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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1896, p. 8

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PROSPECTUS 0F THE DtIINhO STOCK - - - - - 2,OOOOOO FULLY PAID AND UNASSESSABLE SHARES 0F $1.00 EACH. $500,0CO of this Stock is inI the Treasllry for UlldeYelopffldt Pllrposes. The LITTLE BESS Claim is located ini the southern beit of the celebrated Trail Creek gold mining district'of British Columbia, being a ful daim of about 52 Acres. BOARD 0F DIRECTORS: JA-MES BEATY, Q. C., Toronto. T. H. GEORGE, Wine Merdhant, Toronto. J. E. ELLIS. Jewellcr, Toronto. W. A. WERRETT, Burrister, Toronto. J. H.L STOTESBliRY, Prop'r Belgian Mine, Leadvllie, Colorado. J. D. LEWEN, Miîing Engineer, Toronto. BANKERS ROBERT BEATY & CO. DEVELOPMENT. The dc\ elopiment w o rk on the "Little. Bess" consists of numerous open cuts and prospect holes upon boti velus, ex- posing la almosi cvery case as good quality of ore, and similur lu every respect to that show ýn on the "Hll Top"' and "Mai flowvcr." 'l'Le principal developmnent womk is near the centre of tlic daim on the south ledge, bcing an open eut twentýy (20 fet long and nine (9) feet wide, with a shaf t lu this cut eleven (11) fecet lu depth. making a total of txvcnty (20) foot fromn the original surface. The bottom of tbe shaft exposes excecdingly good minerai, a sample of whici assuyed, $26.00 in gold and sili er to the ton. The peculiar feature of the dlaimas upon tis Lake Mountain is thut the grade of ore, at practicall tbe surface, is vcry mucli higlier in value thun upon uuy ipart of the btter known lRed Mountain ln the samne district. Ti-e great development work on the "Mayflo-%er" and ulso upon the "Hlli Top" proves that the ore rapid- 1 - ncreases in valuie withi depth of deveiopment. It is only reusonable to suppose that ice resuits will foliow upon thc ýj-tleBes" ad ,"4sel." FORMATION. '19e lorrnatio-a is diorite with un occusionai appeamance of syenitc. Tho striko of the ledges is oastcriy and westeriy. The "Little Bes,' located as it is ou the south side of the mýountain, permits of its bcing worked to great dopth by tunnels, thus dl awa ' with thc uoccssury cost of pumps and hoisting uppratus; the surface is covered witi pîne, tIr aud cedar, thum raakng the cost for timhering very liglit. Tiero is ample water for ail minîng purposos close'ut hand. TRANSPORTATION. The Coiniabian and Western R. R1. pusses within 1,500 feet of this property, allowing the ore to lie trummed !im- mediutely frose the mnouth ofthte tunnel to the cars. This one featuro is of immense advantage, as it does awuy with thue expense of bilding w agon ouds and wagon transportation. What with the "Mayflower" on the west siope and the "Cmown Point" ou the north eust siopo of Lake Mountain, it requires -work on1Y upon the iutervening dlaims to give it a lRed Mountain eputation. Respectfuily, W. B. GORDON. We are instructlcd to offer to thc publie 400,000 sharos t the low price of SIX CENTS PER- SURE, IN BLOCKS 0F 250 SUARES AND UPWARDS ($ 1.00 par, value), for the month of September ; af ter that turne the prico wiil be advanced. This is a good opportunity to invest iu what promises to bc a puying mine when properly dcveloped,und the chances are tbat evcry six cents invested will yicld one dollar within a year, and after tint a mucli grcater percectage. Applications for stock and otier information, apply to J. D. LEWIN & CO., Mining Brokers, Ili lic Office of Robcrt Beaty & Co., Bankers and Brokers, Telephone iueo. io King .Street East, TORONTO, Ontario. Aoe EI[T WANTEl"D, FORM 0P APPLICATION. J. 1). LETVLM & CO., 10 King St. Eqst, Toronto. Enclosed plcascftnd )flarkcd cheqve orioooy order for f foc shares of stock of THE '-LITTLE BESS" GOLD J21IIG COMJPANY, fuily pidc up and non- Sig î-cd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Àd leîss. CAPITAL LESKARD. Miss Marie Robbins, Staffa, is visiting here after an absence of 12 years .... Local sports report gume plentiful .... Mr. W. J. Orchard has tendered his resignation as teacher of our sehool. KIRBY. Mr. Fred Birch, Essex., is visiting friends here . ... Mr. Arthur Powers visited at Mr. J. L. Power's. on S-nnday wveek. .Mr. Edward Bireh, showed lis prize fowls ut Lindsay Fair ...Mr. John Chapmun jr., has been laid up with a sore hand .... The Meth- ýdist churcli will hold their unniversury ln November. PORT HOPE. Messrs. Herb C. Brundrett, J. L. Thompson -and son Bâiley, 11W. John- s onPot Master Baird, And Mr.Brown of the Twine Works, attended Orono Fuir.... .Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wilson, of TheDaily Guide, p aid their respects to Lord and Lady Aberdeen ut Lindsay, lust week .... Mr. Fred Luke, Oshawa, has been visiting his cousin, M1r. W. D. Stephens. . .. Mr. James Ford, one of Port Hope's oldest residents, visited bis daun-hter, Mrs. Janes, Lindsay. Mr. Ford is a hearty old gentleman lu lis 8oth year,und vivîdly rernbers taking a most futiguing trip to Lindsay over 60 years ag-o w ith a' couple of yokes of oxen. KENDALL. Geo. Scott lias, a new bicycle ... Miss May McLeod, Ingersoîl, is visiting here . 1.. Geo. Colin, lias given up the Wad - dcll farm.-Albert (lorden bas released the Wm.Scott farm .. .. Mrs. W. Rlphe, Stuyner. is visiting Mrs. John White, sixth line ...J. F. MeMillan wus a judge on horses at Bowmanville fair.... James Boyd bas leused T. W. Under- wood's farm, 8th hue.,e ... Adam Hlenry, 6th lino is aroun d ugain .. . .Miss Mag- gie McMillan, Peterboro, recentlv visit- ed Mr. Win. McMillan.Mthodist church anniversary, Oct. 15ih and 16th ...Mrs. Smith, Elizabethville, intends living here .... In the Methodist churdli Su.nday week, 11ev. Wesley Down, the pastor, preached an cloquent sermon 11ev. J. A. McKeen of the Prcsbyerian dcurch gave an interesting and instruc- tive discourse in the evening. COURTICE. (Received too late for last week.) Visitors: Mr. J. S. Rnndle anld wife, town, wlth Mr. A. E. Rundie; Mr. A. Annis, Tyrone, at home; Mrs. E. Squires, Toronto, Miss Coruish and Mr. Jesse Lunder, Taunton, at Mrs. Littlejohns'. Mr. Jas. Brandi lias leased the farma rccntly occupied by Mr. F. Ais worth, Miss Lucy Lander, Taunton, lias been visiting Miss Littlcjohns, "Sunny- view". Mrs. Margaret Grills lias rcturncd after a pleasant visit lu Markham and The name of Miss Asa Rundlc was unwittingl *y omitted from the list of those who wcre christened at Mr. R. E. Osbornc's sometime ugo. Mr. L. llancock honored the opening of Mrs. Eli Osborne's ncw baum by blow- ing the steam wý%histlc for fivc,' long, Tic apple crop is commencing to 1-move, but-in inost eaÉss- tIc. -farnters have become thcir owu buyers and ,brookzý,3. Seco)d Day's Trot: Jugs ue--------------evnts that wouid made Adamu interest. orineevytm. llatch, Elliott, & Perc ' Ia Nuttrus 1 Mr. and tirs. Stev ens, Os!iqwa, and Mr.Merrit ing to the moderninan. What did yu oo vm ie L Bennett 2,Il Ci ot 3. Bicycle Races; sieN ens, London. vist ed iiiJ cl>Stevens, reý Adani do whcn lie rau a sliver nuder Be warned by lst day: J ohiston, Port I-lop,1Wekls. eenitly .... Mr. and M' * W. J.' Wood have been bis finger nail? If lic had oorns did he Oshawa,2, J. T Morison, Oronio, 3, Ras- ,ý,issEthl owr ndidale' sitsîl{- cnt theim wîtb a razor or did lie streteli tind'gs,O0shawa 4. 2nd Da y, J ob nston 1, 1îortnoric1.Mi' Iti~JeSe n are forth a baud ini the future and get a ,idMrs.MsS Waddell, Mis AL a s ..n.. iSoîflieMci',t oteo unmsPifesC x (oe, Hamlptonl, Las Ijeen îhsitînig at ns'. : tractor Putnanm's is the best, is sure, Wlatchinaker, Jeweller and Op- ker.ýý Geteanst..of Bi0 . Onr Epwostb Legne seorganizes on safe, pinless, and acts lu twenty-four tiin oiavle n Simpson, i3owmanv ile.TlitirsdNfy eCliiinbus iin omavle.n sold4 Bo is cooling andi refresflîng to the skin. . reparect and. only by J. Higinbotha m'& son., MANV]I 'LLE. Chemists and Druggists. ýTHE M o-O vt Look Oaýtfor Fros1* Save Your AD Ies Hundrds ofbarrels of good winter apples will be de- stroyed by frost; owing to the immense crop the buýers wilI not be able to secure al lu time. Doin't Gc O&iught Pull them yourself and we will send a man to packTh» for you and will give you a good price for tbeni delitvered at our store Caîl and see us about your appies. Is already with us and ' we have anticipated your wants by loading up with immense stocks of Fali and Winter Goods, sucli as fashionable German-made Manties, liglit, medium and heavy weight Overcoats. A very full line of Underwear in both Scotch and Canadian. Blënkets, Flannels and Furs. A very choice lot of men's and boy's Caps just in; Geùit's lined Kid and Buck Gioves are to baud. We have opened ont and passed into stock the largest shipment of Hoiserv thaf W'e have ever yet received; yon will be pleased witb the values in this department. We particularly request ail requiring anytbing in this lino to see our new stock, we'have neyer yet shown sncb a snperb assortment of cboi-2e effects. Grand vaines tbronghont. IReceived this week a bic, cargo of Barrel, -Sack and ]Jairy Sait, also a big line of sugar that 'for value will open yonr eyes. Several cases of Creami Sodas that are in such big demand and the hundreds of other items that go to keep our big Grocery Stock assorted. asscsobiù.IsSileccrtiftcatc to (WlISTE PLAIN-lLYj We Are ... For Hard Tim es

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