WEDNESDAY, OCT. 7, 18916 DM. J. C. MITCHELL.. dEMB5lEl 0F COLIR TO0F PIIYRICXIN &I d Surgeons, (Ontsariaý, CnwnAr, eca. OffiLvs anS R-eaicience, EnsltillOfl. 74. F MLA1%REM DENTIST 243 Yonge St., TORONTO. TIrfta-cises $10 setc fTeetia for 84 à) BIB' I MP 1jSONt, SRiS1PfOLICTOR, koi. OiS 1>111 CTupBtains, Kinsg Sst flo Bw'aai- vIle Cliciar for tic Ontari fBank A'asatIiaiaeC oane'I ai t t1iOsist atqî BORT. YOUSNG, V. S. d-v.iFFICEIN DlTUE WEST DUJRRAM " N-ew-s Blocki. -char imsecf or assistant w-ll Se oud 9.Niabi cala, at reideance.diwrclyaoppaosit mi î'Shed. Ca! by taiegîi an orteepione w-ll ratcire promPt 'ttention tii-yr A. A.iPOST, HR~ITECT. Plans and Specifica- RiOçsS prepareti for evary ciasa of inlding. ipeclal attenin g-van o ieating bY austin sud icitisater. and ta santai'y arrsuliements. Ofhîce: Goarie Block, Whitby 13-iy 1. PLTE, Tailor Gentlemen's Clothes Made ta Order. DENTIS'i5 OFFICE :-Iear of Messrs. .Higginbotham &-, Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMVANVILLE DENTJSTRY1-. C. HAIINDEN, L. D. S Graduate Oftlie Royal Collage Dental e Surgeons. Onario. f'HEOPPOSTZ EXPRIESS OliFIPIL VITALIZED AIE. New Tailor Shop Thea nder ignei who bas bean c rrYing On the tailorîng naiocas einconnection wt Mason'SlJry ods Store for a nomberof Ye-rs lias Comîneacatibusiness ft)r him,îcîf ai hi' rasidnce, King St.,wast. where ha la preParad tela ce gants' anti boys' Puits in ailtee latest style, and aiL lowe8t pricas. For thoae who Wigh ta order sais, ha will carry a fulIl lina of amaplesilealthe) newest patteras. Gia'e hile ca T. A L N Fashionable Tailor MONEY TO LOAN. $100,000. A. large sun t oneaahs been pleceti la MY hands by a privats persan for investinent, on axproved lbans on tarin scurity fat a term Oi FivE or TEN yciars, ieIVE ANDtONOES IALS' PEs CENrTi1Dtereat wi li e asketi payable yeaai y. gatisfactory conditions for reptyluent ailI bc arranged.D. Bl. SIMPSON. Solicitor, Bowmanville. Datad fot. let. 1894. 40-tf. F ORI SALE OF. RENT.-Rouse and .1211acres forsalie o2 te rani. smtata or Scngog street narth. The premisca cou alt O' a goati hanse w-tii avcry convcnlece, driving aieS, stable, etc. 'flc e rdan coutaici a to hoe chalcesi fruit of' ail varieties. ltiie' pesesaaseaubemava.For parilcularS appl> W.HîSnaaEIG BOamsVille Ont 49-r THE C%'ANADIAN STATESMAN ESTABLISIIED 18541 $1 per annm lu acvance, therwisae $.51 Subscriptions always payable eai tailo publication. Adlvortising rates anIsasq by con rac ,10 cear lino, nnouriel ,irït inserù Cu, tanS 5ents par lina each 8aabseuoeut tu- @etiln. Locale, 10 cents par lina. M. A. JAMES, Publishar W ANTED--SEVERAL FAITHFIJL Men or wamen ta trai ai for responsible established bouse, la Ontario. Salary $780, Iay- able $15 weekly antd ex anses. Position par maneat. Refereaca. ,Idaclose self addrccsed stamped cavala pe. THra NATIONAL, Star Ifulil iag, Chicago, Ill., . S. A GENTS WAIiTING PROFIT'- abte amplayincnt eau find it wth us, as w-a bave naisest itusiavarietitia af Nursery tock, and necw-sced potatoas. Salary or conmmissiOn. Wrlt e et once faor îerritory. PSLItAM NtIeSuevR Ca., Toronto, Ont. 40ý-l3w. ~TEN WANTEI) To eugdge witi MiusasL Salesman. New season jeat aViienlg, aewtstyla Of plate booki, more attractive aud yc ,t Il htilsever. Ail samples furisheti frac. arhfe oly Canadiean Nuraeiy aviag sal ary mà expnses frin tU e sart. Lîhral eni- mission to part turn en. Large list ai Spet-fal îls i aviag bten tested eai ur trial ortiard Over 700 acres under cultivai on If you w-st a sure thing for witer, write us. SroNs & WE-a auetON,Nurserymn and Fruit grow-rs,Toraato Canada.