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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1896, p. 3

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TiE BEU RSU I death, but ha meant detiveranco n neyer ho sick." h- de o TH R A R SA Et when heananouned to us on that mc onfr. a o day, 'Ye shail not seacrny face unless I wýaur JS a soothîng powder for your Dli. TALMlAGE PHEACHES UPO A Woll, 'ay friends, this world is famitne - ' i distress. Lest chidren, have E. UPON A ukoff sin. ht dons not yield a single q?ý J corne te you and tell you that SEASONABLE SUBJECT. crep off salit satisfaction. It ta dyiag. i 1 years pertaps y ou wili moat It is Langer bitton. The f act that ift il- oved ones befora, the throno off --doesanet, cannet ffeed a man's Laart d ut thare s but iitf le coadolonce y.jua Frouît (a2tan» i t zýpt ut et-çvas n'eu iliusfrated la the life off fihe Pt-. Oaa day is a year wiuL thom Cr-t Faminte-striili- fltidTheli English comedian. Ail tbe xvor]d hon- a i en yeara is a arnali eteraity. pasintn,litco it .1îtt>aSý11»ored him-did evaryîhing for hlm tint à 'you waet ta sympatly no-w- SrPn Sui t fL oçrld oujd do. Hf& 'as aplaud- Bi- ta et elp. I corne to iboseo of yo cd inetiEeglaed and lil tie Uni ted V N N ealosf dear friands and say. WasingonSept. 13. No oane t States. Ho roased up nations ie ' 1rvto forgaf tham. Do not kaep fhe borai and bronghi up Lni fLua country laughter. Ha Lad no oqual. And yat, d5tdawy iiyu m. o coalît preacl a sermon like this off Dr. atouhm ypopaspsdLincai 1 yoa forge-t theen nhen every figure entiraly Lappy and tbat thlis w erld n'a" i the carpot, and every book, and Talmage. Ifte sa pastoral and fuit off comp-lotely satistying Lis souiE Le sets elery plot ara and every room calla ouf sees fromn coantry 11e. TIe taxti-t t downanad wriîes: 'f neyer in my lite fLair nant? Suppose I corne te y a0u Genosis xliii, 3: And jtetth spake unto Put onaa non' Lai that if did net ram , 1 say by way off condolenca, "' G-ad mandidsoîmnî pr-nd ruile n. i neyer 'Sent eut in a ývis1"'Oh," you say, ' that gens hirnsaying, The a i olml r-shabby ceaf Lecause if n'as raining 9110no Llp." Suppose J coma te you tes fes sàvinax, Ye shahl not sen and thauglit ail wlio Lad th., rchoice- . say, "God. freen ah eternitv. lias for Infants and Childrenl. ILiRY yrQ 'serratnnof Castoria witli flicpafrouage o! rrdUlions of rOrson? riitnstus eof et withont Reit": tn..t-fr- 4y~~-wt..'-. a -a-a.. - - --'-' rNJbbNauYibb itztVztbiI. zfltztjtttttttbtt CL A-tO-il'- .--±t-A.Âstsizrt-sûtnmswwiis ynrzattnaartc ~-.t- ,a., t ~NAfleinaR-ç, -isati -Pmeetv at tersa t a-innst&ien-nût t irnatu asrnltaitttx AttENtE Salit -t. acjrn'f i-tv r5,.a,,r- a-,flt fa" t iiiiitit-t. - ~ atU- t-a-' <a-a-'m-i t" îyftrrL Nort"f filn off one a driv fo (r a fw uts wit erryFE i,,, Vh d' ee T- i-- 5-ensand $-L0 r~ r-n»gpir bVh.fftfn xv <ee nj orrar0 tf ro àb'0 --A~~ ~ ~~~ ~ u -1- < '7Ï t ~n t le -i ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r. Mrit ti~ stN- Nl~lz~5i- ?'l-t v e t es»i rhjiutuc5-.