Ifyou waint to prE7serve pples, don't cause a break in the skin. The germs of decay thrive rapidly there. So the germs of consump- tion find good soîl for work whien the lining of the throat and lungs is bruised, made raw, or inj ured by colds and coLghs. Scott's Etrnlsion, with hypo-posphites, will Ta1 inflamed mucus mem- 0anes. The time to take it is before serious damage has been donc. A 5o-ccnt bottie is enouigh for an or- ~dnary cold. 50 cents and $1.00) Sor& B'NNE Chemins, Believie, Ont. -The modern'stand- iw ard. Famiiy Medi- cine: Cures the common ex erY-day - jus of humanity. MAR Ui.E .11 hIseases tOeBon f trvlhn Mnsatsm ail Paie. Female Ilegulator, Biood ld p .Lareboxe, 50c. Eu F ullspie box, 30c. 5'-'ud.Dr. iioeardlMedici oeCo.. crockville.Ont. TUIE FARM DAIRY. I bave leen in this line et business sanme tîrenty-tire yeara, xritea F. C. Curtis, ta OhioiF armer. My first pint iras te pick np tire beat utensils Pas- sible te bring firem teaicar upon tlie means that 1 bad at liand. 1 seen get upon the deep setting proceas of setfing murk. I fonnd tliat if rcquired coldwxa- ter and continuons cld for at least six leurs, and 1 found that if flic lulir et ivter iras large, if irept celtfhat putting more mlr into if, diti nef - tect if; tance I adopted flic system et setting my cana inte a cistcrn et coid ivater. Tic windmill brouglit lie ceiti ivaterit te isdtera from a iandrcd feet away. 1 applied a irindiasa. I bad about four cana et mik at a time, and I let thora deiv at once, and the large ameunt of xater fiat surroundeti tlcm kept tliem sufficiently coel for ail purpeses and flic resuits ivere good. Ice ivoulti bave lieca better, I imprtiv- cd upon f bat simpiy liy putting a sert et refrigerator lieuse aven theliedtera, anti la f at xvay Iirept csy iater cold ail aummer, as colti as thse well w ater. For thee iast four years 1l lave useti flic separater, but I1 shail confine =y- self teaflic other proccas, liccanse many whli have but fei ceira, thiair thcy cun- net. af ford te get a separaf or. Thc mulk isdrawn trocs fli c ceiat 98 degrees. The cilk la set immediate-, ly inte ivater ut 48 or 50 degrecs. Tire ativantage cf f iis precess is flic sud- dcn cnling trocs 98 te 50 hecause if sbninirs and continues te slirink doxyn te 39 tiegrees whicl isth le tempera- ture matie by ice. After firat if begins te expand. If is very imprtant te gef it lie coldtivaer as seen as possible anti let if lic ut rea-t ut h the contin- nons colti. If yen have te depaio ivindrili te change flic iater, if scoma- fîmes will fail yen. If yen f coir wMy suggestion tire cream 7ihi risc hetîren: milirings veny iveli. If may lie a littie more satisfactory te taire eut the cana andi let there set in anme coel place anether twelve heurs, tien flic creacs is îery easily taken off, anti if yen have te adthe fi diftenent creams fogefli- er, ycu hati beff an keep if in a ceel place until yen ihuve a sutticient quan- tity se as ta keep fthc creac siveci. ILf yen bave cnoagb ut ene or tire mur- Îmas, put if in a w armer place, wire if xiii get f bis acid or ripeacti cliaracter ready for tfe chcurn. 1 thinir flic bcst way ta eeoibe that is te say îvlin flic creacs begins te thiciren, tîca if la pnnpenly ripeneti fer cirurniag. Thut may nef hie a vcry aice pin"tat maire, but 1,f hiakii xiiibc easîly'undcrsîeed. Yeu iront a revolving churnn ifloni casîde mcairncry, anti a fcmperature nf 62 degnees is tic nearcai one tempe-r- ature iliat I can fellyen. Semomawll tell yen a ceider femperatune, anti soma a irarmer, but 1 de very irelI ai 62 tiegrees, anti a liff le colder in suniner if possible, or a littie ivarmer ta w inter will do rery wcli. I cliurnfilichegranules appear about flic size et mheut kernela or a 1ultile finen, anti stop ut that pint. If yen have folloivedtheli directions I Lave given yen fie lutter andthficbuffer- milr une distinct anti if wiii comne Iiglif upari if yen pull