I r' y loa a iti TERMS :-$1.50 PFER ANNUM. OUR TOWN ANI) COUNTY FIRST; TRE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M . AESEio n rpitr NE-W SERIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCil 24, 1897. VOLUJME XLIII. No. 13. are no -' showing thle contents of Scores of Cases and Bales of A omii ir SHAW'S SCH00OL HOUSE. Several from here attended the lectureý at Providence and report Rev. J. J. ]3ta of Peterboro, an excellent husnorist and( a first class lecturer. ... M\liss A. M. Bi c- kel, teacher. spent Sunday under thio parental roof at Welcome.... Mr'. Cor, Osborne delivered a fine load of hogs to Williams and Hall Monday. A crediI to any farmer.. .Mr. W. E. Jewell, Newcastle, recently visîed his father, Mr. J. Iewell.....eFarmers are contem-i plating early spring-. "Ment talks" the zim Intrlnsjc value of Mood', Sarsapaerilia, Menit in medicjue means the poWcr to cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesaes atual ai4d unequalled curative power and there-, fore It han true merit. Wheu you buyý Rood'a Sarsaparilla, and take lt according1 tO directions, to purify your blood, or, cure any of the xnany blood diseases, you are morally certain to recelve beneflt,, The power to cure la there. You are not trying an experiment. It wIII niake yoey blood pure, ricli and nourishissg, and thur, drive out the germa 0f disease, strengthesu the nerves and buiid up the whole.system, Sarsaparilla làth est, In fact - the One True Blood Purifier. Prèpared only by 0. 1. H ood & Co., Lowe 11, M ass, iood'S pis D? no, purge, psln o,, Dress Goods, Dress Trimminigs,,Prints, Muslins, Parasols,LTmbrellas,I Linons, Art Sateens, Cretonnes, Clouhs, ýand Boys' and Youfh's Ready -For tickets and informnofion Matie Suits. A fine assoriment et New anti Stylish Ladies' Capesl Vel ve t a i d(1loth-every one new. T e biggest stock o Lace Curtains c veýr shown by us, comprising 50 patterns from 30ec up to 87.00 per pair. lFine stock of ahl kinds of Carpets, including Bales of New Tapestry and Brussels just receivedi from John Crossley and Sons, of Halifax, England. j3o WMANVILLE. Cuh ouin~C yr Kincora ezeylon Tea. .,, In these days of Package Teas one sometimes hesitates as to the particular brand to use. If you decide on Kincora Ceylon you will make no mistake. It is the latest and greatest success in the art of Tea Blending, combining Purity, Strength and Flavor. Put up in or- iginal Lead Packages of -1 lb aud 1 lb each, in black and black and green, mixed and1 sold ut 25e., 40c. and 50c per yound. Caîl at China Hall, Bowmanville, andj get a package and you -wil be convinced of its superior excellence and delicious fl.iwor. We are special selling agents for Bowmanville of thesse flne Teas. Our'Grocery and Crockery stock is com -ite. We ask -you to favor us with a trial order. Prod --e taken. CHINA HALL, Bowmanville. YOUdG& COR The Grocers. ivlneySaved 0 0 iIvloney Madle. And when intendingý to buy in the way of Furniture whether little or nineb, you eau save money by dealing with us. r7.ove this for yourself by seeing our goods and getting our prices.ý We have a big variety in ail kinds of Furniture to select froni and are always pleased to show our goods. Do not think of buying eIsewhere before you have seen our' goods. Sec our lines of FAINCY FJJRNITURE suitable for Gifts. LOI BOWMANVILLE. Udrtuk« anid 'VXlithWe fDealer, Boungil's Bleck.1 rates anti routes f0 tic GoId Fields of British Columfbia, North Western Ontarok Rossiand and Kootenayî Districts, Apphy te agents Grand Trunk Ril-. way System or write te M.('-C. DJCKS ON, District Passenge"1 .Agent, Union Station, Toronito. Agents For Tealim IN PACKAGES, the pure Ceylon Te a cail- ed Bee's Brand thebt in the- market. package. Telephone 57. Try a COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone seifdintg a sketch and description oràt, quickly ascertain, fi-ee, whether an invention i, probably patantable. Communicationis src conlIdential. Oldest agency for securing pat.ents 111 Amen-ca. We have a Washington ofie. Patents taken tbrough Musin & Co, recelVo3 apecial notice ini the SOIENTIFIO AMERICAN, beautifnul1 illnstrated, iargest circulation of anu sientific journal, Weekly, terms $3.003 a -yar; $1. 