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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1897, p. 6

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WVEDNESDAY, JAN. 27, 1897 LT EMBER OF COLLEQE 0OF PIIYSICIÂ]' Litacisd urgeons, Ontario, coronier. etc. Office and ftesid ence. Ennlskillfl. 74. ý23yonige st, TOGRONTO. BRSESOLICITOR, k&c, MOPRlh ýBDioclK up8tairs, King Sîreet. Bowmuaa ville. Solîiklor for the Ontari Bank 9 zîYBU' moiseVR 10--.d -t the lWt10-11 esS ROUIT. YOUNG, V.$5. O KFICE IN TIE 'WEST DURHAM News Block,. 'wbere himofeaf or asgsistant til e founti irom 8an. ta 9 P.m.1 Night calt nt 7esdencedirectly opposite Drill Shed. CalR Uytelegraph or telephone will recaive uroapt attenson 7i.yr R.PAA.TE14 Tailor Gentlemen's lothes Mada, to Order. OFFICE :-Reaàr of Mesýrs. Iligginbothaxn & Son's flrug Store, (d own stairs), BOWMVANVILLE C. JIARNDEN, L. D. S. Gradua thse Roaa College Dont8l Surgeons. Ontarlo. F, OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. V jji 3 New Tailor Shop The undergigneti Who has been carrying on thse talloring business in connection with Mason's Dry Goods Store for a number of years bas cojmaenceti business for himiselt at bis aesidence, IKing St.,'west, wbare ho j, preparod to maire gente' and boys' suise in ail the latest etylee, andi at.lowest prices, For those Who wîsh tu order suite, he will carry a fulil lino of amples Imail the newest patterns. Gîve 3dm J. T. A L N Fashionable Tailor' MONEY TO LOAN. $100,000. A large suorti money bas bsen placeti lu my hands by a.private persan for invastmantt on approvad bans on farci security for a terra of wVE:Or TEN yeare, FIVE AND ONE HALF PEiR CENÇTimtaeSt wjli bua asked payable yearly. Satisfactory conditions for reayment wIll bu arrangod. D. B. SIMPSON. Solicitor. Bowmnanviile. Dated Oct, lIt 1894. 40 If. LIRSLE OR RENT.-Rlouse and F2O cres for sale or te rant, situate on Scugog street north. Thea promises consist of a gooti bouseîwlth ery conveniance,'driving shied, stable, etc. The garden contains a lot af ha chotice8t fruit of ail varÎaties3. Immedjate pussesslancail hagivan. For particulars appi) W.FISfLEIciH Bowmanville Ont 49 nr THE C"'AHADIAN STATESMAN ESTABLISHUf3185~4 $i par annum In advanca, otherwise $1.51. Subscriptions always payable at tha olc.s ut publication. Advertising ratas aunes by cý>i ract, 10 cents par lino, noupirie ýfirstiiuarl on, andi à cents par lino each subseqaont in- ttion. Locale, 10 cents par lino. M. A. JAME S, Publisher W ANTED--SEVERAL FAITIIFUL men or women to travel for responsible eiab hed bouse, In Ontario. Salary $780, pay- able $15 weekly andi expensas. Position par- mnanent. Referenca. Enclose self addresseti stampeti ervelope. Tas NÀTIOISÂL, Star Buld ing, Chicago, Ili., U. S. A GENTS WANTlNG PROFIT- able employrnent can fi nd i with us, as we have newest Russian varîcties of Nursery stock. and inow seed potatoes. Salary or commission Write at once J'or terriiory. PELiAm NuRsER y Co., Toronto On t,40- 13 MIEN WANTED--To engage with .Vus as Salesinan. New season lest ooenling, new style of plate book, more attractive and et Il hier than ever. AIl samples furnisbed frac. eare thse only Canadlan Nursery jaying sal- ary and exponses frous the stant. Lîheral coin missionto part time mon. Large list of Special- ties, ail baving been tested ai our trial orchard Over 700 acres under cultivation. If you wani a sure ihilig for 'winter, write ns. STONE & WaE- iisvON,Nurser ymen andi Fruit growers,Toronto Canada. ront ail fair skies anti favorng breezes. T E FAIRMY1e Tiings do bappen to dis turb