh, April and May andi October, Novemaber and December for display advertising not con- tracted for by the year, Al kînds of Job Printing dons with neatness and desptch and on reasonabie termes. The office is supplied v.ith a great, variety of the latest andi most faslionable styles of type. Business notices in local or news clumns first insertion 10 cents per Ue Noopareil; 5 cents per Unme cach subsequent insertion. Noticesf meet- ings" of auy kind at which an admission f ee 15 hargeti or a collection is taken must be paiti for. To SItisCRiBs-No paper wiil be stopýed until ail arreareges are paîi, except at the opton of the publishar. A po st office notice to discon- tiu is nt sufficient. Ail mmunicatioîis shouid be addressed, M. A. JAMES, n owmanville,Ont BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 9, 1869. PERSO NAL. We invite eil our readers te contribute to this coiomm arrivaI andi departure of guesis, enove ments of welknown peop le, business men, etc. Senti a pâstal card to THE STATEsmAN, dropa note in our office letter box or ring Up phone 52 Mr. Fred 1-arîson has been visiting his mother. Mr. Geo. Coleman is home from New York State. -Mr-. Fred. W. Coueli spent Labor Day in Port Hlope; ---y, A-l-i- t - g Wa-lke rton6 i -honte for hob dys -MissAlieHaggi-th vstc iredai Toronto-last week.- Mr. A. J. Saunders, Toronto, opent _Lajbor Day at home. --- Miss--Gibbard, T loronto, i îstn --Miss Lottfe- Brina'combe;- - Mr, Jos. Maynard, Woodstock, is LieutW & ig~Ib-n h Wiser-team agailitnext ye ar. -MissA&nnieClydermanhlasbeeiwvisiting- Mrs. R. J. John-ston, Lindtsay. -Mrs, S.' Noble-of -Rochester,-N., i visiting- at Mr. John Frank's.' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Russell,Port Hlope, visited friends here last week. Miss Bertha Sherin, Peterboro, spent Sunday and Monday at home. Mrs. Hl. C. Brittian,Strathroy,is guest of hier father Mr. J. M. JOness. Miss Bertha Morris, teacher, Cowan- ville, spent Labor Day at home, Miss Mabel Northcote of Brantford is enjoying a short holiday at home. Mr, Win. Bennett, Oshawa, is home attending the funeral of his mother. Mr. Chas. Keith, foreman of the News offrice, is spending a week iu Toronto. Mr. Greenfleld, Toronto, visited ils brother, Mr. Robt. Greenfield, Monday. Mis. W. MeReyùolds and Miss Win- nie Trick are visiting friends ln Toron- to. Miss Rosa Bell, Leskard, has been visiting her uncle Mr. William bonder- son. Miss Irene Norris, of PortHope, visit- ed lier uncle, Mr. F. B. Whiting, last week. Mr. F. R. Brown of Jacksonville, Ohio, was ln town caiing on old friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Downs Detroit, Mich., is visiting ils father Ikr. Robt. Downs. Mr. John L. Mason of Davenport, la., has beon visitinghils mother Mrs. S. Ma son., C Dr. and Mrs. Spencer of Dnnkirk, N. Y, are visiting at Mr.D. McConnachie's "Dunbun." Miss Minnie Lethbridge of Port Hope, spent Labor Day in to-wn guest of Miss Maud Elliott. Miss Florence TilleY has returned to Toronto to resume lier studios at the Coibege o! MUSIC. Mrs. John bellyar and Miss beilyar have been visting Mrs. (Rev.) S. T. Bartlett, Cobourg. Mrs. G. C. Haines has been spending a few davs with lier brother, M r. John Haines, Ôobourg. Mrs. John Trewin and hier sister Miss Laura Salter are spending a week with friends in Toronto. Miss Eva bellyar and Mr. John bell- var, sr., spent Stnday in Cobourg guests of Rev. S. T. Bartlett. Miss E. E. baycraft of THuE STATEs- MANt spent Sunday and Monday with