0 six 0]outs. specimenl copies and NL .0 NPATETS sent freo. Addres MUNN & CO., 361 Broudway. New York, For Infants ',ýnd Children, NEWCASTLE. SOLINA. Mr. Aif. Co-tvayOshawa, visiteti Loy~al Crusaders have entered intoa frieuds here on udy..Mr Norman ve'y literaiIý contest ... . Election of MeBride, Winnipeg, vîsited at Mr. D. ohcr tDvso hswe. r Arnott's recently,..Great interest is . N. Pascoe is gradnally g-etting being taken in a debate ou the follow- weaker... . Wood bees are boomig... ing subjeet: "Resolved that Prohibition Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Van Nest, jr., visited would be a benefit to the couintry" to bhe t Foley latelY. Mr. John Vice'o held lu the Royal Templars'tf0 morrow youngest chulti has been serionrly il: pigt ... issLen Warenis ecoer-but ss recovering.,. . Mr, and Mrs. ingz from hier recent severe illuess ..FakWluo yoe aebe* Mr. Wesley Branton will 'have chsarge vssîfîîsIgt n..Our eillacksmitli's, Mr. i0f thie Electrie Light Works .. . .Miss John A.yTolds . .ovillae roerm rou S-ainisbury le visiting hier autit, Mrs. A. h iy tsi digateedu 1,Elsworth.. .. Miss Minnie Lovekin ha« tratie.,. Mr. Jon. Bray,' Enfield. visiteti been indisposed.. .. Miss Odeil, as ohîs soa-iin-law Mr. John Van Nest,' jr., wasrecnt ues 0fMrs S.Masn...... Wesfîake Bros., have fluished a Th ecn ierr ces f lMtRsS.ào.....large 1contraci of cutting wood for Mr. plars betweea thre Gleaners" ledb E ilsn IMIbiss 0db arr en and Mr. B. Wilmot The action of Carter's Little Liver und the "IEmerulads7" led by Miss Flor- Puis is pleasanit,' miid and natural. enceTaylr an Mr. Normýan Piek.ard They geîstly stimulate the liver, and lisrsutdiii vicforY for the "Glean- regulute the bowels , but do not purge. ors. exf follows the freat. Miss They are sure f0 ploase. Try them. Danlcaster, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. Barrabel's Sunday ..Newcastle, Ep- ENSILN îvortb Leagnýe iutend invitino Oroîso League to visit them lu the near future ... .. al i -b. l v -jw iienetWn eti a number of young trientis Monday nlight .. .. The flood Fridav night tested Mr. Luther'Argall's miii dam pretty everely but huppily if stooti the press- ure. . ... Miss -Maud Ciemence, Shaw's, is visiting ber sîster, Mrs. W. 'Jewell..,. Mr. H-arrY Pearce bas been iii,... .Lesk- ard Sons of Temperauce iutend visiting Newcast le Division Friday nigit.... Mrj. WT. Folev, Darliugton, was la ton Mondav.. .. Mr. Jos. Toms aftended the funeraf ot bis brother-in-law in Cavan last week. PROVIDENCE. lA mcrely local happening te eue may o the event et a lifetime fo unotier: a mlodest lutile ehurci frugrant wiîi the perfumnes et blooming byucintis, un interestlng speaker, an atcîtive audi- e1nce, snuy inean linltIct tic casual observer, but te fie eurrîest seul if means un eo)portunity for self advance- ment, a lift into usobler munhooti anti n'oriianhood, a stop beuvenwurd. Olti frientis anti non' nded f beir 'ay (anvthing but au easy matter) ton'artis P'rovidence thîurch ou Tsursda- evening te heur 1ev. J. J. Rue et Peterbero, tell filem ion' to' Mind your owss business. The pro'grum.preper consisteti et Bing- iug by Éon'maavilie Quartette, 'Misses iJaýmes anti Saunders anti Messrs. Frost aniKuigit n'ith 'Miss Tilley, acma- paii. Rev. H. E. C ititi-f lu1 hprayer. '~v A.C. ilon~spech sida duel îy esers. Forst andi Kuigir n'lo wiii theicildies et the 'Quartette tavereti tfoc audience n'iiistheir uppropriate seleetiens anti barîonions biending cf c-ultureti voices ut intervals turing' tbc remaintier et the eveîsing. Rev. Mr. "Rue tresi trom the greetiugs et olti tfriende îvio somehown' it lard te realize bis being other tha a, boy, n'as -thon culletiupen te give bis tar-tumed lecture, uniquely entitieti "Mimdyour on'n business." To sepurate lecturer anti lecture wîth anv ydegree et suceess woldb imposible. Easc cf manner, gu-ace et gesînreinexiqustible tunti et anecote n'th a perfect 'adaptation et toue anti dialeet toeaeci