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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1897, p. 8

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N~flgi f ilia Superior to ail otbers. You can fit it yourself or we 'w'i1l do it for yiou, Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Any one reqiiringr a Truss will find it to their advant- age -to exam~ine the WL3Lý,OIRE TIRUSS sold by 6 Sono BOW'ýMANVIILE. BOW IANVILT4E, PEB. 24, 1897. (C'ondensed I rn fthe News) ORONO.-Mr. Thos. Long, Port Hope, was in tewn, Tuesday week.,... Mrs. D. Hall is visiting at Mr. Ed. Mortou's, Sixth Lîne. . . .iss Mary Harris,Clarke visited Miss R4. A. Gîfford. . .. Mr. Chas. Hlli, Streetville, was in tewn recentlv.. .Mr. Thos. Bell, Dunsford, and niëece Dot Davies, Lindsay,bave been visitiug at the North Ainerican ..Mr.aud Mrs. Chas Cornish, C>hawa, vii'd Mr, W. Crnsh, rccently .. . .Mr, anîd Mrs. A. Odeli, Cobourg, and Mr. Herbert Odeil, 'roroute, are home.... .Miss Minnie E. Hall is visiting bier siqter, Mrs. j. B. Moat, Toronto.. ... Mr. arid Miss Henry, Mîllbroek, aud Miss Minnie Ilambly, visited at Mr. John L. Row S'.. ..Mr. J.' W. Cornish, was dcl egate fronu Orono Lodge te Grand Lodge A. 0. U. W .. Mr. Wmn. Ilenry bas returuod te Mani tnba .... Mr. Chas. ileeper, Osbawa, is 'vielting lis brother... RevT . LAwi hias been invited by the officiai Quarter- ly Board et thc Methodist Cburcb, te re.- main another conferenice year.... .On Tuesdav tbe tuneral et Esther Ard, be- loved wife et Mr. Rich. Thomas, tooki y aefrein thec family resîdence, Port liepe, te tbe, emretery bere. Th1e de- ceased was a daughter efthte late Ilebt. Ard, and was iu ber 31sf year, Ki,vMr, and Mrs. Thes. Wyli-., Colwater. Mr. and irs. Wm, Ok'ý, etf Sluna, visited- Mr. Thos. Ilenderson..' .-Ur. Thos. King auid wif e, Mariposa, are iio , Mr. Jas. Poxors .. . Miss Cooncy, Peterboro, visited cf Mr. Wmi. and Mrs. Albert Kerr, Deloraine, Mail., ai-e visiting Mr. Edw~ard Brc.ýh.Mrs. Hugghsoii, Oalkwood, is vîJiting triends bre .... Mr. Thos. Scott bas returned ta Manitoba taking a cempanian with hîiný,_~ Debate at thc League Mendlay week, "Who are the mou, independeuit the mecbaaic or fariner ?~ Resulted in tavar of thc fariner. S. S. Ne. 2.-Mr. A. Tbempson and R. Martin shipjped a fine drove et cattle Safurday weel-.... The Caswell Bros. sold a fine span et herses te Mr, Jacobs, et Port Hope. .... Mr. John Couison lest one et lis vaînable driving herses thraugh distemper.,...Mr.Wm. Clarke and son are sick.. .. Mr. John Martin, Sixth Lino, visited triends bre .. .. Mr. R. Rowland bas gene te Fenelon Falls te feach scheol. .... P. Martin and A. Woodward, et Sixfb Lino, were guesis et Jas. Lycott, Sanday woek. KENDALL .-Mr .NoahSelbv,N,ýewcastle, was liere Manday weok. ..Mr. W. Un- derweod is busy assessing .... Mrs. Smnith, Elizabefhville, bas built a neat dwelling bouse on iii street. The littie daughter et Mr.Walter Woodward Is verY low. . .. Mr.Chas.Carsan and Mr. A. Pollard, Oreno, have exclianoeed herses .. .. Mr. Robert Paterson hau@ed grain te Port Hope..Mr. ChasCooper spent Snnday week with thc Misses Tap- scott, Port Hope ..Mrs. John Mathews bas returned home troma visiting ber aunt, Mrs. Francis Armstrong, Port Hope . . . Mr. Chas. Underwood and sis- ters, Bella and Lou., are vîsiting lui Port Hope .... Mr. and Mrs. Donard, et Port Hope, vîsîtod at Mr. Mafhew's re- ce-ntIy. LigsKAîîD.