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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1896, p. 7

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Science is -'knowing h-owm." Tihe only secret aboutt -Scott's EMUNIoîn is years of -s-ciednce. Vlen made in lare qu-antities and by im pro--vlng methods, an ernul- soiniLst Le more perfect thaunwrhen made inl 11e old- tin-e way witli mortar and pesf-le a few ounces at 'a tim.e. This is why Sctt's Em-u-lsioiî 'of cod-liver oul aie--er separates, keceps swcmet for years, and wlïy eveur7y s poonful is equal tc> eve--«y other spoonful. An eve-en pro(luct throLighout. in ctIiîr emusiors yeu are lhable to get an wiZven b-ctehran Over or il der dO5se. Ot Scott's. (ienuioe bas The ,iodern stand- l ard Fa-rnily M\,edi- cine: Cuires the corrninon evecry-da.y flIs of huxnanity. Malker - Li s boxs,5c' z Pul sa sple bo, ae 1]er r i awl recOje tc Ls r" ri' tauXcaosnt 1isy- » Lîoîî4"2t LiCor, PoLI 1ýbyaos ui. ivon i, oîsLargeL h is L'srt"- iriculatisno" msscses5l' oiper in ti' ,orli. S, cidr -.r'dt'lNo sot ',,sent man Gmeli Le 'svbimsnt Se' .~IO ma smud e wou A.cie. sY Ni ..0 The Stan' of> LIffe miltLe liIu; Who Nake it. lU- IT WK ANDILONG N OURS. Practial bakers are se expcsed to extremes of temrseeý-ture that it is rot susprisiog tht ýhey o.îcni suffer frein kiidoey anîd othr trou- hles. I n any cases tlser w ork t n gt con. .tics thern iin a hea. d atm osphere for hours, from whch they sslly forth throughi the coid night air to thoîr well-earneJ rest. Mr. George Roberts, baker for sMrs. S. Ranahan, 157 Ds.rdaýý strct, gives us tise foiiowing facts: - I have suffercd so mucb fer the paît forteeni years wth kdney cisease tbat it gives me pleasure to tell1 of my clanged condition for the hetter. I had efi pain in the bac, and righit sde; the Urne Wavs Ted ir, colon wth a rcddish sticky sediment, wsith brick dust deposit. At times severe pain hé tbe rc;son of the bladder, celsing mn great sufer isg and discomfort. Appetite very poor, and much troubled with s:s"plesr"es at nsit. 1 feIt trecl and worn out al the tilue. \Vork becam.e a drocigery ; it Nv55 an effort te do any- tibng. 1 waS iow spirited and disceeraged. Hearing of libans Plls I Nent to Mr. W. T. Strongs drug store, Loisdon, Ont., and got one box. From the frst dose I com- menc'd to rî'prove, and now my back and side are al riglt ; the urine is natural in coior; tise sedîient bis disappeered; I have no pain of env lond;-,nt wll appetite bas returned; I arn str-'nger and betten in exry way; for the frst in' in eni.ny years I now v l that life is worth iog. Doans Kidney P"is bave cured mee of rny lbng standing corplairt, and 1 arn plea ed te aoknoîvicdge obat they bave donc for me. I bave --t taken moire than two boxes ofth, epls and the resot is as I have sta ted. N. lyx oi ti:si il laid ried nearly eveny 1idnr e edy, bot until 1 took Doans Pil3i xene not the sgtest relief. J'OR SALE BY STOTT & JURY POSITIVEL?2 Y YLosct NroaDeisv Faiding Mîho,',ce ii eeases, cauecd Lv the er7r.s and elzceses of yo'th. ~ yonî,r, n1ddle.rg'ed or oid iIc ~ iM isain,siFfriig froiotheeece N- oif fottkes a nd excesses, restortd te hcîtS,1, maas Isood azod Vîgon. ~ rre~I 00 6bots or S.O.sent bY mail, a n'iS ae.Write fon cen booek, " Srtling "Fctf, ea o oy, tells yoa :e ta get weli and sîay Weil. Addrc. ÇJIIN MEDiCINE CO-, ?