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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1896, p. 2

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îîý ýey a I 'c E ' "Il' oeai t t obl e tlý so tt e it09'1- t liesy b'îî ccc Lýnif ' 5X th ci.llt't'C îXt ai Ach t" Tu il 'c ot b .W hesto tr o Iiiee, and t' lit-I 'ne5 ythiî iC' lrE Pst to ese'uttlp ivlý'tl_- in(t s aen, ooita Vey vaise ot c iaîll C' e d i-to t tuenta liuenftralcyî gnrd A.'ethey wne 1db- nia octt teesi o theu wea eograo, tdIi s îli '1etîy Ourmpil fre'd iATra'sa IJTTL l 'Lîai in 50 ary waysmCat îlanerailsictoad notofiiar is tie a ecfs ae lires tist he r a ltle I '5ýi,- XX'e mealoct h'r1aIbe as, O rpîscr sile tt rti nret ,il vas t5 ,ýtý five for $1. Sold e'eî'ywhere, or sent byii F01% TWENTY-SIX YEARS. LIIEST SE îE 1 NCANADA. ONTARIO BANK C0olneto do a Ganerai ]lauktn.-Business Bowmauvillc Agency. Hece1voî In Sav uiaiý, - t ie prtrIert and on oui lui)e it-ze,;r10,1 îu ' I treautrate No notIe i lddausinoce 'a-y.All deposiîs B 'nids tlni c"id isud lîttIts lssiu:td icou ttntoi 0 United -SIgles ad Canadaalso f4oliSIlve' and Greeibacksoemcht aud seul. COLLECT'IONS Fr îustly made at csrre',î rates agou ail p lît of firent Bnrein, tise Uited bitateýs ana die Do0 niJn olCanada. 1Telegrapli Traitsferï Madet for large or small suius on ali part of Cao eda. Thiîs le espeially advanîîge - jt portions lîvinginu lilioba or tisa Norrîhîvsi, itm ikes tise lundi avaihable at once aitiise place o0 fpaytiient. Ocer p triculare cati ai theo btanc. E.L. FO 1' , (JIlif0. M 0 G1 L. Â&ccouîîttnt. Maaager. -Pain! You know xvhat it is ifyu1v had Rheumatism, Sciaticahr- Neuralgia. R1Çelief? Ternpleton's Pink Powders give it quick- SeId Lu Bomanvilie by SteIt & Jury, Who can tIlsk W ante - il .i of soce simuple Wýaned-n WS- ting topatt? Profect your isse; îsev may br!ng you wealth. Write J0eiN WEDDERBtat't&iO Patent Atter. neya, Washinigton, D(j).C,,for their",'É0i5isprize offer e.nd liii cofta o huacired iInventions wanteii. ê~I - , - 'OSê550550 Ct5U,0UitU he Most Economîcal ..Jlouse Warmer '4 i fý F'eénd lise descriptive catalogue. THE JAMES SMART MFG. Co., BROCKVILLE, Ont. Exclusive Makeors for Canada. iFor sale byIi. 'crtii, flcwumanvtllLc. The Canadian Statesman WZDggSDAY, SEPT. 16, 1896 VO lTE S A Y-'D COMM:IJPI S. Theulaet nuareier of tise Loulou week- 1>', inlustrcsanadlIren, contains soe rum'tî'abla siatistien, ssossiug tisailu otuase'cf tisa 1British expert anulimport îrado Iureng tlis- titelve meutis eul- ing ou tise last day of Judy, 1M96. la w as lu Judy, 1s95, tisat the tient unls- tukabbe syruptoms cf a lecilal iprovu- mattinuritishs traIe aas bservol. IIy wgy cf- measwring tise e-tacýt entent cf chat inuprovumeat, tisa first suete menthe cf laat year are comparul -nuls îleý ccrrespcnliung part cf 1896. It ai>- paes tisat for tisneveu ruentiss up te anul Lcluding July of 1896 tise experts frorutise United Kiuglona amountal lu round. numbers te $633,385S,0W0. For tht- same parieli of thus lt-ar tise exporta exisibit la total valua of $701,68,000, visicb attýestsanau