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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1897, p. 2

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ITisf actis there are few accepteti The anadan Satesfi a î3oundaries for parts of tisa world con,, ____ idéed in a geoigraphicai insteati of a WEDNES13AY, J1AN. I, IS97 political sense. What is the geographie- _____________al, thea so-called natural, division be- tween Europe andi Asia in thea south- NOTES .ANýD COMMENT S. east ÔOaa famous authority says, t is thE; Manytsch depression nortis of the Oea f tse mat otieabl chnge Caucasus; anotbs'r, that t is the line fol- in tise fereign situaýtion within recent ". ~ ts ra o h anCuau montis tlins been the 6steady improve- l rsin.the crestaf:th, ns iat + a ha CURE soutiseýrn bountiary of Trans-Caue-asia; andth-t-s latest edition of "Bevoikerung der Ertia," which das with the mat- Cbang anti a few others are opposed by the whoe reaactionary literary anti officiai. class whoeainfluence and nosi- tien bas thus far been usàd fo block ail progres Lnthe empire. As the lai. ter were strong enougis to secure bis detail as ambassador, it was nearly cer- tain tisat they would succeeatinL keeping hlm in the backgroundi on bis return, thougis neither bis frienti andi9,11y, the dowager empress, for Li himself is like- ly to submit quietly te bis retîroment Two of bis supporters have been given important missions, and a thirti placed at the beati of a ýnew bureau of railway LIBAT YIAUFATLJINGSOHME which would you r=ther CÎRET MAUFATURIG SCEMEtrust ? An old, tr-ue fric ni of' ON THE ST. LAWRENCE. twcnty y cars, or a strarrigcr Caffitalists [Fo1rn C.1 litby WIileh They You, may have littie hLe&lh. Cai erur atju#Heue t)e 'OrIetfW l you hs itvia A New York correspondent writes:, a straflcr ? I ouJia-V -A scharne bas been f- 1 the deve:opment of from one hundreti 9 thotIsanto etwo hundred thousandi herse wcalc and pale, if cons uinip- powP-r by tlie construction of a canaà'to tac o n h îe etreorussebepa~cu."~--"-' Varies t rom fîve te eig'Unt,&&ccrUIng to iu5,l scaoce ulu5 -' c atr i Le purpose (Jf supply- tan, anti aise upoilieasuras of coer-' rdifferant writers.î Perbapa in onty one cleor the strong hold RusaLa bas gained issg andi transmitting eetua roie cion against hlm ;ahouit ha refuse wltb- respect is titis a mtter of mach import.- in that quarter tisrougbh ber intarven- Power as they rnay sec fit. This oct in a fixDed pariodt t put it into executien n ý ri-, a writer or speaker refers tien in bebalf of China in the lai. Ot'acted littie attention at the tlime, stould net prove correct. fThe dtails te a regien, t is highly dasiraisie te war and ber guaranteea of the first but a carefu'I perusal shows it te bave of the agreement are net given, but know how m.ucb of tisa earth's surface Chinesa boan, anti tho enétent te whicb a very wide scepe. iis unde-stood that tise intergrity Of lie includes under tise nome. she willi drect the ceurse ef Chiriesa Tise charter permuta tise company te Turka-y fis te Le maintainet, tiasaub- pregress. Under the onvention Rus- acqiettet ad Ycnent stantial guarantees ef goti govern- Untiî a baif century aga there was sia is given the righ te build and Op- preceetiings, with tbe waters, casements, ment for all the races initise empire are munis' cofusion in booeks and atiases erate connections from baer Trans Si- or rights tiserein. Th,ýy rnay as ne te e dmanai, ati hatth reerm îvthregard te the, nanses anti extent beriae railroad tisrough Mancburia te upon and use the greued Or soili ntier wil beappieduner isejoit upe- e tie'varions 0oeans. Tise Royal Geo- 'Vladivostok, andti te etnits aaysrehgxarai aia ad vson es pou ers. Tise consent of graphical Society et London appoint-i frons thence -te Port Arthur, tissgiv- oripulici ground, xti t.Lwec . - ,,~.-.