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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1896, p. 2

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Slk ffeadna(i. -etr a uetobles imci dent ta a bilissteofherspt such ns Dizziness, Naîe.Donis, Distresa after cating. PainlW ieS e. h.Wile their inost remnaikablo ucasbsbet iowaa in curin g IleadaCise, yet C-ARTERS Lîrva a Livr PirL5 are equall-y vaiabie ia Constipai on, cîîrtîg andi prevoning tiis annoyiug uîtpîît, wile they also c-r-eci al disorders f re stomacb., tiuaethe liver and regulate the liowels. Eveu if they oîîiy cured Acbe they woîscid ho aImr-t prîceless to those who sufer froîn this distressing, complaint: but fortu-nately bi-ito oadnexs does not end bore, andi Ibose wiio once try thena will fnd these littie pilla valuable luii sa sny ways that tbey will not ho willlng te do uithout thein. But ater ail sick bead la tbebane of so many livesta t bore isla whre we make our great boast. Oui- pilla cure it wbile others do flot. CÀARTR's LITTLE LîvEn Pîca.s are very amali and very easy tatake. Oîse or t-ao pillaàniake a dose. They are strietly' vegetable and do fltirpe or purge, but by tbeir gentie action plaseal wbo lise tbem. Iu vialsa ft 25 cents t flve for $1. Sold everywbere, or sent by mail. CAITEB MEDCIlI3 00., lVîw Yrk. FOR TWENTY-STX YEARS. THECOOI(SBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE INd CANADA. ONTARIO BANK eontfasues ta do a General Bankang Business Bowmaaaville Âgency. DEIPOSITS Raecelved li Savînga IBank Departaîsot sund On cal Ian dititerest allowed atourrea t rates N oE notice of wtbdrawsl necesaary. All delosils payable on deoîaind, EXCUÂNxGE 2-sghtand aold and Orstsssued nvon ldniOP0 UnIteiltates and Canada, aise lold, Silver and T.Tiltedrtatea lJreeaîbacksbougiat and aold. COLLECTIONS Pr itotli- i-aat surrît nais tpoa aIlr~t of Grent Eritein, te United Ste-es aa tbe Do nlincn el Caneda. Telegraph Trnsfer Made for large or saasl aunis on ail part ot Caniada. Thia s espeially advaîîtigeous ta perlans living iin 'taniloba or the Nortiawest. itrnakos ' tse fonds availablu aLt colce ar týis place aialpaymont. E, L. FORTT. UIC. cIL Accountant. Manager. SMakes thousanda of women sn!fer in silence, ratlier than tell tlîeir troubles toa flone. To sucb Indian Womnaî's Balm la-a'per- fect boon. It cures al womb. <troubles, corrects monthly irregu- larities, aboishes the agonies of child birth, aaakes weak women * strong, anld renders if e wortli living. Sold li Bomanville by Sttt & Jury. Wanted-An Idea t n o pent? Protet y&aur ldeas t theynay britig you wealtla. Write J H-q WEJDERBUPN & CO., Patent Atoi. ley, Wasingtan, D. C., for their $1,800l prise offer .a llst oftwohuaadred inventions wanteui. T he Most Economical Il.ouse Warmer The "Kelsey" Corrugated Warrn Air Genem'ator. 0 ,ý!Aay ordaacy HoAir Fumrae illlprodutce het yu Ioly supply erougb fel.1lie SKelse v-has suvecai special and valuabte fea'ures bitrmostinaportant is tisai t uwill àgîva more beat with less fue] sud la the i n'st durabJele hter made. ~ 'itehi-l ay" fice pot being consaructedo trou ~çilas ~ tîbn ai-, corragated, casa passes andup troîph wichtheIs cold arpse *whe1n- 1ate .1 d, saaSeentire etn banýg wraîs'ped si'b'a heay aeel casîag hh hecuates iieaed 1 thýa ftr esmrkbsg it -len *pasns dosen cutsiSe cf tilsigit sections t iwardassoke pipa. it isntin warms tise air ý thasipasses upnlciwen tisasteel casing sud aise Sgalvanized rou casing, tils expils why the ha.ey .basihrceaurnes imore radîaing surface nSvam air capacity titan an ord'- iiary ,Furnace. 