'V6 HAVE USED AND ITS SINCREASING. Have you tried it il TelbertTie opc. .Montreah Mrs THOMAS PEATE, Dver and Clothescleaner lias removed his works to the well known Eastern House. PRicins:-For cleaning, dying and beautifully pressing, an Overcoat 75 cents; Complete Suit $1.50. These prices are not more than one half what y would have to pay any other D)ye Works, and the work will be as g'ýood as eau be done any- where. 36-4m. Royal Mail SteanishIps. Liverpool, call- Ingat Moville. Portland. Halifax. ~t.osod~,o .,...i09 17..~...Dec. 19 Leaurentian,..................... jan. 2 Monolan. ...Jan..14 .... >..........Jan..16 Nmdian..... jan 28 .............. jan 30 RATES ,OF PASSAGE. First cahin Derry and Liverpool, $52.56 and 8ý60.00 ;returu $lOo and sialo. Second eabin Liverpool, Derry, and London, e34 and $86.25. #5teerage Liverpool, DerryBelfastGlasgow anîd TO TRIM T11E IREE. Alln.LneA. BoAMS, Oe f ahJ thinga for Christmnas a Christ- Alln Lne get, owmnvilemas tree is- indispensable lu a liouse svbene there are chtidren. The explor- C heapest and ingof verflwng stociigs wilnot B es t Jc a d ing the discovery of a "eilv"tewt in Canada Claus peeping frorn ifs branches. i It matters net liow srnall1 the tree if it be prettky decorated. In this if is THE SUN15 is the Canada Farmers chiefiy tfl mt cost which counts. The Sun re-ersranizeti. t18 lestnictly indepentient, anti" A mme oruanents, with a few atiditions lys:tauier" isa regular contributor tOc will do yen yean affen year. ifcomereots are aknowetig As for fthe tree itself, there are five lifs marketreotar cn idg different inuts, aIl beautiful lu thern- edt tebc the fullest anti ost accurate selves-the pLoi e erloci, spruce, cedar, publishetlinlu'Canada. 10 gives the best faroners' page 'n anti baisarn fir. The pnettiesf of l thle Dominion, anti consequentlv the rncst expeusive Lu If contains a short sfory froue Lon- the ceO, cvreiwthsllga don Truth. weekly. cvrdwt ialga If gives au average of 40 columus cf hennies. 'The smnablest cf f lese trees brtglit readling lu each issue. cost 75 cents anti the largest as high 'Jhis pnper will be sonit te any as 84. Ondinary trees of good shape atddres inetC4àooadiib (outside of anti buglit green co'onr range according TLoronto) to the end cf '97 for te size frorn 50 cents te $1. 50 ceints. If is mot coinvenient fo have the Three copies- will lie sent te an-ý tree placet i a once Lu a holtier, but the fhree atýidresses, (outeide this city), for pnice cf this rnay ho saveti ly mount- the >ýt ae pericà for a dollar. ing the tree in'a tdeep box welil pacieti The Isun aend Weekly Globe with earth. Tbe tree must lbe well conebined will be sent to the cuti braceti, andthflcbox must be as nearly of IS97forOneDolar.square as possible. The box shoulti cf 187 fo OxieDollir.ie painteti with green enarnel. Addtress aill enters te The decorations cf a tree, unlikcefthe bilding cf a lieuse, begins ai the top. THE SUN PRINIINC COMPAN4Y, ITD. Customn las mateie t a.imosf impera- TOROTO.tive that a figure of Sant a Claus occupy T<iLINTO.this, flic most conspoicous position. Tue Agents -vWaufed. Write for fermes, anti figures selti in the shops for ibis pur- hear bito f0secure a golti watch or pose are matie cf ither cartiboard or paqr l odo. wlýthouf the ceet cf a plaster anti cosf froun 15 cents te 75 dolar, c, cents, Except for very large frees Specimen copfles free on application. the 35-cent size wifll answer atinir- _________________ - abiy. The figure may lie helt inL place witli wire or strong black flireati. 