ane's est ~ calculatians, but -wiere tuera la a plan anti a purpose, and' calculatians mati ABOU'T WINTER. DAIIIYING. ta meet Passible mishaps, makiug t - Are you stili satisiieti with winterstd aitohinsinbutin goo0d dairy lil enatirre as a means ta con- dairying 1"- L a question irequeutiY firm jutigmeut, anti briuging new ideaQ N askod me, writes John Gouidt t Country ta tise front, thora is yet profit lu the Gentleman, Aiter sorne ton yoars' trial wVinter dairy. It is an exacting work, 1 ar stll atifie, ad o noconid-anti demantisconstant attention. lt cau - Iam til stisiet, ation o cnsii-nover succeeti in partnersirip with any eration would 1 ga Lack ta tisa aid Plan such. fariner as once declareti against ai summor dairyiug. Tise reouos for the dairy, on tise groundt iat ho want- my abiding faits lu tise practice 1 ask jeti a kinti a' iarmin' that ho caulti stick iuta the grounti anti thon go ta tawD YOur inulgence, to malte public, tirotgis anti Play pîtcir wishile t was grawin'. I may say nothing but wiat bas been Ssaiti aven anti over, antisaine littia part FTAN EN3ET Of wLhich ih la possible 1 may have bai ThreisA gAtN D Asi saîTibu. a Jmy sisaro in annomscing riramtise plat- ati beian moat prduion.sAs bot fsat forin, or through the prosse.Winter tru e otusae a rdion.e Atr for dairying is simply dalrying ail thse year tuce antislookit affecmtster foarie round, insteati ai milking caws in the Oueandgre poit aiaffctisnthe amat. s summier anti thon boarding thei netor a hoin danculess intLe pat-c througb tise winter. Since I have boon terian.tbe contrary cncuson einou Iwiuter dairyiug, tLore bas not been a tio fThe otat i cncltuyinmutic »day in tise year lu wbich milk luin o equntlfate t e Le anmalone quantity Las net beau taken itetise near- caes ntyte foser the ansim a de- at-baud -croamery, thougb if is my plan coulies, ain clsrthet arebain el ta Lave ail tise cows iresisen iu Septem- inglTei w-itirte at.rAs tise nim ber, or possibly October. By the aid apries wt the niatet tisexaimce pla aiMilrci ani pîi-cavîu cosfeeder feetis fat psoducing foatis; jr Tisaulsgiviug foundti tioinpractically fact, tho cny Las been lu7tise main, drieti off, ready for a four or fîve to geL tise animais fat. If is accord- montisa' rest, wisila hy tise other, plan, iug ta nature tisat tisa eanîy growtis af the cows ou tiseir unifarin rations milk meat protiucing animals shoulti ho main- -cil up ta May, anti thon gettiug ts ybta the fae oeat uce freia ras aispnng ressenup ntibut as iL growýs eider tise tendeucy to increasa their yieid, anti for wees my îay ou fat increases. If, as growers, anti bord milles lu quantity par cow witis feediers, w-e wauld aclenawledgo fiis nat- 1tise fulaverage Lrds, andt is yeair tural law. we would got a btter re- -as tise hast milking Lord at tise creain- turu fer aur worle, anti praduco bealtis- ery np to about July lts. Aiter tisat ier moat. If w e im ta produce Lepaitis- tise shrinkage ai mitisunsmer came an 1er meat for tise consumer, tise animais andthie long milleing anti gestation de- carryiug this meat muai Le correspond- mautedt iat tise cews sisonît begin ta tngIy healthy. Generally we ieve have their îndjvjiual restus ai six ta farmers regard thre production ai tisu eight weaes; anti they thon bogin ta marbieti meat mare castly tiran tise drap aut of thre Lord, but helore tise mass ai fat tbey usually try ta sendt t last ai tisem bas ceaseti to give mille markeet. We tisinle tiey ara lu errer tise otisers have begun ta fresben, ant inlu fis conclusion. One strong argu- the mnille salas hegin ta increaso