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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1897, p. 1

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t TERMS :-$i.50 PER ANNu!m. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor, NEW SERLIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1897. VOLUJME XLIII. No. 5. FOR BARGAINS Pre StcTaking -Sale. tâke stock in, February and for tý.ýe next few weeks will -give 'reat Bargai ns in ail kinds of Ladies' Fur Capes ail kinds at cost and a lot of Dress Goods at and under cost. Ail the balance' of our Ladies' and Misses' Ooats, al ne,wtbis season, at about haif price. Men's and Boys' Overcoats at reduced prices. W(- need scarcely say that this is a genuine i-ýe and everything will be sold exactly as ad-' Pork Sausage fiavored te a uicety, quick- -ly cooked, easiiy digested, the best meat only used lu them. We ask you te try them. Oysters. The best stock oniy, standards and seleets soiid meats, fine -flavor. Parties and Suppers snpplied at lowest prices. G-ROCERLY DEPARTMENT.-Everything in stock at lowest possible prices. GROCKERLY DEPÀRTMENT.-Special prices for January. Produce taken. CHINA HALL5, Bowmanville. YOTJNG& cO*, Thae Grocers. mVooey Saxted 0 9 1.s MVoey Made. An d when intending to buy in the way of Furniture whether littie or much, you can save money by dealing with us. Prove this for yourself by seeing our goods and getting orir prices. We have a big variety in ail kinds of Furniture toselect from and are always pleased. to show our'goodis. Do flot think of buying elsewhere before you have seen our goodis. See u' lines of FANCY FURINITURFE suitabie for Gifts. J 'L Und&rfaker aç Furniture Dealer5w. t1sBlock. i p Merit taikso the Iptrinsevalue 01 MbrlA. muxm the <pbwer Vo cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses ictual and unequalied curative power and there- fore l has true menit. When you buy Hood'a Sarmaparnlila, and take if according ta directions, to purify your blood, or cure any of the many blood diseases, you are morally certain to recelve benefit, The power to ciýre Ia there. 'You are flot trylng an experiment. It wIll inakt, you.r blood pure, ricli and nourishing, and thus drive out the germa of disease, strengthen the nerves and build up the whole system. Hôô d S Sarsaparilla «J', Iatbsbest, In fact-the On. True Blood Purifier. Preparedonly by C. 1. bo & Co., Lowell, mas% iodspilot vurge gain o hoo'sVie. drug t.2ôe. Right Prices are always here, but lower than usual just now. It is the off season, but stock wiIl be found coniplete. Special values in Pictures, Picture Frames, Sehool Supplies, Photo Albums, Musical Goods, Station ery. --*y $1 Phiot* Alb-uu isa genii0 surprise. The supp$yng' 0f Stinday Seb cols wîth lÀt k$awid every reqilisite, a speeial feattrre with lue. P. 1TREBILC'OGK. SOLINA. Mr. James Goard delighted flic aud- iences af the Farmors 'Institufe meeting Saturday ovoning with a couple of solos ...Visitors: Mster Norman and the Misses Jamnes, Bowmanville, and Miss Addie Colo, Maple Grove, at Rôseland- vale, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Short and Miss Aima Short, of Foley ; Mr. James Goard, Bei manville ; Mr. A. Orchard, Michigan ..Mrs. Geo. Reid's Suiiday Sehool class called on ber lasf Wednes. day niglit and presenfed lier with a lemionade set. A ploasant tîme was spont. . _ The confesf af the Division ended on Friday niglit. Miss Mabel Pascoe defeating Mr. J. A. Werry. They intend having an oysf or supper on flic sfrength of i?.... T yrone Division are expectod at Solina Division I'ridav niglif this week .. .. Revival meefingis are continued. THE BEST WAY TO CuRE-Diseaso is te establish heailih. Pure, rieli blood ineans good heaifli. Rood's Sarsapar- illa is th? Trne Biood Purifier. If fones up 1eïwholo systom, -ives appe- tite and sfrcngfh and causes wieakuess, uerveusnoss and pain te disappear. No other inedicine lias sueli a record of wonderful cures as Hood's Sarsaparilla. E NFIELD., Recerif visitors: Miss Maynard, Tor- ente, at Mr. 