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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1896, p. 2

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Sickir eadace edr .1ee itise troubles inci- dent to a bilon sae of the s stemn, snch as - Dizziness, Naiusse. roirsices tess ate ea"ing. Pain jnte ile, &c. whilc tlsermost remarkable suceasba beehown se coring Headache, -et CrsasLW rs-E LivERaPis are eqoaly velualnConstipation. curing and prevnting ttianoying compiaset, w Yuc fhey aiso c rect ci dso'ders of trie stoniacis, stimuite tise"liver d eulate the bowels. Even if theyonycîe Ache thcy swonldalie alsno'st priceless te thoqe wbo suifer from tlisa ristressing complast: but foriuisately their goodoase cldoes flot ersd hore, and those who onee try thern il fsrsd these lttle PUI1S -miable in se mac y ways ihat they will flotbo williiig to do without thcm. Buate r ail sick het ks the basse oi sj roany lives that Iere fa whero weinmaie our great hoast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CaarTE'S LITTLE LrvRsPis are very smallc and very easy totaire..One or to pis mako a dose. Tbey are strîctly vegetabie and do flot gripe or purge, but by their geetie action ç please ail who use themn.In vials at 25 cets; live for $1. Soid everywhere, or sent by mail.t OÂATEMEDICIE C., lTw Yc;It FOR TWEN-1TSIX EARS. THECOOK'SBEST 'FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. t ONTARI.O BANK mtinies t,o do a fenera Bankîng Business bowmanvflie Agency. DEPOSITS seclved ln Savlngs Bank Department and en caiianeinterestallowed atourrent rates. No nOtloeotwithdrawal necesssry. Ail depositO payable un liomaed, EXCHA&NGE Bsmughtand sold and Draftas lsued lapon Europo i ntedStates and Casada,also Gold,SiiVrafld nltedSlties Greenbacksbouoerht and soid. COLLECTIONS Proemptly nmade at current rates upon ail part et Great Bri ttain, the United States ana the Domniosln o ilanada. Telegraph Transfers Made for large or smali aumas on ail part oÉ Canada. This is especially advantagsions te ersona living in Manieba or the Northwvest, ktmakes the funds available as oece astisheJ place of payaient. Ottier Pssyiculars cail at the banir. Aucuetnmýauager, Aea re and speedly Tempkon'scure for Rheumnatisal, Soia tic a, 1icralsa, 1 4111nk and La Grippe, Powders Mr. J. Brazean, ie- tcrprêter fortheNorth West Mounted police, apeaks. as fotUows of miese po-wders: -Pain vanisises and swelling at once goes down.'> " To get inanad out of the saddle was almost an impossibility. " I don't know what rheumatismu - , nman cdoes 1 "I aa now attend te dluty; le faut I amn a new man." Sldd in Bomnanville by Statti & Jury. d aWocan thlnk ooe s imple Wanted-An daDigote? 1-rotect aour Ideas: theU may bring ye weath. Write J IN WEDJYERB RN & 00., Patent Attor-, ,lesWashinrgton C, C.for thi $,800 prize ofrer Ced11s 0£twove kiscdre Ivntoswanted. IThe Most Economîcal .. 