- -1 W'E MAKE.m. Sewer and Culvert Pipes Mil Sizea from ualt. te 24 li. ise Connections. WRITE rf>OR PRIOE$. THE ONTAIO L~RPIPE M0 PACT0PV A7 MIMICO. in the Bermudas rats ai lau buiid tîcir cests lu trees, like b'rda sudd quirrels. 'f00 MUCR 'fALK FOR 'fRE BAB' -Wlat,' not taib ta my baby P' eu ciaimed the youing motier, w-io sý iholding ber -three-moutis-oid bah sud ciailing ta i w-lutic fond fot isinass ofai ihyoung moibars a: cspshble. -INo, my dean; don't ta filear jeliies are ranch m:ore attracti, ut ta the eye than ara c-louded moida, y euson- secýs ny ai th3 latter sort.1 obiain perfect reýsuits wluî gelaii 0-bail the mixture for a moment w-i ire the heatan white oi au egg, tiE 1k strairi tîrougli afine iera. About the Iiouse. BABY'S OUTNFIT. Whîle visitiug a friand racautly, I was slown a haby's outit w-hicI was sa laiuty tlat 1 will descrihe, it for the auctfit aifailer moibars. Four knjtted wool shirts w-are hought or spring w-aur, w-hile six fine cotton Dues are ta ha w-arn lu summer. TIre cotton anas tasten au île shoulders witIr Ëiey Pearl buttons, sud are tnimmned round île uecb sud sheeves ivitl nar- ow lace. Some preier fa mnake the w-oui shirts if sot ilanuel, cuutiug the edges lu scallops aud fiuishiug tbcm w-h a but- aunhalestitching ai Caspiansilk. Thle six soit flanuel bauds lad the dges turcd back oua-hait inch and fastaued lu place hy a crosa-stitdhing f the Caspaîn slb.& TIre uapkius, tbhîuy lu numbýer, w-ara tf soit cotuon f lannal, -white a dozen smail soi t an w-are for use ait irai. Two w-bite flanuel skiris, xultb ulde waist bauds, lad siaulden stnaps louse t ana end ta haie asteued w-luI saiety Pius. 'fIe lauar edýgas ai ibesa shirts ware finisled w-th wide lace, cracheied if Germauuowa ysru. A feather stitcî- 1-g ai Caspian silk cor ered tIre edige ai Two open shirts or pinhng hiankets, if ana width oi ilanual sewad ta a waiýst sund, w-il] wvrap around tIre riny tact ind legs sud haheld in place hy s saf- iy pin. Four shirts af fine w bite cotion are trimmed wîuh tacha, sud crocIretad Coi- an lace or cmhroldery. Thli dresses ai fi-ne cross-bar musliu ware made lu var loua w-ays. Oue adn a square yabe ai ail-aven mhroidcry, sud tic necb sud sîerves ware edad w uihlace. Oua witla a painted yokeliad a rutile tf ambroidary aoven tIre shoulders, nar- ow-hng ta au inch w-ldub ai thepoint of tha yoke. 'fhe nack and siecias w-arc dgced wltb emhroldany.à. Oua, lsd a round yoke and w-as trim- med w-th icauer atitic braid aud ecm- moidcrad frilling. Oua vary pneity drasa of India mul]. iad tic w-ida hem aitich edgc aft:r kiri bemsuitcied. 