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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1896, p. 8

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au, te Tic newest and rnost attractive goods at -wonderfully low erices. No trouble in nîaking a selea-tion frorn our large stock, For Ladies. Dressing Cases .75 to Manicure" .50 to Odor .50 to Jewel Boxes .25 to Glove . 75 to Work . 30to Pin Trays .25 H'n'k'chief Boxes .75 to For Gentlemen. b5.00 Gent's Companions $3.00 3.00 Siavîng Cases $1 .00 to 2.50 2.75 Collar, Cuif Box .75 to 1.50 1.00 Necktie Boxes .75 to 1.50 2.00 Glove Boxes .75 to 1.50 1.50 Srnokers' Sets .50Oto .75 Shaving Mugs .20 to .75 2.00 llandkerciief Box .75 to 2.001 Starnp Boxes, Japanese Paper KuiVe-s, Serolîs, Calendars, Banjo Match Safes, Whisk Hold ors, Toilet Bottles, Mirrors, HFair Brushes, etc., etc. Special linos of Perfurnes for the Xrnas trado, put up in beautiful Satin Boxes. also ail the best odors in bulk. We have many pretty things for tic Ciildren frorn bc up. Visit our store and look ar'ound at the stock. We are gladto see you even thougi you don't wisi to buy. J.Hggnotam&S Bo-wMANVILLE. Chemists and Druggists.1 j rniture ÎSale!'a-4, -"'- Corne and see the big reduction we are rnaking on ail grades of furniture for this rnonth. See our Fancy Cobbler Rocker at 1$2.50; E.also a fine line of iRattan Rockers, just the thing Efor Xrnas. EBedroom Suites $10.00, Dining Room and z zParlor Suites a down Calndscorz goods and be liifed that we are giving you z Sgood goods at reduced prices.- It is always a pleasure to show goodfs. _ EUndertakingo is a special brandi of our 4 zbusiness. luLaWilas. su BowmAvmL, iVoreY Saved e e is iVooey madIe., And wien intending to buy in the way of Furniture whetier littie or much, you can save money by dealing with us. Prove this for yourself by seeing our goods and gotting our pricos. We have a big varioty in ail kinds of Fujýnîture to select frorn and are always pleaseci to show our goods. Do not think of buying elsewhere before you have seen our goods. See our linos of FANCY FURNITURE suitable for Christmas Gifts. BOWMA-XYILLE. L. PORRIS, ý Underfaker anîd Furniture Dealer, Bous lfs Block. BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 18, 1896. LOTUS. A shooting match ou a large scale for $10 silver cntp, silverwarc, turlicys and geese, will be heid liere under flic direction of Mr. Jas. Biown, Tuesday Dec 22 f0 begin at 10 a. m. This is flic match offlic season. Rifles aud shot gunis may comnpete, Sec bills for par- ticulars. Always aveid liarsh purgrative pilîs. They flrst make you siek and flicu leave yen constipated. Carter's Little Liver ils reg-ulate flic bowels and make you wcll, Dose, eue pili. ENFIELD. ViÎsitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. HlSop, Bowmanvillc; Mrs. F. J. Groat. 1Ilamp- ton; Misses Wigg aad Keddie, Oshiawa; Mr. J. Forsyfli. WbitliN; Messrs. W. 1-umpage and J. S. Asliton at Teronto ...Mr. E. Pbillips lias rcfurncd te To- route atter spcnding fthc summcr witli Mr. S. -Ni. ivel ,. . . Mr. J. Johins lias gene te Algoma .... Mr. W. Kaapp liad five sheep klledl by dogs Sunday. More cases of sick licadache, - bilions- ncss, constipation, eau lic cnred la less fime, wifhl lss medicine, and for lcss moncy, liv using Carter's Litt le Liver Pilîs, t han by anv oflier means. HAYDON. Mr. lloward Rundle is teaching for Mr. Roblis wlio is sick.... Albert