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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1896, p. 6

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WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 16, 1896 DR. J. C. URTCIIELI, ~4FVMER 0OP COLLEGE OF PHYSTCIAN c, dlsurgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Offie and Residencee. Enniskîlleu. 74. 243 Yonge St., TORON~TO. First-eiar.s $10 Set of Teeth for n4 D BURKE simrspmO', B eFPJlTH'->, SOLICITOR, i,3~. MOPH]S BI OICeg, leptairs, Kiwz S£rtiat. fow'fafl- Ville. Solicitor for the Ontari Bank NiYaeIone'vs laneî et tise bOwe'3t rntei ROUT. YOIJNG, V. S. OFFICE IN TEWEST DURHAM News i3;ock. where himself or assistant vill Ite fond rù an. 11to 9 p.m. Niglie oadls ai rrsideucedii cly opposite Drill Shedi. Ca'is 3 teiegreph or telephone will recive 13rompt atention l71-yr A. AP OST, A ItHITEOT. Plans and Specifica- tior a preparedi for every dass of 1uilding. fSPtcial WtecnOn gvefl ro heating by steam FDd hblt ivaer. and to sanitary arr8digenants. (jtc: aiieBock. Whit.hy 43-ly ,PLAT E, Tallor Gentiemen's Olothes Made te Order. i A C 0II1MACOM 13 E OFFICE :-Rea,,r of M,\,essrs. lligghibotham 8L Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BO\VMAN VILLE DJENTISTRY. -~ -i - "rts~ - 1-i ADNID17N i ~ -is-'- 4sr, diate ofthe Royal Collage Of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. DFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. VITALIZEI> AIlR. New- Taiïlor-Shop gh" n"É"'rae ho lias bei,c(rvft 0 thaeî "'a, hasnes ian occ,aa wl Itlasan 'cDîy Gooda Store tfora nomoerof years ba8 ,. cd tusineàS tor hi.n,,If .5ai creamn is djvided and ripetiedi ta differ- AG RI!~CULTURi-AL I cnt negr-c ,i ciir at varioas teiii- ~ peratures. Ripenin- lor a long period MANUIi 'D US PPLIAIIN. nd without stirrinÏg, sli able to produce MANLTRE ND IS APLICAION bitter flavor, and 10w temperature is Farm-yard manure, is taken as the more favorable to the growth of the type ofi mnres, because if Ci.ttt. germa wbich impart such itavor. ail the constituents remaved fromn the I ae 5 pounds of butter at a land, and again resýýooed ta it in a form good markcet price to pny for the keep- in which f bey con be made readily ing of a cow one year. At the stan- available. dard of 4 par cent. of butter fat, that Thce carbonic acd and saits ni ammio- amount of butter wil requiro about nia, producea by its decompasitjoth, causai 3,SQO 9poUnds of Milk. Therciore a coiv water to dissolve more rapidly the Min- must yiel.l 3,500 poundbofaiMilk, or isay 1,700 quarts, ta just stand even erat constituents. wjrh lber owner, if butter la mode. In An artîficial manure can be itheoret- order ta give a £air profit on the invest- ically compounuad to take the place of me~nt, a 00w shoutd id li at le'ast 5,000 farma-yard manure, but it Ms puatcnan ,nd 0f 4 per cent . ilk, whicb woald ait ~ ~ ~ ~ C ittiea osiuns h aierproduce say 210 pounds.of butter. The ,allits âieal cnstiuens. Te famervalue of skim-nilk. if it ta hoLn<lied vitbh must retura ta the laad whatever ba hil antditelgncwiti be about $15 been remavea fro-m it, for if the