-Mosssrs. John Dax-ey, J. W. Carnish and A. W. Carvetîi attend- ed Grand Ladge A. O. U. W., iin Tor- onto... . Mrs. J. W.Corn ish visited frieîuds in the cityý..Mr.andMrs.W.Coram and dangîter, Miss Jennie, visited fricnds in Hope Township, recentl. - . Messrs. White and Currie,of Elizabefhville, were guestsect Mr. T. Whit e. Sundav wccý. . .Mr. and Mrs. W. S. GamshyF, Orono, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Staples...lTeý Misses Pafferson, Kendall, are guest ot Mr. and Mis, S.Finly ... A cow owncd by Mr, John Davey -ot ifs foot tîrougî- the bridge iii front cf tIc post office and breku its leg-. Mti. E. W. Hazîcît, Reeve et Chathamn Toeiàas4ip, Kenit County, Ont., sa. s "My daugîter bas beeni very n T(ee1,1,1 f or ï me years ; shec n as x ery frale iauJ al, ,ýys fet ftired; sIc n'asprex ailed, uponlIv a frieed te trvacB-n a~ n ge i liii e n C, sh- ai le'--o . S l stroige,(,r aljidl\l ana. mirewell," Chemists and Druggists.1 SHAW'S SCHOOL bHUSE. A very large representation frorn here attended the N ewcastle anniver- sry; Wednesday- cvening, Peb.l7th,and report a splendid programn and a grand lecture deliveredby 11ev. J. J. Bue... Iffss A. M. Bickie, our hîghly esteemed teacher, attended the funeral of her grandfatber, Mr. Win. Hill, Welceme, on TuesdaY lth nst... . Miss M. Biekle, Welcome, was guest of her sister, Miss A. M. Biekie.. Mr. Mhos. Clernence's littie son, Carl. bas been sick....Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bragg visited friends in the East last Tuesday .. .. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wr.S. Braggo is enlivened by the presence of a baby girl, They make one feel as thougb lîfe was worth living. Take one of Carter's Little Liver Pis affter eating; it will relieve dyspepsia, aid digestion, give tone and vigor to the system. MýAPIÀE GIROVE. Mr.S.Baîker bas been visiting friends ln Toronto . ... Mr.Jobn Ranton,Winni- peg, is visiting lis mother.. . . The sick RlichAard yler, bas erysipelas, Master RcadTremble, bronchitis ; a slight chanige for the hettp.r in1 Master Leslie Cox .. . .Visitors : Mr.Fred Brinacombe, Toronto., at Mr. R. D. Snowden's; Mrs. D. P. Well's, Toronto, at Mr. C. Cox's Mrs. Ilawthorn, Port Hope, and Miss Stella Clarke, Newcastle, at Mr. P. Tyler's ; Miss Maynard, Toronto,at Mr. M.iMundav's: Mr,and Mrs.John Thomp- son, Oshawa. . .. The Epworth League have a social Thursday, March 4th,when Mr. 0. Hezzlewood,Oshawa,will lecture, on "Caniadian Pdets." -Avery pleasant time is cxpected. * D o\ 'r FORGET-That to- remove corns, warts, bunioàs la a fewý days. ahl that is required is le apply the aid and well- tested corn cure-Prttnam's Pain- less Corn Extractor. Sure, sate, pain less. Putnam's Corn Extractor makes ne sore spots bard to heal, acts quickly and painlessly ou bard and sot t corns. ENFIELD. Visîtors: Mrs, and Miss N. Martin, Port Perrv; Misses L. and A. llogarth, Solina ; Mr. R. and E. Ashton,Haydon; Mrs.IJ. F. Hurîbut at Oshawa; Mrýs. S. Bray at Solina and Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. B. Powell at Port Perry.. Mr. J. Gallaglier and family -intend moving te Burketon shortly as he bas rented bis farm to Mr. Ferguson.. Last week tbe name of one 0f thede sirable accompanîsts wbo took part at Enfield band concert was omitted being that et Miss M. Ileatle.... .A larze sleighload of our people attended