îix 9417 MONTREIiL. amounedte nething. They conqusred neuraigias, and the heauacnes, and the' F ~J'ER~IF JNB E~1 theoi,an above ail, they conitlered jihysicai disorders of tihe werld; but tbemseives. "Oh," you say, "that's ailtelli ye there are neoaverse heart- -~very good theory te preacis on ahotahsta r atb oeo hs KIND WORDS AS A MEANS 0F DE- day, but it wen't work." It î,ilii orii YounhgatbanareleDoyu by 5o tthesec FENCE AND UsEFULNESS. It has wos'ked. I believe it is tise iat ofthge opî Do yenkno thatmug? Christian grace Is wi n. Yen knIî',' Raphasl i dîd 37, Richelieu at 31, thers are fruits xvhlch Is gather ifl Gutavus Adepu ida 3 u Talmia e tecries .eldîall tare4lul June, and oetherS in Juiy, and thera s dXolpcmeteis ig tîe33, In- 11141Asrnnw, nd teOfIs Io ia 0Atitn August, and others ln September, flueure at 37, Certes cenqusred Meaxico 'T'ie Sot'Ionguc 'lunat 1eaîieih aae and stili others in October, and 1 have at 30, Don John w on Lepanto at2, ltolv."te admit that this grace of Christian Grotius w as attorney-general ut 2-1, fergiveness la about tise last fruit ef anid I baes notîced asoid ail classes of Washington, Sept. 6-Iu tiesa days tlie Christian seul. -\e isear a great Mntat seme cf the sever'pst ba tÎles w han satire aid. retort and i titetiiessi laottebtertrg n teand the teughast w erk came bctbeore fil1 the air, the goanýel caroi ef this set- sarcastic teugus, and the quick t on- 30., herefore we must have eut set- gue, andi the stinging tengus but ws enanierxhtton lupar mon w-iil do geet te ail w'b eroitd and keoiN very Little about "the Soit t ou- nsadouexrtinsnpay. practice it. Tise text is Proverbs xxv., gue tisai braketi tise bons' %,Va meeting ail syoipatliatic wi 'Il the 15, "A si ofttngu" ereakebli the lieue." i55.d Itudibras and Sterne anti Dean tyon.intlife, '.dhtisdeo slthur Swift, atd tre unhha linelesiof tcdo-tanese dertors XVien Solcmoen saiti this, lie' dreî e aa oï if t, and tisa i iereot ef anti wyertanad merchants and me- eu pos' en t sny utgvlttetie. e te stofudytng choies gare , ýabout the abstractions et whievluursttiee, aniple et sosillmaswho we asreOiti, religion ? What they want is hlep te ch orswoflohetbseialyase tase and îut îevtled net agan htsibear tise whimssceaiti's efpatientsj, ris" bu osds t isetet t alitra ~ the Lord, hy His Spirit, w euld endow' brewheating ef legaji epponeunts, the us ail w ith "tise sot t tengue tisat fareso cutms, w hv They simpIy mean te set forth the tact breakli thse bone." nfIfatcsees h y bat tisere ia trementieus Power ina I pass n-,,,te the otet u tt pisnty et ,ft finding for everv sir- kinid word. Altiseughisf~ may seeOm te -1 ti se te pissent, and that ta kir_- perfections et handiswork,but ne praise as ameais o liaitdor 'ý0 excelieucies. Wbvt dees t"sat bevey nsgnfiatiÉ frc i i-ne-s ,n maso ufiness. Ini al brain racked, hanti blistersd man rare Lu ery le niitiait r r absu- coimunities yîou findtsisepticat men. for Zwïn glia " Doctrinse et Çriginua desriblîe atiillmicsbs.Pungeut Threugis early education, et through Sn, or Augustin' Atsopbg " aud- al.cenquering utterance, "A sotteuaraoin peesti hi 'esngh sweg "At a man whs togebreaketb tise boue." Liait People, or tisroogh iprybng curise- bas thli5Orasy ai pt o has aid togesi ty about tise future, world, thsreaie pers n u nhssd If Iisa ti tie, 1 aVOuld