consti- % vear. tuents oi a saili a abstracted %without The Royal Agricltuirat Society af making compensation, it is et the cost Engianti gives the folloîving rules: -Ta sooner or îater of impairing its fer- brina buttcr, make a strong brina, twvo thity. or thrae poands ofs' tot one gallon As bones iuraish only twa substances Oa i wtr, Place str(t1niU.1 cloth ovar to cr095, scionce as vcell as exp"riancc mauth ai chuta, pour in 1brine, !)u ilti irndicate thaLtLtey arc more iî-ý-elytc, bI iChurn, tUra aiarply half aa dosen ha, useful wb" used as s h, is o tinmes. and teave froniten to fLfeêa miuts.Thn ilt the butter out ai example. itiibf arn yard mnanure. 'J"h'r.taa seve, turn butter ouf an the bane is deficient in banc earth the iworker, beave if a fais minutes ta drain, finat arppho;ation izI nî'odaýce goati re- and wvork gently tili ail superfiacus suis. costat rpoiicota rada-moisture la pressad out. To dry-salf sult. Acontan reeliio! isProuý_butter, place butier on workar, iet it tive ofni IcreasC( fertility, but by drain ten to fitean minutes, theti wuîk the addition af aihet inorai coasti- gent ly titi ail the butter cames ta- tuants necassary, the accuniuloted stores gainer; place it on the scale and w igh; ai~~~~~~ bac1rhwl neiai bogn i bea eigb sat-for slight s aiting 1-4 of bne erti wil -inuipaÏey bein az., medium, 1-2 oz., bcavy, 3-4 oz. ita ta devetap. tbe Pound oi butter. RaIL butter ouf In the sbape of the agi tLu ra] p-- on 'aorker anti careiuliy sprinkle sait duci i a fald, ba caira a o f , avensurface, a itte ntatierilp dt se ansfiteldtshci hbi oeanti rapeat ttii al the sait is used. ingredients oi plants is remnoveti froin the saili. 100 VIANY DOCTOIIS. After a series ai years arnt a carre- spaatiiag number of harvests, the for- -tl erevd Ire'uGndtic titity af the soit or fieldti tintishies ; tcthe Co Voitt Heui. change wbich is faand ta have taken Tako thre Province of Ontario, and place ta the composition ai the sali cf ter hv ohstto ssaigta harvest, la -the probable cause oaitif3 h u e ioiu l s hngib diminisheti or lbai feriiity. cone-thLird ai tho eijofial monn oîvin By niieaas ai solid or tiquia manure or activeo practice caulti do ail the wo;, excrta ai men ïantiajanais, thee 1sf antithon nat be averlybortieneti witb or dîttbdfertiy istortv Satid or farni-yond manura consista prenbesioa aaicres, says tht,3 Canatilan oi decayoti vegetabtes ansd animal mat- Metiic'tl Review, ter w bicb caatain.s a certain Prportion Jttso stop ta tbiak for a moment. ai the can',ituenîs ai thre soi. The ex-111 cramants ai mca and anýiis rap 'esent in Ontario, ancetiactor ta every si-- -of -se ithe - food-i consumei -andiflt iac aro',iîluigmen, wae 'aîc ii as bcen deried iroinithre sai. and chiltiren, ricb anti paon.liahegu A NARVELLUUS CLOUK, THE, TIIVE 0F DAY IS STRUCK BY TINY SKELETONS. Litra ilairrctiauai the Decil Tue inîltm a fî'lIngeicîîaTieoPiece acu e i y O a le thte Mat. lia masi nemaniabla ulacikaowa ta exisita ivriati .by an Indien Prince. la Ifs aoi angs it typihies tic literai resar- ractian of fthe tiect. liaelionne are struci iby fiai sielefons, but anti- tIre hoan -carnes, oniy