again. meut iu favor ai feetiiug w healta swjne It may boere ha saiti by some ana tisat was tire supenior quality ai meat, prIa- tisese caws are iroin loug-milkîng duceti, as if 'oas claimeti that tise pro- strajus ai blooti; but tise ats are that tiuCt "vas manbledti t a maucir greaten the isrd is one tisat Las Leen purcisas- extout than tisat matie iroi carnu alune. eti iran Smjths, Joues anti]Robinson, anti NOW tiat tise wiseat footing ailI ho a selectati xvblly an tisa dairy form, sigu thing ai tise past, for a trne at least, anti appearauce scale of wisat a gooti farinons will doubtless faîl bacle ia cow augit to ho. Most oft tiei have in tire aid way ai 'dependiug maiuly on tire psst beau summercas andt ifls corn. Whon avisat was fati, if was oi- bore matie a natter oi record tisit a ten the question wvietiser ta use wb"ai cow comiug in turing tire autumnuwjll or ifs by-praducts, as tire pnico per ton giveas arul mil eigt; e te we is fr oach 'oas about the saine. «I Ow gjv asa rla ill agli tafeuwoeeswirn farinons Lave ceasetifooting wvieat langer tissu if calviug lu April. Tis is 5tbey sean fe, have forgotton tbat tisese a gain ai so muci atitional mille, bY-praducts are sa clisap andt iat tbey andi lais ber net lu late summor wben are mare valuabla ion pnoducing lean Prouceis t te lwes prreandthemeat tisan tise -wbole wbeat, Tise wisale praucois i tse awet pice ani tsequestion witis tiseinappears ta behaiow exantion tise most active with tiseinan ta get id ai the immense ameunt ai wilti the sulmer dairy, if hoe attemptus cornu tiey Lave, Tbey roeau ntisai it la ta, maiutain tise flow ai mille. As a 00 cisoap tisai ihay cannai aifordt t buy these oison productus ta feoti. Wîtb us ruie, tise fariner lisas saine available soil- ae feel tbat ave cannai afiardti t do ing crop later on lu tise fali ta feet i a-tiouîtisheui. In fact, ive f ear ta iry bjus fresh cows, anti gels thisn jta ain- ta keep) a lot aifirogus bealthy aitisout tiseir use. ton witir gooti messes ai mille, wblch In this direction thora is more in tise ha can tison maîniain witb abundant production ai bean meait tiste fariner foodi anti aaristables. Oar owu plan than tisera lussunîLe ativanco lu pn ice is ta Lave different vaietia.s ai fotider ise will get ion tise superior qualify ai oaprk e i us an thse markeet. Saine one corn, laie millet, anti saine atus anti else gets tisa profit ivisen tise produat is peas, sowu lato lu Angusi, ta feeti anti nanleteti. The extra seiling pnice ihat carry tise cows lit- Novemben anti to eue is led to beliove will coule ta tire fariner for bis efforts lu ibis direction the slas an fulil flow aifinilk; andt isn are lu the main a tielusion. Witistise by nsaking tise stables avarm, andtihie ceuntry boYer anti siippen anly tise footing anti aaaterLxng regisian, . bava qualiiy of ligbt anti ieavy aveigstus are suniner yields ai mille for tise nexi fivo considereti, anti ail must be bougbt ai a 10w enaugir average ta givo im tise monthus. This is thon foiboavedi by tise atvaniage af the quality wiseu tbey fresiseng matie-by tise spring grasses, reaci tlie market. Wbiie this ls truc anti extension of the mille flowv for soý-- ai tise selling aifsncb iseas, it le stili ent-fie dys.truc that tisera is profit to tise fariner ersiy-îve dus. î protuing such pork. iu produciug Oua ai tire fhluge tisai w ebave founti if there is îese isk iran tiseso, fmon is tisaitishe cosi ai a caw's keep su, ain- tbe facitishat tise footis necessary ta ter cau ho matie witirtise silo andtihie use must ho more bealtistul in tiseir na- fooingai iseusui rngiageai