\VFDN1ýS1ZIXYFR. 10 1897. MEmtpi bOY' COLLEOE Or 'PHT4OTANÇ u'rg<ciîs, 'eniterlo, Coroner. etc. wél MOAREN DEITIS M 243 Yenge St., 1ORON. $10 l.a ~oSet of'Toth for 84 Q ,BLOCK. upsiairs. King Street, BOW'u&li- l. S;olilotor for the Ontari Bank Wihati' t lsai nnel ot qt'hgas w'ai r,îi d-1 ÉËICE, IN THE WEST DURHAM~ N"eWs fllock.,whaieo hinself or assistant 'aili lie found front 8a.m. te 9 p.m. Niglt catis a reidence.diî ecîly opposite Drill Shed. Oeils by ieiegraph or telephone will redive promipt attention 171-yr R.PEATE, Tailor Gentlemen's lothes M~ade ta Order. 1>ENTIST. OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. Higgiubotham L Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE D"ENTr":I S T RY. C. HARNDEN, L. D. S. Gradua thue Royal College Doutel~ Surgeons. Ontario. rL OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. VITALIZED AIR. N.LTew Tailor Shop The underslgned 'Who has been carryles on the taierinu business iu connection witl Mase's Dry Goods Store for a numaberot years lias commeoad business for liiseif ai bis rosidence, King S.,wost, where ho la prapared te niako gents' sud boys' Puts in ailthtee tet styles, and ai lowest prices. For those wtio wish te order suits, lhe wili carry a fu lino cf amples mal thtIe nawest patrns. Ulre bue J. T.ALEN Fashionable Taller MONEY TO LOAN. $100,000. Alarge suci ef monay-las beeh plaoed ilu my hands by a private person fer invesiment, on approred leans on farmn security ion a teramof 1 Ira Or TES Yeats, Fîve AND ONE HALS' PER CeuiTtatereSt i itbe maeed payable Y"a"y Satisfaeiory conditions for repayoieni wfILtb arrangod D B. SIMPSON. Soliitor. BoWviaiîao t. 1Dcted Oct, lt. 1894i 40-tf. "F OR SALE OP. RENT.-louse 5nd -V l acres for sale or te rent. sjituaeOL Suogaote nr. The promises eonsist ci a gocd honer ith oery covenieuce, driviniz shed, stable, etc. Tuie garden con tains a lot of hoe choicesi fruit cf li varietta s. Immodiart, possesslion eau ba giron. Foipartîculars appi> W.F'ISBLEIGEH BoWManVillO Ont 49ci THE FARMOî,ý' JERSEY OOWS. In tae island cf Jersey, for upward, et oee hundred years, legisaaien bas, ferbidden, under laavy penalties, the introduction intoIte islaed of any ced evary member of tle bovine race; the increase therafoea lacent mcd whclly te tle birtba fron thbbc îorougbbred cal- tie ce île iland. A single exception la made lu favor et stacra for beaf Pur- poses. Wbntevar, therafora, cf matit ltera is in keaping n breed slrutly pure île Jersey poasessas lu a superant- inent degrea. Brad upon c uitile isiacd wlere ne other breed cf Iornad catlla wns allowed, by a rural population wbo tiare intaresled jenîleenilk ocly as te ils butter content, butter (outaidaet vegetablas for market) bing the monay crcp, witb butli1111e if aey demand for milk, il wns naturel abat ale sbeiiid be bred withîlthh viaw cf produieg but- ter. TIc resulttcf breeding for gen- eratieus for a specific object 'bas bacc te make thc Jersey a "butter" cow. The Jersey la the most thorougîbtad cf domeatic animais, thc long lina cf qpa- ciel breedicg fixing tle dbnrcctatisttd5 se strocgly tInt evary animai cf bbe braed poasesses île e bradty ot prePo- lency to transmit ils own qunlities to ils oftspricg; and haerein ies onu of the vast superieriîles ofthte Jersey. Inelier native 'habitat ber aurroundinga, con- dition.s et lite, habits, etc., 'haveaci- wnys bended 10 make tle Jersey a but- 1er cew; but t was resarvad te the Amn- enican breedar, by upwatd et torty yenrs cf devoled skili cnd untiriug ap- plication, 10 develop bier te