Columbus Sunday eveninz . . .. At the concert held by S. et E. at Hampton last Tuesda'y fnigbt Enfield Sons were well represented. A P01NT TO JIEMEMBER-It you wish te puritv your blood you should take a medicine wbicb cures blood diseases. The record et cures by Hood's Sarsa- parilla proves that this is the best inedicine for the blood ever produced. lloed s Sarsaparilla cures the most stubborn cases and it is the medicine for you te take if your blood is impure.' H-ood's Puis are the best after-dinner pili; assîst digestion, cure headache. 25 cents. COURTICE. Mr. John Essery, Centralia, is vlsit- ing triends here. . .. Mr. Wm. Courtice and children, Brandon, Man., bave re- turned home atter a pleasant visit with relatives here ..Mr. John Grills' tam- ily, Markham, is visiting bore. ...Mr. A. J. Gay, Miss Ethel and Miss Eva Courtice visited Tyrone triends recent- ly ..Mr. Everett and Miss Mabol Wal- ter are enjoying a very pleasant visit with fricnds in Keene. Mr. 0. R. Hall is nnwell .. .. Mr. Blake Courtice is re overing frein rocent injuries receiv- cd l being thrown frema a sleigh... Bemember tbe S. et T. concert at Mt. Carswell Wednesday .... Mr. T. Gale, contracter and builder, is also doing a business in lumber and shingles .... Mr. H. Gay bas taken the contract of re- rnodelling- the tarin buildings et Mr. J. McMillan, Base huie .... Mr. F. L. Van- Nest bas reinoved te town. That tired, languid feeling and duil healache is vervy disagreeable. Take two et Carter's Little Liver Pis betore retiring, auJ , ou will find relief. Thevy never tai] te do geod. r' --p ~' z ' '"I G(et-a-odoe- Oshawa, February 17th, 1897. 1896. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. 1896. Jan. 1, Dec, 81, 189S. Dec. 31, 1896, Der. 31, W. F. COWANe PEESIDENT. RECEIPTS. To Balance................................ .... $10,718 73 Repayment on Leans............. ........ $70,5R9 60 Interest Receixed on Leans. .............. 43,568 78 Interest Received Banks .................... 368 15 Revenue Account......................... 1,680 89 116,217 S2 Deposîf s Received............................. 208,998 28 Debeutures Issiied ....................... ...191,3000 Ontario Bank, Bowmanville, ........1964 92 DISBIJRSEMENTS. By Western Bank, Oshawa ......... ........ Deposits Returned .... ................. Debentures Retired ...................... Loans ou Mortgagcs ............... ...... Interest Paid ............................ Dividcnds Nos. 46 and 47.............. LAxpeuse Account ................. -..... Westecru Bank, Whifby ...... ...... -..... Western Bar.k, Oshîawa-..... ............$ 4,603 58 Less Cloques net presented.................. 574 51, Cash on baud ...... ................... PROFIT AND LOSS. CR. By Inferest earucd for the year .............. Revenue Acceunt ............ ........... Bank lnterest Ileceived............ ...... DR. To Inferest paid............................ Dividends Nos. 46 and 47................. ExpcnseAccount,including Com.en Leans,etc Anount Transterrcd te Contingent Accounit. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. 1896. AssErs. Dec. 31, By Mortgages and other Securif les ........... Office Premises ........................... Office Furniture........................ . Cash in Banks........................... Cash on baud ........................... 