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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1896, p. 8

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K ~b46444444464é4446é4é6446644*ê44*****~ need a Fail Suit and it can bc~ made to gi-e such plendid healthfül warnth that you'11 hardly require an clvercoat al season-just by seeing that it is interlined with Fibre Chamois. liNo weight or bulk will be added, ~ /b ut the natural stiffness and spring jl o f this interlining will keep the garments in their proper shape, and ~ t its perfect non-conducting proper- ties will keep out every breath of ~ frosty air or damp winds, whiie the waterproof Rigby process makes it proof against an ail day' s rain or orm. Wonderful value at slight expense Only 25c. a yard. n't buy any ready-made garments which haven't the Fibre ils Label-you'll thoroughly enjoy the comfort it gives, mvvwlw "THE QUEEN". TOP ERFT STOVE. Patented February ist. 1,Q96 Agents Wanted. Cleanest Stove made. No ashes j I orfire Calio'et on the floor. Only ostove made u hich is absolutely thlite in hall the time; a fire al tetme; a saving of 125 to 50 per cent of fuel. See that vertical i~vîifflh~Ht Hot Blast Draft Tube. Feediug' ~ the fuel with hot air ail the time. Il ~ J~ i heating machine than it is a stove. j It c'in be regulated like a lamp. Y ou can hîav~e oulr reom niîy temperatureyenwish, XiII pes- itix ely keep a slow burning fire 48 hours by putting in one large h stîck or knot. W ill heat a room ~ ~îH' ii~IiIIlI~ [ twenty -feet square ini ten minutes Sin cold weather, or no sale. Ab- l,~Y1î~III~solutely air tighit and the cleauest _____steve in the -world. No opeing of any kLad. No ashes, dust or soot Cali get out. No trouble te, operate. One fire lasts ail winter if you w.ll put in a stick of wood ever', twelve hours. Keep ire alnig,-lit' any uight aud every night. Is a hauiýdseme-stove, the outsîde being Russian Iron, liiued with Steel, and ueeds lie blacing . The most powerfuLl wood-heating steve on earth, anytwil lia Slthe tue lto fthe average wooec tovo. Burus laireknot-s, chunks, Chips, cobs and tîash. Neyer require te reinove the asîmes ouly once every eue te two rnonths. Will take stick 24 luches long by 10 inches thick. Nex er wauts the wocd "Plit up. Yeu sax e that expense. It burns our -wood lu large chunks, It nal1ýes a rogular keat audiasts long er. Is the greatest ire keeper iunfthc world. Parlor s'eve. Best lu the worid. It wili heat your iparer ln ten minutes and be as Clean as v 01r lace curtains are. Sitting Boom Steve. Because yen make one lire in if, and with ordiaarv caroe au be&run al w inter, the sainems a Base Burn- er, wîth hait the expense ef fuel and ne dirt or asImes. Bcd-Room Steve. Now yen have the fiuest thing lu the world. Put iu a large stick at uight aud set draft cover just a itlte te eue side, gix ing a very small amonut ef drauglit, aud Yeu will hav.e a slow tire ail niglit. Dining-iRoom Ste'.e. Becauseoun ienLt your room lun ten minutes, then close up the steve and it is ready for the next meal. Patentee and Manufacturers, MEYER BROS, 87 Church St.,l Toronto. ~JOvHN N. KIVELL, BOWMANVILLE. Sole Agent for Durham County. You can feel brîghter and do more work by drinkîng COEYLO"'N TEA It's a Stimulent. Lead Packets