lier grant- est capacity. As a rasulof lis syslc- maticencdeavors the Antericcn-bred Jer- sey cf te-day is more bIen 50 par cent superier le buioar-capaciîybe btht o iiieety years cge. We ottan lent cf the pbiencmneuai record-breekers, svbicb slow wlei a bighiy bred, specializad cow may do under siectitio'bigl-pres- sure systema cf feedieg; aise îleeavon- derful progresa eut reeecrs lave made ln the art cf braediug tor e purposa. But tle greatest glory efthîe Jersey lies net lu blasa abuermal yields, w on- darful though iîey may b', but in not baes w-nderful averagas obtancd le evcry Stale ln ont gloricus Union. A very important question te l alcckme is: Wbct brced et catle wlhl maka île most milk, or butter or cleese, or beet? or te put il laý other avords, w laI braed cf caille will meke île mosi cf île preduct desired, ai ieast coal? Oui test, ced île lest cf aeh dairymen, efthIe valua of a cow la tle number et pouceas et butter aba makes on ordinry feed. Thc dairy question is bew te inake île most butter et bbe leat ceai, an1d eut experience proves te us ilat thle Jersey s ltae nnswert thîe prel- lent; abe s pre-amnently tIc mertgage ifter. A cow abat cen lie kapt ou îhe inowiag et a hait acte lot or lawc, aervad n 111 a quart or two cf mccl dnily, that ccc ha made a pet of, and will giva a pound cnd upwnrd of but- ter ef excellent queity every twanly- fcur bouts, wiih creent for thc table, milk for ail puxposas ccd te spara, is tle best and cheaaîest cew for lue tam- [ly and butter dairy as well. Their val- ue can bcrdly haes-timatLed je dollars and cents. TIe Jerseys. are tbbc grandest, scost beau liful, mesl uiseful, most fashiona- hie as well as most proitable stock for lte family ccd the dairy atroughout the whcie werld. Tbey slow tbeir au- periority not only ns thc greateýt ntilk- producers or tle greatesi butter-mak- ers" but also as universal dairy cowai, ndapting titemselves 10 euy ccd ail cli- maIes. W e fied tle Jersey aI lier beat while braving île rigors et e Cana- dien ainter, beticg the whole werld's record'as a butter machine ln tle bol, dry climaeofthte Suncy SeouIl, and in île sot t balnty climataetfClitornia. A,,,-fir r,'rular charact.aristicof et Give ducks planty of liter-straw" ' hay or leaves to "roost" upen. and doM noet compe1 t hem bto get their bed un- 1 der the ba(n's roosts.J Dry-ý-pickad poultry selis the hast. When picked lati h lie tili the animai lienat la aUi ut, -then packi firmly, le dlean barrais- or boxes. Clear eut ail cockerels that are net naeded for breeding purposes; bbey are better in the potpie than the hon yard aI this season et the year. For ,inter eggs kaep pulletsol ou hans, give thent a warm bouse, exar- cise, plenty cf green food, meAt and grit in addition to grain and pure va- ter. GAVE AWAY HIS CRUCTHES1 The Story of Mr. J. McDonogh, of Tiverton, Ont. Smffrel Froin Two Severe Attacl<s of RhaintISII- 1oetors Fenreu1d'lie Troubla Was <Goln, to ZIL, lenrt-Pliik 1-111% Cured l hui aîalie M Gàve AWv«,y Fron thbbcTiverton Watdhmn. Anycce saeing tbe rebust bealth and activae O-rni ot Mr. Jack McDoeogh, who, ain anaging Mr. A. Gilchrist's harness business during bis absence in Scetland, would be considerabiy sur- prised to learn that only two yaars cge ha was a cenfirm'ý,d invalid and una bla te walk without the aid cf crutches. But sudh is the casa, and baaring of bis re- inaxka:be cure from the excrucîating ageny cf ieflnmmatory theuinatisue by the usB et Dr. Wïlliams' Pink Pis, a reprasantative ef the Wntchman clled upon hi" to e lntha particulars. Mr. McDonegh was found werking at the barnass beecli, as weIl and active as any Young man in the country, and ln. reply le a question about bis. cure snîd:- "Yes, mine wvas quit e a rentarknble case.) Two years cge P st spring, white at honte le Wîngban, I %vas suddenly tabac dowc witb rbeuntatism, my feat and anliles swelling se that I could net aven put on an ovarshce. 