i I "~ '- -../ N TERMS :-$ 1.50 PER ANNum. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD) AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEw SERJES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNSASP.3M19. TTM LI o 0 e Th,,£at We take care to see that every Suit we make fits properly. -ýowever good the Oloth may be, if the garment does not fit it does us no credit and is -not s atisfactory to you. We are carefud to see that every bûy- e>r gets the bene-Mt of our know- ledge of Cloths, Trimmings and Workmanship. Notw i t ime to L.eaive VYour Order., BOWMAINVILLE. IIEDQTARTRSFOR Crockery and Glassware. One Store devoted solely to this Department. N%,owhere between Toronto and Belleville will you findl so lamge and -well selected ad assortment of Crockery andl Glasý§wýare as you will find at YOUNG & CO'S.,, China Hall, Bowmanville. We buy largely and for'cash, hence we buy clieap, anl -we will sell cheap. Read the following list: Cups and Saucers per doz., 50c, Toilet Sets at $1,75, $2.25, $2.50, 60c, 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4,00, $4,50, $5,00, $1.75, $2.00. $6.00, $7.00, $8.00. Dinner Sets at $475, $6.00, $7.50, Plates per doz., 30e, 40c, 50c, 60c, s9.0o, $10-00, $12.00, $1.0,$15,00 75c, 90c, $1,00, $1,25, $1,75, $1,00. $17,00, $20,00, $25.00. «We have just opened a case of Toilet Sets that are very handsome and good value. Ail kinds of Produce Itaken at Market price. RZémeniller Our Grocery Department as usual is complete with everything you require in this line. BowmAI&IiLLE. Young &eo Grocers, China Hall, BolnsIl' î ýs [Ruuý WOIS BCOWMANVILLE, ONT. E. R. BOUNSALL, manufacturer of and dealer in, Fine Monumental Work of every de-,~ Sscription, and ail kinds of Cemetery Work. Ail orders, promptly filled in a satisfactory - zmaRner, anci at reasonable prices. 16t Sehool Be prepared for Sehool Openîng by getting your1 supplies early. "Big 20"1 has a full stock to select fromi. W.8 T. Allen.- BOWMANVILLE. FVOR SALE.-Good McLaughlin top 1buggy and Haines Carts at bargain. Apy at ibis office. 4-tf.ý T-10YOUWANT AIIOME.-Ifyou do D" apply tu T. BiNGEIAM for a nice suhid brick cottage ceap and on easy terras. 81-tf. QERVANT WANTED IMMEDIATE- S1.For general housework in small family. Apyt o ISs. W. C. <TNn, Peech A ve., Bow- mnanville. 39 tf. F ARM TO RENT -Beiflo, 100 acres, 12lot 24, con.,1 8, Darlingten, weàI adapted for grain and stock, well walered. Apply at Once to A . ARNOT, Ennîskillen. 40-3wl -WTANTED.-At once a tew good y men to whom $10.00 or $12.00 a week would be an object. Send references. THE 1311ADLFY-GARRIETSON Co. Ltd. Brantford, Ont. WANTED.-I can employ five men W ancithree ladies to work at and aronnd home. A good thing wilh good slary for push- ers. Tr. H. LiîNSCOTT, 49 Richmond st. W., Tor- onto, ont. S IEEP STRAYED.-Came on lot 82 of Juon..5, Darlington, a ramn, about te middle ofJl.Owner will prove property, pay cX_ penises and take hMm away. M,. J. LANGMAIO, TaunIton, P. O. 38-3w* COTTAGETO RENT.