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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1896, p. 6

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WEDNESDAY, SEPT. SO, 1896 DJL . . E. liITEuLL i Eld BER OF COLLEGE 0F PHYSICIAN y.Ld Surgeons, Ontaro, Crnner, etc. oMopc and Residance. EnniskillGfl. 74.- A. MoLAREN DENTIST 243 Yonge St., TORONTO. F dteam, $10 Set oiTeth for U T) ARISHnSOLICITORt, &o. MOPTtIS P I>LOCK. upstairs, King Stret, BowTan- ville. Slctor fur the Ontari Bank ~ vlninevs oaned att thý iÔwa, 't rae ItoICT. YOUING, V. 5, O -,FFICEF, INTUE WEST DURUIAV News Block, 'where hiroseif or assistant wt cfond from 8aa. t 9 p,m. Night catis .1. resdencedirectly opposite Dril Shed. Oalls ]» telegrapli or telephone 'eut receve prompt attention 171-yr A. A. ]POST, ARCIIITEOT. Plan and Specifica tiens prepared for every class of thuildine, bpeciliattenton given te heating bY Stean end hot water. and to sanitary arrangements. Office: GorrieBiock, Whitby 1-1Y RM. PE-ATE Tailor Gentlemen's Clothes Made ta Order. JM.BRIMACON-ý"IBE DEINTIST. OFFICE --Rear of Messrs. H-igginbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), C. HARNDEN, L. D). S. Graduate ofthe Roy6l Colleae aDental Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OPPOSITe EXPRESS OFFICE. VITALIZED AIR. New Tailor Shop The undersigned who has beau carryius on the tatloring business in connection with Mason's Dry Goods Store for a numberof years bas commenced business for himself aetlits residence, King St.,west. where ha is preparaci to make gents' and boys' suits in ail the latest styles, and at lowast prices. For thoso -who wish to order suite, ha wili carry a fuit lina of amplesimalthe newest patterns. Give hlma J. T. -ALLEN', Fashionable Tailor MONEY TO) LOAN. $100,000, A large sum ofo roney hasbeen piaced inmy hauds by a privata persan fer investment, on approvad lbans on farma securtty for a tain of FIVE or TEN years, FivE AND ONE HALl"FER CENT interest 'eil1 be asked payable yaarly. Satisfactory conditions for repaymeflt wilt bc arraged.Dý B. SIMPSON. Solicitor. Bow manville, iOR SALE OR RENT.-flouse and F2i acres for sale or to rani, situata on Scugog street north. The promises CouBst of a good bouse with evary conventenca, driviun shed, stable, etc. Tile garden contains a lot o1 be cholcest fruit of att variettes. Imînediate posesfsion can ba given. For particulftrs apply W.FISHLEIGOH Bowmauville Ont 411f THE C'fANADIAN STATESMfAN ESTABLISHED 1851 ?l par annum. lu advanca, otherwise 131.50I. Subecriptions always payable ai itae o1lce of publication. Advertising rates uuleqs by non ract, 10 cents per lina, nouparel ,frst insart on, and 5 cents par linao ach subseqetafil- setion. Locals, 10 cents par fine. M. A. JAMES, Pufblishar Srewer and s AT TUE WRON;G PLACE. W-ie -%vas that fine iooking gentleman attedoor, Jane I I dn't knowý, mum. I told hïrm that ie Lad called at the wang bouse. Ue,,w in thae wrld do yen know he dlid Because lac Lad no bil to present, MUM. Piles Cored li 3 to 6 Nights.-Dr. Agoew's Ointment wiii cure ail cases of- Itching Piles in from 3 te 6 nigbts. One ap)plication brings comfort, For Blind and Bleeding Piles it is peerless. Aise cures fetîer, Sali -Rheum, Eczema, Barber's Itoli, and ail euptions of the skin. 35 cents. For ýsale by ail Drwggists "I thinl," she said earnestl3, "that a womau wiao truly loves a mmîan alays bas bis hast interesis at hoart.