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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1896, p. 6

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den te bilete satŽ o tu s~etee.such 'as are equv1îrval letn, tî c.cuirtng und pre 1 ttggtht-. annîovJ1ngceiptixt.whilti tby ise c'rreci ati disordera of -tfeestomacli, Fstbiiiiiteoi1;-ror ed rgtathe boa ai. Even iftà y -a crec .&che tbey wouid bu niriost pricelesste those 'wbsufeér trom this istressing cempiaint: but fortunatety tbeir goodeess d,,'s nt ed lierandil tosue-ho once try them wili i lid these littie pill aluoie intese many weys tfiat the1y wii nt bu wviliig te de witbcut theie. Biut ai ter ail sick bond Is te ban e cf se meer lives that bure fa -wiere ,wu malze cur gruau boat. Our pilla cure it while othep's do oct. CÀeraE's LrTTrcLîvaE PLts are very saol and very easy tetako. Oea r tac pille moka a doe. Tbey are strictiy x egetabie and do nt gripe or purge, but by their gentie action Pl-es ail whe use tbom. Ie vils t 25 centas; tve fer $1. Sold uverywbere, or sent by mail. CAtTZ3 iiEDII 00., lew Yrk. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. INO P G, ER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. ONTARIO BANK etinites te doe aGenerai Banking Business -»owmanriie Àgency. IffPOSITS Soeel1ved In Savings Bank Departanent and on cal landinterest llowed atourrent rates Ne notice of wthdrawai. necessary. Aldefoits ,Payable on demnd, ENCIIANGE Singtaed aold and Draftslssued upen EuroPO n ntedStates andi Canada,alsogald,SiIveraild Greenbacksbouizht and Fio14. COLLFICTIONS Pr:împtiy made t current rates upen ait part Auf Gren t. tri t ai, thea Uniteduta otes ana the Do _nIr ton o 1 Canada. Telegrapli Triiser., macle for large or emeil sume on kil, part cf Canada. Thtis ls-espocially aduneoost pesn Iigin 3laniiioba or the NerUiWest, place of payieénh, Otberpart,îcuîars caîl attire bonz. Li . FORTT, UEO. MOGLL, ÀWTH Ti:ONLY SCIFI IC J NTISEPTIC PREPARATION FOR Fl-lt fAIR. ITALLAYSj TH-E INTE:NSE: ITCh-ING OP 1*4! SCALP. CURI±S DANDIW! PR!:V!NTS FALLING OUT 0f- THEfIAIR. PtSTOR!:S GRAY OR FIADED lIA 112AMD P2OMOT!5 b ,ANEWGROWTi OfI-IAIR A, ON BALD MEADS BY ITS NUTRIENT AND TiM- M AIR rOLLICLS. L;oId in Bomanvill by Statti & Jury. 1A!~tndAn II~ f ~me simple ]protect aour Ideme t they' may bring you weaith Write 3 RN WEDDERBURN & 00., Patent Attor-e =âcs. Washington, D. C.. for their $1,800 prief r îsd oii f two hundred Inventions wanted.e TeMost Economîcal ...House Warmer IThe "Kelsey" Grugted. Warm Air Gecruatoz'. Any ordinary Hot Air Fumnae, i]i praduce heat t you a-lit anly supply enazgb fau. ITe - Kelsv " tas serera1 speciat and vatuabte features but naon important is îhat ik wil gie more buat viit legsafuel anithe i, ua,"st durable heatcm- madie,. rtc e-. Kesey" ttc pt beig constructed cf st-serai aprigt, tnubar, corrgted, cast 'iou sections (et- rut) trottd ahjb the ire ~,passes and ttp tlrotgh wblcb the raid ar pas ses w thile hen- beatcd, and'thstreto ecttan belug wrap7ped thtba beivy ste, tcasin e wttci bt-tomes heated iy the iie strkinà ioI ahen Spasstsg dewn outside of upright s-rots towýards stauke pipe, lutentrc vira,'the- air iht passes up beiween ti,!steel casng and the gatvanized iron casintg, ths explains ahy t 'le- ~ Kelee" bas tree ulnes more raditittg sutaceadwam air rapariti than an ordi- nary Fu'-îace.' Tte Il Keley " htats every raoeventy, wberesoever loated, witht a ie, ald, heattt.fut stamIar that ailnett ijre The Il X" isey'" t-ii bheat rootus 60 feeto The IlKelser ' dos tantht-at yaîtr rt-tir. ']i Il Kelaey "is absoutl'ey gas and dut St-ad for descipttive catalogat. THE JAMES SMART MFGI o. S BROCKVILLE, Ont. Exlsive