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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1896, p. 1

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't k A til TERMS :-$-1.50 PER ANNum. OUR- TOWN AND COtTNTY FIRST; THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEW SERTES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 16, 1896. VOL-UME XLII. No. 38. ----------------- -- --- -- ------------------ -------XE!~!!t!S Un!!!aNa S U D D E N D E A T H . .... . . a .......a...a.. a... a .........a.............aaataal.,Ma,aitaas"U *You are Cordially 1Invited,. FL- ATCLR*O H CIET .... Lpp!a î!.uE AT'INNPG ana.a.a.~±u aass.aaaaaa........aaaat...... ... . . .........a ............. ...a,___ Mi. J. W. I-iggiubotbani, Virtien, Man., urrireti bere Thurstiay erening frein Winnipeg n'ith the casket ceniaini ing tlic body et bis brother, the laie Fret. T. Iligginbotham, n'bo dieti Mon- Gotlh, olinion~ Grflewnuday, Sept. 7, 1896. The purticuhars of the accident that resultet in bis deatb arc tinis giron lu the Winnipeg Frec Press, Sept. 8th: extend a cor-dial invitation to their many friends " LighI beartet Fred. Hi-gînbotham, than n'hem there n'as ne botter iketi *.eoung manu lu Winnipeg, met n'itb au in West Durham who rnay visit Our Fair this accident Suntuy utternoon n'hicb brought te a tîugic andti niely fer- ination bis eartbly career, se ful et week to brightnless anti promise. t appeurs thut hoen'as spending the afternHon n'iîb is trient Mi. Josephu Hall, ut the iatter's residence on the river bank ho- taoyend River Park, anti ton'artis evenhmîg eÏa ll and Insp-ect n'as piuying n'ith the chiltren, givimmg thein a ride en the pony. Ho jumpoti their Superb Display of on tepony's bc hbuil t h w swerveti sutidenly aroui a post anti ho n'as cauglut acress the eyes by a wire Urclothesîlîme, n'bicbh blat iit uoticedi N e R' ait and anti nas thron'n backn'urtifreinth pony. Thiough ho matie an aîîompt te save birnseif hoef ell beavily on the greund,strikziug on the back o hbis bout WinerGo dsred , fatr ftesia od Hoen'as removetfi h ouse antimeti- in Dress Goods, Silks, Ladies' Jackets, both ical aid summonei, but troni the irst the toctors sun' there n'as ne hope ofhbis American and 0-erman, Sha-wls. Cloths, Flannels, recoev. His whoebody waspaialyz- 5 o'cloek lu the muorning, wnevi Linens, Underclothing, Carpets, and Curtains. dences et complote collapse begaîm te manifesitbemseives anti frein that tino Theysho a tockwhih cnnotbe xceled ho gratinaily sauk until 8.40, n'len hoe Theysho a tockwhih cnnotbc xceledbreuatheci bis last, dying lu the armas of bis besoin ed,Mid. Hall. Oni a feir outside the cities while their prices for the same lu the cîty ken'oh he accident Sun- day uight, anti the news efthéb youn man's deaili, n'ien aunounceti ve1ter- class of goods cannot be beaten anywhere. day mernmng n'as a sutidemi antid rr sbock to bis bosîs oh frientis, anti evory- one n'he spoleeoetthe sati évent dit se Grocers' Due Bis taken as cash. lu torms of deepest sorron', The de- ceaset came te Winnipeg, about tw'ehve rouis ugo, rom Bon'mammvilie, Ont., I> 1 Iii TI n'hmre bis luthier sil résides. Hoen'as ii nan IlflfChfll Van entbusiasiic derotee oh amateur aih- g~ IUUt jII\HU fi ~lotie sports anti nas iti entfit 'îthe Il Ilihil IIIIIIIIIIII gV eatiing sperting clubs oh the city. In 9 MI >1III! the puhimy tays'et lacresse ho W-as a star meulber ofthbe 9Oih champion teain, BoWSIANVILLE. Ho aise n'ont te Vancouver seven yeairs ugo anut playoti a yeuu w'th the lucrose eain et thai clty. Wlîen hockey teok a place among local sports ho n'as oeeoe w....a.a.....................uaaflaaaauaaaaa the firsite takeup the gaine, as a mein- .. .......... u. ................................ber of the humons Victoria club. He playedt nice n'lîh thé icamn oh thut club on oustern touis, being oeefet ls but- * Calil and Inspeet Our Stock. * as.e went east wiiî tiebteam iensbip of hée nont. Ho also figured .......... couspicuouslv ouothehteeootballtieeld a ton acquaintanco ant i maux'frientships througb bis musical abi lites, beiug