5lonsc Warmer _q _ Prend for descriptive catalogue. THE JAMES SMART MFG. CO., llxClusVILMaErsOntua. Ex Oclue LLaers aOCna. Par wle by IL Worth, Bowmanville. The Canaadiani Statesmani WEDNESDAY, OCT. 7, 1896 NOT-'S AND) CGŽILIYTS The gmowinïg hope fia-t sometiing might speedily bc, donc te froceflic wenld from fie iniquity cf Turie mulelia-s a-gaie reccisicc a serions cck. Tic chie? grouncifor fta-t hope ueas flic sa ament tf b e giansi uould a-ct wittior uitiouftiche co-operation o? tic continental powecra. Tic independeet course pursuesi ly Lord Saaliury witi respect te Crof c,' ansi fie prompt a- quiescence oflice pewers le fiat course, in tire feur cf inaperilug flic general poace, enconscagesi alef lia-t Eeg- la-ndimiglt leasi flic uroean condert in e? orsicg referais elsoîvbere. Tic rlieg tîde af indignation le Great Bnitain, ansi fie bcginning o? a national agitation eflie Asimenian question stmegticned ifs halle?. But a- semi- Officiae stafement ofie position ofie geverumeet, puhlilset in le eLondon papers, siattors ail hope a-fa bleue. Tic govcmcmenf, if sa-ys, is "acting le cosupieto accord ueith tic, otier powecta, as lilierte, . . If thc poavers ea-- cet co-operate in endieg fie car 'nage causesi iy Tnrkisl mismnie, tic only course open toe lma-fBrifa-le is te stand asie ansi bope fer a more satisacfony sta-fe o? affairs." The anfienficity o? fis statement is questiclesi but tiere la liff le doait fia-t fie latter clause a-f lasf fairly refleet s fie Position O? fie govemrment ansi aili ho adiereci f o. As fie reuewed ouflircai o? hostile feeling toueard Fa-gland le fie Rusalan pres tdicates fia-t Russia prefers fiat Tuniey sia-l drift furtier fteward m «ule, fia-t if ma-y fa-ll he more easily lut e lier la-nds, ansi fie remaining powera Ma-y ha expectesi te f ollow lier leac, fie prospect o? a- ecarly eeding o? Tunkisi maismrule la tins gioomy enongi. No eune doulots fiat Englansi is ready te taie active mca-sure toend if, ansi fhah wsere thc poavens te sgrce, sic would use sic force ofie empire te a-ceemplihif. But flere la a ca-r realizaf ion fia-t armesi intervention witiouf suci a-grec- ment mugit bicg ce tic great wa-r, ansi wuld aimost corta-teiy leasite a 1rncwal o? massacre on a grand ca-le. If lsa a umiiafteg situation, ansione fat sgges a-nuew fe question, ueet- cm tic risi o? intervention ougit ceot te he talion fhough h e e.rî s aset ce fixe. Iftai one osier avhich tfhe sultan must cinekle audihly. Ferrlic must noue feel certain fiat he is froc te do as he llues, fia-t ticre le cetiing fo fear a-nyuere. Ticre neyer hasicen a-ny- tliug te fear cave fie e??ect o? externae lierror ois crimes. But if Europe la h taitee ne action esien when lie ca-r- nies ont in colsi blood inleJls Qun capital, one o? tic grea-fest, i teiegreatest, massacre te modemn fines, lie ma-y neige fer fwenfy yea-ra as a succescf ni mon- arci u-Who preventesi Ennopeen inforveni- tion loy slaugifemlug ouf flic Cirial people asilose snfferings masi inferfer- once possibe. There la ne force avifh- in fie emipire of -wiih eh le te stand te feair, S-ave tbe army, ansi flica-mmy ias given ne sige of discocteef. Tic Ycung Turiel pa-rhy stand le aimoat a-s muni doteacio? hic a-s do fie Armen-ý io-ns, ansi isiie, lave, ne laies le popu- la-r feeling fer tlicir movement. Tic Othma-nclan ueact fo ha mulesi hy an aufonrat, cet by a panliament cf t al-H ors. 