iseture than tbose tisai produce fat. If feeiingof- he sualrouhageof he e confine aurselveus ta tire production farin, anti as anti corn, excisauget ai parle, we do not findt ist a isog can "ýwith tise usuai hoot"' for fine bran, ho praiitably fattetid (if hoe can lbe ual mucis,i any more fLan ber sun- fattened ai ail) on grass, or foods that mering; anti thora is a greai deal aiflBut witb tise we cau buildtfhe fratie, differen.ce uin tise profits if tisa cow la anti as tbey groar V itis a ]igisi labor convertn g lber fod info salable mile, bill attaciset, andtihie animais harvasi on staYiag with Fou for compauy, andtiiesu, tise gnou tL attaînet ils cbeaper a4ig&pproaiinsstely as mas stis han tisat matie iran croise ai grain ea hti iin imc sthe tisaibave a iseavy labor bill aftachedt couducteti' expériments, if aras fount ianimiarve magte togandbsdt ioren tisai tisecows il u li flow ai mille con- airats ae adrcsoluandvesigrtise subie ouly 19 per'cent, mono food than fO -eeeriei irv-tn h tire dry cOws -if the latter aere leept green draps. Animais grown In tus up ta f ull aroigit andt ibifi, aviile ane way may ho too bean iu flash ta satisi y year wnth, anotber winler mille is avortis epsanseau faste, but wban we ki on a fll hird mrehanthemil ofcor "i aagrain ration witi tise succulent raspontiiug summen mnonths. 'Ouaai tise food, giveus a btter reýturu for bolistisan best hingsaboutwinte -aiyin -if lhey are feti separateiy, tlisonave dan ibat if givais incroeti appotunitios ta tagertanprotince t is emti aimeat tia. malte avnter a profitable seasan for la- s lu sucirodsigisheavon l tsi,8 at ban. Tiseats mare ta do tissu just in rmrsienîi îr tongt Lisl profiythou feeding tise catie. Thora . ssosmetbing fairil.r Sa fadry o gaethconeitiset ta do tisatit as a maney returu to il,(i tSofrahgsrecnredte anti a resulting ambition ta aeieexcessiveiy fat laag is lu Lad repute, 0 mke heSil tise premîium tisai ne ae loti to Lrd pay, tisatils not afiontietiins auy epc rnprefteia iuii otisen lineofaifarin uonle ialliig sunlise xetfo prk atLdn.sinfi saunIer maulisa anti as tire caws neeti prinaiples, composet ai a strip ai bean muc, atetio, ter npd b nneofanti fat evenly divitieti, toes notn" muci atentin, horaneei honou aiteriaîîy tieveîop lu tise inierestfoptise- tire usual ,discbargiug aifihelp lu tish ie r -ba- te anee-t St i se a is le ty St C I ]Otie, absorbants, ani tise jf- --er s almasi pentec inm stape and aise, ai baud piaster anti roati dustinsuliberal avhie itsfine tai le sone of is hast quantities. Wîtis suais a stable, anti e- peints, lit Les a fine ancestral record gulan cane, I do not heliave tirai mare of. prizes andt tiumpiss ant iIs a hea-ry iban tu-afulli feede lu twentY-iour isouns winnerisou. - TIsse avuer ai tirelbird are essentla, nor tisaf any great je- aras Mr. EnugeAinscougir, andttie pur-, grisofexsavane -suin dmn rte ui ci, leranfEsmrap. eaano, agent of tise 1 am inaburedt t tire practice nifbting the coav talto ber exorcisa lu tise aarin- 0f 28000 applications ton patents in on w cai ber, helaveen Aprii 15 anti No- Englanti iast yoar, mare than ane-tird rember 1. 