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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1896, p. 6

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1~ T1he Most EcollomicalI'C .House Warmer T0e0"Kesey" Orrugated Warm Air Generator. Axey ordinary Hot Air Furnare viel produce beat if you wtt ,ýn.vS' upply tno^hb uel. Ie Kesey " has Svterai epecis1 and valuable features btas tpr is thati h wilI Cive more lcat w i[h less fuel and l. the Most durable lieter mode. The -Ke sy - fire pot enr contructeil of severai eprgit', ttaiuar.' coragated, cast trou S ections (Feet, a) ,ound hliithe lre 9 passes and Uip through wicnte codairpasse wile beng lsaed, and tiis ete section bec g srapped ss:ith a h ary steel casng shich becomnes b'a'ed by 1the fie Srîking le hen ;passlng dIo- usi de ot s'pight sections towards steoke pipe, eit item viartos thse air that passes Up beîween h s steel casing and the galvatezed iron casing, tiis explains why the - Kelsey " bas threce tfles more radiating surface and warm air capacity titan an ordi- eary Ferace. lThe Kelteey "beats every Sroom esenlv, -ireresorvtritcated,vitianice, nîld, heltifL srarm air that erill ot tnjure your farnicere. Th, -1 Kesey wil brat roons 60 feet SThe - Kelsey dors not beat yoer celiar. The 1 Kelsey "lu absolutely gas and dusi g rSend for descriptive catalogue. THE JAMES SMART MFO. Col, BROCKVILLE, Ont. Exclusive Makers for Canada F or sale by Z. 'Worth, Bowmanville. If la stated that fthe Anglo-Egyptiiu expetiltion whieb bhas boon awaiting the risia of the Nulefor an advauce up- ou Dongola, il not. beyond, bas comi- pieted ibas praparations, and bas gono forward. With this uows cornes that of the' arrivai at Lado, a town onr the N\Vhîte Nule c(vtb of Wadelal, the oid haBadquarters of Emin Pasha, of the ex- pedition whicb set ouf somo mnontha ago from he Congo Free Stata under command of Baron Dhauis. What cou- neetion, if any, tha latter may bave witb tho Anglo-Egyptian expadition can. oniy bho conjectured; but iDhauis's- arrivai on thre upper Nile at this rime, and the f act that the Britisb Govern- ment allowed a large numbor of hussara to, jin bis forces at Che gtart, wouid. seem f0 indicafe anme plan of co-opera- t ion befween the two. A simuitaneous advancetof botb expeditions, oue, from the north, the other frorn the south, would place tht tribes wbich bave rav- 5oged the Soudan hotu eau two fires. and so force tioir surrender, or refreat to bass expýosed quartera lun Darfur. How- ever ibis miay bo, it non' seema humpro- hable that fthe advanee to Dongola will ba atteunded with very serlous f igbc- ing, the. remnoval1 of the domviseeofn the supplies uauaily kept at tbat point, eoutb lin Korti. indicating that their stand wil ho made thtre. or at anme other place nearer their base at Omn- dumman. Iu thut'ovent, )dugola may be takon wifh even ls& bas than was Firkehb, and the eai f ield of action be pusbad further t. the soutb, in the triangl,5 betweeu Bonit, Barber and Kbartourn. The resiatence- offered by the dervisbes even there may, how- aver, Ibe, las fiere than has beau anti- eipated, throir crushing defeat aLt mm- keb lu Joue by the Egyptian troops baving consida-rably aliaken tho, self- eonfibsuce of the Brggaras, upon whcsa bravery and fauaticismn the kba- lii a chiefly relies. Dofeat hy Britiih froopa wouldnt But his great Voyage that opened tbe route arouud thre Cape Of Gond Hope, las worthy of the national jubilea wi4b whicb Portugal isili honor if. The f hree days heginniug xi]h July 8, 1897, wiit ho public holidays, with guns,, balls, fireworks, and banda joining lu thre jubilation., There iill ho religions anud patriotic coromoniats, with momor- ials. monograplis, oud historical ad- dressas. Tlrere will ho scieutiflo confer- onces, exhibitions of Portugal's contri- butions to the art of navigation, and a groat plaulaplxere to illustrate ber dilss'overieE. Thre will ho--foira, pro- cessions, illuminations, and public