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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1896, p. 2

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#~ ù u~~t01~l T~ U M . from knots-tbe number of yards cngHE ANIBRTflBE WEDNESDÂY, SEPT. 23, 1896 CONSOLATION. it witli omali tacis ever eacb panel, ____________________ We Mli cmehoe ro te arypulling i eytg oa oform as WILL SATISFY THE PEOPLE. WhnMlycm aiefo h at smooth a surface as possible. ~IL ~ Th party as ont a aine,-cents' Worth of cemmon white sizrng, tsce IneChain 1tGanegs in ts BIMBEIt 0F COLLEGE 0F PliSÇÂ There were traces of tears in ber briglit cut up and meit in an eartbenwaree jarie ade Think Wearîug- ROBIOntro crr, e;I. b to-ni wit,-a::to min: waterT henTBLE. andb verturgnerosufae o loves liasfa Mst [nconiortable IHabit. A. Fo soe ee bd sidshewh thee cth thinly and evenly with a The Engli-sb Government bas succeed- A ALRNDENTIST JFrsm n idsisewiprdpaint rush-tbe larger the better, as ed in placing its choice for Sultan on 243 Ynge S., TRONTO to m, itshould be doue quickly wbile the s*z'- Fint c iom 10et ofToeth for 14 Wt e fc nm so i ng is bot. As soon as dry it ie ready the throne of Zanzibar with no more ________________________ Some eue had said (tbere were sobs in fo. tbe paper te go on. trouble than was te be expected. Seyyid h ler voice) if the screen je for a bedroom, and Khalid, after twenty-four heurs of dis- hBIRIBTHn-, SOLICITOR, qt atr fpprasaldsg f. T at tlley didn't like semetbing sbe flot very large, select a cheerful,bright puted rin a ae euewt h .BLOCK, updtairs, King Street. BoWMf&1U- did. patterng f paer-ar insmaolld eig r gn Cn, stake rlefuedib te e. olicitor for the Ontari Biaikonul, deverd ve e enev% loaaed et the Ioweit rate3s So I took my littia girl up On rMY the colore in harmony w itb the rest to the English wMieu the German re- I - kuce_- thte rouai, w hile, if intended for 9a presentatives receive the necessary in- Furniture and-- House Furnishings. Our line comprises everything found in a first class furnitura ware room, and. believing it only doing justice to our business and that our customers may benefit by it,we have added more varieties to our aiready large lines, and our prices cannot be beat. WVVe buy as low as the lowest and are satisfied with small profits, and you will be convineed cf th-, saine when you have seen our goods and exarnined our prices. Parlor Suites, Sideboards, Bed Room Suitcs Hall Rlacks, $1 00,000. A large fni pf money lias heen placed ia my hands by a private person for investment, un approvecl bans on f arinsecuri ty foraame rIVE Or TEN YearP, FIVE ANc oNE IIALk, pER caeTiseteret i bha asked payable yearly. llatisfattory conditions for repayaient Vf iii beý srraged.D. B. SIMPSON. Solictor, Bovenanviiae. Dated Oct. lat, 1891i 4-tf. -OR SALE OR RENT-fouse and -V' . acres fer sale or to rent. itoate Ou Bongg e treet north. The premises consist of a good hanse wfth evary cenvenienca, driving shed, stable, etc. Tne gardon certains a lot of lie chocest fruit of ail varieties. Imaiecial e yoseeioa canbhogiven. For particulare appl> W.FîSnasaIBOWianvillfi Ont 41-tf TrHE CANADIAN STATESMAN ESTABLISIIED 1851 31 par annnm la advance, otherwise 9t.51. Suecriptions alwvaYs payable ab the offtii if publication. Advertising rataes nleq by el-si raet, 10 cents per uine, noaptriai1 .irstissar on, ad 5 cents par lin a cd subsaqeesi in- sertion. Locale, 10 cents par lina. M. A. JAMES, Publishet' MIE M KE m ý Sewer and Culvert Pipes AUl Sizes from 4 lu. to 24 in. Ah*0 Connections. WRITE 1--OR PRIGES. THE ONTARIO SEW[B PIPE Co. 601 ADELAIDE ST. E. FACTORV AT MIMICO, TORONTO. CIRCUJMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. "Speaking et cowev," said the confid- ent looking man,."my grandfather bad more ]iorneod cattie than any other liv- is se~crted INo one mustL ever bc"er mitted te poke anything, net aveu the corner oi a haukerchief, liet an infant's car. Syringing very gently wlib warm water and dabhing dry witb a soitt bandkercbief may be rasorted te if thare is ne doctor