1 w as in lied for Ibrea -weeks under the eara of the dSt~or, and lad 10 use crutches for a long tinte af er that. The next spring the rbýeumatisnt cama back again, worse than evar, attacking ail my joints, but principally nty achles, knees, bips, ai- bcws and. wrists. The docc 1r gave me vary uitile encouragement, ani said ha was afraid cf il goieg to my beart cnd killing me. I had ;read a great dccl about Dr. William-' Pick Pilla, and te cures thay had wrouigib, ccd I datermined te try thant. At first I did net notice ntucb change, but ho- fora I had takani a haîf dozen boxas 1 waa 50 niuch improved that 1 bad given awayý my orutches and bave caver required tbair use since. 1 stili Iook the Pick Pilis for soem re long- er and 1 have nover lied a toucb et rhaumatism siUce, and hope 1 caver may. 1 can tsay that Pick Pilîs cured me cf a bcd casaeof reunatism and I cheertully reconmand thera to others sutferlcg as 1 did. (Dr. W,ýilliamns' Pink Pis sîrike ab the root cofthe disense, driving it front the systeint and resîcring the pa- tient te Itealîli and strength. Iu casea of paralysis, spinal troubles, locomter ataxin, sciabica, rheumatiant, erysipel- as, scrofulous troubles, etc., thesa pis are superior to ail other treatiocut. They a.ase. specific fer the troublas wiich makes the lives of (so mny wonten a burdan, and speedily restore the rich glow of bealtb te pale and snllow oeks. Mac breken dowc by overwork, wcrry or axcesses, will find in Pink Pilla a certain cura. Sold by ail dealers, or saut by mail postpai , at 50c. a box, or six boxesl for 83-50, by addrassigthe Dr. Williams' M,Žhi cine Ce., Brockville,- Ont., or Scbenec,(t- ady, NY. 11eware ef imitations mt.d substitutes cllegad te le "juat as goed,,." ASLEEP FOR THIRTY DAYS. Mrs. Detrich van Segere, cf De- fiance, Ohio, about four weeks ago, while sitting at tbea dinner table surrounded by tbe raembers cf lber tamily, suddac- ly stopped eating, ber bands dropped, te bier ides and ber eyes closed, sbe bas ing te ail appearacces faîhea fastI aslaep. Rer husbacd carried ber t al loueIge.c St coctinued, hewever. in Literary N ote s Tbe Februnry Forum onpeus wivtb an importan rtce ySeca1to)r lvid B. Hlli, ou the "Future of Ille Democrabcic rgaanizatic."Mr. E111 aveel (ot- ïclses the Chicago Convention, wberain, hae says, Dantocratic usages 'acd prin- ciples w-re îgnorcd froin.thle outset, eld and wel l-establisbed Daînocraîic prniples repu diatad, and new acd dan- gerous doctrines substituted. MVr. Fid- ai G. Pierra, chairman of the Cuban Press Delegation, in "Iba Prasent: and Future cf Cub~a- presents an cutbor- itativa account ef the actuai condition e faffairs in bhe island. He is confident of the ultimata succesa of the. revolu- tien, ccd empbntically declares tbab ne comapromise between Spain and lieara- volutionists is new possible. There are now but two issues: incessant warfare Or independence. ' The Hon. William Woodville Rock.ili, Assistant Sacretary of State, raviewýs the statua of eut con- SulaT system, and points eut saima avilis yet te ha ramedied before il, can reacl ils h igbest a fficieucy. "Ladies' Clubs lu Loudon," by Miss Alice