sho' en ga msypetswhob',m ss-a Plasser made eut cf Dr. Parra "-Tisa- -iad-nes3 as a means et deteuce, as a tiret in religieus tinas. Hovi shah ise etriJrspuec. mnas'aof usefiuluess, kiinesa as a You capture thens for Geod Siî'arp ar- ,Ir' ail eur sermo ns tests must ho oisons et deomestie isarmony, kintinesa gument andi sarcastic retert nevor hlp! for everyene somewhere. Yen orwn a singls e,,ul f rom skepticism te o 9(jute an aPothecary stoe, e.5Wcsas as est employeti by geveruimentsaortisa Christian re lgion. Whsite pw et- thers bcbg w aiteti on. ',Ve do uet the taming anti cnriug et criminals andi fui booseeo n tise evitieness of Chris- onipiain beca use oie do net imînedis te ilîntus s ast sadapte --fr-tlei-o-ttUit-a'-thi-mbse-i-cetr-i-'u-e-aev-sa n ig C'hristisn people lu thes faith tisey turn iI1ollensaliter owhllse., Anti s; t1ingand djusing f b vs Carady ateptet, i hav.e :noiced, w liii ail pattrts fa sermon May net quarrel, but I shah cuit yenr attention thit syhen skeptical peeople are broughtbtce Ipîropriate te eur case, if Iw nuit ony tot t ofve ettse; o ugists iLe tise kingrsgdomet ('iijt issougis praei bll e ioes the sermon ta And, f trst, 1 Spak te yen et kintineas the' char5n of somae g iî soul, asîttrsougis we shahl have tise divine by argumtrs a t ail. Mi are neot sav- 1 srpto.Isay te those Young men as a5 oiataso e seure. Alicst very cd through the issad; Ly i _si s .avet -heoare going te i reacl tise gospel, n,n, te"ceursa et bis lite, la set through î.hseis-art. A store cernsas ese thslîogic.l sbudents, l'-Sy te upen 'sut assalted. eut et iLs htdissg place.. It says tlis"t. tee a nti, luoîr sermons net Tise fî'st sipuls cetfths naturel ieari anewwsi 'tn seo i u-su"reOsmlpys ,ner mors imagt ii- "StrEs ack CLs asinus a CIil IL mates a g 'sut bluster, but iLtie î, sir lucre logis., net moe profu- sels: do-, ak îv srnc slcsa net ucceet. dity. bue sunt. Trip hlm ie tise titeh whieh Part et these ea la rouse'i up-psr- va t liwnnt in Our sermons ant i hoe dug tor eur test. Gasis hLm witliihape oe-bat' et h. or oiîe-tennis ot if. Christiaexhortations is more syrn- sevrsa wnui a tsatiîicbheAfter awhile uhe calm mecnu, placidsud PaÉhy, 'Te Fatiser Taylor pîsahed as svr on l;ta hc i beautitut tloks doyn, anSithtie ocean ini the Saiers' BRthol, ai Besten, thse sntlictuid ou yonr souIý SheL. fer shot. begjusa te r;Se. IL ceeues up te lîigh Jatck Lors teltý, tbsy lad hslp for thiri Sat'casm fer sancaSoi. An eye fer un Vauer matit. It embrace'- tise i rOSt dais5ang tise ratlues and tise tore eye.A toth or totii ut he is-dlauds. Ih submerges tis ecrs t ofstlîs. Whleu Richard Weaver preacis- si"' A totisfer teth." But itsliitise continents. It is tise ieart tisîbeb d te tise eparatives iin Oltdhanm, Esg- Setter spiitl in tise man's seul tises up et eue word agaiust ths, heatiit ti blauîSil 11tise workiugm'ý-n fuit t1iîsy hat and sels, "lieu eugist te consider ihat et asstier nerLi. Anti1I haie to tell moe rgac.a for tise spindles. 5 heln mtter." Ye ieeok up bte tise face ion that ixhils ail îeur totrs et Dr. Sentis preachedtote kingsa it ,,MyMaserýhow ridicule anti stoîma etf sarrasin mSy .princes and princesses, ail tise miglit et Christ andi Say, "yMse, rouse up tise passion ef au iinnitr tai mainanti woenu ose iard bitan ,ý1 engt-te oart under ihasc tfbruit tir- nature, notiing lesa than tisa atir- prepai aton for tisait higli station. cumtstie' 'Anti Christ instantly tive power ef Christian kintnsss rau Do yeUnont kuow tisa-t this simple auso ors, -B'estenta cuise yon ever taise thse deatihesa spirt t()0iaP.