tier parents at Myrtie. Mr. William berd, Tilsonburg, was here attending the funeral o!is sister, the late Mrs. Grace Joli. Miss Eyres of Millbrook and Miss Berta Brent, Tyrone, were guests o! Miss Mosetta James last week. Mr. Jas. W. Bunnoy o! Newmarket has beaun visiting- ils -graudmother, Mrs. C. Hancock nnd otiior friends here. Miss Joness gave an address on Mis- sions at a special meeting of Simcoe St. E. L., C. E., Oshawa,Tiursday evening. Rev. S. T. Bartlett o! Cobourg attend- ed the WhitbyDistrict Christian Endea- vor convention at Prince Abert on Fni- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. boskin, Strath- roy, and Mr. and Mrs. ;W. Kiv-ell and famiily, Chatham, are vîsiting at Mr. H. Wilcox's. Mrs. J. ODunn has gone to Syracuse, N. Y., for a few days to visit "friends, Miss Shirley Morrison wlll have charge of lier store until hier roturn. The Sting Within. It is said there is a rankling thoru ln every heart, and yot that noue wouid exciange their own for that of another. Be that as it may, the sting arising !rom the hleart of a corn is real onough, and lu tuis land o! tiglit boots a very common complaint also. Putnam's Painiess Corn Extractor is a never !ailing remedy for tuis kind o! leartache as you can easily prove if afficted, Cheap, sure,painloss. Try the genuine and use no other, $70,000,000 ASSESTS. Mn. E. B. Williams, Chie! Ranger of Court Pride of Ontario No. 60W0, A.OF. has given us some interesting informa- tion canceoring -this-ld and we11 triedt institution. --It-is-now -106 -years nid and- smtai.experimeinttbta- trieïrexfity. iii. S42-Courts, ests secure in thimin- u- irasiu rphis of over $70,0W000 ol z~r~1io-er 29,0000 isincash -and- secuities readly' availabie. Tie society ini Cznad& holds -$70.18 for-every $1000 -o! --insurance earried by a- record possessedv-by-no other-soelety-in the world. The Anieut Orden o!f or. --esters- is found- wherever tha- flag- -of Britain has been unn!rled.--With-its beautiful ritual, liberal sick and funeral Î plan lt-is-a boom to7 the--wonking -mau tirougiout the world. Last year il p aiîd on t in b e nefit s ovoër-$ 9ev ery- minu teë, and yet added the magnifid'ent sum o- $1.139,045 to its immense reserve. The Court moots on first and third tWednesday every month in the Forest- ors' bail ovor McMurtrv's store. The t principal officors are. Ed. Williams, CAIR. ;Rici. Hambly, S. C. R.; J. N. McDougall, Socretary; L. Jollow, Troasurer; J. T. booper, T. 1l. Spry Jas. Saunders. Trustees. 26-3m. THOMAS PEATE, Dyer and Clothescleaner Has removed his works to the wel kuown Easternu buse. PuRCEs:-For cleaning, dying and beautifully pressing an Overcoat 75 cents;,Complote Suit $1.50. These pricos are not more than one haîf what you would have to pay any othor Dye Works, and the work will bo as goodi as eau be doue auy- where. 36-4m. 2500Ibs. -wanted at- the Lamp- ton Wollen Milîs by lst o! Jul y for whféh I wfil pay the- bighest- prices. paid - it -this-- Township. Farinerea will find it to their interest to see me -betore sohlin U ]Y.TAY-LO r 'ro- Baby Nearly Dead. SiRs,-My baby was very bad with summer complaint, and 1 thouglit ho would die, ntil 1 tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. With the first dose I noticed a change for the botter, and iiow hoe is cured, and fat and healtiy. MRs. AkNORMANDIN, London, Ont. idst of New Books Received at the Public Library. FICTION. Anthony Hope'@ "Coniedies of Court- ahip",; Weyman's "The King's Strat- agem"; Hattom's "The