So ven ir Ranges. Aiways give satisfaction, ficre are no better stoves made. If you wili compare tîcir spýccal advantages over ordinary ranges you will readiiy sec the points of superiorify. Telephone No. 66. Sehool Opens.~ Full ine of Books Supplies. and1 Special value in Pads. Scribbling and Exercise Books. A strictly cash business will be done fr3m this date, and as heretofore, one price and that the lowest to all. G-reat value in Wall Paper. Great value in Photo Al- bums. Great value in iFancy Goods. Grea t value in Everything Reme-rnber cash only. Due Bills accepted. P. Trebilcock, Tic Arcade. Town Hall Block. Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville.1 OVER DUE ACCOUNTS. SubE criliers Whio have kept uï without our money for two vears and over wili hear fromý the National Defective Asso- ciation sliortly, as we lave taken thîs means to coleet subscriptions wliere no response lias been made t0 our repeated appeals. Tliey guarantee "to push every dlaim to a full settiernent without delay" flierefore "your proimptness wiii ensure you against neediess costs and expense." Interest and costs of fliis special service wiii lie added to al accounts sent, as the iaw aliows. After reasonabie notice, action in Court wil foliow,wben further costs wiii be added. The courts have been vcrvN severe on persons Who take newspapers year affer year without pa\ ing for tliem, considering it a species of fraud, deser- ving sumnmary punisliment. Do not blame us ; we must liave moncy f0 run our business. The old story of Prometheus is a parable, an allegory. Promnetheus w-as on ternis of EX-MAYOR YOUNIE DEAD. It isOur painful duty this week to clironicle the death of our estimable townsman Abraham Younie, who pass- ed to rest at the residence of his sister Mrs. A. S. Anderson, 44 Grange Ave., Toronto,on Sunday morning last where lie had gone a short time before for treatment by a specialist for sime throat trouble from which lielias suffered for somne months. But his aliment baffied the skill of the medical men called ini and a severe type of pneumonia brougli t bis eartll v career to au unexpected ter- mination just as people were goiug- to cliurcli Sunday morning. A few minl- utes after tlie vital spark liad lef t its tenement of clay, tlié anncouncemenit -%as made by 11ev. C. Parker to lis con- gregation in tlie Metliodist cliurcli wliere at the evening service the choir sang as a spécial anthein after the ser- mon tliat favorite liymn, "Nearer My God To Tliee." Deceased was born at Bear Island, Nova Scotia, Nov. 23rd, 1819. At five years of age lie removed with his father to Montreal. Then at the age of fifteen lie rem-oved to Toronto. From Toron- to four years inter lie removed t0 Bow- mnanvilie, wliere in 1848 lie married Eli zabetli, daughter of tlie late Andrew Windatt, who survives him. Sliortly afterwards lie removed to the village of Tvrone in the township of Darlington where lie carried on a very successfui business for a number of vears. Ou re- tiring from tlie Tyrone butsiness lie re- turned to Bowmanville, intending to spend tlie rest of lis days in compara- tive quiet. But lie as of too active a nature to remain ini idleness and besides attending f0 lis private affairs lie inter- ested himself in the weifare of the town. H1e was for a number of years a member of the town council and for two years filled witlirmucli acceptance tlie more responsible and lionourable po - sition of Mavor Since coming fo town lie invested largel.y in real estate being at tlie fime of lis demise owner of severai valuable residences. Three or four vears ago lie was affiicted with La Grippe frorn whicli le neyer enfireiy re- covered. 11e was at tlie time of bis deafli a Li- ceuse Commissioner Ifor W4est Durhiam, and lad oniy recentlygiven up the Sec- retarvship of the West Durham Reform Assoiation. H1e as Recording Stew- ard of tlie Mefliodist ciurdh for many years and -%hen faiiing liealtli compelled lis retirement lie was continued on the board as a honornrv if e member, 11e %vas a liberal supporter of God's cause and wlien the present churdli edifice was erccfed bis subscription was $1000. The Union Jack was placed at haif mast on the public buildings ont of re- spect to lis miemoî-y. Tlie funeral fook place 3-esterday afternoon and was largeiy attended, tlie town council atfeuding, in a body. WEST DURHAX FAIR. Tlie directors of West Durliam Agri- cultural Sociefy met Saturday fo cou- sid er compaints against tlie prize list.' Tere vas a good attendance. Presi- dent Baker presided. The