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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1897, p. 4

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During, the next two weeks I wiil offer the whole of My immense stock of Sheif and Heavy llardware, Stoves and Tinware at Greatly Reduced Pricesa As I aiways pay SPOT CASHI and, thereby save al discounts, I arn able to offer special bargains in ail kinds llardware. We solic it your careful inspection. IRJe BOWMANVfLLE. Telep hone iNo. 66. Right Prices are al ways here, but lower than usual just now. It is the off season, but %tock will be found complete. Speciai values in Pictures, Pîcture Frames, Sehool Supplies, Photo Albums, Opposi te Ontario Bank1 THE FAMINE FUNI). The Fund at the, office cf the Montreal Star for famine sufferers lu India las turned thirty-five thousand dollars (35,000), an average cf $1,700 a day for twenty days, thc largast food fund lu the history cf Canada. Thc churches and schools bv thc hundred are centrib- uting to the Star Fund. FALMIERS ARE PLEASED. Our articles about Mr. W.* Rennie s system cof crop rotation and rcstoring and maintaining the fertiiity cf thc soul have'struck an appreciatice cherdý among thc farmars. We hava neyer lad more warmly exprcssed words cf aporovai and encouragement on any subject wc, have discussed befere lu TuE STATEiSMAN. Farmers knew we are do i nzo tho-,ei. ,labhiserceflOa nd wefreln, plensed te have their appreciative FRIEE SEEI) DISTRIBUTION. Farmers, make immediate application for 3 lb bag cof Oats, Barlcy, Peas, Field Corn, Spriu,ý' Wheat or Potatoes, addressing ' CENTRAL EXPERMENTAL FARM, Ottawa."' Ne postage necessary -letters go free. Only one sample will ha sent toecach applicant. Write te-day meutioning THE~ STATESMAN. MÂKTNG FÂRIIING PAY. Threa weeks ago wc quotcd some figures from an article by Mr. M. D. MNacPhcrson, M .P.P., ou "How can au ordinary farm bc made pav ý1 This week we publish thc letter almost infuil on an inside page headed "A Earmeir's Experience. " How le prcduccd $5426.25 worth lu one sear on a 125-acre farm will intarcst many farmers who rcad the STATESMAN. Don't fail te rcad the article. WEST DURIHAM BOYS. Thc Canadian Baptist gave a vcry glowing report cf the work cf a West Durharn bov-Rcv. W. T.Buiit,a native cf ilamptoÏ. lHe was ordained in July last aud since bccorning pastor cf tIcý Baptist church at Listowel bas had g reat success. Tuc members arc in a live spiritual condition and the fiuances are progressing nicely. Several uew namas have beeu added to the chlurch membarship amcng them a lady 85 ycars3 cf age. Mr, J. N. Johnston, son cf Mi'. James Joînston cf this town, who w as attend ing Hiram College,Obio, is now preach- ing at East Palistine in the sama state. ANOTHEIi MÂNITOBA SCIIOOL GRIEVANCE. EDITORL STATESMA,-Encloscd yeu wiil find eue dollar to pay for my paper for 1897. I arn well plcased with thc paper. You complain about your schcol taxas. My taxes ara: Gencrai rate 7 milis, district, rate 8 milis, Debenture rata 1 miii, generai school rate 4ý m.ilis, Special School Tax 10 miils-a total cf 23.3 milis on the dollar and two day's Statute labor. The parents cf 8 eut cf 10Ochldren attending schcol have neyer paid any taxes ; they are on crown land which canniot ha sold and they arc mean enough to take advantage cf tbis condition. Oui' School Act allows them te vote and bc trustees which privilege they should net hava but have their children ex- MLR. MACPHERSON CRITIC1SED. Thec article on the inside page of this week's STATESIMAN by Mr. Macpherson is abl vcriticised by RI. t. Allan,Cobourg, in the last Farmer's Advocate. H1e says there can be no0 doubt that the systcm, is the best known for renewing wornout lands, but could flot be generally adopt- ed because it is flot a self contained system, stock and f ced having to be obtained from outside sources, drawing froin a large area and depositing on oe farm. Mr. Macpherson bu 'vs aise at a cheap price, far bplow their real value,and salis at high prices. If farm- ers generally adopted his system where could the cheap bran, shorts, peameal, steers, etc., be obtained ? Who weuld grow steers at 2ý,c and bulis at lie per l'b. to enable ail the farmers to make a large profit by buying and feeding $2,70 30 ortli uf each un fnished produt? 