Banishinent o! Jeasop Plythe"; Lindsay's '"Rhode, Roberts"; Rhoscomyl'a 'Battienient and Tower"; Mre. oliphant's "The $tory of a Governes&";ý Conan Doyle'a "The Exploits and Brigadier Guard"; Walford's "Successors to be Litie"; Mns. Clifford's "A Flash of Suommer". Orotes Huîstory o! Greece 10 vols.; Mrs. Edgar's "Ton years of Upper Canada (1805 15)"; Hlarding Davis' "Venezuela and Central America"; Eugenefleld's "The Houese"; Eugene. fields "The Love Affaire af a Biblio- maniac"; Jan Maclaren's "ýThe Upper Room"; Frank Cbapman's "Birdis of North Ameica"; Suliy's "Studies o! Chldhood"; Lenyon'"In Mecorien" with notes by Rolfe; Florence M Rings. ley's "Titus"; Florence M. Kinpsley's "Stephen"; Bang's 'Mr. Bonapart o! Corsica"--a burlefque; Jules Verne's -'Captain Anti!fan"; Edward Bok's 'Successwird"; Puddefort's "The Min- ute Man of the Frontier"; Johuson'a Universial Cyclopedia. AUoUST CANADIAN MAGAINE.-OUr National Magazne.-Thoee who do not underatand exactly what je raeant in the United States by "Free Silver," should read "The Cry for Free Silver," by John A. Cooper, L.L.B., in the Auguat Canadian Magazine. The article is intended, apparently, for the average reader, and is by no meana technical. This nuxnber la an especialiy good one, being profusely illustrated and contain- ing several short bigt tonies. The cover is artiatic and pretty, the back- grounds being a maple leaf design of green. The announcementls nmade in a contribution by J. W. Tyrreil, en titled "Through the Sub-Artice of Canada," to,:commence lu September and teorua through îhree Issues. This will be illustrated by a large number of photoRrpha in the possession of the Dominion Government. The directors of the Central Canada Exhibition Association bave spared neither pains lior expense to make thîs year's fair the greateat in the history of the Association. Beaides securing a choice lit of apecial attractions the directors have largely increased their PrizesLLst, especially in the horni, cattie, aheep and awine classes. In ad- dition to $14,500 in cash prizea they will give a large number of apecials in- luding 27 Gold Medals, aud the gold medala o! the Central Canada Fair are supenior to those o! any other exhibi- tion. The Association is prepared for a large entry of animaIs. Wlth $40,000 given thora by the city of Ottawa they have erected new hors. and cattîe stables and shede for aheep and awine thati surpase any other-, in the country. Farmers will therefore flad it te their advantage to exhibit et hcfair next Septenîber. Trie dates are September 17th te 26th. Entries close on the 14th o! September. Secretary MoMlahon wiîl be pleased to aupply aIl Information required. Ses Adv. in another colunîn. The September Ladies' Home Jour- nal-in à cover giving a dainty sugges- tion of early autumn-opent wlth an interestingly chatty paper ou "The Porsocal Side o! Dickens," In wffich Stephen Fiake writes of the fanious author at home and as a boit. A new study cf the noveliat by Alice Barber Stephesîs illutrates and well supple- mente the article. A feature o! muai intereat la the lut Ietter wrltten by the lats Hanriet Beecher Stowe, reproduc. ed in fac-amIe. "Tie Young Mani as a Citizen" la the title o! Dr. Parkhurat'a 1paper. Edward W. Bok e«presses hearty endorsement of a more wide- aspread enactmuent and enforcement of the 'GCurfew Law." Under the cap. ton o! "Thi Touch o! a Womau's Hand" be presents to womn (thone rof amail miens epecial ly) the vlue of keeping the home bright and attrac- tive. Then. are aiso articles upou drss, the coiffure, the floral bay-win- dow, China cabinets, aeaweed designa for needlework, mourlliig costumes, and.the usual departaients. The prao. tical and literary value of the scone of admirable articles in the September Journal la very matet'ialîy înhanced hy the large numben of excellent illustra. ftions, makIng the number one o! the but ever laaued. B-The Curtis Pub- liahing Company, -Philadeiphia; one _olrpsr ysar, ton cents par copy.