Lcreasa cf not less thon $68,3100,000. bucb an expasion, dis- tîlbutel oôve-r se short a spaît cfinca, la net inapropariy boscribal by Indus- ties anul faon as a colossal luap lu ais' direction et prosperic y. Tisa proof cf 'ru- pro' eue-ut le thu more lucisir" bac ira the- vlu'3 of tiseru-expioats cf foreigu nul colonial proluî'e luring th-- piýes- eut ypair is aclnsaly lus t-bau it w as luiu7iig tisa correspoulLug part of 1895. Il foihes a isat tisa vat accession te tise ot-tpour of manufactures freru Britishs ports1aisats euly source lu tise United Kingicru. Ifias-' lookhnowa. t Lutperte' tnto GnonS Brîtaîn, wve f inI bara, toc, a tnotable, t-isugb net quite se large an increas'Lun tis e priol lu question.flua- ittg th' cor , meutbs euliug JuIy 31, 1 95,îtîe tUnited Kingît-ru bougisi frtîm foireigue cul celonilal lads corumolities valuaI at 8~1,193,925,000I, as against $1,- 254,175,0W 1in che simT.ilar pealol of flac -pausant > ana; tia gain is orer sLty mîillion dollars. Wist.t otisur coun- tnp rau disphe> for tise samu pertel Ce- turns w bich relativuly ara. se favorable? 'emtisa transactions antis 55 at tries is tisis signai increase lu tise traesi of Gruat Britaru rniuiy lue ?t'Tisa offi- ctal figures lulicete tisat tise expansion cf 'oepo-.lsis cisiefî>' attnibutabie te tise dot,- tcis of ,ralroal rintarial te China, Jai> c andtheis Argentine Coufuluaion. Sui 1cr as aise hast of tisesýe counîci'es la ccnceruuld, tisa iemaul for tiesaos- plias muinlis hdhaip te, Sa immuns- iy augc-rneucod in istinaefuture. lisat tshi 1e Kingloru will long neg'lttct thet- ppa'tunicy cf increpsiug rastly har ndeusÉrial cul fiscal rase-Ira',s tisrougi tisa crentic'i of n geat sîstotu cf rail,'îcoa unctits tac- ticcu,'- aSie'- nul tisaeUited Kîngboru, siicis, alrenly coînnslsfour-fil t-haof UbLua's foreig e tracte, mn>' net uaareasennblyt axipacto furulis- a large pairt of tiseý Frote sJapnneasemarkeat uci naucis Îs expacrel foc Eingisismen by Indus- tries anul Iron. Englishs manufactareas ae e serunemt toe ocfulcuiltisaJap- aut-"'wiCh tise Cieese fnom tis' via- peint of commercial Ltegri,y. R-o-cs- ty 1 s siI te Sa a tradition arueng tise, gronat Cisinesue mercantle bouses, area as, acconlirag te Industries nul mon, ch- Japanen t, cousilerel as n runulac- turing nation, are tis" mont expeart and unserupulous pirates Lu th- vwoeld. This grava accusation is foundel, fient, upon tisa lacttisai Japan bas ne patent laie, andl. seconly, upen tisa allegation tisai wben Britisis mauufscîureCn areinrit- eI te fcraarlte Japanieso merrisants tb" fudiust plans, pisotographs, anulla- tails of tis-ir astares, tise thLugs ara not usitol for ceitis a vioe te tise, pur- chase of Berlish temuodities, but for ch- purposa of copyiug tise uanufaclur- ers' specialties lu Japan asiti tise hel> of cb'ap native labor. Accoeîiug te In- dustriesanul iran pou eau noie bnp sh-,ilfuliy counterfeital mracbiery lu Ja- pate fer two-tislrls of tisa price forwamies t could bu maIe lu Englaul. Aithougs, isowever, ne ccusiden:,aile Lucreas" of British, traIe la lochaI for lu Japon, tisera, is