TERT 3.0PER A.Num. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THfE WOnI)t AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Eclitor and Proprietor- NÉ-W SErngS. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUTARY 13, 1897. VOLUME XLIII. No. 3. Pre tock Taking Sale. take stock in February and for the next few weeks wiil give in ail kinds of Wl nter Goods....*0 & Laýdies' Fur COapes ail ki.nds at cost and a lot of Dress Goods at and under cost. ~ûthe balance of our Ladies' Coats, all new this season, at about and Misses' haît priCE. 1 An Open Letter.* To R. R. Loscombe, Esq., Mayor of Bowmanvîlle. MEMO FReodTREASURERs'5REPORT. FEI.rnJARY 20-R. lt. Loscombe, expenses te Ottawa, rSO. As $15 would cover ail necessary expenses, what about the ether $15 of the people's moliey? .MAY p2 H. H. Loseombe, insurance on town property,$55510; JUNE 17 insurance 141.25. This business is contrary to the spirit of the Statute. Aua-Gsr 5-H. R. Loscombe, expense to'Port Hope. $11. Pare $1.10; dinner 50c.; cabs boc; Sundries 9oe. Total $S. Whaï about the other týS.00? APRiL -97-J. Lyle's expenises te Toronto was $3. Why the differenct? JUNE 12 Jo'hn Lyie, incidentais, Q35. This a'c't. was flot presented te the Concil, reported hav byrh tbe ince owmit ee, cr deedo pISb the Council. Eeiiug ctizens' mo)ey tbey bav a igh t knw bw v ws epenedcedbowebained from the trecsury. Mayor Les- combe will please expicin. MOUNT VERNON. Visitors: Mr, John', Gýregory, North Dakota, at Mr. Eber Millsoni's; Mr. Chas. Pascoe has returned to Gait... M'r. James IIeattie, sr., is sick ..Mrs. Chas. Pascoe is impreving .. .. Revival [services have commenced iu the choir. THE WHOLE STOTY-Of the great sales attained and great cures accom- plished by iHood's Sarsaparilla is quickly told. It purifies and enfiches the blood, toues the stomach and gives strength and vigor. Disease cannot enter the systein fortified by the rich, red blood which cornes by taking H1ood's Sarsa- parilla. llood's ' ills cure inausea,- sick head- ache, indigestion, biliousruess. Ail druggists. 2.5c. ENINISKILLEN. Visito.-sý Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harris, Gorrie, spending honeymoon at her sister's,' Mrs. Wm. Men .tgomnery; Mrs. Remmer, Pickering, Miss Dunbar, To- ronto, Mrs. F. Rogers and f amily, Whitbv, were ?,uests at Mr. F. Rogers, New 'ýears; -Mr. W. and Miss Stevens, Maple Grove; Mr. and Mrs. R. Jno. Davey, Whitbv, guests of Dr. Mitchell ... Mr. W. W. Noble, Toronto, has firmly grasped the reins of geverment at our Public $chool. 11e has made a favorable impression so far .... We are sorry to lose from our village Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Stevens and family. Mr. Stevens bas sold out bis business to Mr. Wesley Wotton of Markham. Mr. Stevens goes on the road as traveller fralrewall papes' flrm. Mrs. Stev- en nd family vill reside in Bowman- ville. Mr. Wotton intends running a general store here.. .. There was a cap- ital program furnîshed to a good pro- grain furnished te a good house at the 1-'rsbyterian soiree New Y cars Day. Excellent speeches hy Beys. Messrs. McLaren, Columbus, and Rorke. Well rendered recitaticas were given by Miss Mackiev and Miss White, Oshawa, iaterspersed with clice selections, solos, duets, quartets, etc., by the members of the Oshawa Preshyterian choir, the singing of Miss Pairks, Mrs. Parks, Mrs. H-icks and Mr. Adams he- iag especially adrnired. The orgaaist is a gooci eue. Rev. Mr. Phialen pre- sided and gave an address at the close. This choir intends giving a concert here in February. men ever whom yen preside. Hew stands the case? De thev exemplify the practical wisdem of the '1cbildren cf ligbt ?", Are net about 60 per cent cf them alllicted with moral colos'-blind- nete ? De yen aud they manifest sim- lIas' calculatîng aud prudesitiai wisdcm? Let -us examine the public accounts fer an answer. An evidence cfelerblind- ness ? We submit that in. a sense the tcwn council is anp aggregatiou et "children ef light" and has ifs charac- teristie iuterests, houer and integritp te maintain jnst as the s'ailread corpor- ation bas. Now, Si', what are these in- terests? Paul said, "Speak thon the tbings which become sound doctrine" aud again, "Show thyseif a pattern cf g ced werkis," and"Keep thyseif pure. " ln like mannes the essential intcrests ef this corporation lie in its maintenance ef sound doctrine, good werks and its ,pns'eess. These are as vital ia tem- poral affairs as they were te Pani 's mind in spiritual matters. Without them pyons service as public servants fails ef