'lhI Kelsey '" hasts evary rossevav s'cesoeer mcateS, svth a nce, ailS bealirul starrasair abat sel not injureo yor'furnitue T i.ha Kelsey "seul hat roonas 60 fetc ditant. 'iTe Keliey ' does flot hast your caltai-. 'The " Kelsey "l abasolutely gas sud dusa prao£ AE MRTMG * Seaid for descriptive catalogue. S BROCKVILLE-, Ont. Exclusive Makers for Canada. -For sale by R. Worth, Bowmanville. 1The Canadian Statesmani WEDNESDAY, SEPT. ,'0, 1896 NOTES AND COMMENTE. Il may at f iast siglit seece absurti to m.k W bat benefits bave accrueidt t- the MVliddle Kingdom from a mar mhtch, in soute of uts aspects, -uas sa disastrous as iras riait witb Japan. Iu the course of tht sftruggle Cbina's navy mas an- nihilabeit, ber two principal naval ar- senals mere ruinait, and one of t-hem, Port Arthur, ha1s passeit permanently iuta the banda of Russia; many thoupsauda of ber 'best-traineit soutiers titre killeit, a vast quantity of arma - anit ammuaition w a4s captureit andt vil have to ba replaceit, ant, finally, the country b, saditiet nitb a publie dobt whirb, including the supplemoantal lu- demni-y patd for tbe ratracossion cf tbe Liaal-tung peninsula, amouaits ta nearly $ý20ù,ü00,00ü. la la possible tbat China bas gaineit anytbing that can- bit regarttod as an offset ta tibese lasses I 'fhe questin ta answcroditnluthe ut- fimtleby Mx-. J ameosan, tho Britisb Consul ut Shanaghai. Hie cantendsati the new factor lu bbc industrial andt commercial situation introitucait hy the wax must ultimately bit of inestimable lieneit ta tht Celest-lal Empire. Ho retor's ta Ithe important clause in the Japanese izroat-y, ishicla exprossly conceites t-li rigbt ta impolI nachinery anti t-o establisti manultsoiefs at ai or any of thtý open parts, unit whicb furîber grants ta, the pi'oiucts of sncb ruanufaetories t-ho saino irmuniti trom inlanti taxation as is securai tot goods importeit from fore-gn countrios. 'fli privileges thus obtaninoit hi Japan w'ore, of course, acquireit ipso facto, hy every ot-hor faroigu country the t-reaty of wx icb witb China, containe "the moit favoreit nation" clause. For some lime, nat-ive-ownititcaftan milis 'bave licou lu operatian ai.tShangliai, but bof otafore the at-t-amplis of fareigu marchants ta obtatu a share of wbat prumisai tot ha a vLery lucrative initust-rY lhava e n bii.berly opposoit li' tle officiais both lu Pokiniut an ite p-rovincels. tia d China boita successfni lu the -ixar, this opposit-ion woulit bave almost cEt lainlv romaineit insurmountable. No sconef, baxsevor, wtts the Japanosa treaty aigu- et thîn ltae ppoffunitiOts openod by if wee turnei tot accoutt. Four joint- st-ock spînniaig anti w aving campan-os flirea iriLieh and ana Gorman, isere organizit, anit mili's ta mun 40,000 spin- dieeaceh are now la course of oroot-lan. [haro appoars taolia oatulit thur tht cot-ton spîinnîng amui weuving initry in Shanghai has a great tut-ure bef are if. 'fhua single pari. bus receiveit tram .Bombay ituring tht last three years Dot less th'in 180,000 bales of yarnpaer aunum, valueti ut saue $,0,0.Sinceý th- begieinifig of the preseut year- yarn biaseuiipre freey fauJaan thflis i s mado molst-y from ineCf ton, whke-, aftor paiyitg expof t duy andt bearing the cost of transport, oaa lie sont bacli ta China lu ils maufactu- ed sttate unit yet 'pay tht miii owner a profit. 