ne doubt that, faisan as n -vjiolo, ihe foeigu commerce cf tise Unitel KLugdùm is nove undeegoiug n nurprising expansion. lu ail thse beteroganeous ceuntries tia couabine te forua the Austro-1-un- garian empire, tis" sixty-aixtis birt-blay of Empelcer Fraucia Josephs bas jast inl tisa oniburat of thse uew German natiomal feeling IL ms easy te f ergive in tisa couque-rieg King Wiiliaua, pro- ciaime-fEnaperor ai Veralles, tise jPmusin prince who abet dowu tise Mac'pi rev'eluticnists at Berin, but lu tise face of permanent losses te the monarchy. sua-b us tise'.Stato bad net sulfe"rud sna- the days of Maria Tise- resa aud disastars comparable only to tisose brougisi about by Napoleon 1. ternIardy, Venaý,tia, and the isegemeuy cra ar nan hbli for four centuries by bis fani'y, bava lippai from Francis Josapb's grasi. Ha bas created ne graat pelitioal institut-ion, doue no grant Pub- lic deeci. Save that lieB aý. growan eid- er, biac prebably luarned a littie fromu experiance, and bas beau su.ibjaclal leo gri-lefi'asbath as a man and as a king, therulebae-n ne change Lu tisa m-nlu in:La-if, FEchais mreely livad on, sbeaing bi t-' oc be a sim- ple, kintl-hearic-d gentleînîn, atcacbed te bis Caîhelia faits, aitis ne pretun- sions to statesuvansbip, bu', auHous te aet for hbis cancry's goal, zauJ boest lu bis onde-avers te livoe lu accorad Xith itasttto0 His popuîarity dates froua th-ý gre-it nation-si disascer of 1866, th' lesuof Venatia, and thý e' extiusien et: 4ustria frcm tht' Gertut-nie cenfederation. Tise linoa- rs grntiug lt-filialcegres cf autonomy tote sadilî'c "t noat til-so' eh' -dimnie liii nia-, ctiî witb local p'alauau ory goerotuont, tisen introduted b>' Conut Von BaisË are l loy- hy suppoartCl O fl te Empea- or. Iu th-- y-arsat aves 'sitîc eau" i ha b'has shuce n iimself as ruatiy te o h- serve tisa new consitutions as ho , ~ toenalforce ari-itrary rue'ilu is earlier years. demioer"ting - dÉit h snshe sysLarn rntb ,,r tdan the man fhaî aas et fanît., If b' ba intrfea 'a inluths Goi-eueniacni, Imoet îtn ile stnen ry La ceuntries svh-rù eeas etofc-stitutienal rude are bhttet' estabJ_-h n ,-Jif has gen- eralîy beau te rne haie hetîveen cou- taudiug prisaud te aeep the pea;ce.ý Anstro-Hutn-ary., w icisal ifs traditions cf 'l'lute lsptisnai bas s'eu ine snch intej-ed 'i l g Is ith th' funct-icîs of Purliîmaaa on the, parit of is Emperor as lieu Cermnsuy bas S'il te put up aith. Th', Erpes'ou's personal influ- ence is Gni"of tha umot tpoweîful fac- tor's in repre siîg ah- bitter race j'ai- ousiessv thut'empire, aijuan fbar that witis b's passing asay tha em- pire rny 110a n. tU, 'tragie o ctrreîîciî in the Fin pt'rol"s itarnuiaite t-amijy have beau cf at nature le to aie isia imag'ieaions arn ecnt-etht-' astiffg >nipatiy et' bis peopi'. Telb' sbciug onu lte field cf Quarearo of is brillant batiiiCisguid- il brother ut-l andtî the long iasaniiy or tise unI or unie Crrietîn; tis' romaati' lare' affair that Lbd bjs oui> so'n.the' Cr','u ;Prince'uRudolpb, to oorîiutsucide ýe';' e.euî" too dra- niat- to teb' crg')tt. lTOthe, srîow and