only. From Grocers and General Storekeepers. H. P. EGKARDT & GO., TORONTO, WHOLESALE AGENTS. BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 23, 1869. CADMUS. Mrs. D. Pollard and Mrs. .J. D. Storie of Osh- awa and Mrs L. M. Ceurtice, Courtice, visited their brether, J. L. Pewer, Esq., recntly. HAMPTON. Visîtors: Miss Fursier, Oshawa, MsBraund, ENNISKILLEN. vîsitors:-Mu. end Mrs. Shipmaiî, Oshawa, geisef aMr. R. Eyers; Mrs. Wheeler, Scerbore; Rev F.oMIht and wif e, Ilespeler,guests of Mr. F. Rogî.rA.Mr. W. C. Virtue of Rush Medicai Uolerea'nud Mr. E. vintue, Nerthi xWestern; Denut l oliege, Chilcago, are visiting iriends, Dr. J. E. Browei, wtt e and son, late et Arkonam visiting relatives liere; The Misses Arnot, Taun- ton, guegseof Mr. A. Arnet; Miss L. Mills home afier an enjoyable visit je Toronto. A 31ESSAGIE TO MEN, PmOVIîxGTRAT TRE HONE5TY AND TRUE PHILANTROPY STILL EXIST. Port Hope, ai Mr. M.' Ellits ... Miss Eva Clativorthy at Blackstoekr. Fred. Howard If uuy ma, wlio is weak, debilitatod, bas gene te Cloyne to take charge of the Meth- or who is suffering from any of the edist mission, .. .Miss Annie Ashon et Eow-y nianville .M. W. Allie lias a heu that donis a various troubles resulting from youthfuh black rover te winter and white inseemmer. folIy, exCossos or o'.erwork, wÏili fake heurt aud write te me, I will send hlmi SOLINA. coufidentiaiiy and free of charge flie Mr.W. . ambhassod et ls tor bui-plan pursued by whieli I was complet ely ness here te Mr. Dan Tramner, Enfield ..Eldad rosoe dt efc hatiadmnod churri, was nIcely illed Sunday ý. . icH.ow- after yoars of suffering from Nervous ard ably handled the treperance question . D..ebhîfy, Loss of Vigor and Orgunie itecent visitors. Mrs. Walter, Markham; Miss w eakness. Ettie Hall, Enfield; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Van Dyke, Courtire; Mrs. W. Merly,î and Editor I have nothing to elsouand therefore aed Mrs. M. A. James, Bowmanville; Mrs. Ann wumt ne rnoucy, but as I kuow thionoli Hortp, insle, t M. J VanNes' F jp Mr, W. . Joltow lias leased e farm nerîl i e my o wa exponienco liow te sympathîze Oshawa wiîli sucli sufferers, I am glad te bc able te ussist uny fellow-being te a cure. I BLACKSTOCK arn wcll awvaro of flic prevuleuce of - quackery, for I riîyscif wus deceived The Frayer vs. Cartwright Ceuncîtl case, i Snoî and imposed upomi untîl I nearly lest settied. 'Tli arbitrators set lest Saturday .. fait h lu maîîkiad, but I rejoice te suy Cadnns Presbyterian ehurch is undergoing re ta r o ofcl elaJlup pairs. Rcopening serv ires will bie held te irtnthtIa opeftyvlanhpy S1undey in Ortolier. Eev. J. M. Cameron oet once more and am desiioiîs therefore te Crebek -lpeech .Clarke Lattimore wlo makze this certain mrenus of cur -irc '1pie ko'.yn !S iu Mimjýce Asyinm iS inîproving .... MIES Mimatoai. f uwlirteemeynea Mimne wcnt te Toirente Wednesdey te enter the t l.I OIwl rt om o a Ceocrai Hospital as e nurse te traiiiing. 