A Word About Trusses By Those Wh'o Know. The imiversal opinion of tk>ýse who have tried the ýiuîth Silver Truss is thâ~t tiere iS 1n0 truss on the narket equal to it. It is EasVi. It is Light. It îs Guaraiteed. 1;' the]'s iritate but none equa] it. Stot t & J Ury, Agcnts for Bowmanvilie. N. B.-Private zoom for ftting. We hiave neyer met with a case that we cannot hold sati3factory -, and many cases have bean parfectly cured by this modem 'invention. Cail and sec it. We are offering al few 9-Siightly used Wheels ~& zi aL bai-gains. Secure i them early. STOTT & JURLY. Noa Hundred Dollar Bicycle Sold in Bowmanville last year gave better satisfaction than the Famous Crawford. It îs Strictl' High Grade Anj Fully Gu aranteed. Fitted with 'any sadclle1 any tires and in three leading colors. Our Price WIII Surprise You. Stott & julry.1 .;a New Wall Paper. Latest Spring Patterns just arrived, a large variety E g: to choose from, lovely designs and prices riglit. E Painting, graining, kalsomining, paper hanging, E g: etc., as usual. Satisfaction guaranteed. E E JNO. C. WEEKS, g: BowmANvILLE. Ontario Street. BOWMANVILLE, MARl. 31, 1897 Local and Otherwise. Fresh Maple Syrup just arrived at Meal Bros'. Mead what Mrs. Dingman has to say about millinery. SFine weather Sundav induced large attendance at churches. Mr. W. T. Allen, Big 20, has a fine stock of Wall Paper. See adyt. The roads and streets are becoming good. Already the bicycles are out. Any newspaper, magazine or book publishedmyb ordered from M. A. James, Men's hats in the very latest English styles just opened out at Couch, Johns- ton & Cryderman's. Does your eyes require medical treat- ment ? Call at Mickard's,Jeweiler and Optican, hie wîll tell you. Severai very nice residences lu town are to rent on eas y terms. The one ad- vertised in Tan, STATESMAN was quickly rented. Mr. Fred Luxton lias moved from Williams' flats to the east end of the double brick dwelling at corner of Queca and Ontario Streets. At Broadway Tabernacle, Toronto, Sunday last $2000 was contributed as a free-will offering. Mev. J. C. Speer is the pastor. Last year $2,250 was given. iNewspapers, if at ail well conducted, are educators of the people and do quite as well their share of this education as do our libraries, institutes and schools. Before you buy a sewing machine see what you are getting in the way of wearing material. Buy the best, cal and see the makes Rickard lias for sale. Do your friends call -ou proud be- cause you do not notice them on the street. Cali on Rickard and find out if the f auit is flot lu eyesight, no charge for testing. Any person whose subscription to TIIE STATESMAN is paid to Dec. 31,1897, may send this paper to a frîend (new subscriber) in Canada or the U. S. to same date for only 25c. Mrs. W. Bloomer having moved into the resîdence on the Market Square, formerly occupied by Mrs, Thos. Long, is prepared to take a number of board- ers at reasonable rates. Meals at al hours. It lias been argued if public money can be freely expended for educational pur- pose it can be appropriately expended in transmitting papers postage free. That is, no doubt, the strong argument ia favor of the free postage. A washout occurred on the C. P. M. four miles west of Pontypool Saturday week. As a consequence, the express from Toronto to Montreal was detained seven hours, and the Montreal train due at Toronto Saturday morning was two heurs late. Mr. J. Milton Gilbert, son of Mr. John Gilbert, who has been aing from con- sumption passed away Monday mora- ing, just two years exactly since his sister Ella died. Me was in his nîne- tcenth year and was a genceral favorite among lis associates. The fainerai takes place to-day (Wednesdav) to ilampton cemetery. It is poor economy for any family to be wîthout their local paper. They sec a thousand things of interest