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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1896, p. 7

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DISEASED LUNGS, OURED BY TA.KING A1TT1rv cwCherry "I contracted a severe cold, wbich settled on 1 aungs d Idid wbat is ofteu chîne il suhcsengected it. I then consulted a doctor, wbo fouud, on examiflifg me, that the upuler Dart of the lef t long was badly atlected. 'hemeedicines he gave me (10 ll ot seem t do an ood, and 1 determhîcd to tryAye's hery ectoral. After taking a few doses my trouble was relieved, dh- foeIhald nîsbed the bottle I was cured."1 -A. LEFLÂR, watcbmaler, Orangevilie, Ont. Avyrs Cherry Pectoral- IIHEALTH. TI-I HOMIE DOCTORZ. Many per.sons, wbo are unable to drink coffee made by the ordinary boil- ing process, find no bad effects froin the use of coffee made by percolation, that is, by enclosing thse coffee in a bag of sorne kind or in a wlre ganse strainer and pouring thse boiing water upon it. Thie rnethod of coffee--mak- irg should always be used in bouse- holds wbere the members breakýfast at different hours, and w vhere only one Pot of coffee is made. In addition to being more w holesome the coffee is -o-atly ai ;rto eny pojssible by thse 'Every Per.soil ehouléi ocýupy a siogle ter in what eLe you economize, there is a criminal folty in economiziflg in bd.Every parscn needs bis o'xn bed more than lie nck ý-hic ovwn air or For dysentry a physician rec(3mmen.ds one drachm of powdered cinnamofi, mixed with a few drops of water made intrc a bail. Take it morning and evening, wasbing down wilbli ainoouth- fui uf water. A bran-bag be one of tbe mosi 7rate- fal of ail toiet accessories. It i5s ,ore clea-nsing te the chin, and mucb more refre.sbing. It le made by filling a STIRANGER TIIkN FICTION~ IS THE TRUTH'CONCERNING JOHN GIBBONS, 0F EAST LONDON. Mie Il ns Toi tured 'viitt he iluïs Of Sciatie lt:âenî,,t ism-Trl uIý»Ocf Ors, AI, sor'ts or lecillfîe and tWeiit t t pto ii"l je I il-ti W li un,i' piluk PUIS Cured lhutit WhleitAit lse ucUnît F&Ie(. FronM thse Lceidon- Advertisex. There are two things in thiS -world whicb Mx. John Gibbons, a resident Of Queen's Avenue, will henceforth place, implicit confidence in. Onle is thse judgment of his wife aad tise other the curative qualities of Dr. Williams' Pinks Pilîs. Iu his case the tn o wcnt hand in hand, Mrc. Gibbons tisonglt of the remedy, the pis did tbe yest, and to,-day Mr. Gibibosjeewll man 1AeT ,lst Liii lie was vîrtually a oripple. An Adv eCer reporter called at tse hou-Se the other evening and wýasuset attbe door by Mr. Gibbons, to.whot u .told the object of his visit, and was cordial ly invited iu. The reporter had nu cooner got comfortbly scated when Mr. Gib- bons went intu an adjoiniug room. Thp, sound of clinking bottles floated fliraligl A--ladfMrGib- bons reappeared ha had in bis arIns a whole basket of botties-al l e bas to show for mauny and many a isard earned dollar spent in uuceless drugs. As Mr. Gibbons was busy sh1owing tise bull-les and descanting upon HiL.- i1otency of thse medicines they lîad contained, the reporter ladabundant opportunîty of Imarking ithe personal appearance of the Man . Hiespýseech btrays bis Englisis Ibirthi and bis face stili bears the marks of sufferiug, but bis frame if ereot. bis -stepi is liitxanti-eiastic, anti when he YOUNG FOLKCS ACCOMPLISFHED GIRLS. A girl sboujd learu to niake a bed, To balze gooti biscuit, cake aud bread; To bandle defrly and broom, Andi neatly tidy 1-p a roomi. A girl should learn tu darn and mend. To care for sick, the baby tend; To hav e enuugb of style and taste To trim a bat or fit a waist. A girl sbould learn to value timne, A picture bang, a ladder climb, And flot to almaost raise, the bouse At sigbht of a little harmnless mouse. A girl shculd learu to dress witb speed, And bolti tight laciug 'gainst ber creed; To buy ber chues to fit ber feet; IL fact, above ail vain deceit. ký girl should learu lu, keep ber word, To spread nu farther gossip beard, Home or abroad tu be ai ease, 1 Andi try ber bisi lu cbeer anti please. A girl shoulti leuru to sympathize, To be reliant, stron, andi wise; To user patient, gent le be, AndI al-ways truly -womnanly, A girl shouid learu to fondly bold Truc wurth of value mure tban gold; Accompisbe'l tbus wilh tender mein, Reigu, crowned w ith love, bome's cher- LW FRAT SUCCESS INVOLVES. A young girl, nbh a hadsbown con- siderable talent, as a publiG reader wvent lu London sud applied for an en- I O0%LD GOLD Ciartts W. S. KIMIBALL & Go. ROCIZESTEIR, N. Y. RETAIL EVERYWHERE 5c. PrPcae 17 FIRST PRIZE MED44S. Fr I -- ~ -~ - ~ I 'lut,__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ - lV ~ ~ j;>.-;;;,>< ------ 1-. 41>--- -k-- 1 0 -1 j

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