- "Par- Iiaps," Le answred; "but" -- "What wera you going té sayv b" "If tbat's the, case, what inakes ber marry him ?11 PRIZE LIST. CLASARlSs Dangh.-Team, pize, by R. Bith, Esq., M. P., S. Bescecle, A. Taylor Bîood Mare, J Campball, Jas Rowau Colt 2 yr., S A Devit ; Colt, 1 yr., W J Rooey, S A Devit ; Foal, Jas Rowau, W Darcey, General Purpose.-Teama prizos by R Beith,Eeq.,M P,W Mcîudoo,T White; Brood Mare, D Spinles, L Robbiue ; Colt 2 yre, R. Hylaud, R Egerton ; Colt 1 yr, G NesbittJ Mtintjoy; Foal,S Beacocl L Robbins. Carriage.-Team, prizes by R Beitb,Eeq ,M P,S Nasbit,T Bruce; Breod Mare, W Darcey, A Gibson; Colt 2 yrs, J Fonder, G L tIcLaughliu Colt 1, yn, J Campbell, T Trewin ; Foal, A Gibeon, S MlcLaughlin. SingleDniver, 15ý hands sud over J. M. Brooks, G. Neebti. 1512 and under, L Sebant, D Whitney. Saddle horoe, W Pari, W Swain. W H Raid, Esq, M P P, prize $5 for basi Single Tunnout, E Evane. CLAESeB-CÂTTLE. Durham-Milch Cow, T A Wright 1 sud 2 ; Heifer 2 yrs, wth pedigree, T A Wright ; Hleifer 1 yr, wlith pedigree, T A Wrightu ; Heifer Caif, T A Wright ; Bull Caif, J Wright. Grade, Cow, Jas Pair, Auson Taylor ; Heite'r 2 yrs, W Swaiu, Jas Pair ; Heifer 1 yn, G Nesbitt, W Swain ; Heifer Caif, Jas. Pari, Anson Taylor. e-LASCS -snzzi. Cotswold.-Ramn, ilPelion, A Spinles; Yearling Ram, L Skinuer, Jas Custes; Ramn Lamb, H Pollen, 1 sud 2 ; Eweee, Jas Coates, H PoIllen; Sheanling ewes, Jas Costes ; Ewe Iambe, Ha Pollen, Jas Coatea. Leicese.-Aged Ram, Jos Campbll,W C Ferguson; Yearling Ram Jos Campbll, J Wright; Ram lamb, J Campbell, W C Fergoson ;Tsro Ewas, J Campbell, T A Wright ; Shearbing Ewes, J Campbell, 1 sud 2; Ewa lamba, T A Wright, W C Farguson. Fine Woo.- Agad Ram, J Camnpbell, L Skinner; Yearling- Ram, L Skinner ; Ram lsmb, J Leaek, L Siner ; Two Ewee, J LesEle, J Caimpbell ; Shearling Ewee, J Lesele L Skiinnern; Ewe Iambe, J Lesele, J Campbell. e-LACS D-5WINE. Berlshie.-Boar, Wes Montjoy Sow, F Sauderson ; Boan Pîg,eix monthe Auson Taylor ; Sow Pig, six menthe, W tIarlow, 1 sud 2. Large Breed.-Boar, J P Tnewin ; Sow, do, A Spînles;Beai Pig, J P Tnewin ; Sow Pig, do. e-CLACS E-OULTRY Plymouth Rocks, Thos Wood; Blacle Spsuish,Was Mountjoy,T Wood; White Leghorus, T Wood, 1 and 2; Donkiue,do Houdans, do,1 snd 2 ; Brown Legliomus, do do; H1amburg,silver spangled, do do Hambunge, golden spangiad, do do Brahmss, light, do do ; Brahinas, danle, do do ; Blacke Minoncam, do, R Veuuing Silven Wyaudottes. T Woods, 1 sud 2 Turkeys, T Woods, N Manluw ; Gese, T Woods, A. Spinke ; Docks, T Wood 1 sud 2 ; Andlusians,, T Woods. e-nase r-DIARY FRODUCE. Buttei.-501b tub, tIrs S Sheppard, tIns Jas Pari ; Bttai in 10 lb Pninis, tIrs Jas Parn,Mrs E J Wheoer. Bread, home madle, Mis F Moea, Mis W C Fat-gusun ; Bue, home mada, Mme 1N tIariow, tIre G L tIcLaughlin. Cauned Fruits, tIns F Monet, tIrs Jqs Pari. Jaîhies, tIrs G L McLaughii, tIns Jas Pair. Huney lu CoroL, G L tIcLaugln Honey stîaiuad, do, Cheese, Blacleetocle Diary Co, e-LACS G-IMPLEMENTS. Double Wagon, Jas Holmes ;,PSingle Cutter, do ; FaniLu Mill, C Jackson Sewlng Machine, R tIcNally. CLASS H-aOaiSTIe- MANUFACTURES. Single Light Hlannese, W Bingham,1 and 2 ; Set Bednoom Furnitu ne, R McNaly, 1 ÇLAS$ I-ObiAIN FRUIT ANDI>vIiGRTABLES. Pal Wbeat, red, A B3eacacli, A Tayior; c i'all Wtueat, white, W Bnudhurn, J ' Wright ; Spring Whaat, bard. T A< Wright, T Whiifiald; Sprng VWheat,ieof, Jas Coates, A Gibsou Peas, Marwfais E~ Fize, T White ; Pos, Mummies or GJanadian Beauties, S Sheppard, J Pari Pea, Small, N Mariuw, J Y tIcLaughlio Oate, wbiieT S Knight,G