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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1897, p. 6

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___________________________________ ~ c.'ssmfl WEDNESDAY, JA'.Y,',J SiaT 1U Mnvgcons,' tarie, Coon e. A.MoLAREN D'ENTISI t 243 Yonge *., TORONT. rintaclas $10 SetcfTelCo$4 ville. fiolicitor for thse umai Baank J rile h toue vs toan tur i ,Iia twsSt rstaý Kou.,. YOIImG, V. S. O FFICE 114 TUE WEST DURHAKM News Btocek. seie Iimacît or assistani 'ssllt be tounuS a,m. te 9 p.m. Niglit catit nt resideiace.diî cita pposite t)rtli S-bed. Calis FE. 11E1 AND IFALTIR By mosf persons fruits ave cor u4ler- cd w vhoiesene, but ithe rcasseofet fiis xvtoicsomcnsss is net gencralis' kncccn. Fru-its, u;s a cluss, arcet comnparaivici- lY slîigîtfofodtvalus. Thcy, arc, aA1evcd- theleas xx oieseme, sud fren ichecvry tact et fhiitcon'taiuiug litclc nutiineni' they may usualiy lic cateu n lucos ýjr- stuc quantifies witlaeut havinl- course vretereuce is tere matie te 1er- tectis' ripe fruit-ripa, anti nef ever- ripc. Practicaliy ail eut, cultivafsd ÎrUîf s, iticiudlug lhe sfraxývberry, tflic IsP bcrvy, flac hlsekbcrry, the applc, thte pioln, flac peucl ansd thli orange, cou- tain large quantifies et wuter, xitla -ý-Ë-lu s smalil ic'rcenta -eCf iatci suli- -w l - -f-.Pëà4 O M Gentlemen's ClothesMade te Order. JX . .BillIMAUO M 13 E OFFICE :-Rear, of Messrs. Iliggibotham & Son's Drug Store, (dlown stairs), BQWMANVILLE Ttc flaver et fruits, xx iai pic _S tflinC a picasauttfate, is diue te ertutu sels- tile ocîs andti tetheudîtis uùyip hthey cetaiu. Supgar ia fou cd iu f uits li' vayiug proportions, asoi s tIc chiai sulistaoncecvhich la clïiuged dU1iiig flic fermntafion et their jtud55e. [Te substance ciligixes iirmness te fruit, ani' cx lieli on bliiiiîieiits ttc tidi'tcrcut froit jauic'-, is caltetipc toe. egetalile p- 'creis ftenu i n Vary- îug propea cleOiciiti trent fyuits..1he queuLit y et il, aitaumienanc minierai salt8 icu'fruits is smatl, bot, dobltless they bave somie sc-lcfeeoivaluie. itiit itius licsýeau ttiicuita are elaîcfly c ainablaer tha c/star tIcs'coi-c tain, sud for thejr 5D t~~P ature. &naaSt al ripa fiUt cinus' Le fe tiai alleyst c tnvaiesceau"s, Iet.aiectýici ou thie iccer anti kin'ý,ys oecug tacot aPus raïIra r im ctbtci. Raspbcrrce0 anti strx5c5 b O ' beau caperîailiy tecininso q ý4lot biluis- niesandtpeut; plir or i'ge 'ut uni. acta rulur rhtcmat,-c'u. LySPpfi îs'iolti aveiti eatiop tlard skîcu, ssis santi lard- Img. tocceuýsoas aiepsLU*LU cauntiy te Lord Salisbnry :-" Mr. 'Y' ied in an lincel of au alisclctai'nonr inatcsdsorder, sudtflic daimn, (for damages enly, anti apsrt froen flis li- felail) xxas npcvards oet £83, uhicli, ut- fer a sfrong remnstrandtiItem flic consulat a, uaa s ucedt tesomefhcop un- der £63.* th-'vo can b' nc doulif thaf these questions sa'e eaostsntly ans- îug ýu ýe-r consulat et, sud I cake tlijs eppor'ciLtoft tbriopin.