- .inin s!t. îia-wrence C;oiuam.y, A-trisa adîayIuUevv poeai intervention has, t La said, b een oskud, anti as the latter ýhos pletigeti ber support antiGermany tieclareti ber pur- pose te reînain ceutral, it las improbable tisat AustËria %vill encourage the sul- tan te resibo tanoe by any promise of aid. Siseuit shé, net, the fleets ol the ne-w allies wili enter the Dardanelles anti tisa Beapheruns if necessary te enforce their demando, and t i,sl saiti, orders have already heen issueti te their Meti- iterranean anti i3iaok sea squadrons te assemble for tisis purpose. While t is axpactedthtia tie sultan wiii saismit at once, the possbiiity that be may net, andti tis.thea whiola Easternl questioni rnay ise epenietiup anew in a more ag- gravateti torra, 'bas doubtics h een cara- fuliy consitiereti in the arrangement anti provided against. Tisai the existence et the agreement may be confirmeti hy prompt action wil be the earcest wisb of tbe Christian world, thongis if t bas been reacheti, it bas oely been after patient negotia- tiens anti a consitierable tieparture on the part ofeanci of tbe shreea pewera from its traditional foreigu policy. Tisai of Russia, bas bean te secure the gr'atar part of tise Ott'oman empire for ierseif, anti te tisat endi ber plan bas been te tartber its disintegration by refusing te permit any action on thse part of Europe wbicb migbt tend te rehabilitate t. British poiicy,,on the other bacti, bas been to maintain tise intiepandecce anti integrity etofnrkey as a iarrier against Russian aggres- sien, anti by keeping theiiardanielles closeti, to blocks tiseectranca 'if the Ruas- sian Blacks sea finitinto thse IMediter- ranean. Whýile Franc e, as the larg st boîtier of Turkish bonds, bas, witb Eeg- land, desireti te maiintain the. integrity etç) Trrkey, tbe, evacuation of Egypt bans -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.t..s .i) arer porrti ;eaas and us uu.muauuc J'Y Yco c aie ee 15 s "-"v~','--a-y- -, ""r thec mottera anti thp conclusions reached by s te extenti bar axisting roati iTem fi cd, and naY' change the location-et tise commutta", witb soe modifications,1 Shanhalquan ,» Port Artbur, se cern- surface grades of any srebgwy were 'generally accepteti anti bave prer- pleting the comma, rcial Pc" h betwcan tbe or roati, anti sncb rigbt shaâl be con- ai! advantag ous. Thera la mueb lasso-tise empires. Russia is alsno given the" tinuGus for sncb purpose, inclnding the confusone witis regard te tb"ý names anti1 right te proteot ber Uns passiug re-aying, repairing, altering, or ex- extent of lanti surfaces, but such as ex- through Cbinesce territory hy lber ewn teîs1ding ts works, prevideti that suit- lis la net likely te ha remedieti unlesa treeps, La permitte t t open anti operaîe able bridges ho maintaineti anti the sur- oe f tise r,,ats ketaiab o ue soeauatisoritativa tribunal taises the mines along ibeir routes, anti in the ,c tavl Sverl teriionb- mattar in boand anti the reat of the avent ef -war, ýte bas,, a port inutt11-tiseechapËer, wbich is Cisapter 484, iveritiaccepta ts decîsions. province of Shantung as a naval and! Tisfc1rporashoexitenoc et tis e rn coaling station. China is aise te rapair pThy e flfrt yexrstecftecm News froni the Philippines, Lisucgb 1I1the fortifications ai. Port Arthur antiTisose iuteresteti have acquredtheis meagre leaves ne dfflbt o et iap iTali nPvandt teleasa tb"m te Rus- IÏ antis necessary for tiesecharne, andi in- inicase ef satiten uer, ant iRussia ut.esAsl ath'pIonwil anhihe tia ewners epreat et tise insurrection ibrouitheut is le tur, te wurnih miiary ofictrete gnerar theisllantis. The inssrgents numiber ' -atrt trihmltr ffcr ognrt probatîiy 100,009, anti Ifsau cuecircleti the tOo drllCina's Maneisurian troù, , iMORE 'HORSE IIOWER capital &îty of Manita and ti ia arber,, requesieti te de se. Tise effeot of the tisan con ha doîîp with the present tue- anti control tisa rural districts, Spain, treaty la te put Manchuria anti tisa nia t Nilagara Flls, viehae millions ef appaenty hldig oly