are tie srmcccss'ul anJ trusteil businiess l adiusiuteerdPesfserOs.Burns, SadCuts or wouuds ;even Be-winanville ccmcetcry, Satur---- mcnin ii very part et Canada. couP., Sle faes., Buoco. IVcouains tic finest precip1itated pow-- Scmlds, , DianeiJ Dcs rc erfct n c ler u"nlow I?rsoee so.ftWsirît.aaai;'1fre. dm ahd taîendaan Teetiache noed ne more ho dreadcd. noon. and Jycho;poHumonsVi ouly dEesti.t. TBS precipitated, rendcriug it se fine tiat it A letter from Judge Angers, brother can waiaiît salistaction. Everv bmies slînl sa fatlie nair m--iaro5d ___________îmains fer heurs shspc)nded ln tie flnid Vo tic Ex-Lieut. Goeonor of Vie Pro- ~~~~~I ~ B t oigF'n apor îe cipikg anded toE ARAcIIE Cusu.-Dear Sirs,-I was forming Vh imetiý wash, wbîiehi! vince et Qnebee, mas been written Vo Vie *Cc NTO, ONT.- Vem i Y adealer. roulod witi caracie for a Joug ime deigitfully retrcshinig te use and author. et 'Quieko:ure,' sayimîg: "IV bas 0 GuzrantEepompt sippnents,. ________ ~-üad cotild getV noecase until I ried gu-nedneh bsitl to rmaiîvas- iven iny chiid relief from teeti-0 F inc, Cca 'ya or Land Sait. '- ~ ~- - r~'aîstcio ~i.I eanuthnfulhv D F Ta~i'ble or ar s ~, sa ratIVba md acopltecue.-Acid or any injurins ingro(dient. 'Q.C. ache; its effect is wonderful. I have l Th l- at MtIthss maeJa cM. Retcur. Liqnid Tooti edr for sale at ali aise fonnd it goed for burus and cuts." COLEVA s SATr Central Ecenorny, N'S. Druggists, 25 cents per 'bottie. Siged, C. PANET ANGERS. IO OQ OOOOOOO C Y N TA. HAMPTON.0 u 1 T russMrs. S. Ward attended the funeral of lier father, Mr. Bambridge in' Manvers Reeve,, Thos PascoEs this week.... Wood bees.have been very ls1eu0,LMCurie G et ti roo - a ie.plentif al. .. .lleavy rains Fridav night, 2nd Deputy, A E Ciemens, Esq folio wing Thursday's raised the ice on Councillor, 1 L Brown, Esq the pond and the frozen dirt of the miii Councillor, Rd Foster, Esq~ mdam on Saturdav morning ailowing Clerk, R Windatt -ater Vot9 nbetween the Traswre, iiElliott Ells~I w ~~L ~ . ~- 1tl~1 ilzen '~êail aiiaI& à avey hôi Assessor, W J Roy ~' time two large washoults were made. CoecrSm lPoad Mr. Eiliott's loss will be very heavy as Iln'I nlonthis is the season when firi)ercl are get- PATfHMASTERS. De UIIfl0 oi0Ic ting so mucli chopping donc. Mr.Eiiiott DivisioN No. 1. hopes to snpy the wants of.ýhis custom- Thos Blythe W W Crawford Some linos o the Garden lli Stock already sold out, th er wt fu. h wsted eidttsWmGodTosSowe Crockery and Glassware more than haif gone after thre ~~i11 1101 1~1~01{. ~~~3i~jijig j~3 were ale to reach the, village across Walter Foley W J Jeffervdaselng Thr aesoebg lm efint. o ice over the current gave way so that Wmn Ciemens John Martin oniy those who were flot afraid to cross John Cowling Chas Stonhouse, and Shoes and lots of good Dry goods yet to be soý,1. THE WETMORE TRUSS. on a slipppry log were able to reacli And Penniington Wm Trewin church Snnday evening. Enoch Stevens Jno Sylvester Cottonade bib Pants and Jumpers, Garden Hill Price 75C, our price 5.bc. Snperior to ail others. You can fit it yourself or we Whv don't vou try Carter'5 itie Win Short Geo Kersiake 4 46 6oc, 46 40c. wil d i fo yu. Guaanee togie atifatin.Liver Pilîs? They are a positive cure J ohn Colwell James Pye Ail Wool Tweed Suit worth $7.5o for $5.00. for ickheaache an ai theilî pr- Jaes taney AL BuntRubber Coats, a heavy make, Garden Hill Price $2-50, our price $1.75, An n eqiîgaTruss will find At to their advant- dcdb iodrdlvr nyoeW oe hsWfim Twilled Sheeting, 2 yds wide, .25> a ~~~~pill a dose.,,______ ji jWi Creeper Jno Abernathv agýe to examine the WETMORE TRIJSS sold by Chris Cox Alex Lawrie Colored Table Lïnen .6o, " .40. COURTICE. Jacob Gaud Wmn Riggs Heavy Ticking 4 .25, 46 .16. Joseph Ward John Hoit Umbrellas ci 125, ý 77 Miss Mabel and Mr. E. Walters have William Alun Frank Bradley' White bieached Table Linen 54 in, for 23c. A quantity of Towels at i retnrned fromn a pleasant visit with Arthur Burgess Ricli SiemonFaorCotneg6cfr4.SitgssadrdG drg.1 or8 J. 