'As fer the nîfra-Mosioma, f iey ca-n ha-sicno griesiaece ucti a suifan wlio hufocra Chiticus, andithc aven- cge Mohannuedan compîcina oniy o? taxation, and si eqnîefed by cocessions on execuf ions. Tic sultan, tien, bas notbing te simcasisa-vo fieeinterveontion o? Europe, ansi Europe lias a-ppareetly sefflesi sowc te cconviction ta-t flic maintenance cf fiecfa-fus que le Tut- iey la an indispensable condition f0 peace. If lis truc fihai tic mie o? Abduli lamiist efindispensable te fiepre- sensia-ion nf fie Ottoman empire, fie menace of tic partition o? wvhieh ile b mca-i grounciofttic inaction efie pew- crs. Ifta surgei, flierefore,fiat if f bey ca-neot a-grec upon fie division o? Tum- bey, f bey cnusiepose tic sultan ansi put seme etier momber cf île bouse in bis ateas. Partition wuold fies ie posf- poe iUlia more convenient season, andi cf fie sa-me fine licIter govemement as- suresi, fie noe occupant o? tie tirone lia-anover cia-eges i is peiicy. Tliel policy ha-a bcon te sO consolida-te 1i5 anhýocnscy fiaf île uill would lie a-lse- bute tinongieuf fie emnpire, te accumu- la-i a-n enermeaus fortune, cnd te fend off Fa-repoenintervention. Thougl s4upposed te ha a finisi ma-e,lie lia- neyer sfepped. a-t anyfling fo a-ftaiin tiese oassTic growing intelligence tiey ca-n do nctig witthont tic ici, and are likeiy, moreover, te excuse con- 1action cn fie grouns fia-t Jehovai wl 1in lits cwn wcy andsi fie iring ils peoc- Sple back totelncd cf tic Covenant. A- resteratien" tien, tirougi fie weati andi influeneof tic Armi-en lacsý threateneci is power; so e ho saughtered. tliem out.' le dici so, net from mmi dal mania, but only because lie preferr- ed bis oxve pertionai saf-ety undi that of île power to the existence of an anient Chiltian people,. le would miassaicre Mussulmans, net of the 'Othimancln just as quickly dici they menace hiis per- son andis tiroce. But whiie tic sultan coulsi net be de- poseci on this ground, there le litt1e doubt tiaf lits deposition could be( a-- complisicci, and the -status que ha tLhus preserveci, coulci the powers agrec. W 1ho1 coulci bu set up te his place, it le net easy te sec. Tic heir te direct line of succession is insane, andi noce e the princes of tic lýousof Othman are-'tic kind of men wlicse leadersýip w(oild inspire confidence, 0utside of that lieuse there is ne great mac visible -ny- vihere wiose succession would ccemmand thc support of thc alrmy or flic feaýýlty of tic people. Tic siereef of Mecca lei, ne-t te tic sultan, tic, most cenispicu- eus figure te tic Mussulman world, but leic t an Arai, anci the Othman clan, wttiut cenvtecia-g proof o? île commis- sion fromi above, would net endure hlm for a moment. But some onie couici ha founci, if only tic powcrs wouid agmee. Unfortueately, of tint tinte now seemas littie bIte; se lîttie that unless tic czars visit te Englans imay cenvince him of tic disieterestedness o? tic Eeg- lisi people te seekiag te put an ei te Tutisi unirule, tic fate o? ticý Ar- metans scems sealeci. It maiesons blood il o etinesiof it. Palestine, la, according te a recent -writer, afcadtly canging fer thc bet- ter uncier tecreased commnnicat ion wittl Europe. Tiare is a constant tricklteg cf Jews and, sotiers et ail nationalitUes into tic land.,Thec nunaber o? Chil- flan gcioels andi hospitels inte carg- or touais le increasing, andi agriculture and commerce show sgns cf inpreve- ment. Jerusalem pressera more thoin osier "thc aspect cf a city :cf tic wlorld and aise cf helineas.' 