TER] RMS :-$1.50 PER ANNUM. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, IIIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1896. .W SERIES. R F--or hadies' and MWisses' oats. 0 0 Owing to the Iateness of the Season have deeided to sell off the balance of their Ladies' Coats from this date at greatly reduced prices. liemember that these Coats are ail new, every one of them bought this season.1 -* Wé are also showing. special value in Boys' and Men's Overcoats in ail qualities and ahl sizes. No botter value anywhere. GolU, JohusIoN & Grdmn. BOWMANVILLE. ILPsI" i e for D)ecemberi AUl this month we intend to make the prices of first quality high grade Groceries and Crockery specially in- teresting. We will endeavor to add new lines each week. ?buring the next week we will offer as follows: Groeery. Depaîitrnt. Teas, a really fine fiavored good' quality at 2 3e lu Hyson, Japan, Black or Mixed, eqùal to many Teas sold at 40c. Coal Oil, American 20e, Canadian 16c. Syrup, best golden,, 15e per quart. Canned Goods,Peas,Corn or Tomatoes 6,Sardines 5e. Special prices for Sugar. Toilet Soap, the best value ever, offered in Bowman- ville. A milled Soap nicely wrapped 3 cakes in a box, regular priee 25es box,' our special price 10ç. Butter 10e per lb. Ctiokeïiy Depatitment. Plates, we have too many in stock and we have select- ed some hunes to chear out au haif price. Toilet Sets, 4 piece Toilet Se-ts of No. 1 best white granite ware, only $1.25. Lamps of ahl kinds cheap. Parlor Lamps from $1.00 up. See our speciai $5.00 Lamp for $3.00. Crystal Table Sets, dollar goods for 50e. Crystal Water Jugs, haîf gallon size 20c. We will take pleasure lu showiug you these goods. Produce taken as cash. BOWMANVILLF-. Grecer s, China Hall. 1 Tiied Feeling Makes yon seem Ilail broken Up," with- out Ille, ambition, energy or appetite. It is otten the forerunner of serions iii.. ness, or the accompaniment of nervons troubles. It la a positive proof of thin, weak, impure blood; for, if the blood la ricli, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im.. parts Ille and energy to every nerve, organ and tissue of the body. The necessity of taking Rood's Sarsaparilla for that tired feeling ls therefore apparent ta every one, and the good it Will do you la equally beyond question. Remembe. Sarsapgarilla 10 the bet-in tact the One True Blood Puriier. cur lier ils cayttake, H o od 's P i1s eaSy'to ope rate. Y15c e r": GRE AT I N Tile evening-session was weli attend- Id. After devetional exorcises Rev. R. A. Burris, Bowmanville, addressed flic Wall P per a d.e(ovenfion on "A Botter Study etfflic WaIPae adýible- showlug bv lear adcnlsv R oom MoId ings. Got's HolyWMord~ on cliaracter and lite oý le sudnt ndvigorouslYdomanded al m1ore reverent anîd earnest pursuif by -- il, especially in flic tamily. Miss Camp- !ý1-b' rene, gave an cssay on flic A Beautiful lot of Franied 'j 1"PofetExamplo" pertraying- vivid- lY 1 fl*efefet our lit e and cliaracter in Pictues riuarablyc e ourmiiifuence on those ivo meet. Rev. Pitr, enakbl hap .C. Wilson,)à lTy ýrone, 1gave au address 1 Ildealitv in Teachiug" laiming the ne- Special induCements in est ofrenachliug and winning flic child ~unay ohol Lbraies ~auroand[ deieriing flieteaching' et Sunday Shool cireeds . and doctrine before conversion., ~'he ext onvetionwill ie LcIld in flic, and Lesson Helps for next ,>igo Trno TeExecufive te, of iltime e eeing vh icyl be0 year. Consuit with me bc- lield luthýe îmo eso.Avory v'teres Qestion Draweýr vas opeuodà fore orderino'. 