within raach; but tbe earis1 suchi, a very delicate organ that profassienal advice sliould alwa.ys be songlit if tbere appears to be anything wrong. FADS AND F4NCIES. Many housewnives wbo desire te beau- tify their homes are conïverting the old- fashioned towel-rack wbvicb wae a min- lature clothas herse into most attrac- tive f ixe sereens. The framne is enam- elled w-bite or te, match the othar f ur- uishings and filled in with plain or f ull gathered China seUh. If silk n 'design of graceful blossoms or an apprepriate couplet is embroidered thereon in Asi- atie wasb sillie. A pai ticûflarly pleasing one je enamelled pale green and the silk used le a rich creamy eue with rose- bude hrocaded on it. These dainty blos- soms are outlined la Asiatic etching silli. Neyer was there such a variety of ar- tistic, and inexpensive pille-as for the divan, couch and hammock as at the present season. A striklng eue is et duli green danin and lias a star and crescent pattern outlined tbareon in whbite Roman flees. 'The ends of tbe pillow are cut in peints and ecd point lias eyelets with lacings of green cord. A piece of white duck is tacked te eith- er end orti 0c 1iu, and te the cover is iaced over that. A 'bicycle pillow is of a ricli shade ot red denim, with emaîl bicycles dot- ting its surface outlined ln blacki Bos- ton art silli. The double ruffle ie cf black silli. A pillow wbiehlisl intended for a lever of tennis ie of blue deuiai with racquets embroidered in white flose on it. A deep, ruffle et white linen finishes it, A pretty and unique travelling pillow fer an invalid bas a cover of tan celer pongee silk with tbese linas outlined on, it: Who rests bis head on me le blest, I bring swcet dreamis and, peaceful rest." Some sweet claver or hope should bce used la stuffing it te make it fragrant. A variety ef pillows in varlous sizes, styles and designs adds mucli te the at- tractiveness of auy home. ing man. r use ru have iii milka a in- dret as a daily task and 1 wae but a boy, A hiuntret and fifty was allollet A FOLDING SCREEN. to a regular milker. And as for butter, 1 neyer saw anythiug lika il. We kepl Wltli oua morninge xork any oee an two tour-herse teame an the rond ail manufactura a llght and durable told- the time lontet wtb il.' ing ecreen and aI very emaîl cost. At tbis juncturaeue et the listanars Hv md by a rai-perler a trame et wlilepered le a near rielghber soe a emd thiug whtch caused the speaker te turu mý ny dasiret bheiglit and ith. Th rea arount and say: paels, eacb panel 62x22 ince, makas "gWchliti does sount pretty big, but, a tesirable sa o ere cen iliere elle Mr. Jone wbo was our rear-, izfoabermsren est reiglibar, art I dan prove il by hlm. " and tour paniels, six teel high and lwo Ail eyas wcra now on Joncs, wlio sap- etedvide, a grot size for hlnl or dia-, pad tle asbes oft hie cigar mut sait:-. ing room. Then panais are to e la oin- "I kaow notliing about the number of cd rogelier wlth linges, and finised cews the olt inan had, uer about the off netly aI the top and, if desired, amount et butter lic made, but I ta icrow lIaI hae wned seven saw milla' rollers rau ha, addad te tha hotlom. and Ihey ail run hy buttermhilk jl 1 Gel soea nbleache d muslin, free China last year consumed 92,400 pounde ef American meats and ýdairy preducts, valued at ?12,025. It will surprise meet readers te learu that Ibis country lasI year exported $1,- 581,891 of sausage casings. Unmanufactured Nwoel was last ýyear sent abroad te the amount of 4279,- 109 pounds, valued ab. fl4,463. Last year the farmers eithIis country exported 331,722 cattie, for wbicb e bey received 430,603,796. -Dried beef, smoked and otherwise, was sent abroad te the-ameunt of 821,- 673 pounds, valuied at $73,569. France imported last year fromu the United States 2,463,994 gallons off cet- ton seed ol, paying $776,317. Amarican corned beef was exporîed last year te the ameunt of 6V,473,325 peunds, valued at $3,558,230. THE TWO O'CLOOK TR,%lN.