'i xihelas £rom fhe fettering effeets cf T.ks ule, tic deveicpmeet of thc coantry, stilil less ctviized tien Egypt, andi iardliy more than some portions of Mer- occo, would it le blieved bc rapici. Tie peasant Jcws of Russia andci western Europe weul c i attracteci fo it by tich- idea of a "resteratien," by its equahi-e clama-te, and ly fie fertility cf its sol, wich cenisi easily ha revivesi by cul- tivaticn.i Jaffa coulci ho ma-de an im- portant port andi witi the extension o? tic railway, Palestine might becoone tic centre cfocommerce andci cviizatiue ie Asia Miner. Tie Jewleh problem I weuld tins be put le caurs0 cf solution, te eci incthe restoratien of ticir, anci- cnt home toe ichcosers people, with tic sanction cf Europe. Tista, cf course', the Jewishho, but oee aise withi which many CËmisi- fia-ns arc te sympatiy, thougi precis- lýy wiy it ce net always easy te c-a-y. Ne doubt ticre ta muni ten the idea- cf a "rsorto U" wich appeais ote fi imaginatieo. Tiat a peopple who hav been se long ans O clel.y assossafesi witi tie whle hcdy of eligicue tieuglit ie the Modemn w0îld, and se ong and; so widely scattu'med shoul ch brougit togeflier agate ln ticir ancient hoým, snd se prmitted te realize ticir idea cf ticir own cistiey, cannot failtot ex- cite intercat and qicken religions feel- ing. But apami frena fiat, ticre le ne ca- rmason fer fie sym>sthy cf tice Christian worlId wtth tic meivemeet. In- dccci, tiere le not a ilit tic le the maeon ai vtew cf tic restoration, seo fte. pushesi oteli front te repel that sym- paf iy.> Ticf icughf cf Jer-5nasiom ns ý1a cîfy cffite a r1 , a -,reat cerne urercal centre irifates fie sense cf tecongruîty.; That Paletineehoulsi ha revlvified. hy culture, and is valleys snd billsicies ma-de te hlosaoma as tic rose scema reasona-ble enougi< But flie Christita-n instinct la te keep theIcsdy City separate from otier etties, andi te imagine it as a busy mart of nemmerooe, witi a pepulation glae up te accumul- lation ta te, irretrievaily vulgamize mt. There le, howeever, no pieseet pro spect tiat fi ema-m cf the Jcaiusi people aili lbe rca-iized.4 Frýom a ime Otefimne cie' d inotice eofflicpurciase of Pal- estino loy a syndisatB cf w ea-thy Jeu s, or by fie contributions of theas bobl Icbrew race, audits reorganization as No htter exampbe hba-s been given te recent ycarsi of whit a great a-simule- tramer, ai iii a-solante powers ca-n do, tire fiha-t brosenteà bly fie odiTut- iel provinces cf Boania andi Rerze- gtsvtna. We a-me accustomesi te look te Engiands for fhe mon we ca-n q uisily hmteng crser ont o? a-nardb(y, anci maie twe bis-de of grass grow wuecoely onee lias Vrown hafore, but ticeasori cf Baron de KaIla-y in Bosnia )ia-schoisi tifticheBritleh ha-vecne monopolir of administrative capaciiy. By nature fie provinces f orm e oc f tb1a garden spots cf carti, wtîia- fertile soil, ia climat e soft ansi equable, andsi cener'y ailici adis te tic grandeur ansi picturcacine- neca cf fié Alps thiadefina-ile cia-m cf fiac Nowwegiac fiords. But ai ec Baron de Xalla-y, a Hungarian, asile aci heen successivoly n soldier, an 'authaor ansi editor, a legislaf or, a-e officia-i of tisa Austrian f&oeige office, ansi sec- retary ot state, a-mfhbéscommansi fe? empeorrbegan los reign tiere te 1882, fie gardon tipot bcd long licen gisien osier te nnarcby. Ih ha-cipasseci under Austriae auinsttatice 'as fthe resuli cf tic Russo-Tkisi -aiaro? 