1byev. C. 1P-arker, and ail knots placod i,) lus liands w cr0 eftectually unravelled P.Tr bico k, ,nd alyanswered. Tesiuging o P. Tr bl*lc ck Blesf heicTic thaf Binds" closednoe etoffthc besf conventions ever held by this The Arcade. Towvn Hall Block.tAoaou. Greaf credif is duo the ______________________ f Sperintendent et Eldad Sabbat h School Ir. J. A. Werry, and other friends wvlo 0% ý50 rovally entertainied flic delegafes and --scceddl aig evoryflîing pleas- atduring the convention. Thetrasuerdesires to remind all Royal Mail Steaniships. Llverpool, eall. contributed f0 the tunds etflic associa- in_- t Movlle.tion f0 do se as seon as convenient cein-- ing at Mi file.plyiug as ft as possible wi:h thle xisli Portland Halifax. etfflic Executix e Committee, namcly te Nebraska .......... ...............Nov, 2>p 2 e a5t o ebeso h MoDgolian .D..ec. 3 ............. Dec. , "' pu(ait o mmes nfi Numidian.............17....... ........ * 1 )l. Sond te the froasurer by mail or Laurentian ..... i...............Tjan. 2 bave with Mr. P. Trebilcock, Mliongjo!lia n .... Ja. 14 ......... .... -Jan. 1 R .OSlNBob3 owavle NuIIdian .... . Jan 28........... Jan.30 .E SORE o 8 Bwavle RATES OF PASSAGE. BURKETON6 First cabin Derry and Liverpool, $52.50 and $60.00; return $100 and $11. Second eabin The officers et the Darlingfon and Liverpiool, Derry, and London, $34 and S3.2. artwriglif Plowing A4ssociation elecfed Steerage Liverpool, Derry,Belfast, Glasgow and ut fthc recent unnual meeting are:- London, $24,50, everything found. Pros., Fred. Griffu, Enfield; vice-pres., M. A. AMES, nson Taylor' Bluckstock; 2nd vice- Allan Line Agent, Bowmanvflle, prs 'Wm C y.Prb usce ta rv, W. Cowan, 1'Burketoni; freas'., P. IboIt, Burkefuu, Dîrectors-Jus, Parr, WANTED--SEVERAL FAIT PTL"Jas. Byers, Tous. Whiffield, N. Marlow mîe,, or wenîen te travel for a responsible and Sas. Coafes, Cartwright; Alex. established bouse in Ontarie. Salary $780,.a- oa Jas. MeNeil, Jas. Gailagher,Jolin able *15 weekly and expenses, Position per- ffall and J05. Bell, Darlingfon. mantent. Reference, Enclose selt-address-ed Ilood's Pilla cure nausea, sick head- stamped envelope. THF NATIONAL, Star Build1- achie, indigestion, billouanesa. Al ing, CI ieago 111. ILJ. l Iruggisf s. sud will be cotiuued fac4 month di-rfng 1897. 1~lm BICYCLES t GIVEN FREE $1 251 ,NDWATCIIES i EACH MONTH WAt:s given ANOFO R 10 First Prizes, $0 Stearna' Bicycle, .$ 1,000 25 Second " $25 Gold Watch. .. 625 Bicycles adWthsgvneach.month ,, 1,e625 S Ttlgiven during year,1897, $A,500 HOW TO OBTAIN THEM. 1 RULES. (jometisn~ to uaie a may "Snlfht" 1. vc>PYnîonth <uring 18911, in sacS sf1h51 the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h to2otoio eeiwc.Tc colopettors o ho sonS in the Jar. the k". ding ýS tN IGH Th TP P a. lhîicinsheyresd, rl ii ponls">-se to be sent enciosd S Trh. '5cc. c vlooii wtth~~ aOReetWflCI en ilMih r JL/sa~ h OCi oswh end in thse iext or lierfull nainue and audfuress, . thoffeitt isihiersdllcl andS the nuîbrr oO,4 - '~s(ldYnnivo l Torontos , iarkied t1onthe Pos- aoecio'hunI9.CUO1 lai lyrapel ltoeIoi aottrccc i eo la.fer suc ne onih% oue- oorner ,witlî the ME orEI st he 1DIS. tîtý1n isu esl . eshto thc ccxi. letgICT COusuaezi4oî lives ii. t . omcitoe _h.o cta wroprs frits unsold sonp finileic stock ssii' Pc i slficd. Empfloy.coif lMss Ne. OF MAllE F DISTRICT 1, votiBrothecs, Lid.. oud tioir faiies, are dciarccd froin DIISTRICT il esterîs tntcsrcO, rnuio f cuia ceGin utc inoos1o"rtrc5dsc Y.vok, si ,is i. ii diauies W. andis. if Boti 'Pr-tdlitOf npuOriin osotir's rict iio EcSt',ï n Otatriosetcodonse 2 trco, ieRa liof e b cs s hs . . Id yses, h. v errcss, i, ofv dcvcisrr 4 Province oh New EItnsxvwe k tic owàcd 0df Lite.lv-rirobctds s. Pro0v i xàva-re ova seotuan Prin3 1tLE-VER BROS., LdL, 23 Scott St., Toronto 5 tie u ffni siu-s 0,-liycc5i e c eebrsted bleorus , .nafd ib r. C. licaîn.i& Co., SýYracuc' NiY., &Tari, t . En ! is-li or edby theniskon 'mildlies rsnspltes ahsmoni SABBATII SCROOL