sports, th--sa last .ine-luding a regatta and a rifle conteat opon to ail nations, and ni course a bicycle cosupetition. All nations, tno, are iuvited ta seud shîps tf0 represont thean, and f0 aid in honoriug the event. , ýf bis tsaua in- vitation tlat nuglit to ho accepted; for whilo Portukal f ound xealtb and fanle in Vasco da Gama's great acleveme,,,ý othr nations, ton, profited by it, and cousequenees of vast imnport to mnan- kind fallowsed Uai pioneBring' 0of thIe sea route to the East. Fuller detailîs oftiE azrsaacreo f Ar- meutan.s ia Contautinc:Ple, f olloxing the seizure of rixe Offtoman bank by Armeniau.s under the direction nf tbe Armenilau Revolut ions ry Corumittee, do lif la to its harrors. The nain- ber kilied, e stimatad in the, despatces ai from 4,000 to 5,000, is prnbabiy con- siderably exaggerafod, but that the but ch ýry -%vs attencird by ai! the hn- derscIa laatrccifica n hicb accom- painT a Moslom alaughter of Christians, che a ospms no doubf. The w'ork of massa cre and pillage eytanded over -sev- oral days, binug renewed lu diffament pa rf,- of flie city, and waas carribd ou wifIr fthe tonnivanc2. if not et the di- rect instigation, of th-- .toîte The ,,everest test of manhood ta nov- er foun inbu gond titues, Lut onlly in bard ftûmes. If la not the man who bas success whan others ara doing well, but it i the man who keeps up bis courage and strugglea on wban every- body e1se la waverîug or going down, who is the bero in, the sigbt nf God and meu. Ifta. aua easy matter to make good times xvbon both wind and tide, are lu one's favor, or wheu oue la movtng wîth the carrent; but it ne- quires character and skill and daminig to make haad in. apite of opposing for- ces or-f0 onok suceessfully against the carrent. VALIJABLE BOOTS. A frash exnimpla of legal acumon cornes fromn a _Krench police court. Yeu soy you have heen robhod of n pair of boots, said tha magistrate. How mucb were they worth? Well, said fthoe omplainant, they coat me originally taveive francs,. L'ut I bave had thjem resoled four cimes, at an oxpensa of t1iree francs eacb luxe; st. that uaka,-s aicogethar tw euty-f oun francs.. Clark, said the. jodge. write: Oua pair of boots wvorcb tweuty.four francs. "Fecr Over Fafty Years. " For ovor ifry year M:ais. WîNSLOW'S SooTHING Si-nUP fasbeanusead by mnil. lions of inothîs fier thoîr chiîdren while tcething. If disturhed at night and brokeri tf vour rest by a sck child suf- foriug eand cryîng with pin ii oCnttiug 'I'eeth saontaiotce sud get a botîbeocf 1,Mrs, Wenglow's Soothing Syrup'" for Childreln Teemhing. h WEIl ralikeVe the, pont litle s îtsýrt-r irntndiately. Depeud upon if,nî,thE>z s,the ne lario mistalce about lb. It eores Dartano iisthe Siom- adi aud T3owe1s, curas Wend oli, e, si os the un, reduces ýn5lan.matiten, and retvesrorno sud euorgy to cao xvhole system> "hirP. Witislow's Saothing Syriip" for children ceethinug la plaarit 10 the faste and la the, prcription ni oue of the oldoit and hast ferese physeiciens and nurses lXI aý luctbe. Sold by ail dmoggîsî.s chroughriut thse worid, Be sure ard wss for -"M R WuSLOW 'S SOO"au'ava SYsUP." -Chi!cdrn Cryfor cari couLIS NiSLL atJy udeortas tta SîUt.y ( ~ C. mEý,RRl-AJJlCo., J'ublasflers, on findi-g agn marbet, the timeq to ~Snrinefleld. Mass., 'U.S.A seit a hore hing as a rule, anv urne wheu a purchaser, is at band, and as there is no telling_ vben hits may be, it la far btter, to have ait that, are 4 for sale kept constantly i gond sale condition. r1 r "As regards the expense, a peck of , W mn,. R~ad Ia I oats a day xxould ho a very iMeral bced for even mature horses that ucre out f0 pasture, and ' here are plenty of u i r b ,K le trotting-bred stock that if given aic obiK llr+ sume any more than that quan tity, . ;"""The, stili, the extra expeuse oF ibis would v;. Only fleinedy be only aboat e2 a cnUoujtl, and but very jeu months oï auch îeediuig w ould beu That required to materially irnpro'e thie Removes. conditico of any animal