8oStck shouit uet be taien cf ail the (ID artices which are to be useti fer de- 1831 THE CULTIVAIOR189 s AND cors .unn. Tinsel plays an importaut ,,a part .s: this, for if gies a briglitness C OU NR Ty CENT LE MA 5 anti giffer obtahoable pfrorn nofhiug ele Strings of popcorn are also use- _____fnl. Bof b white anti reti pepcoru rnay bc precureti aireatiy strung, or if may THE BESI 0OF THE bc houglit Lu balk vcry elieaply. With a neetile sud stnong f lreat it Lu easily LY'IES stung. acli string shoulti be frcrn hee four feet long. Craubernies DEVOTED TO scattereti ct frequeut Ltervals along fthc strings atiticoter to tlicm. Farm Crops and. ?rocesses, Si-rings of silver anti gilf halls, anti Fruit * alls cf raw gotton maie pretty anti ý1{orticulturaI o'ruitGrowing, effective tiecoratieus, Shretis cf raw Live-Stock and Uairing, cotton may alise be spriniled over the Wiffle 18 aise inclntics ail mainer departinents of t Ib Tis tioes veny nicly te ne- Ifotrzt inturesi, snch as Poultry ad Ento- preseut snow, Engiish walnuts, cîfli- nîoogy Bc kepngrenboeeanti Grapery er natural.or gildeti,. may be tict i wth Veterln.ary Replies, Farin Questions anti Au,- ibhon anti atdedti t the ethlen mat rn s,r Fireside Reading, Dornestie Econcmny, laie. You canuot have toc mucli. ntýi aSunary cf the news cf ihe week. Ils Qusuf ify rathçr than quality maies a M[Altler REPRTwS are nnusually complete, an t rac beautiful.ý A tiozen er more dolle iiitlî attention s paid toctbe Prospects cf th mtecfbeltcooeitsseppr t rois, as throwling light upon, oeeof the inosat eo rgtclre iseppr iirient cf ail questions-When to Boy anti sheult ibe added if, obere are any liff le W heutoc Sell. Il le liberauiy illnstraieti, aotd girls in the house. Caudy caues anti e<itains more reading mtter ihari ever before. sugar animaIs of every coucelvabie kunti The suhecriDticu nîce s 4,2.59 per year, but aeawy prcaeib lcyu~ wc ciTer a SPECIA REDUCTION lu cor sters. CLUB RATES FOR 1897 Little pasteboarti boxes may be liat TIwc Subseripticus, lu one reiniffauce S 4.00 at any tiru.g store, and whcn toucheti SIX subscrlptions, do. do. 1.00 np witli gilt paint, filleti witli cautiy, l'en Subaciptions, do. tic. 15.00 andti ted tihiti ibbou maie very pretty L-t- To ail l6sw Subcribers for 189 7, payiug ,rncameuts. Last cf aIl, cautiies, if if i atvance ncw, WE WILL SEsu 'THE PAPEE is intetieti that the ires h iigbteti. Se \VEEKLY, fromo ur receipt cf the reuduttauce, fbtteeaevr eueyfieiL tocJ anuary let, 1897, wîithout charge. hthe aevrbeueyfxdi de- SPECIMEN COPIES FREE. A titress, their sockets, se thaf there eau be no possibility cf their fallihog. LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Pu blishers AIl these articles shouiti ha spreati ,1ot aroundthe lie eabefore flic wori 42-4w. lany, N-.'- of tiecorating begins, se thaf a glance Children Cry for 1 live nstantly, amsi permanently cure Catarrb. Hay Fever, Colds, Headache SoeaTihroat, Tonsilitis, and Deafnesý A Chicago birglar, reently arresteti beasts that witb the aid cf electricit3 lieca eau t into any *safe in the city and without making enough noise t(: waien a cab. Pitcher's Castoria. Abiout the flouse. TIIE CHILDRJlN. When tlie leseons anti tasis are al entied, Aud the 'scoi for tlie day is dis- mosseti, Andtihli littîe unes gather arounti me To bLd me "got-niglit," anti be kiss- eti, Oh, flic littlIe white arme that cucircle Miy îneck io a tender embrace; Ohb, flic srnies that are halos cf helaven, Sliedding sunshiue anti joy ou my face. Anti when tliey are gone I sit drcam- ng 0f My childhod tee lovely to hast; 0f love that my heant will remember, Whilc if waies te the pulse cf the pasf, Ere the wa-rîti ant ilis wicketiness matie- une A partner -of sorrow ant in. Wlien flie glcry cf Goad wae about me, Anti the glory of gladuess within. OU, my hearlt grosys as weai as a o muan's,1 And ftle fount aine of feeling xiii flow, Wlien I thini cf the paths etecp anti stony Wlicre the feet cf flic dear cnes must 91o; 0f the moutains of sin hauging o'er tliem, 0f the f empeste cf fate blcwing wilti; Oh, fhere's ucfliLug on earth haîf se As tlie innocent heant cf a chilti. Tliey, arc itiols of hearte anti cf house- hoitis; They are angels cf Godtinl disguiisc; Hia sunlight stiîl sieeps Lu their tress- es; Hia glcry stili gieams in their cye Ob, f lice truants from home sud from lieavcu, 1 Tliey have madte me mocre maniy anti nilti; Anti-I inow now how J'esus conîti liken