euthflicceri anti let if mun. Noir pour coiti ircl raten int e it until you can look loto, if and sec fliaf if percolate.s flieirlole mass. Maire a te-w rerolafiens efthtle cliurn, trair it et anti put la another lot etfirater and if wiil corne ouf almost dlean. By fh liaproccsyen xiii sec fIat flie but- termilirlbus a'il coma ouf. If yen lad clurneti if inte a mass before trying te get if ouf, anti then irashed ti fout, yen migît as ireil pour irater on a duci's liacir as te tny te get thse buttfer- mur eout et the butter. Then coma in tha nice point andt lat i ta t get the butter ouf wiiflut desfroying thc grain. Many people, if they do aren ftainiy iveli, injure flic grain anti maire a dry lut- ter whiclidosa notef sdi li on flic marnket. Nowivwlen our granular but- ter -has been valheti anti draincti, if yen turntire cura yen xiii sec fIat butter tuil arounti in tirere loase, ai- meat lire dry wicat, and theve la ne neasen xrly fie suit îron't nux in al flinougl. Sea say an ounce teaflic peunti et sait. That la ne raie ut ail. People bave an idea f bat butter ab- sorba sait, but if dos a nt; if stays in flic lutter in tic fonm of liine. That butter is 12 pet cent. iruter, f haf 12 per cent, cf irater absorba fie sait anti there xiii lie a greaf deai more irafer in if, ifxiiiliab more speagy, if if la course. If you hure churnet iIfteeo xanm, tIc granules run fogeflier anti malc a mass, anti an ounce et sait te a peunt ixii h sutticient ifnfliat case, but don't lie afraiti et putting la tire sait anti mixilg iftantlioroughiy. You put on fhe corer anti reroîre tflichcurn anti iorki i inte a mass; if your gran- ules are fine, you xiii heur'your brife sxiahing. If yen lare txvcnty pop ,nds of butter, yeur lutter xiii lie enttiti 1 at 1 pa cen. -N- e -w eut TUE- FEE'DING HABIT. Economy ta fceding -is uixrays desir- able. Many people, boereer, lare xvmeng iticas as toe li nraning efthflu common irord. Appiiedt t financiai af- faira ti lauaually untieratedt temeun flic sartag et loanding of meney. Witl fhis narnoir rie-wetffthc question, many peopie ticny theniscirea aufficicat footi for mantaaning preper strengf b for flair eery-tiay cduiies. If la fengottan f haf fhe animai frame-irorir, directcd by tIc spirit et lite s aimilart thfe ondin- ary mtai angine. Thc poîrver et ts mecdhanism dapends apon tire supply ai the riglif use of the esteami generated btisfuel. Anynne observes that the machîinery cannt do its work unless supplied at regular itervals witlio a fixed quanîity ef preper fuel. M!iaay peo- pie 'o.nler about three ociccli la fli affernoon, wlioa fhey have oiftced the nrdiarýylunh, wlihy it is that they are weak and weary. The heaili cof many people is permnaneatly impaircd by a habituiai neglect oe' sufficient food. It ih often thre practice of some mndi- viduals te experinent rylti various sys- tems cf dieting. Tircy soon discover that their liealtli is dcranged, and ton often tirey go on witli varions aew bis ef fare, contiaually wondering as te their difflculty. Sucli people have heen surprlsed on returaiag te a regular suli- stantial, ordinary bill of £are, sucli as tir mothers provided for tbem in their youth, at the imaprovemnsinf their heaith, and their eariy retura te a normal condition and appetite. MVany more people are in the habit of experimenting severely la tireir meth- eds et feeding demestic animaIs. With a view te saving fond, tirere is con- stant effort te linit thre stock te the very direapest ration. The roughest straw and lay or aged, tougheaed grass is tee frequenfly effered exclusivcly te tihe herses and cattie, and the pont saceep are otten confined te a stili more offensive diet. There la flic single ex- cuse iid tbe case of fthe latter that it is in sucli cases especially desirable te destroy weeds and brushi. In thre case of ail meat-preducing ont- mals, it must he urged tînt liberal feeding from early 1f e te flhc finish is a requisite