'ig 'ln oth m & Son frend i'Peerbro.. ýMr.Joh B*r friendsttn rginc Pet4. rboro.,Msandrd oJohnrg.BearSc visited bis daughter in Toronto recently DIV ISION No. 2. A pile of Embroideries from le Pli yard up. BoWMAN VILLE, Chemists an vi g s site at Mr. Jas. Courtices last week Jas Rîckard William Crago Bleached Cotton reg. 8c for 6c. Bleached Cotton, reg. rc for '7.1c, -. ... Mr. R. E. Osborne one of our most J M Joness R Il Souci aggresive agricnltnrists is adopting Geo W Soperl W J Clemens T ON.some new methods lu cultivation, and Amassa E onir James Darch 3poots and Blhoos, tU n tu intends feeding his milei cows in the John beard Charles Souch ________________stable instead of pasturing them ...James Scott John Fogg The Garden Hill Stock of Boots and Shoes comprises a large vanït' - Mr. Ed. Fice cnt tbree fingers off one Ebenezor Leagne wiil visit Maple Grnve T E B benry Charles Wecci from some of the best makers in Canada and suitabie for ti esnof te BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 24, 1897. hand, Wednesday, but is doing very Thursdav evenin.. Fridav evening, benry Hockin Ed Pront wel tnder Dr. Mitcelils car . ... Rev. Frankie, thelti jter -of Mr. R.F. AdMFees Jh e year and you can have any of them at first cost and somne üo them at just làf __________H. T. Lewis. Orono, gave a thoughtfnl Richrs asdjfei wa.FrDvSo o .flrst cost. address bere Sabbath morning and wVe three years she bas been a great.sufferCidens utodaJBlsro 25cts~p hove to bear hlm a -ain .,.. A niglit witb but bor ir .ee oehLnmi onBlo and patience. The funeral, was largeivCae qni oh Fitif os angYoths a h uir r xetdt odc teddSundav hn-D.Mri Levi Annis WinAidsworthMe 59 capital program next Friday eveînug..- conducted a service at the churcbý David Clarke John Ayers Wonien's" 6o 94 Mr. R. A. Philp is visiting his parents John Found R O Short (Cndnsdfrm h Nws) inWbty.. yrnehd fi rpr- Go to thy rest, fair chld, Samuel Rundie Thos Johns A lot of Gent's Furnishings in Garden Hill Stock going ,,with a rilf sentation at Providence, Thnrsday Go te ühv dreamless bed; W E Courtice Robert Moore at easy prices. KnRny.--The heavy wind storm Of evening to hear Rev.J. X.Rae's lecture. Gentie and meek and mild, Arthur B Werry James Branch .Sunday, Mar. 14, racked the roof of the BRONCRITIS C(JIIED.-Miss Maggie Freirosessing n t han d. Metbodist church. ... The residence of Grfln, 7 etolf Stee,.Tr4to Mrs. John Kiveli, north of the village writes: "After having bronchitis and Bnds on thy pillow laid. Elias Berry Alex Staples CnCr n es etges 0 oaos3fr20 o xr~ wasdetrye b freThrsavevnig-cold so badlv that I could hardlv sneak Gnfrmts bigbting land Jno R Coloehres oper andthe faiy are absnteint r. itvere and conld net find any remedy to reilove Whero flowers se qnickly fade. W G Rundie Wmn Reynolds for 5C. 25c Tea in ail kinds, 5 lbs for $r.oo. i22'Ç Matchies for îoc,ý or 3fo anUiey ae bsentninetrointer ndme, I decided to try Norway Pine AWEGMA' PNIN rdRundle Richar shtmon 25c. American Coal Oil 20. Canadian Coal Oil 16c a'nd any iother imes ail lier furnitnre and effets were locked Syn.I aeacmpoecrad1 1ev. Edgar B. bnsband, The Rectory, S V boar George Averyeqalloinpc. ln the house. No insurance. higbiy recommend it to ail. Paspebiac, Qnebec, writes: 'I have Jonathan Channon James Ashton w CAN RHULIATISM BE CIJRED?