1878, ansi Baron de Enla-y receivec iti from fin Austrcima troops> Who lia-sienforcesi or-- dem foliowing tic Turkileieva-uatin- a provinaceaiion roa-ds, ira-ce, popu- lai edcOitiontintebsort, aiti notiing sa-si interna-i strife, famin e ansi bceci- ,shai. lieder fie Turis gcvernmenh insi lien mataineci only te fie extent o? fereibly colecting exorbitant taxes and quartering soidiers upon fie uiilag- ors, oppression asiici thle Ciristias s e- sentesi by isasiage reprisais, tie preov-- indes lieing floims kepi tena-wallow cf 1 vant a-nd crimie. Th e f al c f lriegte'grsor ont o? sncb a chaos ceemesi n well-niigih oelesa eue, but 'fic ambition o? Baron de Kal- iay avas te ma-keocf the unitesi provinces tic medel saate cf fhe Balkan tientnua, an exampie cf tie met ioca hy asiici flic mergence cf fie lit? c cftic East a-ded li\rTesf can hest be effeef cd. Roaiizteig tic difficulty cf impesicg wses- fore intitutitons upon fie diverse Gmt- enfal, trilies composing fie population, ans i ftding bluci cffie odiTusikish laîsi excellent te pinciple, ho imply acideci te it se mnnir o? aste frejuris- prude-ncý-e s wa-s cecesaary, ansi tien caf orceci lis ai tit an isou mcci. The e- suit f thmieexpermnefhas bion uttle bas flue nmervollous, tic province wifh- te thirtoon years hasiing bec ma-de as safo as acity afroaýpt, an excellent sys- temomf? popular educaf ion put teto op- ena-tin, courts o? justice mc estahitaiesi ansi pumifiesi roasis, railuenys ansi pub-- le buildings lilt, ansi an efficient gendarmerie organizeci. Depi.ýte fie free exý(pondIture1 o? money lu internail deveiopmetit, flic annual budget etc-s showes a- surplus unden diminisioci tax- ation, ftie populationi las ieaeseci nean- ly cigiteen per cent., while their pros- pcrify le proven by flic arge experts o? herses, cttle, aicep andi piga, ansi hy f t4e rapisi purciase iy tic peasants of? their holdings. Net content if i fîils, Baron de Kaliay ta liy flic exten-' si.-on o? ýraîtunYs ansi thceectoe o? g 'etooee oteis, 'drawing fie golti Icf th-- tourlets te a country descnibesi a-ýs more castenfia-Egypt, more beautIful fh,-i eIfaly, andi cheaper te lisie t fina-n Gormpaty. Snci a- york cf me-- tgeneration mny lie classeciwiti tia c)f Lau-ronce in thc Punjai, ansi cenis, ,f cusonly ha-sic becaccomeilliesi .by a dicta-Ior, 'aiflieuf wbom te some form Orienitai peoplos cama nover ho .bhld fboronghly bu baud, ansi tim-- sailves neyer foc1 quît c coa-afnt. )Wiih flic approanli ofieeci oflihe ainy ceason te Cucba ha-s some a- me- nouýa-io? active epemat ions on fie part e? fi te insurgents, as manifeat -te fie 5i(irmisliieg reportaci fromn varions sec- tions e? fie isla-es. Tie opcnieg ofie enfume campaige finda- fiefonces of flicth beliigerente dispososi muel a-s they - wsere in flic latter part or, Ma-y, Gomoez, 1witi fie main bodly ofie Cuba-es, bc- U',in th -s a-f c province o? Santiago, Ma-cee, uitl a sfrong forceinte icsesf- a rn province e? Pinar del Rie, and 1 ma-ler dcfa-cbuiiicts scaffemesi thriough 1tic infeior. Afart from fthe garisons te Hava-na, Mata-usas, IPierie Principe Santilago ced other cities, fit taic fite Spaniai forocas a-me letated along tie ýlice ofie f- rocia- rtcëhlig senti- i. wa-rd acroas tic la-la-aid from fie capital, efforts cf fhe Jcws tiemacives, must ho enly hope. (A5nd