'flere eooms, theref are, la ha gronnd for Mr. Jamnesoaca prstdictioii, that China in timiie xviii manufacture, the xvbole of ber yurn and a very con- siderable proportion of tha cioth xvhich she nove buys in tthe fora of drilla andt sheotings, andt even tht commoner f ormn of shirtings. Shoulit thia bappen, il moult naturally cause ,conside.rable shifting of the existing linos of tratfic belmeen China andI Engianit, thougl iti wonld nat follow that British traite an thtexvhoio moult lie a sufferer. Expor- ieuce, haýs show n that China is a gond cuatotuer ta I-ho extent of lier means; andI if the manufacture of lier on yarn and comman cioth mwero ta sel fret an annuai payment from lf$10,000,000 ta l, 000,000, Lshe wanli w'ant ta spanit this 1sumn on something olse, and iu ail lite-- libood she wo ulit take an increasoit quantily of the fluor clotb.. 'fi lue-eset me,lîh ahie-litbbcnoir spinuliug and xiavtig industries miii bring ta the Chinese le.loreats la, of course, a pe-stive gaini, antinla the e-oui-se, of a quai tan ot a century may ami-ast üounterbalaute the lasses te- sultiug f rom ltae mur. Wheblier the auiher iegae-y of the mur, tlie public debt, xviii prave, a bl"issalu or a e-ut-se do- pants entirciy upon lb- methotd taken la pravide forI-ho intorest amui ainkifag fni. If Ibe iskin, or tux on liait traffic, la ine-neaset, a course mhich, se- crting ta Mn. Jameson, tht Pekiai of- fie-ls are, inclinet to take, Citinose in- dustry, m'hieh, outide of thc treaby parla, la nom grievousiy cnipplet b-y izhis haraissiug impost. il hkoly tai be almoat atranglet. But as île quantiby af goads th'at Chlias can buy tram Itbe f or- elgaer depomits upon the rallume of the surplus of lion owai pradudcts availahle, for expert, iti la)anifest thalt vrot-- t-bing wbich tends ta stifue, the native inituetries muaI operatit udrerely tp- on tht, cuitoiizs roceipts ut lthe treaty parts. Sihouhti, on thtallier liant, the 11kmn heauboiis.itad, andI quict unit dbeap motos et transportabion for commodi- t-i-alie proviet ly means of raiiways, aL trernenitus stimulus moult ha lut- parteidtot every hit of production in China. Sha moult accoritingly hacome s vriyrmu-b langer consumer of foreigu produisis, aittht nesulbaaib returus f ram customs moulti ha sci greatly iu- creas',d that the, pralen of the pub- lic dt w oult pt-eaont no difficulty. Mr. Jamenoso os not tîint, honorer, tht I-bore ila auy licter praspetlnom thbs thira mas I-en yoarstago of amy gaineraI introituction of railmays or of tle inauguration of any neorma mbhal stoaver, sa far as 11.-se depanit au the initiative of the Petin Covei-aimenb. lb [Jnderi'sncb circuanstances, aX-erican rn and Etirapean capitalîsis coulit scarce- ly I,- tempreit to place large snms 'f O oi.oney in China., 'flicLondn Lancet- ini a rocent is- l -ne dise-nases theo vîew s put fort-h mith si rgard ta the influaence of cliaiuate on c( iseuse h:, Dr. lleri:iaýlnWeber unit Dr. in Michael Flostor, iu au artile mhlihap- r' peuns in tle tiist valiume of AlIbulii's ut Systean(if Meiticina." As the subjeot ii is an intorasbing anti- important ona, n zt may lia meIl ta ouI-lino the conclu- (1- sinýs weht are supporl*cti liy higli au- à hmeorily. We hâveraid thist the stal- sct lsaan important oue, but- the exbent f ils imrapitance nil 1ït-aly mwa's not d recagnzotfuily. Fcï,jrstlyclimati ,reaýtent maz al1msr', :sýteto adia- uases efthe respiraiary org.ans; now îveo zmowi t-but tht treatutent ot aimosl er-H er clir ,otla deviatiai tram hobalhbmuytI be assisted by jodlions changie of îeli- 0' Mtl. 'What is st-l at-eniacking on lef pirt of patienu,ý n;itlpta.