Prepare To for the Cold by seeing that ail your ordered SIng is interlined wîth Fibre j and only costs a few extra cents, iwI but it gives a gyrateful comnforting 1 warmnth to nien's, vomen's and j ',..~ ~ ~ children's clothing which will defy: ~ the coldest blasts of winter. Fo your own sake don't try to* do without this baçkboue of ail * t winter comfort. j Don't buy any ready-to-wear* suits which haven't the Fibre Chamois label. Think of the healthful warmth, the* jdifference in price doesn' t count. Redluced ta 25 cents a yard. "'THE QUEEN". TOe0-"'P RPn- ,er ""T S TOV E. Agents Wanted. ClaétStove made. No asires stove muade whicb is absolutely M sale. b1 ,ý*--- A fre in hall Che time; a lire ail tihe tinme: a savin- of 25 te 50 per I lflLl'F. IYit ~ i cent of fuel. Sec that vertical Hot Blast Draft Tube. Feeding the fuel! wif h hot air ail the time. The Queen Heater is moreý of a heating machine than it is a stove. Tt canbe reguiated like a lamp. 1. 7You can have your room any temperature you ýwisb, Will pos- itir lv lkeep a slow burning flice 48 boum ;bv p)utfilig lu one large Stick or knot. Wili heat a roomn 'II~~iI i t nY-feet sq are lu ten m inutes îinin cold-weather, or no sale. Ab- Stee, au uees neblacirg.The ost olutl wooirbctigsadte ouearetî ant yt ilsVUaltefe e ieaeaew stointe Brus larg kîrots, chnkschis, orsani fash Neer equ ornrove tue Noashes, oniy oc ever~ one te tw e mouuus V/hitak stik 2 luhes ongby 1 inNestroubleyt er afste ocdir eplit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lat uao!av htepes.I brsyu wolin rge huuks. Iptia Paerlnirlstove. Best ltliw'rhl. veihe tîd beiigRuparor u Ien minead wbe stecleana os youilac citaisTaeoSitig oom St wode. eaugste onmaeoe andret uia ia thetiiuary care averuail winfertesaure s alae Br-n orn, his, calldtir s ol fuel a uo urf or ases.Bd-omStesore. oc yoliu p ha e tiefu ae t hiua t eiew . T u t lyu alr ge st icklar uge t u d s e t drLaf cor er ju at a ul ton ie,Is u gr erv s ireamont f rauht, ald yen cll aea lo laecir tailnuiat. iting Room Sf ove. Because you beat eur rooru iu feu minutes, theni close up fbe tove andi it is reatiy for thee uext mneal. Patentee and Mapufacftrers, MEYER BROS, 87 Church St, Toronto, JOHN N.KIVELL, BowiMANVILE. Sole Agent for Durham County. M-- W- D Lamib leaves t bis -week for ~OWMANVILL~ ~14K. ui8 ýi anîtoba te see hisageti father.... Miss ___________________________________Mary Vice t. isiiug lier sister iii the Wecsf. .. Div isioli Weduesday 1iôrîit NEWCASTLE. this wee...... Rev. E. E. Howard willl preacb a special sermon rrext Suntiar Miss Ethel Copeland, Deseronto, atEdateLalCuaesadSs uuest of Miss Lîllian Lovkn. oi'f Temperaue who wi attend iu re- É.C. Hillam is quite Mi.... Mrk. A. W. galia. ... Mr. Wim. Oke bias leased Mr. Pickard vîsited at Hampton on Sunclay Jamnes Hleaflie's farm.Mr, Edgar ..Miss Ceeper, Haydoii, visitedti af erry mîet with quite an accident last Mr. J ohn Douglas' Sunday,,.. Nl. rs w eek' by beiug caugbt lu a gatew ar, Super and Lighfield, Tilsouburg, are but soon recorered bis normal compos- visitiing relatives lu t bis viinity. Mr. tire ..Mrs. T. Baker lias been quite iii C. Blackburn, Providence, r isiteti at but is recoveiiu. . .Mr. Xil. Mont- Mrsý W. B. Alin's Sunlday ...Mrs. gomnery is able te visit aîuong bis Fisher, Calcuidar. is visting frieuts lu frieutis alter a liard tussle "vith typheiti