Neebiti; Ozies blacke, Jas Pann, A Taylor ; Barloy, six- rowad, il Pollen, Jas Ceaies ;Petatoea,t white, N Marlow, J M Bal ; Potatuai, red, J Trewin, J M Bail ; Turnipe, J W Wright, T Whitfield ;, White Beaus, H Venuing,Mrs F Moudt ; Tabla (Jarrets, P Huit, S Sheppard ; Cairote, J Rundie,i J Tewiu ; Cabbage, W C Ferguson, G Confleld; Sqoase, J Rundle; Pumplelos E J Wheeler, E Flitze ; Beets, P Huit, S Sheppard ; Unions, white, G Coîfield, A Taylor; Onions, red. G Corfie!d, S Sheppard; Mangoid Wnntzies, W J Hooey, J Trewin; Wiutcr Apples, -A Taylor, J Rundla Fali Aupieît, A Me Lean, N Mariow ; Ruasts, A GihEon, J Campbllu ; Sxiow, tis A tIcLean, Hl Pollen ; -Northeru Spies, H Pollen, A Spinke ; FalI Peare, A Spioke, B Pheipe; Winiar Peare, S McLaughlin, W Bnad. humn ; Gý&pes, S tIcLaughlin, Jas Parr Tomatoas, S Sheppard, 1 and 9 ; Water Melons, E J Wheeler ; Citrons,J Rundie E J Wheeieî;Iudiau Cern, J Englisb, J à Y McLanghhin, Collection Frut, uamed, Jas Coates. R Phibp. e-LASS J-LADIUi5' PEPAtiTMENT. Cloih, bomne ment, Mrs J Y Me- Laughlil, tIre A tIcLean ; Flaunsi, hume made, Miss A Me-Lesu, 1 sud 2; Flanuel, mîxsd, Mme Jas Parr, tIrs A tIcLeau ; Rag Campai, tIrs A tIcLean, 1 aud 2 ; Woolen Blanleets, Mme J Y Me- Lauglun, Mis 8 McLaughlin<; Cotton Ceverlat, tIrs S MeL-a.ohlin, tIre J Y MeýLauglun ; Woolen Covaîlet-, Mrs S Sheppard, 1 sud 2 ; Gkeutleman's Plaid, A Spinke,MrB C Latimen Ladies Shawl wuulau, Mis J McGregor; Fancy Quilt- lng, Mrs J Y McLauLyhIin, Mrs J Pari Plain Quilting, tIre J Y tIcLaughlin, tIrs J Penr ; Home made, Patch Quilt, tIre J Y tIcLaughlin, Mis Moea; Patch Work, tIrs F Monet, tIrs J Y McLqugh- lin ý Hume made, Cuit Quili, Mie S Mo- Laughliu, Mies L Parle ; Yarn Mai, tIrs J Y tIcLauglîlin, 1 sud 2 ; Rag, Mat,do, 1 and 2 ; Siocking Yaîu. tIrsA ÀtIcLean Mrs S Shiephard ; Wouleu Secks,do, Mirs J Pari ; Woolen Stockinge, de, 1 sud 2; Weolan Mitions, do.Mre Jas Parr ; Ber- lin, raised. Mre T Wood ; Berlinu, worle flat, Mns N Mariow, Mis F Monet ; Em- Parr ; Toilei Sat---Butles sund Coshiorl, airs J Parr. tIrs A Beacock *- Footstool, mISs L Parka, airs W Bradburn ; Sida- board Cuvai, masJ )( aicLaghlin,airs G Nesbit ; macraina Cord Work, aises L P'arks, ma F aoat ; Ilandkerchief Sat- chat, aire J aicGregor, airs A Beacock ; Whisk belder, Miss L Parka, Mre -J Me- Gregor ; Collection bouse Plants, l're N LMarlowît Mrs McNally ; Laimp mat, Miâs L Parka, tMre McGregor -. Crochet Quï1t, Mrs S McLaughlin, Miss L Parke Pieced. Quilt, Mis r Y McLs.ughlîun Table Mats; do, tIrs i McGreger ; Set Ladiles Underclothing, tIrs j MeGregor. MIr% C Lattimer. A FATIIERTS 3TORY. RAPPINESS RESTORED WIIEN HOPE HAD ALMOST GONE lis Bangiter Bogait ne Broop aaîti racla -l'vns Attaclied aviti, lciîr'itea Life as s oaired af-sile Agai EnâjeailL4 RobiRît îfoutu. From îLe Brantford Courier. A nacont addition te the Grand TronC statf in this city je RMr. libos. Clitft, wbo sa living ai 75 Chatucam Street. Mrn. CiLt, Whuo v,4s forncniy a Poliean in Lhe great city ut London, le a 'flue looC- ing specimen ot an Englishman oetihe type sooften seau lun îLe Grand Tmîînk mpiloy*andU avhu malta sos deainabbe a claïs of citizens. Since, Lis adrent hoe he Las haen awarm advocalee, ftbthat veli kueivu medictua, Dm. Williis Pink PIlaant irougb Lis edno mnt, dozens et boxes have beaei ý,,d to Lis friands sud acrjnaiiszaues. A Courier mpresentative, anions, althuug-b net sunprisod, te Cue i îe reason for Mn. Clifi's warerr ulgy et the pills, aalled on ihat gentlemen ne- ceutly. Mn, Clif t willingly cousented te tn interview, and lu the îolowng si-ory ;old Lia neaisen ior haîng su sincame an tdvocate et a wormd neneavued medie-ine. 