illustration useti, abilitv to make a peint, n'eu' clincheti, are soîne et tic characteristies et style. In the opinion et the n'riter the kcy note et the iviole siddress n'as strueir by the tolliiug 0f eue teuchiîsg lit tic story: -A chilTiangel tarryiu g on the earth atter ber com pany et sister spirite hudtinfurneti heavenwurd, founti no eue in ail tic busy thrnges ofet artlî te. nderstad lber,- none 1i1r inul wbo pusseti ber by te n'hom she coulti ad- drese herseit. No interestinl comînon. Bye anti bye a musician passeti her wuy. A change, sutiden ant i oious, connes o ver ftho angel's face, with a swifi move- mont sic graspe thc harp, swecps the chords -w-th angelie tquch brings forth frosis ifs itiden deptis, non' a laugi, now a dry, anti witbal toues et sncb unuttora ic sn'eefuess as human cars hati nover heard. 12be interencen'as unînistakeabjo. Te reulize what wo weroe litteti ton, te seize lite's greaf ep- portunîty as it came, te strikoe with master baud tic melodies mystonieus te othens, te ronîîd up a. noble chnistian cba racter-aIllibis anti more was at-e fumnable te a seul filieti with singilenees et purpoe. Stress n'as laid on the necossity ef keeping one's persoualuîy weil te tie front if n'e nouid accempiish an 'ything n'orti 'y et ourseives or our Creator. The danger et branching off iet vanieti directions, tic attempfing f0 uflizo to utivantage a vasi amneunt et kaiowledge, the prononcess et buma nature te gravitate, the neossity ef cenfinuau struggle for ail tbings worth aftainiug, n'ere oachin ur am lv deait n'ith. Te maux' fie speakcn's rhmarks ou the word 'influencee' came lu a non' iigbf. Insteati et ima-iîîing fitat by some supreme effort oft ibe wili n'o werc te influence others, if was simply tic outtollon' et our lives 'heiber geoti or cvii tOut culti truly be saiti to influence our fellow men. Hence fie necessitf e purity et lite as the on *Y nseans et oxent- ing a pure influence. From au appar- ently selfisi anti narro)v t'eginiîsg, tise sei!nding et ouc's cn bussness pure anti simple, Mr. Rae graduully broadeued bis theme until tic eg-1o,fhe- brotierbeoti et inan, anti the futhenicoti et God wnere se boauftUuilv iutcrwoe as tebrissg about tic great eniinatien--au ideai manhooti and -vn'oaihoed. A ebarue teristic n'ay et utilmzing his niaferial te flic venyb'st ativasîrage, gees a long n'ay te inake Mn. lic au undeubteti success as a leetus-er. Altlîouo-h bis resiieke sparkîct w-li anecdotes as tire beaveus n'itb stars, i-et ubove anti he-1t vend the stars streiciieti eut flhc vaulfeti infinity te n'hîeili thev serveti but as a .etn-10o have filleti seuls ivith a deeper bîongcririgandti uirsting after riglîteousuess le f0 bave accores-pleheti ne sînaîl piorpose andti s Mr. Rae's lecture titi beoestiunces'iainty.1 Mrs.FP. Rogers, Mrs. Dr. Mitchell and Miss Kennedy were lu Toronto, t!iis week. .-. .Mr. F. Rogers is la Hamilton ai Grand Council C. 0. C. Frieuds... Dr.' Mitchell was lan'roronto Tuesday Examiner lu Medicine at Triait v UuÏ- vorsity.. . .Mr. 0. L. Byers is la '1'oron- te in connection with the sale of bis new patent.. . .Visitors: Miss Herring. Taunton, at Mr. W. O. Herrino.'s. Mr and Mrs. Jas. McCulloch, Prine 'Aliýert, ai Mrs S. Gilberf's;' Miss Kuapp, Brook- lia, ai Mr. C. Williams'; Mr. and Mrs Paul, Ops, af Mr. W. M. Wotton's; Miss Swaiu. Coesarea. guesf of Miss L Milîs'; Mr. andt Mrs. A. C. Aluin, Providence, o.uests ef Mr. Jnuo. P3-e; Miss Marie itoo.ers Hampton, at ber ncle's, Mr. F., 'lers',.. . We welcome back Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hayes Who have again settîct ou t'he furm; Mr. Ira Beikna~I talso te the fore.... Mrs. P. Barclay as returued from Pordwieh, Ont.,.. The Jack social at the E. L. C. E. ivas an entire success. Tic young mou preveti their capacity net oulY te furnish ail excellent pregram but also a capital lunch indepeudeut of fthe ladies. They made capital waiters anti witb their white aprons anti caps looketi iery smart, indeeti. While all the prog-rami was good the essay on "Character Building" by Mr. R9bt. H. Stephens de- serves the higbest pralie. The Jilîs will have te look aliveif ticir progrum two weeks from uext Friday wili equal this. The missicnary committee are framng a gooti prograiini for ne-ct Fni- day_ . Our enterprislug 1tr'iîstces have placet eu îew înaps iii tise elol j1reom snpplyiug a mncb needeti want .... 