tow. .... Mr. W. Beman hati a thrilling .... Miss Ashton, Toronto, is visitiug experieuce iast week by bis horse run- lier cousins here ..Mr. Jas. A. Wcrry ning away but V/lu's pluck and piros- is expectcd backe fromi Englanti next ence cf mmnd preventeti auy serions weck. lie ati a vcry deliglifful voy * damage.. .. Miss Agues Orebard anti age eastward anti is charmoti with Olti Mr. N. Pickard deligirteti the large Engianti..This locality wîll be well audience ini the Metlrodist church on representediat Bowmauiviile's big cx- Sunday eveuiioe with tlir excellent hibition tbis week,. . ..Mr. M. J. A. rondition of "Zèaling te Thee"..James andt wo sîsters wcrc guests at Messrs.Allin Bros. have Durchaseti some Roselantivale Monday. choice thoro breti sbeep at the Industrial___ Exhibition .. .. Mr. R, Waron's Evapror- ADN ator ant i cidr milîs arc taxed te tneirHADN fllest capacity. Those unbftppy persens who sufer Mr. anti Mrs. W. Broati are visiting from nervousness andi dyspepsia shoulti their son John at Detroit anti William use Carter's Little erre Pilîs, whîcb lu Toronto.. .. Mr. Albert Giltiers lias aremate epoialy fr soeles, ur-renteti part of the Montgoinory farm.. deitct t rno th fe cburch anti achiug ,orîrs will remove ex ery semb S.tboolroorri. . Miss Veidua (}ouit, Chîi lance cf comfort. make sati the sol, ago, liss genle te take a course at the cf tire birds, anti eroke eloudiness lute Mootiy Bible Institut e. soul, thaf ex cu tire briglhtest suîrsbine, Woîneir wlývti pale, colorless laces.w -ho canuet dispel. Corus are thorus in the feel w eak antishouraget, w'ill receir e flesh, but Putniam 's Painless Coin Ex- both mental anti bodily vigor by usiug tracter renreves flin lu twcuty-four Carter's Iron Pis, wlich arcmýatie for horns. Putrram's Paiulcss Crn Ex- tire bleeti, nerves anti comrplexion, tracter is th e best. HAMPTON. Reeunt visitors: Mr. anti Mrs. Tape, Port Hope af Mr. W. Creeper's; Mr.i anti Mrs. Y'. Stoubouse at M\r. C. SIc.- bouse's; Mrs. Fullertoîr, Barrie, Mn. anti Mrs. T. Salter, Miss Etta Salter, Creenbank, af Mr. J. Salter's .... .Mr. F. S. Mason anti Mr. Lorne Hlastings Icît for Fr îendslip, N. Y., Satnrtay. 1 . Mr. W. I. Inch bas secureti a situa-1 tioîî in Toronto...Fine alanr Snnday alternoon calleti ouftbe citizens te wit- uess tbe buring cf a small sheti be- longing to Mwrs. Hannaru. Chiltren ant i maches. There is neoerre article lu tbe lineocf meticînes that gives se large a retrnu for flic mreny as a gucti porno strength- ening plaster, sncb as Carter's Smrt V/ced anti Balladonna Backacbe Plast- or. ENFIELD, X isilers: Mis. V/aller anti Miss Hoit- on. Mankhaîîî, at Mn. R. Pascoe's; Mr. G. Heatlie's, Long Sault, at Mm. J. Nid- tiery's ..Amoîrg Ihose wbo visiteti To- ronto dunino tfire Fair frein this part weme: Mrs. 1~. Reatoire, Mrs. T. Hill, Misses E. Camipbell, L. Pasce, K. Ormisten anti Florence Hlnbut; Mr. A. ~Smith anti famrilv; Mn. anti Mrs. J. F. 1-Innîbut; Mr. anti Mrs. G. Cochrane; Messrs. J. Camupbell, C. Mackey, F. Bray, T. Hall, E. Phillips, L. Burgess, W. Corfielti, R. Hall, W. J. MeCullocîr, A. Ross, J. Gallaglier... Mr. John V/ebbcr iras rnefcd tire farur noxv occu- pied by Mr. John Ranton ucar Burke- ton.... .Vif h the assistance cf neigir- hors anti fricrîts Mr. J. Stanks hati a bouse erectet soon alter the tire... Eu- fiet choir were at Burketon annircr- sary Suntay anti Mo'Aay.Frmiers