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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1897, p. 4

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Cross Cut Saws. Axes.1 DWO)RT1 has in stock a ful assortment of the f ollowing at lowest prices': Cross Out Saws, Saw Sets, Axes, Axe Handies, Files, Sleigh Beils, Skates and Straps, Horse Blankets, Lanterns, Whips, etc., etc. We solicit your careful inspection.' RD. WORTH, Opposite Ontario Bank, BoWmanville. Skates. Right Prices are always here,, but lower than usual just 110W. It is the off season, but s tock will be found complete. Special values in Pictures, Picture Frames, Sehool Supplies,. Photo Albums, Musical Goods, Stationery. My $1 Photo Album is a genuine jeurprise. The supplying of Sunday Sehools with Libraries and every requisite, a special feature witli me. BowmANviLLE. GRAND IRUNK RAILWAY. B3owmANvILLE STATION. GOXNG EAST. COING WEST. Exprss.87 , m I xprss ..5 23 a. M Exres.. 019a.m.'Loa. 837 Pasener.. 5OSp.m. IPassenger.. 225p. m Loca .645p.m. *Express..: 7 40 EPr s..10384 BOWMANVIIJlE. FEB. 10, 1897. Mr. Hevd's officiai majority in South Brant is8§81. Mr Fauvel, Liberal M. P., for Bona- venture, Que., is dead. Oxford county Councfl voted $500 to the India relief fund. The Dominion Government has cap- lured four seats from the Conservative Opposition since June 23, representing eight votes on a division in th e flouse. Good beginning. Some otherwise good citizens do in ~ lities what tliey woud neyer do in uùsiness,saysKnoxonian. Canada will neyer amount to mucli as a nation un- tii lier people adopt the same code of honor in plities as in social and business circles. There must not be two stand- ards of right and wrong in this young country. Mr.Laurier and his Government have done more for farmers since coming into power last June than their pre- decessors did the last five years. Thle Iast good stroke of business was the removal of the quarantine for cattie between Canada and the Unitecd States. Our cattie mav now be shipi ýd, to the Àmerican markets or through to Amer- ican ports for export witliout the delay of 90 days. STANIN'G 0F TUE PARTIES. The Liberal victories in Ontario last Thnrsdav make a change of four in a ,division in the flouse of' Commons, and leaves the present standing of parties in the country as follows: Lib. Ontario..46 Quebec.....49 Nova Scotia..- 10 New Brunswick 4 Prince Edward Island . 2 Manitoba..'. 14crtliwest vac- Ind. ant. British Colum- bia.......... 4 2...... Totais..120 81 8 4 5 TIe Liberais, Pat rons and Indepen- detst general voted together -last sesion. A similiar combination in the present condition would give the Gov- erument 46 of a xnajority.,, Sleigh Belis.1 POPULAR PRE1l1IUM~. Never in our business career do 've remember of liandling sucli a popular premium as the ripw Dominion Cabinet given witli the Weekly Globe. We act- uaIlly lad a rua Monday wlicn our first supply arrived that quickly exhausted ibefore niglit. Ever v Globe subscriber wats thls excellent p icture. We lave ordered a new supply. COUNTRY PUBLISHIERS. When the Press Association adjourn- cd la Toronto on Friday a meeting of publishers of country 'veekles was lield to consider the advisabilitv of forming a section te be composed ëxclusively of editors and publisliers of weekly news- papers, The impression was conveyed to thc association that those interested la thc daily press occupy se mudli of the time and attention of thc annual meet- ings that mach greater advantagc would corne to the country newspaper mca if tliey were privileged te meet as a distinct section, because the intcrests of the two classes of publishers are se very different la many respects. The desire of thc promoters is not te witli- dra'w from the Canadian Press Associ- ation but te be allowed to organize as a section of it 'itli autliority te conduet thleir meetigs la accordance 'vitli their owa specal interests as printers and puhsir. After a lengtliy discussion a resolution was unanîmousiy adopted, appointing a committcc to cemmunicate witli the pubishers of country weeklies la Ontario witl the object of forming thls separate section and urging aIl te