A PERFECT TOILET GEM! Creamof iîtch Hazel. BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 6,1897. MOUNT VERNON. Mrs. William Pascoe is stili very -weak ... . Miss Aima Short visited at Mr. Jas. lleatlie'ý ... . Master Norman Heatlie is 110W attending the B. 11. S.. .Mr. Wm. Trenouth is teachinog at Baker's sehool... .Some forty young T hu -_ _ _ ______ _ _ MIE =_ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _____~~~~~~~~~~ý- ______________________________ -F~ ~ ~' -' ~ ~ L nater n th 8vSefl 18remo'ç' bvr~ t- . ~ .~ J - ej--- F ïi7n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )I& --AT-- Note Everyday Prices, GFrocoz'y Dpme Extra Standard Granulated Sugar IlRedpaths" 22 ibs for $.oe.' Water White Ameriean Coal Oil 20C per Gallon. Canadian Coal Oil 17C per gallon. Ginger Snaps 5 lbs. for 25 cts. Golden Syrnp 1I5c pr. quart. Rice 6,lbs. for 25 cts. New Currants 4-1- lbs for 25 ets. Tapioca 7 lbs. for 25 ts. for 25 ets. Corn, Peas a'nd Tomatoes 4 Cansrinding, 35 cts Pr. lb. Pure Coffe-our own Blend and G Finest quality Baking Soda 5c a IL Two 3 lb Bars Soap for 25C. Salmon in Tins, (Red Fish) i oc pr tin.. Christie's 3 lb Box Soda Biscuits 23 ets a box. Matches 4 Boxes for 25 ets. Crosse & Blackwell's Orange, Lemon and Citron Peels, the finest in the land. 6 ibs. New Figs 25c. Lemnon and Vanilla 5c pr. boule. A speciai Japan and Black Tea at 25c pr. IL A choice lot of Nuts, Raisins, Candies, Orangts and Lemons at Rock Bottom Prices for thc New Year's trade. Having secured the finest quaiity of LIVE STOCK, customers may depend that the Fresh Meat Department will be supplied with the very choicest quality. A full stock of Hardware and Chinaware at prices guaranteed as low as the lowest. Quaiity as gaod as the best. A f ulli une of New and second hand Stoves. Tinsmithing and Repairing promptiy don,-. Satisraction guaranteed in cvery branch, Miss Taylor, Port Hope; Mr. 'John -a ndà Miss Robin's, Hampton; Mr. Jas. Law- rie, Orono .. .. Mr. Ilerb. W. Foley preaehed a verv acceptable sermon on character building to a large congre- gation Sunday afternoon. Wonien with pale, colorless faces, whio feel weak and discouraKed, will receive both mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's iron Pilîs, which are made for the blood, nerves and comi- plexion. ORONO. (Condensed from the News.) Miss Nellie, Rutherford is visitino- friends in Port Hope ...Mrs. C.:r Thompson and son are.visiting relatives ln Cobourg .... Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Mc- Leod are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Win. Seymour, Coîborne . .. .Dr. Jas. Rutherford was re-electedSchoolTrustee ...Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hughson spent Christmas with their daughiter, Mrs. Smith.Cobourg .. .. Mr.J. J-.J ones, Toronto, and daughter, Miss Winnie, Bowmanville,arevisitino' at his brother's Mrs. (Dr.) Beatty, aaughter of Mr. Alfred Truli, Leskard, is seriously iii with typhoid fever. .Messrs. Thos. \Tjnson, Jas. Hallett, Herbert OdeIl and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moat, of Toronto, spent Christmas holidavs here ..,.. Miss Bertha Pope is visiting frîends in Osh- awa...,.Dr. Lobb, Chicago, was guest at Mrs. Wmn. Chapple's Christmas week. .. Mrs. W. J. Stutt is visiting at ber father's, Maple Vale, and at Burketon. ...Mr. A. OdeIl, P.SI , Cobourg, and wife visited Mr. H. H . Odeil. . ..Mr. Orm Walter and bride 'are vîsiting at his father's . ... Mr. Rowland Bell goes to Lindsay to enter the employ of Syl- vester Bros . .. .Rev. D. Prossor, New- market, will preach in the Christian Church Snndav, Jan. 1th, at 3.30 p.m. ... Mr. Jas. (happle, Trinity Medîcal College, Toronto, and Miss Ada and Lillie Arnold, and Misses Minnie Miller and Florence Levann, Toronto, visited at Mrs. Wmn. Chapple's..Family re- union at the home of Mr. Daniel Hall Christmas day, ail the members of the famiiy bein- present. Mr. Alfred G. Moment of S/essrs. Gerard, Duffraiseix & cie., Limoges, France, and Miss Lanra N. Bostwick of New York, are visiting at Mr. R. Moment's ..Miss Minnie È. Hall's ciass in the Methodist Sabbath School presented lier with a handsome jewel case at the residence of bier father, Mr. N. F. Hall ..Mr. Isaac Winter, Whitewater, Man., is visiting relatives and friends here. . .. Executive Board of Christian Conference met here Tuesday when there were present Rev, T. Garbntt, Little