tfai,'cf enoeao-iino a tetective here for a while. Mr' Dyer receîrtly hati bis mower batilymîashret anti parts taken axvuy, Mr. . sKîapp irat thîce lanrbs andi Mn. T. Hill seven lambs taken ont cf their fieldis, Mr. Fred. Mounfjoy bati eight buntiles cf barb wire stolen from Iis fielti, clickcns anti turkeys seem te be in ticuauti noir. Tire parties have becu traceti se that flic guilty cnes are kueun anti revelations uray ho expeccî et any day. A MESSAiGE TO MEN, PROVING THA-T TRUE HONESTY AND TITUE r'HlLANTPuU'v TILL EXIST. If any man, wlro i weak, tiebilitatet, or wbc is sufcing freur any cf the varions troubles resulting froin yonthfnl f ciy, excesses or orerwork, will take heant anti write te me, I xiii sent imi confldentially anti free o/f charge tire plan pursueti by iriicli I ias complefeiy restoredt teperfect hcallb anti mauhooti, aller .Yeurs cf sufoing from Nerrous Debilitr, Loss cf Vigor and Organic Weakniess. I bave ncthing teo eIl anti therelore wuuî ire meney, but as I lnow through my oxvu experience ho. te sympaîbize witlr sncb suferons, I aim glati te ho able lu assiot any felliv-being f0 a cure. I ain w'll aw-are cf the prevalence cof quackery, fer I iîîyself wastecie anti imposeti upen uutil I neariy lest faitli in mankinti, but I nejoice te say that I amr noxv perfectly wieli anti happy once more auti aum esireus therefore te mnake Ibis certain meanis cf cure kuown 10 al, If yen xiii write 10 me yen eau rely upon bourg cureti andthie prend satisfaction cf -having been cf greaf service tluoreein neet ilviibhosuficieul ren-aitifor ury Iroubie. Absolute. secrecy assureti. Sont 5c. oliver te cover postage and atidress, Mm. Gec. G. Stmcng, North Rockxvotd, Midi. Thie Laie C. H1. Iavison. Mrs. (Rer.) C. Park er %ras sunimrrect le Bîitigewater, N. S., a feir wecks ago te tiehetiesitie cf hon brother, Mn. Charles Henry Darison. Sire arriveti in lime te spenti somne tays ith ifi u befoeebiis deafir wbich teck place on Aug. 28, ageti 56 years. Deceaseti ias etucateti aI Mount Alliscîr Cliege anti subsequeîîtly uîteret intu partnershi1 iif bis father, tfifri name being E. D. Davisoîr & Sou. Txro younger sens were admitteti later. Thte Enterprise, lu a lougthy cbituury article, says cf deceaseti: "Tire untiing energy, keen business acunren, sterling houesty and o.enial, kindly temperument cf lHenry mocst largely confihutet i ubuilding up1 theo eormnUs luMben business û! this company ant ilun mking for the Dani- sons a business rejputafion upon tirree continents, cf xvlich.tirey, as w'li as the Province cf Nova Seotia, eau well feci prend. Deceaseti wus a inîoîner cf the Provnil Legislature in 1875 anti 6 anti was aff or pressedtot enter the lieuse cf Cemmons, but for business reusons doclinedtheli cantiidacy. Prob- ably there tocs nef live lu tire Province a man wiih se mide a circle cf warm fientis; lie mus kintheartoti andi en- Thir ruufuefnros of the jnstl.y pepu- ian Diamonti Dyco conslautlv avail fleicuseix o f everY improvemnron uthe mlanufacture of dyostnffs, flino giviir Ito homer dyers ah crver the wordtieueh )fanti exery udr aufuge possessot by tire Llaroeest manufactnîrers on eunth. ýdHave yen triedtheficDiamu ont Dy e lFast Dark Green, Diamout Dye Fast ýOýOlive Green, anti Dianront D *ye Fast Botfle Greeni? For the t7iyc-igf V/ool ani SilkT goots, thèése greens une -ccrtainnly triuîpbs cf science. Fortire cenning