eh>' for theb b"'taved Esaperor is nos ,en I l lrrnfor tis ýfuturaetftise landl, for tht-ýet' fiscdoaîhs hase cc-enul bt-a cftb'Ausria bose," cduk- 1ie' r' tgdeanoftise ILib0ai ftt ais brotiat', Arclhd'akaFr anz Vert-ccul, bt-c b'oe fi y cpeotlelged .owsihe b'ir presumptari;a te tiren, is aC gianîson ci' tisaiwoast- cf al tise-Bour- bons, FerdinintlH.If. et he Tîso Sic'ies, the minailes King' Eceub.Ha .Las aclets'ied biis 'E ba ,'rias of scan- das ,' tisîg lu bis ure;cc-,d 'enoval frein Viennat. lIe ba- the de' 8t-'tîen cf bas vbil bo(]h t-dfce i,-apte>. l Ena- patcr l-,- ct- J !i - 7n l -X groty i- i lLS ,., tI Ct-i- a tie, It la "-ail thiaie,î ' htht. ouly Aec3- trian Archduke 1w,10 ius lu constant ne,e.l of potice' protectiton. 3hougis it is possihlci' t 't, li11u tise' (e'an lEn- paer b' u-ay lite dbisai tise arroso hi5 oiii al ii,owc n be' arrogant ajîi volet emrnie',d, anulhi0secces- sion te chu peaa'-iosig Flancis Jo- seph is 11111a amtenace1ce tise peace cf Europe. Il la tuer_-fors. teaini' l i ht, the lîlief sheilhoLe 'roui taatishe Ensperote' hoo in n;iiud soea tltertii'n lu thte rder af succession, ios-ibly chu Sustsitution of one cf bis rn n bogis- ters. Sncb an allemtu is not at nl probabjle, lfor hustr a id dofigbt tw e long and exhaustive-u cars ii is"e st century for tieseariseof tiban-ing tisa etskt liishe'b orîjur cf se-a.s and ws'b f1ver Masy b' tise esnt mai Irings tisa arsiea 1 utrality cf Europe 10ou enI, le la hardly ikely to e h a-a uefy 3e &-:tria t, seý ra, Frant'is Jo- - opis mea - ut ise olding tcîgeî h-tcr f-h- empr , teldc or<onc'eflS-a la tisaI tise ranss cf 1901 will prove tise populuuion te have bceln,- aly stationary, if it doua net dicl neauac- uat deceasp. luntFranece, as n:is'bole, tise blts rate bas failen teo ut22 ln 1,000, andainluseule c f tise iepaýrt- moents it laas bit' as 1 4or 15. of the jubiee year a dacade ýsiuce. UJnf ortunately, tlutugh the pepular feel- ing wsas universal, and the enthusiasin en the jubileaý occasion ýthoroughly learty, ne -worthy memorial exists te tell the' stery., The iEstablished church builL a Churcli Ucuse and another sec- lien feuuded the Imperial lustitute,and semaE other stuali and lofai desiguswevre carried eut, but ne, national and abiding remembrance wnas provided fr Already there ia considerable discua- wili r 'eî-fybctuoea barmans tisnSUC t-" LI.t-'tC"ttC a'. ' îS Cil ci >,onm tiser' airt- IrenhIch ie agea __ a5~~~~ îv'suliaysr'o'l euai-, COOI AND OCTOP[J. (ahvioi:;5 aliqis tiseeffect ftiese'5as--i nation of t-hapopuation cf iFrance u-inni>-I5 tie wltieessri'î e, t lta Oî'hîZe>t". on Lariceîfizine" projuces. lt-bore is CapÉ. Scott, îf lise lî,ak Sylvila, nlast ne suri>'na for tsîigratien. Oe the Luibiths peort, telle' cf a reunariscle' ce- otttier isarî , "teegaoinLg di0--proportien c,"rapnce f111 tntss a sfanw weehe' agi of was oeil c population lu France lu- nuar the mots Of tee rirece River. vites 'migratottiitis C Iliuam negh-- "Vt-c soc:'ouredfor Rit- d' Jai ire," boirlg ecutries; mînp statisiiins 'he, said, "cu i tuVr'aane Uta mile Iccua ha'vt dlrted