ý fluenceas e ad, and wasinterested in anytbing that pertained te tbe hab- its of the -w omen of other nations. She always wore ber native costume, but the clotbes of womnen from other lands afforded ber the liveliest entertain- men t. Once an American called on lier -t tho palace vveariug gioves. Tbis was a peculiarity whicb tbe Sultana ceuld flot ul4derstafld. Womnen who wore seemed te ber te indulge in a barbar- eue practice. iDespite their retiremeut tbe women ef Zanzibar visýit one an- Other in their bouses, and this cal is always preceded by an announcemnent of the visitor's intention. A messenger cornes in the afternoon te announce that bis mistress will lbe there that night. No social intercourse of any kind ever takes place in Zanzibar lu the daytima._ _ 110W ALLSPICE GROWS. ~r.'tfn 4i5itfli Bnaha Pajnl Tree. 11owthe Traveler " as Caltedila Tine for T ha, pimente or allspice tree culli- Hiii Train. vated lu the~ West ladies ent Jamacia. Itwas a very smali western town, This beautiful trac usually grow 5 te a art the enly train eut of it that nighî height et about tbirty tact; il bas a lefI aI twe 'clcck. The traveling man straigit trunk, muci branchat abeve, bat impraseet upon lbe nigît porter ot and coeret with a vcry smooti brown the botel the importance et clling hlm bnrk. The, leaves vary lu sizeanmd lu lime for the train., l rmpîl aI but are aI-anys of a dark, shin- 1:3 a roigiusknok rouset l at îg green celer. During lha menthe 1:30caperd.giu c a dtetofJuly and Anguet tic, trac je la full "SaY be ez he mn wat wntsbloom, the bles,;semecenelsttng off vary "Sayl haoyazothetainw t atsfragrant, sinaîl, whbite tlowers. the~~~~~~ tw 'lc ri "W heu a naxv plantation et pimente "Yes," was tbe slaapy raphy from tracs je te la formed, -ne regular sow- witliin.lng or pianting takes place, becausa "Wlyez rau shlape an heur leonger, ilte nexîte î mpossible te propagate fer sbe's se much, lata."- the young plants, or le raise them tramt The heavy tact shuttiet off down the seede in parte et the country vhere bail, ant silence ensuetd. Anoîber bour they arc net ud growing spontane- lad passed, wvhen Pal again knocked. oulshy. lisual y a 1plcet moutan is se- "Sayl he yez the telly w-bal sait ha lected ithar clos-, to a plantation al- wantcd te ketchi the twe o'ciock rendy formed or lu a part efthle Wood- Ibrain 8" land wbere pimento tracs are growmng "Yee j"' and thera was a sourd ot the in a native etare. The choslen piece man hatily epringirg trem bis hed. jet land ýt e husclared et al wood "Well," drawled Pal. ",yez tan go back cxcept these tracs, and the fellet tint- tobe again, fer she's anoîber ýheur ber je allowed to remain ou tbegroand A forcible reark or lwe proceeàdt yeng pimente plants. f rom tlie traveling man'e roem, and At lheecnd et two yenrs the lant le were audible te lits awakcenanighbors, thorougbly learet, mut only tic meet as wae Itie departure et Paàt; but soon vigoreus ptmente tracs aud plants are ail ivas quiet agala, and the fcw orccup- left standing. The plants comte ma- anIs et the helel ware lftI for soea urity in about seven ycars. lima te urdisturbet repose . Juet as Iu favorable seasons lic pimente crop the tiret taaIn streaiçe of dawvn ware is anormous, a single trea otten yteld- tinging t isky Pal once more madc ing a hundret er rmore.pounde et the bis presenc nad, la louas giv- tricd spice. Iabrisacpcc ing unmistakable eviderce et receut white, green, because if left on tbe eutdlicavy slumber, remarkad. - rce tintil ripe tbaî bece their pungent "Say, if yez ixas tle felly wiat wart- taste and are valuelase. The green cd te ketchi île tivo o'cleck Ibraîn, yez barrie are exposet le tbhe sun tor a car shiape 1111 mornin', fer bcdad, the xvck or tan tays, whan tiey loea Ihair blame thing'e gene 1" green cler and turu a reddisb brown. Wben perfeccly dry lhcy are pu m n. bd bags and cas<s tfor exportation. Ms Wenry (reading)-"The boyet The oder andthIle lastaet the pmn a bock agent wvas found on Biank streel le bernies are tbought le resembla a, Ibis morning. Hie ad evitertly beau combination et those et cinnamon. nul- murderet." Mr. Wery <medilatîvely) mcýg ard clovs-hance the tamiliar -"Ui-cr---rcally, now, 1 think that nie",lpc. was gelng meet tee tar."naeasic" Poor 3,oung man- Why de yen tîcat Or trains whicb go witb ligbtening me se unkindiy 1" Fasienable girl - speed 'lTreat vynunnkindly ? Why, wbat de Men spendtIheir limeanadt kili. yon mean ? Haven't 1 toit you I But nolhing mate wlhl evar go w ouidn't mnarry yen?" i As quick us money wil. Cilidren Cryfoar Pitcher's Castoria. 