Mskera for Ci4nda. (1ror ma eby Pt.Worth, Bawxnanvuhie., I ~ 'Thec Caniadian Statesman FRIDAY, OCT. 16, 1896 IVOTES A4YD COJIMENTS Tire met sttikng contibution teotira curont numbrofethtie Iineheanth Cen- tury is an entiche by Dr. Emih Reich, on tire anfi-Semiticmevemenh whieir bas aequiret i o much ir omoatum la Ger- monnay anti Anstria. Tira most intereat- nrg totune ai tire artio-le la tho anthor's dIemensfiation tht thee movament le di-ý rectoti tot against Jews oethtie oli-tosir- îeneti typa, -but ogainet tira new Joxys, tiera otormet Jaw-s, the vory mon w-ho are tanüding to eoacaaliMhoChniistions throigb shiving te accommodate, thear- salives tonrodern civilIsation. A proci ai tins l put ierrw-art in thre tact that ne incensiderablia number o et tier r- est anti-Samites in Germeny aret-o hoh f ound amnoug the- coaserrovav Jews; te tire fonda, tor instance, colcted fer tira soi-talati taission ci Stoeecherte r Jaw--baiter cf Bonlim, certain bunkers et. uhiat tew-nsubecihati rty rrgely. Tire rogue, et tire ivrd anhi-Semitlsm la ascihati hy Dàhx Recir ce the, f acf thaf if la no more synonyme for the tiaditional ihiiit(y ot -Christians ho i Jewe, but reuldhy meens semefhing nov-f ei. If doffl not stand fer prectseythtie oid parsecution oi tihe Jows, or raiber 1h dees not sigity tira pensecation et that midetfJews irirow-re the oh- jacta cuf anipetiry in f ormer ceahuries. Tira Steeckers anti Ahli,;rdts anti Lug- ers and ti umrets andthfia ther Tur- apean leaders ci th-, antî-Senritic inore- ment, do nef reohllyhiata the salcl Jexv, fia orthotiox Jew-,. the petty trader la toreign gorb anti et strango monnae. Hlm trey loob deW-n upon; anti ncbedy wants te tiostroy dire subjeef s et hie distiain. Anti-Saiiism maous tirepar-I secutlea et tireemancipateti Jew, ai the Jaw w-ire s a dector, o- proiessor, a play-j wrigbt, a jounnaîrist, a awyei, la oaa W-ard, b thtiragentleman' Jew, 1h is their invasion ot the higbash strate et scciety w-iicir is resentati sý e ociousiy.i Spiîzbergen. But Jackson bats touni his, Qucen Victoria Sca whero Fayot placedl land. He lias substituted foi Payer'& large land masses a consider- albe number of amati islands and a largo son. lHe believes ha has traced the arehipdlaý,o to its most north-wxest- arn point and that lis work, with that of Nansen, bas fixed its northern and norîli-eastern lim.its. 'Tho climate and ico movemneuts aise soem te prove that there la no lange nortiern extensioni of land, and the, drift of the Frin con- f irms this bellot. Frans Josof Land, after ail, is n.oîhing' but. a compara- tiveiy simali archipelago. Jackson expeuts, thii, fail, to complote his ntapping of thcese Llands, and next spTing hà -wi'll set oui on the i&a or t4. waters of- Victoria Son,. where Payer ptaced Zichy Land, and tempi any fate that fortune snay have for hâ-m i the far north. «'I look upon Queen, Vic- toria Sea,"',ha tvrote, "as My Most favor- able route northward next year. When th3 sun returns naxi spring the mitpping of Franz Josef Land wiil be practically complote and nothing chould prevent My attempting the open wa.ter or the crust cf' îaCe f thiýs cea." M.r. ,Harms- worth, xxho la footing the entire bill for tho cestly entarprise, says that this opportunity cf reaclting the highiest lat- itude aver attained will not be allowed to pas, and thiat Jackson wiiil strain every narve ice beat Nansen's record. Tho-ra are homo things in Jac-kson'e favor. ThÈra la ne duttof bis 'fîtness lor Arctic leadership, or of the excel- lent quality of bis men. He aise rece iv- ed, tast summer, an entirely iresh aqulpment cf siedges, reindeer. port- able boats, tente, and food cf ail kinds sufficient fer several years. Hie