Auna ger bad flirce fingers injiired inl a plainer Menday ... . Miss blle Piekard, Hamp. ton, is visiting Mrs. D. Brôkcnshire.... The sing-inag li Miss-James at fthe S. O*. E. concert, Tyrone, was higbly praisefi by fliose who aftcndcd f rom liere.... Mr. R. Washington had a successfnl wood lice Tucsdav. The Mayor was unavoidably absenit. Singers, public speakers, acters, ane- tioeers, teacliers, preacliers, and al who are hiable f0ont-fax and irritate fthc vocal orgaus, find, in Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, a safe, certain, and- spcedy relief. A timely dose of this prepara- tien lias prevcented many a fliroat trouble, PROVIDENCE. There will been cntcrtainment given lu flic Mefliodist eburcli, Providcace,on Tuesday cvcning Dec. 22, nader flic auspices of flice pwerfh League, con- sisfing of mnusic, readings, recîrations, etc. 'Program to e lcfarnislicdliv flic best local and foreigu talent. Refrcsh meats scrved at fthc close. Programme te begin at 7:30 o'clock. Admissioa,15c, Every7body eme and cnjoy a social evenino'. CONSTIPATION' CIPED.-GEN'rS,-I was lu vcry poor lical for over four ycars; fthc doctor said if was constipation. Nef wanfing tfe spend te mucli cash I get flirce botties of B. B. B. and f ook it regnlarly. I eau cerf ify tbat I am now ln flic vcrv li5st of healtli and feel very, gratefuil te B. B. B. ALED TEIloux, Montreal, Que. NEW IHAVEN. Recent visif ors: Mr. C. Gage and Mr. Wm. Bennett, Oshiawa, and Mr. P. Devýman, teWa. ut Mr. W. Wood's; Mr.. G. Dowucy, tewn. at Mr. MeMihan's; Miss Edith Goode is visiting relatives lu Toronto; Mrs. Briglit, meflier et Mrs. Jennings, home atter>a visit te Ux- bridge.... Erection et a shied ut flic Base Line Sehool flouse No. 3 for flic accommodation et herses is mooted... Base Line Union Sunday sebool purpose holding a Christmas enfertainumeat in flic schîoeilieuse on Wedaesday even- iug, Dcc. 23, program te commence at 7:30, An array of talent is cxpecfed from Bowvmauvilbe and elsewliere. TuE BEST REMEDY FOR CoRs-Is Putnam's Painless Cern Extractor. Rapid, painless, ifs action is a marvel te ail wbo have tried if. Fancy getting rid of painful coras lu twenty-teur bours. "Putnam's" deoes it. MAPLE GROVE. Mr. Wm. Cou is meving bte bis new home reoently pnrcliased frQlm Mr. T. H. Kirkpatrbck. . ..M.. Lewis Gimb- ett'sblesthlorse received a severe kick from anoflier herse receutly and may nef recover. . .. Mr. Noali Pethîck, Port Hope. is visiting his liroflier Mr. Wm, Pet hick,.. ..Mr. Lawrence Wood, Duc- iau's Point, Lake Simcoe, is visiting friends here .... Mrs. Cark Tyler is vis- itiug lier daugliter, Mrs. J. Hyde, Ber- lin ... Mr. Fred. R. Foley kg visiting friends at Milllirook and Peferlioro.... Rev. C. O. Jobuston wili deiver bis famnous lecture "Living Influences" licre Jan. tli and don't yen forget if. Particulars lafer. A genuine ghosf- story bas yct f0 be attesfed; but nef so a genuine lbood purifier. Ove. and over again if bas been proved f bat Ayer's Sargiparlla stands alone among medicines as flie mosf rehiale fouie alterative lu phiar- maey. If stood alone af flic Worbd's Fair. BETHESDA. The Bcfliesda E. L. of C. E. wihh liold a social in fli chclirl on Thursday Dec. 24, (Chiristmas eve) when Mr. Fred. j. Smnahe, M. A.,1 Ph., D., Lecturer on Chemistry iu Toronto Univcrsify, wll deiver a lecture on "The SocialRlg ions, Educational and Poifical Lite of Germanv." Aftter the lecture