'J. Ormiston's; Messrs. J. Manning and F. deffery, 'r1oronto, at Mr. Win. Ormiston's. . .. Mr. don. Bray is visifing at Solia...'.lNr. Wmi.Tapp and Miss Eva Rurîhut are sick ..Mr. W. J. Ormiston jammed lis hand whie looeoing.. Miss Wigg visited at Osha- w2%afurday.... Mr. G. Ilezziewood, is able te resume toaching again... .M W. Ormistenhongif a car load of cattie in Toronto which hoi infends preparing for the Engiish market. ...., Eateid Div- ision visited Bnrkefon Division and re- port a good ti...... .Mr. W. Arnold and famUy have mnoved te Oshawa.... About 10.'30 iast Wcdnesday niglit Mr. A. MeCulloch's north barn vas 'discev- ered to eh ii fames. As there ivas fresh snow thaf niglit an.d flietire giv- ing good liglit tracIks wero seen te enter the lieuse whicli is uuoccnpied. Lanterns wcre precured and the lieuse s as searched and npstairs in a low closet tire was discex ered and aise a stick saturatcd with ceai 011. Lucky for Enfield the tire in the lieuse was ex- tinguislied. Loss $300. lnsured in flic Perth Mutuai $250 ou barn and $150 on contents. FRom NEw YorpK. I am a commission merciant doing business lu tlie West Indies. "I used some of your Patuamns Painless Cern Extracer when in Cana- da, and think if is flic be,ît cure for corns I have O\ or seen. Please scnd me a few dozein for friends and cnstomn ors in Southi America and the West In dies. "_\V1LL1Axt GouLD, New Y ork City. The Cured Neyer Cease to Sing Its Praises. Liku a migtliy fidal wa-te, Paine's Celery Cempound, withlitis .uarvelieus ieatling anîd curing virtues, is swecpinoe ever Canada on its mission of liealIiý restering. Te-dav if is flic only mcdi- cine that is barâ~shing sickness and disease; flice niy one fiat is bestowing heaflti, viger and new lifo, Amnongst ail classes ifs wonderfni pôwer is feit directiy flie firsf bottli Mcemmcnced. Paiuc's Celery Compound, ewing te ifs lioesfy and n ever-disappointing virfueùs, bas hecome atic "people's" ciosen medicine, and ifs worthy praises are sung everywliere by tions-ands of cured people. Nothung cisc in fie worldf is se weli ada pted for tic needs' of fie sick and suffering. Affer one trial jit becomes a friend.. A c-ured lady, Mrs. George Durant, of Elma, Ont., wrifes as foliows : "Fe'r rcany years I have been a suifer- or frein liver troubles, and have docter- ed witi severai physîcians, but only found relief for a very short time. My liusb,ý-an advised me te try yeur Faine's Cele-ri Componnd. I dud se, and found se miw ýrelief frolà fie flrst buffle fiat I co0Y!tinued; and am uow using fisc thlird boffle. Yeur compound lias dene more fer me flian any physicien. For metsbefore u thgelicCompound I nevc,îý'iad onenglt= f seund slep; but noew 1 caun go to bcd and sleep soundly and( nafuraly and feel like a new. cre;atr( lu tic meorning." 