e mch îautng enisul aniara Rssia Ido' lara bava beau spant, ih will reatiiiy appaenty, oldig oly e muh Lautng eninulaundr 'a Rui hobeseean tisai.the acharna is a gigantic groucti as is occ aplat by ber tros. Re- protectorate, ant i t iv LI tiubtîas ene. inforcemanis te tisa numiser et 25,000 ho tolowed hy another parmiiiting Rua- fi. la understotihat Eng-isis capital men re ofncîîlysîxtti t ha e iiasto texetend a hranb of ber Su lin as been intaresteti iitin the posi.few men re fficall 8baed e beon he oad iretly o Pkin nd h--ne 'ewveks, anti that tise raquesi for po-wer way te the-islan la, but Gennrai Polav- rtheba diramdeotly hl xcdth ieia, tisa now goernor, bnsake! for the, te also give bar tlicpacity. As tise cempany isas ac- mer, oi ng iontisa et nî tepro -the isulk etftisa Chlneýsa tra de. iSuch san Iui etinarly ouatiseusanti eigbt ban- tenionofRusias pwermaks hedrati.acres et antiin tise neigihorbooti, sent neetis in le Philippines, but te the exteso tRsit' o rmrs tis hie chances ara that tiseiseratofore quiet danger of a revoit ini tis- Carolinas aud greatesi ativancc sh-a has matie in Nor- 'tOwe Of Massena wi,l sbertly sea a boom the3 Mariannes andtihie tear et troube thern Asîa in two geaeraioaa3, but was 'ihicis wirl attraci as witiaspread atte'n- itis Japaîs FTie latter ra hy no e s inavitabla f rom tha moment as inter- tien as those et -Buttab'o, Dapew, anti Ni- agora IPan ava wîtiin the ba.taw imagiýnary, tifiîite proof et J2pa n's 12-teret inLeChina'a bhaah. years. __________________Tisa bcaity is on tise unes et the aire tetomainnt troublesinetise islandts A IRRILLIN1:i- Fit TL RE. New Yenk Central, anti Grand Trunis w itis a viaw te tiseir acquisition, as .ah" That Canadian çntriatism crin lie ne- ta toreats et Cnadaa nt l i heasyAdiron- bas alreidy ai quirati Formosa. bas iug. lied ai yrte znapport t'hois" Whlasea -tiacksa. Tise ceuntryislapeculiarly adi- t is si!, bacc obtaineti. A Jipanasa forts are dinaîtadti tus sirrîng np apteti for a plan et this sort. Ts wer.ship bas arrivai at Manila for Lis, et memorîcsofetour glorions pasi sud GasrvrissThSucel ieAie- protection et Japanese residants, omefrtienag cntttCl icstcoka, anti empties into tisaSr,. Lawrence - ressible te ns, is preqvîn by tise suc-tome ao h ee n tîn anti munitions etfiwax have, itif Laiul leg"d s pÉ -lsbeO h ov n fLn bee supliti is suurgntstrt ~ ces et s publication chat for i b" pasi Sut Island. seven miles belowMs toc~eas ha ben rai ngint ts saa. Its course for several miles above pan, anti otticers efthtie Japanese ar'tcmy goci! groces et Canatiia's. Toronto ita menthis l suhstetîa,'Iy parailel wiitis areperuta! t tase ommndain iseSaturtiay Nigisi bas always i'sued by tisai. ettisa St. Lawrance. anti on-Ly frosu anreprectionary taecm.aTisais LeCiristmas INUmh'r litil" iseraltist h irea te four mlsdsatsuiel insurectinary forcs. Tere s notise press, aiveriti. es oly hY its maias, from t. m cloub.tishai Japon bas a strong tiasîre1 anti acceptabl" toe airycone bacause et At tise Point Lsera tisa in'et l e lise te poss-.a tise isiautis, feeling acuteiy itsweii-told sbills anti prettily made, canal viii bea de in tise seutisann bonis tiseo nec w tni lands for tish y~i;Peshrd cr ua!et us- St. Lavwrence. about savon-eigbtbs Jerain 'Lsple eta mlebel sw tise ieati of Long Sanit Overnpi noe a population ieîeming toc asinsabat fer tise past t i.vsOvet' si i PJ&aet, tiese.urtaae et the St. Lawrence tianse for is"r ewn empire te ,aumpt, bs ~exceled ai pevou ateï ha b 'SCOTTr BOV u lIevïhle. 0Oai. F 1 R-I-PAN-S The miodern stand- ardi Familv MXcd1 cine: Cures the common every-day - jus of humanity. fiL1 ail ds ,u teBod cia I Nerves Rh u. kJ mat sur -a- itilPain. FeP e0m ale liegulator, Blood io.Laee boxs,5.;Pu'l sanîpl',bx,3c ruo rH. ac MeeC...Boki1.