to themn la the course of the year and know what is g~ig on that is of public inter- est la their own localitv and among friends and neighbors. Those who have gone from here and still retain an la- terest ia their old home are thc most auxions and enthusiastie readers of TUEp STATESMAN. Window shades and curtalu poles at ail prices at L. Morris'. Solid gold wedding rings, quality guaranteed, at Mickard's. Furniture in ail newest designs and lowest prices at L. Morris'. Will you paint this season? J. C. Weeks guarantees satisfaction. Does your head ache ? Consult Rich- ard and lie will teillyou if spectacles will help yen. A few very fine Fur Capes, specially selected this season, in. ail the latest styles, wvill bc sold at an unusual sacri- fice price, at M. Mayer's. Do you want a home in town ? The Molland residence, King St.E., is now for sale on very, vcry reasonable terms. Ask M. A. James for partîculars. Coudh, Johnston & Ç-ydrman are slîowiag a big stock of Carpets fromn the cheapest Union up to the hest Brusseis made and no better value anywhere. Chas. Meal, Bowmanville, Carpenter and Coatractor. Repaiirig neatly and 'romptly done. Orders lef t at Meal Bos.pcash grocers, will receive prompt attention. il-tf. Stoves of ail kinds, new, ancient, ,modern, antedeluvian up:to-date and otheýrwis, ailfor sae.]. trmenou Miss Eda Gouid, Toronto, speni Sunday at home. Mrs. Alpha Pincli bas been visiting friends in Lindsay. Mr. and Miss Spencer were gaests ci Miss Maud Fleming. Mm. Chas. Guillet, P.M., Cobourg,lias been asked te resiga April 1. Miss Martha Muir Toronto, is visit- ing hiem aunt Mrs. l±É aney. Mev. S. T. Bartlett, Cobourg, lias ac- ceptod an invitation te Madec, Mr. John Bambridge died at Ponty- pool last week aged 108 years. Mm. Robt Hicks lias moved te Mm. J, McLean's farm near Hamnpton. Mm. Fraser, Mount Forest.las boaghi Whitby Foundry from Mm. Brown. Mr. John Mellyar, sr.,visited at Mev, S. T. Bartlett's, Coboumg, last week. Ia thc death cf Prof. Henry Dram. moud thc worid loses a groat and a good man. Mrs. Stoner and son of Winnipeg Man., are gucets at hiem fathers M.R Goaid, Fuil wheat is a failare near Campbell- ford ewing te smnall covcring cf snew during thc wiater. Mev. E. E. Howard writes thc Guard. ian that the membership at Zion las been. increased by 30. Albion, Motel, Cobourg, bas passed ln- te thc hands cf Mm. Henry Micks late ci thc Brunswick, Coiborne. Termi Schelarship lu Demili Ladies' Coilege, St. Catharines, for sale very cheap. Appiy te M. A. JAMSi. Towa money belongs te ratepayers and net te ceunciliors, lence fiends and polîtical favorites sliouid lie given ne preference over other citizens. Mm. John Clemence and wife, Shaw's attcnded the fanerai cf lis father, Mr. Wm. Clemence, Port Hope, last week. 1The Chinaman wlo was arrested la Bowman ville is iooking for an opening -te get eut cf gaol.-Port Hope Times. We welceme te town Mrs. Roger Colc and family of Betlesda wlo have meved lato Mmr.M. McKay's bouse, Scugog St. 1A C. P. Mspeciai train ran from Mon- treai te Toronto on Suaday la 7 heurs, 25 minutes or neariy flfty miles an leur. Miilinery Opening, April firs nd second, Miss Shaw. Mr. Wmn. Thompson, an old resident cf Whitby township, died at lis home near Raglan, on March 22, aged 78 years. An immense stock cf new Dress Goods la ailt th latest matenials and shades just epened eut at Couch, John- sien & Cryderman's. Neal Dow, "fatler cf prehibition, "pass- ed a quiet day on lis 93rd birthday, Satumday. He lad many caillrs and many letters of congratulatio n. The new officers cf the Local Union cf Christian Endeavor are: Pres., J. M. Alexander; Vice-Pres.,A. E. McLaugl- lin; Treasurer, Miss Percy ; Secrotary, Garnet Trewin. Any person wl 'ose subscriptioa te THE STATESMAN iS paid te Dec. 31, 1897, may scad this paper te a friend (new subscriber) ia