Britain, Rev. W. Percy, Stouffvilie, Rev. W. P. Fletcher, B.A., Oshawa; J. N. Dales,M.A., King' ston; E. Lick, Oshawa,, and W. W. Truli ..Prof. John Squair of Toronto University lectured here oçî Rousean t1bc French B-eormer te a fair audience I ev. 0'. A. Mýce, pre,,iCe1.. The, lecture was verv itercstinîg1 Men's heavy Underwear, all-wool, ribbed, 65c lune for- for 50C ; 40C line for 32c. A choice line of Scotch Underwear, ribb shirt and cuff, very special at 49C. A very ýgood assortment of Men's Driving Caps at eut prices, to clear from 25e. Men's Sealette Caps, a great bargain. See our $i lune, a few left for 65c. Men's Driving Gauntlets, reg. $1.50, for this sale only 9C. Men's Neck Tics, made uri and 4 in hanid, 25C ties 15c ic fi C ci oc for 25e Men's Rubberine Collars, ail-sizes and shapes roc or 3 for 25e. Men's Cardigan Jackets, heavy $i.oo goodu will sel for 25c. Men's Far Caps, Persian Lamb,SBeaver, &c.,all at actual cost. Bargains in Collars, Cuffs, Shirts laundried and un- laundried. Bargains in Sox, in cashmere and al wool. Ilats froml 25e Up. Ail Winter Goods mnust go during this sale. Prices eut ,in two. Dress Lengtbs, elegant new goods, reg. r.25 yd for 75c. 49 .4 É dé .oo yd for 6oe. Corresponding, reduetions an other priees. These arc ail new this saason, ony onc dress ofeaeh kind : Pieee Dress Goods 35c ta 5oC for 25C pr. yard. dg 6 6oc to 75c for 40c Not mueh lcft but what we have is the Pu sa best quality. Muifs, Gauntlets, Storm Coliars, Capes and Caps, .all will be saerificed during this sale at the priee of the unmanufactured skins. Besides the above we will have on sale marked at Bargain Priees. Specials in Gloves, Hosiery, Under- wear, Blankets, Shaker Flannel, &c. i lb fin est quality Baking Powder and any of the follow- ing articles: (Granite Tea pot, Coffee Pot, 5 quart Kettie, 3 Pie Plates) for 43c. 2 three lb. Bars Soap? for 25c. Six 12 oz Bars No. r Soap for 25c. 14 Bars Electrie Soap for 25c. 5 lbs good Raisins, for 25c. 4 lbs Currants for 25C. Canadian Coal Oil 17c. American Coal Ou 2oc. EoOtS aid. 8ooei Men's heavy Top Boots reg. $2.5o, for this sale $1.70, ecOi Grain Waterproof Top Bc-jt)s, size 6 only,1 reg. $3.50, now only $2.7o. Men's Buif Bals, tip, a good line at $î .5o, flow only q99 44Dong. Bals, pat toc, tip, a good line at $2.5o, te clear now only $1.70. Boy's Dong. Bals,pt. toe, fip, xeg. value $i.6o, now $. Boy's fine Boot, ip, a nice boot at $i.2-o, what is left of them fox 95c. Boy's fancy Slîppers, reg. line at 900, for this sale at 65e Woman's 2 Button Kid Oxford, lip, (a new idea very choice) Worth $1.75 for $î.4o. Woman's Dong. Buttoned, turn sole, only a few left, Worth $2.25, ta clear at $1.25;. Woman's Glove Grain Bals or Buttbned, a good strong boot Worth $i.3o, for this sale $î.io. Woman's Carpet Slippers, hice sewed goods, well worth 35c, for this sale 25c. Woman's Felt Slippers, a special varm line, well Worth~ 6oc., to clear only 40c. Misses' Dong. Butt., well made, strong wearers, were ,$i.6o, to clear only $i.io. Misses' Glove Grain, Bals or Bttt., a good seller at $1.25, for this sale only 99c. Misses' heavy Sehool Boots, strong goods Worth $r.oo, 1 for this sale now 70e. Misses' Dong. Oxford, pat. tip, ieg. line Worth r2 for this sale now 990. Children's FeIt Buttoned, lined, a lice Une wî i 475e. now for 55c. Ghildren's Kid Butt. iined, madî by G. Winn,' reg,. goods at 75c, now for 55c,. Just consider Winter Goods at Haif Price and that the winter is practicaJy yet to corne. We have three very important reasons why we wish you to do your business with us durig this Great l3argain Week. ist. We want to dispose of âI the goods we possibly can to facilitate Stock-Taking (vhich is aiways a big, job). 2nd. we want a comparitively leisureable two weeks immediately afterwaÈds to take stoci. 3rô. We want a thoroughiy successful sale to be a forerunner of stili greater events and to introduce our fine tock and convenjent premises to at least 500 new custorners. Remember we will be able to supply (positively frecof any charge) Shýed and Stable Accommodaton for at least 5o rigs each day with our man to look after them and top givevrour hû)rs.V Hay and water free. Corne as early in the week as yoa can and get here as early in the day a.s possible; this will enabie us to, gie ail comfortable and proper attendance. Hurrah! Hurrah for this great 6 Day 0argain CarnivaI (Feast) at I Dowmanvîllo'o arcat Do;oztmontal stor-on