11e selis 60 veal calves, hcing quite close to Montreal market, but if 650,000 Can ada farmers produccd 40 cach where could 26,000,000 veal calves be sold ? Why do flot farmers who sali their un- finished products at cap rates feed their own grains and finis h their ewn beef a nd, pork? The systcm nmay be mcasurably correct, but we want a systern that does not require one part of the country to contribute to another part to its own positive loss. We must have a self -contained system to bebene- ficial to a whole agricultural country. LA few farmers in a, district conld make money as Mr. Macpherson has donc, but at the direct loss and impoverish- ment of the farms of others. Is not Mr, W. Rennie's systcm much better than Mr. Macphcrson's ? A.0. U. W. At the Grand Lodge meeting in Tor- onto last wccek there were present from Bowmanville Lodgc No, 99, Mr. James Saunders, Represantative, Mr.S.F.H1il, >Grand Organizer, Mr. M.A.JamcsPress Ilepresentative, Mr. Thos. Jcweil, P.M. W., and Mr. R. Trenouth. The officers for 1897 are: G M WV-F. 1W, Unitt, Toronto, re-clectcd ; G F- Geo P. Graham, Brockville, re-alacted; G 0-T. M. Cornett,Gananoque ; G R1e- corder--M. D Carder, St. 'l homas, re- elected for th 19th year- G Receiver- J. Rushten, Ridgctown, do ; G Guide- Jos. Gibson, P M., Ingersol; I W-W. W.lodgson, Trot; O W-Chas. rKellv,Chatham. Grand Trustees-Thos. -Sargaýnt, Toronto, re-clcctcd, T. D. 1Pruyn, Napanec,FG.McCready,Brock- S ville., BOWMANVI LLE. New Boots and Shoes Ju st Opened Up..a.a1 We have been busy the last week opening up and marking our Spring purchases of Boots and Shoes and we dlaim to have the finest stock of these goods in this part of the country. In Ladies' Kid Oxford Shoes we have an immense variety of styles and prices such as 90c, $1, $1 25, $1.35, $1.50, up to $2.25 per pair and extra value at each price. In Ladies' Kid Button and Laced Boots riew shapes and good value at $1,25, $1.50, $1,75 and $2.00 up to $3.00. In the heavier grade of Ladies' Buttoned and laced Boots we have excellent value, A splendid heavy bal. at $1.00, good stout soles. Fine glove grained, buttoned and laced at $1.25. Our stock of Misses' and Children's is very large and, We Would respectfuliy recommend our 75c buttoned and laced good solid boots for Chldren'ls every day wear. We have finer goods at a littie bigger price. Boys' want good strong Boots. We have and sel Boots that Will give satisfaction for Boys wear. See them. lu Men's wear We find that $1.50 is a good price and we have an extra large variety of styles at this price and -ilpromise yo ood satisfaction as tohewaî" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --A-t- 1 --, - .- -_u oRE . oo. azt m n. i tox b e utiv cmittuee eicLuu u i n i ui - ri. 8) t rQp i:- , ru 'A îlJtI d* rln&u 'iifl f jâ .'ruiQQG S3dL~HIy. J.13kfUtflJ ~Jl.j~U.£iLl ~tos 1mtn~. i hxon, ieor- àj îgg M r. F. W. Hdson, Superîntendent of 1?nta. AoinYsted;t M Peregrine, goos. We recomrnend J. D. Kngs $30 Boots for good e opvwri es us concerning tiiese articles .MiCltC. .Juinl tu'iaU n nitt, F G. nwood T'oronto, J.Mîl- Dn.KdBosi atr n ae ri 12 o$.0 as follows' c f Toronto's most successful whoiesale ne odn ititbptDurham The supplying cf Sunday Sehools Yoiir article is a splendid thiig and aftc ans ey ears aaitaed thait District-W. H, Ives, Coiborne. Our $2.25 line is a seller. witli Libraries and every requisite, 1 hope it will be wîdely copied by vonr arer cfmn yeagacin luac i h h notable changes decided uon at j______________________________________ Votalor almost affl e moncy tuej'" ______________________________________ TTT iprîces te be better, but im roved_ meth ouL.1 fromd St Thomwrias to 01makln utltl, n ha nyfivýj hcad office fo tÈmst Toronto. yo elpretconfidence in what he recommends. *ods will help us ail eut. ar à a -1 or main unt- tite tuat Y Zhidri~aeaupo ht-s- - se tiat vou are ddvb1,m R- ý this town as au examule. Let the old iiimr a ncwcra cf growth unpreci ent- BowmNviLF, TATON. be? What is the rea3en for the prsctI- torye the town, and tell us what unes famr aescesfPUILNl Vs-rot ersn r Our Bot n Shoe eat n. G FN Ei' <ILSTt 1w' 1 p~.' - ..i.. ercentao-e of oui' merchants have made 'l(1 TIU13U LLJpLIIIu ainat-ail concernea n ts.weitare are toi[ e> l ,. e'Otsire a Cup%0i ubis iatesti D~-eil.uLaunpui~-uiinuki-.taLLuLHj~4 j ~'- -~n~~-4,~Ç ~ - nv iia1 euài ion aotMrhlt Readers ishingF Thc 'Diamend' are the mily ys ndcmand new and wiiiimake his stoko J~B~ Martyn. I3OWMÂXVILLL to th&in, heu one will be forwarded I sisfiiactory resuits.- Ask v our dealer verv complete as weII. Sec the full injion. Adu"s; TE Jox-E xi,,Co[ettie refuse it&ti-n and.4Re Mb x .Jdiirna-th~~ i~' ~ /44~« t~ont, >u~ ~aedrlys.Iflursal7si" ock 'icrnr tC qi-ultig- meill vaitiume service an _uxitittaPQ - Q- IPll-«%ý -1 ii . , Il w -f -r- Lk P- - -@ WQPQ Wiau Il le perlec 1 1 - 1 sL mn

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