-tha, maat- tac icfore îuy celeaupues, eceause I1 chcuk sons cuis muapht le strict. ai ciplit side ylitha lit et Iriplit xc oi g.oots te aid,,xcrmfh anti ap- pascance. Perhapa aenýýjgh pooL mater- il mar blia outi ttc te pieds cp a xiarn xcast to c lie skjrt ji lichlittar, sktajre steh a . [[ha louer parts ef uor eaout niaeý,i 'thvs a1sa nake pod ssrvjealiicskî'Us tfu Iwl kifle peopte. Gaci. evc'cy day wccst amas' lic matis fer ttce sil loy f;a.n ili-- lcwev parts cf tLs fathar's eaLsie-tc x ceacishirts, attor shýun!i os anti siecs arc ci cru pacf fuceher cal ai;. if tua crocnts, ciao lD 'y i(ý hte amnait et damareuga aimu- 1dscp asile; ceiltaauil tbecutIs Lt>os ced shculd lie t iaduatcd aîcording te 1 tils sali,'s-ara flîi-' t wifLh a tru c Lb-', price'ehargeti fer the rcom <1) in taaoCY StlOien inlia lii roumdiccai en- iricatîcius casas, aud (2) uin Oitie Pao; iry stîlk, wch wxiii laundcr as ieus oeues. Ilfuintiuential mais jj \Xt,ia's tIdwai-, . na is nuali ts thctr flicliîe'-kanas' Anr½en t ~'>± t -"Otsoblut a tritie toeluî'st. Éle lue-eeer' sscitinWere t Wli-'u bliuyiugmenis unir it is wecli te agace eg1uvnusueli a seule, i a i ciscia mipomsJli akeovars, oui praeliiy ha;- nfoace sin ailcas' et ei hîr it Nili ui'be 7o acSaeCnusthe extrcmcîly ledcclii" purpe)so. lThe lo rits anti ~ ~ ~ o sscuuietthe, motter s unticîcsts uNI ai a. LNPLEXSAIcT TASK soit uamr shirts fer thliîttie cnes, pliasCooking tcheel is onsetftha t est knowu, aud doubtlaess oe, etfiasetest sehacis of its clsss. Thara, are few as- piriug y3euug heusokecuers wte would net lika te attend sodh a scheci, sud lcwcr stili wt o wuld neot te greatly benefiteti ly doing ýse, but nef eue lu a thoussadetfthosa Wtt> weuid highly va- lua thce> pportuuity hbas fi, within reacia. [iare is a volume tühat, toe asyeuug heuseikeeper xiii te almesf as gced as a term in a Ceeking Seteci. 1 sis t hje minuta notes et a pupit uat lt esdoi se carefuliy aritten eut in ail detuils as to e b'easily sud cieurly understeed. If covers systermstically the ceursaet iustrnet:eu from bl; ou eau learu ihe 11-w, taoctthe rpaacn wty--tc art aud the sclïecof tgeci cceikti.. 'je 005but L3most expert beous-,'k-'ieprta l book 'il provie et gréat iuttresi, and wrtt 'real runmey, lu saviug, sad u nmak- ;Iug the'brst cof ttîngs, far mûr' 111ita lhe dollar it ' Ë. cny erder the ",e-, aud. ctira wuhtu t racdays affer receipc sud bavce OSîX meucy Luet, Pess pesLaga, if ',ca deuý't îfidni.tsaiNs- tact ery. J1ne. B. Alin & Ce., New Yorka. ROMELI MAKE OVElin.' It bas prelalily neyer occurre t t maiy methers thaï uniardeacceva na-D lic matis for siutul ilutic ren flicte, tops etftb-'ir on log ueolsn hlie f- fer the feet have lassai wovo pust tur- ther renair; yet sudh is ths case. Cnt off flic feet sud hem aroudth îe liet- tomo. Rip the hem ai flic top; aud eut doccu esdli leg far enongia te maLs the ccýaist. sud scw tegeîhcr as oeexould sexy up suy deavers; put a baud on te sîtacla tIen tte cwaîst anu One ceeu has a a 'rn pair et nndertirawers cf noexcpeeise. There is nasualty a space lietxveenflic hunes sud sukle et