ami excellent guitar player,, anti possessîng a caDital faculty for enierîainiug. ht is H EAD '% UA R E R 01Ra remarkabbe ccincitence that ou Sut- 1w,, ih aparty eh frienis anti nhen Ise ogv the final song, hoe sebecteti '~fln ~ lQv~A~irI Neuirer myGotito Thee," n'hicb nas C rocà-keûâry r %1 d Gl seà a , bis favorite air. For the pust ire years deceaseti n'as employet ini the Hudsou's t Bay cempuny's stores, He n'as oniy One Store uevoteu solely to this uepartment2. er f g.M.J W lgii bothain, duaggist, et Virtien, n'ho is a brother et the teceasei, n'as suffinnened by n'iue, anti uruivoti in the city yesteu- Nowhere between Toronto and Believilie wil .yo day afttrnoon. find so large and weli seiected ad assortment of Crockery ToemlsnroemetfeiMi and G-assware as you wiil find at Hali's resideonce te Thompson's umîder, ChinaHalltaking rooms n'bere tbey remnaineti ail YOUNG & O 'S, hia al, owmanvllle. yesterduv. This morniug Ibey n'euej takoen te 262 Gruban steot, n'here the1 We buy largely and for cash, hence we buy cheap, deceased rhided f or toî his dah and we will seil cheap. Read the following Iist: tuneral processionîto start, a lauge 1number of frients et the departeti 2atlm Caps and Saueers per dez., 50e, Toiet Sets aI $1.75, $2.25, $250, oued arount the bouse, REv's. fluoh 60c, 75c, 90c, 81.00, $1.25, $1.50, $3.0O, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.0O, Petibey, J. C. Walker anti Du. Spalingj $6.00, $7.00, $8.00. udministeret the lasI rites, anti a chorus $1.75, $2.00. bcd by Dr. Smith sang "'Nearer My Geti Dinner Sots ut $4.75, $6.00, $7.50, le Thee . Beautiful n'reuîhs n'eue< Plates per d.oz., 30c, 40c, 50c, 60c, $9,0,$O0,$2.0 1,0 15.00 sent mn trom. numerous frieutis anti $100 $25$175,$00$100$000$2.0,14.00, îaceti on tbe coffin. The procession 75c, 90c,$.e12, $175 $.0.-$1.0, $00,$2.0eft the bouse aI 12 o'cbock and ti inas a moîimprossive sight as il movet town We have just opened a case of Toilet Sets that are main street. Following tbe bourse very handsome and good value. n'ere hundretis et mourners on foot anti thon came about 'a huntueti bicyclists Ail kinds of Produce taken at Market price. n'aiking besito Ibeir n'heels. A tetacb- Reme berOur iroery epatmen asusualiS.j ment frein lime Duagoons anti a largo Re.embr O r Goccy Dparmen asstring eofvoiiclos toiloedt. The coîpse eompie with'everything you require in this Une,.n'as placet on the oust bounti train anti mauy imauly eyes n'eue n't as the hast et Fret H-iggiiibotham lett Wiunipegr. ~,,I11t1flThe palîbeamOrs n'eue John Eiliott, j. WhtGeo. Merritt, Chas. Lacey, àos. Y ou]mlg E!b" Hflanti J. Armytuge" BowIIAgVILLE. Groeers, China Hall. The floral tibutes n'eue the most _________________________________________________________beautitili anti numemeus seen bore for a1 The funeral took place from the ]'esi- douce et bis brother, Mr. T. E. Hog-"n bolliaini rnggist, LibertY street Fi day, being, very largely attendeti. Rer. . Parker officiateti, assisteti by Rev. W. Jolliffe anti Rev, R. Deuglas Fraser, M. A. The paîl-boarors n'ere Messrs. A. MNitchiel, Art. Heur, I. Rice, L. T. Courtice. W. T. Allen anti Chas. W. McCluug. Thle principal mounerp, n'vere Messrs. Johnî Higgiubloîbau., father, John -W.1 T. E. anti Alfreti Higginht - n, brothers, anti Masters Hubeit anti Creîghitou Higginboîhani, nephews. CÀILIFOItNIA LE'ITEII, Being always gladti t receivo for pub- lication descriptive bliers n'e bave bv specia 1 request get permission frein Mr. J. B. Fairbairn, P. M., te use lu oui columuns seme extra cis frei a personal letter frein bis v- 'ag,,esi son,' Mr. T. M. Fairbulîn, w iîas douec ccusiderable travelling iinCalitorifàsince geiio. there lu 1894. Jtgn frein the excef lent pon'ors etftdescriptiv-en'riting muani- test lu tîmis letter n'e are sure anv article hem b is peu n'onltitnd haver n'ith the reading public. TItis letter n'aswnriîteu lu Augusi Mr. Fairbaimu ivrites: Ounug 15, I matie the asceut of olti Baltiy or Mouniain Sun Antonio for te first iînoanti enjo 'veti eueetoftefinest views I bave ever seen, W'e noie de- teimimiieti