Zimmaru, de- scribes the aima and objects, confcrts aed advautnges, cf the leading Londoin clubs for women. "The Resuits cf Cardinal Satolli's Mission" ara told in ae iutaresting article by tha Rev. Dr. Edward McGlyrin. The ýfortbcoming publication cf the "Auttibiographiies and Letters" cf Gibbon the histerian, te their original terni. atter being senled up for onea buedred years, li an avent et rare libarary interest. Mr. Frederio Harrison, the distinguisbed Engliali critic, reviews these volumes in an arti- cle eetitled "The New Menroirs of Ed- v/ard Gibbon." Dr. J. M, Rice centri- butes a third article in bis series on the Problam cf Elemenbcry Education, antitled "Economy cf Tinte le Teach- ing," directing attention te bbe limita cf incidentai instruct 'ion, thie influence cof fatigue, and the question cf -mntal mcturity. Among other interesting articles iii the February Forum are: "Speadyý Financial and Currency Re- orui Inîperative," by the Huit. Chiarles N. Fowler; "Tha Cure for a -iioos Monetery System," by Senator W. A. Patter; "Poe's Opinion ef 'The Raven,'" by Mr. Joal Benton; "The Crintinal. in the Open," by Mi. Josiali Flynt. Froint U. S. Commissiener cf Educa- tien, tle Hon. Win. T. Harris's very suggestive "Ue New Education" te Miss Genevieve Thoradike c¶ark's "Oc the Tbiresbold; a Psydbic Experiecce" la a fer cry, but the Fabruary Arena spans the gap, providing mucli and moat di- versifiad entertainment on the vcy. Dr. Harris's scbdllarsbip, practical iexperi- ence and ability, and officilposition make nnytbiieg lie bas bu say ci'ways la the higheýst dcarea furlbering The New Bducation. 'ibia paper was originatlly deilivared ns an address before tle IHomne Ceegresa le Boston, lat Octoer, where it was received wibh great fayot. Miss Genevieve Tbcredike Clark's contribu- tion, On the Tlreshelýd; a Psydbic Ex- patience, la a powerfuh short story, sontewhat -recallicg the inannar cf Edgar A. Poe. Ia Art for Trubb's Sake lu thc Drama blet original acter and playwrigbt, James A. Homere, aubIer et Shore Acres. who bas been, èalled the Sudermann cf Anterica, while disclaint- img ability teacnlyze bis art, yet, as ...cyothers have doue who thoroughly uederstnnd the practiocf their caîl- ing, or mcking thac effort produces n capital theoralical essay. lb us illustraîad froýntlisi own career, gives good and new anecdotes et a number cf the greantadtora, and la ai- logether a most entcrtainicg article. The Civic CIrurdi, by Prof. Paul Tynar, la île aimost inspirad addrass delivered aI the organisation eftIhe Civic ChurcI, la Denver l.ast Octeber. The want, sufferiag, injustice, and unrest of the tintes bave lad muimerous remedies sug- gestad or nttampted; we have the "lu- stilullonal. churcli," bhe "social saIlle- matînt," eIc, etc. Denver bas tn- bracîng "organizad lae." The' nove- ment which cocteînplntas au extension of tle clty's functions le meet the situa- tion, te "île enrobaient et intelligenée and vll le ceesclous combinalion agninat starvation ccd misery, avarice and gread," te supptying "bread, arn- pîcyment, educabion, acd entertaiti- ment" cf the 'best qualîty and lu abundacce," tb cli its cîtizens 1ta eyn- rbaciug "crganized love." The move- meu s cf vital. contceru te the world, and i wl,1 bccloscly watiihed Ibbcthe v- oin Tbi o&w f Siseb .Fier- 1 oece. RuilIWiiLterbume iiand Mary C. Stetse cotrÎibute it bbc methe'rs' page, and Allie 'arwefl ~oncdGraca Slboup Presýent soieavlatice fanoes inp-, s and vrs. Tttia her peets cf 'bi issu ar Rzkith Butýterwortb an (ota Stuart le