Thie Kiugdom of Godtat a cliildj Thie twig le so easily beudeti, I have banishe tthe mile anàth e roti; I have tauglit fhem the gootinescf inomîctige, Tliey have tauglif me the gcodness cf 1 Gd, LYLy beart le a dutugeon cf darness Wlien I shut theno frcm lireakiug La rIle; UV frowu is sufficient correction; Miy love is fthc law cf flie echool. I shaîl leave thflct house lunfthe an- To traverse ifs thiesholti no more; Ah! licw I shahl sigli for the dean one T1hat mustereti cadi mmrat flie door; I shaîl miss flic "goot-niglits" anti the kieses, Andthli gusb cf their innocent gîce, The group on the green, andthle f low- ers That arc bronght every morning to me. I shall miss them at menu anti at even- Their songe lu thoe echool andthli streef, I shaîl miss flic low hum cf thoir voice, Andthfictramp cf their tieliraf e feef, Wlbeu the lessons sud tasis are alcuti- eti, And Deatli says: "Tl, he sli s <is- May the littie one gaflier arounti ue, To bld me "goot-niglit," anti be kise- -_et. will show .just what material there Îi1 to work i vtli. Then commence at the I top and festoon the popcorn and strings of glass halls in gracefi loops, select- ing the most prominent branches for fasteniugs, and covering up as much as possible any bare spots. The cotton balls, waînuts, candy boxes, and f ig- ures corne next. Tie the ligliter arti- cles at, the tips of the-branches andi the heavier f urther in. The tinscl may represent idies, and the more thi-ckly Lt is hung on branches and twigs the'better. Last of ail add the candies. Fasten the holders at the forks cf branches. Tbis prevents them siipping. See that the candles are perfect1y uprighit andi have a clear spadýe above. Smal presents may be placed on the trce and larger ones around its base. The tree must, of course, be set, before decorating, Lu the rocm in xvWhich it is to remain. uniless it is a very small tree, in which case 'it may be decorat- ed in a room tc which, tbe children sel- dom go. On Christmas morning it may be carried to the nursery wbile the little ouqs are enjoying týheir break- fast or exhibiting their toys in some other part cf tbe bouse. In this way the sndden appearance of the tree wl seem ail the more wonderful, TO CONTROL JACK. Rmies Eteforceel teSllpboar*d Io Keep tihe Saiiee-s huAbsencees. Thie ruaes reigulating the conduct cf saLlors may appýear somewh at drastic, but it i 's neediess to say that they are neceasary in order te insure good gov- ernment on shiphoard. A few cf the more important cne-s are as foPflows: For quarre7Dmng, or provoki ng to quar- relIt lie f orfeits a day's pay, The same puiuishment is inf5icted on the man who carnies a sheatb kuife. If lie brings spirits on board, lie hoses tb-ree days' wages. For every smoke indu51ged in "below" be forfeLts ene day's wage. The sme if lie negGects to put out uights wlien ordered. If the eookout man falis a.sleep, is nap costs liim two days' pay. If the cOok ias flot dinner on the table at the stroke cf the elock, it is a matter of one day's pýay. 'Andi for not being sbaved, washed and c'eaned spick and span on the Sab- bath lie oses a, day's pay; aise insolence j to master or mate means eue day's pay lest, and striking anycue on board doub7e tbat arnount. Whie for atternptiug toe .muggle a few pýountis of tea or tcboicco or 'a gal- on f rurn he loýes tbe wages of a whole rnonth.ý BRII)AL SUPEIRSTITIONS. If the wedding ring is lost tbe couple will separate. If an apple be tbrown upon the roof of the bridegroom's bouse it is a sigu the bride wiUl sbe appy. The bride mu.st net look in the glass after perforrning lier toile. unless oe hand is ungloved. If a bride tears lier Nvedding dress if is not good. If is unlucky for a bride te put lier bare feet on any bare floor on lier wedding miglit. To change tbe name sud net the let. fer is to change for worse and not for botter. If tle bride open an umbrella in the bouse bad lmcki will surely folew. It is n'iucky for two brides to me.et in a churci. The bride shouM dnot permit the best man te wear everything black at thbe cerecmony as it is a very bati emen. BABYLAND. This is as ifs narne mdi cates a magazibe for cAildren and is, a noodel publieation of ius class, beinog in- terestinu sund educational. Pictorial ,,tories, jingles and other features inalke it the pick-cf nurserv literatiire. E verY motber,kiuidergardenanud poiïie or tee ch- er should have BABYLA.ND. SI)OCMeil free. 50e a 'rear. For sample ceps' 'write te, Alpha, Pubhisbiug Co., 212 -BoYîston St., Boston, Mass. DELIG-TS CLILDEREN.