fiat it wiil ho heugit aienut by flic vbluetary effortiscf et hors ta exoeedingly improbable. Under any notion e? thc fit fl5ofltiega, Pal- est tee oughit %vhen fie Turkisl drisi- e a-crosfie Huphlratcs ansi tic Otto- mare empire les pa-rfitionosi, te resicrt toe cJewws. But ail tic plans wici have tins fa-r licc suggested to re- store it te CiYristian control have heen negativesi a-tfthe eutset by tic jeai- onsy cff the Resa-s for tic saetY cf tie Ioiy lPlaces. Lt wns tiat sa-fet y wic formeci tic popular Rus-ln pro- fext for fie Cnimeanwar.=Wt ipas- cloua-te resicrecce for, fie hoiy places an uncba-ngteg tradition cf tic Rus- sian gseasaaotmy, f ire le ne mca-son te iclleve tbgLt tic Czar wil permit tie1 transfer of Pglesftie te a-ny sa-ve a great power, liedfia-t poer Rnssin. Frobally if hbefocre tic Ottýoman break- np tic Jcws, desireci te buy mie lely Landi,and Europe'censentesi, licmigit acqntesce- on condition of ae Enropean guarantee. But fia-me ila ittle proseet resemate betieve flirt ho would con- sent te kuci a revexsion a-s a part cf fie final partition cf Turkey. Lt wonid sem, titaen, fia thfe ioped-for ýresteriln" May no'ver noms, ansi that aithougi Palestine wîll agatne - cemoe cultiva-ted ansi prusapeus, te thc Jewss if eay a-laas ha a landi cf promi- le. eigbt mentis past, with fie resuit fia-f aixeady fhe wiole amount auti- TWENTY-FIVE YEAES A MARTYR orizeci by Parnitment te lie spent for TO RHEUT4ATISIL. tic, year essdteg on Mlarci 31 neat lia-a- been expensiesi. Tic Treasury is noue Releasesi Fmom Pain te One Day., sdvancteg msney illïgally, but Lord îtiayscir, sryMn Jme Sal.sbry a-csisf hre a iîti di? , Kerr, fermer, of Kanes, OnI, t., telo for snity te getfiug an indemcity atien fi-ulc s ?tie, great biees*n Pa-nliimeet meeta in Febmaary or car- Setiblican RiematofCure ia- lier. Ticreauli. o? ris foerisi activ-SuhAeia euntcCrhs iîy is accu tin tic advsancedsi aa f boee emy uife. Sic lia-si bcn a- great mayiron-clada wiici ocieravise wouid ,nufferem ?rom nicumiafisin for 251 yeara; ma-nyd doctoresi --iii ait physicians, fa-t nef lie muatc more fiýa-nce the stocka ans icea-r, but neyer receivec perfect hy nýou, ans in tecompietion ansi me- relief until shoe useci Seti Ameican arming o? the horse ceci f ield, amfilery. Rhcuma-tic Cure. If banisliesi ail pain 'Tie former, whicli is saisi te i theic ndy n ee ote ue fneost arfiiiery force ni fie asionîci .t a aas svnhîacrc noue, at is wsr sfrengti o? tee bat- ra iy. I tfiak taiercm f bro ottlas teries o? six gunseci, uiti a -reverse iîsouid haveliceusnftietha-sitif uc cf~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~be ciî us bl îc rycrsinfor sda-y it esccring mcdicine. Il haveicot unsproviett i ?orycorpbat-mestcheerfully ansi fneely give tuis hav ben r ccclwth oue ifh large me nonansi strongly recommonsi feriffa cf six guns eaise wt are Woel- s sfme from nben-naiam teusetfils serves. t is said lotiteWo-s I e"d uicî arsenal at present la fnming ouf < -. dyas 1 Ibolieve if ailcure an a certaincciv ansi pewerfni ciel1 a-ftie Iey a&- raeo2,00 e400 -uek.For sale by a-l Duggista 1 - - 0, m11d w'bticlba-s tih- f-r formesi fie Spaisiý base cof operautces. Littie actisi- ity bs bee sbewiL te fie fild idur- Êng ticý summner by ettIier beiligereet, fie Spani-ard.s ieing entpl-oyd