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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1897, p. 1

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j t r ý7RMS :-81.60 PER ANNUM. 0OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; TIM5 WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. UE'W SERLIES. Couch, wîh ilthir friends A îHappy Nw Vear. and te'-% x) th1opotunity of thanking them f or their appreciatiol,,n of ourefot to give them a good dollar's wor/h of goods for a dollar d uring the past year. Go~f, oh~1unuCy ermu A 'Happy New Year. Tk~eeheery eup of Tea. Wb'- t is more cheerful, more deliclous, more refresh- ing than a good cup of tea?9 Drink our Teas and -be Happy. We seli a good Tea at 23c; we seli a better Tea at 35c; we seil a fine Tea at 45c; we sel an extra fine Tea at 5.5c. GRE EN, BLACK, MIXED. Each of these Iinesý are gïood value and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Ful Unes of Groceriesand Crockery. Produce taken as cash. Bowmanvîlle. YOUJNG & CO15 The Grocars. ~V~oney . Saved là 9 is MVorney made. And when intending to buy in the way of Furniture whether littie or. much, you eau save money by dealing withus Prove this for yourself by seeinrtg coods and gçetqtingT our prices. We have a big vaiiet- 'in ail kinids of Fur!-,niture to select from and are alway pleasect to, show our goods. Do flot think of buyingese er before you have seen our goods. See our huceto"IFANCY FURNKITIJRE suitable for Christmas - IU0~VIbLE~ BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRUIDAY, JANIJARY 1, 1897. TYRONE. Miss Wilson, Mr. C. Everett Brown, MViss Brown and MT. Gibsen, assisted most admirably in a musical way in con- nectien with local talent ai fthe E. L. of C. E. concert,Christmas avaning.. .. Mr. J. Cnrts was a recent guest of bis brother, Rev. H. T. ..... .... Mrs. Bor- land, Bowmanville, Mrs. Jessie Hamly, Port Hope, and Miss B. Scott, Toronto, spent Christmas at home with their sis- ter Miss Carnie Scott ... Miss Millie and Mr.- David Stewart, New Park, visitad Tyrone friands before leaving for Mon- taa..... Mrs. and Miss Campbell moved te Haydon this week. Ail are sorry te part with tbem..Congratulations te Mr. A. E. Cleméns, deputy-reeve for 1897. The pepular municipal candi- dates for concillors here are Messrs. Foster and Brownu..Mr. R. A. Philp and faiuîly spent Christmas at bis father 's '.ýhitbY. ... Mr. Levi Skinner's little son Ilarold,has been saverely 111 with inflamu- mation ef the lnngs ... . Latest reports from Mr. Chas. Potter are favorable,tbe fever haviug abated .. . .Don".tfergct the PanapopborÀe Concert in the Sens' Hall, Tyrone, January 6th, 1897. STINGING CORNS.-Next te a stinglig censcience, makes life a misery. The stinging pain of a cern may be speedily and painlessly removcd by the use of Putnam's Painless Cern Extractor. Twentv-four heurs after Putnam's is applied the cern ma~y ha ramoved. NEW HAVEN. Recent visitrs : Mr. E. VanCamp, Brantford, at Mr. Joseph VanCamp s; Mr. Harold Martyn, Welcemei-, at Mr. T. Power's;Messrs. E. and W.Wtherage, North West, at home; Mr. and Mrs. F. Burns andi chilti, tewn, at Mr. S.Wood's; Miss Edua VanCamp home for the holi- days .. .. Miss Vida VanCamp bas gene to Brantford-.. Mr, John Cory and wife have returned to Moorefield. . .. Mr. Win. Dewnay bas moved te ..w.... Mr. H. Mann is snffering from a severa cold .. .. The S. S. of this place helti a