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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1896, p. 5

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1- GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANvILLE STATION. GoIN« EAST. GOING*VEST. Express .... 837 a. mn. 1 Express .... 5 23 a. m *Express....10 1 .m Loc1l...837 Passenger.. ..à 06 .. Psenger.. 2 25 P. m Loral-.....6 45 p.m. "xpress ,7 40 *10 34" STO7T& JURY T wn Ticket igents., Spectacles! Although we have speut years of study lu au honest effort to gain a knowledge of the subject of optics and ai- though we hold diplomas from the three ieadiug colleges of America, yet we realize that this is not ail that is necessary. Th.js, age of the worid is par-1 ticulaYly an age of bargain hunt- ing and every one is on the lookout for the best possible value in every class of gonds aud those requiriug spectacles will be interested lu knowing that we are iu a position to sup- ply ail grades of spectacles and eyegiasses at prices very much beiow other dealers as we buy our stock direct from the factory and carry a larger stock than1 ail other dealers in town cern- bined. EVES TESTED FREE. stott & Jury. N. B.-We seil the best Baking Powder at 15 cents a pouud. Something New. Thý Javal Oplthaimometic is truly a most woudeî fui in- strument. By its use the ex- pert optician cau determine to anexact degree any irregular- ity in the curvation of the sur- faces of the eye and lu this way Astigmatisrn can be scientifi- caily corrected by the necessary glasses. ASTIGMATISM is the cause of a large majority of ail cases of Tr . 7 , 1, Ey 1lii, &c., and those sufering from these causes should caîl and have their eye- sight examined by our expert optician (nso charge.) Stott & Jury cThe Druggists & Opticsans. N. B.-We seli the -hest Baking Powder at 15 cents a pound.' THE GRANDEST A\DVERTISEMENT EXTER WRITTEN Is poor campared to a reputa- tion for keeping honest goods and makiug honest representa- tions regardiug them. It is an established fact that we neyer promise a thing lu an advertisement that we are not lu a position to carry eut. We are contiuuaily ou the look ont for bargains in our lhue that efi1 lut erest our customers and just uow we announce that we have secured a wholesale cousigument of Whisks and are off ering, 1Oc WHISKS for 5e. l 5cWH ISKS for 10Oc. 20c WH ISKS for 1 5c. 50c WH ISKS for 30e. 75c WHISKS for 50c. Gallery open on ail Holi- days. Caîl and see their Carbonettes. Ilarket Square, Bowmanvillc, BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 23, 1896 Local and Otherwise. Attend Orono 's big fair, Saturday. Have you seen the beautiful bamboo furnture aIt L. Morris'? Buy steamship tickets to or from Eng. land fromn M. A. JAMES. M. A. James, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Bowmanvilie. Citizens, use our owu letter box in STATESMAN office front door. Good morning, have you read Thos, Slater's advt. for men on inside page? Window shades and curtain poies ln great variety at L. Morris'. Ail sizes. The unique new advt. of Cawker &, Tait appears this week. Read it sure. Young en or old should not fail to read TIo.Siater's advertisement on inside page. Beware of imitation Watches at To- ronto Fair; rather buy front r. N. Rick- ard, Bowmauviile. A splendid shower fell Wednesday night refreshing Nature and laying the dust for Fair Day. Sir Mackenzie Boweli is again