-That desir- "eCottage,situated on Qoeen street at th1e foot of Brown street. contaiuing six rooms, good cellar, bard and soft water aud good garden. Applly to MRs. J. C. NVEEKs, Ontario st. Bow- mant 111e. 40 If. -XTANTED--SEVERAL FAITIFiJL yymen or women to lravel for a responsible established bouse, in Ontario. Salary $780, pay- abte $15 weekiy andi expenses. Posittion i)er- manenit. R _eruce0. Enclose self addrcsscd envelope. THE NATIONAL, Star Building, Chi- cage, Ill., U. S. E Offlûfl o! Tci likes lu have In bier house a good singing can. ary, for the li111e fealhered songsters' luneful melodies briglilen many a home. To keep) the bird in song andi beauty ose the cleanest and Most nutritons food in the market. Ask your ýrocer or drnggist for BROCK'S BIRD SEE . In eacb 10e 1 lb.pkt. Ibere is a 5c cake of BIRD TREAT ach appreciated by Bird Fanciers. SirTT & JUuRY, dr-uggist, Bowmanville, J0H11 1cMURTRY, Grocer,Bo anleANcos Fancy Goods,Bowmanivile, THE MAlIN Co. Bowmanville, CAwKFR & TAIT, BOWManville NICHOLSON & BROCK. 81 Coîburne st.. Toropto ~-1yr POST Farm For Sale 1 BY TENDER. Ses ed tenders will be received for the pur- chase of Lot 4, ia the 2nd con., of the Township of Pickering, in 1the Jounty ut Ontiario, contain- ing 205 acres more or esîs, The said tenders may he (1) for the wbole fart, or (2) for either the northl105 acres, or (3) for the soath 100 acres. The une tender may cuntain an alternative for elther portion or the whole. The îaid fart is one of the bestInl the county of Ontario, and Iis beantifully adapted for hibgh grade stuckraising, well watsred, fenced, and drained. There are fine bouses, stables, haras sudoutbuildings un il. It is within 25 iles ui Toronto, sud 3 miles from the tuwn of Whitby and within 2.1 miles of Pickering station. Terms of payment are cash within 30 days after lsst day of recelving tenders. Possession given at once subjeet lue1the riglbts of tenant. Tenders will be received up tu the ath day of September, A. D. 1896. Further particnlars cani 0e had front W. V. Richardson, Agent ai Pickering, who will be leased tu show intendinrg purchasers over the frt, and front J. E. Far ewel, Q. 0., Wshitby, Tenders mnust be addressed tu the undersigned in a sealed envelope and marked ltender for farta." 38-td. ARTHUR W. BURK, Barrister, Etc., 60 Victoria st.:Toroulo. 200 ACRE FARM sale By Tender. Sealcd tenders will be recccved u u 1IbeheSt day of OctobQr 1896 by the undersigud for tise parchase u Lut No. 24 in th.e IrdCu.uwbp ofp Peckrin. ThIi. 1 ^Agod stock ndgri fart ,,itb goud vwu3torey bus nbnkbarn <0__40 _ellg ttedfrcIle and hotesune teatb. Aol10arsaremnder cultivstiun iîh 30 acres ut orcisard, lthe balantce.50 acres of, paîture lanîd waîered by runninStreamt. Terms csh wti 0dîsadbalane lt gis el stonce subjecu 10 rights of ten'ant. For turthcr inforniatisi a pply lulits owncr Fri L L. Webb, Cîo n.rtotrhe110undersigncd who wnul be pleased tu show interiding par- chasers uver te farm. 39-2w, W . V. BîcHARDtSut, Pickering. 