13 oni s An AIi-Canadian Siyndicate. J MAPLE GOE 9 The Sons of Temperance are prepar- )ingfor a grand time at their ovster ,supper on Tuesday Feb. 9. Supper 5cr- ived from 6 p. m., after which a splendid 1program will ho given. Tickets te sup- Sper and programn 25e ; children 15e; ,pregram alone loc. AIl are cordially 1invited te corne and enjoy a good time. y Convoyvances te carry towu people te *» suppor wîll leave Mr. Heal's Grocery astore at 7 p. in. Tickets for. ride and ,supper 30e. ri The best way te cure disease is te ýdrive it from the system by purifying the hlood with iHood's Sarsaparilla. NEW HAVEN. S Miss Meilisa Stevens has hoon visit- ing Miss M. MeMilian .. . .Miss Naucy VanCamp is visiiuiig relatives in Cart- wright ..Mi"s(- Edna and Vida Van- Camp, tom , i, ,ent Sunday at home.... C. E. meeting Friday evening waslecLý by Mýr. D. Moffatt, Mrs. T. Power and àirs. W. Jennings. . .. Mr. John Mc- Ciellan visited our Suuday Sehool Sun- Sday with 11ev, R. D. Fraser .. .. Mr. Bert Goode has received a fine specimen of seed eats frrn the experimental farm, Ottawa ... . Mrs. S. Wood has been lun- My friend, look here ! yen know how weak and nervens your wife is, and vo a know that Carter's Ir6n Pis will relieve hier, new why net be fair about it and buy her a box ? HAXMPTON. Mr. F.Kre, Mr. B. Sonch and W. Trenonthý, Bowmanville, spufSun- day here . .. .Mr. T. Elliott ad M.Js Ward are somo botter.... Mr. F. J. Gioat was unable te attend te his work conseqnentlv the sehool scholars had a holiday the 'early part oif the wtjok... A numher of Solina yonng people met at Mr.L.Robbins'one evening i ast week an pntd Miss Maud Robbns with an hano.inglamp.ho new S. O.1 E. Rail i gtehocpefed' Tuesday, Feb. 16. iirst-class talent is being secured forc the occasion.S A woman who is weak, nervous and slepless, and who ha~s cold hands and foot cannot feel and act lîke a well'1 Person. Carfer's Iron Pilîs oqualizo thec circulation, romoves nerveusness, andt givo strongth and rest, A TIDAL WAVE Swopng Over Thiis Canada 01 Ours. Paîno's Celery CompIOlld Ban- ishuI'gbickness and llîsease. , Bestowing _"IH-aith, Vigor and New Life. The Young and the OId Feel Its Wonderfui Power. PEARL WEIiDING. Monday January 18fh, being the 36tb annversary of flic marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Argue a verv large number oif their friends and relatives assembled af their home, "Mapie Corners" to e lo braf e the occasion, If was a complote =nprse te thom as tliev badl spent flic da ith Reeve and Mrs. Thomas Pas- cee. Whcn thoy arrived home about 6:30 fhey fourni their friends road 'v te receive fhent and tliey looked witi amazement and the fermer absonted himself for se time te recovor from flic shock. Affer spending some tinse in gams, music, etc., thon coinpany sat down te an excellent supper of chieken pies, etc., whle flic lads and lassies ex- ce,,Id thoinselves as waifers. Affer suppor fhe bride and -bridegroem abl 'v supperted by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ef Pickering, ontored the parler as the wedding mardi was piayed by Miss ilcaflie, Dr. Mitchell took the chair, alter whici Rev. E. E. Howard perform-, ed'fie cereony and 11ev. S . G. Rerk e read flic folowing address. Mi% and Mrs. Gco, Argue. DtAR Fr.zs:-We are gatbered hore Ibis crening te spend a social tiîne tügetiier amid tlie "eniai surroundings ef your pleasant home on fileoccasion of your PearliWedding. W edesire te congratulate you on the arrivai et this thirty - sixth anniversary of your marrige day. We also désire that yen may live te eojoy many happy anniversaries of tbat very important évent, iooked upon with sncb niervous lnte'rest by these who vIew it stillin prosqect and witb sncbl varying degrées of satisfaction by those whe have long passeditls timie and ordeai. The years et your married lite have been spent, we beileve, in tbis iocaiity. Througb ibtose