- .t'nfri nufalia ficeffect% ofcf'orbc ~g~i sor nosoomar 1-"-- or--errin nU- -t, ,, -1 a-e'--'- ______ -. n.- fil wxa an esc a4y, tiUQ0Iiffrik~Ytliraî oThjlban , nfiuliRffllre an - -~ re~vs1Sti~m±numn~mt. tut dia-t iLdiiflfl"4'mtnai-. ~riut~utpiPflieJ ~fl~att~u±mmn±c t j . 4 ~ -J~t 1j3a-1fl4riflffrfli ri~~t -i-a---niflïth' .n~a~mfrve.-3fZYhxv~iatth unff-'rver-.-'-'-'4'--' -a----~~=-------- ______ - '-i 'r LIS t' ...t½tt.N~bttt.t xtttti{t S -lût . tttti>'r 50 LLt.~ i tU. V i ±îrg-~r~hs r a ~ ~ ~ttr- '-rU- Sa' -i-ottIv 4, -t - -1- S ~ ~ tien-n ~t&a-~nr- ttinir oint -~tiIYUILS' t4efltfl t NriP- - ftt>tNt-b'Nt ttlA tttlt t- t Ntttt-tb-b ttat-it5.rnw )-a.-rnluee flN - .ttZ'tfleYte -x-lfli-5jG-, t ~. -jt. t ~1L-N--,N ~-t -,-.,--'..-. --4,ti -r t, i- - - t r -l-----d~. et- ~' n -i -- - - -- - --- - - -- - ~S *t-. ù&JC'r.t,' ~-t.'- t~t.--t t - Z~t' ~--. ~-.~-Ctttttttff&IttWUfltrttIflt~SZien r--tt.1kr ~iirUxrefl.-4 -. f.flflSie'tastt.e~fl'1it', 'r an-t - .. tm-=t'tt*a-r-a-vnsxat~tx-~~~-.r- t-A '- 5t-~TOt.nagntnut tetzVrvtr Çt±F{tttt lit-HUE ttyneparsy-aejg}~{-s~ovcUiîx tt-e--waade -%FV t ùt~ii~tuminri und exnrnau nia naiesi 't? tt 1In~' Aext-whem-t-saya,-" hast -a timmat j JL.±J. -L-L&L-U~OJÂJ.-U.--- i±nng=<aeitn=ut-caur=n-i !.NA-TAa--tlSrot--fl 1I-tt----t--tta taon _____________________________________________ a" i -t~. ~ -~ - i _' -Lesue -G-bris',- Ctteit'S4 bttt~flt 'F 'tnP v'au" ùh~ '-bar ahi-t 4..imitit<Led-'< ?Anil,~41il -~ ~ i t' -t-lt -4t-5frf r t-tttt-.'.-N t Att bttiiatb fltauit-tb jiNtit t-i-.-N15 tii 'reenni-t-a$ntO- t-'t t-A-tt-- .4tbt.t-~ I t-~tr-.t-bt.-5j ett'1 -eoi±a,'-~ee<t j'~ 4 t-ttU-ttt-i-LSb' 't a t -]~te-t~~i~ ~ ~- - Yk.r.. 't »tîV-ta T~tit-,Ui a' I t 4-t t- -- - - --- - t~I41Nt~wr4tnitet-Ps~Oti ,tta'/~~a-t lt-att -tAIt- -<f lt-ta -t-ar-i lin-r- n-n t4 St-e t-t i-n--m-y'- -st-i t-te-N-E - - - -at-o-r -"<-r- r" - a-r'--rr -t- ______ ffit - XIVIun~n--r.t -xi -t tamti-t--v i --ta-.ti.-a--rti ------r. . 'A. . . .a I I t.t_____ t-.-ti NNtrrrttN,,t't tiAN Vt-,t~,. -'<t-t ,t.~N, N V t, ,tta r~ bb-0.-.Lnt-Ltb' y r -<.-t.- ~ --b t Ct LIt -r -t - ~ ~, t t ,i-tam-----ttct '~" ~4t ~fl NO 1- n.,ii-.. -byfi-It-tia'--,---entere~--t nten.a.tit-a'N44=--.-,----*tt - ~'i - FOR SALE DY STOTT & JURY Ild or. rogrdon's Domod for Mk tsi~ ~ ~ d enrM tNîî, andex'c,-,c--of5a---h. o o ee PAId a- i s ýor -ô t, Tit PJ) MOti ,,con anodIvî-;-. Prîica $i.00, G be tefe$5.00. St-ti y unit. sec'ttrciy tatei.Sete f r oan: te k, - lertltrg eu'orMea o1i7y> tiLs YOI ow M a et weii and sîay uci. idrearz<z tîýiz i2E rEgypt tllus ta-are is corn thora cor- respondieg witli our Indian maiza. Huzzal Tihe joaraey ta endad. The lord off tLe crn crib, whe is aise iLs PrimoeVinisfer, Cornes dowa te these newdy arrivefi fravelara and says: "Dinen'irh me to-day. Hon' ix your