right- hm,,d man, Mieut. Armitago, bis phy- _idien, Dr. Kettlits, and Mr. liaywvard ramjain witlt hlm, though their ilgree- inont was that they should retu-in home at the end cf the second year. It la an advantoge, tee. tbbt ho knowes just what Nansen has dette and what ha mutd(o te surpass the record; and hae will do gocipe big things if hla hopas are f nifilled, Hew far taiat invasion has gene in Gar- f.hile bseupxn e otat many Dr. Reir-li, indicohes by soeasta- eigeWhjournay ispme oraiybotrthn fistice. HRe shews, for instance, that in that of-,,Nansen, t must h be rne 1w the years 1876-81 tire Jewish students mind tht ha wili haro te travel frcm at the Berlin Gymnaaian (institutions bis camp, due nonth, about 240 ge- whil corres.pond rather ho our cllages graphical mitas hafora heaaihs, the thon te cur acodemie) foîmeti ne hase latitude ah xvhich Nansen lait the Fraix than 17 per cent, cf the total. In 1887"n tre ot nheseg or the Jews furnished 10 par cent, oi the ney; andi b' musi adranceaubeut 375 students et Prussien univrnities, al-~ geegraphical miles due nortbhaicfre ha theugb 't by f ormoti only 1 1-8 per can gai nearer the Nortb Poea ihan Nan- cent, ai thea population ot Prussia. Near- sen bas atiained. Whether Jackson can ITf10 tien cent, et the Judgec lu Prussia,' accompls t aget tin amalbot are Jews, andi ah tho higbesh law court on an Anctieo eau, or by ledging cvr oi flue (lertuan empire et Leipsir,, thora the.t-oughesi cf ice that may ha drifit- are ton Jawj,4h Jutiges aoeng a total ing souih, remaine te ho sean. Ah any ofiQ 'TuIi ett4ntowne the propor- lrate, ho xiii desare uccase. He bas tion le stili b15heyn tbt c h 5 a-te adt Itf. andi if ha bas goot ristor@ t Uresl1au 8i are Jews; andtlQt' bk hemay make vau vnequato, record. tIre 860 I wyers uft the 1i w cunt or -- La.ntiganichtin PeBat-in in 1889, neDO' Dr. John Watýson, tCA "Ian McaeV ?hn 60 xyre Jexs. lthetwenty-cneo!ut "Thie Bonnie Bni(Bsh"cub te uiueîsities of Germany titaW in j faleare wýithcut tehhnlg US xrhat 1hîl 1888 ne ieweî thon 104 Jows amena the ta iesteSoosoyadt1 regulet- professons, thaat la 8 par e -ti.i Scotch baltati aise-is hold on the ai- et tira total, whiL, oetche privattiocont- factions cf the reading world. Ih le an en, on tutors and prospective prefessers, unmlatakable faot that if bas sncb the Jews toTrm 18 par cant.î Iu the Un- oaireld. Te give a bailad or a story iversity et Vienna thoera wone la 1885-86 wide pepuiarity it la o»Iy nocOsOny ho two tironsanti and etit Jewish te three niake it characteiihicatly Scotch. Net theusand and üdd Christian studonts. Ina ory story wrtton in Scotiand le ne- Humgary, Italy, anti Fiance the statis- ally Scotch. A gooti many cf Wilson's tics show siulo resuâis, propertioaab)- are not, whiil o smaet thoeo xvitten ly, tieurgir of course, the figuras are by Helgg and cibeirs of the Wilscn ce- not se statâng hacauce in thiose coun- tarie ane aitogothor tGo Scotch. But tries thre Jews cnstitute o, much smalrlt- -whoarer succeeds bu witing something or element ot the popultation. In France t bat, without going ho the- extrome te thorearate scarced'y vcer 70,000 Jews;, xibC]ý" Sctland la ailways prone--that wheneos thore are 600,000 i-n Ganmany et senmoniing-really ombodiCs the autd 1~000 1Aniia genlua of the land cf Burns and Scott, d. 150 00 inAuieia.i5 certain of imi#rtality. nr elchI's not oha cf chose xvhe hold that anti-Soiic-is enatineiy witheuh excuse. Ha f ' nts thre principal pîetext fer Lt in a certain ivant ef socil, rtact ah hinres evinceti by the new Isîcalîtes. Tira Jexys, wbo in the hast century waro stilte a considerable ex- tant outsido thir paie c f the iaw, bave ahi et once obtained net