years yen bave drawn arournd you a very large cirele et friends, thal crdle bas widened with tht years; the iist bas grown as the years have muitiplied. There have beeui many changes ia fihit fime, ne doubt; the cireie bas niow and again been broken, friends bave tome and genie, sonne are nnmbered with the dead, their faces tan be seen no more bot their niemeries are pr 118o. still the numâers grew larger wbite the bnsof friendship became serenger as evideno- cd An soime measure by tht gatherîng et se many familiar faces on tbe uresent occasion. W e havexiot faiied,me trust,to appreelale tht be sefits ef yenr présence In tht cemmnty ani the pleasares of yonr seciety nil the past years. The elle bas heen an inspiration and the other a deliglit tbe remenîbrances ef whli are x ery pleasant teus now. As citizens yen bave borne yeur p art nobly and YelII Thenmembersoetyour ionsehold, we must say, tbreagh. yeur wise disci1line and faitul example, have beceme a éredit te yonr name and ernamients as weii as usefai factors in secîety. On ait occasions, An- cieed, and in a great variety et ways yen have seuglit te use thte very best alivantage the -rand privileges et yonr eitizenship. As neigli. -îousye have performed yeur part in a rmaner wbî ic iri a pleasure te day te remember, your characters intis spbere have heen marked eniy by tbe greateat kindness and most tlionrbhtfnl consideration, and wben cailed ion te diseharge the very important offices and te take eponl yourselves the respensibîlities of socli a relation yen bave always shown yeurselves wertby et the very higb esteem lb which you are held hy s'o large a uamber ef y our fellow citizns. Nor tan we tail te mention tht, efficient services rendered hy yen in fibit braneh et tht thaurch wiih wbicb yen stand identidied. Tht services tau have rendered An ibis sphereof lite we be- ieve te bave been a very f ruittul sorce trom wbich characteis have dtrived Itir strength and we cannet but think that they h~a,, e pa a very inmpertant part iii tht création et that higb estecin with lvbIch yenl are regarded eveu y %v; ere anîd which we trait yen may. in cemmi wth L ail tht members et yeour family, abare te te tbe end et yeur day. We cannet'allow Ibis eîseste pass witbont affording yesouîsel taigi hie évidence oetflicibigIl appreciation la w sieb yen are heid by tht large circiteto friends by wbem yen are snrreuaded. We will esteem it a faver if yen wAll accept Ibis Silver Service is a simali teken et our, esteeni; assuring Yen at tht sanie tfinieet our meut tarnest wisbes for tentinaed bappiness aidour inuest ardent prayers that An Iluings maieriaI and temporal flie band af a Içind providenctemoy continue a most beintifil suppiy; an d aise thait, iii tbings spirit- lial and eternal, heaven imiy seuîd openî yCn froîn year te year uts clisesî inerties and that An tht end. yen may jota lat finit everlusting han- quet eelebraticn et thtecoarriage 0f ftht Lami ,ii file Kingdem, of our God. Mrs. Thos. Bradley, Columbus pro- sented tliem wtl a vcry beautif ai ýilver Tea Service witli Tray te whici fli bride and groom made very suitable re- Spenses, wici woro foilowd by con gratniatory speeches by Revs. E. E. Howard and S, G. Rerke, the grooms - ,man, Dr. Mitchell, Beeve Pascoe, Messrs T Bradley, E. Milîson, R. Pascee, C. Souci, John. Mlartinu, and numerens others who were present front Brock,' Pickering and Befhacy. Manv letters were read from absent friende among whichi was a letter from Mrs. W. Hl. Ronse, Detroit, acem paied by an apprepniafe token a Pear laHndled Pickle Fork and the following