'Soe five years agît," said Mm. CiU-f, '1mi daugbtam Lilly Le-gan to daop, at fade, and be-came disinclmned eiiber for avork on pleaýsure. A docton lu London w as e-alsed lu andi ha pnese-ribed sIamoise and a genenal "reusîng up"ma the Lest medie-,ine toeaffect a cura. Miy ltaugbten diti ebaLest îe foleav Lis in- structlions, but i-Le tereeri exorcisa ex- hausted ber completoly, and eab g-na- dnally greiv woa&'. Owe ulght 1I aud my wîteavare terrible alarmed Ub- a e-ey front Lilly, and hbaslaung te bakr tee-m feuud lhan guiiping up large quan- titie5 of blood. 1 ruehed fer a doci-or andi ha ibid bis 'Lest te, sýtop >ar heneerhaga, but ' admit- tari te nusibid h ler casa wasvery criticalý She dnepped t,ay te a -ver- li-aLla rhadoav, and fer aveehe w-huin1 weni te bld hen geud-byc lua Leniian iung ash1axent te any wonk l teared i I magbtLs nt sec han u&'ive cgasm. Tfinis went en for a long îme until eue day a friand reco mindar my deug-brnte try the eiiec et Dm. Wii-1iaiana' Pinik Pi-lel.She, consentadti tede ce andtinl a ccaaraivaly bniet peniod a decideti benatit was pîercepible. She persisted witi-hthe use e- the pille and gnadualiy rosa, front a Led of sutfernug and siok- uess ni ah"eu neeagalu attained roebusi, youug womnuood., For tLe lest ihmrec yeas she Las beau in excellent boal1th. i was Finke PIla iat virtuaiiy brought ber frein the moula etfi-be grava ansa presenveti for me my eniy daug-hten Noaw do yen wouden why 1 sound ihaýin praises sud recommenti tbem ai- every eppontuniy ? Dm. WiliamSuPink Pilla sirike, ai îLe reet oethe diseasa, driving il front tlha sysiosu anti mestoninýg ithspatient te ba.altb nsud arangth4 lu casas et par- alysis, spinal troubles, locoanotur ai- axiaý, scatica, nbeuanatism, emysipelas, serofulous troubles, etc., ihesa pille are superior te ail othar ineatmeul.ý Thay ara alao a spacufic for the troubles wbicb make.s îLe lires of se many avee- eu a Lunden, and speetiiy restoeathe rie-h giow et heaith te pale and saline ohaeMen broken down by over- work, wonry on axe-esses, will >fiud ii Pinke PIl a ceain cure., Seld by ai deanes on saut by mcii, posipeiti, ai 50Oc. a box, or six boxas ion e2.50, bý addressig ibhe Dr. Williass Medlcind Company, Iinochville, Ont., or Scheue tady, N.Y.- Bawane et imitations au( substlintesaMFeged te Le "jusi l as )d CURIOUiS CIIIMIINAL LAW. A curieus point in Swadish crùimina iaawl is hai econfessie-n is nacassaryLa- te-re a capital sentence e-anuL ecmr mieti eut. If, hoe'veur. tLe cuiprit pan sîsts Ln pnoeÈsting Lis innlocenc e in iL- face e-f oerpowiuirg caideuce, tLe pni se-n disciplina is maade extnemely strie cutisoi-are until the desireti contassiez le obtalueti. MAKING A RECORD. Offlea, 1 a-aut yen te be-Ckuée u for ehootiug game. \Vell, aihaie's the gane ? Oh,, i haven't Lit anything; enly want rny friands te think 1 Love; an if you'Il bave my conviction inset lui the «"Eveuing Sueuzer " l'il g-be yo a f iver. ChId ren C ry fo, tells this tale about a kuowiing littla7 Scotch pony Le camne--cross in Lis trav- ais: lVany years cge I spent My midsum- mer bolldays et Dainacurdoch. about tan miles north et Blair Athol. in Perth- sbire. The Highlnnd relie ay lad net as yet laid downnis linos emoug the vaileys et the Grampian His. On the day proviens te my return Lomewards. tLe friand aelîh whem I residod