-li.oifs 1h alite is precisian leili claie aI local- el [y uni a dueapoetatiu-4othecap- U lu IËks ua liuind. ot climan- ic treatutant., I. is asialisurit fo- a physician ta racmzinit a giron placeh oai gencrul prineiplora as a. is ý3fat- adis- P CaSeit Pcrson tla assuma that a changaeaofl air ahana xciii suffiee ta cre is mnlaity. Eevoithebb case of phîhiis, ihhasa -eceiroti an excephitnl aou5of et- t- tcubion unit stuty, th lectia n ofaIa sullable. climntie is aýlle a tiffcuit a prohlem, mot morely tram the o (bscur-O t-y Oft tho sabject,itut- alto awim,.g ta tho tact thal oboice lae-ston ircnim- s"nlbed I)y extrancous ositrtios Tlua, if a patient hapote'ý, a liacality r must ha sseoted -arore here are facili- t îies for ,-arning a Ivii; unditl auy evutcneotofa.rngsita roUn1iiugs uanitcompainionuship ust ha( b Masy ha, to tnacesse,, '_or teemay lie a lue-k of olvilizo-t zcet occupa- tion, anti amusemziat. Passug aven Ihese, secoit'darjy ques- lions, whicb camplicate tht aitaLtter, mit came ta the primnary enqniry, irbether in tho case af phthisis cailing for cli-i matie tritatment, higl altitudes cire likely [olie suitahie. Il mili nol do toi assume tl t-the answer bviihaai- îrays in the affirmative. Samob Piimes it is better for bbe patient tal,,go ta sncb a seasiite reoant as tle Riviora, or te lb,- Nue Valley, an to aii isianit like Madeisa ; sizutibmos a sea vo yago sitoulit li a recnittoid. 'fTare la no itoulit t'hat eawly casaes a uof te or bila- tonýal phîhlois l u otlng aunit fuirly vig- orans persans, cenxvwMimntht dias is of a linilit eltcaracber, sbanit ba sent ta, a inonbainons rogJin. 'fie chiot contrat-indications ta île moi(untains are huelitta ha, it seems,, aibuni-muirla, iagon- crut-ire tiuease of lld resseis, nicer-- at-ian of thtp intestines, ativuuced luryn-, geai mnlacief, active uubrecuizatio>n, cx- tenstve de-struction of lnng is e co- stibutional eritbism antid trn auge. 'fhie are prinucei by lthe Laucet t-a ho thoýroughly sountimis.It useit fa ha tanighin,luthe profession tiat if a phthisical patient hait suffitrusti tram bemorbage. titis sbaulit ha regar idaitas a bar ta, eithier a sou voyage Or the mouantaine. Th-- true rilex, is, accord- itmg ta the Lamcet, that mhile unt exuat- ing or very recent hmnraepro- cludes change of climato aito[(gofte, past hemarrhagie is nmiaranota thw moun: tains or ta a sou voyage.Th contra- indications ta tht son are laryngeal andI intostina'l complicatzions anit forer; an thae other baud a pu voyage is use- fui wharo plîbisls is parI of ;a geaieral lneattammi tram overwork, or cei cases of limitet loang consolidation xithout fever. 'flic 'Rivieru a it eemeit a suit- able place ot sajaurn for ptr-sons mho flidtihie Aips,,aor rnauntains oif equal altitude anti in the" saine latitude, toni colt, or xx haro plti is la complicatet wlt-h cataral pueumonla or;-lironchi- lis. Madeira is preforable mitant there ils muelai lizitability af the mucous ý;mont limamit. 'i" patients who a oy le sont t-I Egypl are those xvho tint oeai bthe Rivieru too celui, or titasa in mhaut ph- thisis îa assoctutoit mit-h aliuminuria, provid toi the e as inen Do geldit- struction of lung tissue; rt hose, finaliy xxhaýse COnspie-nous Symlptontus are isemnia unit nerx'cus irthiTh'fe ieadin.g contra-indicutioua ta ELgypi are intestinat-[ ulcaîtation, or a teutency la tiarniaca, or thte early accurreýnceofe acuta pneumonie osympbons. 'iais axe sec, wata amisake it la bt- att for grantoit t-at ail suffereats tram phthis- as arc benofitteit by tht, montain air; 7gious; thuose mvho axe more advanced Ûl t yeurs are necommeýnded tt iy Egi pt ai )r the Rivistra. ci -- a4 The Launcet bas reerta t srvice by ia ioxvling the necessity Of "le dîscnian- la nation iu the selection Of ecumulescOn- P .itered as nemetil ageaies. It aiso tf- nolsthose 'o ho, for one- reuasan or h nother, nre unahle ta leave home, by ati rmindinig tliom th:at -milli judiciOns E tanagement it is ofton possible for an O tralidt t obtain greut lienefit by tîvuil- il îg hiansolf a f ail tbe aitvîntages an'd i -efaýnîing lainiseif fram tht injuaziolia i- afluences af,-bis home climate. pr là Among the, maay lhin:gs universaIly Cý lesireit and ta beLahait onlithrougb in-b 'mrat-itnai agreementit ,an Englisit 0 eli er. 