fater? Is this Benjamin, tha youn g-. er bref ler, wlosa preseace I demnand- ed?' TLe fravelers are infrodtaoed inte dusted off the way and servants Corne ta wiîli abasin off wator la one band anti atowel in tbe othar and aneat dewn bof oye fhes't aawly arrivad n- ale-s, n'ashing off the dust off tLe way. Le bateliers and poalterers and ca- tarers off the Prime Minister prepara the rapat. The guests axa seated ta amati groupe, twe or throe at a table, tLe food on a fray. Adi the lui-unies tram îLheimpoiat gardens and erob- ards and aquariums and avianies ara brought thoreanad ara filliig ohalice -en-Ipiaffer. Now is the turne for t Lis Prme Miaisten, if lin Lad a grudge againsf Benjamn, te sLow if. tVitt ha kil hirnnon- thaf lie Las Lin laia Lînds? Oh, ne! This lord off tLe corn crib is seatod at lits owa table, and Le lools oer te the tables, off is ga-tats, an-I ha seads a portion toecd et thera, Lut s'ads a targor portion te Benjamin, or, as fIa Bible quaintty pots t, "'Benjarn's mess -was fiva times as mach as aey ef theirs." Ba guickaned sead word baekni-fL the sec et .t arne1toteanfanu t0 Âld Jacob flirt "Ben 'jamin is wattl; al bs n'oii; La is t igsamptaausiy; the Egyp- flan 1er- fdid nef meain neunder and appropnia ty caibod "Soenf i-te itiperl ps Ihad Letonccoi thtlit U" Elit'adM ri'c Haad 1" Did not Stephan l ie ut. iraet t-is a dlien bteenupalaces heaven aead soc Hirn standing at the et light and lovais off deaspair. If if lun stock. Fiold aud Gardon right Laad off God ? And does nef ner» a cLamce Letweepý oratorios, yen, Paul speai off Himi as standing at the nighi say. -1 prefer 'îLe Creaiton,'" Seod Potatoos that bugrs wiuu riglit baud off God mnking intercession or, *«I prefor 'The M/essiah.'" But ý for uis f Oh, Benjamin-Jasas!1 Son Lera if la a choice boiwn e atereal Paris Greon iu growing thon off Pnng! Son off Vi-teryl1 Tht deep- L arrnony arâl exentasfing dîscord. Oh%, est enoteons off our seuls enghf tu e b nilyaalit ordta? Xiii :teu sa-lit o'ocds, and. yo ar suetp stirred at the soaed off flat nornen- tLe Larbor or driva on fLn reeks? Wli ~ ~ o r uet clatuara. la yoiir prayers pioad Uts you stan f or the Egypuian cern crib tears, His sufforiegs, His serrows, and or wiil you penish amid the emrpîy Ilia deafli. If you refuse te do if, nil berna off tL' Canaanitish famine? tLe corn criba and thea palaces offÎL ho.aven will bo boItod and barred BETURNED TO FJRieI PIINCIPISES. againat your seul and a 'zeice fren i A Fronchi nvriter Las Lad a vision off the flirono shahl stan you nith t-ho -flic city off the future, Cyclopoliab>' anouncernut, "You -shall nef ana my ne face except yoar brother Le nith you," Th e city n'as full off wlieeta bicycies, IhIIAs -eMy sexrnay popla ds e ef a aaytrycicles,, monocycles, peirotouracars, they Iliïe,-Ra ier ork to Ride Tiîtniséivýes rosis cmfef.Yeuple dnuitan eapieautocars, and thora ta no teliiog n'Lat in These