attendncxt annual meeting for organ- ization and co-operation. This, cern- mittee coasists of Mr. A. J. Jcffery, Arnprior Clironicle, Cliairman; Mr. M. A Jam ', Bowmaaville STATESMÂN, S *craetay Messrs. J. fi. Thotupson, Tlorold Iest, fi. W. Laird, Cobourg Sentinel-Star, and P. A. Bellamy, Ing- ersoîl Sun. Major J. B3. McLean, the new presidpnt of the C. P. A., 'vas pres-, ent and gave lis liearty concurrence lan the action taken by tlie country publisl- ers. We shahl e glad te reccive advice from our country coafreses respecting the best action te le taken te accomplish the de - sired resuit. fIROP ROTATION. Owlng te the large space occnpied by Darlîngtoa TownshipTreasurer's finan- ciai report we lave witli-leld an article 've lad intended for this issue givino' furtlier explanation of Mr. W. Üenniýes systemn of restorino' and maintainîng fertility of the soil. This is reailla subject for the agricultural papers, Ut se few farmers read sud Journals, and this subject being te our mmnd one of thie greatest value and urgcncy te farmers we make ne apology for devot- ing censiderable space to its censidera tien. Under the Icad of Oshawa on our first page last wcek 've eutlincd Mr. Rennie's system eof crop rotation but we have a mach more comuflete report of lis address at Oshawa on thls import- ant subject. We hope ne farmer la West Daârlam will faîl te read there- ports of the Farmers' Institute meetin gs ta last week's STATESMAN, se as tote better prepared for the article aext week. Those of our readers wlio get the Farmers' Âdvocate will find in the aumber for Feb. 1 an article on the samesubjeetby- Mr, D. M. Macpherson, M. PPofGengarry county giving a rotation of crops coverîng an 8-ycar course as follows: 1 and 2 cern, 3 grain, 4 and 5 hag,1 7 and 8 pasture. fie dlaims by ths systcm, 1896 being the tI -year on lis farmn of 125 acres, te lave produced a crep value of ever $5,400 as follows: mil k cows p)astured 75 giving from May 1 te Ocet. Blst 236,921 peunds milk tliat netted at fact- erv $150625; pork product (200 pigs fed and pastured on 6 acres) 24,000 pounds, netting 84.10 per cwt.. making $985; veal calves sold 60 for $150; curcd liay (89 acres) 116 tons @ $8-84920; 750 tons cern ensilage (26 acres) @ý $8 a ton, $2 '250- oats and barlcy, 18 acres, 650 busheis $162;- 18 tons straw @ 8 a ton, $54. Deduet $600 paid f,)r fccd for pork and milk production dnring summer, whidli leaves $5426.25 total 'crop value produced. The fodder is all consumed on the farm by 188 cattie, 6 herses and 17() Pls Outlay for laber 81500; 'vear and tear, $500l; hea%,N foods $1500. fie estimates a day's work per man. pro duces over $2 witli 75c. a day addçd te fertility or capital value of the farmn, Hie expects tlie maximum crop value te readli $M an acre and actuai cash sales about $80 an acre fer the 'vIole farm The whole article la iatenselv interest- ing for Canadian farmers,*-This num- ber is 'vol worili ten cents, If yen 'vant It send 10c- te 771e Farmer8' Ad. vocte, London, Ont., for a copy. 1ONTARIO LEGISLATURE,. The Ontario Legîsiature opens today for the first time in nearly a qu-ýarter of a century witliout Sir Oliver Mowat as leader. A clever Frencli-Canadian, Mr. F. E~. A. Evanturci, is likelv ta be the ncw Speaker. Col. Sir leasîmer Gzowski, A. D. C., to tlie Queen, will take Hon. Geo. W. Kirkpatrick's place as Lieut-Governor. Mr. Andrcw Fat- tullo, Edîtor of tlie Woodstock Sentinel- Review, will move and Mr. John Auld, Editor of Amherstbnrg, will second tlie the rcply tc the address. After the ceremonY of openin -' the flouse today lias becu concludce' and tlie adjournment lias been effcctcd an intercsting event will take place. Dr. John lloskin, on behaif of Hon.Edward Blake, will present the flouse witli a portrait of Hion Edward Blake,tlie work of Mr. Wyly Grier. Tt will be recolleet- ed that the portrait was painted for presentation to Hon. Mr. Blake on the U art of a number of lis friends. Mr. lake lias dccided to present it to the Legisiature. and it lias been arranged to give it a p lace on the grand staircase where it will serve as a companion pic- ture to the portrait of Sir Oliver Mowat, whom Mr. Blake preceded as