CONVENTION. The fffh annual meeting et Darling- feuj and Bovmanville Salibufl Sehool t Asocatin as lield in Eldad churcli, oinUa, on Friday last and was weli antreuded. Aftcr dcx otional exorcises [,,ed bv Rev. A. C. Wilson, Tyrone, the 'Peldeut, Mr. W. R. Clemens, teck ftle t Chair and flic minutes et lasi annual iuîd execufive meetings were read andi approved. Superinteudeîîîs ef Sclîools Igax i e short reports anîd Mr. P. C. Trehil- ce, et o Bowinanville, taught flic les sýoni" The Faîne et Solomon" acquîttiug imselt mosf ably and draMriug trom lis class, ceînposed et clergymenî and ad- vunced Sulibafli Sclîeol teaciers, a ]ive- Ily aud profitable discussionî. The tel- low,ýiug are flic new efficers elected President-John McLaLghlin,lluydon; V ice-Pres-Jas. Gilfillan, Boxvmauville; JSec. - Hcnry C. lieur, Bowmunville; I reusurer-R, E, Osborne, Courtice. The aftcrnuo.xî session openecd very a 'pîiosy. The rotiring prosident gax e evexc ellent reniarks and in initroducicg lis successor wislîedi fli aïssociation great suecess. Miss Loffie I ,riacnibe, Bowmanville, gave a pa- per, onL Primary Work, and in a terse iclear aand effective way shoxved ftle principleetfiîîteresting, instructing anîd wýiuuiug the little childreîî te a know- t ledIge etfflic Suvieur, and gave vuluable 'hînts iniconnection xitli oquipment ef japrimarv reem. The intermediaf e classv as dea1t viflu by Mr. 1. Snell, Publ!)ic School teaclier et Enniskillen. wlio gave many useful hints in regard te this impel tant p<art et S . S. work. SBible1! class work vas ubly and earnesfly discustsed by Rcv. R. D. Fraser, Bow- manville. uad flic Home Class de- I parhtmen! by Mr. Jas. Gilfillani, B. A, cineMaster et Bowînanville Higli Soo.A mass meeting of chidren jvas enferfuiningly and wifli mudli in- v-timction addressed by Dr. Mitchell of Enisillen and Rev. Dr. Murvin ef A woman's work la bard iun iany ways. Unless the womau las trong and bealthy her work will cause ber mucb distress and pain, and she will suifer from beadaches, and baekaches and aide-aches, aud ecd eveuing will flnd ber utterly worn-oot. sick and dis- gosted with life. In this condition of mind and body abe cannot be a Ioving and ami- able companion for her husband wben lit returus tram bis work weary too lu body aud min& If a wonian wauts to live a happy, con- teuted, loviug, helpfnl uiarried lire she eau- net take too mnch care of the bealth and vigor of the organs distinctly feminine, for 'her general bealth aud strength la laigely deýpend__t uPon ber peciai b ealth ln a no- miantyi y .. Dr. Pierce's 1Favorite Prescrip- tio .na e awoan ta be always well and rtrong wbere a woman Most ueeds healtb und stteugtb. It acts directly on the im- portant sud delicate organs luvolved ln ber wifcbood and motberbood. It makes tbemn rtroug sud bealtby. Trakon doring the pe- f iod'preceding mothetrbood it banishes the usual discomforts and makes baby'scoiniing î,asy and comparatively painless. lt maures the new-,comer's bealtb and provides an fîmple supply of natural nourishinent. It cures ail weakness and disease, and bead- fiches, backaches, and aide-aches n longer torture ber iu ber work. Over oooo wo- iiuen bave 'testified tei the won derful vir- Lues of the Favorite Prescription"I over ffheir signatures. An bosiest droggist will Ilot try te force on yon a substitute for the 5ake of a few pennies of added profit. Dr. .Pierce's 300-page ilCommon Sense Mtedical Adviser" will be sent frec, paper- vovered, for 31 anc-cent stamps te pay cost if custome and mailing onlv. Or clotb- 1boond for 5o imamps. Address8,Wo)rld's Dis- pensary Medicai Associatin&t, Buffalo, N. Y. STILL IÎN THE RINGI Cash for Pou Itry. The uudersig-ned is preparcd te pay the hi-h est cash price for any quantity et peultry dressed in flic followiug man- uer, viz ':' Bodies clcaîî andi dry picked, wiugs, tail and liead unpîcked and un- drawn ; towls must fast ut least24 hours before being killed. Kili by bleeding in flic moufli and neck-. P. S. No poor fowis viii be tuken Viiless at reduccd rates. Alho cash paid for Butter. l3cars, Dried Appios, Dress- cd Iiogs and Egg's. S( t fStandard Bank, Tenîperauce st., Powmanville. 