1896.LIABILITIES. $528,199 25 $5,9)0 59 218,499 08 141,3u0 0 106,901 83 20,890 60 ,17,965 80 5,738061 6,8333 4,029oe7 640 94 $528,109925 .44,545 37 1,680 89 36815 $46,594 41 8 20,39060 17,965 80 & 738 01 2,50000 8 46,59441 $879,916 93 11,000 00 414 53 10,862 40 640 94 $902,834 80 Dec. 31, To Capital Stock......... ......... .............. 299,430 53 Depesitors.................................261,389 35 Deeutures.............................. ... 244,6000 Contingent Account.............. ............. 21,5000 Rest Aceunt., . ........ .....wm .nvi ... 75,000 0 Anount due OtroBauik, Bwia ,ll... 961 92 $902,834 80 T. H. McMILLAN, SEC.-TREAS. We hereby certity fIat fhe above statement contains a correct representafien et the affairs et the Company as shewu by thc bookis December 3lst, 1893. We bave examiined vouchers and securities and flnd f1e saine correct. PERCY H. PUNSIION)Aidf Oshawa, February 1th, 1897. J.P WNS5 UUU. The Prosident movod that the Report be adopted. Mr. Allen secondod the adoption of tIe Report, which was carried, atter remarks by tIe Chairman and ethors. Mr. Allen secended by Mr. Tamblyn, moved that the sum of $150 be paid to thé Auditers, Messrs. Pnnshon and Owens, for their services for the past year, and that tbey be appointed Auditors for thecocming year. Carried. Mr. Carter, seonded by Mr. Dingle, meved thatt a vote efthtanks bo and iS heroby tondered f0 the President, Vice-President, Directors and Secrotarv-Treas- urer, for the vorv satisfactory manner in which thoy bave cenducted fhe affairs et tbe Comnpany during tIc past yoar, and that tbe sui of $1100 bc proscntcd te the President, and $200 to the Vice President, for kieir. services te the Company. Carried. Mr. Hamiin, secondod by Mr. Paterson, moved that this meeting do now procood te elect, by ballot,,seven Directors te fil thc place et thoso rotiring, and that Messrs. John Carter and Wm. Roadwin be appointed scrutinoers for said election, and tla>t the poil remain open fer eue heur for tbe purpose of receivîng the vote of the Shareholders; but that should five minutes clapse at any tino, witbout a vote having been taken, the poil shahl e closed; and that thie said serutineers bo paid thc sum etf $2 each for their services. Carricd. Chair restimed, tbe Scrutineers reported the tollowing seven gentlemen who werc duly declared elected Directors fer the ensuing year :--W. F. Cowan, Esq., H. S. HaImln, Esq., W. F. Allen, Esq.. Wm. Brien, Esq , J. A. Gîbson, Esq., Jno. Cowan,,Esq., and Thomas Paterson, Esq. A vote efthfanks was tendered te the Chairman, and the meeting adjourned. At a subsequent meeting et the Directors, W. F. Cowan, Esq., was unani- mously lccted President, and W. F. Allen, Esq., Vice-President. AITCIICN SALE.i Meney W'anted. THuRsDAY, Feb.2M. W. M. Horsey Ail acceunuts due me must be setfledi will seli at ftle Bennett lieuse, Bow lin some shape -betore MVarch 1, 1897, nuanville, that large aud comînodions atter wlicb date al unpaid accaUntsi brick; residence aud grounds troutiîîg will ho placed lu court for collection ou Elzin ceid Horsey sfs. Also tÈc auJ cosfs will be addcd. No oee e>~ ~c*i--7 n Ft 01011ld complain as ail uew bave tair OCcci mW> h>m'i îe n îotice, a t s c' 1a -'cie1> x ~s ~ ml~À:I",1 k and bilcd ucoral t ires. auetoiwiŽr ~.-. . -. 83w, 32 Ontario St., Bowinanville. 0 0 i ouiy Wombat Fur Coat, îsf quality, wortî $16 now for $12,50. For lined Frieze Coat, wortî $17 naw for $13 and other snaps. 