only funil civil nigirts but accasa te the learnat pro- fessions, andi taeavery channel ef in- fluence antipoevr. Unqueationably tiroy -have made a wendentui use of tirair opportunities, aad they ara net unnaturahîy vain afiti. l1h may b ha ta semnetimes. thi" vanicy tabac on a super- cillons, arroigant, and aven contemptu- eus aspect. But this le a tronsient pheneomenen, w bide will iat itably pose away in pnoportion as tire assimiiating precess la carrlati eut. Dr. Raidir says ti l Geîrmany alarge numbarn aw Icraeiites hava takea the lesson of anti- Semitlam te heant, andi have redeuhlati their effort s te blond wlth tha nation wircaa memibers they are. A steamer wili beave England aext summer te bring home tira Jackson Hanmswo-tir Arcio expoditien, which is now apending its third wlnter in Fraz Jecef Land. Ail who are intat-estet inl Arctic ondeavour witl avrait witir much inteneet tira recuit et Jackscn's eltents1 nexf apring and surmon; fo er iIntends, if fortune favors hüm, te surpase Non- sen's fuithest noitir, and ho rocover fer Englandtihdearecord sho loch w-heu Grec- ty's party, Lu 1882, wstteti froinMark- hum tire lbu-oetthe neareet ap- proacirtteraNorth Polo. Jackson bas done notabte thinge la Fionz Josef Land. Ho bas proreti that tira hnnnied explorations cf Wayprechh iffti Payer in 1873-74 gare us ereneens notions eft tirt ragion. Hie jcurnays have swept away tira great bodies of tanna furma wirich figura on Payor's map as Zichy Land anti Wiiczek Landi. Payer gave us the idea tiret Fions Josef Landi was, et beast es large as The Scotch balla"e known te ns thnough the collections et Percy, Scott anti othere are almeet equallY w-el known tiîrrugirott Europe. Harder,whvr ira nslahed thons inte Germâan, admireti thei greatiy, and Longfellow, wbo tound a Gernion translation ot enaet ciem-"Bottnie, George Campbel"-mis- took it ion an original Gemman ballati, and w-as se stnuck wich 1h trot ha tran- lutti it bock ie Engiish, te the great dlilgiri of bis c'itlos. w-behastenedt t put bis version frin the Goraxan ia panallat clumus withi the original Scotch Whethen the characteii- cally Scotch boiiad ci stcry le ctha w-eîk 0i ScotStevenson oro Watson, the quaiity which give.s it viaiity lsesantn- t;iatly the sanie. Penhap 'r. Watson can tit, w bat if la. People whe cannot analyse cati cnly say tiret yey are et- xaays reody te icara mono about the kind of human nature xryhich shows it- seit ia the canny xraye cf the people xvhc tolcwed Wight Wallae anti stocti up ici Scotiaad ond the ovrenant agoinsi Ciaverbeuse'anti his dragon- aading. The necent onnouncemahi t bah the Gennion emparer had oîdered, the intro-' dunction of e new mi iiary reiorm bill Iinto tht Rel4flsiag in Noventamak- et the anti aian incidenet x.ich et oee time tbreafenad te piacipihahe a sari- r us consttutionai conuici. Ia Goimany, the anoma'ty bas beau pieseauteti et twe war offices, oea consitutional and pro- sided ocrnbyp tha xvan inistor ap- pointed by the severoiguad reognis- eti by the Reichstag, the ot-hbr uncen-41 stitutionol and rasponsibie te the arn- paroi alone. Tha lattarisj callad the Militory Cabinet of tise Emparer and King, anti bas heti contrel et evenything reattng fo nomination, promnotion andi discipline oet the onrmy, tirses xrcisinig a fonction smitar te that eacst n tii rIcenj)Il y bythe British, Hersa Gi'_rds, As this cabinet stoot inl munir doser ne- . lation to the emparer than the regulanr mý that dieti 10,000,000 years age bav hoo pie.earved perfectly in the rocks, se chat we knoxv te-day just what those insecte of ar,'iquity iceked like. RATHER RARE FELLOW. AN INVOLUNTARY HERO. Tyvo Plreces or Mot 11cm 'Woianion 0icer's Promiotion. lu