refrcsh- ments willic escrvcd. Singing by flic League choir. Deers open a t 7 o'cloek lectur-e at 7-30. Tickets 25e; clîdrer 15e. Mr. Smale baving tâken bis post graduate course ut Lcipzic and speni flirce years lu Germany is able te spcal< tram personal observation and experi- ence adli lecture is expcctcd te liE exfrerncly inferesting and insfructive. Tua ,BE5T WAV vo Cunp-Disease hs te esfalish licabth. Pure. rieli lilod means good licafli. Hed's Sarsapar- illa is flic One Truc. Blood Purifier. It toues up flic îholc ysargivc'sappef- if e and strcugotb aad causes wcak-ncss. nerveu.sness;;îd pain,.te disappear. No oflier imedcliie tlias- 'mclia record of wondeTfah cures as Hood's Sarsaparilla. Do flot wait until the last minute To secure your Christmas Presents But select now and have if laid aside. At Rickard's ý ou will flnd A very fine selecion to choose from. Watches, Clocks, Jewellery of every description, Novelties in Sterling Silver in count- less numbers, Silver Plate that is simply Beautiful Knives, Forks and Spoons of reliable make only. Solid Gold Rings and Spectacles in abundance, Eyesiget scientifically fested and no charge made, Satisfaction is Guarranteed. Sewing Machines, 3 flrst-class makes A coýral shop to deal in. Caîl and you will flnd that although iRickard selîs at a low price, His goods are ail flrst-clIass. No better place to choosc a Christ mas present, For cvery article in, the store is suifable. No trouble to show Goods and you eau secure A present from 5 cents upward. T. N. RICRARD,1 ENNISKILLEN. Visifors: Mr. D. Cherry, Janetvilie, at his unele, Mr. D. Cherry's: Mr. H1. Milison, Mr. C. and Miss A. Tamblyn, Orono, guests oi Mr. H. J. Werry; Mrs. llobden late of Toronto a t A. Riggs'; Mr. Aif. Davey, Toronto, at M~r. J. J. Gibson' s; Miss Teskev, Picton, guest of Miss L. Mitchell .... Capital address by Rey. Dr. Lambiy, Brooklu, at Bibleé Society meeting. Wcdncsday nia-hf lu Presbyterian citrch.. New C. ô. C.F. officers: C. C.-N. Byers; V. (ý.-J. Chapman; R. and T.-J. C. Mitchell; M.-J. J. Virtue; Chap.-John Ranfon; Warcen-HI. Pye; G.-W. Berry'; S.- Jos. Bell; Rep. and Trustee-F. Rogers. As WEILL -As EvEu.-DEÂR SRnS,- Affer suffering for. two two years from acute indigestion I tried B. B, B. I took only three, which made me as wcll as ever 1 was. 1 highiy recommend B. B. B. f0 ahl dyspepties. MRs. JOHN WHITE, Austin, Man. COURTICE, Mr. Blake Coartice visited friends in T ' rone lasf wcek, . .. Mi. Samuel Ever- son is at Seaforfh on apple business.,. Ebeliezer E. L. discnss nexf Tuesday: '-Resolved that flic reigu of David was more couducive to God's cause than flic reigu of Solomon"..A confcst is being arrangiýed by the members of Mt. Cars- well Division .... Missionarv quilting bec at Ebenezer on Wednesday.Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Courtice visited Brook- lin friends reccnflv .... Mrs. C. W. Os- borne is spending holidays with friends lu Western Ontario .... Annual meet- ing of D. U. Cheese Co. was hlàl Tues- day. Secretary 's report showed that a large ameunt of business had been doue .dnring the seas@n but the low rate at whieh fthc cheese was manufact- ured leaves tlie compaay with a very small dividend on their invesfment. Four dollars ecd was ahl that the com- pan ' received on an outlay of $140.00. Thus it can lic seen that flic patrons arc having their cheese manufaetnred af less than actual cost. We under stand also