sug- gesial that I sheuid borroav ld Donald McKay's oid pony, and pay a tarawoll visit te semaetfthe farmers nd ishep- bards 'ehose acquainlance 1 Lad torm- ed during my siay. The peony was most williiugly placed ai my disposai, and I set off. Wheu the twil-ight was gathoring ovor tbe mighty bille, I sat lu my saudile at Nia). McKerrae-h-r's door, bîdding bim and býs tamiiy g-ced-bye. Neil was loath te part wiih me, anJda(ltainad me su leng talklng about mnny.things, that taxiLigbt wes giviug- place te night whan w o perîed. The stars w ara coming oui as I rode dewu the bridie path ihat wound along the glau. i had a jour- uey of about seven miles beforý me are 1 couid roacli tLe highway whioh bey tar beuaatb me. Suddeuiy a thicle misi "bscured, the- stars, sud the narrow paih disappaarcd ln the darknass. Aller pree-eediug a tow yards tîLe pony steod stihl, sud al my atiemlpis a, ceexing hlm fomnvard faîied. 1habd raed many tonies efthîe sagaeiiy et herses and penias tiading iheir way home, se resoivod ou test- ing their probabiiity. I laid tLe relus on the pony's ueck, and had ne sooner doue su, w ban i turncd aside frem itho bridai patb aud sirue-k oui a path for itseif, threugb tCLe tal Loather aiong i-ho mouVelan sida, traveling siowly,and nover once makiuga slip or taise stop. lnsted ot, as 1 expected, carrytng mýe te the door of tsis aster, it drew up in front et that et my friand, where 1 bcd mouted il li the morning. 1I aes about t te ktbc pouy Lack te Donald, axhosa Lonisa wes about a mile distant, whan my friend said ihai anch a pro- ce-ediug was ununecossary. Hae catied eut iu Gaelie te the peny, -"Good-nigbt, Hory, trot away hoe'," anud naighing a" good-uîght l'raply, off went "-oy aross the moor, aud w as ai once test ln tLe darkness. 1 fouud naxt mcruLog ihat ha rea- e(l bis masters cottage a fevi minutes aftir taking beave et us. Another travalar relatas li a London pper hom ew ha came couvinced that dûgs eau undîrsland vhai- is said lu thaix heairiug, andi have intelligence and semetimes ;more than human kininess: Savent icyars cg-o 1 Lad a Lloyedj Icunngnot. fox terrier namred Joe. W a wote stayingsoeamonihs agoni Panz- anta, aud tha deg weut everywhene wih us and kneav tl-cplqce weii. Ona day we ware, as usuel inthîe attemneen, on tLe e-ub tennis ground, wlhan tLe soc- retary camae p and m-annad me that ou the following day, as thora was te ha a toumnament, nu degs weuld be ad- ml-ted te the inelosure. I premised te shut Joe, up ai home. That evenumg wa missad the dog aud lu the morning aise ha was net te ba, sean. Whau wo avent bacC te toeC on ai the toumnamnt in the altesrn x wef ound Joe waa- tn o u;iha greund mnu old us that t,1lic deg Lad thora ail night and would net ailoav bhlesai te hP caught. Ha L ad nover slepi- oui bef'ore and ho certalnly must have undersioed what was said. We otten uscd te say: " Ve aitil drive te su-h a place to-day, but JoeaMust slay ni home, 'and abmosti nvaraiably, ln whatevcr direction it mighi Le, belore axa Lad drivan a mile, ave found Je Waiting for us by the roadsida. IHo ai- 3 vays grinuued when way came up w iii hlm. Thiriy years ago 1 wes living iu St. Geor-ge's squara, Pimiice, and near me -ut Denbigb streei aat a distance of about ton minutas' ualk-rasided a dwell-knowu jeurualisi, Pare-y Gragg. Ile Lad a litile black-and-tan dog, for n hie-I I tound a home ithan Lis masicr a yabout te beava London. ht was reportcd te me that Jimmie Salweys'loftiMy Louse atter breakfast. At