a mem- ber of of the Fourth Estate, having pur- chased the Belleville Intelligeucer. Any person uot now a subscriber may have TiSE STATESMAN sent to their address from unow tili Jan. 1, 1897, for only 25 cents. Three kinds of Sewiung Machines for sale at Rickard's, and Needies, 011, aud e-very kînd and sort of thing used lu and for a Machine. No change of study for Hi gh or Public scol srequired nor in Lh subjects for any of the examinations required by the Department for 1897. It is admitted on al bauds that our Clothiug made to order is as weii cnt and as well made as auy Ciophing iu Çý4uada. Couch Johuston & Cryderman. Mrs D , says: "For years I have beeu nervous and weakiy. I took one doliar's wortb of Miller's Compound Iron Pulis, and am now quite well aud strong. " No lady visiting our Fair should faîl to see the finest stock of New Dress Goods to be fouud lu these Courties- just opened out at Couch, Johuston & Crydermau 's. A, fine stock of Brussels and Tapestry Carpets just received by Couch, John- ston & Cryderman from the wellknown makers JohnCrossley& Sons of Halifax, Englaud. Smart Weed and Beladonna, com- biued with the other ingredients used lu the best porous piasters,makeCarter's S. W. & B. Bachache Piasters the best lu the market. Price 25 cents. A list of leading Outario newspapers bas been comipled by the well kuuwu Chicao'o publishing firm, Iland-McNally for tLir Officiai Railway Guide for August. Only about 40 papers are iu- luded iu the Province of ntario, and TISE STATESMAN is the only newspaper mentioned betweeu ToronÎto ýand Port Hope. The Globe is namned as the best Toronto newspaper. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a secret preparation. Any physician may have the formula on application. The secret of its success as a medicine, lies lu its extraordiuary power to cleause the blood of impuirities and cure the most deepseated cases of blood-disease. What might have beeu a serious ac- cident happeued lastXeduesday evening on Liberty street at the f oot of Lover 's Lane. While Mr. L. Munson, lady and child and Mrs. Mollon werere- tuning fropi Mr. M. Prout's driving Mr. Lyle's horse, it suddenly swerved at the foot of Lover's Lane and sent the occupants of the buggy sprawling into the ditch. reaking the sbafts dlean off and damaging the harness. Ilappily no one was burt excepting a shaking up and a few bruises. The Octoher numnber of the Delineat- or is cailed the Autumnnu uumber, and its many coiored plates of dress modes and mnillinery refiect the rich but sub- dued tints cbaracteriziug Autumual fashions. Mothers will find especially heipful the directious for ftting out the family with autumn and winter cloth- ing. The literary matter shows a con- tinuýance of the high qualit y lateiy not- ed. Address communications to The Delineator Publishing Co., of Toronto, Ltd., 883JRichmond St., West, Torouto. Subscription prîce of The Delineator, $1.00 per year or 15c. per single copy. The program given by the Shaw En- tertasumenit Company lu the Town Hall Tuesday evening was weil received. The presentation of 'ýOlca" writteu by Mr. W. F. Trayes, PortlIope, was re- ceived w ith much interest but the favor- ite of the evening was"Barhara." Miss Wingfield, as Barbara, delighted every- one by ber graceful and pleasing mau- Every mau should read the advt. of Thos. Slater ou iuside page of this pa - per. ~When Baby wuasisck, we gave lier Cattorla. When she was a Chuld, she cried for CastoiHa. 