-si ery et a Saieur's kinduesa is te te- "Bossriscn tiai i pisosaanti te Ged. i have umure taiLhs ti mail nationslise isardfleart anti pray for tbsmn which tissptefully ln thse prayer ef a chlt 5 l'aasolti ettise w eri's etstutacy is te ha-isteis- u's yen," Whet', ise olti nature tises in tis a îy et brirging an jntidlt' iacis enshetere tisat siory. There is' insAnt- up again anti says: "Yen hati Ltter net ,o Christ anti te baven than i have w srp, Lalgiumt, enseofthte meet ta- fergiveu hlm until first yen ha-ve chas- 1iii tilt tisa issing thuntierbelts cf ce- maA-able Picinres 1 ever suiv. It is 'leslasticsi cotroîersy. Yen cannuei Te.Pestent of Christ frern tise tise ti hm. Yen avli neyegai hm in ercoane men witis religious argu- Cross." i is oee-et Rubans' Iictures. se igisLa corner again. Yen w ii nsveî mentatien. If ion coume ut a skeptical e aScostn at be I ta hav, schan ppotuityof nfictngman nis an argumeisi estbehaît f. f" Desceut From tisa Cress"as 11mb- hai suis u eperuusy e inliringtise Christian religion, Yen put tisecuns picturiet it nwitisout his eys flood- tise rigbt isint et puaishoi"nt upontoin on hies mettî Saî's: "I ses mlg withtlîtars, if hoe have any senss- hinm again. Fit-st chastise hlm andti ti man bas a carbine. l'IL use i bilsty ai ail. it is an overmaal»rsig thon let bin go."' "No," says tis ate- tcrbine. lIli ananer blis arga'ewsith sPrecture-one ptisai sinus yen anti stag- ter nature, "bush, tisu on t uisaît. Tu îuy argument." But if yen corne Le gars yen anti haunts yonr dreama. One ytisat man, persnntnng hem tisat ion atterneeni a man steeti in tisai cause- tieo tone tisai breakth tise desirebisshappinesou sartis antihetrilesn iRbn'"eeu in boe. ave Yen even hi ail leur lite eternal weltare l'a tishe, rit ecre ieCos" wsalnsoieib keecu acenlity anti actimeulous dis- Le caunot answer it. 'htisi ofn e a Savtent<s sufferingas. pute te sttîs a quarrel.? Didth iey net ,W bat 1 have sait isl jusi a- irue lunwissu tise janitor came ian anti sait: thes reclamation ofthtisa Penly vicions, h"l is tinte te close up tise cathetirci al'îaî's naise mattes's w orse anti wotsa Dji yen ever issie a tirunsaîdti tebc for tisa niglit. 1 n'isia yen weuît de- anti nots'? About 55 yoors age tise savedt 1hrougi tise caricature et a part." Tise pigrim, loeking ai tisai w osa great quarrel itise Presbytorian trunkard? A our i imiýrri'fethtie stag- ' Pescent Freinitise Cross," turnet fomiy. inituraet hrit ~ geting step, andthie thiris tetgite anti around te tise janitor anti sait: "lNe;4 famly. Minste o Chist Iretise disgnatiug iiceugis, onty w erse ne: flot yei. Watt untilthey gsi hlm tisongis ortisotix in proporition as tisey mutitens his ba ido. But if iou corne w-" Oh; it is tise story of a1 hati measuret lancesavtis otissi clsrgy- te hlmla isstineas anti svmpatisy, if Savieur'asnffering iintiesa tisai ta to men yen show hlm tisai yen appreciat" tise rapture tise w ont. When tisebhouas' menfthtisaame denemninatien. 