'fhua xould ual imply the bulk, tep Feope iyon the' expenýse of a dbc- Ïonai'y.,i 'Tht auiter of mords van- b ausly spelled iu Engili b, ual otsagreat an es la requise a, quarto volume ta can- ai ýain tbam, witlb 0f mithanut dofinitlous, 0 zymoiogy anit bistaricai illustratiaons of aeir w-zt. Prliabýly t 1heir nuanleri mouid net exceod two thausaniti Con- g besninx anlid attt tra verse mare thant ait that niner, if inedso lange a roporlion. A decision caaiventionait 0 least coulit le reacleit by wix ith al t oarties soulit Le baundnit u suvance, ta,< bite. An international arbitralion t curt to preparo 'an Englislh speller might ituot arane as greal eýnbhus1-aam s an tnternational court ,ta put mbo Qporatiuai the complote maebtneai-ry for Ëhe perpetual maintenance af peace. on rouid the arguments beforo sud iC, ribunal stLiulate the animasilies non, ressard bites sueit as more invo[lvedin a thEouoe of lthe Geneva commission. Neverîlielesa, Ian iternational arbi- ration court ta an Englîhii spelier w onlit h a aoxg thta moat inter- -stIng incidents of the English speali- ng era., Counsei bel are il w vonid re- present an exbraordinary range cf iuman lnterest, ethical, linguistic, are- ucological,; au interest compreliensivt, liversified snd ianponisble. 'fie sortit wvouid lieentild. ta speclal con- sel. The deposit uf -Norenin flie Eng- lishisl singularly puare, vigorons antId weli presonvoijTh fe elegaul Normait- French onght ta appeair in the. Persan of tan ae-compiislied scbolar xvbo moult Pot repeat lu tus'itefenisa bte onitescen- 'ion W\iliiam's knlghbs sud cunnoissours bestomeit iipon the uit oubliAngles, iboýse primaitive, manrs anui love of- ivassail scaaidallzed tht chivaliers who g,&veý ilýs iraI poliali ta Esaghish, societ-y. Tht. Celil, tihe sonaro.s unit vital Gael- ic, lthe lbm Dutolithb aid hligli Dutcli, the, Porttgseso, tht spauisb, the Itali-, ai, ta say noi'hnpg of lha Latin andt the Greeli for vehau one miglit mialia M*I zou 'coulitraperalthose ivonli ha suitit ta hearing. WhI feucling uroulit enlven sueit a forum!I Ifair- splitting cf very roots andittitir tend- rias, ta say nothing of shaots and leaves anit buts, woaiid sitame the' subîoleat of inedieral intllectuail tght-ropa par- fornrers. Ibm the dialiolicai prinbors of the selvcnteenth century, who leveleit ail arislocracies af isards ta titeir tam- porary mechanicai limlbations-the sans eulottes of. pii]loigy-xonlit conte in for a laaig-deferred and tillts ae-e 5itrved thumpiaug! Shoulit axxell-knowai group Le 'aurl Or "er"? Wisa Shutill thte'l ha itoubleti, wheu single? Shahl the finals lu anollion grourP bhaer nr roI Shall me 'go ta the theatre or ta Ilia theater? Shah-lb bitle chaasing an chusiaig? Shah m e continue to irýint ilpractice for hbthverb and nouai or aazîghl il ta ha pDr'actisifor elth- er or hbth? la h 'net or -neît? Negocla- lion or ne'gatiation? Then thene is the pravuking quaudry of pasb tenses anti itast parli-ipies. Ouglit mords ta bit speif ulSvays or semetimes spelleit? Iu aditution toalal tbis btuere reanains ta e 1- regula-teithlie confuision of foreigu naines, particulariy orientai cees. INor ougtit il bB lieanpoas8ille ta agree UPon the malt of proper naines, ancient, medieval, cointeanoranoeous. If suci a tribunal made satisfactory progresa aover an urea sa vaat ont bewlldezring as I-lis il ougil mol ta bositaitt o ofke upthe lb ougitt not ta hesitate ta take, upp tht quczabion of Englisit pronainciation. ERom- e-ver, dilua