'When she beeame Mis, she clung to Catorlui. When the h"d ChUdrez4 she g4ve th=m Castoria. Bicycle road race, October 9th. tnly 25c for THE STATESMAN to end of 18!95-new subs. Si-,'TESMAN to new subseribers from now ý,e Jan. 1, 1898, for $1. WE ,ýKLT GLOBE from now te Jan. 1, 1898, (cv-,er 16 mouths) for $1 at STATES- MSAN office. Big stccek of Parler Suites atL. Morris' aIl newes, designus.Apesr ohw goods. Cad. ~.Apesr eso Mr. IRickird's special prize is for a "4skirt" anà not "shirt" as stated in this journal rIeceutly. Bear iu mind Swiss watcbes are a bill of expense te yslu; better buy a Geuine American from'Rsckard. We want eveîy present subscriber te order TISE STATESMAN sent te a f rieud or neighbor for tîle balance of 1896 at ouly -25c. Every man and woman whoecomes to the Fair should nd1ý fail to sec "The Queen" sbown bý J.,.Kiveli. She is a, daisy. Beautiful Art Squarýs in Unien Wool and Aryanium in ail si4es just received direct frem Sceotlaud at Ceueh,J ohuston & Cryderman's. We point Monda yigbt this week te allowte Editorial staff tû visit Cart- wright Fair. News letters are condens- ed and some omitted. Now is the time te erder office station- ary-bill and letter heads, envelopes, tags, etc. Always doue neat and nice at THE STATESMAN office., On and after Sept. lst, 1896, we întend doing a strictly Cash business, subscript- ions for magazines and papers must be paid for in advance. W. T.Allen. Ladies' Jackets and Cbildren's Jack- ets and Ulsters, a big stock of both Ger- man and American goods, just opened eut at Ceucb,Jehnstou & Crydermnan's. Ail is not Gold that looks like Gold. You will find this out if yen buy lu To- ronto during the Fair. Geuine goods sold by Rickard belew Teronto prices. Inlaid Linoleum 6 feet wide, the most desirable cevering for halls or dining- rooms wlsich it is possible te secure jnst received at Conch, Johuston & Cryder- man's. Dyspepsia in its worst forms wili yield te the use ef Carter's Little Nerve Pis. They net ouly relieve present distress but streugthen the stomach and digestive apparatus. The news in Whitby Chroniele last week frem West Durham was from Tim STATEsmAN, with one exception, some seven budoeets of news were taken belushbolus, witLout credit. There are many forms of nervous debilitv lu suen that yield te the use of Carter's Iron Pilîs. These whe are troubied with nerveus weakness, nigbt sweats, etc., should try them., TISE STATESMAN is acknowledged on ail sides te be the nîost uewsyaud in ail respects the best and eheapest local journal lu this distriet. Only$1.00 te new subseribers te end of 1897. 'Buy a Sewing machine fromi Rickard, Jeweller. Prices rigbt --enougb saved by buying from bhim te buy sugar and tea for mouths for quite a family. A $55.00 machine for $25:00.-Call. "For years," says Capt. C., Muelier, "I bave relied more upon Ayer's Pulis than any' thinig else in the' medicine cbest, to regulate my bowels, and those of the ship's crew. 