'Thle Boyîse XVater Mill is running full lime as usual the late heavy rush ef water deing litile damage. Gristing, chop- piug. etc., doue witmî despatch. One Hundred Doses One Dollar is peculiar te anti truc oSl y cf Hood's Sarsaparîlla. It lseonomy te bay Hood's. BD. U. Cheese Factory. The Darlington Union Cheese Fac- tory patrons met ai theý Mount Carswell Teinperance Hll at 2 p. m., Murets 12, 1897, for the transaction efthfre usual business for tic coînug season. The Presiieut, Mr. Levi Anais, teck the chair anti calleti on the book keeper, Mr. Scott, te reatfhe report et the sales etc., wblch siowedti tisaJ$052120 pounsîs et milk hati been delives cd ut tise tac- tory lu 189G from whicb. was matie 95083 pouatis of cheese realiziug in cash $7975 being an average price et 8 "7 cts for fie season per lb et cheese andti aking il'06 pountis of milk for every peunti et cheese. Mr. M. Muuday was re-elcteti sales- man anti also treasurer. The discussion on feeding furnips anti rape ended by a vote beiug takei anti carriet t ine turuips or rsspe ho l'ed te cows tie yean wbere tic milk is being sent f0 fie cheese facfory. The discus- sion on butter makiug lu the winter was laid over for tic present. The cbeesemaker oii beiug introduceti iv fie Presideat gave a few points on the care efth e milkz anti how f0 take cure et fie milk eau, wberc thc wbey le returu- ed f0 fie patrons. A discussion folle w- ed on net baving fie whey returned wbich brougut a goodly number of pat- rons tu~ their foot anti atter being tior- oughly taiketi over tic general feeling was te dispose efthfe whey lu some et ber way atter fis season if if vas affecting the price anti quulify efthie ebeese wiich fie buyers dlaim if does. The vote on iusuring the cheese la the facterv was lost by a vote et 14 te 7. Tic Standard Bank et Bowmanville was decidet tebe the recoiver et De- posits for ah meules lunflic bauds etthe treasurer for fie season. ihe tieliver. ing efthe cicese f0 the place et ship- meut wus let te Mr. ien. Nichisa usual. Tic lettiug ot the xilkdrawiug ou fthe differei'ît routes n'as disposeti(,É by the president ut a muci low or lsgure tiasi tic last year. Atter sîsaking ra thorougli cauvass, bY tihe manager. of the wiele territery they consider there -%ill be a large mneuse fer ibis seasen on acceumit ef the, very Ion' prie cf isearhv ail tarin preduets, cicese exeept,- cd, fi e price ln Great Bnittain for Can- adian cheese. being- frein il1.te 13' ceaie ut the present tisse andi the stocks verv ysmall lu the bauds cf the cewse- buî ers, the expectsîticn bc; nZ ihat there w iii 1,e a better price feor cheese tihaîi bas becîî for several yeirs wheu the sprn- opens for maisufactiriin",. Tisemneetin g w aswneu attendei, tise unajenîty 4ethfe 'patronîs ig presentanut ail takzinîo.a ilY lvitereet lu fac prccýetings. Derangeme.ýisicet rie liver witi con- ioptin,Ûisi Lrs the 'oinplexionituees pipes, shlw kia. Remove fiel cause hi- using Carter's Lirtie Live Pihîs. One a dose. Try tbom. Grand Concert, March 31. a The Ladies' Aid of St. Paul's church ,fwill-give a grand concert in the Town Hall on Wednesday, Mardi 3lst. Miss Ward from Toronto will sing Miss Mande Fairbairn's Cradie sonig "While Baby sleeps" which was sung with suc- cess by Miss Edifli J. Miller in Toronto recently.,tMiss Perry and Miss Dora L. Mcut'nd Mr. Ward with others will also take part. For particular~s sc posters. Plan of Hall open Saturday origat Big 20. Tcets 25 cents f0 ail'n prsotIehl.Seats reserved witbout extra charge. marine News. The summer sailings of the Allan Line have been arranged and bertbs miiay now be secnr'ed b.v application to) M. A JAMSON. The California which halusoben on1 the New Y ork and Glasgow sývervice and which blas become such a popular ship, under the command of Capt. Braes