ateutiene te tisa scaet-tise a-out i te 'Orinoce Riveor w heu irefl'gfoot influx of Germus, Itl- yatîcutien ssas callod te c !",r t tans, and. Baigians intoe ii rn lu ter- li,5terba,îce ilu che sea, near soc rîicry. -loake d ike a groat fountii o f spry Lviecbmoed aionrouaeeplac' te aieCîhar. Tac grave ibenomenen breuo'hl ont I bcd nover a 'ou auythlug' lihe it, cnd, by tisa cursus caunot ha ascribal to tisera bcrug ne storuna nulne sunken anp iîhreut -cnt cf featiiity lutha, rocks along tisat part of the ceast, 1 French race. Tht- rench seaaing lu- sens ai a lot-a te acceunt for tisa phen- habitants of Canada are amang, tiihe St emueu. Loavring a, boat, I teck twt-o prolifie of humnnt beinga. tntouhted_ sailors and as o rx-ed t to 0tisin a choit iy sire muai attribnîe te tise gradual>.in- idistance et it hera ne coul Icrm andy . i-dca tof s-t at casecth ie cloul o finance of institutions tise'enorMtUo1S 1it1spraY. féence isetîl auen tise lirÉisracte in A large oect-p anul a maimofis France ant-Itise Sirtisrate ina Trench crocaodile ver- figlisng. TFlic coopus Canala, A r'gads tse 's cf Lu-laI esileui> occopîed sre la-p water Caada Aý reard th ofin-near tise river, subie tisecro'odile bal beritanco sud teataerî'ufary dis'position haO em'neinte tise cceau hy tise cee- French Canal- a bls rata matIsubstalîti- Cent, lise OttoputadaL tlronnreaOf alll th, rgulticns o th anienre-bis tentaciies areunultise saunais, sud all tie rugiaiors f tt'auce' C"'tise lattera tisici bile bal pres'auted glu", ulder a bics tise Trench popu- tise capts froua ebtaiuiug tht-ta uai lationte u'aes'iritisaxce-ptanai rau- bll. fise crocodile ssetisa powverfui uf- tiîy. Triance aS e' euab'e, ossve I fort bal freelimself, andl luturu ai- Lave.seen to ear riimtack-aI tis e ocpus. lThellong tuntaclos l'av seu, e b"r rîu aincy tiseeof tisa ctepes asonl ha ibreasu to proloaget sud tremct-uous draiin cf '-b' tse air anul euts Ina tisernselves arounu Naplci laws; but at tsaf ,,'me tisaj tlecrocodile, ssii hlîslî'lthe' Cea imb Cod-Sat'.iola ,wt t nwadr-I tirv' aitis tise'p'werful sfrciaes of bis Ced Ispolenaila îs-nost o r- alf. As we sanceo, sevaral of tisa s clutioiaary provsioas regarliug lu- 1crIns were cnt off as if b> a cleaver hy ls î'tao'o ni tc-.tamatary bdspoitCiolie taili oftise crocecile', Sot tiseoctopus Lid ai d bîtisue' te influen'e, thse tisaecvoutî etera te taise tieir places. Fliaiiy, tft-r it-,e bal watcsel tise figisi hlen-ilof tus' ipeople. Tisee'a provisions, fer hall cuiseur, as iii honora sceui- if ts -well knowstn, sot, ira'tically, a lp about even, tise ctopus mal'ý tht- jrrqu -'re-apcn snall'-famili",aslun t-aMîstake cf tryîfeg te gatlber tise cîcco- t->c o is, - abe esir teas c tsa ie tu inuarsrikelim wiîisbis heak. cycs u 111o3_- whodesreto ver, t ' Tisi put the liis at tise Metrcy cf subJivLsion anul isappearance of tisatise reptile, he openel bis peuleron5 fanmîly prepertp. Tisaitisase las, jawsa nulclos-I tisem upon tis ad ol f a nd irle' î 5"ortuîa tioe ncladr- tise Galopas, anulin a fuas minutes tise crocedileadalsucceel uinkiiliug bis ul