Premier of the Province. Tlie portrait will be ac- cepted on behaîf of the flouse by tlie new made Speaker and on behlaf of the Province by Hon. Geo. W. Ross. The Late Mrs. Hutchinson. The many friends of Mrs. H. W. flutchinson, Winnipeg, Man., will learn with deeplregret of lier deatli at' the family residence on J an. 27. About five. years ago she was stricken with paralysis and whule slie recox ered in a measure from its effccts, she neyer re- gained lier former state of hcaltli and strengtli. Thus. wlien attacked with the prevailing epidemic of la grippe,licr systemn was unable to withstand the sliock. She was cqnscious up to within, a fe cwlours of tlie end, and lier wonted cheerfulness was unclianged. Mrs. flutvhinson was the daugliter of Mr. A. D. MeLean, and liaying lived in tlie city for about fifteen ycars lier briglit and liapp disposition whicli even con- tinued il healtli coul not effect, liad endcared hier to a wîde cîrcle of, frîends wlio f eci that in lier early deatli they snstain a deep personailIoss. Mr. llutcliînson lias the sympatliy of many friends in lis affliction. She lad been for a number of years a consistent member of Grace churcli. At the last sad rites there 'vas a large attendance of sorrowîng friends and ie-v. G. R. Turk,' the deceased lady's pastor, of- ficiated. The remains lying on a m g- nificent coucli casket of a reccntly devised st yle surrouinded on ail sies witli the most lovely flowers, worked into ail possible designs, looked beauti- fui even in deatli. È1Margaret iluteli inson, died Jan. 27, aged 32 years,"-was inscribed on, the silver breastplatc. Tlie solemnn procession ef t tlie residence of Mr. ilutchinson 346 Notre Dame avenue, for St. James' cemetery at 8 o'clock. Messrs. J. i.ý Fairchild, L. D. McPherson, Jas. Tees, T. H. Webb,Dr. Clint and A. G. Morgan 'vere the paîl- bearers. Among the large number of wreatls sent were noticed tlie following: Large pillow from the husband of de- ceased; large cross fromn father. brother and sister ; larp, Mr. A. flutcliinson; wreatli, Granite Curling club;ý cross, Mr. an-d Mrs. Plaxton; spray calla lillies, Mr. and Mrs. llislop;spray ro)ses and lillies Mr and Mrs. Tees; wreýatli, Mr. and PÜirs, A.,G. Morgan; cs, Mr. and Mrs. Spink; wreatl, Mr. >Nïuand Mr. Siemon; heart, Mr. and Mrs, . r. . Webb; spray lillies and carnations, Marlon and tlla Motley; cnt flowers, Mrs. Banning and others; wreatli, Mr. F. A. Faircliuld and family; wreath, Fairchild Co.; wreatli, Mr.* and Mrs. Ranton, and wreatli from employees of Mr. D. W. McLean. A PronInent Citizen. Mr. Thon Bennett, for bver 22 years la business as a wholesaie an'd retaiX butcher, gives bis experien-ce wvith the now famrïus rcmedy, Mi-iuurn s Ieart and Nerve Pills. "Gentlcren,-I have for a long time been affIhcted with extreme nervous- nc-ss. and ailments resuiting tnererrom. Frequently I had sharp Pain-a under rny heart. At times my meinory -was doudeild, wh4dh was a great arnIieyaiioe t0 muei my business, causing me te forget ordezis which wee given te ume, and my attention had ta be catled to such matters frequently. Very often there 'vas a sort of mist came before my eyes, and I was extreme-ly cizzy. On,- of the 'vers-t fé outures wa.s that business matters of sinall kniportanice ascumeS exnggerated forma, and I brooied over them unnecessýartly. At night I woeluS oiten 'vake iip with a sta.rt anS It 'vernIS be a lo'ng tixne be- fore l eould again comp~ose nîy-1 seIf to sleep. 80 unstruxng 'vere 'ny nerveis that 1 had fits trembling oceasionally, and colS Msensatirsns w'oulil rua do wn m7y limb-s. The ieagt excitement or noire startled mae anS set .my hoart l4utter- le. "I have tahen a box of Milburn's leart and Nerve Pis, whlch ?' got at Mr. I4. W. Love's erug store, corner Broadvierw and Danforth-avenues. They restered my nerves te thedr normal condition, and ted Sup my "11=1m1to scb an calent. tbat &Il the dist PU ngallmeats I heve nientloned have ccmpletely dis- appeared. Izay itw'itheutany qualifi- cattea whatever thatthey areo a spîca- 'Îd inedlcine for shatter ed nerves and 'QmOr attpndng ee-i~. 