10 cts. Cureý Constipation and Liver Ills.-Dr. Agnew's Liver Pile are the mnst. nerfect madleand cura like magie, ess, Indigestion and ai! Liver lits, 10 1 inl ra h gswt cents a vial-40 doses,.o ipytea h gswt Forsal byai Drggits PRESE RVER, and lay them away Hope lives foret ar, but baer ebldren in akto die eue by eue. Relief je Sx fHeurs.- Distressing LAY DOWN A SUPPW TE R ldnvand Bladder Diseases relievc.d CE in sïï heure by the "South Amxerican ci Cl for beook giving full informaat!Qn, frvO Klî Cure. " This new remedy Ils a cf charge. grat surprise and deligbt on accatunt of its exceeding premptuless iin raliev- J .H~NOH1 ing pain in lia bladder, kiduceys, back ___ and every part ef the urinacy passagesj in umale, or feamie. IL ralieves rate-*2 tien of water and pain in passing it al unost immediatLely.- If you ýNant quick relief and cure Ibis le vour reined i For sale by ail Druggists. iE T 0 A hog mnay ie a squealer, but hae neyer gîves anlything aw ay. Hay Fevar and Catarrh Relicved luk, 10 te 60 Minute-s-Oua short putff et te îilied with each bottle et Dr. Agne v s Catarrbal Powder, diffuses ibis pewder over the surface ot the nasal passages. Paincess and dciightful te use. It re- Havas instautly, and permnanently cures Catarrh, IIay Fevar, Colds, Headache, Sore Tirent. Tonsilitis and Deafucess For sale by all]Jruggists. A RC R Laugliter proves netbing. WVise men o laugli and idiots grin ail tic time. 4O YEARS Of5U CCES Rheumatism Cured ln a Day.- Seuth FOl1$ASRhC E Amarican llheumatic Cure for Rheu-FO matisire and Nauralgia, radicnily cures DIARRHRoA .DVSENTr'EIRY U la 1 te 3 days. Its action uapon tha CoLle cRAM ps syslam le remarkable and mysterio1s. CHOLERA [NrAÀNTUM il removes at once the cause atnd the tl.d c'il ci.iseae immadialely disappears. The Eýtm1m~r FeOt4PLJINTS first dose greatlv banafits. 75 cents. e' CKid --\or -Aduis. ý. For sale by ail Druggists. ' American canned beet lasI yaar svant abroad te the> ainount ef 64,12,263 _____ pounds, valued- at $5,720,1933. WI i INTRD Piles CuLred ia 3 te 6 I4ights.-Dr. No, sir, saitl the man whe mad wav- gnew's Olaîment wil cure ailcases cred, I wvnt lentrio teride a bïeycle. 1 of Itchiug Pilesilu tra 3 ta 6 nights. Ihad th oughts et tryîng il, but I have One application briagsencofort. F or just heard et a petuliar trait la the Bliad and Bediig Pilei silj pearless. machine that caused me te change my a cur e eter, Sait lieui, Eczeema, mnd. 'Brber's Itcb, and ait emupions et the "Whnt's thal? skia. 35 etq. underetaud tbat w ban yen tiret try For sale by ail Druggssts. te ride, if yeu sec anytiing you espaci- Luk lk, ihtigot--omsi ally wisb le avoid, yeu're aims cý Lucktikaligbning et an crnestritain te run jute it. me a darlkbour. Thare's a go deal et trutb je it. weli that settces the whaal for me, 'Wleu a -omn gels, te- le a 1111e I ave enougb trouble %vith bill col- suilky ber waggin' longue becomas si- leclors as il le. ,lent.___________ Hleart Disease Relleved lun 30 Min- iSU.PERPL-UOUJS. utes.-Dr. Aguewç's Cure for lie Hearl glces perfect relief in ail cases et Or-- At last an angehal l appearad and ganic or Sympathetie Heart Disease in asked Mr. Dismal Dawson te have a 30 minutes, anc spaadily eftecîs a cure. drink. IL le a peerless remtedy for Palpitation. I notice- you don't take any watar, Shortucess et Brenth, Smotherirg Spelis, saudthli kird gentleman. Pain ini LeftI Side ard ail symptoiisatl Don't neet it, said Mr. Dawson.,1 a Diseased Heart. Oue dose convine.e been settin' round bara with me inoýutb For sale by all »muggi$ts. -wataiin' for the lasIt'Vree heurs. iJ

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