__ T. N. RICRARD, Watchmaker, Joweller and Op- tielan, Bowmanville, Ont Manitoba Flour. The undersigned keep constantly on hand for sale, cash only,i1 pure Manitoba No. 1 Hard Wheat Flour; also best pastry flour. Barrel Sait for sale. 42-t! LOCKHART BROS, Bowmanvill- nd Neweastler. In tematter of -the ett c i late Elizabeth Sanderson Climie tate f tietowen-of-Bowmanvifle,in thecc'n$y c Zurlàïia, dow, de- Notice is hereby gîven pursuant te chapter i10 R.. 88- 7 sstIat a", arsons havbrr -ciams- against esiste or ELIZM BETH SANtSERSON -CLIMIElatîof thetown0f BoWmanvllieounty- oS Durham, widow tieceased, w4ho dieti on-or abou-ti fths -twa-ty-flfft-h-day ofJuive, -1896 -are ne- quesset to daliver or sent by post pre pad, on or before-the twelfth- day of-S.ptember nexi 50-t the untiersigneti Administrator a statement lu writing containing fu particuisrs of their ciaims, anti of nature of the securities(if an. heiti by thema agaiîîst the ýstate of the sait! de-) ceaseti. Anti notice ih bereby further given that ater the said iwaifth day of:September neEt the Ad- minlîtrator of the frpe th fie saiti deceaset wii proceedt 10 ish-ti'ta eothe assats thereof emong tbe parties eniitied thereto heving re- gard only te0 suhc aimis as he shaii then h ave notice of as above, repuired, and the saliead- mînîstrator will not bc liabie for the assets or any part tbereof so distributeti ru any person,or paerions, of iwhose dlaims hae shall not have re- civet notice aitishe lima of sucb distribution. W. F. ALLEN, D. B. SiLmpsoN, Bowmanvilie, Dowmanville, Adninistrator. Soliitor for Administator. Bownanvile 101h Augusi, 1896. . 33-4w. When Bshe vas a Cil, wshae nefr Castona. When Baby was shlk, wege efr Castorla. When sle became Miss, she clung to Castoria, THE MAONMILE We talked to you last week about our'fair. We wish to supplement it this week by adding thlat we are al ested in makinig the Fair worthy of the> county of, this province. Everybody will feel like being here andr'oe are complet. ing Our facilities on a mucli larger scale than ever before to add to the attractions and make it interesting for you to visit our stores not only on Fair days, but beforead after those dates and get your fali and winter supplies. Our large volume of sales. Buying in large quiantities by practical buy ers,renders it easy for -us to give you the mos for your money. Next week we will give you our bargain Iist for the tw great bargain"days (Fair Days). But this week we h ave mcany special bargains to offer you like the following: A 32 inch. Flannelette over which the manufacturer are waging war at present, usually sold at loc. for 7c. large assortment of Dress Fabrics in ail the leading make and styles in iDress lengths and full pieces, imported direc for our trade, just'to hand. Jets, Sequim and ail the ne trimmings to match. A fulli une of Blou"~ and trimmin silks. A big direct importation of Japan Tea in 5 and 10 lb. caddies, and bulk at 26c., will compare favorably wîth othe 