'fie poluted yabe was tormad oi altennate stripes ai Ramn- burg insertion sud vary fine tucks. lIre dge ai tic yoka, ueck sud aleares irere trimmed w-h edging ta matcI tIra lu- sertion. A dozen hiha ai varions shapes sud sancy quiltinga ucre edgad ivith lace 'r emhýroudery. On some s ti ny f larer was w orked w-h Asiastie tu isted cmi- emhnoidc.ry silk. Oihers Lad a fealler tltchiag ai the, silk ucar tic edge. R. E. Mernyman. MOTRER AND) CHILI). ThIe clîlld traly belouga ta the motier and thc moiber sîouid helong ta tic chid, sud thIs fionlber aira aube as iveli as for tIre baba. Yet sIc mnuai bew-sne if lettiug thre cbtld heaume ier tyraut, and herseli hase ail sauseaiof Lher duties and pnrileges, giving i w bat lu ducs nt ueed., For is greatesi goad she laould raineali lenseli body sud soul wytl changea. She sîauid oftan go aw-ay t rami, ne- enemherng tIrai lier deprassions or ex- altations, ail hien moodsansdlhan w-cari- acas are lus native air. L lires lu rbem, 'cela tbem sund is iutlueucad hy tiem. Indeed its mosti mportant educaion, -lau w-bitI affects tamperameut aud xli, la heiug laken by spiritual absorp- tian direct tram the mothar berseli. Fan nana [Ian nounialimeut ton the body as taken tramn the motier: TIre ima oi nnraiuýg shosld haie he no agitations or w-arrhes distrasa tha mind, noanagry irritations affect thc narres. Sa subula ns the affect ai a spiritual aven bodiiy conditions tIrai cildren Iraive beeu thro-irntoiaconvulsions tram iskiag sourisîmeut tram au augry motier. Wlt/ere ih la impossible ton tIre. mother tu nurse île dhild no duty Us more im- portant tîsu tisi ai seeing tIraitich aurse wiruasupplies tic ueed sIraîllieaai a tempar patient, Iropeful sud swcei. Enioldein tu he arma ai love the lle chid suas begins la lave back again sud ta cry for w-lut it lares. Raere tic, tyranuy hegins. Now, if possible, some otIrer pensas slouid ahane, sud, lu part, reliea.-lemothar outhtIe cure oi the baba. 'fis is quhue a ditiercut tbing from reshgning tle cure, and, if only the nighu persan ha iound, is siw-ys besi.-\V. G. ACOMMON AILMENT. IL la a mnother's gravest dsiy te loob aiter lber cbidreu'shealhlsutl liai are able ta do so thirnrîselv ,. 'fie direct canse oi many complaints af cidren, soma ai whicb tollow tbam tlirough lite, is constipation. IL B nanb crselty ta a uitile child [lai sucl su aliment siould become, esabllalcd w-ban cure ou the mather's part coulc bava avolded iËh. Most doctors attnibutE mazy of the hiver campisinis, indiges- tion sud stomachi troubles ta ibal source, sanc ai ofthe tirai f linga the3 attend ta w-heu called upon ta adminia- ait Tios. Ellit, Wsw-an-ss-a, anS la w-alai îhe popular memaber ai tle Rouse bod hat faciale piysl ciamnasudn nurses in fa piaasecd mit h tiut part outhtiraPrairie ai Communs ion île IDisticht uf Alguma, tr ntSSac.Paawnyiî ef ne, proVinceý Who hina as îused tis medicine, sud ducs hui,(]StesPrewny-vcns ne Povne ot besitate to tell tIre peopie aiflCan- la Ittle. SolS ly ail draggists trougîcut an Scs otmaterw-raiyo amnt10ada afi lia greai Woth. tle w-rId. Be surie-aid ask for MRS pu-,rcissa lunt.hc Jew-eliey lise an lu Fan ssie hy ail dnugglats. Wsiw-aSooriîso Sa'auî., ta hlm so muini, not nearly so muai," replied the aider womau. "Dear as he is, you must not forget how delicate lu every way a tiny baby is." The yalug motbnr was sobered, but net cnnvinced. 