a, lot ai grtntag akatta anti bancs lic appareaîly la promiscuans heapsa e iafoot ai tic tuaI. W\ýhea the avbinring sourit wiici pre- catie5 fhe sfnikig ai a dlock, anti wiicb fa mata-n as "gtving warniaig," la given ouf, a sitill andtihIe iones ta on rma comuplete skeleton arise, lb"y are join- cd nagattea' iy invisible thrnats as tira fi" figures in a mroanetse show, anti direct]y a, hall skeeton appeana. Tek- MIU i-i,. t amel baaulit,ail ius gie bt,1 i m agang, At ane clctck afily ana sioletai>- pears, andti tin flis to pites agilin. Ai t'ao e'cbock tIre unef anti antioler anises, ati so eci iaýur tiecocmpany of sicalefons la ne-enfarcdtintil et t'a'lve ail anise, andti tire anc no mare baDse bones onskis lait. Aftet an llst sinoke of iiai-git ail fie SKLLETONS FALL Tf) PlECIIS andti ticparfts oppear tfa ha pramiscu- analy scatenti. But tih3' alwaysmn- aga ta got tagatiar an time again. listabulons place aI fliocriansi, 50 J veint in Gconcîpiion, samitîlnte ta dcli-b cacY, iv tha pnoperiy ai an inlian tunl,-inctaoae oh tic inlanti districts ai the" empira. ît asas tIre aon ohfflua uustl'e siliet aa'tfvaîas af tic East,aInd tIra anly whiteman, pnobalîy, wio even set eyos apora if ae Ir.English aamy officen 'aIra want taoie palace ai tic nttbob as eaurer oh messages faon tae 1Engifali Govarmn a, ana, ratarniag ta tIra- coat, îaltioai tic mari iIebt aîvitîîssot. T'l ia"tial ofthi ua ctack aî apona acanvati shah of soe apculiar Furniture and-- House Furnishings. Our line comprises everything founclinii a first elass furniture ,v<re- room, and believing it only doing justice to our business anid thait Ii v custoniers nmay benefit by it,we have added more varieties, to our alici f v large lines, and our prices cannot be beat. WC buy as low as the le ,v t and are satisficd with smail profits, and you ivill be convinced cfthe same when you have seen our goods and examined our prices. Parlor Suites, Sideboards,; Bcd Iioom Suites Hall Riacks, Extension Tables Centre Tables, Lounges, Iatess SecretriesChairs of every description Widow Shades, Curtain Poles, Mâirror Glass, Pieture and Rooni Mouli-ings witb many otber hunes you will find la great variety antl at ail priýýs at our sI ore. OCIvù us a eal! when wantirg anything la our line and sec hüw ' n'el wc eau suit vou. Specia1 attention giveri to this departnient Bo'vMÀx\ ILF. BouîîAlimc REFLECIONS 0F A TAXPAYER. ' 110w nt &115e,, PaRe-,. This tsa.a Frenchmaan's sfary ai bis axpertence ýwilb bis Govrnmenf's in- sotiable demards: "Whan I awakc in tic moraing, 1 su ice a match, anti remamber thot .I pay duty on matches. I iban light mîy candie, bat ing, or cours , paitia dutv on contilesi Jumping aut ai býd, I rani ta tic, wiatiaxvfor a breath ai-f i resh ar. anti reflcct that thera t',a tax onl soit d-riveti fram the ra crS, used as quasts, isuranci', aitcambrueti, w i nafbawaon iwo uprlg ts, tasailer remembar the impost an soap and food, and reapeti fromthîe coilt, 10 e- yie-,ltion'aon average fer all h pra- Ilion a broati. fIai surfaoe ai marbia coi crs those constitueats wbich bavaei ofnsaiOntaiota an income btter spred Geut beLore that, ttrat froun end c>very othar article 1 amplay. 