1T cno-tee-o ICL-ktiie wondéefi1 lrtues of .iI055Uezof heart to. IM £ ENNirly, Horses Wanted. I will be at Bennett flouse, Bowman- ville, on Monday, Feb. 15, to buy good lieavy horses for whicli liberal prices will be paid. Bring horses early. ROBERT GRAHAM. FREE SEED DISTRIBUTION. Farmers, make immediate application for 8-lb bag of Oats Barley, Peas, Field Corn, Spring, Wbeat or Potatoes, addressing " 'CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FAî,Ottawa" No ostage necessary -ltters go free. Only one sample wil be sent to eacli applicant. Write to-day meutioning THE -STATFSMAN. AUCTION SALE. THuRSDAY, Pcb. 25,-Mr. W. M.,fiorsey will seli at the Bennett flouse,, 3o- manvlle, that large and commodious brick residence and grounds fronting on Elgin and Horsey sts. Also the brick residence on Wellington st. occupied by Mr.M.M.Fenwick. These are very desirable residences being- vell buiît and centraliy situated. Se bills for particulars. L. A. W. Toi-a, aurtioneer. Cash for Pou ltry. The undersigned is prepared to pay the hio'lest cash price for anv quantitv of pou'try drcse5ed in the follo-wing mani- ner, viz: Bodies dlean and dry picked, wings, tail and head unpicked and un- drawn; fowls must fast at least24lours before hein-o killed .Kill by bleeding in, the moutl and neck. P. S. No poor fowls 'vili be taken nnless at rcduced rates. Also cash paid for Butter. Beans, Dricd Apples, Drcss- cd flogs and Eggs. South of Standard Bank, Temperance st., Bowmanville. 48-3m. JAMES MANN, ~NI[NI 01I9f RIS11 E1RS. $70,000,000 AS8ESTS. Mr. E. B. Williams, Ghief Rang'er of Court Pride of Ontario No. 6000, A.O.F. las giveanus some interesting informa- tion concerning this old and well tuied institution . It is now 106 years old and is net an experiment but a tricd reality. Its membership, over 900,000, meetin1g in 8,442 Courts, rcsts secure la the la- creasing surplus of ever $70,000,000 of whidli over $29,000,000 is la cash and securities readily availabie. The socîety la Canada hoids $70.18 for every $1000 of insurance carried by it, a record possessed by ne other soeietv in the world. The Ancient Order of PFor- esters is found 'vIerever thie flag of Britain bas been unfurlcd. With its beautiful ritual, liberal sick and funeral benefits, its safe and sound insurance plan it is a boon te the working man throughout the woend. Last year it paid eut la benefits over 89 every minute, and yet added the magnificent surn of $1,139,045 te its immense reserve. The Court meets on first, and third Wednesday every menthinlatIe Forest- ers' Hall over McMurtry's store,. Tle principal officers are:- Ed. Williams, CJ R.;Ridh. llambly, S. C. R.; J.N. McDougall, 'Secretàry ; L. Joibow, Treasurér; J. T. fisoper, T. 1I._Spry, Jas. Sauinders., Trusteers 26-Sm. Tirs STATESMAN 15 acknowledged on ail sides to be the most aewsyand in al respects the best and clieapest local journal la this district. Only $1.00. 1 1 1 wliere. We take ahi kinds of Farm Produce paying highest market price. Deal at the West End flouse. the John McMurtry. The Calladiail Statesinani1 Do n ot take orr word for- it An Eight Page, Irorty-Riglit Colutun Newspaper, ls pubiished EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, AT TI-NE OFFICE 26 STATESIAN BLOCK, RING STREET, ROWMANVILLE, ONT., 13V SubscriptIon$î.50 per annutu, or $1.00 if paid Btrictty lu advance. ADVERTISING RATES Transient Advertising. Ten Cents per Lmne, fi-st Insertion i ive Cents per Line eaeh sub- sequent insertion. CONTRACT RATES. sIZEFADvaxîssEsî TIMES INSERTED. ______1 Mth Smths QMths 1 Yr. One Column ..........20 00? 40 $0 10~ Hlf Columu .......... 13 00 26 40 60 Quarter Coiun..... 800 16 26 40 Eighth Column-.......5(A 10 16 26 Twenty-five LUnes,.4 50 9 . 