Lar.Inaddition oc lier usual falin article, Mary Kathnria- HRowýard Ibegins a series cf Practicci Lassons ile Dressmalaing, whidh promises te ha of real value te woinan who wish te knexv bow te tasb- ion IleIrx own ga=ncnts«. The beys ced girls, niways ivaîl cared for le this mag- azinie, bave in the pra.aect cumbar bbe conclusion ,etfFrederick -R._IBurton'A amtusingsry, Old Navet Mmnd, besides tlhee popular Keetty Peints. Thare, laý the usuai grist of special malter for women, entbracieg fashion information, fancy work, adveice to housekeepera, floriculture, and hints on honte decor- lice. The cver of bhe February Coin- panion is a tribute te St. Valentîne, and is as pretty as il la appropriate. Published iby Mat, Crowell & Kirk- patrlck, Springfield, Ohio; fifty cents a yer ; f lys cents a copy. The Century for Fabruary dentales threa seriats,,riz., the conclusion of Mr. Marlon Crawtord's novelette, A Rose et YsadY; îhe tourth part cf Dr.\ei Micbls Rugb Wynce, acd the con- tinuation cf Gen. RotraePorters'are- collections of Grant te the field. The short stonies are, A Man and Sete Others, a tale cf île Western plains, by Staphen Crans-, and Miss Seliua's S"ltlement, a slery et New York se- ciety, by Mrs. Burton Harrison. Ie addition te these there ilac oucbing narrativea by W. J. Stillîman of the lite cnd deel.h et two pet aquixrls. Mrs. Scluyler Van Rensselaer, who know s New 'York by bert, centributes an il- luslrctedl paper on Places ln New York, the- topics cf wbich range frein bbc shumis te the opera. Thc BattleetfCep- enhagen, by Capt. A. T. Mahan, la the third of ibis disttnguished wrilters stu- dies ot Nelson's victorias. Anoîlar il- luslrctad article having c curious le- terest la a slnd y cf le Serbian Swcmp. Vacdiand, by Chales l,-d Kay. The pa- par la attractively illustrnted by Louis Loe4,In lthe Desert w'tithe îleedouin, la the tille cf a paper by R. Talbot Kelly, wlo supplies lis ou n illustra- tions. Mr. Kelly's paper îs fulilet an- ecdote acd incident. A sketch cf Sent- uael Lover, under tle title cf TIe Au- lIer of Rory O'More, is contributed by bis deugîler, Mrs. Fany Scbmid, mc- tl'er ot VictotrHerbert, the musicien. Julien Rawthorne ceni ributes a sec- ond short paper on Jamalca, entitld A Troplo Cliinb, givieg graphic descrip- tions et the islnnd, cnd with illustre- lions by Gilbert Gaul. A symposium lenîlh' direction of c comparative stiîiy cf île laIe w et la auppiied by Generals S. D. Lee, Joseph Wheeler, E. P. Alex- cnder, E. M. Lawi, D. C. -Bieli, O. O. Howard, ccd Jacob D. Cox in considera- tion of île topic, WIhy the Confedetacy Failed. The pcetry ofthIe nuicher la contributed by William R. Thontpsou, Claties Crandaîl, Alice Williants Broth- arton, C. G. D. Roberts, Grecs Duttieid Goodwin, Robert Underwood Johunson, aed ollers. The midwiuter number cf St. Nicho- las ope.ns witb e, slory by îhe famous taveler, George Kenrnan, anlitled A Si- berian Scare. Wbile Mr. Kennan was living ln a lonely but lu tle wlds cof Siberia, engnged upon the Overlcud Tel- egraph route, lis test wcs disturbed hy mysterueus noises aI cught. Rlis servant dcclarad blet it was c ghostly visitant, ced fieally e Ruasian priest came witl bell, bock, acd ccndhe tb " lay " îhe spook, JusI irbel île gboat was must ha laft fer the tender ta dis- cover. George Hl. Yeuowice contribules an article ou The Bithplae et f Pre- sideet Lincoln, la whlcl il is incident-1 ally tbld how a soboolmete seaved bbe future President front decibt rou ing. Mrs. Julia Tcf t Baynewrtse Willie and Ted Lincoln, WhiletePo