have first an Englisli spellor. Atioln Of au agreed upon code ap- proxinabaiey scientitie mouiti h a de the 1 tde toward tht Sultan lias been modifi- mSia' ChdrishtiEai sibtoitzzieneeril Lnuret aty rmin isliteit teram Rus- Levsan miarem a ia s gedone y îRhu Lonr BeuconsTieit onli isnili au an Lrdgoniot y x ie-b mullios af Armn - iangeunt Grothi Chiis-,er lt a itean mer af a uaninur daspata -peace oiib houer." If, la save bleut, il la ueestsary ta lot the Czar take Cons-tant-iuopilt, tbe Engliali pQoph il1 i ictolIts authonize - Loti t Slisblury ta fare lthe riait. BABYLONIAN FINDS. Riteaîarlabtle »lilse enes Male iîD te,'t ast 'flese labest diaovorias came about lu an inberesting xvy. His prodecessar, Dr. Peters, w orteit do-irata a certain floor an platurin w bidhilesian t-bers hat taken ta lie t-htgrount les ai of the, ancieul city. One of the aty su- gestait that this level shouit ho pene- Iruleit uni thbie iggiug continueit unlil rock an virgin son it ulitb--noacbomi. Tht suggestion aras udopbei, unit, ta tht de1igbbý of ail concerneit,it wa s fanitthat rbut xvas suppoed tit tli lthe, level of the sue-lent city nos oniy the, level of a, comparutixoly modern clty luilI aven bthe ruins of au aider co or a succession of altier ones. 'flicexcavabions aa e the. levailiait gant bthnough 36 feet oftebis. "'bai mitrre nom coutinnoi tol a doptl otf3M feet halom, tie excavations uhove tle plutfort, dise-avertit netnains xvhiclî covereitas perlit of 4,000 yeurs tfBaby- lonlan hist-ory. Beloîr the pialtorin t-o lthe virgin siail maýs au accumulation of drains, presenveit unitbroken pat-tery, unit varions aller abjects of interest. 'fmeuly-thre e el belam the plattorm, Prf. Haines came upan lthe mas. an- dient titkystone a a -h kuoma n ;rcli mhicli, Prof. Hiipritcht thîika. calmi ha lubor flan 5,000 B. C. Prof. Haines exe-uvatedthe lamer part af t-ho marre- ions mail of bte ciI-y. îts foandations mitre fanitoa h 16 foot hclaxv the lerel of thttiesent iralli iseif. Il la 17 feet higl unit 45 feet w-ite upan t-ht top. 'flua wall stands upon anot-ber of un- tnawn heighi. These alîs more buit af bricks 20 incites square, probably tle hargest bricks even uset. The mosI vahuable fintismitre lthe inse-fiptiana up- au the braken vases , bricks uni tlablets. From tIlese il is contidemitly pnedictct b-y Prof. HiIpnechi thal a continuons histary of Bubyloulsut avilI ha avnibten. COULDN'T BE-HEP. Miss Kis.sam--You setem depruessei tca nigît, Mn. Dtxter. Mnr. Dexbtr-Yes, Isut. I ixenit oa fortuni teI-ter taday la tint ont My fate unit w's taidthat the girl I loveit wxoulit not marny me. Thos of aug nt receubasy cingl ar A oe fehi auglint rfiaI b a edguis, piaier lu caolor, or Of a dark purpie. 'fnie-y dealers ta mak tit sîcish seem fresit, put beef blood on îleir gilîs. -os pust, sq.Sueqs Gaat, uir le JOtermine ,tho particular locality from 1iPatt M aq Stj ASAI-ý, fli 4 t..os }ltt ) ieh benefit may bit expected. Ju-c 'unâqSIeooa q t- [Mlld1clBeau -- 01, tisluoi lu iî(04 IV ,j ,ttfl sit- The rudes for other diseases are mucli tliow, Varions eiots avnd decrees have sinpler. 'f bas gout and rheumatiaJi tiso been issueit purPOrting1 to coufl- demaiti warm and dry inland climates, tenance othar prajeýcta, which, h-owev- or fairly warm iseas4hores. For most cr, in Mrt. Jameison's opinion, will not cases of nervo diisorder, thie Mountainîs b-a carriait out. In principle, the con- axe, On the whole, unsuitable; andt the struction of railways bas beýen for some Lancet aiso tbinks 'i-at sea voyages are ,eari sanctictned, but subject t'O tlis contra-indicated;; herein reversing the condition, t-bit no foreigner shall bave opinon