toeuvaie th"m, le at stereot cf 1onem-y, sud getîiug te tise beach,.' tha stagnationu c .eulatior. lu Franc' ýreturnel le tise sbip and precurel guna, te plan ufr031tus face eh-at no, oeil,'J but ssise'.ve reacseb tise laundsset'orîd isti ie'birlis rate lcea-ac Cg tisa ricis lcutly isaxLug male bisway ieotise or waltc ,but îh is excceadugly o- iln river ag-alia, Fise Oct as f loatiug atuoag tht-astlCl bbyeffais' peasant on tep ef tise oean, a-Jis-tas tisa largeat 1 ever sa'i." prepr-eters se lar as tise riciser pro- vineces ara cetcernel, Tisa Trench pean- 1 ses natsaIrnistrlcranbaa BIRD AND ANIMIAL EYE. bucome -wiling te s'acrifice cran tise eravirîg for cisidaun n lu rleýr leadid te Aiue4rlifitiali- lui Gret llrîanti for the, loai» acres or tise famnily huards. UlI est"' Artificici e-ces ln imitation ef tise Tht- caiusýa of tise lb birti raie :Cai Cy,:'s et:birîs anulanimais araermade lu Freisce 5ici-cg chus cl"arly listinguisislgua aiaa isy aa sIi tise ram-edr sodI hae euaily lisct'rn- montlug irety sud n rÂaes osapi- hi.fSas be0esuggeetal that an tn- mens; ida' opus are usaI lin ounting creasa lu the' nustar cf chilaren tuiget iirî:s for milliiaery trteamiug. atimals' bu enco-urîg'd by aljusting taxation te eyes are usaI for tisa huaIs il urue ga, lis- siza cf fanaiues, ce tit s itis a and botsh ie>. cul animnal oyes are usel v ais cf ccusapasseg tiesamemund, tise for many cuber purposea-; for exemple, S îî t-iscuiacier a preian ,on enCis for' eyes lu fan" alndualîrllia beals ChlI Seorieiau acedl chk, lui c, alîhuosen maIe lu imitatian of anîiais, for mauy that e'ucb aie expeciiaeut w as trialunu- kinds of toysanul seou. Arîlfucial dur theHomion empira but ss'thaîut suc- eyes are aise Made for seire living ani- casa. A maie prcmîsLug propesanisleMais ; it is net uni-emenn for bora-_s tc tis t tise la,. oft îestanilry ispos- base glass eyus,, and legs are sctne- tion shoul La 80 modiffieasa te gi-t ' imes proilel aitis lieni; Lu at least thSe' fatisa' full liberty cf Iîequcstbleg. oeecase s t caîf basbSean sapplied l ot tub ýFr sncb a regitua rncsî of tis" land oue, bnt îaest artificiel opus tire foer use or tîcasanal pa'ope'rî b'eiengung toe is umeoutiug natural specimen, anul ais e manuufaoîurîug uses above refer- fa:is'r as t-nd uiileubtaely bu it-ept in rel te. ch' famul>Iy y ie'lg lefate euene ofLise Tisa yes ara made, of course, Lunim- chillrenh, fa'rt',t b"Luýg freinaI unI tation cfnture, and many of Lisen are beau tiful. Tise stock tisaitisae stimulatei te lok outfofr iihtas'lves, manufacturer or deaier keeps alwnîs Sncb a change' cf tise te'stna'ntary laîr ou Seul is wo-enerful in bas varieîy. mighistn td'ee' nl prove effe'ctire, anul 'hure is ne eyu tisat ceul net be sup- retetra aisý bia'th rate lu Fatrac tOiha pliad.I. Hre are hummiug bleds' eyus, anul alligators' eyus, iges' eyas, anul pelit cfas hýht steel s, t CheuLegLu- aitans' opus, anul epasfor owls, anulfor nîe'g cf tisacanttur>; but tise habits ofeltagIes, anul for birds ef ail klnda nul thFac --.aty scsna ee sIates; opues for meuntul lisiies, eyes fihaIrench e-aais ' ic t alar scemforxe itise lieu, tise pautier, tise fiemîti ea lo oale s othe aquirrel, tise Ieg, and thea tisay wa-to f oir.solf, anul fer etier animais te ha ________________mouinte, anul eyus for imitation, pigs anul -egs, sbeep nlandcta, nulse on. Quean VI'leorla emuice isar ibeue- Artifîcîiloye-a fer bleds anul nimala ictre ,no e2, 87 n a are sol cbiefiy te taxilermista, te re' e n Jcita 2, 137,nulsefurriers, nud te tise varions manufao- w ili,i sporel, cempiaete h-r sIxti-'tistttrers. They ara mldinLupairs; tise puor nexi June. -1os'e er 'aruigu number soel Lu tise aggregaîe is vury wliecceel tisce of -LRing Gt-org.e 111. and large. Tise busiesna season is tise fal tisaof ail bier jpreeessers. Tisa pao- and iinter. pie of Grent Britolu s-oull ihav' h-un r"eady to runiusi their jo> in s ariens LEARNENG THELAGUAGE OF w ;apa at ris' liaginuaing of lise sixtieti ln tise publiae chools of, Japan tise c"'ar,but isy sp'ec-iai rehuesi nIftise Queen Eugiish language is requiree to be tisey asiii botle Up ti eunthuisiasmu uu aught by law. The brigisces anud Most tii its cls".Nunt sumînor, thi"ere, ambitious of the young men in tise open we ay xpet t se apoplardemn'ports andl commercial Chies of Japan we my uxecite ae a epuar dmon arenl eager to bearn Engllsh as a stration cf feeling at leat equai to tisat pessport to wlhposition and em- FY RS In Pari's, te ha aura, and ether great ciLies, an exçpansien of popula- tion is recorded, but this bis been ob- tainod at the expensa of the rural cein- munas. ,Mithin tuhe eory of men stili living there Dravail'ii in France a a ury differetnt state ef things froua that exbibited by f his ecsus. In the, first decade of tbis century the, birth ra te w as about 32 in 1,000, and the pDpýulafiaýýn nas almost as large as it ts nom,- It w as ahen, moreever, nearly doublea that1 of thaetUrited Kingdom, stc-3-ay the population of Greant Ptrittîna nd Irelanel is the, oreater. Again, lu 1788 F'raince was computed te have à, population of more than tw unt3-feur millions; wl'reias the w bol-etfGeruaany w hocruditcI w ith oniy about tfîtaon million inhabitants, or; "cour tuan Chu is baliast-d te have pQes's'd at the begiinnug of the Thirîy Yea-is' _War. Ncw the population of Gýextray ste tahn fifty millions, 'niL o Prt0-îî alon being ovur thiriy iulllDns. faIt Lsnce fI s te point eut the sinîLter b dring of sud. fig-ur a, upi t-If relatie miit-ry streugfh offcour- Lrie' in vw bld thbu oysteni of fens ,rifîtien cu)aca)s. [iti0 Iýr&able, bovaoîoer, that fatn nhJs îpeint of viF'w the conefufundes ar"ý evan ý,r'sprious than the cia- tj.tVt w euld indicat-' upni> ilir face. In1 t,"Fý corse' forna rerrarkabl1a arti- ci i ils Fca'lu it s dmcr thbt the' effec,îof the dif'rcnces ot the biýr b rata lu France and Currnsny is net nie.;ly te create a gî'ew ing dis1,ar- Cty npilatioth, but atso te aite'r is nature, aud ini core respetls its effici- ency. With a siuali brth rate'and few childî'un, Franne, tends to ebcomea pre- euaiuutly a country of oHd or mature tmen. Of 1,003 pprsous takun 'Li rau- domi Lu Germa5 and