5hle rely upon being cured and the prend wlll bcielionnlssed by thl Preshymnian chueli satisfactioîî of lia'. g been of g-reat et nie ekstock. Miss Mande llooey went io Service te eue ini îîed xviii be suffiieuf KigtnMonda y toenceer thec hespiral there for eli 1.a pure e luCadmue Presyteriaîn rewai'd for my trouble. Absoinfe churchwill cdi lier ver, imerL, es iisead (-secreccyassurcd. Send 5e. silver te whohlis bren, et tOc , i- wih hlii ser wo e an5iucemi.GoG menthe, retun, o, ek.edî Stroag, INorth Bockweod, Midi. Kinsîn fnuced Kerrîg ieinunpeor lhcc1tl. G.Hr eorge Larti. *dCfamnilyitalk otgoing XANTED--SEX ERAL FAITHFUL cPe terliorougli leli, C. E. mneetings arc VV ii nor 'o onen te travel for e responsible well ai cnded. mev. nR Phaîe re oched ail establi4ied lieuse ie Ontario. Salary e7s0, pay- universary sermonîs le Ja -ville lest Suiîdev* .able iii werkly aid expenses. Position per. Rea'. eD.P. Oswaldtoote h îe serv ire. leGirt unet. REference, Entcersell addrasserd wright .. r alcy lis downwiti llTypteed ]stap elexvelope. Tu4E.-,AitoNAL, Star Bauld- reve , ng, Chicage, Iii. . . 5 Mors iyMo rris. Folding sciecu, Enima MeClellan. Do., oiliaited panehs, Lily Morris, Ethel Meriîs. Dccorati'.e painting ou linon, Ethel Morris, Mis J R Houard. Do.,onhbolting- elofli, Miss Drummoîîd, Lily Morris. Do-. on Kid, Ethel Morris. Do., on celiuloid. Lily Morris, Ethel Morris, Do., on china, Lily Morris, Miss ]Drm- mouid. Puoto frame painting, Ethel Morris, Mis Parneomib. Photo frume embroidery, Miss MeLaughuin, Aunie.C *1 o o8 RZ Worthi, lst prize,set of butter seules price $4, for best Durliani bull and 4 of got, Sain Aluin. R Worthi, lst prîzo,set of butter seules ptice $4, for best grade lifer 2 years, A C Aluin. C M Cuwker,lst. prize $2 cash, for Thoro-bred Cotswold slearling ewoGeo Gray. Troubles of a Clergyman. Hie and Ris Family Are Wollderfully Blessed by Using Paînes'sCelery Comfpounld., WEST DURHAM FAIR. (Centinued frein last îveel5 9 tILASS J vEGETABLES. JUDGES: John Hliggiabotiam, IR Poster. Wiater Cabbage, A Hebbs W Dus- tan. Earlv enlibago, A Ïlobbs, H Fletcher. Bcd cabhage, H F'letcher, W Dustaît. Cehery white, 1 and 2 H Fletecher, Cehery red, 1 and 2 H Flet ch- er. Cabbuge savoy, A Hobbs, Mrs Parucemb, Cauiifiower, C Fletcher, A Hebbs, Onions red, S Allia, H Fletch-. or. Oumons white, N Sehby, Wi C Black- hurn. Onion potato N Selby, S Alliîi. Onions yellow%ý, J Mudoch, A Hobbs. Onions pickliug, J Murdochi, S Jack- ma. Boots lonîg, Mrs T Ward. Nokes & Dillon. Beets turnip, Mis Paracomb. J Murdochi. Parsnips, W Dusta, IH Fletcher. Badislm scarlef, 1 and 2 Il Fletchuer. Radisli turnip, J Gaud, II Flefecher. Tornatees. R. Collaeott, Mit T Ward. Cori sweet, W J Laugnaid, J Rundie. Maugolds long red, L Rob. bins, U Young. Mangelds yellow o-obe, U Young.- Mungolds, any, kiud. ~TYounig. Carneots whit e, Beitlî' Bros. Mis Parnicomb. Carnets lonîg ied,J Murdeehi, JRuadle. Carnets short red, T Woodley, D J Gibsen. Turaips, Geo Gray, U Youing., Squash, R Colhacott. W Dutan Pnphias,W C Blackburn, W H Williams, Citrons, J. Rundle, W C Blackburn. Wateimehoas, W C Blackburn, H Fletcher. Muskmwlons, W C Blackburn, D J Gibsomi, Potatoee ealyv,H Fletchmer, E Beliman. Potatees any kiud, Mis Furîîcomb, H Fletcher. Potatoos collection of,Mrs Fariicemh, A 3Hebhs. Largest Squash, 1 and 2 HI Fletcher. Assortîneîît vegeiables, 1 aud 2 H Flot cher. CLASS K--rLoW.ERS. JtuDGES: Thos Burden, W Philp. Grecîmheuse plants, Miýs T Tapson, Mrs. Kilman. Window plauts, Mis. Tu psou. Sriapdraguii, J W Sparling. Ba Isanîs, Mis T Ward, Mis Garnsby. Coxconîhu, Mis Xard, Mrs Dustan. Stocks, Mis W