Christmas tree eutartainment lu the sebool bouse. The program was a var- led eue, of which the most pleasing feature -,Aas a cradle seng, sung in a very clear voica by MissMcahin It was aise quite a t reat to bear the sweet strains cf Mr'. A. E. McLaug-hlin's violon as hée play eé! with much expres- sion 'Aiuie La i nd "Ye banks and braasO'bnneDoon" accompan- ieti on the rgu b Mr. J. Rice. Mr. Gibson atii tiie- Providence orchestra reiidereti.,ome wlîveýly music, and 'the ebilîdren paprformiet their parts well. it w ould b etrhowevar if, one part of the program 'hati been omitted. T ha boys should be more caraful in their selectioncf dialoguas. loud faces, with bad laîîguage anti vulgar jests freely dispensed were no crediit to the Sunda v School. W. 1-I. éCudney , PrtBuw lOt., ssil "I Awas atilicteti with .Iieuinatismi ant ried ail cuires. I1 ii net get relief un11,41I1trieti Milîco 's Compounti Iron Pisý, and beIore I1lîad imisbed twe boxes I was completeix- cured, and nov feel like a difforent man." Only 25 ets. per box. Amrica's Best Farm iPaper. The magnifiaient Christmas Nu mber cf the Chicago Breeder's Gazette serves te empbasize more strongly than ever the pre-eminence that paper bas gained amon'- alI the periodicals cf its class. The ffoliday Number, witb its beautiful deuble-page eîiravings-oeeof which is prînted on oegaant enameled paper suitable for framing together with its mass cf contributions from men cf dis- tinction, go te makze up, by aIl odds, the finast single number cf any agricultural or live-stock journal aven issued lu the werld.- The regular weekly issues cf The Gazette are a leng way lu advance cf al cf other papers cf its class. Its standing therefore is fully establisheti aven without these beantiful, lwliday editions. Intaresteti parties can finti Ccopies of recent issues, including this Cristmas Number, on filenat this office. The regular single subsaription price ila, $2 paryear, but yenu caný get the papar for a lasasum by subscribing through your local agent or tbrcugh this office. Copies of the Christmas Number can be obtaineti for twenty-flve cents. A cepy cf any regular issue will ha sent free upnapplication to any adtiress. The Gztte is publisheti by the Sautiars Publishino' Cc., 358 Dearbern Street, Chicago, fil. Xm Rai IN suyerest tial and test piave lu regard ta Hood's Sarsalrla r I Bt., reatest Merit' tion, Proporion a aisProcess unnwn te others - Whèh nhturglly and.actually produces 2 d, Createst Cures Shlowni by thenusaads e honest, ' ,voluntary testimonlals -whIeh naturally and actually'3,urodime 2Qd,CGreaZest 6ales; ~A cording ta the statements cfü! druggstsaail over the country. Ithesethre» P6eirts Foe's Sarsapar uular - Uxidttaer ud Fwuiç~r Delerl~ou~,11' Blok,1__ ~ Qnly plI te talas REEVE'S SUPPER. Mil. POLLOCK ENTERTAINS DAR-. LGONCOIJNC1LLORS AND OFFICIALS AT A BANqUE T. Ha;1ib 1oHr!ûnia1 IPaper Writte n "»Y Cerk Windatt. J. T. Pollock, Esq., Reeve cf Darling- ton, 'vlo is about te retira fromn the tovniip municipal arena, gava an cytrsupper Saturday nigbt te bis collague tnheiccouncil anti the towu- sbiîp fcr at Baer's Rlotel, Hamptcn. This lieuse bas for many years justly hii anama cf baing eue cof the best kapt lieuises in Ontaric anti the 'spread' on thsOucasion dit net datract any. thing Irom ithe raputatiou it bas berna. Tha vianda wara servat lu the most tapin tyle, anti everycue prasant semetil to de them justice. A