-Thgrapearel tsifngethe John Siemon Ricli Woodle iOr ai apfflication of 'Nerviline-nierve pain OSHIAWA. effilcacy cf 'Quichonre' for Toothache. Gilbert Jardine Jas Collicott T'sd~fL o u f emure-whicth possesses sncb marvelions Ihv sdi fe te eeisfi-AWCees Lv kne 4 piece TableSets, goo gass, reg. ,4.oc for 55c. Le qi ý(Leeýýr powr over hail narv. erain oseatlyon Miss Maggie 1 Duioa, Bowmanvilie, cd and fonnd almost instant relief. 1, William Brout Hidi Davey ony 4c. 44 pioce Tea Sets reg. $2.9cfor S2.ooi. Brown Jugs reg. 30for the prvesbath ao. erdvie ain visited lier aunt, Mrs. Gifford, Southilaske twt e Thomas Colo John Wright White Stone Breakfast and Soup Plates reg. $i.oo for 700 and 75C0 per dï? ote anerveinsths them dives painf.Tr Oshawa,. .MiNss Kinver of the Higi laskehtwt e James Curtis Richard bill and se on right through the iist. it and be convinced. School staff blas erysipelas. . ... Ex-Ward- N WH VN ee er i oisnDntbyLm od ihu eigwa ehv oofryu on R. Mýothe(rsiil and bis estimable wife N WJAE.PtrWry W oisnDntbyLm od ihu eigwa ehv oofryu ceicbrate'd the 5t annivorsarv of thoîr DIVIsioN No. 5lAlknso adnSes niae edCr id01Ck o .,ý CLARKE UNION.-Mr. Wmn. Foley and wdigon Fýridav, March l9th.... A . Mrs. Jamtes Bntterworth, Moorefleldi, Afiredblogarth John Dyer Ail kinds of Gardn e e nsiaeSe.enad01Ck o son Fred R. Foley, cf Mapie G(rove, long lban residentoft Vity aedisviîtngbr on M. oh otal..R2CMthePlreiSnihAibknd o Pouc tke. ute fll 2 p l igie. us . worc bore rocontly ..Miss Ai\ina E Sa Grabamý who is seen a groat doal -lIs Minnie Tbomnpson has been Thios Stainton Ricbard Stacey what you have before the price goes dw as it surely will. Parker wbo lias" been isý itn ber onra the streets of'Osbawa asking assist- vsting Mrs. C. Stewlart, Enniskillen.. J (hln Lanider Clark Wilbur' cousin, Miss A. C. Parkeýr, Batmrance from the people, was obstructing . . Mr. and Mrs. b-erbert , GPower visited 1Pan i Wlliams Benjamnin Powell lias returned borne..Mr. Goo. andtesewlsoSndy bnCif relatives at Osbiawai.. . -Mcssrs. Bort. Wmn Ashton James Scott 1 Miss Alice Soncli, Bownanvilie, and b oover ordorod hlm te move on. It is Worden, Percy Sw fn, Erin a-1 Thos Baker John Webber Mr. Frank Backburn, Providlenic,were nnderstood that -the chiot intends te William Witheridgeý, Abetkuig i, John Orchard John HallT h recont visitors._Mr, Win. Kerr and proceed against ail people who loitelr on Ernest Legg- and OsarFaiîk bave Jas Garfat Ruoben Rlarden son Frank, wbo have been visiting at the streets and wbo bave ne visible gene te N. . T. whe-re te i iilispcnd J W Brooks James Stark, Mr. Aaron Davis', have rotr oe means et support.- Vndicator. the sumnmer...Mrs-, Joh Metcali as Samnuol Souci S G Greer bad pleurisv. r outongtJsPr M Robbinis ,iss Ma oris'-yLn, rono, ba been My NEIGHBoR ToLD ME-About operatorý1 at tbe sai bsbenltadDonald MClol rhrOmso Mrsitngdber sisto, L. beman Davis Rd'...d.ddMr.S.W â tî~ne ume f redsa n vntrv it-This is tic kind of adveýrtising1 basl;bad (1la grippe.. .., Mrs. Eîastus Burk EED I GS mg ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~1ýiii pryoVdnsawek...rswibgives beod's 8Sarsapari1 l[(' the vwas tbrown froni tic cutter twe DIVISION