te figit- teg disease, and theic tsurgents ceefie- ing thir eperat ions te raidteg isolated campa, blewieg up ra-lîroaci bridges andi fraies, or firea-tening tic passage o? tbe froba. Boti have, iowever, icen maktng etaertaypreparatiens for fie comicg campaige, 'fie Ma-drici gev- cement bavieg provideci for flic des- pa-tote i llnihy tic endi cf tic preseeft monti cf 40,000 ncw treopa, tic adrva-cee guard cf whini arrivesi atla- va-ca a forteight a-go. (As tihe troopa employesi by Spa-te ie Cuba since tic eutbroak o e? icrevolutien te Febmuary, 1895, ha-vo, numberesi harffy lesa fia-n 180,000, acci tic ýpcsent retefoenement is iccendeci te epair fie baýs by dca-i l, detiertiota ansi invailidiina, fie Spanisi lesses bave evtdentiy exceceds those e- failesi by a-,ny modemn coctest o? equal maguitude. The noerecmuits nou e li ieg pouresi inte fie isiansi arc said te be pbysically- immature, tic, majority of tbem scarcely pa-t eleeteen, te Spain fthe mliîtary a-go, a condition wbtcb, witi tic report fia-t tic physicaPË mc- quiregeents a-me ta be reducesi, wonild imply fie exha-ustion o? tic moat a-vail- a-blc matonal. On tic ethler hanci, tic effetrt o? Gomez ans ilts gea-eralste procure mc crulfa ansi arma for their use have bec largely ssnccessful, soe six or igit ve-ssos carrying rifles, cannon, dyna- mite ansi fixoci ammunitiota, have lansi- cd ther cargcas wthiin fie last tire mentis. Tic store of rifles la yet ie- tadequsafte t upply those askiicg for ticm, but. the leaders repent turf f bey bave noue betaveen 70,000 ansi 80,000 mnen under aruis, Or perbaps tasice -ta many as f bey ha-si avin active operations were suspendesi for tie sommer. Ceulsi arme lie obfaincd, their forces igit eastly ho inecasesi to 100,000,, but in vice o? wbat ha-s b--ec sconplXihed vif a fa-r somaler army witi inferior arma durîcg tice past yoa-r, tiere ia ne reasoe for discoura-gement. Meanwiile, flic commandera, on Loti sid2s have o?- ficiaily committoci tomacîves te tic destructton o? evemy f orm e? property on tie, U-land, Gencral Gomez hasing forbisidehsoa-l cultisiattea of tic soilon penalty of dca-si, tic objeet belng te deprive Spa-le of ail chance ef revenue. lieder like penalty, General Weyler bas prohiLitesi a-l liarvest openationa, on tic grensitiat many ofliceaugar plant- crs We s rrangieg witi tic tesurgerats for fie paymont of a- fixas soin for tic pnivlege o? gateieng ticir stops, tins providing tfi, ebecii fma-sumy -ut i mcy. Betwee fie tapa-tarda anedflic Cuba-na thc Pearl I'cftfe Antilles tins promises te ic ma-de a- desert.- INSURANCE AGAINST PRISON. Securilig l'luîes Nulintîscty igainst ts' cela isa- luiris tesers. "'Thieves are hardy a- provident cia-sa as a- ule," said a London detective te tie, s-iter, -yct if easy surprise yen te_ knou fia-t there a-me a- large nlumber boti cf burgiars ansi pickpockets aube hbitua-lli mure themacilves against capture ansi impriseement. Ticre are fiee or tirce Men ie tic ca-at ccnd ivi thieves. Tiese psy a amaîl weekly Preminna, varyicg accoding te presi- tous 'laggiengs,' ansi overy, conviction nl'aseherate, siery odiacnd 'unlucky' offensiers bieg often refusesi a-ifogecli- en. "Wbec a fuie? gets cablocciint- sura ccc money usually gees te pa-y a- 'moutipiecc' (or solicitor) te defees i hm. Qule of chese feiloÀus, a-man