sideut's socs were living lu île I-While bouse, Mrs. Bayae's brotber, Budd, wa thaur moat ictimate playmabe,,ccd as barseif, then n young girl, snw ntucb cf tIent. SIa talla cf bleir pranksancd pîcys, wbýicb iecludad n minstrel show le île White Hbuse and a compecny cf zoucves lu wicl nIl cf île memrbers wera officers. The programme ofthie show, in Ted Liccolc's baud, is rapte-, ducad. Ibeodora Wotes, aneartist. who is cotad for bis studias cf C ia e te writes et Ah Gnu's New Year's Celabra- lion. the scenna of whici abidi in China- EPPS'S OCOA ENGLISH BREAKFAST COOO0A Possesses the following Distinctive Merits' DELICACY 0P FLAVGA-". SUPERIORITY IN QUALITV. Gratelul and Comforting to the Nervous or Dyspeptîc. .. NUTRITIVEQUALITIES UNRIVALED In Quarter-Pound Tins OnIy, p[glpoiqD Y JAM[ESf PP8 U1 Ri., UL, Hortioeopotiic 1 mimI, tandon ERWand. 41-611 n1AVE YOU TASTED It is the Most Deliciaus of all Teas SOLD ONLY IN LEIID PACKETS BY Sold by CAWKER & TAIT. 41-ly. THE BICYCLE IN THE ARMY. A Sc-xtetiVàeel Wlâleli WII Fl> Oser Ice Now Bimg Experlrnenled lVith. The German army, long noted for iÉ3, nuinarous experiments witb the bicycle, lias just pGut in practice a brand-n1w. idea which isla ikely to deutonatrate 'the- utillty of the, wheel in campaigns ixberý1 soow and ice must be*reckoned as ai-orllf th-- oîîmy's forces. Thus far oniy a sextet bas be built w ith the, full paraphernalia, because it is rather doubtful. if a single wheel could ha, utillzed in this fashion. The shield which. completely bouses the up- petr portion of the bodies of the riders is constructed of aluminum; in forin lb las sligbhtly convex, but at the front runs to a point, net unlike that of the old- fashioned ironclad. The saie gener- ai se-mblance applies to the rear, Ln point of appearance. 3eneath the covering, or storm pro- tector, the riîders are seated on a mna- chim-e whtch differs but little, front that ordinarily seen in the form of a sextet bicycle.,. Saddle and equipinent are pra- ctically the saie, as are also the pedal- L'ng fat ures. It is in the bheavy, smali 1-ron wheelis at,, the machine ditfeérs nicat front the ordi-nary sextet. The-se w<heels miglit at first se'e t b le toc deficient in size to aawe%ýr the purpose for whLch tbey are intended, but prac- tce and experlicent have proved that they are exactly wliat la needed, owing to thelr pecuatar construction, the sec- ret of wbich rests in the brain cf the inventor of bhe machine, Arnold von Wi-nkel,'ma'nn, of Berlin. THE FOIRWARD WH-BEI, w ith its spiked amer meets the snew and ice through an opening in the broad runar whicÀh looks very nmuch like3 the toboggan cf Canada. Ia this way an addiâtional impetus is given the ma- chine, by mneans cf the combination cf bcth the revolvlncd the sliding pow- ers. huLtWi be seen the speed can haý develcped by the naw invention wili haý cf a great dagree, and that as a means cf raipLd locomotion the stcrnt- protected- sextet bicycle promfises te be- come, one cf the most notable cf the many ncvel features whicb characterize the, Wr Lord's mihtary cohcrts. i It la openly stated, that itha e-missaries cf His Rioyal Higlm,nes -,', ,di, cets the. destinies cf millions front thapano:plied wa lis cf the Kremlin havebee secretly watching tlie experints made by the Kaisar's soldiers with t:his new and strange bicycle. 0f course there can lbe cnly cne axplanatien ot*this, and that is,ý the bicycle will before many months as- su-me the posýiion in the legion of the Czar it has alraady seou&xed in the tanks ai 'j