1 neast Tlth ie rsiraiaa i i nlfutliatTaa rs,-T -ah.ivie ssmc17c1dlir atitea tiy ilver ham - I.-libt cgrortkeapnc i n camposition fa acconiplishidb1' tac res- chanic or, fairly poid clark. mrwith htte round balla for beada. -duty on tobacca. At breakfast, I find craion fiatsanc i t.i oistieo aie oie'bns seemcd ta ha entireli titacon- that tie waod or coaltihat ieipcd ta cetinatoe nth onctosofcAl.NGdMAISN.anti lookcd anly tike sia mucb mnakemy coffac bas paid octroi, and ai certan minerai constituaents. A nihtetauh",r. If nequtras four or flua *yaars Thre afficer sew thec dock fanai ci a ab le a at whicbandt fiachair n anxicb C aad fertile graund contains mare, ai ta se-un" bis B. A. dcgree, anti tome banquet serveti by Ilits hast andilha tells lait have likewise peid antrac ducs, ibese thin a poor barren anceoa ttutca îm tteSbo Dda- ihi', scory ai it: Jthe caps and saucera have heen mulct- Vagetabte anti animal matter ant i c-ina orlt, rcical eri "The dock sioad la tIr tiniog hall ed ta the sanie way, while tic fees fo Q'j ýje-a-'-,'-rg ,,-ý to - g , tnit - -rhs p ac e ti i ficatian anti show oxidtion; thec nîtra- gea ai their nitrogenizaca caistituea' a is changot ithie putriicatian anti decay into amnionia, and a sma]i prt inta nînrii- , - 1 h a pb god ne a-ou- itiation or tiecay Ïa aniat. la animai man-ares,, hriefore, uni. oaiy are plants supplict i mtli tamin- anal su bstances which tiecoilt must 2 da year, accordtng ta bis goo0d o'c, and as ana o'claek drew ne',7 Plate. Whether 1 partake ofbefi ma- ta,, une and succss os a teachor. tb" prince ce lied tiche itr attention ton, ',eal, park or veaison. 1 niast puy Naw take ih-3 case ai a dactar. Ho tai a rustiing amnoag the dry bancs. the, octroi. I ara fond 0f atads-tha sait, sp.,nti five yenrs tn study, anti coni- W hh o ftint claiter they bagata risc Pepper, vinagan and otl 1 use tn pra- mx" "'s pracfito. So-1h"firs, éyeir ne n', -P, -'ehr kni e i'af~ ria- then- ae icatseaCattI -taô- a juý ai Cnt do as watt as tic- teacliýer, andti itpii the sboutd'r structure, antI ira tas.; ardit mattans tnt whetherlI drin k has ian greater respansiblitta mdthe rmass aoftiry bancs anc tiny skele- bacc, cider or parry, 1 have ta pay thae clartiships. lhiB tea cher bas short bai t onrase compiete, iiti a tittle boni- stca ifs ahane ail the sanie. Aitor lunch JAUINDICE, HEST, EIYIPELAS, ACtDITY 0F THE i -IEADÂCIIE, , SmiS, B1L10aîtaSs'rss DtZZINESS, XSDIt f tNEYti, aTttiAGUI aaaWaaS aR TOONO WO 'D F~L ISFOR MONERY TO LOAN. A arge sonlO' abney at,. lçCoi t"',dieniny lisis by k, iniîva e apenr":fl leorinetmei,i, au 'tî'proctdli1anon taruinýcCcily fon a îtrjn oa' C4IVI (I Ta EN Ye rvttt i s astAL)ON i ti cî! booeatwlf î.' pay~able ycity. 1 ba"atectcii conditions fuoi o'amaeii' a will b ara-gati.Il Dateti Ot. lst, 19, ci . S,'aI'PSON. ,0 -itf. F O)R SALE 01.RE-RNT.