te satisfactory gaim i flash and te ecenornîcal use of food. The frite terre of early matnrity must be centinualIy empghasized. The great mass of farmers must noxv pay taxesi on land eofligI value, and te receive frore this any interest for the invest- ment every action in liandliug ]ive stock must be governed by -wisdom. The liap-hazardmeLhed of fthc pasc Must lie abandonied. Tbey who arc net xiii- ing te thinli aad te w cri witli energY andti system must be content xitii the dewnvvard road te the peorlieuse. An active lirain must direct the eperatiens of ail successfui feeding. Thre feeder of fermer f imes whe vilnot move up- ward and adopt riglit methods must seener or later hocflic hired man and do the hidding etfflic progressive mani- ager %vho las trained is intellect te liabits et vigerous thouglit., It is a well-known tact xvhîch canne't be tee otten repeated that flic Young animais must net lie stintcd if tbey are te make successful growth. A nor- mal reiisli and appefite for fend is in- lcrited, and this trait in thc Young- ster is et great value. Censtant ef- fort must lie empleyed te mnaintain in flic lreeding stock a vigereus liking for f liir feod by administeriag te flic ani- mal thre preper ration adaptcd te the varions stages cf lie. Ey riglit mcth- eds of feediaýg a teadency te ecenemi- cal use of fend and the best grewth is thus eaceuraged. TUE THAINKSGTVING TABLE. The table shlud lie spread witb snewy nlapery, the glass and silver Pol- isheti in tfel ast degree ef cleanliness anti hrilliancy, and every detail perfect befere any edibles are scrvcd. If flicre are girls or hoy s in the lieuse, get tbem toeu cnblranches of red and gold leaves, if sueir a thiug sti1li xisf s Clirysan- themums are usually beatiful aad in.- expensive at tis timreofe year, andi a loir boxyl of fhem in yeilew ita the cen- ter of flic fable is vcry effective. And everyfhing must liehot, piping hot,and serveti in a dignificd manner-net bang- ed on in flic f ashion whicli certain country maidas think adds f0 flic triend- ly feeling of a fami1y dinner. Relief in Six lours.-Distressing Kiti- ney and Bladder Diseases relîeved in six heurs by the "Seutli American Kid- ney Cure-." Tisnsiew remedy is a greaf surprise andi deliglit on acceunt of its exceeding prompfacss in relieving pain in tlic blatider, kidacys, back and every part eft f ie ruinary passage in maie or female. If relieves retention of water and pain in passif g it almost immed- jateiy. If Yeu irant quick relief and cure this is your remnedy. For sale by Stott& Jury. First Whee'mnan (a beginner)- Strange heir a feMeIw wiii rua intc thinags irlen hie first hegfias te ride. Second We:a-eI ran into delil te get My irliel. Heart Diseuse Relieved ta 30 Minutes. -Dr. Agnew's Culre for the Heart gives perfect relief in ail cases of Or- gante oir Sympathetic Ucart Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily êffedhzs a cure. It is a peerleas remiedy for Pal- pitation, Shortness of, Breafli, Smotber- ing Speils, Pain ta Lef t Side and all symptomns et a Diseascd IUeart. One dose coavinces. For sale by Stetf & Jury. Spain lias more suashine than any other ceuntr y iin Europe. The yearlî average in Spain is 3,000 hours;'fiat 01 Its.iy, 2,3090;,Germaany, 1,700; England, 1,_ 400., 1 TIheiroran irlie aspires te lare I 0 cfa. Cres Constipation anti Liver eui ilarsrat cr ert s Ils-D.Agnew's Liver Pis are tlic a liruli anti cocsb.. Sire alult bmuali meat perfect matie, anti cure lire magie, bier hair tire, minutes ut a time tivice Sicir. Ucadache, Constipation, Billons- a day, using long, cran stnoires.1 At neas, Indigestien anti al Liver llls, ig ir10oli at in-ar nihe cents a riail--40 doses. it h hudprheha njt For sale liy Stoft & Jury. if Iang ta tire leose linaida., Once a --day sic shoulti mli len scalp iif ,len Skates matie et goiti are popular.!10, fingers te stimulafe fhe circulation. The St, Petersburg. One