Pearu, Farncornb, Asters, M Secor,Mrs Ward. Verbenas, J W Spaniiug, Mis Farncomb. Pa- sies, Mrs- Pearu, M Secor. Petuas single, Miss MeLaughlin, Mrs Ward. Petunlias double, Msis Gamsby, Miss MeLangbilia. Sulpiglossis, Mrs Gamns- by, Mis Wuid. Phlox Drumimoadii, M Sicor, Mis Farncomb. Pinks double china, H Fletcher. Auinual cut flowers, Mrs Wamrd. Eveniustiag fiewers, Mis Ward, Mis Kilman. Zinnias double, Mis Ward, Mis Gamsby. Premîcli Mur- igolds, Mis Guîusby, Mis Wuid. Por- tulueca, Ida Shaw, Mis Ward. Ger- auiums double, Mirs A C Allia, Mis Kilma. Geraninms single, Mis. Kilman, Mis Pearu. Balsamns in pets. Mis Wýard. Fuchsia double, A Hobbs' If1s Tapson. eihlasalMis Tapson, Mis Kilman. Rose plant in bloom, Mis Tupsen, Mis, Kilman. Specimea plant in flo'.veî, Mis Tua son. Fherai design, Mis Tapson J W Spur- liug. Floral basket, Mis 'apsen, Mis Purnecombe. Bouquet table, Mis. Pearu, J W Spuning. Bouquet haud, Mis Pearu, Mis Tapseai. Afriean Mar- ig-olds, Mis. Waid, CLA55 L-LAmIES DEPARTIIEST. JUDiG,: 'Mr J Brown, Kensin-ton Hlouse, 108 Yoage St., Toronto. Ifnd. quartons for Ladies'Pine Underclothing. Paucy Knitfing with cotton course, Mrs W F Allen, Mis L C Sînifhi. Do. fine,' Miss Row'ýe, Gertie Youimo- Do. Wool, Miss Youug, Emma Mcël'elaui Ernbroidered centre piece, Miss Drum- moud, Ida Shaw'. Cnt-ouf Ernbroidei'y, Mis T Smnith, Ethel Moi-ris. Picture Scarf, Mrs J R Hleard, Ethel Morris. Table Scaif, Mis T Smith, Ethel Merrls. Crochet with cotton, Mis. Pearmi, Mis WV E Tilley. Do. with linon, Emma MeClellan, Miss A Porcey. Do. îvith wool, Mirs L C Smith, Miss MeClellan. Ouf une weîk n silli, Mis J R Heard, gertie Younig. Darlîlîmo lu net with ~lneim or cottoîl, Gertie %ioung, Mis T Sîniflu. Darned Socks, Mrs L C Sîniti, C Yo nogApplique w'ork, i Heurd, Mis PT Smith, Berlini wool '.verk fiat, Mis T Sînith, Etliel Morris. Quiltiug, Mis W E Tilley,Mîs R Feston. Mautie Druaery, M ns T Smith. Faney- tidy, Mis Taeon, Anîuie Diugmun. Coueli mg, igiss Row o, Ida Shiaw. Toupet cosy, Miss Alleui Ida Shaw. Shopping ba-, Mis L C Smitli, Mis T Siith. 'Point lace, Mis L C Sinifli, Mis T Smithi Silk Embreidory, Miss Rewe, Miss MeLanghlin. Pihlowý Shams, Mis T Smithlda Shaw. Punt o tiruto work, Miss A Poney, Miss Allen. Crazy pafeu work, Ida Shuw, Mis T Smithi. Bick- rack, Mis T Smithi, Emma MeChelun. Arrasemue embroidery Mrs J R Hourd. Mis T Smithi.Fue table drupery,Idu Shaw, Mis W E Tilley. Child's'suit, wooi, Emma MeClellan, Mis L C Sm'ith. Sofa Pillow, weol, Ida Shaw, Ethel Morris. Do, silk, Ida Shaw, Mis H Caun. Sofa piilow, plnsli, Ms Peain, Mis J B Houard. Do. nny ethon kind, Gertie Young, Mubel Marfyn. Toilet mats, Ida SEmw, Mis T Smii. Wal bauner, Ete ors, Lilhie Morris Fester. Decorative, tissue puper, Mrs L C Smith,Mrs Sarliug. Feltapplique figure, Mrs J RIHeard. dLASS 0-riNE ARTS. JUcIiOS: Bey C Parker, Mrs R Free- 1laud, aud D B Simpsou, Esq. 291 Oh paintiag, figure, Mrs Farncoub, Mrs J R Heard. Do., portrait, MrsJ 1 R Reard, Mrs W Pearn. Do., animais, Mrs R H Henry, Lily 'Morris. Do. marine, Miss McKuy, Lily Mýorris. DO. laudscape, Miss Drummond, Mrs T E sB Henry-. Do., luanijuate ebject, Ethel -Morris. Do., fiowers or fruit, Mrs R H -Henry, Miss Drummoud. Painting, in watcr coiers, figure, Emma i., Rundle, Miss Drummoud. Do., portrait, MrsJ R Heard. Do., auimais, Miss Worth, Emmia L Ruudic. Do., mariue, Mrs sFarucomnb, Miss Drummoud. Do.,land- scape, Miss Drummoud, Mrýs Farncomb. Do., fiowers or fruit, Emma L Ruuidle, Miss Worth. Drawing lu liglit or shade Crayon from cast, ýEmmu L Run- Sdie. Cravon portrait uot ou photo, Emma L Éundie. Pencil drawiug-,Miss Worth, Mrs Farucomb, Pen aundlik sketch, Mrs R H Henry, Emma L Ruu- die. Cliarcoal drawing,Mrs L C Smith, Mrs R H Heury. Sepia do., Emma L Ruuidle, Miss Worth. Crayon ]and- scape or marine, Miq& Worth, Emma IL Ruudle. Best desigâýEnma L Ruudle. Clored photo, Mrs R H Heury. Photo iu iuk-; or crayon, Mrs R H Henry. CLASS P MîISCELLANEOUS. *Judges: Thos Paterson, W F Allen. Musical instruments, Jas Deymau. sGeats' boots, S Allia, (do., sewed, S Allia, Ladies boots, S Allia. Horse shees, Jas Morrow. Millinery, Mrs W *Dingrnau. Shirt, machlue made, U Y oung, Mrs T Tapson. Ladies' under- ciothiug, Mrs L C Smith, Airs R Hi Henry. Rag mat, Mrs Gamsby, Mrs Isaac Tabb. Rag carpet, U Young- Mis T Smithi. Mits wooleu, Mrs Gamsby, Mrs L C Smith. Socks do., Mis L C Smith, U Youug. Stockinags do, U Youu, Mrs L C Sýmith. iits, faucy, Emmna McClellan, Mrs. L. C: Siffli. Heorse blaukets, U Young, J A Galbraith. Fianaud, factory, Miss Young. Blaukets, do., D J Gibseai, Miss Younng Blankets homespuni, U Young, J AGalhraith. Sheets do., Mrs W Crago. Carpet homemade, U Young. Quilî crochet, Carnie Martyn. Coverlet Cotton, MÛrs T S Bragg, Mrs S Allia, jr, Stockings varn, U Yýoung. Flannel, home spuni, U Young , deoFaucy Plaid, U Young. Bread home made-lO outries -Mrs A C Allia, Mrs. J W Sparling. Buns do. 16 entries--Mrs F L Bragg,7 Mrs A C Aluin. Preser'.edl fruits, Mrs Marvia Burk. Pickles, Mrs Gamshy. Jelly, Mrs Burk, Mrs T Ward. SPECIAL PEIZES LADIES' BICYCLE COîîoETmrmOŽ. Jud ges : D B Simpson, J B Mitchel. -Stl-o-e -uurvtfrgridinig and is- munuting, Edua Muir $5 lu gold given by S Bouathan. E Sophia James, $3 cash givea by Prosident Bakier. Vida, VanCamp, $2 cash given by ex-Mayor Allen. BOYS' BICYCLE COM'ýPEITIrOx. Trick aud fancv riding, 16 yeurs and uder, Norman S B Jamems, si cash first prize ; Wm. Pincli second prize recom - mended. Clarence Meath who perform- ed with Norman James 81 cash. Boys ii der 16 yoars, first prize, Fred, Mitchel , $ lngods at the Muson Co's Store ; 2nd Rod Mitchel, $2.50 Purior Lamp given by Heal Bros., groers ;3rd Nermau.- S B James, $1 given by F C Pethick, teusorial artist. MENý's BicYCLE CeupnrîiîeŽi. Ton times rounld the tîack' 2 miles, Jack McClellau, first. timc Sim.' 35 sec,, $10 chair by M D Williams & Son, furniture deaiers. Albert Coucli, se- cond, $5 bicycle lanip, hy Lawyer D B Simpson, James Morrison (Oreno) third, $1.50 razor by W Chartran, ton- sorial artist. ! BASE BALL MATCI-$20. Port Hlope vs. Bowmauville. Won by Bmwanvilie score 20 te 10. LÂcRossE MATCH. Oshaw.a vs. Bowmnaiville. Won by Bowmauville by 2 goals te 0. Discre- tionary prize. EXTRA PRizEs RECOMMEBNDED. J Rundie pair guinea f owi. Mrs Farncuumb, doll's lieuse. 