-Rouse anti .10 1 îîcreo forcleor or arent.' îitîîtaoai Scu,g strict not li. t'jle remcispsccit' af a gcc 'i"c t a'ib very cita' cience. dni'tng abat , ae, etc.,'Tne gurdeit cotaine abaot af te ' ,na.ctîfrt at o& Livarietli. ctiie ptfE, eas ncal-'lt.b'gz;i. Fr otrticilais sonbý s10icalm -aatnt' Ortf 5-tl THE CAMADIAISTATESMN! ESTABIIII E1501 l'l pr annoîsia a iatce, uhort.vbse 31- 5l. Euboachrptl,sabwaya tau'eboast tîta oflt') pbilictisonAdverttstinca ait8 ti,,s y c)aa onndà c rents p"r lon c asi sibsele,i5 ià ta fe'finni. Loaeb0e nBditaper ine. M. A.. JAMES, PubhliaàEr WTE MAIRME- Sewer and Culvert Pipes AU Sizes frein 4 En. fo 24E in. A1s@e coinecllees. TUE ON1TARIO DER[ PIPE CO. 601 A!DELAIDE ST. E., PAOTORY Ar MIMICO. TORONTO, RIBBON AND LAýCE COLLAR. lice lancy collar slown consista of a biaci satin rbaon neci-banti wiih pleaie t ais oi tace-etiget siti mus- in felltmag oaven lie top, anti similar tais aflactedti tacroaseti loopg ai white salin ribion forming a crevat. if i latrgo, qttaiýitîs&:aitido isot ne-, i---- - - aelesbnkcer peat tilt thc ladista caausreti. ihb, Ciim;.'liaelrha lna btter Woy ta ta gîve a a mareiet- c 'utin goati hanses, nîany ta- ao quaatity anti nepeat iftai1en. sa-rant' ii, etc., aart matingmotsZ The quaaoify uset ilwtt ary ac..ard- -L '1 y, ant itîh mîîch lesa anxity, iog ta thec nature ai thc saiS, ticqa- n u o "'ib-c tnmeia tty of maura, andthIe kaain ofcî'pý. 1p act!floners. 0f course, tiare a'resm The basf maode ai application la ta aprea nitie' 1 'awlio arc Making moa91.ey. ibe manure as eaeny as possible on thIeititi'.,e'te 115 aina l'obr. surface of thre grounat, ai a time 'ai. a Som'e rush ino the mredical praT sa it is tnt safunateti with niistana 'or 'cu'I itcy fhîi ho smVce luarc launti up wt!i fraf but ila aseaoa n ,doe'ndetitposition. T'l ha tsa 'o , of showe ra.s 'k. Noas ins" teh" ivoni'hvel Thce soluble argenta ant iminerai in- .ci Le inore canafi ulcf the" public thoni gi.'eats ' irani ton ta fifto,.a docta.s, anti mono caret uitaeIrumon-" tiaYs, accooiing to tIr a anoUnu fai nilieb" w iras aifciair pattants. tAndtishouli ha wasbed imb ,antiretaîneti by tht . aa.d cl iaylcat,1 sait, anti insoluble mette" oa na"in ha tory bard mtrietotarcmaaa toaianarben cavreet by the piatîgi. anid balidi up a seccan practice. lIa bas, Thcemeiboti ai deoaittng the mati- ta hegi s aven naai. une, on thba itettintala eps anti leaviaâg Go 'ahena yo a wilI, tIre ua'uVersal if sa fanr a gli of timîn, ila abail opiniGntathat ihere ane fan tOoaany practica; the soluble nutier is 'aasact i mal mon. Our serions tdv ce ta ït thfi"grounti, undar anti larme iatoly yaua' mn isl, keep oui ai the imcdi- adjoinin-, hie beatps, anti canuiot atien. t'ai pîoeia.îonata prasent. Tiare ane na Santis 1"c evenly ,isiutntîtd by nrn sa or iducenicats in ti. tIresoil honce 'tic rcsuitfla tn- equaltty ta the rapa aif sncb fields.----------- On ligit sali5 miner'îi mentiras w htch coatain tha phospha--tas anti alkalies la tic niost.soluble stata shoalti fa ap- pliat intahfi i-Oingi an lbaavy soils it 'ai aswor to apply thon n thfe fal. bu betone tic grannil treees. Ropy inilk is aftn duo ta a disan- "s dorait state aif"lic lii c Gice a i.atn dose ai epsoor sais (a inca four' ha Poundi) 'to as' i cav, anti folio% ibis iith a dose eec i 'tfrrate day af tic fahiawing: Bicarbonate af soda, oaa ounce, etracL t a axodnna foutitan ots, extraci ai genufan fotur dramns, e, cicr tirce quarts. Dissolve tic traxacuna andtihIe geauËiani, itb oandat ala iat f ahec watar (bat), andth Oe bicar- banata aif sottda nramaL-i tg bathpint.  