No. 1. R H ET U E ATLGEi O IAY Jon ake bsben ufoin it~largest sales in tic worid. Fied ou eeks ,ýago, is stiIli confined to tic bhouse. Jsp ad WlimSot CNAR UL ESCI OS LUTAIN N Rcso iNsT VARETIE Keuaiia....Mr. m. aiton Bw rid ' odsSrsprlacrS; Master George,ý is ont again .. ..11ev. Mark Munday Robert Burns "a"Liwiieda Mr, . ilowes. tt.i gios strengtlh bazb!, vititY B. 1). Prasor heild a reception seérv] 5i Snlowden, jr Edw-ard Trenouth - WA ESAMDvPPACUE. advîrand wbole eihbrbod bre on Sundayi, Mardi l4th, ferý tàs ie- JmsVlim I Dbr Sir,-I cani hearily reco,ýmmend s î safnivioîme b ise ebom ebr fteJohn Witberidge Enochi Stevens FILD tCAR E AND FLI E EE BudokBiodBttrs oi on1Rood's Puis act easiiy anid promiptly Preshyterian ehurcli, and ase b ptoedJohlniVirtue Nathan Byers It is thebandsomest Catalogue pubiished in Caniada. Mailed free te ai îtent]iý'g rtue I as touod it ys pepsia auj the liver and bo.wels. Cure sic'k Master Davie lakeaftor w 'c-'theSamuel Alun John Colwell percbasors on application. Every Farmer and Gardener snld have a copy 1befol-c t-e1wstobe wtidsesaaweakness. The îeast oxertion won l'ache. sacrament was served te a goodlv inum- Wmn Creeper James Nesbitt ordering SEEDS for thecoming season. arereino ld1êcfmwutîna _________ber et Pi'esbvterians and Metbiodists. te use our seeds we offer ure me ont. 1 amglad te say,hoeeDivisiox No. 2. that yoùr. B. D. B.ias rtibeo HAYDON. Mr. P. Murdocb, Mr. Jlames Beiti, and bSoc Jbaymn megurn icdseatand mi Mr, John MeCielan of town were pros- RichIl oc onSmn RENNIE'S GREAT DOLLAR COLLECTION- 1",.00J% me tigtedsppi n ai nt, John Somers Benj Werry Contains 3o full-sized packets of the latest and best varieties of the followingu: zp i >.l. Beas: i lit. ine streng nd wll.Mr. and M,,rs. Copias Mounitjoy are in Miss Nancy VanCamp, bas retnrned Geo A Stepiens Chas Wehch Beet; 2 pkis. Cabbage; i pkt. Carrot; 2 pkis. Corn; i pIct. Celery; i pkt. Cress; ipt u "lbr JENNIE EVAN~S, 'boute....- Visitors :Mr. and Mrs. W. from visiting fricnds il! Cartwriglit and Robert Colacott R A Bragg pt. Lituc; pk. Msk elon; x pkt. r Wa 2ptr Meon; 2pkt. RCitro; i pkt W Sie Mus lta- bespeler, Ont. Pickard, Newcastle, and Mrs. Gee. Cavan ...Mrs. M - iBnrk g aveaJohn Efr hsSouci pkmatne; pkt. Prae; pkt. Prnp ptSPa; s adge; pkx.piah p Laïîgdon, bampton, at Mr. D. Broken. Party on Wednesday evening ast.... aaou ae n otg o .o ipesntfe ymi eayadesfce,0 -dea OîîoNo. Miss Mabel Davey bas re- shire's ; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. bougins Mr. 'John Beard wiil shorthy removo te DIvisioN No. 3.Ct ger e n otget owlb sn reb mi oayd roessfr %O ad- turned froni Port Granby and Wesley- and familv and Mr. Richard and Mary- town and Mr. Win. Kilman will move Cameron TruIl R Moore 'wAM z.. rEIw P I , OR NT ,C ville.... ,Mr.W.McPberson bias returned bawkey, Tyrone, at Mr. W. H. Croep- into the bouse vacated by hlm on Mr. Jos Langmaid W E Courtice to Ahanîlo Harbor .... Mr. Tio.Soc, eris ; Miss Marti and Miss Gibert, Of M. Burk's farm.... - Mr. Royal bail wiil George Colemlan Robert Courtîce Jrendallilbas moved inte town .... Mr. Enniskilion,, at i'irs. Mounitjoy's ,... The shortiv rernove froni the hornestead te a James Courtice Lewis Truli Richard bockin and familv bave moved neow recipe for wiskers grey, Is vOflO- farm owned by Mr. Wrn. Law and Mr. Sidney Trevail Levi Annis No Sunday Scicol teacher is thor- Hoi tc wi (h k of a sywornul inte tic residence vacated by Mr. Fred. tian red and mihk, they say; I have net James Bellamy will take possession cf DIVISION No. 4. oughhy oquippçd for the most efficient Mna'swrCte wasi apace, Tue- Pesn w. .