tiret elarma was feît ihat ha weul siray, but as ho iuvariahiy retîtmned atter anu Lur's stroil, I aeok hi-rate b4 oeeoe thoeo"avagrem " animnais wh, canuot livo withont a prowl in the i1 streets ead I tait ne anxioty. But1 -asceriaiued that -îhenea<er Le want -away haeariO(l a boue or something edlile w ith hlm. 1 aiceLd hlm a ono two momnîng-, and saw him squeeze through the areo 1raiiings, on eË'ch occasion carryîng1 3t big hune, w hie-h ho Lad great difticuli; In lu steoring threugh the mron bars. De. ing curions about the destination et thf food, I1inade np my mind te futl ov bio I tracked hlm te an ampty bouse, naxi te that lunavhich bis former ownor ha( LPlived., lu a cller in îLe area thora liv ed a hatsterved, owunialss terrier who, 1 supposed haad once beau a fibu et Jimmie's, and whoma my dog in hiý I deys et prosperlty nover fergot. Regt id iar]y the good liti-la telleai trotted of ýd te the ce-ller and diadded bis morning' )u meal with bis pour frianid. The stury la told ef the great Napol r Pitoher's Castoria. Fu rni t ur eadin - House Furnishings., Our line comprises everythillg found in a first ci ass furniture ware room, and believing it only doing justice to our business and tizit Our customers may benefit by it,we have added more varieti es to, our aÂready large uines, and our prices cannot be beat. We buy as Iow as thc lowest and are satisfied with small profits, and you wll bc convincel of the saine when you have seen Our goods and ex amined our prices. broiderad Braid wor-k,Mrlïs J y MeLagi-)ON iiu,î and 2 . Crochet workMrs F Vouet, FOLKS._ Mrs J Y MoLaugtilîn'; FaocyKutng- do, do;- Fancy NettinÏ., MIss L Par-ka, TOKID F OS Mre F Moea ; Embroidery onu Mueilinl, Two 1-ittie boys I have lu mind- mrs J ateGregor, 1 and 2; Bead w-ork Equ lnents iun ach yon'l tiud; mis L ark ; ax ork 'ms Aeiýill ;Mischief-loving, to sport inclined, MissL Prks; Wa wok, irs icNily And f nil of noise, Painting in Oil. mis J Parr, aIrs N mxr- AU these, and more, ara bore combined low ; do in water colore, Mrs Parr1 and 111 mY two boys. 2 ; Pancil drawing, airs A Baacock, aire W0Ferguson ; aicuochromatie drawiog, Ona of these boys your patience tries; The fanits lia bas you mueti despise; mrs Jas Parr, aire W C Fergîteon ; Chair Be Le haudsomne, -eU clothed or Wise. scanf, ars A. Beacock, airs J Bai aa Tati, fat, or gaunt; flu)Wers,mrs W C Fergui3on. mirs a Ialy t us the One wvho aivays cries' Cotton Stockings, misa L Parka, 1 and 2 ;"I1 can't ! I can't 1" Cotton Sooks, airs A m.-Lean, airs J Parr; nta fdigwt i ih Sofapillw, isa , PaksDrrs1,' Ail that ha can before the night, Wheeler ; Log Cabiri Quit, ai'Ls "' He'll try te push it ont of sight- aicLaughlîn, miss L Partks ; Tuf t Qtoilt, To suilk and sbirk; tIrs MeLaughlin. Collection Crocýhet, Oua hait the force expended riglât patterns, miss L Parka, airs F aùLnit: .Wouid do Lis work, Crazy Patch work, airs C Laîtimer, Mi'3'[a thr s ttte an Hlattie aicLaughlin; Plllow Shames, -ý -3 WLeOtiaysis worktt byman pa McGreger. miss L Pasrks ; Fancy Bracket, Thus getting donc ail tbat ha cen mlisa E J Wheeler, 'ors A Beacock ;Gent's As moments fly; glippers, are J aicGrevor, 1 and 2 Ondline Ha has ne othar motto than: work on mu-Aun, airs N arlow aira J ame- -'Il tryl! l'Il try 1 " Gregor Ontîjuen work on Linon, airs J:Mc. Iu boat or coid, in shadec or sun, Lauglilin, airs W 0 Ferguson ; Tinsel Al ihat ho doas is promptiy doua work,miss L Parls, amiss A aicLean ; Tee, But W-heu iî's o'ar and teisure won