4ý %doyleys. T Rickard's prize,-silver cake basket, w.hite cetton skirt, Mrs T Tapson. Adoipli Nichoi's prizo, set fiat irons, best laundried shirt, Mrs J A Galbraith. SPECIAL AND SUBSTITIYTE PRImzES, H. Lascelles Simpson, lst prize, $1, cash, for Toupet Cosy, Miss Allen, Dominion Orgnu & Piano Ce., Piano Stool, 1st prize, $6, for best collection of Greenheuse plants, Mrs. T.Tupsen. W. T. Allen, ist prize,Oue yoar ;s sub- seriptien te Munsey's maguzine,fer best collection Pluxas, A Hoblis. W J Humphrey, lst prize, English Holly wlimp, $5, fer single driving herse ever 15J huuds,Lntlier Westington. Masen & Dale, lst prize, whalebone THEoGo West Durham's Greatest Store, Ioa'vy IMI Ortationsf MeW 2a.1 and.WinteorGoods A LL THE LEAD1NG STYLS This store bas nev or been se mill of iuterest as now and shoppers are talking about it ail ovor. With evt.ry faciiity at our command for selecting right, buying rigit, and beingsatisdied with small profits we know we are in a position to meet overy competition howover larpe- -and-in--a-,reat many things led in valnos. We are pleased to have people visit our stores if only to see, and we bave so many things j ust no0w that must prove of unusual interest, tî every visitor. ibere are -ome of them. The very latest Crepe Canale Dressgoods. .18 inches wide, in plain and fancy miix patterns, at 50e, Crepe ýNeigr. sanie width, snow flake- and pepper and sait mixed ce' ors and patterns at 50c. Faney Tweed Dress Goeds, 42 in wide, in ail the Ieading celors, at 610e. Trimming Silks, a fuil range of colors at 25c. Jet Sets, Medallion Buttons and al the novelties in trîiniu2s. Feather 1Ruifs 25e and 40c. A largo 'tngec of German made Coats in faney curis, plain Moitons and B~es pleated back, box fronts, voix et cellars, fancy metal and ýearl buttous, pretty styles at from $85 to $12. SRepresents unusually geod l e Is jnst a low figure for the $0 va1ue -in Young Meri's Suits ~ quality of Boys 3 piece- in single aud double breasted suits we soul at the price. shapes. Busa Boy's Suit in neat $6 mixed et plain pteno j Is the price ef a lot of Men'ý- fit ages frein 10 te 15 Pants in heavy tweed. That lino of Lamnps wo advertised 1l'ast week' are taking and thc prices are eut in two frein whafyeu have paid for saine goods. Fruits, Sugars, Tomiatoos, Teas, Coffees and Toilet Seaps take pro- codent in our Grocery just 110w and are on a par with the best value i the land. We want ail your Pea s,, Butter, Eggs. &. TRE IISU Co* Alex Hume,3rd prizoe,sl Roast of Beef for short liera caîfThos Baker, Adoîpli Nicholîs, price $1. 50, sot Mrs Potts fiat irons, for best iuundried linon shirt, Mrs J A Galbraith, Dustun & Heur, lst prizo $4 Royal Cana dian- Wriuger, fer best 12 huLns home made, Mis PL Bragg. H C Tait & Ce, 2ad prize 12 cabinet photos $4, fer Durham, heifer caîf, Sam Allia. T N Riekard, Silver cake busket,price $4 fer best made white skirt made on a White,Raymond or New Williams sew- ing machine, Mis T Tapson. James Gale, 3 annuai subseriptions te West Durham Nes : lst prize for thbus petatees any kind,Mrs Farncomb; lst prize best collection pansios, Mis W Pearn ; let prize collection peurs, Mis Faîncomb. The fellowing spocials or oxtras have been reeemmended by the judgos for prizs:- Bc d Cap Fowls,-A. Tumblyn, ist Levi Skinner 2nd. Pair Guinea Fowls,- John Rundle. Collection White As- tors,-Mis. Furucemb.,Collectionm Gîap- os, Mis. Farneomb. 