If an, suppalre1rtirat tethe spacieus sitting -reem, whara aach ona prasent vascaet on for a speech. Ail cheen- fî,uy espoeitanti soeatwe heurs vei e --ry pleasantly spant. The eut ira cepuexprasseti regret at Mn. Wm. Craape k-'s absence, hae being taken sut- tauly lîimiimediately affan supper anti biactý telain-e. Semi time previcus te this meeting R. Windatt-, Esq., the raspectat Clark cf thie Mîgoiýicipality,> had praparet a paper giviug th-fie municipal history cf Danlin-- tont' twu -ship since the firat -whita settler set foot ou our shores. Mn. Windatt Iva s ilnable to ha prasent anti the paper wasvcy ably rend by bis dauglitan, Misýs Wýind(att. Everycue present vas tilfd vith if, anti al vere uînnim- eus lunthaîr expressions of esteam and r-espe ict 1errflic venerable vriter. D.B. Simpo, Esltq., anti Dr. J. C. Mitchell, we re La'tte peak, anti bofligentleman îhigly ý- rarsteti anti amusati their Befr ~e iaein brkeup Mn. I. L. Pr1o 'il inoveti ha a ot otthnk hotpdnd Mnr. Wiuda-11t for- the iÉnter- pajr~ fhemotion vas seconteti hy Mn.h. lîittjr., anti unanimouslyr cr itid~it grat eutbusiasm. affen whciatratireti vallplaseti yith tle evei,.it's a ýntertainmeut. Thea;f,,oper rend hy"' Windatt is the folloin Thaefratwvhite settlers of the Town sbip cf Darlingtcn ara saidtoehave beau John Burký, John W. Trall, anti Roger Coniant anti thein familles, vhc lantiet near the imouth eti Barher'aCreak, Pont Darlingfýýoniý , foumthe United States i. thaý yeanti 179P, with a stock of two ccwa, anti a. hese which after crossing the the N ira river bat with great diffi- culty beau in rivan arcuntithea bcat cf laka Oný tanie anti se fan deva its ncnth ar hr.Thein difficulties titi nenti with ýtbeý ir foilsoma jcuruay, the country vasý eue primeval foreat, flic ouiy hum- an inhah litan.ts heing tha savage lut ian wholokt with jealous a.yas upon flua encracliantupon their tennitory. Thair fist îcane v as te ereat shanties to pro t cri-thamsalves from the apprcachiug ivinitar. The lack cf miii accommoda- tion va.salso a great inconvenience as seau as they bat any grain te gninti, the nieaýras-t mill baing sixty miles dis- tant nequiring a twc yacks' teilsome journay 4i a canoe. tTha increase lu p opultiIon vwas nacassanily vary slow. If la saiït that a censuis takan of the tcvnsbiip lu 1829, 85 yaars after flic firat setiemntshowedtheficpopulation te biava in,ýýcaset teonly 118, vitb but oe lieuse njonfli of tl4e main roati. The, aarliacst officiai record that I eau fut o~f1 any M-uicipal arganization la fan fhec year 11,37. A tcwn meeting vas hait on ihae second day cf January cf that year tuia seal lieuse vhere' the Bennett Heuise no stands. At thismetn Icbabadl H. F'anlia, John Jardine anti Banthiolomnev B. Mitchell ware appit- et Conîîu)issioners, Armon B. S,'r Tovnsiýhip Clark, Micitpel Orytkýrman, Assessor anti Collecter, HevenTji Wilson anti thryt others, P anisters, among vbicJh appears thè, uame Càris- tophar Caurtîca, the father of our ne- spactet second Da-puty-Rc3,ev Chla 'Iiffenv-, Rufus Baker and sïxteeln others, Fencee vievers, and H.t S. Raid, Esq., anifsefl othen , ~dapr.The raceipta for s>ait y arwoe MWaitte ha aiîfpcnd,în 1 siligsanifour p)en(e, oantfi te e ud'(tre four pountis niaenshillings, balanýe carniet on, four pounel4s ( our pence. So fthc custedian11s oet the tvs funts in those eani, lytsys kept liin expienditure veill ,t1iî their incLome, an ajxamptle wy hÈ1flic }uccessors bave beau cana- fui te tllîf (l Thahbusiness of the tov-wn sbip vas carnet oun muai the sama výa, organliz 11 t er tbe present Muicýipal Lit 'vtli first council vscomipasat of- ess H. S. Raid, John imsn VOLUME XLIJ. No. L. second deputy reeve. From 1856 te 1866 the council was elected by yards. Fertx--five diff erent 'persons, have been mebers cf the council turing the feorty- seven years cf its existence, lasa than an average of eue ench day. The ara the names in the order in whicl they cama into the council. the time anti the capacity in which they serveti raspeetiveiy : 1850. H. S. Reid, one year as Reeve. Michael Cryderman, eue year as Deputy Reeve. John Simnpson, ene year as Coun- cillor. John Rusk, three years as Coun. ciller. John C. TrulI, oua ye'ar as Coun- ciller. 1851. David Fisher, twe years as Reeve. Anthony Washington, five years as Deputy-Reave. anti two as Ceuncîllor. Matthew Jonesa, ive years as Reeve and two asDepuîy%-Reev-e. 1852. John Washington, oee ar as Deputy-Reava and two asCeuLn- ciller. B. F. Perry, oua year as Daputy- Reeve anti threa as Ceuncillon. 1853. Peter Coleman, oua year a Ceun- ciller. W. H. Rogers, oe year as Dep- 1uty-Reeve and ona asCouncillor. (This year Bowmanville separateti fnomâ the township and banco- forth the tcwnship meetings were bald lu Hampton.) 1854. Robert Beith, oua year as Coun- ciller. 1855. Edward G. Power, ine years as Reeve, cne as Depnty-Reeve, and four as Councillor. John Gray, cne year as Ceun- ciller, 1856. Walter Scott, four years as first Daputy-Reeve, eu'e vaar second Deputy.Reeve and 'aiglît yaars as Councillon. Chas. S. Bates, one year as, Couni- ciller. Reeve, îwoOu asco euty- 1858. Richard Allun, threyears as Councillor. 1859. Ne change. 1860. No change. 1861. William Cornish, three veara as 1Councillor. 1862. Thes. Caun, two vears as Reave, oua as first Deptv-Reeve, oe as second Deputy-Raeve, and tour as Counciller. 1833, William Brown, eue year as Reeve ilie as first Deput y-Reeve and six as Councîllor. 1864. William Windatt, four years as Reeve, four as first Deputy- Reeve, one as second Deputy- Reeve and eighf as Councillor. 1865, No change. 1866. Ne change. 1867. No change. 1868. No change. 1869. Harvey W. Burk, two years aîs Reeve, twe as second Deputy- Reeve and eue year as Coun- cillcr. 1870. Charles W. Smith, thraa yaars as Reeva, two vears as first Dep- uty-Reeve, three yaars as second Deputv-Reeva andi three as Councîllor. 1871. No change. 1872. No change. 1873. No change. 1874. James Sinith, oe year as firat Deputy-Reeve and oe as Cou.- cillor. 1875., William Clemens, oua year as first Deputy-Reeve antioe as Councillor. James Rundle, two years as Reeve tvc years as first Daputy-Reeve one yaar as second IJaputy- Reeve anti five as Conucillor. 1876, William inigham, oe year as second Deputy-Reava and thre as Councillor, I17.No change. 1878. No change. 1879, William H. Laugmaiti, two yaars as Reeva, ona year as first Dap- uty-Reave, twe yaars as second Daputy-Raeva and tva years as Caunciller. 1880. Levi VanCamp, eue year as Reeva, two.yaars as finst Dep- ut.y-Reeva, utwo years as second 12aputy-Reeve antitwo yvears as uncillor. 1881. Daiel Derflrüea e as Coun- 1882. Thes. H. Hiancocli, t wo years as Reeve, twoý vears- as frteuy Reeve, oua yaar as second Dep- utv-Reeva and uaearas 1886. James B. Worden two vears second Deputy-ûeeva and fta years as Ccuncillor. Oco. Avde, tve x'aars as Deputy- Peev,, two yeart second Daputy-Reave anti s cars qasConoîillor. 