Canada or thc U. S. te saine date for oniy 25c. A town weman white shopping at a Toronto depamtmental store, lad a pur- se full cf moaey stoien. That is what comes of buying la those pesky Toronto stores ; buy la your own iown! As a preef cf low c areful people shnuid lie about rcpeadag stories, Mm John Hlawkins, of Mavers, had te pay $276 and lis ewn cests for repeating seme slaadereus and libelous werds abeut Mr. Teasdale Sissen cof thc samne tewnship. Mr. D. B. Simpson appear- cd for the plaintiff. Messrs. M. Beith & Ce have been making seme important sales cf horses. Their splendid Clydesdale staliion, 'Paragoa City "bas been seid te Messrs. ^hw &P iiipts, Ravensloe, York Ce. The twe gay saddle herses oeeof which was "Leoaa" that have licou seen cf late on Kilng st., have beceme the pro- perty cf Mm. Geo. Beardmere, a herse fancier in Toronto, white "Leekeslev" thc fameus yeung Clydesdale lias gene te Mr. W. McClellan, St. Thomas. M. A. James, Issuer of Marriage Liceases, Bowmanville. Yen will flud the, lest asser tment in Mais and Shirts at M. Mayer's We notiice ihat Messrs. Couch, John- ston and Cryderman liave got in a lot more aew geeds. Loveiy papers and borders seld liv J. C.Weeks; paper-hanging donc wiih neatness and despatch. A fine stock of aew and elegan Capos just received direct from Germany ai Coudh, Johastea & Cryderman s Coudh, Joînston & Cryderman are showing the higgest stock and lelest value in Lace Curtains ever shown la tewn. Mrs, M. D. Williams lias grippe very badly. Mrs. Bcrkley is visîting Mrs. W. Dingman. Diepartmental stores are receiving lvv ritieism. Miss M. M. James s pont Suaday with relatives in Oshawa. Mr. James Mosevear, Dale, was here on business last week. Mr. Geo. Porter is in tosva looking well after lis trip to West ladies. ýCebourg lias given Curfew a fair trial, and it las been found wanting. Mev. R. A. Burriss discussed thc labor preblem vcry sensibiy te a ful lieouse. Sunday niglit. We have a large line cf up-to-date Migl Back Diners from $8.90 up. M. D. Williams & Sont. Mr. il, Allen and Mr. A. Mitchel atteaded Grand Ceuncil cf Chosen Friends at Hamilton. Mr. Chas. Keith, Principal cf the Senth Ward School, is off duty with a severe attack cf grippe. Mow strange! This is the 14t1 issue cf THE STATESMAIN lu thc first quarter of 1897. Is your subseiption paid for 1897 If net, why net? The Crescent, Leader and Dominion Wleels are considered the best value for the money la thc market, sec samples at Dustan & Moar's. Money orders for use la Canada after Aprîl 1, wili cost as foleows ; $2.50 and under Se; over $2.50 te $5 OUj, 4c ; over $5 te $10-6ce; over $10 te $20-10e and se on. Any person whose subseiption te TUE STATESMAN is paid te Dec. 31, 1897, may send this paper te a friend (new subcriber) in Canada or thc U. S. te saine date for oniy 25c. Ia thc Methodist magazine for April, AId F. S. Spence, Secretary cf the Pro- hibition Alliance, writes vigoronsly on tle Prehibitien Plebiscite. Yon sheuid read tîls splendid mently. A goed fitting and well-made Suit will cest ne more than a peerly, made one. Leave your or4ers at' Couh, Joînston & Cryderman 's and vou can depend upon being suited. A movement is on te impose a fee cf $25 on the owners cf thc excursion steamer that it is pmeposed te put on the route between Cobourg and Toronto thc coming season.