0LAK E F AI1R. Despite ad wýýeather Clarke Agnicul- tunal Si,1eto h lad a very successf ni "World's 'ai. The gate receiptsl were betweeiu $4 50 and $500 the second day and al prizes will be paid in fusl we are told1. We have only room for the pnize list rthis ueek, but shahl have a lot umore to ý,ay -next week. The gran4 , si nnlu cuntesi Friday ighî 'oas ai u îteetigevent. Miss1 Gover nd n. HïJ.Knigbht, Bon- mauî'ille, 'r awarded $10 and i$5 prizýes, respecti-ceivy. There u'ere sev- eral entries. J(LAISS i HORIES. JUSIGEs:- i, ses, Heav ' , P. Staîken, Colin Smitls, W Stauley. v Light Horses, Judg'es: ,J Warring-. V S, Geo Cou'an, G Rlace. Dnauoght-Br-on-i Mare, foal by hem side, HGes*-,Geo.Gnav; îwo yr1 old gelding or cfîIuy, J WV Buckley, W Andrews- ote y old geldtngior filly, John Ho'e; uking colt, H Greenlees, JFOsbornei1. (eneral Pur pose,-Brood1 Mare, foal bv hen urside, J 1POsborne, W H Bennett, à Osbonne; two vr old geId-1 ing or fil](e\, S S Bragg,' A Souch, E1 Bch on r old gelding ortfilley,W C ago; s ck ng cut, G eo ray, lex 1 UWi_.ht, J R R Cole. Carrîage.-Brood( Mare, foal by hem cside, P Biglow i & 8,( O A Gamsbyi2; wo yvr old gelding or filllv, O A Gainsby, H J Soucis, R Cowau & Son; One yr od gelding or filley, E Hall & Son),OA Gamsby, Geo David-1 sou; two yr old entire colt, J F MeMil-c ian; one Yr oid eutire colt,J F McMilau,1 Staiker Brsqucking colt, P Bi-low 1 & 2,' A Taubli)yn 8.' Roadster-"brood Mare, fual byhmside, T Soînerville, XV Martin, A 'ramblyu; two yr old gelding or filles', WUFali, iH Souch G H Jaînie- son; oue y,, old oelding or filuevW V Fallis; suci, lng colt, E ÎRail & Son, A Souch, R Cwî & Sou. Span Reavy Draught hre in harness, Geo Gray, W S Bragg--, A Pollard. Span gencrai purpose herses lu haruess. W Lau- staff & Son, 'W Crago,' G Davidson. Span Craehorses over 151 lbands, R Co-o'au&n u W Mcllrcy, Il Cald- ,well. SpaUi Roadsters 151 bauds and under. R Crofi t, A Pollard, %WDavidson. single Carnage horse os'er 1U, hands, lb Bf Si upson i '1& 2, P StaIlier._Sin-le Roadster ibauds and unden, Afan Williams,»týeo Stephens, E Stevens. Saddie Hor>0e,'In'a Nattrass,Geo Poilard, E W Lsoie _A'LA2 'C'ATTiE. T A Wrih BalJtot old, W C Bî hbr JhnHstn C, in iUitor i :tS ÀAliin ,2&8;2 mold Aluin; one1, olid ,,W C Blackt- buru, S Afin zC aîf, S Alliis, 1. 2 & 8. Holste3iu Bull, R Fonler, lb J Gibsois, T MGbsî Cow in ils mu or caif,1 T M Gibson, H W0 Renu-icit, W S Gamsbs; 2 yr old Peifr, T M Gibson, lb J Gib' son, H V,_ qenjwick; 1i vr oldliteifer, lb J Gibson, T ibson; Cýaif, T M Gibson, lb J Gibson.-, Jersey-Bull. T Soîner- ville; Cowvin mut lkos caif T M Gibson; 1 yr oid 11 Hesf ier. A Pollard,' C J Huglison; Caîf,' A Pollaî,ýd, T Somervilie. Grade cow lu miil,. or caîf. T H Gibsou, J R R, Cole, W C Blackburn; do2 yr ýoldHieifer, S Aluin, All'in Bros,1 W C Biackbhurn; i yr old ifeir, S AIln, J R. Cule, E Stevens: Caîf1, S Aluin, C J Ruglisou. cLAS 8-SHEEP. JunGEî-:-Shqfeep, W Breîst, Tyrone, Jno XVig-il, Blacksiock. Leceiste- Shearling Ramn, W. C. BIackihunu,',hearlino; Ewe; AllUn Bros W C Bakuî & 8, Ram Lamb, W Blackbui & - 2, Aluin Bros 3; En e Lam'b, W C Blackbhurnui & 2 Aluin Bros S; Aged Rm S Ailiîs, W C Blackburn 2 & 3- ge Ewe having raised lamb this yeamr, W C Blackbhurn i12 & 3; Cois- wold-Sbecarling Ram, R H Coiiicott L Skinnier; Sbearliig Ewe, Aluin Bros, 1 & 2; Rami Lamb, R H Colacott, 1. 2 &. 