Antun, the above leGreens with ibeir vr ieti siuds- leHiiner's Greffl, Mvrfle Green, Bronze le Greerr. Russian Green, anti Oit Green- - ivili he ail].Ibe na -e fer ladies' suits anti ir dresses. tUse ouîfliche"Diamenti," amt K-yen mill surcly gel the besl nesulîs anti .celons ENNISKILLEN. Mms. E. C. Virtue, Montreal, is visit- ing frientis: Miss E.J.Elliof t of Ciraflan- noga, Tenu., U. S., is a guesf of Mn. A. Riggs; Tic Misses De Chaud, Port Per, are guesf s cf Mn. Jue. Pollen; Mrs. Reînmer, Piek7eriixg, is visifing at Mn. F. Rogers; 'Mrs. H. Rogers liras ne- turneti froin visifing frieutis in Bigli- ton. Do netfaluto eau Thes. Slater's adi- vertisemeut on iie page for mon. MAPLE GIROVE. Mn. Gec. Trimble bas begun work on lit. new farm. . .Mr. Rd. Nichais bas been impreving bis outbnildings quif e ext ensirely, tire suecessfni ruising hast week was uinder tire skillfnl manage- ment cf Mn. Thos. Gale .... Mm. Royal Hall bas rnecd flicLa.wiromesteati near Hampton......Mr. Al. Hulehinson firts "batching ht" lonesome anti bas takzen to hinîseif a ..... .... Visitons: Mn. aîîd Mrs. Stevenson, Oshrawa, anti Mn. Mernif f Stevens, London, aI Mr. Jacob Sterensz Rex. J. Mutili, Bisiropo Milis, aI Mm. A. Huleiinsen's; Mr. anti Mrs.J. Reidi aI Mr. John Curtis'; Mrs. Tiros. Legg-e, crai Mn. John Ayre's: anti miss vaSatos, Ehonezor, witb Miss Lizzie Sîroiren. DExTE-nR. Tues, Slalom lias a message for ex'eny man ou insite page. Doui't lau te reat if. COURTICE. Visitons: Mr. Tues. Bray, ucar Buff- aie, N. Y., ut Mr. Henry Gay's; Mn. W. Oke, Alvinsfon, ut bis sisfer's Mr. John Beai's; Miss Ethel Hall, fown, aI hier sister's Mrs. S. S. Brooks; Miss Kuate MeDonait, Millbrook, ut homne; Mms. I. V/allers, Orono, anti Mrs. V/allers, Ty- noue, at Mn. A. V/ybcru .,.. Mrs. L. M. Court ice acccînpanied by Mesdames Stomie anti Poliard, Oshawa, ns sport-1 ingo a fecxvduys iu Canhîniglît._,.Our boys suif ereti tef eut ut tirebu uts (fot) of the Hunînony football feain Safur- dur. Score 1 te 0.... .Miss Fie. Annis louves this iveek to resume ber studios ut Demili College, St. Catharines_.. Our carria-'c maken was surpriseti ci eutcrng 1Êis shop cire mcmniug luot week te findt fat a swarmn of becs hati taken possession hefore binr. By geinfle treatmnulthey wero persuadeti to retire anti bnsiîressproceedet ...At tire aunual meeting cf tire W, F. M. S. flic folioiug offlcees were appoinlet for the ensuing year ut Ehenezer: Pros. -Mrs. Dm. Munvin; lot vice-Miss C. Lilîlejebus; 2-nt vice-Miss E. A. Cour- fiee; Cor. Sec.-Mrs. A. J. Courtice; Roc. Sec.-Mms. S. Ev.erson; Trous.- Mrs. Jas. Courtice; Or-guniol Mns A. E. Rundho. Tiere noiing presideuf Miss P. V/erten, mus appoinltedole- gale 1tire couventioni ut Lindsay. Kalumazoo, Midi., is fumons for col- env. Sec Thos. Sluîen's utivertisement ou mosite page. 'When flaby iras siek, ire gave lier Casorns, 'When she iras a Child, she cried for Castoria, Whei she became Miss, sire clung te Castoria. When sire had Ciljdren, sire gave them Castoria. Publie Notice. Wircreus iunrous compiaints bave been receivet by this association ne- gartiinîg podiums irbo calut furm bouses andthie oufokirîs cf cities anti toîvus cf 'Canada, nepresenfing tiremoolves us IOpticans, but baving ne dlaim te sncb a a tille, Anti irereus if iras bee. founti that these imposters une in flic habit cf îrrk- ing groso nisrepesenationsbotb in re- gard te