0f course ainter-tiaarying is are fan improvements Lu bicycles, ïCCf' en 0Cry fo r Pitcherls Castoriga, A PIROVIDENTIAL RESCUE 1 IJUR l'BAT ANti 'AILK Prom a Lite Burdeneil Wbth Pain and Suffering. Langues', Sever' fleadaelssandi l'ains lu tise Regliof thCie Kimieys iRade the Lirae or lts. MOccauee Miseralble-ih,, williams, ' ink 'ills cureci Afie! Otiser lildelîes Faait. Fron tireGrava)nirrsi Banner. Pour isealflir le an affliction thati le tireadeti by every oea, andti iao int sigis ai appraaciring diseuse le usuaiiy met antis an atteusat on tire part ai tise pa- tient fa chseckeant i lil it. Freqirently, hoateven, avais thacmosi ekilleti piysi- cLans fail, andtihtir sulfoner endures a weary roundtioa agouy snhb as iLiose avis are in thaefull onjoymient aifisealtir eau have no conceptian of. But avirn ai lausi a nredicine lus founq ,tirai avili cure ifs avertis cannai ha estimatati in dol- lars and. cents. Iftei without pnice. Suahists t'ie opinion ni Mn. anti Mrs. Hugli irlCauce, ofai iteeav, Ont. Mn. McCaace tells tirestory ai bis avife's ibînees anti cure as ioibovs:-«"For f bro an four years past my wife irat been c=stnt f ailing in 'heaitir. Tise unfsmtoms oniirntrouble avere ian- guor anti lues aifaippetite, accompanieti hy bearing doatn pains anti Leatiacisas, avhicis affectet iber periodicalhy. As tima grea-v an sheavas attacta i tis pains fin tiregion ai iserleiducys tisai became ahmost sanhearaisie aaing ta tiseir severiîy. Home remetiies anti difiereni medicines avero tnieti, but anish .no gooti res-uits. Lasi abuter sire gnou 50 weat anti ieipless bat I w as obligeti fa seele medicafli aid for honr, anti ac- cortiingly sent hanr oui to Barrie, whenoe ase, receLveti tise : ise nedical attention, tire resait ai wiia was ony sigirtly beneficial. Ou baer raturs, aWug, no doubita otire iodions- ness ai tirojourney, seesaffened frm a relapse anti hen trouble came bacle lu a fori nanaaggnaratedti iais baera. I neaticeti in a paper wiricb 1 avas seat- ing anc day a testimonial fros oua w ho had beau cureti of a similan trouble, anti aitbaugi k-noaviug tisai (ALer remeties Lad failet ini my paon sutfeng wife's case, thora aras yei a ray oi bope. I tisorefere îsrocured a ieav boxes ai Dr. Williams' Pine Pille anti au my returu Lame atiministenet ie, first dose f0 my wife. Il ls epnrape neediese ta relata ùtiafhoere tise f rst suppîy was ex- iskus et sise feunti great relief. My aie noir commenceti tao njoy a huoyancy of spirite anti lepi on taking tise Pinke Pilla avitia inenasiug goot nesuite. By tise- fine sisoLaýd useti six boxes hon con- dition Lad sa impror-etitha iserneigis- bonus wree nmastnprepare totabelioe tise eviderce ai tisein oan eyos aisen seeiug fias change inuier appeurance. ,Before faking tise rilLsif'oas a severe task aven te tirese isrsei, muais boss ta do any ious-antk, witse naw, alfisougis net 'iaving useti any ai the pille ion more tison a couple ai moufLe, sise et- tends te ail hon Louseisolti duties wnts- ouf these ligirtest inconvanienco. Tale- ing ail tisinge miet consitieraiion, I feel ilt a duty I eue to otisen suiferons ta recormandti isse lii fIe pinle nessen- gens ai bealtir arLcl stand betaveen my avel nigs distractoti wiie andtihie jaavs of a lingerîng.but certain deats'. Tise exponiene af vears b-as provedt tisai thora je absolutely no tiseaso due to a vifiatet condition ai tise blooti on sisatieret nerves, tisai Dr. Williams' Pinke Pils avili nul promptiy cure, anti tisose avio are suiierng firan sucli troubsles asoulti avoid muais misery anti save. money by promptly nesating ta tias troatment. Get the -genuine Pinle Pis- eveny tino anti do net ha pen- suatedti t take an imitation an saine otiser remody fron a, dealer, wiso fan tise ske oi tise extra promit ta ban-i sefne say Ls "jusi as goo." Dr. THE BAN ANA CURE. 