lu faily goodTh hoatthwhulo t ouglt o take 'butaTe short time, to get even the pýoort1 True Cause Nwith any sucbli eed, in gond condtion. O f Disease Late in the season, ulsen the pabturesFrn are dried u h and the fîes so, trouhie-ThSyem some chat the boises are found, to be h ytm losing flash, a certain aninunt of green 11 j1_1 fodder corn, or sometbieg- of tie sort, Ail diseasesa ae adsed by ï raised for that particular pur-po.sep, can microbes, which are living ý<à a,"o ha very advantageousty led. Stili mgerms in the blood; andl theseJ for ail semsons of the 3ear, the wI'itOl7 microbes cause inflammation, ~ w ould regard oats, at the present fermentation, and daecay. prices, as the motet advantagýeous, feeo, particularly for cur ligbc harness Tlhousands ho r. ot to grass is rgarded 1i 0f persons willi testify toý its hy many as a panacea-for n great var- wonderftùulpowers. ieyof ailanents. IL is true tbat grass , Senti, foi' circular. is a very natural feed, and that where sufficiently luxuriant, y'oung stock in yhu particular apparently thrive better on M if the shoos are taken off witcb the rest and thoemnuatnder the most natuiral j LQNDON. ONTARIO. condition, nature la ofteu. iven a chance to materially remedy the& effecL of had shoeing. Under sncb, conditions nature doos aiso cure maury an injury, still, there are plenty of horses, and particularly thoso that bave long been Sm fthe hutterjue nianufactuir- kçepf up and quife heaviiy grained, ers are gcttinig tired anti quitting 'Lt that xvould nearly or quite starve if business., The cow may get ber rightsý obliged to picir up theix own living in. Th. a vey lrge roprtio off hepooesî ere is a good doat said aboutivashe astu arepoorino, h res îug fthe udder of the cow,, but rn' "Xer s ago it was the boast of ai- enoughsi bu asigteiad most everof the rmilker. moteoy farmer that bis colts had Curb the spirits, the legs and the neyer caten a spoonfui of grain, and v o o the boy wvho drives the coçwS. in far Loo manry cases f bey certainly Ta sa lc heeyý tooked it. Now it La almost the excep- ai epaewbrey â tn afforti tion chat horses of any age or bree doaeaso'by arkept; for -any considerable lengÉb AdogweIl traitîed to drive eowa,, are and ona that the cows know, ia a veit- of time safely op hay, and lu many ua'î i nih am lgtbtI instances grain given while at pasturle ladontefr.A ogtti4 proves quito as advantageous, and lunflot tbans trained is usualîy a nuisança somne cases ias sarcely ile needfuî than about tha bord. w ith the hay w bon in tbe stable." CLEVER JAPANESE GARDENEB.S, DAIRY NOTES. Iu districts in Japan whcre fruits ari There is money in the milk-pail if vegtables are liable to stffer from cr if la kept dlean. ly spring frosts-or. to spaakmoe. The separator cugbttof0de lu use lu iogically, late spriug frosts-tbcy carv- 1every daiîy. It will pay. f ully preserve ail the prunings of thoir Good butter is a choice article of trocs and make heapa of them in vanî- dief. Poor butter is au abomination. ous outlying portions of the orchards,; 3 At presont prices for grain, the co',ýv hen the frost likely to do injuryV ouhttobae ranra4iQna right is imminent, tbey start oua of dbae 1 ougt tohave rainbrusb fires in the direction from whibh aiong. the wind cornes, They only mair ître,ý, s If ia not ouly cruel, but nubusinoss- enough to mako a smclce. To make like to deprive cous of pieuty of good a f irebas a teudoncy to briug the É ator lu summer. cold into the orchard rather tlian to, 1 The quesiion of shade lu the pasture koop if out. beat rarifies or lighfens is au impotant onue, toc dimportant lu the atmospbere, sud the cold or beiýav- ha neglected. 1 me air presses forward unto the vicuum t Hava you stopped selliug butter ai; madelty the, heat exp dd. Tbe-ý de- the country storei Iou must, if sou pend ou the sme l oud.ot the b' eat are to, make a scecess of the dary. for pr otetion . Flthrs atra

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