that Mr. VanCamp lias sus- tained bis high reput ation as a maker of a first-class cheese for flic expert frade, as lie bas received some verY flat- f ering ftestimonials frcpn different deal- ers t lis summer. Whv is the commit- ftce dclaving bhis re-eng-agement ? The newly appointed officers arc: Presideat -Levi Annis; Secretary-J. Wordca; Treasurer-James Courtice; Execufive Committee-R. Niehols, M. Munday, R. Courtice. Report of S. S. No. 4, Darlingfon, for November. First flirce of cadéi class. Sr. V-A. Annis, Rl. Osborne, (even) G. Wordcn, W. Clatwortliv. Jr. IV-C. Truil, C. Courtice, S. Viason. Sr.IH- G. Blair, F Clatwortliy, B. Clatworthv. Jr. III O 'Worden, C. Found, G.Bligli. Sr. 11-F. Osborne, E. Trahi. Jr. Il- M. Vinson, R. Courtice, L. Blair. Pt.II 1. Pcarcc. I. Wordea, G. Burridge. Sr. Pt. I-F. Burridoee F Vinson, J. Truli. Jr Pt. I-M. rrà,A. Osborac, M. Wordcn. W. W. JIANCOCK, feacher... Miss Fbo. Annis ias rcturned from Demili Ladies' College, St. Catharines. Dr. Fowlcr's Extract of Wiid Straw- berry cures Diarrhoea, Dysentery,, Cramps, Colle, Choiera Morbus, Choiera Inanatunm, and ail looscness of thec bowels N ever fi avel wîfhout if. Price STUDYING ECONOMllY. Imfportanti For The Home. Iunfliese liard fimes tbousands of smart and brigflit womea lu Canada fiud fliat flic Diamond Dyes arc great and important helps lu ecouomizin g, Witli their aid, flic husband, and children and thei mother herself eau lie baud- somely dresscd, aithougli nearly ah tihc clothiug may be old material dyed over. Dîamoud Dyes make sucli lasting and beautiful ecoors that goods dycd with tliem canuot be told from ucw. Any one eau use thema, as flic directions are so plain and simple thaf no skilh is need- cd. The colors of Diamond Dyes neyer grow dira; fhcy neyer fade or wash out. lu order te secure thie bst ada- tages lu dveing, evcry womnau slionld sec thaf ber dealer gives lier fthc "Dia- moud Dves," as other package dycs are only poor imitations. M!othing. 40 samples Men's Ulster&, varions sizes, we divide them into two lots, very best goods, worth $8 to $.îo for......... .- 6o The balance, really nice heavy Ulsters ..... .............. 5.00 Boy's Overcoats, with Capes, all-Wool ... »............ .. .2.50 Mea's Hleavy Tweed Pants, lined i.oo Men's Tweed Smock Coats, lined i,00 Men's Cottonade Coats 500 Up to 1.50 Men's heavy Pea Jackets $3.7 5 tP 5 .00 Come and expeet a Bargain in either Men's and Boy's Suifs and you wilh be satished. Men's Aima Driving Cap, a special ine wortli 400 for,--...,., .... 25C, Boy's heavy Tweed Caps .with turn band, special at...... .. 25c Men's and Boy's Fur Caps, wedge worth $2.50 for .... .........2.00 Blk. Persian Caps, a fulll une from $2.50 f0....................... 6.5o Underwear. Boy's Shirts and Drawers, ahi sizes at special job prices. 'Men's very heavy al W" it Shirts worth 6oc for. .. . .,.. 1 Men's heavy ahi wooh Ribb Shirtsoc worth 40c for ....... .... .... 32C Men's fine îscotch Wool Shirts; and Drawers for........... .. ----50C Gloves anld Mitts.À Men's heavy driving Gauntlett Gloves $1,50 for............ $1.00 Men's fine elastic cuff, Napa Tan, wooi ined, $1.25 for ....... ..75c Men's and Boy's fine wocl lined, chasp fasteners $i. oo for....75c Boots & Shoes Men's fine Boots, extra special, worth $1.50 for,........... $1,00 M en's dong. fine Boots, pat. toe worth $2.25 for .... ...... .. 1.75 Boy's buif Bals, whole fox tip, worth $1.25 for.... ........ 