'Tlie itaketiiaua Recommsenuled as an Art'icle ai FeuilanasuCirre fr s isase. Bestu av a isoan on humanîty anti isop ta pnpuiarize tire saet banana as an article ai foot fan midi. anti paon, especi- aliy tire pour, says a suriter lu tisaNovw York Sun. Na paon cubit neet go te schirl iungry, One cent aviliL uy a gooti-sîzeti banana, whiicis, avien balet lu its skin un an aven for fuiteen or tarant y minutes unt il ut is quite sait anibarst open, ahane mates a fi meai., Noavtise baniana soat aistreetcj corners are neally plantains. Hum- boldit calculatadth ie food pnoiuc f aitise plantain companet w 11ih tisa patate as 14 ta 1, anti cmparatilte ariseai as 133 ta 1., I say frein persoual experuence tirai thnee bananas aveighiug ana pountiq are equai in nourishmonita toventy-six pounids oibreatiahan buleeti. Bananas sisoulti nover hac aten raav; tisoy ara fuîllai animal germes, anti are productive ai tape worm. Rau bananas are very indigestible. Youngsters fet a r naa hananas nearîy alavays suifer1 frnom tisases ai tise intestinal canai anti1 convulsions. Pisyslcians alausucis ciil- dera "hanana babies," Baleoti ananas pae aiso the iteaI foti Sfor nervous persans anti anaemias, aiea brain workers 1 Ileamneti thein great povrnta sustain mental effort lu Intia. iii peuple nisu are unien great mental strain avoaflt on tua mornînge every wroak inclutie a couple ai baleot hananas n tiroir menu anti leave oui tise chop or stea;k, tiry avouiti last longer. I ain us irn a brain avorter as any person n Newr Yort, anti I hanve esubssieti ton i PROOF,0F INTELLECT. Weii, Scribbe iras provet i iisseli a gouLus afier ail. Wirat bas ho, doue? Quit aviting poetry anti openeti a cantiy sisop niext te a ss'hooi bouse. Plunest and tforTbeat ar S No adttratiou.-Ne-rer cakes. 1SOME NEW REGULATIONS AS TO TREIR IUSPECTION. smmnar*y er thee Repart of Liîa secrsetas'y er the Ontaurioa honni oe«t lll. Tise cousus ai opinion of ailladieu- tiiic authonîties lus liat greýat anti posi- tive dangers exief lu tira use ai meai anti mille iran animais suffering firan cousumption on tuisercuiosis; anti that tise fao hast mets of aitinig liese dangers are hy tire xaminatien ai the carcasses ai sauglitereti animale for ftuh- erclo, anti hy tiretasiing ai milcis cows avitir tuiorculin, Iu viea ef tise de- mande ai municipal autisonîties fon as- sistance ai legisiatian, aise rtigardiug thé views ai ail scientifie experts anti ai tise numýerous Medicai Healtis Offic- ers ai Ontario, anti funtiror recegnizing tise practice ai ail countnies masi ad- vancedi in public health matters, the Provincial Boarti of Healh ofa Ontarjo, turing thre session Oi 1896 securedth ie passing hy tisa Le-j gialature ai a bill eniitled -An Acft for tise Inspection ai Meai cuti Mill Supplies lu Ciies anti Toavs."ý Tis Acf sutbanizes tisa Municipal Counacil af evory cify or toavu ta pass by-baavs, shesuidt tey deem if ativis-' able, providig ion tire establuisment ai a public abattoir avithin tise limite ai the municipality, anti for thair in- spection by tisa bocal hoaltis autisenities. Tis Act contains inter alia tise fol- leasing clauses:- "The Local Boardi of Healtis ai every city anti town may, lu addition ta pen- sodical axaminatuon as ta punit y of pub- lic mile supplies, anti as ta tire sanitany condition ai tise bynes, or places avhere ceas for pubýlic mile suppies araleept, inspcl every milcir coar lepitisherais, as te its genenal iroalib. In addition te sucir gouerai inspection tise Local Board ai Healtir may provite, ion tLe testing aviti tuberaulin by a negisiereti reterinary surgeon ai oveny coa leepi in sucir hyres or places fonrtise diagnosis ai tusenculosis." "Eveny cow may Le testeti andti tre- aiten deait aurt according ta tise maiL- ode sot forth iu the regulatiaus adopteti by tire Provincial Boarti af HealtL, anti