its purpese. It is net a question ef sentiment, it is a questicon of survival. Now ail tbrough the Statue danger sig- nais have been placed te warn off cer- tain selflsh individuals; as red light sig nalliug danger bave tbey been set agaînst certain deeds and practices,1 whîcb if indulged wil certainly sully their purivp. dests'ey theis' efficieucv, try their houestv, and mas' their good works, Ecouâomy is a misueme- wberei sncb practices' are allowed. Lest theÏ similie be net understood, te be plain1 ne member of yous' council should be1 allowed te traffie lu bis own wares fer1 corporation supplies or appropriate te NEW HAVEN. (Beceived foo lrn'p for lasf week.) The Christmnas cntertainmcent bere on the 28rd, inst. was a grand success as far as excellence of programme and proceeds are concerned. At an early hour the residents with their delighted children crowdcd te the schoolroom, followed by crowds fromn outside. The small room was pack1ecl pet the people listeued attentively te thie lengthy pro- gram. The cbildren recited distinctly and well. Those from a distance who> took part were, Mrs, Cee. Pearce, Miss Oke, M.rs. R.E. Osborne, Miss Littlejohns, Misses Anuis, Mr'. Rundie and Ms'. Gîb- son from Ebenezer; Misses McLauo.lin and Ridley and Messrs. McLaughý1in, McDonald and Worden from Bowman- ville ; a-ad the Providence orchestra. We thauk those wbo so heas'tily and cfficiently took part in helping up. Pro- ceeds $23 School re-odened on Monday with an increase la attendance.,..Mas- ter Howard Foley won the prize for best specimen of writing and Master Roy TruIl the prize for most improvement ia NýjYiting duriag last term. The fol- lowing were the successful candidates at recent examinations - Jr. IV. te Sr. IV. Bertha VanCamp, limer VanCamp, Fie. Jennings, Mabel TruIl and Leslie Guy. l'rom Jr. III. te Sr. 111. Sybil Truil, Sidney Rundle. Sr. IL. te Jy. III Ida Jennings, Irene Langmaid, Rîsie Grills and W. Clarke. . .. Miss Vida Van- [Camp bas been visiting ber father in Brantford. . .. Mr, and Mrs. H. J. Power have returned from Brampton-cengrat- ulatios ..Visitors-Mr. C. B. Power, Cartwright, Mt'. D. Pollard and Mr. C. Fallis, Oshawa, at Mr. Thos. Power's; Mrs. Griffin, Oshawa at Mr Thes, Van- Cavup's; Mr'. Bartlett, Cartwright, at Mr'. Wood's; Mr. Perkins at Mr. D. Moffatt's. . .. Mr. W. Corey has returned from Moorfield .... Ms'. and Mrs. John Clarke and family spent New Year at his brether's, Mr'. David Clarke. EDIroR JAmEs.--Yens'correspondent must have been very fos'getful or pur- posely omitted names of eus' best friends fremUEenezer whe have always been ready and willing te help our Sabbath seheol with theIr moneyaud talent. The officers of the Sýabbath chool felt ves'y much burt when they rend the report. It was net donc by the Scheci. Who the correspondent is or wby it was don& we are at a loss te know. lloping the friends fs'om Ebenezer will accept this explanation and net feel off euded with Sut -You have been elected for the 7th term, therefore should be a model publiceofficial. A, the executive head cf the municip'n.lliy of the Town of Bow- mnanville, I tauý,e the liberty of address- iag this letter te yen iii the hope that .yen wlll treat it ia such a manner as its importance demnauds. Ia the eas'ly davs of the Christian era, the difference between the practical wisdom of the world and that of the "'chîlds'en of the lightý was sufflciently marked te invite the comrparison: The childreu ef this world are wises' in theis' generatien than the childreu of light. Many of our citizens are confessedly ignorant ef the unique metheds that characterize pour system of municipal goverument. We are in the dark and appeal te yen for more light-not electrie, liglit-but something te illumine oiir benighted intellects. Yen are a wise man; heark- en te eus' appeal. Granted that the wisdem which yen pessess is prudential or' advîsory-diseretiouary, if you please -and characterized by sagacity and1 forestgt; therefere we ask, should net1 evervting in public business bc made te enform te well defined business pria- ciples, coastitutional enactments and statutery prohibitions ? Whateveri couflicts'or is doncecontrary te thesei geves'ning regulatiens sheuld on dis- cevery or expesure becs'emedied at the eas'liest opportunit *y. Business, mark yen, as uaderstood by legal gentlemen ef whom yen shine as a patriarch ia this community, is rigid, celd, calculat-, ing and stripped of sentiment. Thus it miust ever be teapreserve its ewu lu-i herent qualitles. 'ake by way cf apt ilstration te emphasize this idea the