'Hwcar i possibly hurt hlm ?" she, asked. le cannot understand me, and 1 do<Soi love to see hlma smile and ana- wer my talk with ibs happy look." "Which proves that lie does understand, and in his way replies ta your loviflg talk; and it Us that which is the strain. You take care, te feed the baby with tic greate'st exactuessand ta keep hlm clotbied daintly and comfortably, and that is right. Rijs bralus, however, are a eak sud undevelopcd as is his boôdy. What is amali mmid needs Most is, aud when, you talk ta him tic tax on his mentality is beyond his strength. A yoang babe caunot ha kept too mach like a littie animal let hlm sleep sud eat, and eat and sep again, keeping hlm in cool, well-veflti- Iated roims and nettfo mach in strong lght, cither of the sun or artificial liglit. Be advised, and let yoair baby alone. Let hlmi gro-% natnrally, and neot by any forcing procesa." TO CLEAN UiENSILS. Ail sorts of vessels and uteusils may be purified framn long-retained smells of every kiud ln the easiest sud most per- fect maniner, by rinsiug them out well with charcoal powder atter the grosser impurities have heen scoured aff with sai and water. HIELPY UL HINTS. The isinglas in the store doors may be cleauied by rubbing it with a cith wet lu vinegar. Spirits of camphor, applied wlth a piece of tianuel cloth, w iii remnove spots tram furniture. A bot bath takeu on going ta bcd, even on a hot night of sommner, usa better cure fer lusorumia than mnany dnuia. Cold meats or fishi may be bashed fine and mixed w lihpotatoes, rnec, or bonm- iny, sud a sauce, and made ita aro- It is sald that rats cannoi resisi sun- flower iids A trap baited witb these seeds ta the mnost efficient met-hod of catching -them. Ic la very important to keep cooper utensiLs scrupulausly clean, for mois- rureý and greasa ,will corrode the cap- par andL praduace verdgris, wicb is a straag poison. Machi cold va ter sliould not ha drank during or aîter a meal., Lt cuils the stomacb sud prevents praper digestion. '14e prouts ,ot digestion cari only be car- ried an at a temperatur of sbout 98. Ibe housewlfe who w cars attachetd te lier apran band a long string witli an iran i aider an thre eudt of lu sares ber- sef mauy burns wbau she works about the store. Haiders made of tickiug or et denim ac eicmosudurable. Bread. that bias beeu cuit in slices aud become stale may be fresheuegd by lsy- iug theassuces together sud talding a daanp aplkin arauud tbem; put the uap- kmï in a paper bag aud place the bag lu a hot aven for ftiteea minutes. SiIks or ribbans.tisai aridt be packi- cd iýway sbauld bc rahiad lu brown pa- par, as th-, cchioride af lime lu white paper wi duscolor tlicm. White satin shnald be, folýded lu bine papier sud a bravru paper put autslde sud piu- neti clasi ytageLier at tIre edges. The meringue au pies and puddiugs, which shauld be a dainiy f oam sev- erai lucehas higli la ften but a crusu of leather, produce by toa bot an aveu. Atter making a. meringue, it shouid be spread lraughly but eveuly over the surfae o f a pie, or pudding that is ncany but riot quite caid. Tur tIre heat off your aveu. [f feather beds or pillawis have au un- pleasaut ador, set them lu the air lor a day or tvo, tIen give tîem a thbar- augli dryiuig before a clcar fire. SIrould Fthe amall stili remain bave thc feati- 1 rs taken