1887. Nochange. 1888. William Bat tv years a Deputy Reeve"(, ( eey secondDpu-Rvea vears asConiir 1889. Ne cbaîîga. 1890. 1881. 1892. James T. Pollock, two Reeone~ yearias firs', Reave, two yeaLrs aw- I)epotv Reeva, and th, cuucillor. William -Trewiu, one Thornaas scetwc y seccond Feput v-Recv, yasas Counc-ýillon. L. M.Corictw second Daputy-Ree,.x years as Councillor, I 1893, No,,chlangp. 1894 . Albert E. ClemenIs, th 1895. Richard Foster ,vo Councillor. 1896. No chancre. In soe cases whiere 1 havé chatge a transfer of officers ta while the personal of the -vhole remained the saine. R. WJNýDA-TT,' Township Clerk, from 1853 te[ate, 4 er' es'teemis hi,, self strongest. Achilles neyer thought he would turn bis heel to an, enemy, but it was in tbaît unarmeiredlace the fatal arrow was planted.Itinalytrorn in his body tbat a mail thinl,,s ýtrongest,, tbat disease assauits and batters down. Caution a man about neýglecting bis bealtb and mention consumiiption, and be will pound his chest and laugh yen to scern. He does net. realize that con- sumption beats down, tbis defense imper- çepti bly, inchbyb inch. The lungs once attacked the only weapon of defenise is the rigbt remedy. 98 per cent. of ail cases ai' conisum-ptioni are cured by Dr. Pîerce's Goldeni Medical Discovery. It corrects disordered d(iges- tion, invigorates the liver, maks heap - petite hearty and assimilatLion perfect, fils the blood with the eeents that build bealthy flesb and muscle, and drives, all impurities and disease-geoiirfrom tlheý blood. Ail druggists se'! î'.i 111 have used Dr. Pierce's IFavorite Prescription and 'Golden Medical Discovery' in mry fiamily," writes Mrs. G_ A. Conner, of- Alleghan1 Srinas Montgomery Co., Va., -and hvefound ïit o be thie best nmedîcine that 1 ever iused. I have also nsed lois Compouind 1*xtract of Smart -We d., Md'Pleasant ~les' They wilIdo jus-t whatýi they are recommendecd to do." Trhe newly-wedded wife, aboyeaail Othe1 -wonen, needa a good miedicalbuk Dr Piercels Common Sense Medical1 A vser fla sthiawant. It contains ever xooo pagesý and 300 illusftrations. several chapters areý devoted to the physiology of the organs dis.- tisetly feminine.Snd3 sectsam, t0 caver cost of rustoms sundmiinouy to tfie World' s Dispensary Medical Assa-ý ciaticon, Buffalo, N.Y., fe,,r afree copy, paperý covered., If a cloth binding la wanted, senti 50 onecellt atatups, CLUB RATES, 1807. THjý STÂrEsMAN iantiiny neof the fe;llowijg publications aitueuretionedclb rates:- STATESMAN. one old i and one neiiw b.1 ,Weekly Globe ........................._1.50 Montreal Witness. .......... ....... _1.7e Weekly Mail and Empire.. ..... . ....e lFi rm and Fireside ................... .5 Western Advertiser .............. _......7 Tbe Guardian.... ..............2.0ej Ladies' Home Journal,.............>0 Torento Daily Star.......................2 00 Cbristian Herald................... .2.25 Famlily Herald zia nWeekly vStar,w jiihrm15 Farmiug ............... ..........s Farmers' Aioat...............1.81> ]reeders' Gazette........ ......... ..2jd Toronto World....... ..............0 Goey'sMaazie.. .............20 Monsey's..............2 Cosmoolitn....................,f MeCures.....................20 Method , t Mgzie....... ..1. Jxîîzs10, Bwaville, Ontaroo.nsetc / y) LE MOU RRIS, - ýl ou

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