~ A CLOSE SHAVE A TALIK WITI- THE MAN WHO EX. PE1ZIENCED IT. People really do net know how often the angel of death hovers over tbem. Mr. R. P. Watkins, 173 BPy st., is a barber by trade, andi gave eut reprosentative this short bistory of his escape fromn the dis- orde-r uhich was rapidly carrying him to bis grave. Mr. Watkins is -- slilf ùl and experienced man, andi is now cniabled to exerc'se bis skill from morriir- tili niglit, where before ha was unable te rogularly follow his cbosenr calling. This is Mr. WalLons' story as related b; himcof. "For over threc years 1 have been troubleti with uhat the doctors saiti waa- Bright's Diacaso, vwas re'ting rapidly werae, andi could scarcely attend te my businc;,s. lily ank-lcs wero swollen, the pain and hieat in my back were alrnost unbearable, the urine wa.s cf a dark wine celer, and it uset t dribble away continu- allv. I liad t trise )or(1V 10tirries r nghtoi iý UIIaý ý_1jLiui ZLI IIVaýGI. anoe" ati Yelbcaursse în bell4argne ea nairruOtat ne rana u"-" ----'-r,--uiitýb - - - -5- h e ou n opne; fwiht-soe otk datg fte e KERY ATSN C question, but fauai! te attain any con- antfae thlyeis reactiecary dîa, a ye'tn, eacis pair costing but Ss 6ti s nwjasaacmana,01vne ie sea eta uaug riani ATN & Ci ,ie hee i atraiton n heEngiiis$0,0,00rapresentsisraw arias andti iai. tollovs, they say pratty regnlarly ib*lusion, anti cnsisba arvt itise prohabiliîy l isai. ucny refrah Ryl(mdy~ by ma eristilleries, 880,000,000 cycling, anti $26,,1 atten iisee big breakers. -taae's-~-~ ~-~~-a'----..----sînce, tbiotigistisa g5'sitt society with mal s ugtst wil haoi'rrl5lei, andt blt tise Highsland costumneuntil tise Queen $ 00,00etora Ltpr'ctinoftal w us rachs a al beleting olnisha s orus~inecopl"tiysi'e'i. deema propte ete cag. shipbuidieg yardis waa 1,316,906 tons, or Vacnainha ut beintrotnsd in uts memorialte tise Lontion Con- Ristiefaat mars a, sto<p in tise coiite, ýAanti reminsencas of'tise past, the 1 tn8be8ts9bs.povesyar ieHo.T . oadbas accepted e in jeAfghanistasn, bylto5,00totiseininitaintivica heEnlietot MisHaitn, bu egibpsyiingicstisat "we considar ih a matter etf- oes <nulroi etftiseempa-rer in l ih sQueen kees a broocis whicb once lie- ,.rlcpct anhddly eis who l amle toedance ugonhe Ameec tian y inLaoling im.,taoc- -, .. lngati te Rober. Bruce et Scotianti. caryncaoiyancendu.tresn iii i y i -a ment in the *elaiens ofEt Iiugafl France azd Rusia. t lbas been indi- oated by many thiings, notably by thse di.minished hotiity of tise French press Ache they ivould ha almost priceeeî to thte who sufer frorn tis distressleg complaisît4 but fortnately treir geodness doesa noend ise. ,and those w ho once try them ivi lEn îtse ns huis pilla raluableis n5many witys tbat etey xsu t e % viing te, do witiseut tbsm. But aller ail sick bead le the bane et se massy ives tiai bere Io wbert va maire cm' grent bost. Our pills cure Il vIiie othera do net. CÀatsLILEs.nnLmn aPruiare vsry sala an! very tasy te take:. One or two pirla nmki mot gripA5 or purge, bet hy tiseir gente action Êlease al sho use tiso. n. L salsata 25 ceetr; ve fer $1. Soi! sverywbere, or sent by mail. OÂlTEZ MEDICZIE 00., lew York. FOR TWENT-,SIX YEARS. THECOOKSBEST FRIENO LAsOIEsT SALE IN CANADA. ONTARIO BANK 0e1ntinnes te do a General Bankusg Business Bowinanville .gency. DE1>OSITS MéeeIvEld In Savin go Bank Department an! on Col lan Ô nteregt allowed aterrent rates No Dotice ofwitbdrawal noessary. Ail deposits payable on demianti EXCHANGE Bî1ughtand sol! and Draftesoused lapon EnropO unîted States an! Canada,aiao Gold,Sllyerantl VnitltSates Green baebouzhtand Bl!, COLLECTIONS Pr)mptiy madeaet ourrent rates upon ail part of (4rasa Brittaits, the United Statee and thse Do nevia oflCanada. Telegrapli Traîisfei's Made for large or suaili sors on ail part 011 Canada. This st especially advassùageous te persone lvinîg in 'aniloba or the Norihwest, itusakea tire tends availoble at once ai tise place of payosent. Otlerporiculars ca t ttie boul. X1. L. FORTT, i 0. Me GIIIL, âçceoutant, Manager., ýt -t

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