Eut epe giant heetias have a con- A Fellah offiber, now deati, usedti t doietully contemptating bis unadaitleti -idenobie market vatue, cemmonding hll iwltb muchi zest the etory ai bis herse, w-hich hati a linge raw soie oný prices lu proportion ce thair siso. lun nfrmixthere nnks Ha w-as a eoch aida. Londion thora are negulai aucticue cf Premeten'"Whot an eanth la the motter -with insecte, anti a cingle buttarfly ba-, been pivote et cavairy xvhen Ciepicis ne- yeur boisaIP-" askedth ie Captais. known te fetcir as much as $800. A treat beao. The troop3 bcd matie a «'Oh, nochisg muchl- ), - spocimen ofthtie rare anti very large woaiy nigbit march, anti iere in hi- "But whah made these terrible soes"? goliath heaeËle worth $60. This je us "The camne cimg that mode me a the iorgest boatie cf the otti worid, and veoc for breakfast w-ban sec Leute anat," soid the haro. "A big, iL tirst bacame known hhnough chie mie- bîougihxverti that tbey were aimosi hn fhtbi nec adebg sienenies in the Congo basin. surnoundeti by a Russian terce, la- but, fer the love ai the saints, dont Thoogh ne other inseet in existence satytePlshridt hi elteGnrlo'hbf. compares in bulk with the beta frmm saty tr orshiie etanti h aeo rtr ou Venezuela, there are othat bugs chat satitles, nrountod anti sought a xray et exceed ti nl dimensions, Fer oxample, escape. VENTILATING PLD )R00318. thora s the Atlas sitk meth, w hicb bas Tira yeung cavolry mon hati boon boit- lu ail semsons oi the yean the sleeping, a xvlngspreatiof et auly a foot. If spins a cececu, tire siik cifxvhicb la btter, ing coma pieceS of bain ior bimseolinl anti living roons neeti constant ahtený anti strenger thon that oi the ortiinary a, camp kathie. An tiens te"Sacre hi tien in eider that the temiterature m ay silk wonu; but, unfenîunately, id can- bacon," ira duupati the hali-boileti meat net hae excessive la aitirer direction anti net hae reaetid. into hie caddie boge anti joinati hie coin- tira warrarth may net heaet the expease- A FINE BUTTERFLY. panions. Two minutas laher Lis hersa ai ventilation. Tira vory ycung boar Thora is o bnttently of the Matay itecame raestire, ah a most inlopportune higb temporetura badty, as is noticeti Peninsula anti Archipelago xvhlch bas moment, fer on surmeuaiing a nitige thý- in summen, anti the olti cannot stand the. a apreati ef tan inches. In India anti Potes irot foonti thameelvos conirenced colti, co that xrvbere thoreaxae aId par- tropical Afnica are tount i gant ferma bn a Russian force cf intantry. sens in tire ianriy tire fhermnuomaeil eftchose remankable insects knowxn as ýfbore w-as but ana thing ta b3 ticte, must stand at a slightly bigber point "walking sticks," wbicb lob liba tivige The Russian lina, must ha broken thon lsuali, whihb L 68 ta> 70 dagrees. Oi trees lu laagth. SOeaOf them aInea- chreugir ot Once. 1Ivuws haing napidlY Ait raouts sioult be fluseotiout ai sure ightean inches in length. TheY ra-eniorceti. If tira Pales shoulti tail toast once a day w-iih reah air, anti this. ana reaeet t grossiroppons anti kocy- teeuhttiroir way euh ah tira first change is parttcularly necessany xvirn tw-o or tilde. lu tropical Amenlca ara founti thiey more pensons occupy a romi. Botinoome, certain huge specios et bugs that are MUTB L ATRD hudavl inosndor pe cloeay rolatedti o the familier electnlrNLS E L APUE. htI ar anhiuxwindy osnti doosctaie llghh ouge et this cnntry. Like the On trey rusheti et the oenter t to e st an heur every anitge antinth latter.,xvhich bave beau pepularly change, anti nexv our yungfranfbo an tirowra bck or taken cff anti epread flu eacri ol ight the ynfroduahingofhouse huncoombe. aispang candayover the chairs, se that, cool, fîesh air