'These pis are not severe in their action, but do tbeir work, thoreughly. " By advt. lu this paper it will be seen that a weli kuown 200 acre farm lu tbe presperous township of Pickering is effered for sale by tender. This is a fine fruit, stock anÏd dairy farîn as will be seen from description. Being con- venient to good markets and situated in a, go od neighborhood it sbould prf've a paysng investment at the average price that land brings now-a-days. Don't go 1500 or 2000 miles away for a farmi when yen have a 'chance te get a farma with ail necessary improvements at your own price in eue ôf the best townships lu Canada. We were favoreil with the privileo'e of iistening te a timely and tbouo-htful'ser- mon Snnday afternoou deivered by Rev. E. E. Hloward, Ram pton, to the members ofSoiiua Division Sons of Tem- perauce and the Young Crusaders of the camne village wbo attended iu re- galia. The discourse vas educative lu anticipation of the consing Dominion Ë lebiscite te be taken by direction of the iberal Goverument at Ottawa, and was very clear respecting the duty of electors in voting for Prohibition wheu that privilege is accorded. We hope ail ministers in this county will similarly begin te educate their people 50 that the vote lu Durham may be overw 1, ming- ly pronounced iii favor of Pryîq ,idon. New officers of W. C. T. U ",>îýsident -Mrs. T. Hoar; Vice-Presid -Meth- odist, Mrs. Wm. Allun, Preshyterian, Mrs. John McClellan, Congregational, 3Mrs. Freeland, Disciples. Mrs. Bntchart; Reording Secretary-Miss M. A. Bun- =cm 1Manitoba Fleur. The-uudersigued keep constantly -ou baud for sale, cash ouiy,I pure Manitoba No. 1 Hard Wheat Plour; aise best pastry fleur. Barrel:Salt for sale. 42-tf LOCKHART BROS, Bowmanviile and Newcastle. PERSONAL. Miss Ada Pethick is home from To- route. Mr. Frank Lyle, St. Thomas, is home M.L. Munsen,-Regina ,N. W. T., is vislting friends bere. Miss Farewell, New Haven, bas re- turued fromn Oshawa. Mr, Harry Weeks of tbe News staff, bas gene te Coîborne. Miss Leila Hickts, Dresden, bas been guest of Mrs. S. F. Hill, Miss Rosa WVhite is recovering nicely from an attack of typboid. Miss Annie Ewart bas returued from a pleasant visit in Toronto. Miss Bingbam, Motreal, bas been visiting at Mr. A, J. Heek's. Mrs. Pbilip Rewe of Pickering bas been visitiug friends lu town,. Miss Carnie Gibbard, Watertowu, is guest of Mrs. Thos. Bingbam., Miss Eva Brauud, Port Hope, bas been guest ef the Misses Elliott. Messrs. Geo. Tyler and Norman Jeu- ings speut Suuday lu Oshawa. Messrs. T. G. aud M. E. Jackson, Whitby, were lu town hast weck. Mrs. S. Small and Mrs. Leader, Port Hope, are guests of Mrs. J. C. Weeks. Misses Ada and Annie Lang, Port Hope, have bedu guests of Miss Neads. Miss Minnie Carr, teacher,bas returu- ed te, Chicago, Ill., te resume bier werk. Miss Carnie Allen is vlsîtiug lber sister Mrs. R, C. Cruickshank, St. John N.B. Miss Ethie Knight is visitino' Mrs. (Rev.)H. E. Bayley, at Knowellsville,N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coombe are visit- ing their sou, Rev. Wmn. Coombe, Wil- ton., Mss -.C Jewelh and niece Miss Rul- da Maxwell, lef t Monday for dîeveîand, Ohio. Miss Caroline Stephens, McGrawville N. Yý, is visitiniglber brother and sister here.'ý Mrs. Ann Hortop Kinsale, is visiting bier nicce, Mrs. M. Âî. James, at "ILorne villa."' Mr. and Mrs. Robent McCawOsbawa, were recent gucats of Mrs.Sbaw,Cburch street, Misý McMurtry bas returned home atter ' pending a pleasant holiday lu Quebh é. Mrs. T. C. Niebols, Uxbridge, was guestof bier father Rev. D. C.McDowell iast wýek. Miss Jennie Mitchel, of New York, was airecent guest of bier cousin, Mr. J. B. Mi1>chel. Rev S.J. Shorey of Lindsay bas been invite4 to George st. Methodist cburcb, Petenlýoro. Mrs} XW, Crawford is lu Toronto visit- in h nso Captain Cra*àprd of