te 500 the sunrise frein the summnit se n'e turneti eut et oui bunks ut 2.3ù a. m., otiig breakfast by star- liglît, n'ith the chili mountain air stîik- ing home anti muking us inoxe te keep) n'armn. \e loftcunmp atter a \or.v sub- stantial breakfast anti struck ntp the trail fer oui thîrce mile n'alk n'ith oniy the tii l ighî oh the stars te showLis te patb,so that n'e lest i t utnies fer a hon' minutes. At first the trahi led us ulong "IIog's Back' n'beie il is tairlu- nitie, but us we got np bigber il beguh te get nariewer anti nuîoWer se tnat n'ben n'e i'euced the "Devil's Backýboiue" it n'as scarcelv a foot n ide,irunningý, alomg the top et 'the mouiain anti tulliug ion'n on elîher side timousantis oh foot ie Sun Antonio Camion on one sitie anti Little Creein Canon ou ihe other. Fertuuîateiyut this tii.e, it beganto ligit- eni up as il n'euld bave beon ratherdting- erous proceeding tariber as a stunible or a iitp n'ouiti band ene somne 3,000 foot bcbow. Wlîem1 n- e cclctthe flîsi peak nesieppet t see the sunrise anti it n'aainosi imupressivs sîht as yen mia ivgie.The surrounidiuig mnu- tains oerePhonratbeî indistictantqall eu oisena here aýntiibrea Ihuge bon' i pesxehna ntedark os>- ,11al nhen oui view' coi ereti neuii.v ah oSotuhernalfouiaAlibis tiineonly- a r(3, ýlow n'as discernable on the ousi- cru (hoîizoui but for the next tw enîv minu ies h n'as a series oh piclures cha M ngever i ninhîmï. One 0s- one (or thereabomuts the stars Ihegun teï dis- appeaýr ant ibeohave deserit e-anto show m iore tistincti its miles ani mu-iies eh bo, suntis andt deýert w asies. At lasi olti Sol beg-an te show bis presence lu a mere empbaîic manner anti nn'ay oser the tieseri rang-es the peaks bo-au te glo-n' athe sun caine up ah at once a bail (,f hirethrewving the w bole casloin -horizoinclo-utisndi-muuntauin-peaks u-- te eue glown 'g niass impossible te des- cribe. We couiti nom, trace theMebave River lu places whlere, it runs ou ihe surfa e hike a series et huge sîlver suiakes 3wi'ing ion'n betn'een the 11n0Luftains 'like aiiCuliforuiarivers itruns a short0 distance on the surface ant teî silkoeut et silhite oreappear lu a ton' At tibis heigbt n'e founti our heurts puini )ng ut the leasi oxonieon anti froni liere ip ne badti testop orery oe uhn- tiret foot te gel in a non' supply of broeî4. \e thoenrolletia fen'boulders ovrrthe side antisun' them go beunt- ing dewn iet the gulch beion',at tinuos bouniidîg buntretis o et oot etee air lonoe atter thev n'ere eut oet sigbt, 'e coUi lfellon' thoir course bv the ta- rising lu their tracks.WMe tison pusheti on aip te the summit proper et Baltiy se Cahlot',ou acceunit et ne vegetation'be- ing aible te stand the elements anti il is consequemitl y bure. We neticeti as n'o svemt up that the pines gren' sinaler anti siuller until at lasI there n'ere just at few wnitb limbs ou the "bee side" oîiy a,;,ntiereutualiy nomme ataîl, When wereachet e summit, 10,500 f t. the courtiy rolIet an'ay frein us on ail sides anti Meuntains Sun Bernardine, Grey Backr, Sun Jacinto anti numnerous ranges ut on(e cauglît my oye. The rien'frein bore is se vast eue cuu't begin te des- cueil. Fortunutely the morning was rery clear anti one coulti 500 nith case Cutalinu anti Sun Clemente Islands anti the sea ceasi for miles anti coulti pick eut iOntarie, Pumeno, Chine, Claromont anti other ten'ns lu the valle.y. East- nurti ivas the desoît and n'itfi teglass- os n'e coulti 500 te the borders of Arizena anti Nevada and soutb the meinutains et Mexi'co It n'as a grand sight antioe 1' 4) I NEW YORK STÀTE. andi vegetable pro(Iucts jute manure for feeding the impeverished and hungry (Editoriatl Corresonnc) soul, keep buildings andi fences ini a betý _pondnce. terstate of repair, graft impreveti win- It woulti be a judîifous and profitable ter fruits outo their natural fruit trees transaction were the New 1 ork State and observe the Sabbath to keep it holv. Legislature to offer a free farrn in everv There are too nlany non-ecburch-goinig township to reliable and experienced people and consequeutly poorly paid Canadian