BDrus. realconort.Youmee tenpeoleelse. But ont day the tahabîtians Lad Niue of fienta aie in nead off soea ktnd a sensation. Ail th e n'wspapers is- "When one romjieÊabera." raid a wetl- off condoeance. TIare tas oenehing in sued spociaiLbulletins. A mnac lad beon knen'n Scetiand Yard detactive te the fLair LealthL or ta their stafo, or ta sean waîîieg-yas, walî,ing oe lis oenwnitoerrecently, "fIat inta lisa days ihair dom-esftec condit.ion thaf demanda: legs. teei adyapaei h ol u syrnpathy. And yef mast off the Th ylo ias ol ari'h- toat ad> lc aflenot u et end's s> mpatuey arneunts te absa- imevofaroosbt5 hna;ad L lat somobody cornes ffrorn if or ges lataiy nething. Peopple go te i ha e reag j andort ai siranger, tva are assured I to if fromn elsenhere, tlie question orib, or thay go ta îLe nraug etay. emassod a large fortune by giving les:-j' Whtre amn I to lido'?' becernes te flic W'haa thLeplagua n'as tn Romenaagrt'at sons cen'walking, niioli sean becama flic man>' yoars ago, t hacroevore F0 men fashienable sport. crîmiînal a probiem frauglt it 'fthfle1 nIe chanted thomselea fadaath with most abserbing intereat. Off course, I tho ltanios et Gregory tho Great-lit- SUREHtTHIINO. anrfonngt I1dcto riias eaaly chanfeel tbamaelves te de-aiL Botsy's lietg ailthîe ftie about ;fergers, embozzleis and flic lite-ceai. and yat it did rot stpieplqa tit ai fI maie toti na i annai payieg as lie goes. Do enaa hlek Laicraffty casterners, wloie LaIouftLi otdoes ? plans tlieneught>', and, wLen flic pro- hlt thle pi-gnret the Lýanu heurt. - Sure off if, for thora- is't a place ta par moment arrives, suddaniy disappear il crne i.a empe ar hose aîttt'rits 't oniliera Le ean gai fnustad. as if the earf h lad sn'atioeed Liraup., are une-oui-c'sud 1J .v-rItn Leavon'yoa àlebrated Rouler Flour always 1Seeds, the, best in the market. 1flot trouble.-No neeci to use M. Give us a eau, inspeet our et bargains. "5h11, for ail the foresiglit tliey dis- Iplay, the law lias been fairly successful w ith these folk. 1af or» the days off raiiways if was cornparatively easy,sinc» it was impossible to guard ail tlie roads Iday and niglit, to, steai into a continent- al town, but non' the moment a man is wanted, the trains are watclied, and cite if this faits thore are the liotels, the waiters off which are ie the pay off u th olcand are quick to note thnt Monsiur Aglais is pýale in tlie more- ing, a sure sign off a bad night's rost, that Le cats no breakfast, gets ne lot- ters, recaivos no visitors, and lias a i knack of looking fariîtivoy at the (ber w hen it opons. As a gentleman I was eitcurthtg back te Loedon, a fen' years ago said: " On» miglit as well atternpt to ide la a glass bouse as on the Con- tinent." - . , 1 1 I 1 , 1 T he cream of purest Norwegian ,cod=liver oUl, with hypophÔsphite.s, adanted to the b- w -t- --- -- "99ýý i Il à a ma - Mil EMOM

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