lady bhadthfe hiaies brushing is alislnfely neccssary, for et lier shates enicleti mitl diamoatis. the hait attracis dust anti dini viii fatal Skates set uýwt pearîs anti precieus facilitiy, anti this, combinîng xitb tic atones have aisý, e Ien la fshion. il ot thc hait, mules it malutiorous anti --unpieasantiun flic extreme. A menfi-ý Fer dessert f liae ara ices, preservedi ly xrashing wiih castile soap anti fie fruits, elabnratcly prepareti murmalaties tiily brushing xiii irep fi dean anti nuts anti raisins, anti a greaf varicty glossy. She shoalti knoxr tiat a ot niclih, fancily fresteti anti jeliieti cakes cieâp Inusi anti comb belieng in flic et small size, calieti pasteica. Home-pre- saine categoty ut h clicap soap. They pareti extruc f etceftee ta poureti into sinulti neyer lic useti. Clieup cerels do tire cup of ecdlipetson ut flic tabla te foi have amoonht ecîl, ihichl viimaire finish the meal, andte tiir or tlince their way unresisfingiy flimongli;thc apoontala oft f is syî'up-fhick anti hyc- baîr, but are rougI andt eat, anti break sineng composition are picntituliy long attends. A comb if I soesofý tiroîrati xitli lot milk, making a cap ifs tecîli missing does effective morir et cotfecetfsncb tdlicate aroma anti de- in tuining tic bair. If canavet lic licieus faste iliat ifs memery xiii lin- rmn througb flic lait r iflthou bea41ng ger long as oeeoettire lest flinga in off soea aits anti traggiag ethlens eout ahi -Mexico. liy tic renta. Rulbaer or sîcli is tise For saie liy Stott & Jury. propel' materual for a comb. Tire teeti sheulti neftlieton sharp or fley xiii lacerate flic scalp. On tic other iand, If is saiti thaft uinng tic last 33 years tliey muat not bu vcry veny lluni, or fie Prince et W aies has apent ?5000o- fhcy -xviii flot be effective in scsoothing 000,000, Anti yct ticey say leieas& ouf fungles. Brushes shouili e closca Iesa anti ensatistieti. wiif equal care. Tlicy shoulti net have mefal liacis, ne matter liew attractive -- iliver may appeat, tftrtthe metal maires Bcdaf lahemeat nutritions ot ail an- fh-cm tee heavy. Thieliacir shoulti li 1mai feoda, anti cau lia, aten longer et igit irontiandtifhe bliltes shoulti ontinuously flan any othern matift le long andti fic-lly set. Morcover, meat, tesembling nica anti breat inta ley alieulti tabrsles, anti net iveakr fliat respect. Freali beet la aqimoafdemn- imitations. plcfely tilgesteti-more cempia-telythlanl_______ ml i y an aduit.- If la sai that if Noal's arr lad lad 1 RSIN NIS te lie buit by a eocspny îliey irouiti Russia xiii faire a genetal censua ot net lare laid fhe keel yet; mjdjtf may ftle empire on Fa-erary 9 (January 28 lie so. Wirat l a my man'a business 15solI style> ýnext. IL, ,nmeration xii neliedy's business. Tie gretest thinga liegin two or icrlier inthis are accompliahetily îmdiviatual'mc.- more rQmotý- î.t r cof Silerla anti Spurgeen. i Centrai Asiat' Chaildren Cry ferPthr ra HINTS FOR TUE SICK ItOOM. One etfflic firat concerna et a nurse sheulti be te sec fIat the paticnt's mouth is kept da and sweet, This i enu Lie donc- by having flic couth riased, wltli pure ivater or diluted listerine-' two teuspoonf ais te a tumabler of water -uftfer ecd taking of fond. If the pati- cnt is unable te de tins fer himiecîf, ftle attendant should de it fer hlmw ifb a sival of fresli absorbent cotten, moist-- ened xiii flicmouth-wasli, andi fastened t o a smali, flexible stick, A fopui or seur moufli frequenfly sol interferes with flic appetite and the sense e1tfaste fIat flic patient refuses fenod whicli eflerivise le miglif gladly faire. Milk especialiy lingers in flhc mouth. anti fermenting fliere de- sîroys flic sense oftfaste and.tievelepa germa whicli interfere iih digestion. It is maa easier te keep flic mont h cloa than te disinfect it after if lus been acglecfed. In case the patient's lips are dry or parclied îliey sboaldlie moistenedwit b ceid cream or vaseline. Glycerine sliould