'Tise anfut grip et a depraveti apptite, if oethtiigreut hehemetis et intqnity Moest outrageons patsonalities Ir von persuade hlm etfLis" tact tisai shoni- wisei ias tromplot ail nations shall abraot. As, in tise antumor, a hunier sentis who hathtie grapplih icka(of hi broi anti sbatteret,i will ho ternes hoe with a string et game, evilinlinîation cîntrisatin10tiseit seul founiot ut tisaitîe aîorkavas netdtie wîît duea, mog vetas tirmly as tisey noav are in s 1 have by tise liaminer et thisbonoclasi, or by panLrsigOa ant il uksngoe bean rosee, tissua îuy et ligisi iili tise sasord ofthtie cenquerer, ert htse bis shonîtur, au filea r nt many min- flash uciosa bis vision, ant ifh w ii seena torcis Ut CCIsece.tioî, but by tise plain, isaera whe cama bars frooi tise eccles- as if a superntutal baud wIre steady- Simple, Oerwbelming foerce of "tise softt losica cen5swbî log srina e to- ng hie staggering gai. A goo i nia-ny tongus tisai bisaieti tise bons." tost dvcouty wilosting Ssso t c years ugo tisre loy ile s tteset f Kiotnese! We oil neeti mersetofit torsof iviitywho thy hýd hOtRichsmondi a man deati drunis, bis fore in eout heurts, ont worts anti eut ba- viLis thein ovn rifle.Tisa division be- exposedtLetise blistering noonday suni. havier Tise chef chaîacteristic et eut ca-mu widsr, tiesa-ninsesity greater, A Christian ivoman passut along, lok- Lord -was kintiness. A gentleman lu untl atetawisie sns"~Oti en e-et ut hlm anti suiti,"Poor telow l" Eîgant i ti sot isubg isafortuneisy sot lten anthieraris. en eSine took heurisantikoicisief anti spîsat wiliîte twIo sons, Tise son tisai statd sle pnaohrtk.They b h-it ver his aface and iOaSa" O:lie iitmsts0oyttise fathers ai ii gan te explain a;vay tise difficultils, esan rouset i bttseîf up from hisane-' cnt preteduti tisaitishe bretiser aube theybage t fogiv sais tisr'sbancis anti iegan te looisut tise bunt- vas absent avas dtacta-ut burieti. Tise fanits, antI, ltise greut chures quar- iercheit, anti, te! on iL 'as tise nmmeabsetst rether atter avlisle returnati rai w'vas saiteti, andthie new seneel et a isigily respectable Christian ave- anti rîcimeti bis paît oethtie propsrty. Preabytorian cisurris andth ie oit scisool man eftJtis city Oet Richsmondi. hie Jutiges anti jurois wnesto e ubrilet Prebyrria ciurcs bram eu. Tsewent te heu, ho tisanketi tsr forilber 'e Sa-y tisaitishe reunnct brother anti tifreni cparts et tiamPeabonerianhe, andt taone litte de"ie~~ son was ne son a,. ail, but oily un lui- enter, aebieti by a isammer, a litile ut hie furthiis Ilite, anti al'et hlm for Poster. Tise trial caeso n, Sir Mat- hammer, a Chisitian hammer, tisaitishe tise life tisai is te ome.1111-s waa attet- thwIlavH!,, tise pride efthtie Englis critu~ra catis "a soft. toog-ue." ivarti attorney-genralotes LTiltet i nter anti fer t20years tise pille Yen have a dispîute wth you Statua; but., bigisur than ail. hc - bu- Ot jutisprudeceu, hadthïis n neigibo. Yu sy tohim -Idesisecame the censscratoti disciple etf.leas jatices 'aabout te Le practicut. 