3; Ewe 1.,îmb R H Colacot1 & 2; A ged Ram ha v)iug raised lamb, this year, L. Skinnem,G Gray; Aged Ewe, Geo Gray 1 & 2, . HI Coliacoti 8; Shropshire- Sheaiitýig Ram, A E Meadows, A Tamblyn,' L Skinner; Sheariing Ewe,A E Meadtows1 & 2, J Leask 3; Ram Lamb A E Nfeadoiws,IJ Leask, L Skinner; Ewe Lamb , A E' Meadows 1 & 2, J. Leask 3. Aged Ra8 SAIin, L Skinner, A Tamn- blyn; Agedý( Ewe haviug aised lamb this veat , J Leask, 1 & 2 A E Meadows; Southdowný"i-Shea'ring kam, RL Holà- worth &Son ý-s; Shearliîîg Ewe, do 1 & 2; Ramn Lamb, do 1 & 2; Ewe Lamb do 1 & 2; Ageqd Ramn do 1 & 2; Aged Ewe hav- iîîg raised laînb, this year do 1 & 2; CLASI 4-swîNE Junoasý:-Swine, H J Werry, Ennis- kîlien, !no Vauice, Betisauy. Bertîhsiire-Boan, J. A Russell; Boar Pig onie -year and under do; Boar Pig under 6 monîlis old and over 8, RL odsoth& Son; Son' Pig, unden 6 mouths anjd over thîree, J A Russell, J L C. F Rice, chicks '98 W R Kniglit 1 & 2.1 W S Gamsby, Mrs H Houper. Pickles, Golden Sp angled Hanîbnrg do; chicks vegetablesMrS W L Cobbledick, A A do 1 & 2. Golden Pencilled Hamnburg, amsbv.e Jeu0v, Miss Ettie Davey, A A J F Osborne 1 & 2; chicks A Tamblysi. Ganîsby. Bread, lîomemade. Mrs J Silver Spangled Hamburg C F Rice «l & Robertson, MrsRBro-,wn. BunsA Gams- 2; chîcks do 1 & 2. Black Hamburg bY, Mrs W Coram. Honev in 'comb, G Nokes and Dillon, W R Knight;, chickîs H Beer, Mrs R Osborne. Honey,strain- W R Knight 1 & 2. White Leghorns C ed, G H Beer, Mrs R Osborne. F Rice J Ruindie; chicks C F Rice J Ru11 die. Brown Leghorns C F Rice 1 & 2 CLAISii,-AGRIcJLTUEAL EMPLEMENTS. chicks do 1 & 2. Rose comb Brownî Double carniage, R Foster, E Pinder, Leghorns ?Çokes & Dillon, A Tamnblvn. Single carrnage, R Foster, E Pinder, chiclks A Taînbly n, Nokes & Dilîbui; Cutter, R Foster, I and 2. Brahnia, light Nokes & Dillon, W R CLASS i2.-MANUPACTE5. Kuliglit; chicks W R Knight. Bralina UDL:SieaCasl. chicks J F Osborne. Spanish Fowl J F JDE aea ls 0 Osborne 1 & 2; chicks do 1 & 2. Plv- Farmhlarness, WArmstrong. Carniage mouth Rock, J Rundle, Nokes and Dil- double, W Armstrong. Do., single, W lon; chicks -Allin Brus. A Tainblyn. Armnstrong.- Roise- shoes, Morrow Plymouth Rock, white do G H Beer; BruS. Do,, carniage, Morrow Bros. ciceks C F Rice, Allin Brus. Wvan- Cabinet Workl, A A Tucker. Flannel, dotts, laced, O Scott, C F Rice, chic"ks cotton warp, Mrs F Morgan, 2nd. C F Rice, W\ L Gerry, Wy,ýandotts, Flannel blankets, Miss Youîîg, A A white, J F Osborne 1 2: cbiicks do. Gamsby. Rag carpet, J Gilbank, W E White Crested Black Poland Cbicks do G Wadell. Rag Mat, J Gilbaîîk, Mrs Black Misiorca C F Rice Nokes & Dillon D Noble. Counterpane, May B Little, chicks Nokes and Dillen, C F Rice. Mrs R Osborne Woolen sheets, A A Whlite Minorca. J. F Osborne; chicks Gamsby, Miss Young. Horseblankets, do 1 & 2l. White Cochin, Nokes & Dil- J Gilb ank. Wooletn stockings, A A lon J F Osbonne; chicks J F Osborne, Ganisbv, May B Little. Cotton stock- Nokes & Dillon. Pied Caps A Tambl.i. îngs, MIS «7 L Cobbledick, Mrs F Langshang J F Osborne Ï & 2chicks do. -Morgan. Woolen socks, A A Gamsby, Dorkins, Nýokes & Dillon, W R Knight. Mav B Little. Woolen mtttens, A A ciîicks do Pair Game Bantams,iJ Allun, J Gainsby, MnVIs F Morgan. Woolen Buckley; chicks C F lice, J Allin. Buff- yarn, Mrs F Morgan, 2îîd. Cochin chicks, C F. Rice 1 & 2 Partridge. CLASI 18.