farmers to settie on and culti- preachers and very ordinar.y places of vate tbem. with the special purpose of worsbip. iRigbteousness stili exalteth a sliowing' the Ainerican fariers hion to nation and Americans are none too farm tor pïofit. So tar as w e could spirituallv juinded nor quite o se ucli so judge duriug a bric visit iu Aliegany as Caniadians, unless we inisintige tlîem Uoun1tv, N. Y., there is not a tarin in froin what we saw during our brief vis- that part of the state cultivated so as to it. produce the best resuits. Very littie We do~ not suppose our Americau Fali plowing was done up to fhle Sth readers will appreciate our criticisms, iust. in any part ef the Stato through or thank us for our sugg4estions, but if whicb we passeti, but wheun'we reached they were priviieged to inspect the Canada we f oundti tousands of acres tarins lu Darlino'ton, Whitby ikr turnied under andi the stubbie begin- in or#* . . ig- tbyshp, tiher uien exte rot. The rowth c o weedf haswould very readily be convincoti of the becuexcodiglv rolficsout ofthecoriectness of our comparîsons, because border and as littie plowing has been in the matter of progressive and up-to- doue except for Fail wheat tilling, the date rnetiîods of fariing thev are flot lu fieldis are lu many instances covered it with the averageCanadiaiÏ farmer. It with weeds, giving them the apDear- mayitrs ocredst k whw anc ofne-ectandnonculivaion wtoundtîe markets over there. Well Ou maur tfaris we noticeti thc machin- very mucli as they are iin Bowmanville: ont, po-oos aedose i to thenats inofutter, per lb., 15c; eggs ini trade 12e; out f-dors epose to he ation cash llc; apples 70e per bhl. (which ilu- 5Ltii, rain anîd dews. Wlîile there were cludes the price of the barrel 28c.) some nicelv kept farin buildings, lu ft cheese 7lc per lb. too rnany cases the barns anti other ont8 bouses n'ero badly ini neeti of repairs- There is one compliment we mnust ac- doors n'ere often without hingos and cordi the rural iNen' Yorkers,' and that tasteuiugs, propped wýith rails, pies ot is.for their verv opeu-bcamted and gen- boards, sticks, etc., anti here and there unine hospitality, for a more triendly, a board n'as wanted. There n'as a soci ble, accomrnmodating and genial general deaîth of order andi system, of pole n'e bave nover mot. Thoy place neatness anti completeuess about the the best they bave at tlic disposai of farîns. The farrn îesitiuesdo net be- tbO!r guests, anti vie witbi each other lu gin te corparo n'ith the (Janadilan rtral ther efforts to entertain anti make vis- homes. A stone or brick house on a itors comfortable anti contenteti, The farin is a remarkableraritv ai not one week spont ln anti arounti Short Tract bouse lu fifty but iueecdeti painting, n'as one of tbe most sociable anti enjoy- Thev n'ere once painteti white orabe holiday visits vw-e have hati tan yellow but nion they look gre.y anywbere, antifthe mainy pleasant ac- anti unattractive. The, pretty front qua.nacsfreiwl ogb oe yard or lawn anti artistic fonce are sel- hered bY the writer ant ilbs "better dom seen. Flon'ers are the exception hialU' nho both hope to renen' acquaint- anti the gardons are over-run with ances lu the not too distant future. n'eetis of sturdy gotb. There is a M. A. J. n'ant of neatness an t itrif t about tbe outsîde aud surrountiings ef far too MRE OTNS many bomnes, but se far as we'can stateMA ETJTIN . froîn observation the interors~ present a Eoln a ai bu ,0.0 muchmor crditbleapparacethebarrels of Canadian apples lu ono sea- beomes we visiteti beiing ery cornfort-so able anti ortierlyv kept inside. The Teetmtdapeco nCnd scbeol-bouses, ehurches and public halls T siaoiapeco uCnd are considerably interior te tbe average's 3,750,000 barrels, and prices are sure Canatiiau biins useti for similar to e own. purposes. There are bnppily numer- Only 89,546 boxes cbeese n'ore shippeti eus exceptions te tlic, conditions narrat- frein Siontreal last n'oek ag-ainst 94,624 jti. but w hat o have saidï is applicab)le'the proviens n'eek. te th -reýat 1uajOfîve farni hoi.e- At