12 18 Twenty ies .........4 00 6 8 19 Flfteen Li1n es.......... 3 50 5 7 50 12 Ten Lines........250 4 50 650 il Fî've Lines........1 2518501 6 10 The above are commeat rates, and appiy oui-y to regular business advertisers. Transient ad- vertisements Ten centm a Une tiret insertion, and Five cerqe a line each subsequent insertion. Change of contract advertisemnpnts must be banded lun not later that one o'clock on Saturday -Ihis mile wlll be strictiy enforceci. jParagraph advertisements amoug news items a0 a une each Insertion. Notice of nirtbs, 26e; Marriages and Deaths, 50C. Dispiayed advertlsements are measured b-a scale of solid nonpareil and charged accordlng- Y. Orders for dsotnmn detseet ost be iu wrting, otlierwise the publisher wiil not be responsibie. To SuBsciiEns-No paper -wiil be stopped iotil ail arrearages are paie exdept at the option of the publisher. A po st oÎÏce notice to discon lue le not sufficient. Double regniar rates are eharged during March, April and May and October, Noveubsi- and flecember for dispiay advertising not con- tracted for by the year, Ail kinds of Job Prlnting doue with neatue8s anS despatcb and on reasouabie termes. The office 1s suppiied w 11h a great variety of tbe iatest and most fasihionabie styles of type, lisiness notices lu local or uews eLtinns irsi Insertion 10 cents per line Nouparel. 5 cents per Ue eacb subsequent Insertion. Notices 0f m(et- lugs of any km d a t whlch an admission f"e is cbarged or a collection la taken muet be paiS foi' Ail communications shouid be addreBsed, M. A. JAMES, Bowmanylle.Out Try it, and s-ee for yourself that "LU D E'LLA" CEYLON TEA deserves its name asthe finest produced. In fact, it isjust what you want. In Lead Packages. 25Sc, 40c, Soc, or 6oéc per lb. FROM ALL LEA DING GROCERS. bes lue'gaoie, Qikcz" a So'ld by druerits or Tue QlcuoCiayLtd. QuiblecC». FARM~EIRS' INSTITUTE MIEETINGS. Esdli momber of West Durharn Farm- ors, Tnstitute is entitled te receive a copy of the folowing reports: The Onfarlo Agriculturnl College. Agricultural and Experimenta lUnion 1)airi men's As,ociation of Ontario E. 1Pain njeet's Association of Ontario W. UOntari,) reneries Association. Farmers' Institutes. D)ominion Slieep anîd Swine Breeders'. Poultr , Associations, East and West- Thc Good Roads Association. Bulletins of the Agnricultural Coliege and Experimental Farm. Valuabie matter 18 ceutaiaed in these repot-vryone shouîd lave them. .jon the Institut and tley will be sent Io you fret et cost. TOTIN CEIAP'LIN.-Bowrnativille, deè.1- er in Fruit andOrnamental Trees of ai], kincia Dontýaeeyourorder until you bave seel tne. Noue ut thebest of stock wlil be sold. Ail stock wlll be sold at the lowest possible price and guarauteed true to name. Box 58. Bowman_ ville. 49-_tf. LOOK RflSP.EOTABLE.-Y (UBlg Mon and olci should look respect ie holiday times. Place vourseif in tile bands (or chair) of F. C.ÉPetbick in his tonsorial Ipnrlor and liewiil trim vOur head and face tili you'1l look so neat and respect- able that your frieads M'ont recogniZe vou tili von speak. Call at the old reý liable aùd getyour Sunday clip. If you can use a really first class Goat Rtobe you can secure one below cost price at M. Mayer 1s. Hie is clexring off the balance of this line. West 'End House,: BOWMANVI LLE. February Spectals. Swiss Embroideries 5 cents per yd., On Monday next, Feb. lst, We Will offer for sale 500 yds Embroidery, new goods and nice fine Work at 5c per yard, all worth 7c and 8c per yard. There are tWelve different patterns in this lot. This is a great snap. We have excellent values at 8c and 10e per yard. Also a fine Muslin Work at 10. and 15e per yd. Wrapperttes. We have purehased a special job of these« goods in Dark Colors, broWn mixed,grey mixeci and black grounds. They are positively cheap at 12~e per yd. We are offer- ing the ehoice of patterns during February at 10e per'yd. We have also a nîce assortment of light colors at the saue price. These goods make just the nieest flouse Dresses you can get. Staples. New goods opened up- Steanloom 1 yd Wide for 7c yd. Fine Oxford Shirting 10c. Hleavy Cotton Shirting 10e =y. Splendid value in Cottonades. Bï&oots and S.ýhoes. 30 pair Ladies' Fine Dong.Kid Buttoned Boots,narrow or medium toe, pat. tip'd, bevelled sole, size s 24 to 7, very special value $1.50- per pair. Children's 'fine glove grain- ed buttoned or laced Boots, fine Wearers, special 75e pair. G roceries, Our Groeer-y Department is up to date in every par- tieular alWays keeping in vie-W the quality of the goods offered for sale, Nothing but good goods handled a nd at prices that are as low as inferior goods are sold y else..

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