compiaints against tlie prize iist as published were: Mrs. W . J. llavraf t climed 2nd prize- on bread awarded f0 Mrs.J.W.Sparliing. Not enterfained. Tliaf the saddlc borse sliown by Moses Cowan and awarded 2nd prize was flot owned byhlim butblva Mr. Evans. Mr. Cowan must make décaration of owner- slip before prize wiil be paid. Mrs. Farncomb dlaims prizes on winter dessert appies, Beurre Ciairgean pears and long Mangolds. Not entertaîned. She was wro~nz1v cvp.ditpïl wifl-, ri-zes o It Is a Pleasure For Mr. Davidson to Speak. An Esteemned Citizen of the Ancient Capital. What He Thinks of Paine's Celery compound. Tlie foliowing letter from Mr. Win. Davidson, of No. 2 Oliver Street, Que., P. Q., is s0 very plain and iucid that it reiquires no expiaiîatory remarks. uis olijeet is fI draw the attention of flic sick and affiicted to tînt fountain and source of life fromn whicli lie received supplies of new icafli. 11e says - "If is witli sincere pleasure and gratitude I refer f0 your Paine's Celery Compound, and fie wondrous biessings fliat I rcceived from ifs use. k "To ftellflie frutli, before using if I lad littie lu if, but conciuded if if did me no harif i could flot make me any worse than 1 was. 'II ad suffered for years from indi- gestion, liver compiaint and kidney âiscase, and began witli Paine's Ceiery Compound lu order f0 give it a thorougli festing. Affer a fair use of fie Coin- pound I am as wel ns ever I was, and ail my troubles have disappeared, and I arn enjoying eood heailih. "4Your medicine is a wonderfui one; it is far superior to ail ofliers, as if truly gives if e, and puts flic enfire systcm in a healtliy condition. As a purifier of the blood I fiud if las no equai, and I heartily rccommend ifs use to ail suifer- ers" Cau stronger proof flan flic above lie required f0 convince any sick and dis- eased man or woman fliaf Paine's Celery Compound is thc bcst medicine lu tlie worid? Surely, dear reader, you will admit fiat if is wortliy of a triai. You are scckiug for new licaifh, and flerefore need fie very besf. Be sure tliaf you ask for and use oniy "Paine's," flic ouly genuine ceiery preparation in the worid. Tobacco Heart. Muci liearf and nerve weakness is caused by undue use of fea, cofee or fobacco; palpitation, nervousness, irrit- abiîfy, excitability, lack of, confidence, efc., arc sure symptoms. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pis briug ready relief, by stcadyiug fie nerves and regnlafing the lieart. They arc a truc leart and nerve food. An article wliich ouglit f0lie read liv every one wlio is intercsfed lu the pro- gress women are making lunflic public pursuits of life is I Women af flic Bar," pulished lu Denorest's Magazine for November. Mrs :A. B. Saxton, of Port Burwell, Ont., says:. 'Ilad been troubied wîth sicli hiadaclie for years. f wo boxes of Milier 's Compound iron Pis cured mue." BORN. WILBltR.-Iii Tyrone, Oct. 4th, the wife of Mr. Frank Wilbur, of a son. West End, House, BOWMANVI LLE, Ladies' Jackets. Do you want one ? Our stock this yFear is the best value we ever had and the most co mmon sense everyway. They are warm, stylish and cheap. Frieze is the most popular cloth and in this cloth youl get good wear and warmth. We start these as 11w as $5, better ones $7.50, $8.00, and $9.00, with Yelve el,-(0lar and cuifs and large buttons. We have jackets in other cloths and other prices. Have a look at them. m-osiery In Ladies', Misses', and Children's Stockings we hove a greatrange of kinds and prices. Our Ladies' heavy ribbed cashmere stockings at 40e, is a leader, lleavy ribbed wool hose for Boys at 25c aaci our heavy wool stockings, plain at 25c for Ladies are a<so extra value. Importing our hosiery direct from Englatid gives us an advantage over those who do not. men's Suits::3- Prices. Not three prices on one suit, one price is our rnot-, but we have three lines of Men's suits $6, $8, and $ 0. These are well made, well trimmed and good fit, and rna[je of ahl wool tweed. We want y ou to see these suits alcd you will say they are the very best value you ever sow. 16 ess Rubbers just in, every kind, Men's, Ladies' Misss, and Childreni's. These are the best iRubbers in the Mr- ket, we have some new styles in fine .Rubbers in Ladiýs' and Men's., Our Boot and Shoe stock is immense and if you wat goods that will give every satisfaction corne to us. Ye have people complimenting us every day on the wa-y (tr goods wear cornpared with what they used to get fr4rn other houses. Deal at the West End House. Jo hin McM u rtr~. The Favorite Remedy.