living during the day ah bettema of far iLa atvance et tire ciarging.line aucon eneit rr at ieIi pons.Tire rider, dtarmlning ho malie thbe st sunlight thaf con bha foun inlawinter figirlire coubi, swung bis sabor, hook shoulti h alaloxetat t entai the roomas. a strengai grip w-ith hie kuces anti gos- THE EItIPEROR GOES A)IMED. eti bord et the face et the Rusehan hoe ax-THTE LAW'S MAJESTY. pecteti te ha lanciretiagainef. Emparer William is pnebahty the eniy Just thon a volley hurieti into tha Jusçtice-Yen ara chargeti, air, irith, Enropean monarcirw-ho carrnes a ne- chaiging 110e, boftire foremosi boise failing ta provitiefer your mecherlesse volvr. Firmly cenvincedti fat hoe is anti rider ascopatd i nuirrmeti. A few cildren, w-ho tareata thus moment going te dia by the bultiet of an anarch- moments anti they w-ena upon tira an- starrisg in yeui miseable homo. How lt-chis tata baving heen prophesieti toeamy. Usnelly a herse refuses te leap mach moeoy haro yen in yeur peo'-acsi hlm long ogo-ha is dterminadt tc igih oh bayenef s, but tisaoea jumPeti tri- Prisoner-Ten dollars. rien hie lite, iftnecesary, anti accarding- eusiy ai thie knealtng fient ranb, anti Justice-I tine oyell dollars. Next iy nover is wtc n i evolver. Hoencir aas the imementum anti fury o ai m, le extnemnely -siiful in the use efthtie tir eaast that the Ruscions juet tin_________ weaon, anti hile jaegor, on body son- iis front bai tiroir narra, broba, anti vont, w-ho accompanieshum eeryw-here, gave hlm entrance. W TI DN ES inspecte 1h eveny monning te moka sure Thiongir the gap tiras matie ether WEA TDNTS thot 1h ie la penfech working orenTie5 oes rang a moment lofer. Strhking Yen bore hearti bar singV nighc aýnti let, fhoy widenoti the Oh, yes. WirTeeler-"My docf on adrise e ebrandi, anti in tan seconda, tire Ruasian Well, whist (deyen think ir nmahodt cyce;butI io'h imk îw-nse e." infandry w-as damoralileti. TirePoles denotasi Beil"Youdon' t" iraee,-N. escapati lvithirsligird loss, anti it w-as A total laek et sympathy anti consîi- tbmnb he 's sti-bee sutge. ntlong bera thirir onng leader 1eratien ton ethe.. dwar office, making confidentil repents YOI NTfG 1 I7 ýte hlm on ail the dletails cf army admin- J¶ Yeu..<NàJ7 Tistration, and acting as a sort cf ad- 7- visory ceuncil, it was inevitabla, that YOU CAN NEVER TELL. a it should in time overrule the constitu- -yen never con fell when yen sand a (tional war minister. A monerch as fend word- Like an orrow sheot frem. a bow -of oxercising direct pe-rsonai power as Byaace bidb0hcue rkind, ,t tis te emparer William, naturel- Just where iî will chance te go. diy listan te theaodvice ef sncb a cab- [t may piorce the breast of ycur dean- I me, rthe tha tetho et be ognar- est friand, d ietrater hanto hatof he egüar- Tlpped wiih its poison or balm; 1ly appointcd officars et chute, bocouse Te a stranger's haart in lifa's great nthe former in newisa iimiie-d bis free- 1mort dom cf action, w hile tha bitter necas- 1I t may- carry, its pain or its caim, sarily does. Ih was inavitabia, toc, 1Yen nover caut ell when yen de an that a self respacting w-ar minisher wbo Jstat tesltwl sbenld find himse]f overrulod, bis pol- But with aveny daod yen are sowing icy thwarted and his plans sot aside, a seed. thregh he iflunce f scb acotrie Tbough its horvoast yen may net see. o trouh te iflunc ofsuc a'ote'eEach kindly act is an acorn droppod ýtwîth the eroporor, shouiti resign, and In God's'productive soit; rthereby force the issuewhether the Thougb you may net kncw, yot the tree rkaiser may gern througb uncenstitu- shahl grow etienal channels. And she.lier the brows thot teil. Yen nover cati telli w.hat yeur thoughts will do This le pnociseZy