-. Mr.sJMinnie E .' rotois tried tuis new invention, And by wbat tic farta vacated bv hlm wbicbho bas Gobrige îiDvvservice witbout the aid of The S5unday day's wrkis te wash wifth graceed I on..MisMniE.Hall lbas I'v seeon, its îBot my intention.... Mr. routed troni Mr Sid. Brooks,.....There Jo H e o ihn depuicato ionknw t elpfully. m otetr brda ois to ]e dandorshw etred berne from tieCity,... Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin's silver wed- was recently a WOOd-bee' at Mr. John Jh oe.0 h rEtson Kaelvhe a been xisiting din was celebrated Thursday niglit, Witberidge's, but there was no wedding SHope Thos R boar the wants cf the teachers cf ail grades Friday 'work is tei sweop, dus;t, bruh frionds bore.... .Mr. Fred. Kerr Bon- wben a very large cempany assembied as was annouincedl by the local papersLvi Skinner Wmn Reynolds et classes. Iu clubs et 5Scopies and upStud'swrisecokihar dale, bias been home on a visit,.'. -.Miss from Carke, Manvers, Catwrigbt and iast week. .....The C. E. intend îaving- Peter Werry Ed Chanuon wrst u ddestehi-at f5cTenxt that cornes ýfi a Maud Gardener, Gardon bihi vsting Darlingtou. Tic oarlier part of the a social time Friday evening. Pro- DIvisioN No. 5. a year is ogven John D. Watte And tien ýshe's toc tiroýd te rest or t@ and Nr-vs. vnnwscnidibnrdciu raaduc.Jh titn Jh isnCe., 1031 VWalnut St., Pilla.,.,arepray. Mîs. S. M. Biiings. . ..Mr. ad ls vnn a cuidwt nrdciosganadue.Jh titn Jh sntihePublishers. _____ Itbeh Walter go te Oshawa sbortly, ho chit-chat and doing justice te a, beauti- Mr. Le ate, travellor for McCormack James Herring Wmn Worry haylng securod a sit lu the McLaugblin fn-l spread prepared by the ladies. and Ce., Londe)n. says: "Miller's Corn- M Robbins John Fascoe ýI( ST FA1)UAT0 XVriks. Mr. Geo. Wragg, Newteu- Chairman, Dr. Mitchell, cailed tiecocen-ound Iron Puls restored meao te ealth W OkeEerMlsn.UTO SA .WH ISOBE DJ AT "e.P-eEe ilsnACINSL.BISLEY TEAM\-,[IN î197? ville, accornpanied by bis sisterin-law, pany te order and Bey. R. M. P baion atter a mnonth et prostration from uier- John Dyer James G artat SATURDAY, MAxcH 27.-Ou Market MI-9s Lizzie Jouies, Hamilton Township, rend a beautifully worded address alter vous shock and loss et bleed. " Ho says: Benj Powell A L Pascoe Square, BowmanviIe, at1ip. m.,tbere paety trssbewe a was bore recently. ... Mr. Walter Ren- wvîicli Mr. MeLaughliii repiied inubehaîf "Their effeot on me was siuîply marvel- Richard Pascoe John Webber wiii ho sold a driviug horse, covered T. Pattersen e 8of Battalioni of MW- wiek, Port Heope, and Mr. John Ren- et is wite and hiursoît. Speeches were bous;- people sav they nover saw me Tics bill buggy, cutter, harness, rugs, tables, ei u h eua ao ftm 'wcNewtouville, were iu tewu re- made by tic committoe, Mr. T. Evons, leokiug se well." POUND KEEPERS. chairs, couch, ceai steve, physician 'sril li h P111a MJro h 8 , Mr. and Mrs. Win. Blytime Mr. J. T, Polloc, Mr. A. E. Clemens, chisriaBisrmns eia Royal Rifles of Quebec, wbo lias wri* ant Mr. Jacob Branch, Courtice, visited Mr. J. T. Slemon and otiers. Mr. J.T. USEFUJL INFORMATION PROM A DivIsioN No. 1. bcs eigmcie t. h r-tie autior etof eoBau, sayi Mr. Thos. Gray. . .. Mr. George Cornisi, Pollock made thec nreseutation of abokewnmahetchep buchrwa kckd uth mc apbvbeuit., ilerto srvc1o bhaf t-ENIT-ABUTTOTH-o- Mark Munday Jas Munutjey ofrtv et tlae Dr. Lammîmn. Yu Qiiue tp ota