the &M acýtssasol Mr., W. S. Russell, Berlin, was lu town Monday enroute te Military Camp at Kin~gston. Mrs.' Frank Scott and son, Breoklin, w~e~e.,sts of bier sister, Mrs, Lewis Mrs.1 Aun Donbt, Port Perr.y, bas been visitink. Mî-s. ee. Hooper and other re- lativeý, su town Mr. and Mrs. Burtons, Wbitevaie, visite their daugbter,, Mrs. Thos. Pinglç,last week. Mr. A. T. Lane, Grand Organizer of the Canadian Order of Oddfeliows, was in towîî last week. Mr. Thos. W. Lucas, Boston, Mass.,, reeently visited bis aunt, Mrs. Thos. Blythe, Base Line. Mr. Win.White of Oakwood was lu town hast week leoking after the sale of bis late fatber's estate. Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, Coiborue, bas gene te Texas te attend an Oddfellows' convention in that State. Miss Marguerite Moses, Woodstock, ithe, guest of Miss Mainie and Eva Cryderman, Beecb Avenue, Rev. R. A. Burris, -wiil represent the Local, Union of Y. S . C. E. at tiie Coni- ventiQu at Ottawa, Oct. 6-9. Mr.' Allan Williams received third prize on bis imported collie dog "Mem- phis",at Toronto Exhibition. Mrs. W. C., Miss Ida. and Master Ever- ett Anderson. Janetville, are visiting at Mr. M. Cryderman's, Beecb Avenue. Miss Emmerson returned f rom Roch- ester Fridav accompanied by bier sister Miss Mand Emmersou wbo will spend a few w ýeeks bere. Mr.andMrs.J Baud Masters Fred and Rýod Mitehel and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Me- Lean have returned fromn speudiug a week lu Toronto. Mr., Robert Nunu ef Winnipeg, Man., visited relatives here last week. Ris usece,ý Miss Rattie Keys, accompanied bim home and will remain for an indefi- nite period. Mrs',Arthur McMurtry,55 Roxhorougb street,' Toronto, nce Jennie Brodie, with bier sou, Master Samuel Arthur Brodie Luxton sisters- f -the-bride,' -were--the- bridesmaids, and Mr. Richard H. Mel- Cluug, Streetville,was best man. Many usef ni and costlyv gifts were received by the young cou p e, wbo lef t after the ceremony for a b'ondymoon trip in the East." ChItdren Oty feu'OPItChtr'sCastorlae Il Miss Lillie Butt, Toronto, is visiting ber mother Mrs. Butt, Queen St. Mr. W. Sandercock, iRiverside, Cal., bas been calling on old friends lu town. Miss Heur y bas gone tQ visit ber sister, Mrs .James H. Slutt, Wroxeter. Mr. John Hysop, Pittsburo-, isited bis aunt Mrs. W. Henry, Wellington st. Messrs. F. Hoar, Geo. Porter and T. Paterson and Mrs. T. Hear bave gene te Ottawa. Mrs. R. J. Evans, Teeswater, visited ber motber, Mrs. Elizabeth Henry, Wellington St., recently. Mr. T. and Miss H. Hooey and Mr. Bruce j Ferguson, Cartwright, were receut gnests at Mr. I. Tabb's. Mr. and Mrs. John Stonhouse and daughter Ion, Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Stouhouse, Hampton, spent Fairday at Mr. Jos. Pattsnson's. Miss Cynthia Cryderman after a pleasaut visit of 18 'mouths left Port Townsend, Washington State, Satur- day and is now bomneward bound and will pi-obablv arrive here Friday. BORN. BUNNER.-Aftishe Mefliodist parsonageMyrtie, Sept. 15, fthc wife of Rex. W. A Bunuer, of a sor.. BLEWETT-In Clarke, Sept. 15h, thse wife of J. Almond Bleweft, of a son. Lo9iG-Iu Clarke, Sept, 14, to Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Long, aprelty daigister. MARRIED TAra-WILeOte At tise residence of flic bride's father. Sept. 91is, hy Rev. W. 1-. Adams, Miss Mafilda Wilson, daugister of Mr. Josephs Wilson, and Mr. William John Tapeali of.Dar- tington. LALLY-MOO1IE.