poem: For five and thirty years ibis twain, Thru dark and sunny wealher - Htave hand in hand, down lite'. àark lace, Plucked Rue and Rose tegether. Now tiîey rest ai the wayside inn, To number o'er their treasures; Surrounded by Itir cear ef kim, With love they MlI itir measure. Rach ievtng friend a a rare peari, Se light yenr silver needle- And ihread Item on a golden tord, 'T'ociter the "Pearly Eveniag." AD)A MAnne R1oust. The remainer of fie cveîîing W48 pieasantiy spent in singing coliege glees, and conversation and after a most on- joyable time the friends dispersed and tliough tfli bride and groom were nef present te 'Iwelcome tlie ceming," stili they were tiere to 'speed flic parting g'uest."1 Tic Eastern. Minn Syndicate, wiicli M per cent. of ail cases of consumpion., R astev inng ia tie produclof lthe lifé-Mwork of an est- liastwelc miingpreperfies An tfi etand -Èkilîful specialit, Dr. R. VA~Perçe, -oled fields of flic country is a pnrely ýÊr thiçt yesT elfçrsstis 'ssc, ~i'naiancopany, managed and pro- ib -tlh Tida' cîtel and Stirgi cal lest,- moted seiely b,, Canadians. Sucli weli- fute, atlBuffiio, N. Y. known and aile menas Hon. Geo. F. airs. L. F~. Contes, of nythebburne, K ings Co., Fosfer orHenry Cerby, Esq.. E. B. Eddy N. Y. writegC:I Three years ago, I was se sick 1 I itest. sleep or walk, fer 1 cotnghed alit My Esq., Jas. Sut lierland, M. P., T. e. Cas-aod ni,'ht. My weigtwas reduced feom cr5o te grain,' M. P., Hou, Hngh John l Macdon iponuds. lue firsl nighi that isiept forhlueurs aId, and oflier weli known and able at one tune, was aller I1lsad taken lbredsst Can ian usiess nd pofesioni m',Dr. Pierce'm GbIdec Medical Discovery. Thteo-t Canaianbusnessandproessinalfanive imalter expeotorated grew hess everv day mon, are ou ifs directorafe, wliicli aug- suid whee 1 had laken tht whole et one hottie lI urs well for ifs establishmnent on. a seund etatd stetp ail nigtghsWethout coeghirg, and have business basis. Canadians cn resf been welI ve snce aidi wegh 1 8 pluae" assurod tint in securisîg holdinsife A geod, practicel, inedi calbo&awel Syndicaetehy are placing lin tihi sore in -a heolle tIssu a thouadnoes cingthemwithDr. Pitrce's Counon Sense- Medicai Âdviser reliable people werking for the mutual le tisat kisd of a book. ,Il centains 1'o08 advantage et eyery stock hoidor, and pnaer evr 00I steions. A new fiat preperty controllod by thons will edition glveu tiwgy absolutely 'FRBÉ. For be carefnlv exaiïuinee and deveioped. ppese'erda npyadg ne-,cent &stanuti Get a ce py of their prospectus - if ji-,AM& t5ofecndeIim .ed slaie &x oc). ta x ery reliable readîng on mining 'gen- ulsap8'MdieAssiti, erally. M A. JAmEs, wiîî ropresent fie ifl,. etco ha.goaaup. Eastern Minisg Syndicate at Bowmau ________________ ville. odsPlsaetebs fedur A man's wife sionld alwavs h be Heoed5; s s ardieie et ae-nuerpa samo, ospociaily te lier iusbaiîd. but if pi; ssn dgsto,2re5tc.sia sic is weak and nerveus, and usasflu. 5e Cartcr's Iron Pitîs, sic cannet ho, for 44Nr. C,, a leading politican, sa s: tiioy make lier "feel lîke a difftreit "Mitieî's Compound Iron Pis have p orson," se tiey ail say, and theil- cured me of nervonsness and wakeful- busbandsaay so oo. ucss. COURTICE. ,1 Mr. D). 