Mix tIr" ivot , anti giva ie'n 'aiviea, y' i suffidciitly cool. The atm ihi cbaa'îiag ',ould le ta cIrurnata as slowu a tempetir s'f'>' wilt bring tic butter ta a neassoneble ." iengt af ifmie, and ti flaan excellent " plan fa keep anmenorandum ai tice 2i1-i's ' , tenipeaa ra aif the ceaw, the tam-1 perne ai thre roalainfawitdh the VELVET STOCK AND îîIE. cburang la donc, togef ber 'a'tfb ha icagîi af imuaoaitiec udlU'ing. Afuer IbThvelel'tstock-coller shown is ai 511db a mremnoranduni bas beea kcpt nastirtiumn-yetlow miroir velvat. At for a white, oaa witt ha suxrisacta tIre front ara crn.vat catis meeting ta its useininess. Anti n f act, unlessan ha blasseti wifb a phenanienet mcm- a knat, wîfh a faitaiftdeep yeltaîv tace, ony, a memoerandum aifthe dail-y op- anti a bov ai the lace cavera the fas- cratians wtll ha tounatita bc oi banc- teaing ai tIra cottan et tic iack. 'ThIe fit. vect ititsrataeti Ias a fait paf lad front Pro. G L.McKy fiais ian epet-ofa piai chiffon, %vith a chifaon fait Prof G.L. lIcay fndsfromrep acros tie top with blaek lace insertion cd expernient tuat ihea hayon ai but- anti adgta-, anti a full cravat bunu. tan. aiber conditions being equai, de- pentis largaly upon tIerangbt. dagnee ai aidity, andt thfi freqacat tirring OIORY IN LONDON'S HYDE ai tic creaini uring th i nîtg P4K pracess, awhich proarotes fia davelap- leat aiaan ioa-i niat raqiremany te facti acii anisoratory ta Hyde park, London, on Sun- tita reair oxgen or hei prpa-day affernoons. lThera are stumm ara- gatian. Creaini filt iS 'aamer tian tors ai aimost every shade of religions the atmnospiere gives off adora, whiitc anti palittoal opinion. Some make rcani ibat la coler ita habla ta taie 1,thenisaives lioarse in deaouncing the theaiOn. QuiCk incag ai a tam-' Pope. Others vehement against cap- prature ai about scventy. degreas, ! talisîs'. Seine expatiafa upon tie mi ith mquent z3ttrring, han motuced, wrongs of Ircland, and ot.hers upon ihe tia hast resuhts iin Prof. McKtay's ex- ngt itbr ollsai hmin prtaence. He fintis no tifficlty n in Ot na corner, anti mariaga af the changing tIre fhayon aibutter fira nenadeceasati wf's sister in anothar. tj th liie pints wicra te sanie lot afi I hildren Cry for tb am n '.ts lnina.',etiten, anda hun 'triui. an" am" gstfa shilling 5 r, nwbich ha Iras stept.i. f Igat1 fat, ou siar no'e, fine as a throati,a driva, ftiup tics a n"au fa3x. If J t lttrst forth anti achc.ed avway ia sait moniailbicaycle, anoth"r tax ao. 10f. cC osamong tha distants pillans oaif ohnig nja;i u u-1 t' palc" Pfo" ils ub,ýi-pracecasati Pal gro ianig, ouatex; f ai' gan- I i iL stilin -iv, ta lttfle akeletan heti, myoard a rihen tc 1 nrta t ram like tilt.' ibsi ai Joh'n Jai"s Christo-. niw rpLrtaacl averoa pion B. ,-,amita -Binas, ' galle tio'a n.itgaini gaie aif bitliartis, anti fanget tuis vexa-J and the' s 'tr ndboues ]aav motioni-sitiaus taxation, bat tinil tia at ,7,mst ta.' ýýýmaoeupen tic meuble ptain, pay an impastoan tic, bIti"rds. I Put ~ S ~ _,a cete oragi iahith, .s..verfiat tu (Iowvnthecao,,tisieartcncd, andti al-rn rcEgsWt thtti p pack ai cards, but ami ai once Ya snpytea iEgsita faet iofires nase tram ou' thc h"-aiacenirnoib a îes ad.