te '~- lh OI C 0 I tII IJC Ii. lbcÏ ICCllm 9IN smo00. ~1h t aadait» toiw BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 13, 1897, Local and Otherwise. M. A. James, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Bowmanvllie. Window shades and curtain poies at ail prices at L. Morris'. Furniture in ail newest designis and iowest prices at L. Morris. Speciai watches for C.. P. R. men. Rickard seils them below the usual figure. Men and boys' overcoats seling off at reduced prices at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Miss Armour, teacher of Piano,Organ and Singing, wil iresume instructions at her residence, Ontario St., and at the schoois on Monday, Jan. 4th, 1897. Markets same as iast week. Good Sewinoe Machine at Rickard's for $20.00. Cati i Messrs. J. Moorcraft andS. S. Edsall are the new town auditors. Mr. D- B. Simpson has been reap- pointed Iligh School trustee. Ladies' and Misses' coats sefling off at about hait price, ail new goods, at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Nothing more appropriate than a nce piece of Furniture for a hristmas gift-big variety at L. Morris', Bow. Now is your chance to tget a new cape cheap, Couch, Johnston & Cryder- man are selling theirs off at vxaotiy cost prîce. Oshawa Amateur Minstrels will per- form in the Music Hall there Friday night. Rare fun lu store. Some Bow- manvilie citizens are going. Mr. Henry Polland has had a peculi- arly bad streak of luck having lost another horse, this hein_- the third horse PEIRSONAL. We invite ail our readers to contribute to this column arrivai and departure of guests, move ments of weflknown people, business men etc Send a postai card to THEz STATESMAN, drop a note iu our office letter box or ring up phone 52. 3fis I ilda Logan is visiting her cousin at Lindsay. Prcmnicr Greenaway was i Toronto last ireelz on business. Mrs. Wm.Flshleigh,London, is visiting at Mr. Win. Fishieigh's. Miss Herdman, Toronto, bas been guest of Miss LoiSse Hauson. Hon, W. Harty, Kingston, will resume duty before Legisiature meets. Miss Jessie Alexander is reciting te large aud- iences lu Pennsylvania. R1ev. T. W. Jolliffe, Coiborne, preached auni- versary sermons at Canopbelford, Sunday. Mr. Edward Carswell, Oshawa, bas been de- liverir.g a series of tenoperance lectures te Tor-. outo audiences. Mr. and Mrs. John SmaIe, Necpawa , Man., a p visitlug Ms sister, Mrs. John L. Perkin, and ether old friends bei-e. Dr. Sylvester's residenee, 5,58 Churcb street, Toronto, was set on fire by a child playing witb matches. Damages, $560. The First of those M~onthly Competitioos vi1 ee mee Jauiry Ist, 18z-, and will be contrnv 'ac h menti t durhg ,89. As Fol Iaws 119 Firet Prizes, $100 Stearns' Bicycle, ..$1,000.9 2 Second 't $25 oWi Watch . c'Il____ Elcyclos and Watches given eâchirnorlh 1,6~ 25 Total given during ypar $19,L H OWTO 0 TA 1N TH E NiR>LES. Counetitors 10 saas mI naàîy q. .l~n Oihdi-geg 1897, i0n achiofthe5 lb~5o per orncfeach vrap. f in ceo %effaen, .the la. in-ta 5tl'I4, btlos onhlan 'uIz 1tît.l " f -otcpc'ofi..mth. 5h.,1,ealiHg SW2N 111G M -(e > TH15ecaTOP POROTIOxý cocict n c o ht]v o. sde. -511ounis voeus") are tb homen.t cnclfoled soo- rus' !,,ey .,vac,$o wîth a sucet ofpas>eiro0>0 iiielar oS coec Vho nd co the neXe Ill- 0-P Mpcto4- lias wsItten lits uc4arreol c>UU&beo's of -couponstra a.. hber fuinaîne andaddress, ~toctitc ci ledow e' 11 tný he noumbex' of 4Coupon; ./ -cce t ,uIone option, a lady. or snli.ptge 5tit, tg) esJ ~2.Tc occcîonodVa,..ot$25. s IccrBros..1, 23 Scottst i he o i 1V>îoebs, Vcoso ei t