France, Lhe'ra2 Siennas ee the' suitable w ay iu whiica tt memori'lLre w bat w-lse soon beorne tise langest reigu in tise aunais olf rit- l'sh bistroy. Sectarian cisurcismen bave aboie aaisbas, and ara ready w ihi thuir suggestions. Some phi> Iarthrtpists woul s e aIl tisa Londen sîuass 5icpt away. Tise gilllng of tiselotue cf St. PauI's catbaîral la Lcndon lana beau Suggestel, and tihe a'st-einaad beaUtfîtin -fCante'rbury cat's'ortl, Th're'ils, te say tls mc.aa sr n-,g de- sire Ibît ti eie',rfi nmny ne cul aitu a few triuris'l archespr- cessions and trausien e fstivls. No0 boubc ene la> at leaut w ili ha le-otI te sutis pro'eedingls, and tis a aris cf tise aoor and the st'ls cf 1h' chil-Jren MiIlbu gladlenel by a, day of - 'ai ena je> ment to sap nothing etfitodc s of acîicpatc anul happy runt-iean', but tisera rumale-,s tt. bc deveiop'd a preper plan fer eialing tht- n-mýory cf tisa oc-ntilastJiegiTht' best-suge>gstion wue harv'eteau is that povsioin aI al b- made by tise' govrnmanüf1c-r a jensic fuud for the isagd, peoor and neeuy0 Tii' proposition do-s net s-ena t e ha1at-etis- er raC~tICýable f or a_0ereînmu. is corsducts tise psi af'" nd pO-il ser- inga baukt, as s. il as tise' tela'. aul o4e'sr p I i t'du5 art lieut-sac-ta t>Stsss" -','-----i flîg Dibt N. B.,says: Vlittie 1; eta -ta tw e: ear, g Sg r a y use eî oe bottie cf Ayer-'s iiikr Viger m- iarwns restere I to ils original lcicr îond ce ïsed flling out. An tcoccasional application bas sirice kept the hair in good cendition."-Mrs. LI. F. l F N wI, i 1)igb y, I.S. 1 qimbve used Ayer's Hair vigor e ortisree years, and it hbas restereci .air, wliilb was f'ast becomz, grav, ,ick te its erîtural coloýr. -I. . ~A~LL10~,Potu' LN,. .J. BilJ, 0. MER & c'J.lWeLL, !z4s,U'S J'i'f C eena tSI,,na II 2'lze Oinu Great 1Standard Autherity, sû0vreli on. 15-. . L,ve, JîiaU. 5 SltpreneCourt. ir-Seuil a Postal for Speciara Pages, etc. Sutoe3sor of Ithe ïabrigd' I ht 0, th,' ýe 13 t 11 Ih ajpI, n '~armUCly v ~ ~ eS Ut SchoN l tIG s3ytol the 'word wanted. lis easy ta Ira>" lthe growth of a word. lIt seasy te oonwhat a word ineans. WIB8iZI I- STANDARD. The 1'oronto eGlob sa:- T l t- laIICtl ,t'l 1 ( l Iec 1 lir5 eeogmzed G. C. rpRiA-M CO., riblishers, 15 ,orie~iie1î Mas.,U.S.A. SWm. Radam &à à Microbe Killier 4 Chronio Diseases,ô Constipation, ýA Eczrema, Femnale Complaints, -AU disappear before ma RU'smirbeKilleJ t BXJILD UP THE 5YSTEM-Tbat's our advece to everyone. No botter Y ,medicine on earth than MICROBE 6 tKILLER for purifying thse blood, ton- Y iu p the nerves and building up thseA helý.t. Send for circular. j90 RAAMMROB KILLR eYCLING TO CHUCRU. An annual eveut of great importan-,a at oksee Englana, is the cyclists' churh prad, whch asjust ta-ken place. eeenlo far and near gather iu a muet and ride in a body te St. Michael's church. There an appro- priate special service iastin.gý an heur is read. P/hile the wheelmen are in churcli their bicycles are stored in a neighboring school house. "For Uver Fîfty Years." color tetlisa hale, andalo reets

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