approve t a hy the Liautenan-Gveru- ar-in-Council,"' "lAny meat-packiug est ablishment henetofore anrliereaiter enectet avitin lira Ijmite ai auy municipality lu Ou- tario sLal Le ssrhject te. inspection, lu a mannen aimilan ta tiraitise hbmuni- cupa1l slaugjhter-souse, or abattoir." '"Any Medical Heailih Officer or saut- tary inspe-cter may, ai ail reasoniaie times, inseairi examine any animai, carcase, meýat, pouitry, gaine, f lesis, f isir, fruit, veigatables, grain, breati, flour, or mile exposoti fon sale, on ta- pasiteti in any place for tire purposa ai sale, on ion preparatian fan sale, anti intendeti ion foodfoionman; tire proof tLat tise same avwas net exposeti or de- positeti fan any suoli pirposo, onraras ual intentet for foot ian man, nestittg witi lise Part y ciraugat; anti if auy sucir animai, cancase, meat, paultrY gaine, flash, fiash, fruit, vegetables. grain, broati, fleur or mile, appears ta sucir Medical Roulis Officer or inspoci- or tatie tiLseaseti, or uneounti, an un- wirolesame,.an unfi ion faod ion in, he may seize anti carry aavay tisa samae, or cause iftateLe soîzet anti car- tuoti away, in andar irai be may cause if teolSe destrayati or se disposetiofai s ta prevent it f nom issing expaset for sale onrnanti for foot fan mnan." "Tire persan taealie tise saine lie- longs, on dit Selong 'at the tise ai saposure for sale, or Lunavirse pousses- sio n ar n ou arie promises the samne iras fount, shah hea ale, ta a penalty not axceetiLng $100 ion every' animal, carcause, or fieL, or pioce ai menI, f bush or, fisis, or any paulfry an gaine, anr for the parcel of fruit, veg-etables, lg>ain, breati, on flaur, or fan tse mile s0 coutomnetd." W\hiie tisa Act malees ht optional ion ziities to construci municipal abýaitoirs, it reqîUires tirat auy city on toavu estab- lisising an abattoir sisail censirurti anti equip if accorting ta tira ragulafione stioptdhy the Round ai PubliaResuslt. lUheseregulaf Lana aviliLa epublissetinl tire iortlscoming rnoat, waiuais vli aIeS3 ceutain plans for modal abattoirs. Tire sîlecial inspection pravideti for andam tise regulations of tisa Provilu- cial Beardi ai Healfis, aLlis ragula- tiens aveneapproreti ai by aunsnier-in- esaucii, dtiaet Dacember li3rti, 1896, pro- tide for a pensoual, inspecion by a vetarnariau ai avery misrcnav tp for slrpplyiag public mile, for ovitience1 of tisase, andtihie matiug ai teste for tuberculasis. Eacrh animal teseat anti J founti iealtsa'shahLa ti escniboti anti slunieredtinLua Seat supplet by tira Local Boardi of Healh, anti a natal tag sirall ho affixedti th ie ear ai tise aav s ush a nuisen cnraspandiug ta, thai zuiore insutise booke descnîssiug tise coav. Any. animnal in any dainy .hart inunti and hast fi maie pisysicians anti nurses lu he Uii tSaaes. Pnicetweufy<6ive cents a houle. SoitLy aildtraggislsthrougsnut thaworld. Be sure antiast fer "lias. WI-îSrOW'S SOOrHNîsteSY-st.", :sists. Thisis ta b tire paxish duust, o'hicb is ta, be cartetinluanti dumapet in- ta hoppers, overireati tramways willI con- vey ît ta thse d-ying cirambers, iroin ,virich it is raketi on ta the fine boars.,oi the furnaces anti burnoti under a forceti d.rauglrht. A system ofi«"thermal storaige" ls one of tire moust interesting anti nemarkabie fcatunes of tire uew scheme, anti, it lus zlaimieti, illenahle thoeiseat of the furnaces genonateti during the day to be storeti up foýr ue u- ght entise IJOCUMKENTARY EVIDEN(CE. What fine teethisyauhae lupy Are tirey your own? You eau baBt thpy arc,lI Laid thedon :sst's receipt in ull. I y ENGLISH BREAKFAST COOA PoIssesses the fOllOwl