expresseti by Dr. Weber andt itel t hnthnait five id ttapoimntDr. F osater. Scrofula, i-e, lympbaJtic Lt--elfto he atie md l taappinttuberculosis, b,on i-be other hand, not- Some off icial ta callýect suhacriptions, ably bersefiteit by a bracing marine rit- froln thie native merchants, antd buildsotadfr ýl maysevygs bac lina as a 0-overnanent affair. Assotadfrtis ald sevygs the ercaùt se noreaý,i tobeleveare also useful. BronchUtis in ynaing [b't met-chants os orecanrn t beliv personîs is often ameiioratPit by the [bat raa way of ca s ta pe unt ui y m ou nitains; but for elderly persans the tbiehae ofhai uitW t( pa>dvidnsRiviera, Egypt, -or the Canaries, tbat tb' bae bthoto eolnedto invest atoayawam estrerisur capital inisucl entrprisesý. If Li Hung ciST; ana are heitI ore uotble. stb- Chang was cOrr'ectlY ]reported,,, even a lmtaxhed orsuab.At- state.snan rei1atuvely so, enfigbtened as ma ils too erratie a isease ta admit ha, le not d!spos'ad toa allow f torei-gners of definite rudes; many asthnatita do ta contrOl railwa;ys in bis coin try, ai- hast in large towns. itufferers thouugli tbey may bave splid tbe from astbma, are often reiieved by a stav , ;-,in-he Alias Or siJilax montain tal Sel tai do irL cià et fto i. ln an a ,ud th0'arthe Sluld anothý e mssacre ýdken plaieat Constantinoperssar Treneli, and EhgfsLhif ur shiw ill bit 'nttjaitheat for tb5, pruipo of main- aining order. Snch interference would lubtless litai to, the deposition af the )rsent- Sultan, and il is possible tbat, îstead of permittiarg an-ew ruler to bit hosen, the powers principally intýereat- Id may recognîxe týhit tha' tima bhas coma, divide the Ottoman possessions. Althougli, bowever, the Turk isaa sicu tan, lie has aboon in, a w anse pligbt four nies in lthe present century . The Otto- tan Empire wxas broUlglt ta the verge Jfrua.n in 1829, xvhen a Ruasian army inder Iliebilsoli croýssait tbe Balkans att reacheit Atrianopla. Again, in 1833, Uahmond II. ecnsenle:d, aI thle bidding yfthe Czar, to sigai the treaty of Lnkiar keeswhich, if Franco, and England votld ba:ve suffered it ta hae carrisit ont, voui d have converted Tucrkey into a vais- il. State. That treaty placed tha- Dar- lanelles and Coffstantiniopie itsaf under ,e protection of Russian war vessols, id it -%as plain estongl that in sncb Ïrounstances aIl of the Sultan's officiai ts wauldthe dictatIed froni St. Pet- tsbnrg. Again, in 1839, xx len tbe 'fuik- bh army was annihilateit by Ibrahima asha at Nisib, andt when, almost con- emporaneonîsly the Turhueeli fleel mas iande-d over to Mýehemel Ali at Aiea- Lndria, notbing but th,- interposition of ngl;and and France saved the, hanse of Éliman froni detbronement. Once mare, i Mardi, 1878, wben a Russian army hait roach it the suburbs af Constant- lopin, notbing savedt lia 'furkisb Em- ire tram. destruction exceopt tbekuow- .dge that, Uft ha inva dora enteredtthe tpltal,afleet of British ironclada would ae crdered ta the Bospornas. On every ýne of the' occasions nametl it aoomed mprobable lthaI Tuxkey isoulit ourvive, Yet il continuai tota exisi' so il mai ,e that evan nomw the Ottoman Covaru- tant -viii hbcsuffertd tao go on under a reW ruâler îvbo xxiiimalte tba pro Fonce 3 ins-mituting home reforms. 'fhe Moorisli kingdom of Grenada lin- ered for some tmWo centurios longer Éhan in the natitral course'Of things it -oulit hasve iaetd, csving ta the rivalryi of Castiloi anit Aragon. Jr is for an an- alagons reason, nameiy, the, rivait-y b- tw sonei iRusia, an thse anahanit and Aus- nia and Enginiton the at-lier, that the Osmanli bave.linon allowed ta robain Constantinople for the lasI threc-quar- tes of a century. 