fram their civeansd prap- Îeniy dressed. Typîoid germs bave been kuaQv tai start fromn improperly dress- c d teauliers lu beds, etc. This hast way ta, cleau bairbrusies la fwitli spirits of ammanla sud warm wa- ter. Take a tablespooutul. of arc- moula ta ane quart aofw star; dip the brlStles up and dawn lu the w'ater witb- out xrettiug the hack; rkise ilu dean éwarm ivater; siake well sud dry je the air, but net lu the Sun, Soa~p aud soda sotten the bristies and will turu as lvor'y-hacked brusb yellaw. y Oats bave a value lu the dresing- room. as wall as lu the stable sud the kitchan. f bey are uaqualed for dry- iug water-soaked shoas xitbout hope- lesysiftauling tIra leather and spoil- iug y teshape of Ëtic boots. TIra wet i-9otge should simply ha tilled witl othe oasand allýowavd ta stand for sev- jeral battrs. 'ie grain will absarb the~ tuaisturfe sud presarre tIre shupe ofthe Shana. )f To make ordlnary clati waterproof, Iput hait a paund af sugar of fed nd l pall oi ralu w-ater with hait a pauud ca Lsaluxu; stir at juuerrals until tle watei hbecomes clear sud tien pour i t noanu o, ther pail. Put the clatI or garmautý iuta lu sud let tîem stand twenty-itu lA hurs. Thea baug tIre clati up ta dr3 w ithout wriuglug. Garmeuts trestec - das cau he wora itheticwildeSt stýornr ai o wind sud nain wi.thout the wearei getting even damp. The ralu wl ýYbang iu globules upon the clati, anc s-claili tlat is waterprof is better au( more lhealtiful. tisanruhher goads. Fal taira ana ueariy aven. Potatoe crop la neported liglit. u î u ii Mn. E. VanCauap bas raturned ta Brantiord. Mn. H. Barrait, Toronto>,Iras beauH u ,Dc F Rn i h n s nvis2t e fnorwTHESTATE SMAN te end H u e u n shnf 1893 uew- suis. Typhoid fever bas becs pravaleut lu Our lina comprises everything ',ound in a firsi e:ass furniture ware thea country districts. raam, and believing il only daing justice ta aur business and ilat aur District Epw-orth, League meets ai dusiamers may benefit by ii,-we have added more variaties ta aur already Orono, Friday, Oct. 16. large lines, aud aur priees cannai be beai. 'Re buy as low as île Iowe LOcUiameglt. Pa an sd aÈe saiisfied witl small profits, and yau wihl ho canviuced of the dhurci, Ot 12, ai 8 0o'ciocb. saIne wben yau have seen aur goads and examined aur prices. Mr. Jua. Campbell, Part Hope, was a neceut guesi ai Mrs. Prower. Parlar Suites, Sidebaards, On ail laIt-aven gonds île pnice will Bed iRoam Suites Hall Riacks, bc eut lu twa. Ellisant & Ca. Extension Tables Centre Tables, Mrs. Chas. Tod sud iamiil' are now Lounges, Maitresses, lcated at 238 M~ajor sai Toronta. Sceais hiso vr ecito A few- apadînens ai île Russhan tiisîlae Sacretaes, Cuaaîsai Poeeydscito have beenf ound lu New York Siate. indoasas, M(îur.ialndotes Y ul i Peaple came ilu crowds ta the WestMirrGas iueanilamY lng End Housa, yesterda-bargaiu day. with many ailier hues yau aili fand in gi'eat a ariuly -and ai ail p.'ices at Wiudaw abadas aud cuniamu paies n aur store, greai variaty ut L. Marris'. Ail sizes. Notmnrnt West Durham attend- Give us a cail when -wantiug anytlïiug in aur lire and sec iow w-el] cd Whiuhy'Fait- owing ta naiuy weatI- we can suit yau. er- Usters and Orercosis w-e have singi- L ed oui for