90c Woman's Dong. butf., turu sole worth $2.25 for......... ... 1.25 Womnan's Feit Slippers, worth 75c, 50 Misses' Dong. Bals,worth $î.75,..,.ý 49 Felt Slipper, worth Soc for 35C Neokties Are' always suitable f or Christmas Gifts. You will miss it if you fail f0 see our new Xmas. Stock just arrived. New, neat,nobby 15, 25, 50C. Dry Goods. 10 pieces plain and faney Dress Goods, worth 30C f0 400 a yd., your choice for.. ,_,, -...... 23C 6 pie ces assorted patterns, fine Drress.Goods,worth 50o to 6 oc for 38c Specials in Linen Goods for Xmas Preiientscensisting of Doylies, NaDp kins, Tray Covers, Tea Ciothes, &ê. at very low prices. Sibk Hdks-a grand assortment suit- able for presents. 'Mushin Hdkfs, Embioidered Hdkfs, Linen, plain auid îancy Iiaaifs. A grand cli9play and plenty of bargains, Table Scarfs and Manthe Drapes, hand painfed, and gilt enibroidered on Japanese Sihk fromn $1,25 Up. Frenchi Flannels worth 5 oc for... 25C Furs suitable for presents. Tams, Mitts, Ruffs, Caps, Cohhars, Muifs, Capes, &c., at special price,ý for this sale. Ladies' Coats $4.00 ýqats 'fut. .$2.5Q 94 5.00 ý9 1 .- 3.ï5 6.oo to $7 ..4.qïb Jewelry-Ohristmas Goods. Sterling Book Marks, Piper Knives Glove Buttoners, -'Pockef Combs, Hat Marks, Cont Marks, Letter Seals, Souvenir Speons, Berry Spoons, Caffee Spoons, Cake Forks, Meat Forks, &c. Piclbe Cruet worth $1.2,e for,. Fruit Dish 99 2.25 for.ý- Chuldren's Mugs 75 for. Bread Trays worth 2-75 for.-.. Nickle Tea Spoon 8o for-,; Butter Dish worth 2.25 for.. Opal Rings from $3.oo up. Gent's Cuif Links 25,c up. Ladies' Long Guards $î.oo up. Umbrella Clasps, S erling Sily ials engraved, K35 Many other bines su.Itable for p- may be seen in our complete stock.' A very seasonable and- Leading Feature-Our Grocery Dept. 1 ~Orcorios m: m FRUITS-3 lbs select Raisins for 25e. 4 ibs ehoice new fr- Raisins for 25c. Loose Muscatel Raisins 10c. Fine Bine a, fornia Cluster Raisins at 10c. f5 ibs fine off stock Raisin3 25c. 3 lbs best Ourrants for 25c. 4î lbs select Currants£ 25c. Figs fron' 5c pr. lb up. Lemons, Oranges & alIinds of Nuts at speciaf Iow prices.. Crosse & Blackwell's Pées, Pickles & Sauces at special prie, A wild rose Table Set, reg. $1.50 for $1.00. A one-ha, for r2.0. 67e for lc. Sy p Ju s ikir p eg.$ .00 7efor 1 28e Lamps 30 in higli, brass foot and decorated font and globe. reg. 1 Lamps complete from 15e up. Popper and SaIt Spriîc.,f decorations and nickîs top at just haî .f price.11 f In the Tea qnd Coffee lunch you will have a fair chance to the values of our Teas and Co:Wees and they will be on the bargain The great Climax-THIE CA.NDY COIJNTER.-We eaii t quote ail the prices. But the assortmcnt will be large and thte' below ail competitors. A sample of a choice mixture of fine and Chocolates at 10e. We waut yoî Pgultry, Eggs and Butter. Get yoii dressed Pouîtry in not later than 21st, and on Friday, l8th , if. Watchmaker, Jcweller and Op-. ticlail, Bowmanville. Ont1 SPECIAL (Flot Tea and Coffee served free to ahl eaeh day )j COMElï", EACH ATTRACTIONS . A packaeof Candies free t0 ail buyers of OA TL EACH DAY . -$r co or more on Tbnrsday Dec. 2,4th iYOUVFRIENOS Hulrrah for, the 3argaiinz; ~acalisz t. - 4IB IG- -- Dec. 21, 22, 23 and 24. ±Never before sd'ch a grand Christmas displIr Nover before so thoroughly equipped. Nover before such wonderful values. l $i mm J&Mas 15rosontsa

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