1 oniy: " tnîal lot of Coffee with Chickorv in glass gem jars, reg. 32C for 20c.) A cloice fresî ground pure Coffee, special 30c. Some Mai-malade andl Can fruits reg. 2U.C and 25c for ioc, clamce geods. Baking Powder roc, Can Corn 5c. Tcas, Coflees and Ceai Oïl are always specialties wîtb 11., Choceliti, asiAC Cramels, i ziI c, Crearu mixed 12,1c, Lozengers ail kinds \. Pay us a visit this week and sec what we have ta offer you. ___Oo Sole agent for Bowmanville, JOHN HELLYA& TRIE MIETHOP0FA. GREAT TRIEAT. MENT FOR WEAIKNESS 0F MIEN. Whlch Cared Hlm After IEerythingX Else FaiIed. Painful diseases are badeegb but When a man 1 islel atn w with.nerveus weak- ness, themental forb ngs are tentunes werse than the moat severe p ain. Ther s ei0 pt the~ ~ ~ ~~~g metlsufrs nyorcgt Slotp ,- mosi mpesii n n e nb tain mec are screl epensible for wbat they odo. For yersîe writer relled and tessed on - treubled sea et sexual weakcess uctili it was a iqnestion wbetber be e d ct better take a dose ef p oison sland tles end aillis troubles. But providentiel isiation came te lits aid in the shape ef a combinadouGnof medicices that net 0e11Y Complete- ,y restored the general bealth, but eslarged bis weakmaiaedpats te natural size a,îd iger, and he now declares thai an y man wbo willfi te trouble te secd hi, nine and i ddress may ha've the metbod ef Ibis wonderfni treatment free. New wlîec 1 say free I mean abselutely witbeîmt cest, beùause I wvant every weakcned alan te get the benefit fmy oeperienice. 1 am n nt a pbllantlirepist, uer do I pose as an enthusiast, buttiiere are thousands ef mec sut- feriug the metal tortures ef weakenecl manbeed whe wouid 9e cured at once couid tbey but get sncb a remnedy ascured. me. Do nottry testudy out bow r Cao aford te psy the few postaige stamps. necest e mail theLinformnation, but send for if, and ern liere are a few tines on> eartlî ibat altbougb they cost îsotliing te ge t a lit etimie bOtnees te mosou s. W rite tmp Thomas Same, Bx 2320 Rsimazoo, Micbh.asid the iistorut*t i l be iaîiitmi na plaini seaacd enivelepe. Guarianhip Notice ef hisnotcetheundrsgned wlI ppl t t Surgt ourt efthe United MUnunties 4'î Nrhmeland and Durliamnt be appeInld guardiau ef hi, infant daughter Eva L. P st~ Bewmanville 26th Jaluiiry 1897.ýSO ELI GEO. PSOz 6-3w bY D. B, Simpson, his c agents IN PACKAGES' the pure Ceylon Te-ý9 ed Bee's Brand heJm: ii the( . aarke3t. wPp& Telaphc one J7 - J ,~J ..'- When you buy a Truss Twenty-fourth Annual Report ____F THE Ontarlo Loan & Savings Co., FEBRUJARY 17f1, 1897. T H TENTY-FOURTII ANý,NUAL MEETING 0F TRIS COMPANY T2, held affIe office et the Conpanv Wednesday, February l7th, 1897. The tolhowing Sbarebolders word in attendance :-Messrs. W, F. Cow vAN, W. F. ALLEN, H. S. IIAAILIN, JOHN COWAN, J. A. GiBsoN, T. H. MCM-ILLÀAN, W. READWIN, THOMiAS PATERSON, JOHN CARTER, F. E. DINGLE, and W. W. TMBLYN. The Presîdenit occupieci fli chair, and Mr. T. H. McMllan acted as secretary te the meeting. The minutes efthîe previeus annual meeting were read and conflruued. The Clairman thon read fhe Annual T'eport efthfe affairs etfflic Company for the pasf year as tollows DIRIECTORS' REPORT,ENDING DEC. 31st., 1896. The Direct ors beg te subi-nit fhe fwenty-teurtb Annual Report efthfe Company. TIc business efthf e Company bas beeîî welI sustaiiîed duriug the yoar. The amount hoaned on nortgage $106,901, being an lucrease