îu-IphEvý~ nitytnaaa of baxia, anti Cach struci 0oestldy alty feel fiai 1 flai proîntan ma stralio. nanti, soI go atidaeigh my body to tain laabasket oes'o. gnoA. '"b"eitaîrc entionte msiona r sebau'mu-b ilesh I bave bai; bta 1_____ ge.î ati fianie,,st antnueti iîansttat've firat ta îay tic fax 0ait "aigt Ibs rAR andthefest onirmd n EstandI measura- o ta'acb h aall cis ara I LAY nDOWN A SCUPLy ',eN TFU A 'adi a sledn.But heur -tian heur habla. Oua ahf My ssttrs ta ,îa nna; î tA ofr fevywJ egserd : te p te efoe sac nmust pay a ta-for bar d'a-can ioot glvhag tuil ,fr- rising ofcostume. I tisi ta lot my ninanti1 cf-ta]acýg. ONE MORE OF TH1E liE AD Jrua awayfitem if ail, anti I sti"']: a pr tu, latia liaheundai standtig ai tic J an ennauncanent fethat etecat an ithe F %c11 Lf'd. IIHGtf raielars the salema massage tiait an- doar ai îy iaus,'ý; hut on ibis liere ha ah,"rhour bi-id itedti of aih arnan lita afresi tax-anti sa an, witiianf anti. anti venishatitata icuain hstony.---I 'lT "At moidt:git, 'ahen lie w bale t'aeulve , Iraî stru-cl lia nesanani situer andt tlt SKIN GRAFIS CURE BURNiS. 1 on ttl fati finish fie stery of on idieh';' w yY day, tic l'asting ceasodth fie fostens t mgîvaifle i a~ie m1,1of a uElMie t I fianit, tai-nsi evppdten-." c îtoîîî,,.eel u he e fe10 Skia grcfftiag as savdtheticlii" ani Jossie Proudfoat, an elcut n-leur-aidf ')a IRE IIINDOO W'IIE. girl ta Sun R tiaci, Cal. Jaîr a yaari AJHidu wifcle s matie tac fi tat ugo sic ,vas piay ing arounti a banfine if~ ~~ ~~ býer liÊe is a fotîttra utIleas shc is tIre ia the yard w bhn rlaci,- cagit motieron a a on. Aceorting ta Itha fine. Inan instant sai" ara naelop <." iiA-~~ Brabrafa religion, a nman ,aan, 'aiti cen- cd tn flanc, anti befora tic f ire as' taiafy, escape boit if ha Iras a son liv- e xti tguisieti sew's very Sevcrciy D~ ing ut tIr"ilima ai bis deelh. W'icre a burnd, ant iri was net thougbt tia t wonaan tae's nai give bi ta a sonsIe caulti pas'ibly lii e. ~'1 in cievan yetrs, han husanti mus a Ct iSitaliwas a irait,tielitccte chilt, antifd ber aside, anti choose anotban wihe, by large areas ai ben body 'acre roausti d~i avion Ire May pauibly have a son, andtihfeskia anti îî"sî shoagîctioff, I- 1 o.wC t hA girt bas a misenable tia aiof tait fvighe muscles cxpoi.ed a'ut cea s- ia ti.Only ut aighu jsa amotion ai- I~ing - 'ch hleeûcîgA IrF'ilithe toaetita sa or caresa ban chitti. hletgmc leir rtntrierai ~ . ~ - boys ara aihoav t taroani ai aillI; but veins anti antaries, O tIr" girls insu rean aindoora, antioaa i Te worsî isurna ai" eceivatwc o ' avviIaMàl O-ilY'T oniy get oui ai long inieruais. far short ilehp faa ite rce ag ~ îfcClJLri 'i.hg -1 pariant. Jte i- I a ite nhsln tAt ix yaans of ,aga fthe chijita mr-1anti averageti aine incbes 'aide, cuver- riati-that ta, lice lirati wecing cana- iing ane bundrati anti forty-foan square 1 ih' R f ct many iuka5 place. Ih la mare ai a form-ni- so e