a mans dra-%vers fIat sre gooti, eeu affer thc remuluder et Lb-' garmeait is -e rnoeut, If fliesa are ah ' 'cru n~; cnrtc~, ePý i-*terary Notes.j tbeJanuaýry Arenu i s fthcineat lu- te restiug xnmher thaf libas msuy montas. It is et spectai inter- est te legisiative bodies, physiciauns anti Iau<ycrs eu account ef t he article oui A Court et Medicine anti burgary, wriften iay A. B. Choute, the proernu 1s\vycr, at thc raquast et leaýdiug ply- ,,icîuns. Mr. Chosie intands to insu- gurate a movement critl 'Dh it is tellies d liy sons etoflice utiest lswycrs sud phy sisinsxviiili e et as vital amportance, te mnedicina anti surgcry us wsll as te to-' publie as cxas thamovcmeuf thst n ,sciteti iu tjs cstshuistmeut et triai Iiy jury ce te publie anti ce the ilegul profession. Tfhis is flic opcning atot et a, campaigu thatxviiilia ewagad tren fias Arcna's pagesliy icudiug physi- clans, surgeous, andi Jurisîs lu the near future, aud tia i xIIIba carrieti hefere tae. legisisturo ýin M,!nnýeseta aud cisc- w hart this wiuntcr. bath" for babies, Ict the vers' basfta a doid bat, tlieroui.biy ruliigfc fîcali te a pies u at tutit Thec appli ecion et a littie lavenct'r apirits tefere irsiirimparts a deigttfui oder sud fresbýne-',s t te fl a'n. Fcw persos a' 3"f-e understaudthett valoc, et nuis as ueurishment. Fape- isillv ith'e hustnuf whicli is excellent l)îeilci cistuffet inlumeats, or saten citla .ah'greoti sund mîxci. cieh fleur infe lireci, er cervad het, cvît chrranf jclly, tee dessert. f here ix greaf heaitiaful uturiscm-.nt icn calestouts, anti se easy eto cltivatiou avers' farmer cugh'u, c have a hnirci. crees plantai. forts' fa5r spart, like su Lcasti. it mokas ai besutitul stade trce. IO TEL ULATI1 TARIFE. At uwha t pr ice slcuid a man lie ai- BREAKFAST GOCfOA Pessesses the following Distinctive Merits DELICACY 0F ELAVOR. SUPERIORITy IN QUALITY. Oratefûl and Cornforting to the Nervous or Dyspeptic. N UTR ITIVE QUAL II ES UN RI VA L ED .ln Guarter-Pound Tinsand Pâýckets.f P[1J§F6cDY dAIS [f[P8 & W, trn, '( HOaG&jûlm iiIs, IOflOf [fiùtJ 416i AVE -'YOU TASTED it is the Most Delicieus of ail Teas> SOLD ONLY IN LEID PAGKETS BY SoId by CAWKER & TAIT., 41-Iy. is iacld by fishep lend unusalf c1e'ghËtf te is arisant _eMr. O. 1). Ash- lcy Presacent o et caWuliusiaRail- vosti disousses fias tsrifquestion tren thes point et view cf a tusiness min; adxoesm iddlc gruud fiase two exîremes et pchicGy; anti sugýý esfs thea appeaumeut cf a bi-partisau >m n i,35on te e!e,c -cianes on ýlsal jeti wati a s cmv te sprtiug-s,1'nh chaugea as muy iu ifs opinion te i- van ageous te fthe iLiunt;aji- interefs ofJLucas ccnry.r. J. M. Riles cou- daLion, wcjcias paper on la Tissnta: lu tmuryEducation. IHcrr A1ax- ano'e r Melszkcýv.skc tha eminsuf Ger- ana musiccal cretiecetibb-sa 'il cian1t pape'r ou sons lifocicru Cempo.-'ys cu h- ['li;t fCcotempevary Crifi*- ecm-au .Rutinsteiu,-anti [ru- ls i a' e aue DestýrostiofArn- aracncVnc-rv r ru-- -L -L --i- 1-r rr r.

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