-Ail who want a ver ' gooti magazine for the .ý ounger members cf the houscheld sbonld take LITTLE MEN ,i ad WomEurs, the ouls' mag- azine editcd cspeciall 'y for children fnrnm 7 te 10 s-cars. Occasionial articles on fereigu child lofe, aise sex eral beautifuil ly illustrated articles on painters for cbildren will appear. Notable articles short stories, peems, beautiful pictures and childreofs sengs. Alpha Pubiishing Ce., 212 Bo »ylstcn S. Boston. Mass..ane the publishers. Senti fer a irce speci- man copy. CAN ADIAN ALMANAC.-This is, the flf th vear cf publication cf this well-known aninual, and if s size bas been increa sed te 3.54 pp. Amn the new features are a short history cf Canada, oivinoe the main events in Canadian history, cýren- clegically arranged, a historical diars' cf the years 1895-6, and au ioter--sting arcticle on Kiug's Loyalists The regu- l;,r departrnent cf the alrnenac have hen n t 0' te date, amoug theen eigttinvaluable Post Office Gazet- tecr cf flhc Dominion, giving the name of ci ery placei aadwifh the Rail- A MUCH C ONGRATULÂTED PAPER. The Montreal ýWitness', this hein- its jubile year, bas been printing ever sirice last December a weekly page cf the remîniscences cf ifs earlv re<iers wbe still survivc, mauy cf whieh have been full cf cager aud bearty goed will for the paper whlch bas been te the writers a lit e long counseller and famils' frieud. Here is oeeof the briefest and miost practical cf these contribu- tions. A FRoENn'S IIIT. To flic Editor cf tbe 'Witn'ss.') Sip, I was first inducedi te take this noblPe papcr by our minister from the pulpit, lu denouuncing bad literature and reemmendingood. Hie recommend- ed the 'Wituess' among fthe best farnily rcadiug for oldior veung. Shcrtly affer I sent for the paper, and although eover a score cf vears agoj bave been faking kt since with pleasure and profit. The priee is vcry moderate indeedi. The 'Witncss' is a truc Daniel, takiug a flrm stand fer ighteousness, temper- suce, and everytbing tbat maltes for flic goed cf man, and the glorv cf the Creator., Now.I have a requcsfte maltze cf fwo cf the higbcst professions lu the lsn.d-the press and the clergy- i. fhl. the press shahl kindly gi-e f bis item room in their jeuru aIs-the eue te copy frorn the other, etc.; anti that ministers cf the gospel shahl speak cf snd recumi mend the 'Witness' te their people, as if is sncb a power for goot wherever known. JOHN W. McKENZ JE. Gxlen Oakt, Ont, TIME TO REFLECT. Sweet Girl-Oh. this is so sutiden. Tou must give me time to reflecf-a week, at least. Fond lover-Certaiuly. Even if yen shouldi accept to-night if would take about a week te get an engagement ring matie. Sweet Girl-Um-perbaps you'd bet- ter taie the measune ef my f luger ncw, Gere BLACK DIAMONDS. Is coal really se dean, Gruimpy? asked lis Wîfe% Dean? It's cerne to be oeeof the pre- cicus mineraIs. I want yen te keep a Iceen ey e on that fellow carryiug if iu and see thaf be doesn't put any of the nuggefs in lis pocket." A 31ESSAGE TO MEN. PROVING TOIAT TIODE HO\E STY AND TRnE PHILANTOIOPY STILL EXIST. If eInv nman, who is wealt, debilifaf cd, or who is suffeling front anY cf the varions troubles resulting frorn voufbful fuexcesses or oserverk, wili take beirt aud write to me, I will send hlm euntideutisls' and fr'ee of chlarge flie plan pursuea 1,%,wbich 1 wa s comnplete!cN, restcred to perfect he'ltb sud mnbccod, after s cars cf suffcring frein Nerv'eus Debilit *v, Ls cf Vigor