48-3m, JAMES MANN. A. JAMES, Edîtor and Proprietor VOLUME XL1I. No. 49. ASSISTANC]E F11031 ENGLAND AbKED. 'Ne doubt if ever befor-el ic the isf- ory ef Canada, the Unîited States werc compelled te ask assismnce fromi Old Lnglaîd. te f111 a Caniadian order for goeds. If seeins incredihle, Lut sucl is the case for once. ' Ihe greatest Art bouse in America ceuld mot preduce flic "Orplian's Prayer" picture quick eneugli to ineettflicdernbaîîd. efsuhscrip- flons peuiringinito thc Famtily Herald (tact flekly-Star et .\lentreul. The firm etf -twney & Co., London, Eng., vere cabled for assistance and they tee have begun work, day aud îîigli te h Olp flic ý aiY e ralI pulilishers ouf of theirdifculty. Orders arc- beiug fllled as quickly as possible regardless et cx- pense. 'Nesec fliaf ever *y subseriber sending elle dollar for flic paper for oe vear receives the '*Orphali's Prayor"' free, and if is a marvel liow if eau be doue. No deubt the exfraordiuarv bow price and flic cxtraerdiiîaiy high value combîned. arc creating tfhi5nprecedent- ed. demand. BLACKSTOCK. The new village sehool house just cmlt ed, is one of the best in Ontario. Mor.n G.L McLaugh-llin vas confractor Mr. R. Chambers dicl the mason work, and Mir. G. Patterson, Prince Albert, the painting. The section will issue debontures 'for $130 te liquiclate the unpaid portion et the $2,000, made ra- payable ln ciglit annual instalments wuth întorest and principal at five per cent. No OTrn R REDY -NO other rem- edy cures Summer Complaint,Diarrhea, Dysenterv, etc., se promptly anîd quiets pain se qucklv as Dr. Fewler's Extract Of' Will sitra-wberrv. It is a pocket docter for tourists, travellors, etc. FÂRBERS' INSTITUTE MEETINGS. Public meetings for the discus sien et tepics et interest te tarmers, stock i,- n, gardoners, bec keopers, and others, will be hold under the auspices et West Durham Farmers' Instituto as follows: CARTWRIGHT ME ETING. Town 11all, Blackstcck, Saturday, Dec. 19th at 1.30 p. m. Address-"Fruit Growing as a Speci- altv or with general Farring"'-Mr. A. McNeill, Windsor. Addrss -" Poultry and its relation te the Farm" -Mr. T. A. Duif, Toront o. Address-"Should we Increase our Floclis et Sheep ?" -Mr. Androw Elliott, Gaît. The Doparfmcnt et Agriculture hav. ing deputcd these well-known specialisf s in their respective subjects te attend these meetings and open the discussions, ail tarmers and ofliers wlio may be lii- terested in agricultural matters are mest cordially invited te attend these meetings. Discussion and quesfiening is invifed on aIl subjecf s. Each member et West Durham Farm- ers Institute is enfiflcd te receive a cepy et the following reports: The Ontario Agriculturai Co1lege. Agricultural and Exporimental Union. Dairvmen's Association of Ontario E. Dairymen's Association ef Ontario W. Ontario Creamcries Association, Farmers' Institutes. Dominion Sheep and Swine Breoders'. Poultry Associations, East and Wesf- The Good iRoads Association. Bulletins of the Ag-ricuitural Cellego and Experimontal Farm. c Valuabie mattor is contained in these reports-ex eryonc sheuld have them. Join the Instifute and tlîey will bco tout te yen free, et cost. 1>rsident. Secretary. Bowmanvillo, Nov. 21, 1886. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blowitf, Leskard, visited friends bore rccontly. Mr' and Mrs. Wma Ashton and Mr. Herace Ashton visited ini Toronto last -week... The wet weather interfered semewhaf xvif h ?dr. A. Hegarth's w-ood sale.. Mr. F. Lewis VA'nNesf lias finished his season's work at fthc Cheese Factory, Courtice....Mr Win. Montgemerv hlas rotnrned from a pleasant visit wifh friends lu and areund Teronto. Neuralg-ia is the praver efthfle nerves fer pure hleod. Ilod's Sarsaparilla is the One True Blood Purifier and nerve builder. Je yclur Watch ouf of order? If se leave it af Rickard's befere yen come up te Chrisfmas week. Are fre trom ail crude and irritating matter. Concentrated medicine only. Carter's Little Liver Pis. Verv small; very easy te take; ne pain; nio griping; ne purging. Try them. Rond what Couch,Johnstou & Cryder- man have te say on the tirst page ef this issue. We know they have had a big sale for their Ladies' Coats, the best they have ever had, but they are sf111 showing a big stock et those perfect fit- f ing garments. They aise carry a fine stock et meu's and boys' Over-Coafs lu ail sizes aùfi at prices te suit the mosf eonomical buy ors. Ladies' Fur Capes in the rnosf fashiionabie turs et the fiuest qualify, and first class value -Seecthem. Ministers, Lawyers. och ,and ,ive2r Puis ,fe'r torpid Ji\ er and l ýiou.s- ness. One is a dose. Trýy them. BEST COUXTY PAL>uER.-The publishers et Printers' Ink, a journal for adver- tisers, subseriptien $5.00 a year, say they have compiled frei the American Ne-wspapcr Director 'v this information ent et a total et 364 weekly newspapers Sablhshed li Ontario -the CANADJAN FATESMAN, Bownanviiie, is one et 97 having a circulation ini actual figures. ifs circulation is the largost et any paper in Durham ceut. PUTAMS C011N EXTExCTOtR-cures in in twenty tour heurs. This is flie testimony etf tons oft tlousands wko have used if. Putuain's acts ,;peedily' vithout pain, and remeves corns lin fwenty-tour heurs. THE INDEPENDENT. NEW YORK. THE INDFPFNDFN tîr 49 years bas been the leadfng îreli,,ions-lîtcrary cewspaper oethte world, It bis new distinctive andi attractive festurea, makîng h a FAMILY NEWSPAPER =otb the patronage of ail thlnking,fnteliigent lits ame todicates ifs cluaracter. It fa Inde. pendent Reliiously itla u ndecomninational. Politfcally. it mafutaica the houer of the country, thi ntegrity of our cîîrrency, the su- preincof o law and the rigbts ot poor and rich cile. For Intelligent People Everywhere It =rvêfs instruction, entertaiament and anenntfor aIl flic nuembers of intelligent iionsefiolds. Impor tan'b Features It bas aside frein the literary teatures special deliartients editeti by thc best writers,tbinkers acd specialista, some of thenu ef surpassingi. terest to a comparative few, otisers imorant and vaînable inteilectuaily andi inaui lyto nearly everybody. TIheso departinents arc Science, ivosie, Ftne Ar-ts, Saîîiiary, Missions, Religions Intelligence, Biblicaf Research, Son- day-Sehool, Financiai. Iîîsuranee, Wook Indoor anai Oct, Puzzles, Blook Reviews and Literary Notes. Survey of the World Every week the. notable events occurrfng tic world over are placod, cleariy before the reader. No olie porion lias turne to read ail ut tiecucrrect publications, foreigîs andi domestic ; bot every- ene wacts te knDOW the evemits happening in the whoic world, which people tiuîk about acd talk about. The Survey of the World rives eccl week tue e $i of impiortant events for the cors eut week. If isreIli'y sone of the most s aluable and iniportansit eatures et any perioditeal. Subserii, 83,00 a y car; or at tinat raefor aoîy part of a year. "'T'rial iln" One usortth, 25 cents. SPECIMEN COPIES FiREE. THE INDEPENDENT, 130 Fulton Street, New York City, - ¶ziir OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRS i;THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. 1 SOLIINA. MA