1hie neigisher. You sy"Ito hlm, "I espseChrist. i s asensehen- got impanelet a-s eue ofthtie yen Harepies "hran bot tse Kint words are, 50 cheap S a jurer. The bribes came urounti, anti Sight et yen." Yen sa-y te lira, wnner we do net usa tiseni etenet'. tisa man gava ten places et goîdt te s "Neyer enter my hlise aguin. R TsraaetosHehesna tpO says, "If yOoule on My deer ail, iealis es ofavis yn f erOLisothe jurera, but as fibisevas onby a l'IL kirk yen off." Yen say te bite int etcties woare di-frpot m iller tise bribsir gave hlm 0011 "l'l pt on eavs. hi sas e ynthe lacis oroaseiinti avrti. Thse,, ti'e pieces of geit. A verdict avvas ::11 pt oýidon."lIe sys o ouila abusinessa man w'boias tougis i rogi inlu ejecing tise rigisi et ibis "Yen ara siniaken. Il put yen tiown." againai troubla until lie is perirtyex- reiunet brotissor. i-e aas te have ne AndI se îles conteat ragea, anti yeat- haustt. le bas beun hiîsiîg about '-hase lu th" inheritauice. "Hoît. my alnr, ati bu aistisenunchristian r.feugeti',aboeut rebbary, about suicisde. lord 1" sain tisermillet. " Heit! tee are paen,0ad bie atse tet nrsin ipat.Go te htisibusinss mon.. Tell hini net a-i agreail on ibis verdict. Tlis Atertu iete etrsiitie ht Ib icter turnes are cong, aLntitelthar men have rersivet ten paces tt yoadoeeday yen go cicr te tise biiitisai yen wct'5 Ireina tiblt g le bIr;bery, anti 1 have receiet nleigiheor anti say: "Give me yee.r 'xisisss pas, a-uthtie Lot-t teie- nly tive. "Who, are yen t Whisse de liant. tes have fougist long ersougis. cri i -! .Tv-h hlm te Put b'a'trustin îyen toee rom "saidthtie jitiga on Tira" is se short, anti eteînîty i seo 1. Tell hies tisaitisss C-niit istise baaci. Tise respense avas: "h a-m usýar, tisai ne cunnot afford uoy slong- baeside every business man lisPs'tptr- nsm Westminster hall. My naineulta et te quarrel. I fesi yen haie-e nrong- peiis Tell hlm oethtie savesi PrOtti Mattheav %laie, lord ciief justice o' et e vryranisbu la ussels iliss et Godas conforting gises. Tisatie b isiug's hennis. Off oftihat plies, buw gitonengd herailtie shai et ouiman la tyiog for tisa lacis et Just one, tisonvillian1" Anti se th-- injusties live." Yfren hfoave lrte tso isgse Jiniivorti. Go to-raortow antiutterbletanistsayngmngisi platora banibt -o wisth etoe isa assain, mnpoen, .iioti inisorbiand otha.ngmngo i kilet ensetfiheni, iiey weult have I ng tisut, we miss a gueut teal et use- vne estisan twe years ugo anti staog bim te deatis. But ha mevetiIf ulouas. Tiseus is ne neet t of in las been on tsmakebuashr n tiss midt in Pbupcfect piaituty until oui butors men anti thunteuing te tsem i tme. Yet ibis year tise sales bave al- ise ied captuedthtie saarni et wan- tise law unlessat tieseanme time yen îeatiy reachet 80,000, andt here are more deing hues. pt-sariste them tise gospel, Tise norît te cerne. On tiis' 80,000 the inventer Anti se I have seen mon meving 18 tyiug fer lacis of Sintinesa. realizeti 50 cents apiecu, or $40,000, a omidthtie aunoyances, andtihie vexa- These young people aant it just us' tity lutile sens, which weuld ho con- tiens, andthie assaulis et lite in such mueS a-s the olti. The Uit people so-e- siteret a fortune isy some people, anti calEâ,Chisbtian teliberation tisai ail ines seeni te titk thsy have a tees fusrly aveil for an annual ineome tise uzzing arount about tissir seul monepoly efthtie riseumatissis. andtihie on a bicycle auasdry. Children Cry foi Pitoher's Oastorla. I~i CqstoraŽ r , a-munz , 'e prescription for infante osma tchilcLoin, M4cotek: 21ht OpuMorphine nor Qther NarCati-3 sai-' t se", C. ' ÎZb a heZnmýICSS SUbstitUte for PategOa'1c, Dirou. ', donC l,-Z FiVrzrp.e, an-d Castor OIL~ It ia Pkiasas't, b 1n,_Stoï3t f L-ry ycars' use by feveish n'u, as±î n~ eŽ't'as .e't zLf!:ýjCOisr Curd, eniies DiMar'nhnoatx."'eIClrC'sra zdicee tectlalng 'Lnoai 'r, n'nno ir"~- ..a flatulency. Catoisn- siiitlltrnIauE ag-rtes c estomach anti iotvilUl,-, tCs nt a 'sxniJ nu! S, Catiu 3,or Itho"i a"for' xi - , ' c, 0i" "-r. va 'b-V; "'-f el Cr"5 0,- ZSl.ngraves." -r -' u r'~r.uesas s'pr i'toaeclilreerLïe' t- -~s,- .xa,)tnottaercri, D, of .' t .0eri "Ontî~ 'ic o a s o.dave' tiepes5 s.