aud (rganie Weak ness. I1 av nýlýetlihio eldiand therefore wan ouoiemnev, buit as I ltnom, tbrougbh mn: 1wuexperience how' te s mpathize wvif, ib sncb (ufferers, 1 arn gladt tebe able te is aur fellcw-being te a cure. 1 ,rn is-cî awaýre cf tbe prev-,aleuce cf quacerv for I ,iîvself wasi, deceived faiflhilimnkntbut Ire1 iete sav that i n ow ptrfectlv welaud haIpy once more su1 l d sue des-irous therefore te maltîýe 1t1;, certain means of cure lmtn te aIl. If vYon wiIl write te me yen cau rclviupoii - -eing cureti andflic preuti satifacto f bavirîg been cf groat ser i co, to eue laneti wMlbhosuflicient rewýard for .rny trouble. Absoluf e secrees' assured. Send 5c. silver te doyen Postage and address, Mr. Geo. G Strong, North Reekevooti, Miéb. A PRIZE. Doctor-Just place this thermorneter t nder ycur tonue, Mrs. Peque, sud keep ycur lips closedti ightly. Mr. IHenry Pleque (after a few min- utes cf speecbiless deligt)-Wbut wili you taie for that instrument, Dcc «'Dor Over Fîfty Years." For over fiftry yearaMotUs. WiNsLOW's SooTRmoseSYRur bas been ueed by mnil- lions cf meubers for their chiltren ilsi feething. If dieturbeti nt nighe su--d broken (f yourr eee by a oick childl, su1f- ferng anti cryiug with pain cf Catting Teefli eendat once and get a'bouàloe cf - Mrej. Winslow'a Soethirig Syrup " for Childreeo Teething. It wiîl relieve the poor ifle aufferer rnrnediately. Depenc upon it,mothers,tbeie Lei no inistake about it. It cur,-s Diarrhoei,regiolatee uthe Steen. ach sud Bupweis, cures Wond Colle, &of cena fie ('uims, reduces Inflammation, and give8 toue sud energy f0 tie whole eyofer,uu "Mre. Win4low's Soothing Syrup" for -'BEO TTL= 0FP Sprfc Remedy f or Constipa- hoSUr Sto.InhDiarr15eÏ Worms ,Convuls ions ,Fevrish-, çness and Loss 0F SLEEl'. NEXV ORK.Castoria in put op in one-size baffles only. It let oteld lu bulk. DonIt allow anycue te sell yon anything elsù on the ples, or promise that It ine1"just as gesa,, anad "wll anEwer every pur- pose." -U Seo that yen Set O-A-S-T-O-B-I-A. Tho fac- EXACT COI"e'OF WRAPPER. simile l on* zýe&ý96=97f My stock of PURS includ.es the iatest styles of Coats, Capes, Collars, Ruifs, Muifs, Mitts, Tam O'Shanters, &c., made up iu Fine and Mecdium grades of S. S. Seal, IPersian and Grey Lamb, Sable, Mink, Ast-rachan, and Opossum. You xii find a miore coniplete assoiûrneni here. than in any other store in the County. Nearly 40 years experience enables me to select with certainty the best values in ail uines of fiirs. You can rely on havrng any style of Fur Garment remodelled to suit you. I arn payrng, special attention to the mnakingy up of, Ruifs, Gauntiets and Tam O'Shanters, on short notice.- Don*t delay too long, but bring in yonr repairing now and be prepared for cold iveather. For men and youths, I bave a complote andi well selected lino of Furnlshing Goods, Hats, Etc. I3OWMANVILLE. eR Furrier. Furniture and m a àouse Furnis" ings. Our line eomprises everything found in a first ci ass furniture ware room, and believing it only doing justice to our business and that our customers mnay benefit by it,we have added more varieties to our already large lunes, and'our prices cannot be beat. We buy as low as the lowest and are satisfied with smail profits, and you will be convinced of ühe samne when you have seen our goods and examined our, prices, Parlor Suites, Sideboards, Bed Room Suites, Hall Raecks, Extension Tables Centre Tables, Lounges, Mattresses, Secretari.es, Chairs of every desoription, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Mirror Glass,-, Pieture and Room Moulcliugs with many other liues you will find in great variety and at ail prim~ at our store. Give us a caîl when wanting anything ln our line and see how w,.l we eau suit you. OUN PD E RTÀA KNG Special attention given to this departmeInt. BO'.VMAI*VILLr. 1. MRRqDIS.' Boun&aIl'e Bl#k, 1 FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE IS ON THE oPurest and Best for Table andDalry No adulteration. Neyer cakes. OF E'VEBIY