-LADIES' DEPARTIMENT. Cochin, W' R Kighî; chicks O Scott Turkevs, W J Collacott, J F Os borne J UDGES.: Misses Jeunie Thompson, White'Bremen Gcese, J F Osborne 1 Orono, B. E. Uuderwood, Kendall. 2; pair Geese, W R Kight, A Carveth Wonked slippers, N E G Waddel. Ducks, Rouen, W R Knibt, Jno Run- Knittedslippers, Mrs C G Armstrong, dle; Aylesbury J F Oshorne'i & 2; Pek- Mrs G Bowen. Sofa pillowx, plush or ln, J lundie i & 2. White Pigeons, silk, Ettie Davey, Miss Shaw. Sofa CF licel1'& 2. Canary-best singer, pillow-. worked, Miss Shaw, 'Ethel Mor- A A Gamsby, G H Beer. ris. iCouch mug, Miss Young, Miss Tina Been. Ladies' shopping bag, A A cLASS 6.GEAIN AND SEEDS. Gaînsby. Silk ernbroidery, nMary JuDGEs : H. Middleton, W. T. Lock- Little, Mrs M~ L Ti-avelle. Berlin wool hart, J. W. Cornish. work, Mrs J Pollard, Mrs J G lloney. Spring Wheat, red or w-hite fi3fe. p Ladies' îtnderclothiîîg, Miss B Stalkeýr. Bilw, D Galbraith. White wheat, or Gil',ress r AFGa.ott, Mns J any other xariety, W J Lano-niaid. F Osborne. Boy's dresses, Mns G H Faîl1 wheat, G Davidson, A Ta;ýln Linton, Mrs J G Honey. Toilet set, Banley, 6 rows, W Cooper, R Moor~e.A Drumnmond, Miss Shaw. Toilet mat, Peas, white exes, W S Bragg.- Peas. Mrs G, Bowen, A Drummond. Crochiet C F Awde J Êtncklev. Outs, wbite jIl tidy, Mrs G Bowen, Minnie Rail. Fan- Roîf, E 9tevens. Cëorn inî the car' cy tidy, J E Richards. Mrs G Bowen. yello-w, O Scott, H W Rei'wick. Do. Crochet work, cotton, Mns M Bnnk-, Mrs white, Farncoinbe Bros. Titnotbv seed W L Cobbledick. Crochet, -work, wool W An de. Beaîîs, Thos - ml' Mrs C G Armstrong, Mîrs J Poilard. Lagad.Sae Camnp stool. N E G Waddeli. Darning Awde. on net, Miss J Pollard,' Miss Young. CLAss 7-FRaUt. Trav cuver, Miss Young,A Drnînmond. J uDGEs : W. J.' Brag- Providence, Wall banner, A A Gamsby, Ethel Ed. Prouti, Bo-vManx-ille. ' Morris . Lanip mat. A -Druimrnond, Appes.colecio. "rý;, Osorie,,Mrs w L fobbledick. Pillow shams, Appescolecion Mn ROshrne Miss Shaw, 'Mrs G Bon-en. Dîrawn FanumeBrus. Northern Spv, A work. Mis:, Shaw, A Drunîmond. Tea Tambyn.H CBunen SnwsA csvA IDri-nmmondl. Ms hn.Table WrihtN Slbv S Larene, uscenr pi1eceG iSa. A Dr-mmond, PatinstiJ D-i-v. ailPipins H Tale car, EhelMor-ris., iss Yong. Bown, Giso. hod Ilad Gee- rowu. Crocheitir dn b -ti ingN Slbv Badwi ,uSlbv, J F nnder 13, Ex a Bîtrk, Ann1ie itie Oabrn. oldiussetRFu\ler. A Worked wisk lulder, Ethel Mrisùrs A Gamsbv, Roxbrylussett,l Fowler7, J ERichards. Silk patcliwr, r J Rundie. Iiihstuu Pippins, Mrs R H Cowan, A A Gtms b y. Ouiiie worlz, Osborne, N Sclb-. Stark, MrS R Os- MýissS Saw, A Drummond. Fancy borne, E Stev'ens. Wýýealthy,, T Hl Gib- knitting, cotton coarse, Miss Young, sou, R Fowler. Pem îîe, Farnconîb MrCGBoweni. Fancy kuittiug, cotton Brus. King- of Tumpkins Co,A Wright, fine. Miss Young, Miss B Staîker. T H Gibsun. Crabs, redjos Pattinson, Fancy knitting, wool, Miss Young, Mrs E Morton. Crabe, vellow, -MrS ROs- C G 'Arnustrong. Braiding, wool or borne, S Cule. Pcars,best 6 varieties, ilk, MrS A' F Glasgott, A A Gamsbv, J Rundie, Farncurnbe Brus. Fleinîsh praiigcto ADumndMr' Beautx', E P Duncaster.