eOf muci themr own cia-ss,lias osier fi? ty tiesies lesures iavti hlm for sums varying fromi £2 npueard. le bas a came? uily con- p le si liaio f ichir convictions, an si a c- tnlliceps booka, ina- primitive style, ansi ho Lia-afounsi tic money îowa-rd de- fendteg several criminais we've put le the, dock. "Net long cge a coterie rs rascai waa opa-blecu by bina te engage oneao? thec aharpesi police court solicitors, ansi wa-s a-cually acquirfoncea- pnrcly 1fecinical pese't; undefendesi bcd have got aauvy entene, "Wien a- caae is se inaci fia-t cese- licitor will, defees i , tic tief dma-ws is iesurnece meney on comleg ot of prison. A burgiar I once caugit le ent men, ansi af tomlis sentence expiresi lie drews freim fbem te a-il about £45. Ile ais nabd agate tic next cigit on A LIFE SAVED 13Y TAEXNG Cù HERRY SPECTORAL "Severai ye r . go, cUghst a Se e 1-o 1 attended wsth atrrbe.ouglsthat aiwi soe no res.,t her day or mght. The dol- tors prono'uec'ed ycae"Ohpees.Afied learning of xny trouble, sent me a bottie o. Ayer's CheryPctrl1y the time I had sadthe w ol tte a cMpleter cuired, and 1 believe it saved my life.1-Wil a. WA4Ro, 8 Quimby Ave, Lowel, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HiisetÂarda at World a'P air- ý4ye3ciG Ps th~tie Ucsst Familyij rhysia. .1rmise A I-effnt purgai, repaie 'witb g eat aisNantage, as or ïl. seese u alfln Teetbing, e"tc. F " A-5L t mysdress. Dr. How ard atcinceCo,.. Broc.k vinleont. M icrobe Killer That nemoves The True Cause O f Disease From The System. Ail diseases are causedl by microbes, which are living germs in the blood; and these microbes cause inflammation, fermentation and dacay. >Thousands 0f persons will testify teot wondlerful powers. l Send for circular. LON]OOTRO AMLODES'iT CROESjTJS W. S. Stratten, wlio ownS tb.a - e- t Independenice Mine at Cripple Creek, has an income of 82,000 a day from that property, and as mnuch more froma oth- er miines. He had his office over a bicycle ýstore at Colorado Springs, is about 48 years of age andl looks 60. His hair is white, and his complexion ama- bogany brown, the, resut of hardshLps and liard work. He, lives ie the s:oap- lest manner in a littie cottage that did rot cost osier $500, and is very sEýnsitive aboeut being asked for moey. Iii was cnly after repeated fainres ihat grrat- ton went prospeeting at Cripple Creci. W'sndering disconsolately over the rnountai sdie, lie found a brokesi piece of rock xvhich. sent, to a Denver cbemist, assayed 0300 to the ton. He promptly staked a claim, and fesrnd geld almost from tise grass moots, the ore growing richer as lic dug «dvwr. PIELL-AGE Dr. Agnew's Dver Lis, 10c. a Viil are Plasiue'lAfter the, Met Me.ilern in Medical Science. IThay, are as Great an Imiprovemnt Osier the 50 Years 01ld Strrsag Iisso Pili Formulas as a Bicycle is 0ver An Ox Cart ln iravel, and Less ihan laif the Price. Cinnamon Diop Coate-l m'skcs them pleasant te take-being purely vege- table m;aies them absolsitely safe-they nover gripa and the)y neyer fail-lO doses, 10 cents ai. al dmuggists. For sale by al druggistq. THE ADVANCE GIJARDI. Wbat do ycu tbsuk they will find at the nerth pole, papa ? Patent medicine aigus cut in tise îce-~ Illergs and. half a dozen tcwn lot Uoumers.

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