et $57,401 ever fIe sun ioancd duriug the previeus year Great care bas been exercised in the sciection ef boans. Only those aff ording exceptirialy good sccurity have been faverabiy cousidered by your Board. While the amouîît held ou deposit lias decreased $9,500, ou the other baud fIe liability te the holders et debenfures exhibits an incerease of $50,000. Repavmeuf 0f iufcrest ou boans $45,627.72, is nearly ou a par witb fhe anount coliected under ftle saine bcad hast year, which we hooked upon as an unusualiy good showing, particuharly wîeu fIe depressed condition et agriculture, manu- facfuring and general business interests were faken into account. We regret fIat we arcunuable te cîrouicle auy marked impravoment lu agriculfural natcrs, fIe advance in fIe value et wheat nef being a factor of pieimportance lu this Province, and auy small advanfage accruiug therefron biglargehy everbalauceed by flue decline lu price et ail the cearse grains, reet crops, and apples. Iu the face et thc drawbacks mcutioned, if will ho seen thaf flic earnings et the Company continue te be reasonabhy good, cnabling us te declare our usual six per cent. dîvidend and strengfben our resources by tIc addition et $2,500 fo fIe Contingent Account. This account, whîcl is designed te pretect our Rest Account, new ameunts te $21,500, beiug nearly tlirty pcr cent, et thc Resf whicb new stands, as before, ut $75.000. Iu conclusion, your Direct ors congrafulate fbemselves and the Sbarehohders fIat they have been aIle te accunuhat e, fron past earuings ahone, the respectable pro-rata sun et $96,500 for fIe protcfien et the capital entrusted te f heir care by the Shareholders. Dul3 Io Wcjgf maj làïuk 1 1 For one week longer we will offer Winter Goods at prices low,, than evoîr After that our whole attention will be given te Spr~ Gooda. We do net want te carry over any winter goods and if 1ý prices mearts sale we moan ta soul thein. The foliowing list will suffice te show you that wo mean business and that it will pay yeu to buy now, if You don't -Want it before noxt winter. You may have te keep on your winter clothing for same timo yet. -F TT -I. s 2 fllack Persian Lamb Miîfs worth $6 c11fr$m0 2 Black and 2 Natural Oppesum Muifs worth $3,50 for $2,50. 1 Greenland and 1 Baltie Seal Muif worth $5.00 for $2.50. 1 Child%' Grey Lamib Muff~ worth $4 00 for 82 (0; 5 Child's Grey Lamnb Caps worth $2.50 ta $4,00 for $1.25 to $2. 1 Pr Greenland sea) Gauntletts Worth $5,00 fer $3,50, 1 pr. Black Persian Lamb Gauntletts werth $6 fer $3.2.5. 1 Grey Lamb Collar, reg, $6 for $4.25.11 1 Ba tic Seal Storm Cellar reg. $5 for $3. 1 Grey Laub Tam, extra quality, reg. $5 for $3. 2-4 ru. Grey Lamb Cape for $20 1 Ladies' B1emstster lined, fur trimmed Cioak reg. $25, for $18.50. 1 Greenland Seal Cape reg.* $20 for $15. 3 Black Coouey Capes $10 ta $12.50 for $7.50.- Ladies' Coats, less than haif price takes thon. Tweeds and Mantie Clotbs for Capes and Cloaks at haif prices. Stock fuli and up fa date, prices low. Repairing weil and prompfly doue, A practical Optician, your eyes fested free. Men's Black Fariner Satin Shirts, fast Black af Soc. Tweed hook down Caps for 25Sc. and other speciais. EBOOTrS & S-TIOES- Severai bines af easy prices te dean Up and new spring goods in large varieîyo0fstyle jusf in. Ak tfa sec aur new linos of fancy hand mate

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