-lu Port Perry, at tise Metis odist pareonage, hy flic Rev. D. M. Meçamus, Mr. Wm. Lally, Cohbourg, and Lizzie, dauglifer of Mr. Thos. Moore, Port Perry. DIED. PîICtELL-In Oshsawa, Nelson Piekeli, aged 78 years, 10 months 22 day s. HAisanaî-At Raglan, Sept. lotis, Mary Jane ISarnden,relict of flic laie Raipl i aruden, aged 80 years. HAINEs-At Prospect Cottage Darlington on Wediîesday, Sept. lath 1896, ý, r Jo'nes hetoVed wife of George hain'es, Polie Magis' fraie of Bosimanville, aged 6â years. GOAR-In BowmMuV!ile, Scpt. lts, Mabet, infantf daugister of Thos. P. Gourd. BowEs-In BoWmanviile, Sept. 20, Rehecca, relief of flic late John W. Bowes, Etoru, Ont.. aged 77 years, motiser of Mrs. W. Shaw, Port Bowmanville. A Wosnan's Heart., Derangemeutin the heart and nerves in women 15 followed by varions nerveus disorders,sucb as Hysteria ,Melancholia, Nenraigia, Sle-epleýssess, Palpitations and Pains and Aches in varions parts of the body,.Inlu scb câses streugtbeu the beart and bniid up) the nerveus aistem hy the use of Nilburn's IHcart and iNerve Pis. Fahi Fairs. Clarke Township, Orono,Sept. 25 and 26. Peterboro Central, Sept. 2lst te 128rd. Lindsay Central, Sept 23rd to 25th. North Ontario, Uxbridge, Sept. 24tb and 25th. Ontario, Wbitby, Sept. 28tb te 8th. West Northumberland, Cobonrg, Oct. th and 7th. Wlien Should a Man Swear 1 Man is not a reasonable but a swear- ing animal. Semetinies bis feelings are expressed andibly and at others thcy are se deep down in bis nature that uothing less than valcano wonld thrnst tbem te the surface. If man should swear at ail, svheu sbould that time be ? The church is ilient on this imotant matter and the law gives ne snton te euss words. Stovepipes are provocative of feeling, but corus are far worse. Wix es sbeuld sec their husbaud's corus are kept dewn. This mayv be done quite easily, painhessly, and with absoînte certainty by Putnam's J9ainless Cern Extractor. Bewarc of flesb-eating snbstitntes effered for Putnam's Coin Extractor. Do net fail te read Thos. Siater's ad- vertisemeut ou inside page for men. 1BOWMANVILLE MAIRKETS, Corrected byJ.McMurtry every Tuesday FLOUE, P 100 lbIs........ $2 00 te $2 '20 WISEAT, Faîl, bush . O 00 0 60 il White Fife .... 0 00 i0 60 il Red " .... 000 0 60 il GeesE .... 0 00 0 55 BALsE, Pbush, No. 1 .0 00 fi 080 f il il2 .0 00 fi0 27 Il il fi.... 000 fi0 28 fi fiTwe roed 023 i 0 28 OATs, white il....O.. 00 0 16 fmi.xed........ ... 000 0 00 BYE '...... 000 0 82 BUCKWEAT o............O 00 0 O29 PEAS, Blackeye, P bush., O0 0 oi05U il Canadian Beauties.. 50o 50 il Mummey o O0 0o O45 il Biue, o 000 0 45 BUTTER, best table, e 1b..O 11 O 13 EGos, edoz.............. 000 t0 10 PoTAToEs, bush .........O0 25 '0 30 Wool.............. ....O 10 0 17 Hay per ton............00 0 9 OQ Sehool Supplies. Be prepared for School Opening by getting yomir supplies early. "Big 20"1 has a full stock to select from. W. T.L Allen.a BOWMANVILLE. QERVANT WANTED IMMEDIATE- ky.For genera1 housework in smaîl famiiy. Apply f0aMS. W.aC. KiNG, Beecis Ave., Bow. manvitie. 39 if, S HINGLES AND POSTS FOR SALE. KJAny qnantity of No. 1 and 2 shingles for sale also Cedar poste Appiy to JAs. MOOREY Lot 27, Con 7, Darllugton, or Enfieéld P. O. 20 if 'W ANTED.-At once a few good Yymen to whom $10.00 or e12.00 a week wouid lie an object. Send refercnces. THEs BJIAiLEY-GAF.REr5ON Co. Ltd. Brantford, Ont. f'iOWS FOR SALE,-T,-o good re- VJîw0cows, one tliree-quarters àJersey, the other Durham and A9 rshire. \Viii e11 very clîeap. LEvî MoRitis, Bpwimanville. 