-UCbourg Post. * We have a flrst-ciass uphoîsterer witl us this mentI. Parties wantiiîg. any- thing donc la that ine will do ewclte leave erders early and tley will receive 3our prompt attention. Prices will be *right. M. D. Williams & Son. The maux' friends in this Province of Mm. and Mrs. Wesley A. Fanson, Dan- ville, Ill., will lie interested in lcarning that their daugîter Albierta was cen- flrmed in Mloly Triaity dhurchinl that city ly the Bishep cf Springfield, Marel 22üd. On Sunday ovening next ia the Disciples dhurcI, Rex'. M. A. Bumiss, B. A, will speak on "Monopely and Trusts, thc Situation and Remedy, What will houp liring Presperity te car town. " A cordial invitation is extended te ail. Ail people admire an attractive store, shop cm office. front. One cf the liest dressed, store fronts in town ail-the-vear- r6und is Dustan & Hoar's hardfware store. Just aow thl"eomposite bicycle" lu thc window is an objeet cf unusuai intercst. Manitoba Farmn of 168 acres 18 cffered f1er sale, for spot cash onlv,for $1000, said te lie well wrth $1600. FrmtIc par ty selling we arc advised thai 1"If tie pro- pcrty is misrepreseated iu any wax' I wil give party buying $100 ad take saine off lis haads." Thai this is a great chance wc have ne doubi, but we assume ne responsibility furtler than te put liuyer and seller in cemmanicatien. M ev. J. W. Mac, Toronto Junctien, addressed tIe Local Union meeting in Triait y cdard, Monday night, on "Trutîs that triumph to-day." Mis address centred round four cardinal truts-The living Christ, the living Book, tIc living Pledge and the living Chld-and weil dîd le show the power cf each o. TIc audience listeaed with wrapt attention. Thec dîmul was packed. Fine shep, Iigh-class goods, prompt and civil attention, aM prices rigît lave lirougîht te Mr.J. Melyar tIe besi year's business le has evor lad in Bew- manvilie, last year's inerease over the prcceeding 12 months being abocut 40 per cent. Yen will go a long way te find a more neaily kept sîce store and bils now spring anid suimmer stock aow on exhibition, especialiy the ladies' foet wear is eceedingly fine. Cail and se thc display. Sec the C. P. R. mevement at Mick- ard's. Prettîcst designs cf waii paper in tewni ai J. C. Weeks', Ontario St. Make home attractive by buying wall paper from J. C. Weeks. 'Sec advt. , Curtain Peles and Windew Shades in larg,,,e varicty at prices te defy cempeti- lion at Dusiani & Mear's. If you want t e inl style just cail at M. Mayer's, and suit yeursclf with a Pedora or Chisty siiff hat. Pull lineocf gents' furishings as usuai. If yen wani any-thing la hais,Fedora or stiff in colers, drali, brown. fawn, black and sînie, M. Mayer's lai store 18 tle place wîere vyuen aunlad 11cm. Alwaxý s la price as cheap as tle cheapesi. A iady's acw bicycle (Crawford) but slighiiy uscd, having blic obught verY lie Iast soasen at $75 cash, wilil . e sold for $50 cash. A gecd seccond Iand Cemet fer gentleman ai $25. Particu- lars ai STATE SMAN Office. FARM IN I¶IANITOBA. 168 ACRES for $i1000 We are inîtmucicd te offer for sale, for cash ont,', a farm ini Manitoba being S. W. quarter, Section 18, township 1,range 26, 168 acres, well fenced, 40 acres broken, land rolling wiih 25 acres meadow lu on e corner ; fram e bouse 14X22 feet, stable 2OX24 feet, geod well. Situate 8 miles from Blscarth and 8 miles froma Foxwarren on the M. & N. W. Railway, sehool on adjolning section, 2 miles from post office. Bnildings and everyihing as represenied or no sale. TitIe clear -not a dollar against il. Heasen or,,elling, 111 ness of owner's wlfe. Must be sold before April 25ths50as togel b crop. Apply aIoncet10M. A. JÂmE.fowmanville,OSnt. Inte,îding puirchasers with the ca sh only neeci make inquirles. No time for lnquisitive persons who donî't wani bo bey a firm In Manitoba. I"-W. Advertisers have the right-of-wa, this wcek. Reid wlat tley sey, Grafting, pruning, and sýraying don, systematicaliy by G. D.,} letcher an( sons. Sec our speciai in a diaino' rouai suifi for this weckat $22.50. M.'b.William & Son. Port Hope carpet faetory was dam aged by lire from a lamp explosior Monday niglit 1200 te $2000 ; insured, Wm. Fishleigli & Ce., have started i Bicycle Livery, Market Square, Bow manville. Measenable rates of ment tc riders. A small fire ln Williams' Piano Womks Snnday nigît brouo.ht out the lire