Moniti-oal last week 9'c te 912e was stai.Te bec tn'I-ectipiifrAlui cbos anti 9"ýc fer ï ' î ,t 1 1 atn-11a o Frrth6 'eek oudiug > Seplt 9 ter try gvig lî cnîtv somowhný'at of a n'ore shippeti freoin Moutreal 2,749 cattie w ithout the stuîinps anti log buildings. t 49sept nlni P. everal Canadian apple groe'rs are Atter wliat n'o have n'ritten, it will sbippiz direct te Englanti as some titi net surprise our Canadian readers te n'eu last vear on consigumoents. leain that gooti farni landis can be Ls erfi aktwsbokda -oiîght luAhlePgav cmuity for from ai Lst$a10emretwsbooeia _ýer shoil athîs date 'ith June anti July cheese, te $15 au acre. We woe hn n o fi retaelwo dof splendid 5,)acre tari, one-third e of ti rtyne ekdof n'hich n'as covereti witiiunuculleti stand- Choice creamery butter brîngs 17c te ing tiînber tîïat solti for $600; another 171c at Mý,outreal, n'hile the saine grade 104j acre tarin nas pointeli out tlua solti brîng's enly 16 te 10ý,uc at Noew York. for about the saie annunt. True,the Estinateti that there are euh'v 100,00 country is hilîx andi the lanti is îîot boxes cheese lu store at Montreal coin- w hat thieCanadian tarincu considers iu a pareti witb 250,000 saine timie last ye ar. "gûot state et cultiv ation. ' but se tar Oulythe ver.v finesi napples--shoauLd be- as we couldlifer tflroii e stubble anti shippeti or solti for expert tbis year, rank gron'tb eofneeds the sou is cap- otbern'ise the prospects may be bligbtoti able et average pîetiuctiveniess nuder for the n'hole season. proper cultis ation antid rtbin.Se prtr nhyaemvn at itl gan sgowno îotfrÎsta onslv, prospects boîng anytbîng but thiere is very lîttie miauuro matie for on- brigbht for shippers ownîg to large crops richiug the lanti. Artificial fertilizers iii Michigan, Ohio anti Indiana. are in general use, thoughi we imagine lu a tee limiteti extent for best results. Lasi n'eek's butter exports trom Mou- Some farins, tee, are oîîly parîialiv cul treal was 7,814 pkgs. against 2683 pkgs. tivated owing te the scarcit.y etfnouev sain eek last voar ; 51,611 pkgs. have te provide seeti anti labor te tili tbe been shippoti thîls year more than last te wliole farm. We n'ere greatly surpris tbis date. ed te leuru bon' very littie tarin stock is A Manchester, Englanti, produce finm kept. Dairying is extensivelv carrieti writes : Five voars ugo we ceulti bartily on, hence tbere must be cows, but as a get a Lancashire buyeî te teuch Cana- rule the tarins are net hait as n'el dian cheese, non' they wil bartily take steeketi with well-breti youug stock as anything else. \Ve pusbeti Caiatilan tbey are bore. We were toidt tat there cremery butter last winter with consiti- n'as net in the wboe tow'nship ef erable success. Grauger, Ailegany county, a breeder One advantagneto takino. Ayer's et thoro'-breti farm stock. We dit 500 Sarsaparilia te purify the blooâ is 'that a ton' fiocks et Shropshire sheep that yen need net lufringo upon your heurs weulti ho cousitiereti ortiiîary bore, but et laher uer tony yourself auy foot with this exception iuciuding perbiaps that agreos wîth yen. In a word yen some swiîme. we titi net, turing oui aremelcmelledtot starve or boat, weekt,'s rambles thereubouts, seo a well- h'ile takingi.Teear oemn bret animal et any pce Weetedatins oth censitering. beef cornes frein for homne censumiptien __________________ n'e cannot tell; theY eitber do net eut, mucb or tbey import il trom ether more productive stock districts. Mutton seoins te ho but little useti, perk sait or I PC E O sinoketi anti canneti meats are mesi I ICTUESFO cemmenly useti. In the comparisoîis herein matie we bave bat inlumind bisI part et Canada with its large brick antid T N stono tarm residences, commotionsL G T barris witb stene stables anti reet col s S N I H underneatb, welf-fencetufields, nieut anti trim lawns anti garulens, compact anti systematically planteti erchurds, well- roundeti turnpike roatis rununîg ut right angles east anti nest, north antidA soutb, thoen'bole country lu tact pie- O - Ne

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