will sbortly be thorongbly refitted' and furnished throughonf, and will be pu~t on the Montreal and Liverpool service, as a Royal Mail steamer. rhe Califor- nia bias accommodation for- over '250 cabin passengers and hias .alIso superior accommodation for second cabin. and steera-'e passengers. She is larger than the Parîsian. ilonse Warming. On the evening of Tuesday Mardi 16, Trinity ch-arch parsonagYe-w as the scene of a very pleasant gatherig. The members of the church' and cong-rega- tion gave their new pastor, Rev. J. H. Barnett, and his estimable wife, a house warming iu the form of a genuine sur- prise partv. MNeeting at the church they went in a body to the parsonage where thev were at oncc welcomed and made to, feel at home by their genial host. The evening- was spent, in social inter- course, enlivened by inusie from tlie choir led by Mr. Meath, and solos from, some ef the young ladies present. lIe- freshments providfed by the ladies, were partaken, after which. the hymn, God be with ýou tili we mieet again, and prayer bv the pastor closed a very en- joyable evening, and by eleven o'clock the friends took, their homeward way. We trust that under the uew pastorate the Lord may bless Trînity church, that wîthia hier wýalls nmany souls may be bronght ino the Kingdom,-Com. The Craig Mine. This wpleh kniown free mhllino' mine of Tudior Township, Hastings Conty, bias recint.y eende e'edby a shaft tc, te h (iepthil f55 feet. havinga miner" ali ed ore body for the2 whole dep'lÎ i. the slsaft Seven ton s of ore 1 recent- WY beon sent to the Kingston uhooh of 2 Ijnes, and the "Ijullion" yield is pro- nouiced by the experts of that institu- tien as that of a good property. Tic mineelias recently been transferred te the Toronto Tudor Mining Company, Limited. Up to the present time the owners have not offerqed shares for sale, as theY preferred to develope the proper- ty and pi ove its value. The ' have now decided to place a limited amount, namely, 100,Ô0o shares of stock on sub- scriptions next, week, at 25 cents per share,and an announceonent will appear lu these columuns. The officers are A.J. Patterson, presîdent, Manager of the Canadian Homestead Loan and Savings Association; G. R. Warwick, vice-pros- idlent, of tlîe firîn of Warwick Bros. & Rutter, tise well-kîsowu book and sta- tioners; ýJ. W. Curry, secretary and treasýurer, Crown Attor-ney of the city of Toronto ; Alderman Arthur F. Rutiter and Frec]. Diver, Manager of the Cent- ral Press Agency. m ~ades of og andi eau stand thing, gemewally tiai deafh ime made A tongher staff and foun lu a coffin atV age wien they sheoult doiug tlîoir beat anti u I useful wonk. it is ti enough for a men te b about his toughnmess wh he has reacheti a ripe old0 age. T meu who live longlives are fie euesw take care of their beau hinluyouti maturity. 'fley realîze fie truti eftu olti saying 'at ',a stîtch inlu fle savq umue.'lTil -aises who don't do ibfis due: off of nervous prostration, hzari failure, anti cousuinption. Tic besi t ofald ealih-restorers and bealtb preservers is Dr. Pience's Golden Metical Diàîovery. 'It dures 9S per cent. cf all ca.ses ef consumiptios. It wxartis off nervens troubles anti wasting diseases.: If corrects ah tiisortieris cf the digesiea, ý invigerafes the liver anti resiores t4&s appetif e. litfilîs fie arteries ithtihfie pure,.rioh, retiblootioff health. It tearsî don, aund carnies 'off olti mrt anti, haif-deadtisilsues anti replaces thinî by:ý new. if bulaids firun, icaltliy fiesli, mV makes tÊinmuscles strni'aandi iasieanti steadios an"d. tones tic nenvo,, h It es1 tiebîlity anti w eakaess of ci cry- 'est-rip-i tien. Tt is tic prodtiî cof tuic ifo--tme1 ox,p-areulce amti cindy of aislr-trscnt ani& shmilV1ul s'pecialkst. Dr. PV. Fiert- feri tînrrty year§ Oblat eciultiu,-,toi. the Invalids' tietel sud Se gc.i'stitihoj ait Buffablo, N. Y. hisîands Cf",rlen aui 1viveen have teestifico te its xiiius. Dnriste sal i . i1 bre n netliiug in t'l-y jn i il ' as g~d"al'tieugi 'avarice" us ~i so'netlmes Smv :se for the theci greater profit te La made teueimu tenion article.