brigade, Oslawa,but lheir services were net necded. TIc Alian Royal Mail Steamship Par- isian beaves Portland on April 8 and Halifax April 10. The stecrage rates have beea reduced. Steerage passeng- crs are suppiied by thc compaay witl bcd, bedding and ail requisites froc of charge. Mr. A. Mîtchel, Bewmanviile, was eiected Grand Marshal at thc meeting of thc Grand Couacil of Cliosen Fmieads at Mamilton. It was deeided te increase the rates cf assessmeats. Mev. Ml. 1. Al- len, Columbus, was eiected Grand Vice Councilior. Mm. Wm. Ramsden, Liverpool, Eng., was guest of Mm. S. J. Mail and Mr. M. Williams last week. Me is on a visit to thc numemous clients cf thc weli known firmn cf commission salesmen la London, Liemoo and Bristol, Messrs. Pools, BrewstRamsden & Duckham. Me visits Chic ago, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Batîlmore and other places, and sails from New York about thc middle cf April for home. Mr. RM is one cf the oldest salesman la Liverpool, being in business over there 44 years. Mlis firm las one cf the largest business'conne c- tion's of any lieuse la Engiand, and en- jeys thc confidence and patronage cf most cf the licst known exporters la Canada and thc United States. Heavy Losses and No Insurance. TIc women cf Canada lose tliousands cf ciollars every year liY having valuable garments and geeds mmcnd by adulter- ated and imitation package dyes. There being ne insurance againgt losses resuiting from spuricus and de- ceptive dyes, defrauded women cannot dlaim damages or expect te lie recouped liy thc makers cf thc common dyes.' Lot it be understood perfecetly that every package cf Diamond Dyes isfuliv warraated te do wlat is promised for it. Thc manufacturers of Diamond Dyes are the oaiy mesponsible makers in thc world cf package dyes for home dyeing,' aad they suceeed because their dyes are pure, strong, bright and nover-fading, ty 16 Ld se Notices of Births, Marmiages and Deaths FiftyCents. Deaths free when the fun- eral notices are priated at the STATES. MIAN office. BORN. WVitsos. In Oshawa, Mareb 25th, the wif e of Mr. W. H. Wilson, of a son. ANNs.-In Oshawa,March 22, the wife «f Mr. Ellsworth Annis, of a son. MCMURTRY.-Ini Gait, on Mari-eh2th, the wife of Mr. W. J. McMurtry, of a daughter. GLANVILLE. - In Clarke, March isili, the wife of Mr. S. G. Glanville, of a daugher. COLE.-Inu Darlington, March 26, to Mr. sud Mrs. T. J. T. Cole, a son. JOHi,'TON.-Ifl nowmanvile. Mardi 26, to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnston, a daughter. RJoIKE-In Enniskillen, March 2th, the wife o4 Rev. S. G. Rorke, of a daugliter. MARRIED. CONGDON HODGE.-In Bowmanville ai the residence of John Rankini, Esq., 0. H. M. C., by 11ev. H. Douglas Fraser, M. 2t., Thursday, March 25th, 181)7, Mr. John Congdon, of Bethes- da, Darlington, and Miss Elizabeth Ann Hodge, daughter of the laie Mr. Richard Hodge, Tyrone. OUED. VÂCMP-At Bonniebrae,Berlin,Ont.,March 25th, Lewis VanCamp, L. D7 S., aged 67 years. Interment at Port Perry. TnOliTON.-In Clarke, Mardi 2lst, William Thoruton, aged 78 years. WRIGORTSON.-At Port Hope, Marci 24t1i, D. Wrightson, aged 87 years. CLEMENcE. In the township of Hamilton, Mareh 26, William Clemence, aged 88 years, father of Mr. John Clemence, Shaw's. BECKETT.-In East whitby, Mareh 23, Albert John Beckett, aged 30 years. RiciiAiRnsON.-At the Town Line, Whiiby, Mardi 22, the infant dangh Ler of Mr. and Mrs. Albert W . Richardson. STEPIIENS.-In East Whitby, Mardih 2th, W. Siephenis, aged 75 years. GL.nan.