~ ~ ~ ~~- 'ia ' si. -ybr a mu 'C 51 a see-c ticoness tisas ,ls t s i d 'Cnori a awDn s..,aw isoL. ass' t20as -. i ijonsED JIi.raaAND DIbSPazEN, D 1ost,0 if i, aiaEs C Pîras s-, Si~Ottc r --h'Z I '~ su/,~e~'~~rtCity. FOU SALE BY J. IGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVLLE3 uent' s Furnishings. Having a large stock of Christy Stiff and FeIt Hats on hand I amn dèterrnîned to run themn off at a trernendous discount. ll<its Worth $1.50 and $2.00 se11i1ig at 25e and 5Oc. Don't mi~ss your chance. In Gent's FurnishingTs I have Print Shirts and Ties at greally reduced prices. If you have any fui' garments that need repairing, now is tbe tiirne to briiîî themî in. e. Bon MANi,'ILLE, Practicai Furiel, 11a ýj'ton's Gelleral Store, Just opened our new Spring stock of Cloths for Over- coats, Suits and Pantings, the choicest and largest lot of ogoods ever shown in this village. Now is the time to order your Springy Suit. See our Pants made to order for $2.50. Suis to order for $8.O-no equal anywhere. In Groceries we stili1 lead. llaving bouight a lot of Sugar before the aclvance in price, we are offering sornething special. A fif uli hie of choice fresh Groceries. Fulli une of Patent )ledicines. Special value in Teas. Our 25e hune, best [value hi the trade. Elliott's and Martin's celebrated Iloller Flour always in stocki-. Field and Garden Seeds, the best in the market. Seed Potatoes that buo-s will not trouble.-No need to use Paris Green in growing thern. Give us a caîl, inspect our croods, and you are sure to get bargains. r nA~eole. SUFFERING A SEA CHANGE. By nay ot illustraiing tise simpliitty of tise ortinary Britisis seafaring mas, a Loneoneasppr tells tise stoîy of a ruceent curions oncurneu on a ma-et- w or w bics w-as lying off tiseHampsire ceast. A distinunsh"t 'Enghisis statesmuas, of a corpulent figure, speut a holiday by tise seasitie in tisai viciuity, anti pait a visir to tisa mun-of-war. Af tsi tunner,1 as tise neatiser but tut-net bat, tise1 raptoin usisut hlm te temain en bout-tI overnigisi, anti geasetousy gave up hisj own -cabin te Lima.Tise ceptuin, itj 5beniti bu explaineti l a very smeii The5 uext mrnuig tise ceptain's sar- vent, w-ho was uuaartcet fwishat Leese tons, came te Sus masteu's deor %vith is si customary cup et cottes, anti Lkuerket a couple of tintes witisout us- aev ng uy uan wer. Somewhiat alaum- ad, ho openedthtie door anti beeket las, asising pehitely. Den't yen want yosir coffee ibis merniing, air? - Tisen ihere cýame froni the cuptain'a bed a, sottoetdeep grewî, andtitisemuas purceivet lin tie bot a gigantie figure turning Leneatistise clothes. Hie trop- pedthtie eoffee-cup iu greai fuigisi anti usisedto tehie sip's surgeon~, For tiasa nie, air, ' ho gaspeti, came, te tise captain ut encel He's speechiess, s ir, aut swoilen te tuas tintes bis na- tut-ai aise! Wheu tise meicury's a sprinter ~'Twill cool yen if yen try Te remember Sow lasi wiaster Matie tise coai-pile fly. , , _ !1-

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