boy hrewsabr ai betrot liai, but wti ailthtIrabinti- ttbsa a oi~Tc isabs ŽiJs i ~ 5lt ing ai a geautie weddiag. Tiachit on bar shoutden tirea by faur inchas, muet ow rmaintadoas, ati br fa ean six- by six on bar aide anti atici' muaf ha hittca iranam alle.,If aire; ematier hurnaabout han bodiy. Daspif a jreaetraitic barri. Tn-ica tic entire is flic aite o a cai off wife-ihati i ýwouati bas icati coucretiby Dr. Joncs, daune gboforer fiyas a br e fears ai ber relatives andthfiad-aDbut tic, canne of heic mcd spot ne- no sontishbIas isto suifer many per- iý tors, Jessia ctung ta tufe, ant i faaily fuse tutotftIre acw sui graw, anti sacufiona, n ici eveatualiy leati ber ta fie daspair ai ban nother changedti a i Oau ncw patelles of skia are atdati almost ary avil oan S. bape. i aroantheticedge.. At't'a due years oh age fie Irusianti,' More tien eigbty people hava sub-, fao oftan a vany aid mari, cames ta taie lirc nantIr afcter lice accident tie nuffedtu lahave sauîtpteces ai ticir tic chldtota' is icone. Often tiec ci imatier haras on ber anm anti sida bati skia remaovadtf aid fie brava lttîtait- dom nenti ish ta go, anti striais avîie, liaaled, but thcetinepar anti targen humn vatiti, sanie gaing frai Sari Francisco sica vatnly aitempta b oescape frai ict Ireep'oita aid bar by thair self-sacrifice. lIer messatigers sent fo iring banrfa flic' an te i eusca t, a ca. TIre surface brother Jaa, six years att, hatan waittng husianti, WIen fia busianti tas taa largefafite skia ta bridge urnes cotnibufet Iran lirea ta four dics, thea wihe f shut up in a noani, fia. acarati flash, anti Dr. W. F. Joncs square tachas -uttcunt a marman, andt sometinies for yeara, where sIre sacs na decîiedti try [skia grafting. hane sister Ethel Iras givan i'a'aty-three) ana. Uer inpipnneni 'depantis on Staca tien fbaer as ben hartity a taches ai ber cutichealaifgathar. flic caprice oh fie mafber-tn-iaw. As wcek fiai >patches of skia hava not lie nouher anti aunt hcava given ai a widaav, hawever, shi f ti disgrace, been feaken frai ofber people and ti I thair sir untit iey bave uitile rare andthti soanar'sic dies tIre bat fer for facicdti latfe burnati spot on Jessie's ta giva, anti acighbars anti friands no-w lier. If la deemati bcd iuck fa looait ttiigic. In many instances tic new sun ara, depantict on for tia mafariel tIrai her lace lirai on arising in tIre nan- blas stougicti off or drieti up and ne- wiit maie Jeste a weli girl. mng. inseti adaption by fthe rew owner. but ________________-tfepragness aif-avernag flic barrihas NO TIME NOR LOVE LOST. beca sieady andthfe wourid wiU hae cou-TAE A areti wittiri a lew morits. TKNO U Ile-Ion sati you would bac e lime lu lie meari lime Jasaeis fabale fa ha He-Don't yen thini people are very, in considerig my proposai, oui ai bed andi sic doas ria bave 'la slly intahlic hneymni - She-Weil, I havan'f leai any and 1 reainaon lier igit Bida, as aie tii Sie-Oh, Ihis la sudtier; but f oag wor't.'for sa mariy weeis efftet' sitelle you betier a!ter our b=oey>Woonia Pitcher's Castoria. j i î Mw ýrýMe9n -11 -. - .-- 1 1 -- --- lee ri

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