pot Cosy, airs J Y aieLaughlio, aire J aie- Ha piays bis Lest. Gregor ; T iîes, airs W C Ferguson, Tbis iS the boy that bhas more funi aie L Parka ; Bahy's Drese, airs J ame- ha.aite s. (4regor, airs W C Ferguson ; Ottoman XVhlch wiii yen be, my honnie lad? top, airs E J Wbeeler, are C Lattirner, The friends ot ene are often sad, Kensington Painting, Mrs J Parr ; Rîb The other makes bhis al-ways glad Lunette werk. airs A Beacocle ; Darned S By loviug work; Nett mr E Whele ; uïpre ork Sochoose tbe g-oid and shun tLe bad, Naît ais EJ Whele ; uipue wrk, And nover shirk. airs F aoet. 1 and 2 ; Silti Embroiderv, airs J aicGregor, airs C Lattimer - Table- Scarf, airs E J Wheeler, airs A. Beaceck ; Areacerie work ma A Beacoele, ars JI WISE A-NIMALS. with many other lines you will finci in great variety and at al Rrices al our store G-jvc us a eall when w anting anything iii our line and sechow wefl ive Cali suit you. Spccial attention given to this department Bo'v XNVLLE.Bounisall's Iloek cou ri(ling ovameue et Lis Latiletield- 1 den't Cîow w'hetbe-r ih wns Waga or Asterlizt-and pointiug te a falah- ftl deg watcbing ever the dead body ot Lis master, -w iL tho words: "That dog tel e-es us ail a lesson of buman- it-." So did Jimmie. ADVICE TO BOYS. Boy s, dld yen ever tbink w by yen tiers p[e'ed bore? That yen are the noblesi work ot your Creator? By yuu the iverld is to bc ruled. On yeur shouîders aili rosi the greaiesi respunsi- biliiy. Yen ara net plaoad banc to whiie awey your urne lu ldlaness, setistyiuig yonroa- desire for f un. Yen have au luteieci' which shonld ha ted on the c hoicesi et thoughi. Many do nettiry te gain knuwiedge, the oniy true course te manhood. H11v-anistajuen some beys arc as te -Lat wili make a man cf theo. How degradiug are semaeto their habits, riz.: awearing, drinking, card-playing and filmting. I oee-ohard a yeung mani ton whem I Lad entertained the great-i est respect, nse sue-h vile oaths, avhillaiu e fit et passion, that I shuddared whau 1 Leard hlm. Conld I Lave the sae respect fer that person as 1 had before b No. WLet young- lady w onld choose sue-h a parsen for Lot e-empany ? Drunleenness is ouaetfîLe most rein-' eus habits et mankiud. -Who cver heard ot a persun w ho, avhe-n ebc as con- traeted tLe habit of drink, ever entira y rovered frem, h, su as te absta lu from tLe use oe t Waltogether? t le fait Lt- ter beys, ne-ver te take the tirstidr. Perbaps ih will e-st yen a aihole lita et misery. Daencing and card-piaying are bcd habits, for there la uothing in tham w hie-h aruld oicvaethîe mind. On the conirary. thy ace degradiug and1 tLe time su used is lest, yes, werse thian 1 lest, fer they ara entlcing sud lead te loweracois. Fiirtluàg le une et the worst ofthb- is. Hea et oten tLe lite et a pure, noble yeung person is blighied jusi Lecaue' semaeona wished te add anothe-r te the numbar uf bis cnrns. Sue-h a per- sou is not fit for a lady er gentlemen te notice. 1 have in my mind a yeueg lady wbo was c'jnurted, îvooed and w on by a-shall I say gentleman? Yen may eail hlm avhat yen may. Ere she Cuew ithe Lead marricd anether, and baero six monihs bcd passed she ley in han grava-died et a broken Leeri. Could auy oe supposa thet man ceuld ever hoc happy afterward I Beys, if yoeerr xpecite marry, La s, man. Don'i flirt. And -vheu yen sea a yeeng lady w'Lem yen knew yen lure, ttillber se, and 1 cm sure if yen are wbet yen sbeuld ho, yeu aili wiu ber.. Inî that case your lita couid sot be-bp but Le et the bappisi. OHd Bac-h. 1 - NABLE TO MOVE HIPAND On. FOOT FOR W EEKS-HO0RRORS 0F BH-E'JMATISM. or s la r oubiad arib rheurnatim tan rny bacC. List spnlng 1 hacama sovcny Lsd that I was uncole i-e moi-e hand or feot, sud a-as la Led fer aaoks. My husband aud 1 Lacame discoumeged,aud Lad gi-van up ail hLep, but ai thee-i- île-ai tisue, a neighbr, Mrns. Blanchard, atho Lsd beau eured ot lumbago la matie- Cure, ealied te are me, and ad- vised mie te iny this namedy. 