40c. uines. W'e take first place for Teas of ail kinds. Just to hand direct from the factory in Uncle Sam' domains, a special line of I.amp goods which we will sou a wholesale prices. Don't fail to see them ! All other departments are being rapidly filled with fali and winter goods for your inspection.j THE MASONGO You don't have to mortgage your farr to be able to crink "LUýDELLA" CEYLON TEA It's very high quality, but not 1--ex.pensuve. Lead Packets only. From Grocers and General Storekeepers. H. P. ECKARDT & CO, TORONTO5, WHOLESALE AGENTS ROCHESTER ROUTE. STEAMER NOIRTH IRING Commencing z7th April. Read Down. Week Days. Read up. 8.00 &,m. Lv. RochesterN.Y.C. Ar.8.30p.m 8.30 .. .6 Charlotte' " 7.30 1.00 p.m, Ar, (' obourg Lv.1.15 1.5 " Port Rope -- 2.30 H. H. GILvERSLEEVE, J. H. JURY, Agent. Mizr. Kingston. A speelal foature in purchasing in Toronto during Exhibition time is that the publie are enticed by al sorts of tricks into paying big prices for very inferior goods. Don't be led away in this manner. If yoù loso money lu this way its your own fault. No one in Canada can or doos givo you botter value for ycur money than T. N. RIcKARD,Joweller and Optielan, Bowmanville. No plated goods sold for solid gold by hlm, but genuine goods every time. Sound adviee given when -purehas- ing. Watches guaranteed time keepers and sueh as will not be a bill of expense to you eau bo pur- ehased at this store for as littie money as anywhere in Canada. Buy at liome,be loyal to your own town and the man who keeps his oyes open and gives you value for yotir money every time. Be warned by BOWIfANYILLE BICYCLE"]j -AND-j General REPAIR SHO W. FISHLEIGH Practical Machinlst. Tool Makar, Look and Gunsmith, Speecl Machlmery for hantiling Bleycle painlng ln al lis branches, anti al FineMa CYCLISTS.-flave yonr wheels put là' by a thonougbiy practical ma chinlat. Bicycles, Lawrn .mowsrs, Sewing uo -Electnie Bela, Dental antiSurgical Insttni -Safe Locica, Iron, 51551 -anti Hrass wonIk ~BsILDIN il Buy Your WallII 1le" until you see the handsonme dei.Îgns JOHN C. WEEKs eau show you. "r dors may ho le!t at R. Worth's ta\d(. waro store. -I have some o! the,£ prettiest designs to be soon ny- where and pnices are away d wn., Painting, Kalsomiiin,,g, Wte ash.- ing, etc., as usual. A eau su d JOHN C. WE SI Ontario St, Bowmanville. 17'3Ut MhAillinery Opening, SEPT. 17 and 18. We respeetfully invite you to our Mllinery Openings. When wo will exhibit a large stock of Trimined and untrimmed Hats,,Bonnets and Walking Hats of the latest stylos. Cali and see-our Th5e SiIk--Grown- ISailor. 1?.5.- atsreshaped. Rtoyal Mal Steamships. Liverpool, eau- ln_- at Movilie. montreai Quebec. Pgrisian......... 5 Sept......6 Sepýt. 9 a.m. 'Laretln . 2......... 12 3 p.m. Sarinan 26......... 27 9 e.m. *Numidian. ...3 Oct......... 3 Oct. p.m. Siberlan, for Glasgow, direct, Sept 29, first cabin, $4 and $50. pessengers can embark et Montreal the pre vious evenlng after 7. -The Lanrentian cernies first cabin passengers ony frm this sida. The Mongoiln, Numidilen, antiLeu.'r entian will mot stop et ]Rimnouski or New York to Glasgow, Nebraska, Sept 18 Celifomnia Juiy 12. ]RATES 0F PASSAGE. First cebin Derry anti Liverpooi,$2.50 and up wards; return $100 anti upwerds. Second ebin -Lverpool, Derry, anti London; $34 anti $36.25. Steerege Liverpool, Derry,Belfast,Glasgow anti London, ioweSt rates, e5'erytblng f ounti, M. A. JAMES, Allen Lins Agent, Bowmanvila.

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