apiSai siaugiter. Ellisos & UNi1E I 7à"' Ca. Special atten tion given to this depa rtmuent At Mr. Juo. Otlau's, Sept. 23, Issuc Seiby ibresired 1840 husheis hsrley lu 10iý hours. This is theaisat quarter ai 1896. LuJ Winter apples arelbeiug banvested. OMNIL.Busl'Eoe G. D. Fletcher lias aiea celery ta seil. BWAvLE analsHc Corun ueut w-as greatly Saaîaged hy trust lust w-cdu. Waicbes, Ciocits, Kaix-as, Parka o Mn. Muses Coavan la coilecton ai taxas Spoons. You cas do mucI better a i tccogJ for Clarke townsirip. home ini Sealiïag wiui Richard, jaîveiler, Rer. J. H. Strihe sud ivife asileS ou tiras ai Toronto.i irieuda lare last w-cal. Mn. M. J. A. Jaines, of THE STATE-- -idysadLvr Buy steamsh ip tickets ta on ram _,giAIN staff, w-aaime ai 30 in a class ai 12-)3 wkihauî wecakening tic land tran M. A. JAMES. studenis lu tic Departmncit ut Dentiat- aystam, a,, ihe iupuri- Misa Coa William-,, Cobourg, lias ny sutich Univearsity af Peunsylvlia, Las and foui. humais af beeca visitiag fricuds hem-c. Philidelphia, w-ho pussed ubÏeir firsi t" ti areÏa a i Citiacus, use aur aivot latter box in rear'i fiuai examiatian succsstlîr.smatan- Correct- STATESMA-N office iront door. TUe examlnations are hccueingmr ng Acidity of the difficuli eer eyar. Tireaarc nearly Stomach, curing Bii-. Tie eav uia as wca soud3000 students *in all e Depantînenis a ufes spepsi, naise the sprngs sud creekaý-.tîsniesuy Miss Metie Curtis, Part Hope, vlsited 0Otir attention w as calicd lasi irek ta [ion, ryeai h Miss Neilie Williamns raccutiy. tie ladies guiug ha t rau Sa te Messrs. - Si, Dropsy, ofith Otsîrua, lacrosse p1ayers irere w-cil Coudh, Jolustoît & Crydeninau's store, .3ksifiin, os, aun- piessed w-it traiircatamut banc. 50 w-e dropped in ta sec w-bat the -great n iesal Viionleum, Mn. Upton liunalis, Port.IHope, w-a attractionw-as. Wlmat Su )ou think lu' rys ipelas, Serofula, a receut guesi uf Mn. Alan Wiiam. ias, resSens ? Wirh ibs aean lu of the Cod InSîidar lectures in the niew- ladies' cuats ibat arriveS te tialer Rat evun Mahhodist chai-ci, Port Hope, Cet. 7th. day train Gctrany. Tbey area - ileNerouuesiy Tra cre Alc iiliIr u îe olceabountich mosu sensible styles thai w-e ailths, and ranyoailer office Ibis Wednesday to pav the Fuir buesaeun sudoni tcain amex-mmbrcmiii ib Prizes. trylaeaëhaiie e tain exthtechappy influence Mr.A.T EiotBavron istSpaci Su do a big rd.W -r ada BURDOMKBLOOD Mr.A T liot evetn vstdtiraiabout 8400 Wrthhave alradEITTERS. ai ber fauîcr's, ir.W.Vancc,MilbraoOk, becs soid. Everv body sbould -et use reccntly. ai thosa cuaniortabla douta for l aud J 1_"__ i4I 1LBU RN 8 1ev. C. M. Taie, Britihl Columbia, la Wintar ivear. Tirai are îvarm as W-il prcacblug missionsry sermon., lu Waettas seat fitthag. -Durham. Gonta oî aJn , Thc article on INew- York State, ne- WO DEFL ISO RI WEEKLY GOE rmnw oJ.1,ccntiy ix itten and publisha h by rhe 1898, (aven 16 ruontirs) ion q1 ut STATES- Editor iof atS wsIAiab ingie- MAN Office. iy pubiisired anS f.rccly iscustedly hyei u Tloussuds af yards ut Dress Gouda ucwspspeîs ofthtat Sia. Lxcefisiui EGOS FRESN w-i be utterad ee culas han uit fpnice. Buv a Sewing machine frram Richard, FOR 12 Ellihan & Ca. Jeivelier. Pnicas iglit ;-enougiî Great rictory for