11. Lent, temperance lecturer, rpreached for Rex'. Dr. Marvin Sunday iand lectured at Ebenozor Murîday even- ing. He will lecture again on Thuirs- day evening on the "Political and Fi- nancial aspect of the Liquor traffle". Miss Frank, tow'n, is guost of Mr. Geo., Frank .. .. Mrs. A. J. (iew'tice enter- tained a number of friends at an oyster supper 0one evening last week .... Bi-e shooting matioh Saturdav, sides beadeà by Messrs. F. Gay and J. M. Roberts. Mr. Chas. Smith, Dawu Mils, ont., says: "For severiil.years I was troubled with pains in my limbs,which continued gotting worse un ttil 1 thought 1 would have to quit work. lu facet the pains were so sox ere that I eould not rest nights. I took one box of Miller's Compound Iron Pis and arn porfectly cured. " SAlthough it is nearly a yoar since Mr. Stook the PI i e has had no return, of thec pains, and feols splendid. TYRONE. Our junior pastor, Rev. iH. E. Curts, preachei a splenidid missionary sermon Sabath mornilg .... Quarterly meeting services iu Tvroue Cbnrch Sundav aud Monda 'y, Feh. 7 and 8.... Mrs. J'ones, WhitbY, is vh4iting her daughter, Mrs. 11ev. A. C. Wilson .. .. Miss Mowbrav, Principal Public Sehool, has conducted Mr. W. J. Rov's Bible Class since hie has been unable to attend through bodily affliction.... Messrs, Noble Bros. sold their splendid gray team to au American buyer for $300. This would not be considered adequate value were it flot that at present it is very, difflcult to realize on horses.. .. The choir is making additions te, its membership. Bro dos. Clatworthy,'D. D., instal!ed the following offi cors of Temple Bar Lodge S. O. E., dan. 20tlx: W. P. P,_ A. E. Cltimens; P.-W, S. Wight; V. P.-RHawkey; Chiap.ýVH.,Manping; Se-, -F.G.Bvamr; 'Treas.-Jno.Sanders; lst Guide'hos. Penfouud; 2nd Guide -S Rundle; 3rd-Albert Hawkey; 4th -Jas. Souch; 5th-Joshua BrantonGlth. -Ceil Branton; I. G.-Johu Gilbank;- O. G.-Chas. Bail; Surg'eon-J. C. Mitchell, M. D. M NIKILN Miss Lizzie Milîs bas returned from a pleasant visit at Oshawa.. .. The Ladies' Aid Society have secured Mr. E. A. I{owey, Torýonto, te -ive a concert with. his wonderful Panaphione in the Meth- odist Clîurch 011 Tuesday evening, Feb. 2nd... 11ev. U. M. Phialen,1 B. A., on Wedesda v, Jan. 20th, at the residence of the bride's father and in the presence. of a select number of relatives and iriends plea.saitlv bIut firiniy united in the bond s'of matrmo ,George Simp- son, Es,., thle genial andIý popular. Stton Agenitat uuktn, and Miss Mattie, eldest dauglhter of Alex. Riggs, Esq. The weddîng presents were of a, higi class. A ver 'y happy time was spent by ail present. The. bridai party have gune te Chattanuooa, Tenessee, te spend their honeymoon, The bride is a verY charing l-Young lady, very affable and pleasant in lier mianner and very highlv ssiteemed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. She was an enthusiastic -%orker in all depart- ments in the Preshyterian Churcli anti an excellent music* teacher. She wifl ho verv mucli misscd lunlier home and neig-hborhiood. i The pursuit of mtoiiey tempts many a nman ta neglect bis. Isealth, wîlh the resuit that he s00e loes both money and bealth, and fiuds hinuatif doomed te an unimely death. A man should remember when I he is teunPted le over-work hin- s ~ elf, neglect bis health, and de- voste iussficient lime to eating, xesticg, and sleepiug, tIrt death ta the tenupter that luolds, out money as a hait. If a man wiil take preper este of bis hesita, le wiii feel like work, au clw-iil find that lue eau do aIl the work that he ceres ta do witîn werking heurs. Dr, Fiere's Golden Medical Jhiscavery gels a enau imte werking shape and keeps bum thtre. Il ituvigorates 'the, liver, keeps tht digestion iu workîng order, thtepape- lite hearty and keen. Tt keeps the bleod pure and plentiful. Tt keepa eut and drives out impuritits and disease-gernus. It wards

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