Distinctive Merits DILICACY 0F FLA ,VOR. SUPERIORITY IN QUALITy. Grateful and Coniforting to the Nervous or Dyspeptic. NUTRITIVE QUALITIES UNRIVALED, ln Quarter-Pound Tins and Packets.. p[gri DY 1~~JAMES PP8 & Co., 'u AVE YOU TASTED It îs the Most Delicious of ail Toas SOLD ONLY IN LEAD PIIGKEIS BY SoId bh1-- h l141r. RUBBISH OP A GREAT CITY. E'eperlunenisi IkLandail e l Rs ies (or Ail 'Wate, Asies, paper scraps, shop sepns andi ail tuclassifoirub is la re iln Eýnglýant i ncluded under thre f<_sne ric namne of "dust," writes a Londc, (or- respondent. Every reader oai Dikens' Most powerfulainad fascinatinýg story, " Our Mutual Frienti," wil! remember the description of tiredu-nat mo(unds in the Yard of Boffin's Boie, ",,'lap Hollo- WY ~3way," andti he grotesqýue figure of wooden-legged Sulas Wegg, sturaping up and downl thein andi prodding the- hiere anti there with a long iran roi, 111 scarch of Ljddeu. treasure. dnt flranY Vilsitors ta London, as Wel as ail roSi'dents, are familiar with. thre sight Of the great; moundsinL soma af thse mure desolate Liid aqualiti suburbs, as tho, trains rush by them, for Dickens rareily, if e-ver, erred in Lis, local calor. . The removal anti disposition Of the "dusi" froin the bins of residenceýs and business hanses, is haro let out ta con- tractors, who are paid sa ml.i hpar tou, for thre wrk, amd vwho aiten make n good thi 'ng atiditional, elther by farin- log eut thre privilegesl or sortlug over the "tiant" to rag andi hane pickers, or by Lbaving it overluauled by tlieir own. mlin anid selling the proceeds, As wltbs Yeu, however, thre contents ni the dust bises are very largely a.shes, lu Wiich are iftermixed a goo i many p'srtly cons- sumet i clders, straw, paper Lei vari- ons combustible rubbishl. Eacb ai tisa numierous parishes whlch I go ta anake up the metropolis af Lois- don Las its own dust contracter, anti th is item oi thea axpenses of administra- tion is ane af the bardons ta ho provideti for by the- vestry, which la THE GOVERIIG BODY of tire parisir'lu matters af local adi- Ministration. Anti, as ia is tire prera- gative, af tire ratepayer everywire, te grulmble ,at thre expenses ai the rmuni- ripality, 'the dust contractons -coine in for their sihare of fault4îïndtng. Just now eue af tr-soraler anti leass me-nîltie parisires sus uutiertaking. a uew, tieparture in this matter, Which is er- la n a measure expenrnmeiiai, but otiesuccess af witch no doulb i s en- tertaineti 1--t-rass, virlmcw ra. ' %i Caresfu ai tudy aitýie Wirole question, anti have for mauy menthe, been making ai the preparations for putting inta iperatiç>n this very, important mýeasure. lIf successful, it wili revolutionize tise îvho'e, matter af tise disposition ai a clty's refuse, andtiirri the ratepayers' grumhiing luto rejoicing. Shoredltch, is a, busy manufacîurlng district in the, nortireastern part ai Londau, jusit t Éle nortir ai Liverpool street antiBroati street railway stations, ant i a luttie ta the eaistwarti ai Fins-bury. IiTheP1abtJinet- makers' shaops are chiefly situatetinl Liais district, wisich is ai rather limuteti area, but liss any short, narrow streets and a dense population. Tire xstrY of thîs pansa Las Lad annually to dis- pose oi aven 20,000 tons ai dust anti ashes, for which it bas hitherto pait 3ý shillings per ton, but has lately let a new contract at an ad-rance ai 5ti per ton. This meanus. an expenditure of zerer $1r5,000 per year for tire removal ot refuse, which is, ai course, so much net zsutga. Soveral ai the local goveruing - 1

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