39-3w W TANTED.-I eau employ five men 'Yand three ladies to, work at and aronnd borne.A good thing wiris good salary for push- crs. TÎ. IH. LiNSCOTT, 49 BRihmond setW., Tor- onto, Ont. S WASTRAY.-Came on lot 15,Con. S, arinto, yun sotedsow. Owner manvilie. 39-1w. S HEE STRA ED.-Came on lot 32 Cou .5 Dalinro, a rain, about the middle of niy Ower il5prove pîoperty, jpay ex- cc tkahi, ,a. ~WJ. I.m&D Taunton, P. O. 38-3w, WANTED--SEVERAL FAITLUFUL mien or wonm nto travet for, a responsible, edihîhiise,iin Ouýtari,, Salry c780, pay- able $15 weekly and expenses. Position per- man ent. Referenee. Enclose self ddressed envetope. TisaNxTIONAI. Star Building, Chi- Ca" Oi Ill., U. S. iikes to have in bier house a good singinig ean- ary, for the littie feathered songefers' funeful melodies brighten msny a home. To keep tise bird iu soug and beauty use the eleanest and most nutritous food in telie a riet. Ask your g ocer or drnggist for BROCK'S BIRD SEERD. In eaeh 10e 1 lb.pkt. there 15 a 5eccake of BIRD) TISEAT much appreciated by Bird Fancicws. SIOTT & JUR, rUggiSt, 13owmanv!ile, JÔssss MCMUILRaY, brocer, Bowmanville, A. NiesiOLs Fancy Goods,Bovwmanvile, THIE MASÜN CO. Bowmainnlie, flÂwKER & TAIr, Bowmamvilie, Nîc.aoasosi & BROCet 81 Coborne st.,Toroi-toi 1 yr Farifi or'Sale la BY TENDER. Se,,le, ienders will lhe ra'eived forithe pur- chase of Lot 4, in the 2nd con., of th e Township of Pickeriug, iu the County of Ontario, coufain- ing 20.5 acres more or tees. The said tenders may be (1) for the whoie farm, or (2) for either the nortli 105 acres, or (3) for the soutli 100 acres. The one tender may contalu ï9n alternative for cîther portion or tise whole. The saS d farm la oue of flhc hest in the eounty of Ontario, and is beautifully adapted for hiph grade stockraising, welt watered, fenceed, and drained. There are Ue bouses, stables, harns, and outbuildings on it. It is wiihiu 25 miles of Toronto,.and 3 miles f rom tise own of Whiîhy and within 211romiles of Pickering station. Terms of payment are ca sh within 30 days after last day of receiviug tenders. Possession given at once subject fo the rights of tenanf. Tenders will he reeeived no to the lOfth day of September, A. D. 1896. Further particulars cao -be had froin W. V, Ricliardson, Agent ut Pickering, who cdvii he pleased to show lnteudiug pureliasers over ftse farma, and from J. E. Farewell, Q. C., Wluîhy. Tenders muet he addressed to the tmdersigned in a seaied envelope and marked "tender for farm." 18 fd. ARTHUR W. BURIS, Barrister, Ete, 60 Viî'toriafa, ,Torontts, Purest and Best for Table and Dairy NO adulteration. Noyer cakes. Cawker & Tait extend a cordial invitation to aill 4o visit the largest and best equippecl Orocery House in Bowmanville. We direct ail our energies to the buying and selling of CGroce-.ies, and as we are in a position to pay spot cash for ail our purchases, we are therefore in a better position to give the best value for your money. Cash buying means close buying. If you do flotý want to do any business when in town cail1 anyway and make our place headquarters. We will do our best to make it pleasant as well as profitable for you. We pay highest price in cash or-trade for ail farm produce. e;,awker & Tait.

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