1 did se, and îLe tirst LottIz enabied me te sit np la Led, and lueiiaoC I 1was attend- ing te rmny autiers as ususi. Ih ia aitb- oui- douhi the Lest nernedy lu iLe wonild." "jihs. John Beaumeont, Elona, Ont." For sae" y cli Druggigts A VALUAI3LE IDEA. Lord Mashame lucoe-o8500O,000 pan ainum iis tory largaiy due le tLe ide,,j ofutiliing i-ha wastcetfsilC for the manutactuar eot uiush. Heo aet- ed ibis ludustry on s large s-aie, and aias soon une oethîe Llggesi manufec- tuners it pineh li Euglanud. WILL NOT PERYiITDPELAY Iu Cases et Heart Trouble-Ha-vte Act Quickiy. What %te do tilli îLe doctor comaes ha a, goe-d tbing te Cueir, and le urgent in cases et heurt diseuse. Kaep lu the houser Dr. Ag-noa's Cure for the Henni, and ih w-Hi ha tound toeaxeanitîe sCili evan of tLe skiiled pLyiceian. Msny laitons anc la îLe Possession oetiho pro- priator eft iis modc-le, shuwing thai deaiL arevuid Lave ensued trom Lamai disons" Lhad it net beau pronaptly taC-- on wheu heart spasms Lad manitasi- ed ihamselves. h les a rennarkahie spa- -cie- fotoiis oeapartie-niar purpose, sud lu ninety-îiuan cases ou toi a bun- dred, stneng as tic statemeut iey-oem wil cura heart diseueo, ai-har n l ia in- ciin stages or the more e-runie. Frsale by ail druggisis.î S The daily shipment o et eiry rom Kalamazoo is 80 tons, an unýpreceýdentaýýd amounn for ibis time of tLe yaar. WOUDERFUL DISCOVERI. EGGS FILPE E-oS F12S FO 12, IT IS NO0 PICKLE. Von siniply treat the Eggs 'Wlth PRESERVER, and lay thlem away lu a basket or box. LAY OOWN A SUPPLY WHEN TMEY ARE CHEAP. Cail for book givtug bull information, frzr, nf charge. [or sol bïJ. HIGINBOTHAM & SON. IIIDIGEST4OI, FLUTERINGO F-IUR JAUNDIICE, kEAliT, ERYSIPEZLA% ACIDITY 0F 'TRE SALT RHEUN, STObIACII, ýLiï> 2iflEARiIii2'i, DRYNESS OF-RI ~ HEAAtHE, SHiN, BILIOIJSNESS, DIZZINESS. YSPEo,( I nuxROS,SO "Pbor Over '"îfty Vears." For over fifty years lilas. NINsLOw's SooTHuNç Synup hai beanu sed by mil- lions of mothers fer iheïr eohildrtn wbile tehing. If disturbed et night and broken t.f 1orrosi by a eïck chid ouf - fering and cryiog with paân cf Cutting TEeeh send ab once and get a bottla cf "1mrs. Winabow's Sothrig Syrup" for Children Teethinig. I wil îlieva poolitile aufferer ixnrndiateiy. DepE' 1 upon it,mothers,tbare la no iiistake about [t. it cures Diarrhoeî,regula.tes the Stoin- ach and BowalEi, cureFs Winrl C _lie, sof tans, the Gums, reduces Inflarnaaioil, and givas toua and energly fo the -vhole syet6M. '*MVrs. Winslowls otnçSnp 'dr chiidran teething is pleas3ant to the tasta su d i s thae prescription of ona of thecoldee 't and Lest f emale physicians and nurses in the United States. Pricetwauty.five cents -a bottle. Sold by ail druggiste througheut the world. Be sure and asl for IlMRs. WINuSaOW',s SooTHNnçoSYRtur' Bcd Rocin Suites Extension Ta bics Lounges, Secretaries, Window Shades, Mirror Glass, HallIRacks, Centre Tables, Maîtresses, Chairs of evcry description Curtain Poles, Picture and Room Moulings Excelsior Egg

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