the qnaliiy cf ftho goodo they oeil anti aise tira they nepresont anti beoeg te some firm of manufacturing- Opticians, Anti mbene as il iras been fouîîd thut muchi njumy is being doue ( espeially lu the case cf chiltinen anti ycung people) owing toe lc eurng cf unsuifaihe gisss supplieti by tirese unquaiit Thete are for flic roasous abovo sot fcrth if iras bec. decideti te take active meusunes te put a stop to these mellicts cf frauti anti deception anti auy cases report cd by flic public to uny cf flic fcl- loîrino' officers cf flic association mili ho canefully inrestigateti anti wbeeecvi- deuce is sufficieuf f0 leud to conviction proceodings .111 ho taken ugamnot the 3offenders wifhouf expense o thîe panty «giving the information. J, H. H. Jury, Presidouf, Boirmanville, Ont. fC. J. Melnfyre, 1sf Vice-Pres.,Cliatim, Ont. Fuit ý Eiiiio No eue in Canada can or dees give you botter value for your money than T. N. RICKÂRDjcwelher and Optician, Eowmauville. No piateti gootis soit for soli golti by him, but genuine gootis every time. Soundi advice given when Purciras- ing. Watches guaranteed time keepers and sncb as w111 net be a bill cf expense te yen eau be pur- cbased at this store for as little rney as anywire in Canada. Bny at homre,be loyal te yonr e.. town anti the man wbo keeps bis eyes open anti gives you value for yottn mouey every time. Be warned by T. N. RICRARD, Watchrnakcr, Jeweller anti Op- tician, Boirunville, Ont THE. Fair Dayis Bargains, - September 17 and 18, Ga rocy Departmeo.t. A nocent imiportation f rom a J. S. factcmy. A Beantiful assomtment cf Fancy Glass. mare, wid Rose Pattern, 4 piece Sets at 93e. worth $1,50. Sgal. Pitchers af 49e. mrth 60c. 'fumblers at 90c. pr doz, worili $1,25. Syrup Cana, Salts anti Peppers at whole. sale prices. Groceries ai bargain prices. Ceai Oih at bargain prices. LAYLPS A White Glass Lauîp, teeort.ird Font andi Dome if 77c. mmii $1,40 A Lamp with brass foot decorateti Font aud Shade at 9£ce. reg. $2,00. A 28 inch Iigh Lami?, Brasa Foot anti de.. corated Font mut Globe ianti solîd colora ucli as Pink, Blue,, Canary at $2.55 reg. $4,.00., ehain Lampa at lesa than reguia.r irlile. sale puic3s, DE~Y GOODS. 2 pieces plaiâàA-pronGLingham "ý jb- Ladies' rery fine ail wool seanless Cash-. Vary fine 27in. ail wooi gray Flannel at Mare Hose for 35c. worth 50c. 25c, worth 30e. Special uine double folti Dress Good,plain lleavy twiiieti unbleached Sheeting 1 for and plaids for 25c. wortli 35c. to 50a. 16a worth 20c. Ladies' Vests, beavy, sof t cotton trimmed 1000 yds gooti Shaker Flannel 32 in. wide for 25e, for 7c worth 9c. Handkerchiefs, Ladies' and Gant's, extra 500 yds. heavy wide Prints for 5c. reg. value at 5c.; 6 for 25c. Fair Days. Se. te 10c. New faney wool Tams, extra value at 50c, 1000 yds. Torchon washing Lace for 15o. Hantisome plaid Dress Gouda at 12c, doz. yds., reg. 25e. doz. yds. andi 15c. 10 pireces geeti close Fsetory for 4e. reg 5e Juat in, imported Ladies' Manties, the 20 Il extra heavy " ' e. c -7c. best value ire have ever sheiru. CLOTI2G. Heavy tweed Pantsnice patterns only 95a Newr Uisters anti neir Siades al wool Choice Pin Stripe grey tîseed iined $5.00 andi up. only $1.50. Nire liglit weight fali Overcoats $5 00 up. Blue drill Overalîs, with or wifhu B1k Worsted Suitas oliti goods $11 suit, bld, 40e. Up. Men's Suits made froni our own cloîli, Black OveraIls with