neyer lic useti for f bis purpese, Wlien if is necessary te raisa ihe pati- enî's bead ia order te give hlm nourish- ment or rmedicinp, flicatfentiant's mati sboald lic placedtibenleafli fhepillow, se as gentiy te raisa fliclicati and pilloir togetber. In this w ay a lietter support is obtainethflce perafien is more coim- tentable, for flie patient, andtheflc' eati is leslireiy t e li lent se faifr encard as te interfene iriir 5sw5liýoiing, Serinas cougbî-ng mnay of tan Oc pro- vented by csakinig sure that cad i mouili- fui is swatlowed tefone another is given. A smali tumbien should Lieascii, amd sliould neyer lie more than two-thinds fiilied. A tbirsty patient denives far more satisfaction' frocs draiaing a glass i flan frocs sippiag frocs a large, one whicli le is nom. permitîed te empty. Wlien flic patient is being ted %vitli fiuids, Whlily different receptacles shealt Lie used for, holding his mnedi- cines, or ftli, association of ideas may be stneng eneagli te destrey the ap- petite, or even te proiu.ce nausea. This danger oet ailiasant associaition sliould neyer lie lest siglit et by the nurse. Nourishment sliuld neyer Lie ottered at inopportune times, andi if anyehiag lias eccurnc-d whicli migl havo soîledtheficatfeadant's bands, b, sînulti net Gcnly wasli them, but aile-w tire patient te sec that lie lias donc, Se. 1 1 In serions cases enly needthe b patient lie anouseti froc slseep te taire nouriali- menit or imedicine. During tlie nigli foodofetseme sert sliouid always lie at handtteLie gix'en ote lcpatient in case lie sheatu eti if., FOR TUE TOILET. Amiong fhe many simple articles wbb b will lic toumd useful on flic foilef table is a jan et saît. A little ef t i dissolveti in -,varmiavater îyil remnove tic retiness et£flic cyclitis alter a long drive in ilie xind. Used as a gargile it xiiil a any sliglt irritation of thse tîroat. A ltile put once in a irbile in flic xat,,r -in ryhicli one's teefli are brusÜ hlelpa te lianden flic gains. Tinctane of camlieor, or tincture et csynnh, tiroppeti int o ryter, is an ex- cellent wvash for flic moatli and fliroaf wlien flic breafli is net sxrect. Wlica the latter la asca, f1e preper propor- rtiens are fên drops of rmynni in a glass of wafer, Powvcercd alum, or a teir dropa et sulpliuric acid, intahli bath water xiii 1 prevent ton free prespiration of bands or feet on any speciai occasion. A vcry geod tonir, tonfIe skia is made eft txo ounces of Cologne ivater, *camplio r tincture one ounce, beazoine t incture oae.a laiouence.. A te-w drops o f f lis mixture may be put tfo flic t rsalbowri xhen bathing flic face. Tire unpleasant odor prodaced by per- spiratien is frequenfly flic source et vexation te persons xrho are subject f0 Lit. Notlitag la sirapler flan te remove i flu odor mucI more effetually flian by fIe application et perfumes. Ih la ionly necessary te procure someeetfflic acompound spiits of amamofia, anti place about tire tabiespoontuis la a basin of ivater. Waslihing thc face, liands and Iarma witl tins Iaves flic skia as demn, isireet, mnd treali as one could xisir. Thc wnsl islapcrtcctiy harmiesa anti very cheap. It is recommentiet on flic au- thority ot an experienceti physician. CARE OrF TUE HAIR. OF EVERY BOTTLB 0P AVegetaUIje Prep ara tion for As - simlating theTood andieguala- Iin ie Stomcls aindBowels of ness and Rest.Contains neither Opiurd,orphine -nor ImneraL. IÎC)T KAnCOTIC. ionqou.t eOdZricLZPieZ1ZlJIRa 2'eimi mJ ateel o FOU SALE Mi J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON BOWMANVILLE m 1 H use Fur nishigs,, Our U1ne comprises everything foundi'n~ a first class furniture ware room, and beiieving it only doing justice to our business arnd that ýour customers may benefit by it,we have added more varieties to our aiready large lines, and oLur prices cannot be beat. We buy as iow as the lowest and. are satisfied with small profits, and vou will be convinced of the saine xvhen