- Sheldon, John G iAnrmcstron A rumm od, Mrs C GilbaÏîk, J Rundle. Duchess d'An- Davey, Louiie Brown. Fancy chair, goulene. Jos Pattinson, H C Buwen. Mrs T Vinson. Fancy table, AA Wiuten Nel lis, Farncumb Brus. Plums Gamsby. Fine screen, Mfiss M Colville, -ýany tanietv eon, W S Gamsby. Miss K'Colville. Chain stitch, A Dnum- 0 .JWaddellG sb. Do.,' gre, WJnîond. Mary B Litle. Mexican needie Wa S Gam by. o.,gree , W work Miss Young, Mrs D Noble. Pin S Gaîsy Grapes-rd SGîsy. cushion, Ethel Morris, Mrs Jas Pollard. Fanncunbe Brus. Du., black, MS M Ottoman, A A Gamsb',, Mrs J G Honey. Burk, Farncomb Bros Do., green, Jos Foot stool, Miss Yonug, Tina Beer. Pattinson, Mrs M Burk. Brackets, A A Gamsby, Ettie Davey. ('LAIS S.-PLowERS AND PLANTS. Applique wonk, Mrs jas Pollard, A JonEs:Jas Phlp,~ewaste. Dnummoud. Ornainental pottery,,A JL,)GE : as.PhlpNewaste. Drummond, Mrs J E Richards. Smok- Geraniums in flower, single, W S ing cap A A Gamsby. Mantel drapeny, Gamsby 2nd. Do.,double, A A Gamsbv. A A Ôamsby. 15hotograph fna mes, Fuchsias, W S Gamsby. Roses, W 'S Ethel Morris, A Drummond. Table Gamsby. Roses, W S Gamsbyý. Foli- mais, Mrs J Been, Mrs M L Tnaveile, age plants, W S Gamsby, Farnconsbe Doyleys, Miss Shaw, A Dnuînmond. Brus. Phlox drummondil, W H Ton- Panels, Ethel Morris, Miss M Colville. kmn, W S Gainsby. Stocks, W H Ton- Fnench art work, Mns T Vinson, May kmn, W S Gamsbx'. Astons, W S (lame- Vinson- Aucient article, H C Bowen, by, A A Roif. Petunias, W S, Gamsby, Mrs J Davey- Button hoies on 6 differ- A A Gasnsby. Dahlias, W S Gamsby. eut materials,Mrs M L Travelie,Mînnie Verbenas, A A Gamsb'y, A A Euh,. Hall. Plants other than grow'n lu bouses, W S Gamsby. Green-house plants, W S (Centinucd on last page.) Gamsby, R Moore. Cnt flowers, W S Gamsby, A A Gamasby. Table bouquet, W S Gamslby, Miss Minnie Rail. Baud bouquet. Miss Miaule Hall. A A Gams- PC ' O b.Floraldein A A Gamsby, W S PICT III FO JuDcGEO: Samneas Class 6. Potatoes, late, 0 Scott, W Rohhîue. S N I E Tamblyn. Variety pctatoes, Farn- combe Bros, D Noble, Turuips, A Tamblyn, J Davey. Canrots, table, J Rundle, C F Awde,. Beets, table, N A S A Jerome, J L Powers. Parsîîîps, tableiS A J L Powers. Mrs M Burk. White Cab- bage, W S Gaunsby, Mrs M Runks. led cabbag e, W S- Gamsby, Mrs M W A P R Burk. Oulons, red, H C Bowen, Mrs MII Bur1-T. Do., 1 whitef M r ut cLAlS 10. nî]RY P5IOIILCE. J 23 Scott Street, Torontou.I CLA'.5 ~ ~ JUDGE5 : T. Sasîlli, W. Cssderu'ood. CLASS 5 -POULTRYCheese, factory made, J T MornisonJ on- JuiDGE: -PoultryJas Leistona,Oshiau'a. G I-ouev. Butýer, table 10 lbs, Mr' R Pair Gin e Fou'ls, Notes & Dillonl, E Brown r u.Bte, 2 b,,FOR SALE. 4;P ni lbuy 191xcres B Dncator chcit '9 doi &2; olad Ms X CrgoMrsM Bsit Buter so &land wiîb dwellinJ b ousç,, nîble nd barn chics '9 dû & 2 Polnd Ms W rago MrsM Buk. Bttert50 l5eo.7, Ptrliugton. posessoi îst December PowïlO Scott 2. Houdon, W R Kuiglit, Ibs, MsMBur. Preserved fut r Apply lu D. TAYLOR, H.snsptonl 40-4w. 1' 1