-I, Bownanville, Marci 2,9, 1897, John Milton Gilbert, fourtlî son of John and E'itza Gilbert,aged 18 years il montis. Foneral t0 day at 2.30 to Hampton. The iVIllinery Show Rooff Was of country-wide in- terest last season. .Fashion neyer before evolved so much beauty as it has done this season The Hats are under- standable in color, sen- ~sible as to shape and pretty. We invite the ladies to eall and inspect our Goods on Âpt-ii lst and1 followinor days. ilats reshapeci. Mrs. i..)ngman.i BOWMANVILLE.j buring theY r189t' For fuil particulars see edvertisements, or apply tg LEVER BROS., Lis., 23 SCOTT ST., TORONTO Queen T, N. RIOKARD wisles yon al A Happy and Prospereus 1897. Re thanks yen ail for île liberal share sof patronage you have given hlm since ho stanted business in Bow- manville, and more particulamly for that bestowed upen hlm this holiday season. That ht may continue, lie is prepared te ge on giving yen gced value for every five cents Worth yen purclase in lis store. t.Aitleugh in many manufactures, rpnices are going up le is cempleting arrangements by paying cash, by which. ho will lbe enabled te give you even bigger bargains than lever., De net waste your money by neglecîing to cail ait tL reliable lieuse before yen purclase. T. N. RIOKARD Watchmaker, Jeweller and Op- tician, Bewmanville. Ont Two docrs east of Standard Bank. A. E. 1IILAUGHLIN, Barrisier, Solicitor and Conveyancer. Office:- Bleakley Block, King street, Bowmanvllle. Monley t o nuai measonable raies. 45-lyr, IAIR WORK.-Ladies wishiag ham Iiwok doue eall ai MRS.DieKiNsoç's, King sWest, Bowmanville. T--%O YOU WANT AMO1ME.-If yen do &..,Fapply to T. BiNGHÂm for a nie souSd brick cottage choap and on easy iemms. 31-tf. 13~ICYCLES.-Great bargains la L>lady's and gent's bicycles--very good anS very cheaple for cash. Inquime at STÂTESMAN OFIC , BOWMsnlville. 13 If -IVAN TED.-Farmers' sens cr other yyindustrions persons of fair education t0 whom $75 a month is an inducurnunt. 1 euuld also engage a few ladies at thieir homes. T. H. Lîtîzsco iTu, Toronto, Ont. QTOCK WANTED.-Parties haviag " caves, lamills, hogs and other fat stock lean stock, mie ows or any otier kind oi farm stock for sale should inform W. H. R, CÂAwKEE, box 189, Bowmanville. 10-3m. F' ARM WANTED.-A farm cf about 1220 or 50 acres hl tic vicinlty of Bowmai- ville. State whether there is food waier,'young or old orchlard, new or old butldings, and fences on tic premises. Give accurstely terms of sale. REx'. NEIL MCPIHERSON, Hamilton, Ont. 13-2W WTANTED.-Young womon and mcan or older ones il suAi yonng lu spirits, of nndoubîed eharaeter,eood talkers,ambitiouîsud industrious eau find emaploymgeni in good cause, with ',60 per mnonth and npwards accomding te ability. IfEv. T. S. LINSCOTT, Toronto, Ont. T' UIT.-Pamties dcsiriag fi-uit mres L'for Spring planting caui Lc supplieS at New- castle Nursery at lie follownig mates : Apple trees,ý an sd upwards per 100 ; Pinm irees $10.00 sud npewsrds per 100; Pear and Cherry trees ]Oc cad upwards. Strawherry plants 50c per 100 or $3 per1O01 N.S.SELBx',NeWCaStle. 11-4w* WANTED. Old established wlele- Wsalehmuse wants one or two houest andin dustrious represerîtatn es for ibis section. eau pay a hustier about $12.00 a wce'k to start withi Drawer 29, Brantfrd Ont. TANTED. -Iiiteilig7ent mou with Wgood education te wiom$600 aud expenses for thec tint yeai, wnuld Lie an inducement. Write witb .fnll partît ulars. Tus MASAG.ER, 49 Riehmonti 8i. W est, Toronto' <Ont BUl'tA.N VILLE MARKETS. Correeted by J.iclleýurtry eaca Tue sday F"ouTa, e i00lbs >........ 2 2010 $2 50 WIEAll, bush .._0 00teo078 Whitec-Pife .... O0 00 "tO070 il !ed et .... 0 00 et075 et Geeosu ....O000il 0 65 BARZLE', 1P bush, Ne. 1 ..0 27 if 0 2s te l i 2 .0 24 0 25 tg i 8 .... O 28 et O 24 l teTwe mowed O 21 il 0 23 DATS, whitic ... ..00 l 0 1 R .... .0 00 et0 85 BUCKWEAT .......0 00 'il O25 PEAS, Blaciteye, IP bush.. O 54 il 0 55 ilCanadiaa Beauties., 54 il 0 55 Il Mumnmney, il O045 il 0 46 et Small, il 0839 le 040 eBineil 0 40 il040 BUTTER, lest table, VI lb. . O 13 et 0 13 Boas, #1doz .............0 9 te 0 10 POTYATOES, bush .........0o00 eo 00 Hiay Pertona......... 000,51 9ýîJ .9.-,,, ~'