'fie hanse ouf Haps- tnrg lia[s god cause ta foi-r that il coul z b- unable ta ,halit its Siaio suit- ects i sbjactian sionlit the grat Slar sovereigu gain a footing lu th' FBalkan peninsula. EngILsi, statesmen on their part have hithierto assnnied Ibt hein rountLry's short lina of Gommnii, i n s ith Initia, w'euud lietbreatenod if a strong powor like Rusala, mitose navy as capable of indeflinite. oHpansioai, shoulit gain contrai of the Blosparus. Thle palitical and slraýtegio' abjections &cout an valut nase as tlioy over wero, andt it may, ie titatthey xxiii once ancre avail to postponAe the partition of 'furkoy. But in England, ýat ail evonts, tho-ra arc in- licaliocie that public, opinion xxili no longer toierate, the aliandonniont of tbe A our Ri Eczema, BTILD U TC 10S-ÈSýCEM 'hts Ir 'sitrce îo tryonte. Nobitter edicitte onu eathan MICRB ILLER fcr paiagt .btoot, fou- ýg up tht ersd bulding up the ,atiSea for-cujrnlr ILU I 111.Lu'(LiN. Friend-"'She hief-adyai?" Ibi, Lort-ship. 'les, _h Jo'v'e 1 She's al 1 beartiess flirt.b-'r !euzx-ding meOn ýu for six w cota clicys, shea -deesut cane for a lit-le, atvwl- la als cys ro -m îsccca~ts, ont-dle are inauîialiy pc ta-re. .Frn- tosn-"yes, î-h'taot las agoi muoy poor nelî,ti- "D!o pan domnucs,-liiliciVng, HarojIt? natoit thteuaeciy C-i-,ýeitguesi. '-wti in a xx'y 1 do," id Il--old. Pp climbs; ail oaxr i3 ýo ur:ii ains, suit I cijuali al aveu pai' "Hom cun le t .cu ni ch, ibnha Irie' totabarres' j, a-fo£:mylroes tho, day aItotero C-, egcagcd i" ha wa's ouly a pot i-zr metboit. Hae wantet ta, ptctene,m fzxzom ctoing t',ha saine tbing t-c lii "Jobson, l1ado 'v î f pou 'cn givoît îour' tho Uçetvý-7eei ne? ant youaz pipe, yoî xA-1 Uesh tut-e.""Ia' wh ere î', Mrs. Job1- sou. A pipa sot-s izzî,itdf.cemfarî a mn i luis d WViggl'es "WlLj<ziy'zau make hlmIý lto b is w'ords- ýz ias you saîti you xreogoiiag ce1tua. tWnggti7:c.-- '- V, lie toot thons hict, but- ho ussi h aven agoin mare emphaîicaliy tisa did b-Jane." 'The genorul riu of funnymy saidtht-e philosopher, "are irne-sponi ie flair utLtraocas. 'flop dont Wr t-hait- warts.'"-I suppose tley u, lite ta fini t uh1w beuvy flo i are," sait Expiaiuitaqji. (e 111 was troubled a ogtime with sielk Iseadache. 1 tried a,..%d many rem.edies recommended for this ce-splaint; but it wasîlot util 1 Began tfaking Ayer's Pils that 1 received permanent benit. A s'ingle box of these pills feed ie troi laeadacbes, and 1im.rnnow a eveli iitn.ii -C. 1H. ITîCHINGSw, IEasi t ,Meý. Awardied Medal at WOr#d' týa 4ier's SarscsparitUt to uT. n iiast~ - - I 'it BClilD11EN, afbsolntely no drug t. lif raess. An efletual purgative, repîlaý,. with great auvantage, raaljr oil, senna and al ý,; of-ous drugo. Cure Wom.Fe e r, Fil, Coic.q Te thjng, etc. FREE SAMPIE to any Pddt iae,1.Dr. Hloward Medicine Co,. Brockville ter aiona 2'lie One Great Standlard a-athorjtc Sae'writes Hon. 1). j. Bïe-ve" .luii'e U. S. Supreme Court. jW-Send a Pos-I i r Specimen Pagea, etj{ 4n Successor ofthe f e ngILih Gav't 7' fiLw 1J. S. O'in je2e cout, ¶11 II fi aSupîeor coura axofneatiy ai l t, Selcobooksa bJState Snperia1tenc ^vÉthaout nt te. '127 ~TFOR~EEYO lit la eas, ta flad ithe word ned l ls easy ta ascertain Lle pronoa ciýai It la easy to trace thle growth uf a'r It la eaiay te leas-i wlaat a w.ord e.. Vihe Toronra' Globe snys:- Thie InternstUi0titit i rapidiy brnxnrclse as tc mosrelaatle st'aadard dein ' o ie in additiotn ta i uiflhiîtîg ue priaary funietioni a mît tinr.he Interî'tioîiqi ontainsa avan amînt at ge11r11infornatioîa of grcat G. & C. MIERR TAM GCO., Pub1ii.uor- MA Averls Sarsapari'llci, is Béat,

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