xvhat occurred w-han In brieging yen bate or love; Geneaei von Schallendori, the war min- Fer thouglits are thinga, and their airy later, resigned as the resuit of the de- Ae ings Aeswitter than carrier doves. font cf hie plans fer a nef enm in the, They f eilow the law of the universo- Fcoeocf military procadure in the triai, Each thînýg muet create its kind; t f militaîy efficers, demanded by the -And Elhoy spaed e'er the track to brlng 1people, and fermally premised by the yen back Whiatever wont out from yeur mind. chanceller, Prince yen Hohenlohe, in Ella Wheeler Wilcex. 1the Reichstag in May lest. Thosa planes- sprevlded fer making the proceduro in FIROGS AND BAROIMETERS. -mititary courte oral and pubic, lnstead; Hans was in the gardon making mud 1of secret, as it now, la; and their datent pies. Suddenly ha heard his father iwas soeay due te the opposition of the caîl1: military cabinet, and especiaily of its "Hans, coma haro, 1 want te speak chiai, Gonenal H-abttke, enaet the meet te yen." reachionary cf officiais, and a strenueus "'What le it, father?" crioti Hans, get-J opponant cf the Reichstag and its ting np frem the greund whera ha had righte. Ne doubi, the war minisher been pîaying and geing ovor te the win- weurid have snbmitted to e Ooverruied dcxv whoeebis father wae. by the empeor, but he- dechinod te eub- «"Hanýs," said ha, "I want yen te find mit te the contrai cf an uncenstitutional, a treo-frog fer me-lise those yen hear cemmîttea w ho had made the kaiser in tha evenings." their meuthpiece a ticclination epper- "What do yen want a tree-freg for?' entiy shared by Prince H1obenlehe, wbo askad the boy. upen tha resignatien cf Genenal ven "l'Il show yen," repiied bie father; Seheitendent, retired te bis estates in "but get me the trae-frog Lit-st." Pohand. From a mure ditterence of Se Hlans ran wenderingly te the back opinion lu mi'litary court proedure, the et the yard, whera there was a great mattar thus bacama a constitutienai numbar cf fruit treaes growing, issue, for if the emparer coûld. gevern Ilare ho searched for soea cme un- the army tbreugh a secret ceinrmittee, succassfu [ y. hoe cenid govrtn the, empire in like iash- "l1t's aiways the way," said he to hlm- ion a roosiio c-rtan o aoue te elf. -Iff1 . oidn't want oea1icould iona popoicin crtai teanese he ind a couplae ofdezen in quick tîme." opposition of the whdia Garman people. At, last, as ho, was about te grve up As tha e (nunclatione cf tihe German the search, ha feund oe-a bi-g green pros elat ne deubi that thea mattar îaew-itting quietiy in an eld bol- weut hatakn u by is'Reihstg, oxv stump, itc ceai se miungiing witfl woul betake upby tq Richsagthe celor cf the wood that haoxrould and, that thot body wouid boxe the on- have passed it by bad lu aot uhtered tire country bbidit lu domanding a a creak cf dWieasure at baing dis- prompt ending ef the, ruflaeto irrespon- turbed., With o cry of dehlght the boy pick- sitoedvicers and o ratura te consci- od îh up by chhihnd legs., for, theugh tutional mehhois, the kaiser was forced Houe was not a cruel boy, ha was te, yieid. A nota in thre officieli paper semetirnes thougbtiess, and, thon ha was a litile afraid ef frogse. Ha crn- anneuncetil thai fthe desired reterm ed it te bis fathar, whe stood waicîng wenlýd ho submittod te the Faderai for hlm on the perch, Ceuncil this fali, in accord wlth, the Mynheci Vecst teck the freg frem promises matie by thaý chancelier cd the his con, and watt into the bouse, clcaaly feillwed by the boy, whe was Reichstag in May, aud if reports are anxieus td ea whist hie father was correct, th3 milicory cabinet le te bava about te de.