Mn. Alun Williamsi' savad hy huy iug tramin lm o buv su-ar ebasnutmar taw-lt fnstpria min ansd teas fr moutirs for quite a tfauiiy dompeifonsut Oruîo.A $55.00 machine tor $25,00Uhi Studeuts lu Higir aSd Public Schoois Frmiers ai Canada are losiug a mili- alouid store île [acta lun1h i ck's cd- lion or mra ai înev ermyear by not< huoril aw-ay lu tircir memunies. pruduclng what tire best narketrequira. Mrs. J. Gouid sud SangliterM.w i buaytduaete 1cm lte "ee Luke sud Mrs. Jas. Maeldie,'Oshaw-alitue ut profita-ble stock naising la tu ne-- wra recaut gricats of Mmi. M.D. Wii-fil a niucy persisu in raîsîng. hua. Messrs. Coudh, Johustas & Cryder- Tirea hindi ai Sew-img Macines fotutman 'haro becs impinag lirnleana 1sale -àt Riekards, unS N eedici, 0O1, aud traintichemanufaeturcra lu Englund and -eeray lkiud and sont of thing uscd lu lomeiitr patterais ire bure miexer accu. sud for a Maeehine. Tic Balmroral Hoiel las beau mueb im- IT IS NO PICKLE. 3 DubîiCut eces scl-proveS by Iuviug tire fluors eovcî'ed bv You simply treat the Eggs with - tion will mcctinlatlie 1lig Seiroul PullS- I.Alaralgercui amr PRESERVER, and Iay them away iiu, Pari Hope, ou Fniday sud Satun- greutîy. (eda, Otuhen 16 anS 17. An undie ot Mn. William Brairung in a basket or box. is ti limeto orer fouai>, Buw-nville, Ont., lihe lieru_______ a Now i hetmai rdrofice stattion- \Viiin Brow-ning, ai Launcestoti,LYDONASPYWHNTYAE ,ary-hiland latter heada, enrelopes, Cornw-ail, EnglaS, nuS fatier of liai. LACHEA S P. HNTE R itags, aid. Aiwa's dune seat unS tilte Arthtur Browinig, ai Torouta Conter-HEP at Te. T' MNîîngfWiibyC pauie ence, ou Sept. 7th, enteraS as lhis 10th ocaîl for book giving fou information, frseo lav T.aMnnig , st. Mtaudsu rcI, ycar. lHa liai preaehed almost regular of charge. irn mrd- tMthds cuc ly up ta date, bciag tic oiSest Metlod- ri sale D~Y J. HIGIGINBOIIAM à&SON. Jobdsay , .12 ,addcliiiaeS ,da lut mimîlter l inte w-aiS. A tr-adition.__________________ t Dr.JohnHoskia, Q. C , Toonta.blas ftler ai Ratant Browninig, tic puai, Il beau appoiutcd Presideat af the Toron- lait Cornw-all Ion Bristol, Somretschire, ta Ganenai Trusts Company, Hou. Ed- w heu a yaun i nu, wles i in ward Blake, M. P., liaving nesigned air Brownvng w-ma bora, Robert and 0iii- to continueS absence i Ecîgland WhilliauiBonigsi ftiema beiio Baw-ane ai imitation Watcies at To- ila said brotera. Bath dieS i ery olS a. route Fuir; ratier huy tram 17. N. Riel- mii, as ulsu tuS Robent, aud tic'soir t ai-S, Bow-manvllc. aimait centenarian is brcakiug tic nec- r Mn. Fred C. Parker bas ruturned tue r tîeiniytnadae Ontario Agricuturai Coliege ta enter rou ils third year course. THE BTJSIEST CONSUL.4 y Mn. unS Mrs. F. Smith, Mmi. Beatoîî 'fe binicat Consul lu [ha ir S h d anS Mns. W. J. Hsmbly, Toronto, ne- thc British Canul alt New York. bbc Il eatliy visitaS Mrs. Strow-gan. BritilsIippiug ai lNew- York aggre- We wsutamey prsau auîcnian a gtes about 4,000,000 tans aunuaily,and ýd ordan Tî.rarS'ArLsiMAN seat lu a friand tramt 25,000 ta 30,000 scamen arcepsi sdo eighbor for île balance ai 1896 ai off asibppad aacb yaar, inrolvhng île ti or liandliug oi about $300,000 ton seamn' 01,11 -25e. wugLes. 'fie second busiesi Consul lu HAS A RIECORD.