you have seen our goods and examined our pricesë Parior Suites, Bed Roomi Suites Extension Tables Lounges, Secrotarios, Window Shades, M1irror Glass, Sidoboards, ilall iPacks, Centre Tables, Matt rosses, Chairs of every description, Curtain Polos,, Picture and Room M6uldings with many other lines you will find in great variety and at ail prices at our store , Give us a cali when wanting anything in1 our Un1e and see how well we eau suit you. U D R A I G Special attention given to this depýartrnent. Bo-VMÂ-4,VLLE, Q.e11~T1~ Honestly made n c f pure Rubber. I Thin, Light, Elastic, Stylish, Modelled each Durable. year f0 fit ail the i, latest shoe shapes. Extra thick bal and heel. Sod veywer. hey Wear like Iron. 4 GOOD MAXJMS. E DRINKJNG IN JRELAND. Aweli-known banker sayshle ewes bis ÈeXes5ilvý fea drinliing is assigned as success to observing the g9od actrice off, ie' ,hLîf cauge of the higli rate of in- an oid friend, who told hlm to keep -5tvlt in DonegiaZ,. and 'the theory good compar, oue a. Neyer bc i oide 1 sIeem toe, estremgtl iFnýed hy the at that thre are three femaefiluna- Cu Itivate your mind., Make f ew prom- tPics to onre hmaie. ises. Live up to your engagements. Keep your owa secrets. Wlien you fsnoepeksilo o, e orlfeak to aperson look him in the face. HE 111T IT. If ay oeseksiic YUltyu îe Mrs. Binkins (star ting a etter>- bc so that no one iil believe it, Live Now, whatday is flui within your income. Smnail and steady Mr. Binkins (from behiad bis paper) gains bring the kind of riches fliat do -Tuesdayý not take wings and fly away. Earn Ms - iutakwitdyo h money befere you spend it. Neyerru wel. BWhaf d't way the m otheif into delit uniess yon sec a sure Nayiof O! e re' at aiendar. I mot],'s the ?d of it. Neyer borrow if you cm^ possi- MO.!B.-es.a Twena.'s dend lily avoid it. Do no'marry until yon Mr. _______________ay are able to support a wife. Never speak evii of a-ny one. Be just before you are iRheumnatism Cured in a Dav.-South generous.. Save when you are Young jAmierican ItheumatiecCure, for Rlieu- and enjoy your Savings when you are! matism, and Neuralgia, radicaiiy cures nid, picture tn yourself the beaut of La 1 te 3 days, nts action upon th bravery and steadfastness. And thon systenti is remarkable and naysterious. som litlewreche, dsageeale utyIt renicoves at once the cause and the cnmeslitiwched, disr arecablie tydisease immediatel.y disappears, The cores hid isyou matyromthe first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. lump of your il; and if you do flot do it, your oil is spilled. When a real, Ne-w York boy wishs A man may let lits own wlieat watt te Say that a manl is extremeîy ex- for the price nf whieat te- rise, but lie travagant, fie expresses himself this miust not destroy the wheat of other peo- way: "H-e has mcnleY tn burn, and car- pie. So the laborer may wait f or lis ries matches. labor to rise in value, but he b4s n riglit to injure or impede the labor of ofher workmen. Piles Cured la 3 tn 6 Niglts-flr. Th lecnt ire Old Testament history is as 'tgnew's Ointment will cure ail cases beaufiful asunrise as ever graced ocean of Ifching Pie.s in from 3 to 6 niglits. or prairie. Tlic light increascd steadiij One application brings coniforf. For from Abel tn thre plains of Betheihem, Blnd and Blceding Piles it is peerless. when thre sun arcee.,,of 1 Also cures Tetter, Saàt iRleum, Eczema. Patience la thre ballast o the soul, ttaat Barber's Iteir, andi ai eruptions of the will ke.ep it froor rollin.g and tumbling skin. 35 cfs. ia thre great Storm. For sale by Stott & Jury, 'r- ,1 caîf sia is pnt ap la cee-size bottles omly. It is nit ssid ta bouc, Doio't alew alotes te sil you anlyfhioig eue ou the pieu or proms that If ia "j u as good Iland " wiil aaswîr erery par- poe9o, 9- Ste fiat yîu get 0AST0~IA gimilola on rlgiara.2tPrI EXACT COPYOCF WRAPPER. 1 lm 1 Nu- HEALTH. 1- FAC-SIMILE SIGONATURE IS ON THE -F-urniture, and