- When ha reached the ne fuither officiei recognition. Sucb an work-room ha, saw a jar wbich, te, ending ot theafatair marks a great vie-hlm, loeked -,uspiciously lise onaetofhi. motbar's preserve jars; and beside it loy tory fer constitutienol autbority. a smali tadder, about eight inches long, inode of wocd, and haring four steps, elacb aninch i wde. BIGGEST SORT OF A BUG. Ris fathor . teoir this ladder and -- placed 1h in the jar, the top and bût- J glt.til Coualu',y Frouces lthe Bigges tom rasting againsi the opposite sides. Tlkî_gof t Is bAud. Hae theiip ut the frog ini the jar, and sGrawied the top dcwn, making the un- Venezuela is a lit tie republic, A~t fortunato frog a prisoner. she bas oe thing thot le chie biggest "Now," explainad bis father, when ho et is kind onn ath. 1h lsao bug- hiad finished, "1l have a bareoter. Wben the weather La dlean and fine the targestinisect in ahi the wenld. The Hein Frog will go up the latider, stop creatune la know n as the "olephant by stop, tilI he gets te the hep; but if beetia," andi when fuit gnown it xreighs a stonm threateas or the clonde are ncany ba a ount. Teha truc ~lowering, 'ha wll graduait y descend te nealy alfa pand Tobc truk 'inthe bottem and romain thora tilt the the face by sncb a bug, ttying ah fuit storm or rain le past. His position on speeti, would moka a mon fbol as if a the latider, Yeuen 0, xiii show the kind imule hati kickad hlm, et wsatber we ara hiable te bave fer This beahie, like otheie of its kind, the naxt twenty-fonr heuirs." both saoi and lange, je clad i na com- Tbis style of boroineten le much used plate suit of armoun. This armoun us in the lcewtonds cf Germany, and mode of a matanial for more indtestzruct- strange os 1h may seem, they are saîd ible thon steel-namely, chitine. Chit- ton anbaerreetarsathenbo eught, ina cannet be destrcyed oacept by car- othe nogbarsom mokta a misgtak taln minerai acide; in etherN xrrds, stefossldmmk itk enly the artifices cf chemlatry aveu lu111ther indications. i Ti q b IL .UUC UIU hpIl1 fl'U LV .ii f ~4~-~ rI ~ies+,)res natural cQ:Ior te the hair, aliaso prevents, ~ it fallina' out. Hrs. FI.W. iVenwick, o1 A littie more , t wo cars ago ny hair Sbegan Sg ir a y and tail out. A f- ter thte us'e oi Oebottieate o s H irVigôr rny hair w as rest r( 1 ta its origntýII coteor MAndca fallig out. -An the hair in good cniia.-À -1 PF. S , "I have ne e' hi r ,,Vz - for tlîroeyas n t a etr hair, which wsathcm b ok aits tra H rn iis. nectuPa i n rgai e ýIc with great advantagecaistor oitsnaadaleu SeuIls drugo. Cure Worm , eve. its Codil. Cold Teetlsing, etc. FREE iSAMOLIr.i t te edare L'ric»e,2 .Dr. IHOwardiJedicine Co,, Broc, viiie. ()nt. Wim'. Radam 4 &Microbe Kili'er 4 Chronie 4 BDiseases,4 COnstipation 4 4 Eczema, Female e ~ ~ D-AN. Complaints, fAUl disappear before Rnqms MicegKlle. BIDUP THE SYSTEM-That's meUiciD on earth than MICROBE f ILLER for pnrifying the blood, ton- in pthe nerves and building np he eatSend for circular. LONDON. 4 quieted bis steed, dismounted pn<jfoured a chance to examine bis half-cooled Uaim. A few hours later the Polish General Of cýavalry rode up to the Captain of the troop that had so distinguished itself, complimented him and said: "By the way, Captain, who was that SPLE-I4D Y OUNG OFFICER that led you alinII" "He wasn't, an officer; that w-as@ only one of my boys." "Not an officer! May the buliets, strike, me if 1 don't mnake lm onel Cali 'hlm out here at once." The Generai shook hands with the youth, promoted him to a iieutenantcY thonm and there and gave him a place en, bis staff. Some days later w, han the Captain I calied at headquarters, ha sougbt out fAnwltenant.I- ,hra hp. fr,,ns i

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