bib, gu&ranteedi fast Boy's Suits miade froni our ewn eioth. color 80c. Tweed Pauts, very large sîzes, our ewn Lineti Cettonade Pants, veryspeciai 95e. niake. Men's Pants, ined, our own ruake, a A heavy cottenade Overall fer 47e. special. Boys or Men's otit Coats very iow._ BOOTS & 810 S Ladies' dong. butt. tum seso tipj $2 25 Men's Dong. Gaiters 99e. regular $1.50. reg. $1.60 Men's Buif Tokio Bal, or Congreesa $2.00 Ladies' dong. bais $1.00 reg. $1.40. reg. $2 75.. Ladies' Strong lace boots 75e. reg. $1,00. Men's Gaiterâ $1 25 reg. $1 75. Ladies prunella gaiters 49c. reg. 75c. 4ýCarpet Slippers 3l9r. reg. 60e. Miss3es' dong. butt. $125 reg. $1.60. Bî)y's Fine boots,size 5,Tip 89c. reg, $1,25 6 s6 ng h3 12 4 'Tan Ox. Tip 89a. reg. $1.25. érn el 12 "Fine sehool boots Tip 90a. reg. $1.15 rg 16 Ladies' deng. butt. turu soles $1.60 reg. Misses' another grade 99e. reg. $1.25. $2.25 " heavy sehuci boots 75c. reg. $1,00. GENT'S PFU NISIHZNGS. $16.00 or $17. 00 Men's Napa tan driviug Gloves for 69c. Meu)'s extra heavy EMastic web Braces 15a worth $1.00. .6 " " " " ', 2 Pr. Men's H'eavy rilsbed tap wool Sox for fer 25C. 2 pr. for 25c. Large assortment four-in-haud soarfs for Men's Faney satin striped Neglige Shirts, 2 for 25c. worth 25e. each, reversible collar8 fer 75e. irurtir $1 00 Best Robherine Collars3, alszsfr1 Men's extra fine pure linen euffi 25o pair, wortli 15c. 1,alezsfr1-01c &' Super. quaiity pure linen cellars 75 ydts. extra beavy Canada ail irool tweý > standing or turn dem, 3 for SOc, for 59- ivorili 75c. Fer $14 50 cash yonm echoice of 20 new A great uine bl'k worsted Pazrtýng choice, pieces Suitings. shouid be wortir te ordeor $3,50 pr. pair. JE1W rÏL, l3Y1 Genit's G Ml filled match $10.00, Anreri- eau stim mut ursvenreniandi gu- anteeti, Ladies' long Golti Guards froni $1.25 to $25. 00. Blouse Sets, Chiair Bracelets, Cetf Links, Sterling Silver novelties in great variety. Soltd Niekle Arm stemnmd sud stemi set Watch for $2 75, waranîed. Silver Se-rew bacir aud bizzle, Peen ut Amierican niovemeuntfom $6.50, mer- mati ted. Special value in Ladies' anti Geai's rings iu Dianreuti, Opal, Ruiy, Emerald anti Garuet Settinga al cf lateat de-. signs. Ladies' Goiti filleti Watch Amemîcan stemu ivinti meveruent for $1.00, feul guar- antee. Juit iu nei Stilverware very ebrixu. This list is enly a beginning of the many good things we bave te offer, you on our Fair Days, and NEW GOODS ARE ARRIVING EVERY DAY. ,WeAre ... Making It Hot For Hard Times In the Furniture Une. VOU CAN'T FEEL POOR when you see our goods and prices. Values were neyer so marvelously 10W as right now. The completeness of our stock guarantees everybody perfect satisfaction. Corne and - see the choice selections of honest qualities and learn Why sensible,econ- omical people prefer to spend their money with us. Our prices will more than please you,our fine quality will clear away your last doubt. There i5 1no law against paying big prices, but it isn't sensible. You will trade with us simply because you cannot duplicate the goods at prices SO low. Seeing is believing. Give us a call i--&lw w be pleased to show goods and give prices. luL Do WILLIAMS &SON5, 1BowmANvirLE. Undertakers and Furnifuro Dealers. "6LU DEL LA" SCEYLON TEA, Cannot be equalted as a Nerve Tonic. Lead Packets only. From Grocersand General Storekeepers. là. P. ECKARDT & M5I TORONTO, WHOLESALE AGENTSE'. .1~ 4