3 bunches grapos Catawaha, Mis. Farncemh. Wool Mat, Mis. Gto. Jackson. Doll's House, Mrs. Furucomh. Doyleys, Mis. Paru- comb. ExiiBoims' ATTENTION. Appoals aunt the prizo 1sf ln ei- der te o ce=trtabd must ho made te thme Secretary in writiug withia oe week of the 1sf publication of the 1sf whichl sf publication was Wedaesday, 23rd day of September. The meeting of the Diretors will take place on Suturduy Oct.rd utQI p. m. wlenauppalsw'vilhe censidered ut the Counil Boom, Bowmnanville,of whieh ahi members of the hourd wîll pieuse take notice, The Treasurer will ho ut tic Police office lu tie Town Hall buildings ou Monday and Wednesduy Oct. àtli and 7th te puy the prizes. P.,WINDATT, SeC. NEWCASTLE. A pleusing ovouf occurred Soptember 16th ut lieuse of Mis. W. Lovekin, wiea lier only duug'hter Lîllian, was jeinod la matrimeny totehle Bey. Ja, Batsfone, of Cee Hihi. The ceremouv wus nerformed hy Boy. G. H. Cepehandi, of l5eserento, Misses Copeland and Clarke acfed us hridesmaids while- the groom was ubly supperted by Mi. R Lovekin, brother offflic bride, and Mr. Stanley McChung. The happy couple lef f amid showers of rie andi good wishes of their fieads, for a trip te the West. No oeeiluCanada eau or does give you betr vaîlue for your meuey than T . N. I' iCKARD,Jeweler and Optieian, Bowmanville. No, plated goods seid for solid gold by hlm, but geuine geods every time, Sound advice given wheu vurchas- I ing. Watches g'uarauteed timo , keepers aud such as will -not be a~ bill of expense te yen eau re prir- cliused uttfis store for àx Elel money us anywiere lu Canada. Buy at liomo,be loyal te your owni fow aw nd the man who keeps his, eyes open and gives yen value for your mouey every fume. Be warued by T. N. RICKARD,> Watchmaker, Jeweller aàid Op- tician, Bowunan'rille. Qnt Clerý'ymeni of ail thie varions Chistian denominatieus have frein 'time te thme givea thie strongest of tcstimeny ine favor of Paiue's Clery Compouad.* No other medicine of the« present day lias ever been se hghly spekea of, and se generully reeemmended by thie clergy- in of Canada, us Paine's Cclery Compound. Thie linest, prompt aud effective results tliat are always obtuiaed by tlie users of Paiue's Celery Couupound cal forth uustinted praise, aiter henîli, viger and happiness tm % the place of sickness, weakness and'4lisease. lu al thic elireli parishes of oui country, clergymen arc qnietly spreading the jeyful news thut Puiue's Celery Cern- peuund banîshes ili healili and makes people w ehL Just liere it is huperutive that we souud a note of waruing fer the benefit Lof ail wlie deterînine te use Paine's Celery Compouuid, as there are miser- able and deceptive colery proparations sold iu sesue places. Be sure yen ask for "Paiue's," the kiud that cures ; sea that the naine is ou Oach bottie yen buy.',le The Bey. C. A. Sciuipli, of Killaloe, Renfre-w Ce., Ont., writos as follows : 'II have muchi pleasure lu statiug thut I have used Paines Celery Compouudl with grand resuits. Sorne flue age, loss of appetite aud sympt, m s of kidney trouble and urinal disturbaý'nces mak.e 11lf e miserable. Hrn ing heard much about the '.irtues of Paine's Celery Compouud, I procured a supply and used it witli wonderful beneut. 'II arn pleased te say that the Cern- pound was productiv.e of great resultg in my farnily as a home medicine ; ahl are mucli pleased witli it."

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